Arban, CG. Lesson Plan in Geothermal Energy, 11 - STEM
Arban, CG. Lesson Plan in Geothermal Energy, 11 - STEM
Arban, CG. Lesson Plan in Geothermal Energy, 11 - STEM
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
a. explain what geothermal energy is;
b. present how geothermal energy works; and
c. what are different geothermal energy systems and its importance in our environment
Science Concept:
Geothermal energy is the heat within the Earth. Heat is continuously produced inside the Earth reason why
geothermal energy is a renewable source of energy. Moreover, most active geothermal energy sources are found
usually along the plate boundaries where most volcanoes are located.
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Recapitulation
a. Nuclear Energy
4. Unlocking Difficulties
a) reservoirs – sources or place where something is kept in store.
b) renewable – comes from many sources that won’t run out.
c) Resources – anything available in our environment.
B. Developmental Activities
To apply your learning on our discussion, we will
have an activity out of it.
d. Generalization
To wrap up our discussion, what is geothermal The heat within the Earth.
What are different types of geothermal energy Volcanoes, hot springs and geysers.
How do volcanoes, hot springs and geysers
By drilling on or near these reservoirs where heat can be
generate electricity?
processed to generate electricity.
How come geothermal energy is renewable? Because its energy come from the heat within the Earth’s
core that is continually heating.
Yes, Ma’am!
Are we clear, class?
None, Ma’am.