LORENZ EValidator-3.1 SP1 HF2-ReleaseConfigurationSheet
LORENZ EValidator-3.1 SP1 HF2-ReleaseConfigurationSheet
LORENZ EValidator-3.1 SP1 HF2-ReleaseConfigurationSheet
1.00 20-Jul-2011 J. Wermusch Initial version for release 3.1 SP1 HF2
1.1 Notes
Throughout this document, the phrase eValidator refers to the LORENZ
eValidator product.
Throughout this document, the phrase eValidator installation folder refers to the
folder where the eValidator has been or shall be installed to (this is usually the
folder named C:\Program Files\LORENZ Life Sciences\LORENZ eValidator).
Throughout this document, the phrase eValidator configuration folder refers to
the folder where the eValidator configuration files have been or shall be
installed to (this is the sub-folder named LORENZ Life Sciences\eValidator in
the CommonAppData folder.
The CommonAppData location depends on the operating system: for Windows
XP and Windows Server 2003, this folder is C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data, for Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server
2008, this folder is C:\ProgramData.
Technically the LORENZ eValidator 3.1 SP1 HF2 is referred to as version, for example in the file versions listed in chapter 5.2.
eValidatorGuide.pdf 7.00
OSInfo.dll 1.0.3952.18671
eva.sd6 n/a
eValidator.exe.config n/a
eValidatorAux.xslt n/a
eValidatorAux2.xslt n/a
iso_3166-1_list_en.xml n/a
Profile_CA.xml n/a
Profile_CH.xml n/a
Profile_EU1.xml n/a
Profile_HR.xml n/a
Profile_JP.xml n/a
Profile_PL.xml n/a
Profile_US1.xml n/a
Profile_US2.xml n/a
DTDs\CustomRulesAndOptions_eCTD.xml n/a
DTDs\validate_eCTD.xml n/a
DTDs\CustomRulesAndOptions_NeeS.xml n/a
DTDs\ectd-3.00\dtd\ich-ectd-3-0.dtd (3.0)
DTDs\ectd-3.2\dtd\ich-ectd-3-2.dtd (3.2)
DTDs\regional-ch-1.0\dtd\ch-regional.dtd (1.0)
DTDs\regional-ch-1.0\dtd\ch-leaf.mod (1.0)
DTDs\regional-ch-1.0\dtd\ch-envelope.mod (1.0)
DTDs\regional-ch-1.0.1\dtd\ch-regional.dtd (1.0.1)
DTDs\regional-ch-1.0.1\dtd\ch-leaf.mod (1.0.1)
DTDs\regional-ch-1.0.1\dtd\ch-envelope.mod (1.0.1)
DTDs\regional-ch-1.1\dtd\ch-regional.dtd (1.1)
DTDs\regional-ch-1.1\dtd\ch-leaf.mod (1.1)
DTDs\regional-ch-1.1\dtd\ch-envelope.mod (1.1)
DTDs\regional-ch-1.1\style\ectd-2-0.xsl (2.0)
DTDs\regional-ch-1.1\style\ch-regional.xsl (1.0)
DTDs\regional-ca-0.9\dtd\ca-regional-0-9.dtd (0.9)
DTDs\regional-ca-1.0\dtd\ca-regional-1-0.dtd (1.0)
DTDs\regional-eu-0.9\dtd\eu-envelope.mod (0.9)
DTDs\regional-eu-0.9\dtd\eu-index.dtd (0.9)
DTDs\regional-eu-0.9\dtd\eu-leaf.mod (0.9)
DTDs\regional-eu-0.92\dtd\eu-envelope.mod (0.92)
DTDs\regional-eu-0.92\dtd\eu-index.dtd (0.92)
DTDs\regional-eu-0.92\dtd\eu-regional.mod (0.92)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.0\dtd\eu-envelope.mod (1.0)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.0\dtd\eu-regional.dtd (1.0)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.0\dtd\eu-leaf.mod (1.0)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.1\dtd\eu-envelope.mod (1.1)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.1\dtd\eu-regional.dtd (1.1)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.1\dtd\eu-leaf.mod (1.1)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.2\dtd\eu-leaf.mod (1.2)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.2\dtd\eu-envelope.mod (1.2)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.2\dtd\eu-regional.dtd (1.2)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.2.1\dtd\eu-leaf.mod (1.2.1)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.2.1\dtd\eu-envelope.mod (1.2.1)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.2.1\dtd\eu-regional.dtd (1.2.1)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.3\dtd\eu-leaf.mod (1.3)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.3\dtd\eu-envelope.mod (1.3)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.3\dtd\eu-regional.dtd (1.3)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.4\dtd\eu-leaf.mod (1.4)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.4\dtd\eu-envelope.mod (1.4)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.4\dtd\eu-regional.dtd (1.4)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.4\style\ectd-2-0.xsl (2.0)
