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Board Mandate Mar 8 - 2023

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(the "Company")



National Policy 58-201, Corporate Governance Guidelines, and National Instrument 58-101, Disclosure of
Corporate Governance Practices, mandate corporate governance policies for reporting issuers and
provide the framework for disclosure of these policies to the public.

The Board of Directors of the Company (the “Board”) considers good corporate governance to be essential
to the fiduciary obligations of the directors to its shareholders and integral to the ongoing good
management and development of the Company, and in this connection has developed this Mandate.


The Board has determined that in order to effectively manage the Company's affairs, the Company
requires between five and nine directors, the majority of whom shall be independent.


The Board of Directors meets in person at least once per year. The Board also holds additional scheduled
and unscheduled meetings by telephone conference call from time to time as business needs require. The
quorum necessary for the transaction of business at a Board meeting shall be a majority of the directors.
During the course of a directors’ meeting, if they deem it appropriate, the independent directors may
meet in camera, and in any eventthe independent directors will meet by themselves at least four times
per year.


The mandate of the Board is to supervise the management of the Company and to act in the best interests
of the Company. The Board acts in accordance with the British Columbia Business Corporations Act; the
Company’s Articles; the Company’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics; the Mandate of the Board, the
charters of the Board’s committees, and other applicable laws and policies. The Board approves
significant decisions that affect the Company before they are implemented. As a part of its overall
responsibility for the stewardship of the Company, the Board assumes responsibility for the following:

a. Stewardship

The Board sets and supervises standards of corporate governance that create a culture of integrity
throughout the Company, and guides the operations of the Company and management in
compliance with the Company's constating documents and British Columbia corporate law,
securities legislation in each jurisdiction in which the Company is a reporting issuer, and other
applicable laws.

b. Strategic Planning

The Board monitors the Company’s strategic planning process, including the opportunities and
risks of the business. The senior officers of the Company (“Management”) present materials
relating to the strategic plan to the Board periodically throughout the year on current and
proposed operations of the Company. The Board reviews the plan to assess its strengths,
weaknesses and overall results so that the plan can be adjusted in a timely manner.

c. Dealing with Risks

The Board, in its assessment of the strategic plan, reviews principal risks and considers
management’s plans to monitor and manage risk. The principal risks to the Company have been
identified as risks relating to the environment, social, safety, securities markets, commodity
prices, currency fluctuations, legislative and title issues arising from operations and the fact that
exploration, development and mining activities are inherently risky. Management assists the
Board in identifying risks and to promptly alert the Board when a risk has materialized or
materially changed. The Board may from time to time appoint Management members, board
members or advisors to assist in assessing different risks.

d. Succession Planning

The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee annually identifies key individuals of the
Company and, in consultation with Management, determines how to replace such individuals
should the need arise. Management is assigned the responsibility of training and advising new
persons of the Company's policies and practices. The CEO has primary responsibility for
supervising and reviewing the performance of Management.

e. Disclosure Policy

The Disclosure Policy governs communication with shareholders and others and reflects the
Company's commitment to timely, effective and accurate corporate disclosure in accordance with
all applicable laws and with a view to enhancing the Company's relationship with its shareholders.

f. Internal Control and Management Information Systems

The effectiveness and integrity of the Company's internal control and management information
systems contribute to the effectiveness of the Board and the Company. The Board, through its
audit committee, oversees and monitors internal control and management information systems.

g. Approach to Corporate Governance

The Board has appointed a Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee which has overall
responsibility for developing the Company’s approach to corporate governance including keeping
informed of legal requirements and trends regarding corporate governance, monitoring and
assessing the functioning of the Board and committees of the Board, and for developing,
implementing and monitoring good corporate governance practices. The Corporate Governance
and Nominating Committee is also responsible for identifying and recommending to the Board
individuals qualified to become new board members.

