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Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Health 8

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. define alcoholic beverages;
b. identify the truth and myths about alcohol;
c. analyze the short and long-term effects of alcohol;
d. make a slogan about the dangers of alcohol, and
e. realize the importance of being knowledgeable about alcohol.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse

Sub-topic: The Dangers of Alcohol
Reference: P. E and Health 8 Learner’s Module (pp. 383 – 386)
Method : Discussion
Skill : Slogan Making

III. Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

a. Preparation
i. Prayer
ii. Putting all in order
iii. Checking the attendance
iv. Review

b. Motivation

Now, please look at these pictures (The students will look at the
and tell me something about it. pictures.)

What have you observed? Those are examples of beverages

Yes, very good.
Those are examples of alcoholic
Now, I want four volunteers to try to
name these types of alcoholic
(The students will try to name the
(The teacher will call four students
for the activity.) different alcoholic beverages.)

Now, let’s check if they answered

correctly. (The teacher will reveal the

Class, do you think it is safe to drink

different alcoholic beverages?

Why? No, Ma’am.

Because it’s dangerous Ma’am.
Drinking alcohol can be dangerous to

Today, we will be talking about the

dangers of alcohol.

c. Procedure

First, let us define the meaning of

Alcohol is a colorless, bitter-tasting
alcohol. Kindly read.
substance that humans have been
consuming since ancient times.

Do you have an idea where these From plants Ma’am.

alcoholic beverages came from?

Very good. Alcoholic beverages came

from plants that underwent
What is fermentation? Any idea? It is a process of extracting something
from a plant Ma’am.

Correct! Fermentation is the process

of extracting alcohol from a plant or a
I will present to you the three types of
alcohol. Why do you think ethanol
was separated from isopropyl and
Because it’s different from the two
Precisely! Because isopropyl and
methanol are used in laboratories and
are poisonous and fatal if taken. How Ethanol is also called beverage alcohol.
about ethanol? Kindly read.

Ethanol is the one that humans can

consume that’s why it is also called
the beverage alcohol.

Now, let’s have an activity about the

truth and myths about alcoholic
Isn’t it I gave you flags a while ago? Yes Ma’am.
Here’s what you’ll do with those
I will show a statement and you will
decide whether that statement is a
truth or a myth…. If it is the truth,
you raise the white flag. If it is a
myth, you raise the red flag. And all
of you must raise your flags every
time I’ll show a statement. Is that
clear? Yes Ma’am.

Okay! Let’s start. Kindly read. One can drink hard and remain in
control of himself/herself.

Do you agree with that statement

(The students will raise their flags.)
class? Show me your votes/flags.

Why did you say so? (Students will answer)

Very good.
The teacher will further discuss the
Alcohol gives extra energy.
Next, kindly read,
(The students will raise their flags.)
Do you agree with that statement

Why did you say so? Because alcohol doesn’t give you extra
strength and energy Ma’am.
Correct! Because alcohol is a
depressant. It slows down how you
think, move and react.

The effect of drinking more than one

Next? type of alcohol is greater than sticking
to one.
(The students will raise their flags.)
Do you agree with that statement
Why? (Students will answer)
Very good
It is not true that the effect of drinking
more than one type of alcohol is
greater than sticking to one. The Eating before drinking alcohol can
teacher will further discuss the lesson. prevent someone from being

(The students will raise their flags.)

Agree on class or disagree?
Because there is no scientific basis for
Why did you say so? that Ma’am.

Yes! Very good!

The food in your stomach only delays
the absorption of alcohol into the
bloodstream. None Ma’am.
Any questions so far?
Drinking coffee after consuming
The next one kindly read. alcohol can make you sober.

Do you agree with that class? (The students will raise their flags.)

Why? Because there is no effect in drinking

coffee after drinking alcohol, Ma’am.

Drinking coffee makes you feel
more awake and alive but won’t
make you less drunk or cure a None Ma’am
Any questions class? Yes Ma’am.

Are you sure?

We will now move to the effects of
drinking alcohol.

Alcohol has short-term effects on our

Can you give one? Loss of temper Ma’am

Correct! Another. Jen? It can also affect a person’s way of

speaking and also his/her movements.

Exactly! The teacher will further

discuss the lesson

Let me show you a video regarding

the short-term effects of alcohol (Students will watch a video)

What have you observed about the (Students’ answers may vary)
presented video?

Exactly! That is the short-term effect

of alcohol

We also have long-term effects of

Can you give one? Cancer Ma’am

Absolutely! Prolong Drinking

Alcohol could lead to Liver Cancer,
Coma, Brain damage, and Death.

I also prepared a video about the

long-term effect of alcohol, especially
on teenagers like you. Please watch (Students will watch a video)

With that video that you have

Can alcohol affect your studying? Yes, Ma’am. It will affect the way we
How? think by damaging our brains.

Absolutely! Is our lesson clear in Yes, Ma’am!


Do you have any questions? None Ma’am.

d. Generalization

Class, what did you learn about

(Students will answer)
today’s lesson?

e. Application

The teacher will ask the students

to make a slogan for the group.
The teacher will give them at least
ten (10) minutes to finish. They
will be graded by the following

Neatness – 30%
Creativity – 30%
Relevance to the topic – 40%
Total – 100%

IV. Evaluation
1. Ethanol alcohol is also called what? (Beverage Alcohol).
2. What is the type of alcohol that is usually used in hospitals or homes? (Isopropyl).
3. The process of extracting alcohol from a plant or a fruit is called
what? (Fermentation).
4. What is the type of alcohol that is usually used in laboratories? (Methanol).
5. It is a colorless bitter-tasting liquid that has a strong smell. (Alcohol)

V. Assignment
Essay: Explain how alcohol drinking affects the following:
1. Family -
2. Community-
3. Country-

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