Pur Ord 2023 00005
Pur Ord 2023 00005
Pur Ord 2023 00005
Supplier Address King Abdullah Road, King Faisal Company Billing Mastery House Company-Billing
Details: District, building number Address:
2135,office 203, floor 02.
Billing Address 7775 King Fahd Rd, Al Olaya,
Details: 2970، Riyadh 12212
7775 - 2970 اﻟﻌﻠﻴﺎ- ﻃﺮﻳﻖ اﻟﻤﺎﻟﻚ ﻓﻬﺪ
Saudi Arabia
12212 اﻟﺮﻳﺎض
Contact Name: OPTOKON Middle East for Riyadh - اﻟﺮﻳﺎض
industry CO. 12212
Contact Mobile No: 0504260280 Saudi Arabia
Project: 4 - MIFON 11
1 2xULC-D8S7A-J-YE-005 PATCH CORD 5 METER 100 Unit 70.00 س.ر 7,000.00 س.ر
3 2xULC-D8S7A-J-YE-007 PATCH CORD 7 METER 100 Unit 76.00 س.ر 7,600.00 س.ر
4 2xULC-D8S7A-J-YE-008 PATCH CORD DLC 8 100 Unit 79.00 س.ر 7,900.00 س.ر
5 2xULC-D8S7A-J-YE-010 PATCH CORD DLC 10 100 Unit 84.00 س.ر 8,400.00 س.ر
6 2xULC-D8S7A-J-YE-003 PATCH CORD DLC 3 100 Unit 65.00 س.ر 6,500.00 س.ر
7 2xULC-D8S7A-J-YE-001,5 PATCH CORD DLC 1.5 100 Unit 63.00 س.ر 6,300.00 س.ر
14 ULC-28S7A-J-YE-001,5 PATCH CORD SMX 1.5 50 Unit 36.00 س.ر 1,800.00 س.ر
16 2xULC-D8S7A-J-YE-001 PATCH CORD DLC 1 100 Unit 61.00 س.ر 6,100.00 س.ر
Payment terms:
Work type:
Work/Supply Location:
Warranty for the supply and installation:
The Purchaser and The Vendor hereinafter referred to as the (“Parties”) have agreed on the following terms and conditions:
1. Agreement
This purchase order (“Purchase Order”), when executed by both the Purchaser and the Vendor, shall constitute a binding
agreement between the Parties in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof, and shall constitute the Parties entire
contractual agreement and shall supersede any other agreements or understanding prior to this date of the order.
4. Warranties
4.1. Without prejudice to any warranties applicable to the Deliverables under any applicable laws in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
the Vendor warrants for a period of two (2) Gregorian years commencing from the date of delivery of the last Deliverable (the
“Warranty Period”) as follows and as applicable:
4.2. The Vendor shall perform the Services as fully and completely as required with the highest performance and quality standards
and as per the customary technical principles and practices and in accordance with the instructions communicated thereto in
writing or electronically by the Purchaser.
4.3. The Deliverables shall strictly conform to all specifications, drawings, instructions, advertisements, statements on containers or
labels, descriptions, and samples.
4.4. The Deliverables shall be free from defects in workmanship and material and shall be new and of the highest quality.
4.5. The Purchaser shall receive title to the Deliverables stating that the Deliverables are free and clear of any liens, encumbrances,
and any actual or claimed patent, copyright or trademark infringement.
4.6. The Deliverables shall be merchantable, safe, and fit for the Purchaser’s intended purposes, which have been communicated to
the Vendor.
4.7. The Deliverables shall be adequately contained, packaged, marked, and labeled; and
4.8. The Deliverables shall be manufactured in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations or other standards applicable to
the manufacture, labeling, transportation, licensing, approval or certification.
4.9. These warranties shall survive inspection, test, delivery, acceptance, use, and payment by the Purchaser and shall inure to the
benefit of the Purchaser, its successors, assigns, customers, and the users of Deliverables.
4.10. These warranties may not be limited or disclaimed by the Vendor.
4.11. If the Purchaser experiences any defect, failure, or non-conformity during the Warranty Period, the Purchaser shall have the
right to take the following actions, at the Purchaser's sole discretion:
4.12. Request the Vendor to fix defects in the Deliverables within a reasonable period of time, determined by the Purchaser, and at
the Vendor’s sole expense, including all shipping, transportation and installation, and any other applicable costs.
4.13. Request the Vendor to replace the defective Deliverables with similar items at the cost of the Vendor; or
4.14. Return the defective Deliverables and request the Vendor to refund the payments paid by the Purchaser for those defective
5. Data Protection
5.1. In case the Vendor has any access to any of the Purchaser’s data, information, records, systems, documents, texts, drawings in
any form or any materials facilities in any form (the “Data”), the Vendor undertakes to use the Data only for the purpose of
performing its obligations under this Purchase Order.
5.2. The Vendor undertakes not to use, disclose or share with third parties any of the Data without the prior written consent of the
Purchaser and the Vendor shall abide by all applicable data protection laws and regulations.
6. Assignment
The Vendor undertakes not to assign and/or subcontract, in whole or in part, any of its obligations or duties under this Purchase
Order to any third parties without obtaining the prior written consent of the Purchaser.
7. Termination
7.1. The Purchaser has the right to terminate this Purchase Order immediately and claim any damages resulting from any failure by
the Vendor, including any penalties imposed by the Purchaser’s end customers on the Purchaser due to such failure, and the
Vendor undertakes to return to the Purchaser any advanced payments in the events that:
7.2. The Vendor fails to deliver the Deliverables within the agreed timeline specified in clause 2.1; or
7.3. The Vendor fails to fulfill any of its obligations hereunder. The Purchaser has the right to terminate this Purchase Order without
cause or liabilities In such case, the Purchaser shall pay payments for the delivered and accepted Deliverables. In turn, the Vendor
shall refund all advanced payments for undelivered or unaccepted Deliverables. In addition, and as applicable, the obligations,
rights, and duties of the Parties shall continue during the said notice period.
7.4. The Purchaser has the right to terminate this Purchase Order for any reason and, will pay and collect any produced,
manufactured, deliverables and/or available items from the supplier.
8. Force Majeure
If any of the Parties are delayed in or prevented from completing and delivering any Deliverables or any obligations under this
Purchase Order by reason of any delay or omission caused by circumstances beyond the control of the Parties, including but not
limited to, labor disputes, civil disorder or unrest (e.g., riots and significant protests), fire, explosion, inability to obtain essential
goods or services (e.g., transportation, electricity or water), the Party claiming an inability to deliver the Deliverables or perform its
obligations shall immediately after the occurrence of the force majeure event, notify the other Party of the nature, date of
inception and expected duration of the force majeure event and the extent to which it will prevent the Party giving such notice
from performing its obligations under this Purchase Order. At any time within ten (10) working days following an occurrence listed
in this Clause, the Purchaser may terminate this Purchase Order by giving written notice to the Vendor.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Purchase Order to be executed the day and year stated below:
Supplier: ________________________________
Title: ____________________________________
Signature: _______________________________