Individual directors may engage an outside adviser at the expense of the Company in appropriate
circumstances, subject to the approval of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee.

h. Feedback

The Company’s website facilitates feedback from shareholders by permitting requests for
information and sending messages directly to the Company.

i. Expectations and Responsibilities of Directors

The Board is responsible for determining the committees of the Board that are required to
effectively manage certain aspects of the Board's duties, and for ensuring that the committees
have the requisite independence, competency and skill. The Board approves and annually reviews
the charters of the committees, and conducts, with the assistance of the Corporate Governance
and Nominating Committee, annual reviews of the performance of the committees.

Directors are responsible for attending Board meetings as well as meetings of committees of
which the director is a member. Directors are responsible for reviewing meeting materials in
advance of the meeting.


The Board has developed position descriptions for the Chair of the Board and the Chair of each Board

The Board and the CEO have developed a position description for the CEO, including the corporate
objectives that the CEO is responsible for meeting. The Compensation Committee is responsible for
reviewing and making recommendations to the Board regarding those specific goals and objectives
relevant to CEO compensation.


The Board takes the following measures to ensure that all new directors receive a comprehensive
orientation regarding the role of the Board and its committees, and the nature and operation of the
Company’s business. Each new director is provided with a copy of the Corporate Governance Manual,
which contains the Company’s policies and provides a comprehensive introduction to the Board and its
committees. Based on the individual skill set and professional background of each new director, the Chair
determines what orientation to the nature and operation of the Company’s business will be necessary
and relevant to each new director.

The Board ensures that proposed directors are able to devote sufficient time and energy to being a
director of the Company. The Board provides continuing education opportunities for all the directors so
that directors may maintain or enhance their skills and abilities as directors, as well as to ensure their
knowledge and understanding of the Company’s business remains current. The Board takes the following
measures to provide continuing education for its directors in order that they maintain the skill and
knowledge necessary for them to meet their obligations as directors:

a. The Corporate Governance Manual is reviewed by the Board annually and any revisions thereto
are given to each director.

b. The Board may request from Management technical or other presentations focusing on a
particular property or issue. The Q&A portions of these presentations are a valuable learning
resource for non-technical directors.

c. As requested, site visits to the Company’s mines and projects.


The Board has adopted a written code of business conduct and ethics (the “Code”) applicable to directors,
officer, employees and consultants (“Company Personnel”) of the Company. The Code sets standards
designed to promote integrity and deter wrongdoing. As required by securities legislation, the Code has
been filed on SEDAR.

The Board is responsible for monitoring compliance with the Code. Company Personnel are instructed to
report instances of non-compliance with the Code to the Chair of the Corporate Governance and
Nominating Committee.


The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee is responsible for identifying individuals and
recommending to the Board those qualified to become new board members. New nominees must have
a track record in general business management, experience in an area of strategic interest to the
Company, the ability to devote the time required and a willingness to serve.

The Board adheres to the following process, with the input and advice of the Corporate Governance and
Nominating Committee, prior to nominating or appointing individuals as directors:

a. The Board determines the appropriate size of the Board, with a view to facilitating effective

b. The Board considers what competencies and skills the Board as a whole should possess. In doing
so, the Board also considers the needs of each committee.

c. The Board assesses what competencies and skills each existing director possesses.

d. In accordance with the Company’s Diversity Policy, the Board considers diversity when reviewing
potential candidates for appointment to the Board.


The Board has appointed a Compensation Committee which is responsible for reviewing and making
recommendations to the Board regarding the CEO’s compensation, evaluating the CEO’s performance,
making recommendations to the Board with respect to CFO and director compensation, bonus plans for
Management and key employees, incentive-compensation plans and equity-based plans, and reviewing
executive compensation disclosure in advance of the disclosure becoming public.

The vesting period, if any, applicable to stock options and other stock-based compensation will be
determined by the Board.


The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee assesses on an annual basis the required
competency and skill required by the Board and its committees.

The Board, its committees and each individual director will be assessed on an annual basis regarding his,
her or its effectiveness and contribution. Such assessment should consider:

a. In the case of the board or a committee, its mandate or charter, and

b. In the case of an individual director, the applicable position description (if any), and the
competencies and skills each individual director is expected to bring to the Board.

The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee reports its assessments to the Board on an annual


This Mandate was approved by the Board on March 8, 2023.

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