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Core Java Cheat Sheet

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Core Java Cheatsheet

Primitive Data Types

Let’s start off by learning the primitive data types that Java offers:
Data Type Size Range
byte 8 -128..127
short 16 -32,768..32,767

int 32 -2,147,483,648.. 2,147,483,647

long 64
float 32 3.4e-0.38.. 3.4e+0.38

double 64 1.7e-308.. 1.7e+308

char 16 Complete Unicode Character Set
Boolean 1 True, False

Java Operators

There are mainly 8 different types of operators available in Java:

Operator Type Operators

Arithmetic +, – , *, ? , %
=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, ^=, |=,
<<=, >>=, >>>=
Bitwise ^, &, |

Logical &&, ||
Relational <, >, <=, >=,==, !=
Shift <<, >>, >>>

Ternary ?:
Unary ++x, –x, x++, x–, +x, –x, !, ~
Java Variables
Variables in Java refers to the name of the reserved memory area. You
need variables to store any value for the computational or reference

There are 3 types of variable in Java:

1. Local Variables

2. Instance Variables

3. Static Variables
{public | private} [static] type name [= expression | value];

Java Methods
A method is a set of code that is grouped together to perform a
specific operation. A method is completed in two steps:

1. Method Initialization

2. Method Invocation

A method can be invoked either by calling it by reference or by value.

{public | private} [static] {type | void} name(arg1, ...,

argN ){statements}

Data Conversion

The process of changing a value from one data type to another type is
known as data type conversion. Data Type conversion is of two types:

1. Widening: The lower size datatype is converted into a higher size

data type without loss of information.
2. Narrowing: The higher size datatype is converted into a lower
size data type with a loss of information.
// Widening (byte<short<int<long<float<double)
int i = 10; //int--> long
long l = i; //automatic type conversion// Narrowing
double d = 10.02;
long l = (long)d; //explicit type casting// Numeric values to String
String str = String.valueOf(value);// String to Numeric valuesint i
= Integer.parseInt(str);double d = Double.parseDouble(str);

User Input

Java provides three ways to take an input from the user/ console:

1. Using BufferReader class

2. Using Scanner class

3. Using Console class

// Using BufferReader
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new
String name = reader.readLine();
// Using Scanner
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
String s = in.nextLine();
int a = in.nextInt();
// Using Console
String name = System.console().readLine();

Basic Java Program

A basic program in Java will consist of at least the following components:

1. Classes & Objects

2. Methods
3. Variables
public class Demo{
public static void main(String[] args)
{ System.out.println("Hello from edureka!");}

Compile a Java Program

You need to save your Java Program by the name of the class containing
main() method along with .java extension.
Call the compiler using javac command.
javac className
Finally, execute the program using below code:
java className
Flow Of Control
Iterative Statements

Iterative statements are used when you need to repeat a set of statements
until the condition for termination is not met.
// for loop
for (condition) {expression}// for each loop
for (int i: someArray) {} // while loopwhile (condition)
{expression} // do while loopdo {expression} while(condition)

Generating a Fibonacci series.

for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i){System.out.print(t1 + " + ");int sum =
t1 + t2;t1 = t2;t2 = sum;}

Creating a pyramid pattern.

k = 2*n - 2;
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
{ for(j=0; j<k; j++){System.out.print(" ");}
k = k - 1;
for(j=0; j<=i; j++ ){System.out.print("* ");}
System.out.println(); }

Decisive Statements

Selection statements used when you need to choose between alternative

actions during execution of the program.

//if statementif (condition) {expression} //if-else statementif

(condition) {expression} else {expression} //switch statementswitch
{ case 1: expression; break; default: expression; break; }

Checking the given number is prime or not.

if (n < 2) { return false; } for (int i=2; i <= n/i; i++) {if (n%i
== 0) return false;}return true;

Finding the factorial using recursion function.

int factorial(int n)
{ if (n == 0)
{return 1;} else
{return(n * factorial(n-1));} }
Java Arrays
Single Dimensional (1-D)

Single Dimensional or 1-D array is a type of linear array in which

elements are stored in a continuous row.

// Initializingtype[] varName= new type[size];

// Declaringtype[] varName= new type[]{values1, value2,...};

Creating an array with random values.

double[] arr = new double[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
{a[i] = Math.random();}

Searching the max value in the array.

double max = 0;
for(int i=0; i<arr.length(); i++)
{ if(a[i] > max) max = a[i]; }

Reversing an array.
for(int i=0; i<(arr.length())/2; i++)
{ double temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[n-1-i];
a[n-1-i] = temp;
Multi Dimensional (2-D)

Two Dimensional or 2-D array is an array of an array where elements

are stored in rows and columns.

// Initializingdatatype[][] varName = new dataType[row][col];

// Declaringdatatype[][] varName = {{value1,
value2....},{value1, value2....}..};

Transposing a matrix.
for(i = 0; i < row; i++){ for(j = 0; j < column; j++)
{ System.out.print(array[i][j]+" "); } System.out.println(" ");}

Multiplying two matrices.

for (i = 0; i < row1; i++)
{ for (j = 0; j < col2; j++)
{ for (k = 0; k < row2; k++)
{ sum = sum + first[i][k]*second[k][j]; }
multiply[i][j] = sum;
sum = 0;
Java Strings
Creating a String

String in Java is an object that represents a sequence of char values. A

String can be created in two ways:

1. Using a literal
2. Using ‘new’ keyword
String str1 = “Welcome”; // Using literal
String str2 = new String(”Edureka”); // Using new keyword

The java.lang.String class implements Serializable, Comparable and

CharSequence interfaces. Since the String object is immutable in
nature Java provides two utility classes:

1. StringBuffer: It is a mutable class that is thread-safe and


2. StringBuilder: It is a mutable class that is not thread-safe but

is faster and is used in a single threaded environment.
String Methods

Few of the most important and frequently used String methods are
listed below:
str1==str2 //compares address;
String newStr = str1.equals(str2); //compares the valuesString
newStr = str1.equalsIgnoreCase() //compares the values ignoring
the casenewStr = str1.length() //calculates length
newStr = str1.charAt(i) //extract i'th character
newStr = str1.toUpperCase() //returns string in ALL CAPS
newStr = str1.toLowerCase() //returns string in ALL
LOWERvCASEnewStr = str1.replace(oldVal, newVal) //search and
newStr = str1.trim() //trims surrounding whitespace
newStr = str1.contains("value"); //check for the values
newStr = str1.toCharArray(); // convert String to character type
newStr = str1.IsEmpty(); //Check for empty String
newStr = str1.endsWith(); //Checks if string ends with the given

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