Jaws 6187
Jaws 6187
Jaws 6187
Scheme of Work
Assignment title: Analyse the ways that the director builds suspense and scare the
audience in the film JAWS.
Teaching sequence:
The main thing to emphasise all the way through is the distinction between
DESCRIPTION of the events and what is seen on the screen and ANALYSIS of the
effect on the audience. This is actually quite simple in this assignment as the title
focuses on how the director scares the audience. One way of maintaining this
throughout the viewing of the film is to make pupils divide their pages into two
columns one for description and one for analysis. It is also important to convince
pupils that everything in the film is there for a reason.
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Complete analysis of the opening sequence grid (it isn’t necessary to do every
single one)
If time, watch on….
How is it worse?
• Loads of people on the beach
• Men with guns/helicopters v tense
• False alarm lets us relax makes second attack worse
• Brody’s sons involved therefore we are more emotionally involved.
1. Jaws was given a PG certificate when it was first released in this country in
1975. However, it has these certificates in other countries and for video DVD
Certification: Argentina:18 / Australia:M / Finland:K-16 / France:-12 / Netherlands:16 (video
release) / Norway:15 / Spain:18 / Sweden:15 / UK:12 (DVD release) / UK:A (theatrical) / UK:PG
(video release) / USA:PG-13 / USA:PG (original rating) / West Germany:16
2. The original working title for JAWS was ‘Still in the Water’
(information from the Internet Movie Database)
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Description Analysis
Title Sequence
Music begins very
quiet and slow.
Opening Scene
There is the sound of
a mouth organ being
played at the beach
There is a large
bonfire on the beach.
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Analysis of opening sequence (2)
Description Analysis
Whilst the girl is
swimming there is no
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The second attack (1)
Event Camera Analysis
Boy walks up beach to mother
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The second attack (2)
Event Camera Analysis
Woman playing in water
General panic
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Media Coursework essay
Analyse the ways that the director builds suspense and scares the
audience in the film JAWS
Paragraph 1: Introduction
• What the film is called
• Who directed it
• What it is about
• Where and when it is set
• Why it is set on 4th July.
Paragraph 2: Music
• Describe how the shark is connected to the music in the title sequence.
• Give two other example of how music or silence is used to scare the
audience or build tension. E.g. Radio playing on the beach, silence after the
Paragraph 6:
Finally give your view of the scariest moment in the film. Give reasons for
your opinion.
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© 2003 www.teachit.co.uk 8