DTDs\regional-eu-1.4\style\eu-regional.xsl (1.4)
DTDs\regional-eu-renewlform-0.5\dtd\eu-renewal.dtd (0.5)
DTDs\regional-hr-1.4\dtd\hr-envelope.mod (1.4)
DTDs\regional-hr-1.4\dtd\hr-regional.dtd (1.4)
DTDs\regional-hr-1.4\dtd\hr-leaf.mod (1.4)
DTDs\regional-hr-1.4\style\ectd-2-0.xsl (2.0)
DTDs\regional-hr-1.4\style\hr-regional.xsl (1.4)
DTDs\regional-jp-1.0\dtd\jp-regional-1-0.xsd (1.0)
DTDs\regional-jp-1.0\dtd\xlink.xsd (1.0)
DTDs\regional-us-2.0\dtd\us-regional-v2-0.dtd (2.0)
DTDs\regional-us-2.01\dtd\us-regional-v2-01.dtd (2.01)
DTDs\regional-us-2.01\style\ectd-2-0.xsl (2.0)
DTDs\regional-us-2.01\style\us-regional.xsl (2.0)
DTDs\study-2.0\dtd\ich-stf.dtd (2.0)
DTDs\study-2.0\style\valid-values.xml (2.0)
DTDs\study-2.2\dtd\ich-stf-v2-2.dtd (2.2)
DTDs\study-2.2\style\valid-values.xml (2.2)
DTDs\study-2.2\style\ich-stf-stylesheet-2-2a.xsl (2.2a)
6.3 Setup
Prior to installing eValidator, please unzip the distribution files to a temporary directory.
If you have received the product on a CD or DVD, please copy the files to a temporary
location on a hard disk and remove the “read-only” flags of these files before you
The setup is provided as a full setup. It does not require any previous installation. If a
previous version of the LORENZ eValidator is found during installation, it will be
updated (please see section 6.3.3 for additional details).
3. To save you from fraud by tampered software packages, please acknowledge this
message only of the Verified Publisher is LORENZ Bridge Software GmbH. You
can click on Show details to see additional information about the publisher's
4. Follow the instructions displayed to complete the installation. For a quick and easy
procedure, it is recommended to accept the default settings provided by the wizard.
Please do not select a destination folder, where a previous version has already
been installed to (this would override the old version but not properly uninstall it).
5. A new desktop shortcut (LORENZ eValidator) and a new start menu item will be
created (LORENZ Life Sciences\eValidator). Both shortcuts can be used to start the
6. Start the eValidator.
If this is the first time you start the application after installing it and you do not
already have registered the product, you will be directed to the registration window
of the application. For Basic licenses (i.e. you are planning to use the free
version), please proceed as follows (for the professional license, these steps are
not required).
6.1. Please fill out the required fields marked in yellow and send the data to the
LORENZ registration server. LORENZ would appreciate if you could also
provide some additional information by filling out the optional form fields,
since this would provide us with an easier way contacting you in case of
any assistance needed. The Basic license is free of charge, so the
registration will not cause any fee to be paid.
Validation Impact
IQ n/a
OQ n/a
PQ All customers using the new EU profiles should adjust and repeat their
corresponding test scripts in order to verify that the new folder name
regulations are in effect.
Validation Impact
IQ n/a
OQ n/a
PQ Error messages in the validation report caused by invalid or non-existing
index files from previous sequences indicate that something was not correct
when those were created. For the current sequence however this does not
necessarily provide any useful information. Hence we decided to remove the
corresponding messages from the report. Customers may want to verify this
by re-validating submissions where the LORENZ eValidator printed error
messages due to problems with previous index files when trying to check if
the sequence number has already been used.
Validation Impact
IQ n/a
OQ n/a
PQ Make sure adjusting your operational procedures when selecting the
appropriate profile for your application.
