Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse
Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse
Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. define alcoholic beverages;
b. identify the truth and myths about alcohol;
c. analyze the short and long-term effects of alcohol;
d. make a slogan about the dangers of alcohol, and
e. realize the importance of being knowledgeable about alcohol.
a. Preparation
i. Prayer
ii. Putting all in order
iii. Checking the attendance
iv. Review
b. Motivation
Now, please look at these pictures (The students will look at the
and tell me something about it. pictures.)
c. Procedure
Okay! Let’s start. Kindly read. One can drink hard and remain in
control of himself/herself.
Why did you say so? Because alcohol doesn’t give you extra
strength and energy Ma’am.
Correct! Because alcohol is a
depressant. It slows down how you
think, move and react.
Do you agree with that class? (The students will raise their flags.)
Drinking coffee makes you feel
more awake and alive but won’t
make you less drunk or cure a None Ma’am
Any questions class? Yes Ma’am.
What have you observed about the (Students’ answers may vary)
presented video?
e. Application
Neatness – 30%
Creativity – 30%
Relevance to the topic – 40%
Total – 100%
IV. Evaluation
1. Ethanol alcohol is also called what? (Beverage Alcohol).
2. What is the type of alcohol that is usually used in hospitals or homes? (Isopropyl).
3. The process of extracting alcohol from a plant or a fruit is called
what? (Fermentation).
4. What is the type of alcohol that is usually used in laboratories? (Methanol).
5. It is a colorless bitter-tasting liquid that has a strong smell. (Alcohol)
V. Assignment
Essay: Explain how alcohol drinking affects the following:
1. Family -
2. Community-
3. Country-