20 Sample Ket 01
20 Sample Ket 01
20 Sample Ket 01
for Schools
Sample Test
Time 1 hour
Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer sheet if they are
not already there.
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
Answer all the questions.
Read the instructions on the answer sheet.
Write your answers on the answer sheet. Use a pencil.
You must complete the answer sheet within the time limit.
At the end of the test, hand in both this question paper and your answer sheet.
PV3 500/2416/4
Copyright © UCLES 2018 Cambridge English Entry Level Certificate in ESOL International (Entry 2)
Part 1
Questions 1 – 6
A Greta has forgotten when the next maths
class is.
A Students not going on the trip cannot have a
day off school.
A Pay for tickets online before picking them up
at school.
A Swimmers at all levels can enter this
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Part 2
Questions 7 – 13
School gardens competition
Our class has just won a prize for our school garden in a competition – and
they’re going to make a TV film about it! The judges liked our garden because the
flowers are all different colours – and we painted some more on the wall around
it. My cousin gave us advice about what to grow – she’s learning about gardening
at college. We’re planning to grow some vegetables next year. I just hope the
insects don’t eat them all!
Our teacher heard about the school garden competition on TV and told us about
it. We decided to enter and won second prize! There’s a high wall in our garden
where many red and yellow climbing flowers grow and it looks as pretty as a
painting! Our prize is a visit to a special garden where there are lots of butterflies
and other insects. My aunt works there and she says it’s amazing.
The garden our class entered in the competition is very special. The flowers we’ve
grown are all yellow! They look lovely on the video we made of the garden. We
also grew lots of carrots and potatoes, and everyone says they taste fantastic. It
was an interesting project. Our teacher taught us lots of things about the
butterflies in our garden. We also watched a TV programme about them, and did
some paintings to put on the classroom wall.
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Part 3
Questions 14 – 18
I’ve just finished my first week at a new school and I’d like to tell you about it. Like other children in
my country, I went to primary school until I was eleven and then I had to go to a different school for
older children. I loved my primary school but I was excited to move to a new school.
It was very strange on our first day. There were some kids from my primary school there, but most
of the children in my year group were from different schools. But I soon started talking to the girl
who was sitting beside me in maths. She lives near me so we walked home together. We're best
friends now.
When I saw our timetable there were lots of subjects, some were quite new to me! Lessons are
harder now. They're longer and the subjects are more difficult, but the teachers help us a lot.
At primary school we had all our lessons in one classroom. Now each subject is taught in a different
room. It was difficult to find the classrooms at first because the school is so big. But the teachers
gave us each a map of the school, so it's getting easier now.
The worst thing is that I have lots more homework to do now. Some of it is fun but I need to get
better at remembering when I have to give different pieces of work to the teachers!
14 How did Anna feel about moving to a new school?
16 What does Anna say about the timetable at her new school?
B She has shorter lessons than she had at her old school.
18 What does Anna say about the homework she has now?
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Part 4
Questions 19 – 24
Wivenhoe hotel
Wivenhoe is a beautiful hotel in the countryside, with many rooms and an excellent restaurant.
However, there is a big (19) difference
………… between Wivenhoe and other hotels. Firstly, Wivenhoe is part
of a university, and secondly, its staff are all teenagers.
Some British people may think that a hotel run by students is a rather strange idea, but many
stayed at.
visitors say that Wivenhoe is the best hotel they have ever (24) …………
Part 5
Questions 25 – 30
Example: 0 for
From: Anita
To: Sasha
Thank you (0) ………… your email. Living in Canada sounds really great! I’m glad that you like
your new house. What’s the weather like? (26) …………
(25) ………… Does it very cold in Canada? Does it
snow every day?
How about the students in your new school? Are (29) they
………… friendly? And send some photos
too – I would like to know more about them.
I’ve got (30) ………… go now, but I’ll write again soon.
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Part 6
Question 31
You are going shopping with your English friend Pat tomorrow.
Write an email to Pat.
Hi Pat,
I want to going shopping with you tommorow so where do you want meet me ? I think the coffee shop is the
best, but you can choose where us meet. I will be busy at 6 : 00 to 7:00 so can we meet at 7:15 or what time
do you want to meet me? I think I will buy a new backpack because my old backpack is broken a big hole.
What you want to buy? write down and I will pick up enough money to buy it tommorow!
Have a nice day!
Part 7
Question 32
Hi Pat,
Last week, Lucy family went to a picnic next to a lake. First,they have to picked up their important
things and food to picnic. They drove to a big and beautiful lake. In summer, the wheather was very
hot so Lucy said her husband and her son came down the lake and swim so they had a great picnic day
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