Validation Impact
IQ n/a
OQ n/a
PQ Customers who encountered program crashes related to the issue described
above should consider repeating the validation for the submissions where the
crashes occurred.
Affected profiles: EU (all profiles), HR, PL, CH, US (version 1.0 and 2.0), JP
Validation Impact
IQ n/a
OQ n/a
PQ Due to the incorrectly configured folder name in the LORENZ eValidator
setup, an invalid folder name at this level would not have been reported by
the LORENZ eValidator (the old configuration was too tolerant). Customers
who noticed that the LORENZ eValidator did not report a folder name
violation here (while other validators might have) should consider repeating
the corresponding test script to verify that the issue has been resolved.
Validation Impact
IQ n/a
OQ n/a
PQ Customers who encountered error messages due to this problem (currently
the rule is enabled in the new US profile only) should repeat the
corresponding validation scripts to verify that the issue has been resolved.
Validation Impact
IQ n/a
OQ n/a
PQ Customers who encountered warning messages for hyperlinks and
bookmarks contained in US application form documents should repeat the
corresponding validation scripts to verify that the warnings no longer appear.
Validation Impact
IQ n/a
OQ n/a
PQ Customers who encountered error messages for folder names in EU M1
related to the issue described above should repeat the corresponding
validation scripts to verify that the error messages no longer appear.
Validation Impact
IQ n/a
OQ n/a
PQ Customers who encountered error messages for PDF documents with
version 1.7 should repeat the corresponding test scripts verifying that the
errors have been replaced with warnings.
Validation Impact
IQ n/a
OQ n/a
PQ Customers who encountered duplicated messages for invalid NeeS file
names should consider repeating the corresponding test scripts to verify that
the issue has been resolved.
Validation Impact
IQ n/a
OQ n/a
PQ Customers who encountered error messages due to this problem (currently
the corresponding PDF verification rules are enabled in the new US profile
only – the rules are checking the correctness of the information provided in
the US application forms) should repeat the corresponding validation scripts
to verify that the issue has been resolved.
The eValidator should not report this as an error but should indicate it was not able to
perform the check because the related sequence could not be found. Also, it should
indicate what the related-sequence-number is so the user can locate it.
Validation Impact
IQ n/a
OQ n/a
PQ This is just a reporting enhancement. Customers may want to verify that the
report message is now indicating that the missing sequence could not be
loaded (together with the number of the sequence).
Improperly changing these texts might cause program failures. You must test your
changes thoroughly before releasing them for operational use.
Only the professional version of the LORENZ eValidator allows customizing help texts
and names. Doing this with the Basic version would invalidate the resource files and
the program would no longer be operable.
To customize the standard check option names (rule names) and the related help texts
follow these steps:
1. Locate the file LORENZ.eValidator.en.resources.resx in the eValidator
configuration folder.
2. Open the file in an XML editor (you may also use Windows notepad if you wish but
this is less comfortable).
3. Edit the file to make your customizations. Please note the comments given for
every single resource ID. The table below shows which IDs belong to which group
of resource.
4. Save the file.
5. Restart the eValidator program.
You may also apply this procedure for languages other than English (en). This requires
a file named LORENZ.eValidator.xx.resources.resx, where xx is the 2-letter
standard language code. Currently, there are localizations available for German,
Japanese, and French (i.e. xx equals de, ja, or fr). For these languages, the
necessary files will be installed automatically. Please ask the LORENZ support for
other language resources available. Additional language files must be copied into the
eValidator installation folder, where the English file is located.
Caution! Please make sure you have a valid and up-to-date backup copy of your
validate_*.xml files before executing the following procedure.
To customize the names and the related help texts for the custom rules follow these
steps (assuming that you have purchased the advanced edit license):
1. Start eValidator Editor from the Options tab in the main form (requires a
professional license).
2. Open the validate_*.xml file (* means eCTD or NeeS) from the eValidator
configuration folder (refer to the subfolder DTDs to locate these files).
3. Expand the backbones tree node and the appropriate sub-nodes to locate the
custom rule you want to edit.
4. Click on the node with the name of the rule.
5. On the right pane, get to the section help text and make your customizations to the
6. On the right pane, get to the section Description (rule name) and make your
customizations to the text.
7. Save the file.
Close the editor. The eValidator main form will be restored and the changes will take
effect immediately.