22 BEE13 Set 1
22 BEE13 Set 1
22 BEE13 Set 1
Note: 01. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.
02. Missing data may be suitably assumed.
Module -1 Taxonomy Marks
Q.01 a Explain the forward and reverse characteristics of a silicon diode L1 8
b Describe the working of a capacitor filter for a half wave rectifier with a L2 8
neat circuit diagram and necessary waveforms.
c Determine the peak output voltage and current for a bridge rectifier circuit L3 4
when the secondary RMS voltage is 30V and the diode forward drop is
Q.02 a Describe the working of full wave rectifier with a neat circuit diagram and L1 8
necessary waveforms.
b Explain how a Zener diode can be used as voltage regulator by considering L2 8
the no load and loaded condition.
c A diode with VF=0.7V is connected as a half wave rectifier. The load L3 4
resistance is 500Ω and the secondary RMS voltage is 22V. Determine the
peak output voltage and the peak load current.
Q. 03 a Explain the output characteristics of a transistor in common emitter L1 8
b Explain the working of an n-channel JFET. L1 8
c With respect to BJT, describe the concept of obtaining the DC load line. L2 4
Q.04 a Explain the Enhancement type MOSFET along with the drain characteristics. L1 8
Q. 05 a With respect to an op-amp explain the following: L1 8
I. Input offset voltage
II. Slew rate
b Describe a summing amplifier using an op-amp in an inverting configuration with L2 8
three inputs.
c An inverting amplifier using op-amp has a feedback resistor of 10KΩ and one L3 4
input resistor of 1KΩ. Calculate the gain of the op-amp and the output voltage if
it supplied with an input 0f 0.5V.
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Q. 06 a Describe the block diagram representation of an op-amp. Also describe its L1 8
operational behavior with an equivalent circuit.
c Develop a summer circuit using op-amp to get the following output voltage L3 4
𝑉𝑜 = −(2𝑉1 + 2𝑉2 )
Q. 07 a Convert the following: L3 6
i. (110.1101)2=(?)10
ii. (847.951)10=(?)8
iii. (CAD.BF)16=(?)10
c Describe how NANd and NOR gates can be used as universal gates. L2 8
Q. 08 a Simplify the following: L3 6
i. 𝑌 = 𝐴𝐵 + 𝐴̅𝐶 + 𝐵𝐶
ii. 𝑌 = (𝐴 + 𝐵̅ + 𝐵̅)(𝐴 + 𝐵̅ + 𝐶)
iii. 𝑌 = 𝐶(𝐵 + 𝐶)(𝐴 + 𝐵 + 𝐶)
Q. 09 a Explain the working of the potentiometric resistive transducer. L1 8
Q. 10 a Explain the working of Linear Variable Differential Transducer. L1 8
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