WorldWoman Part2
WorldWoman Part2
WorldWoman Part2
5 Global Leadership Award
Anastasia Ignatieva
40 Top 5 Female Plastic Surgeonsin the World according
to American Reporter
80 М
United Kingdom
87 М
98 M
100 M
102 M
112 M
72 7 Signs: Integrated Structural Horoscope
Global Partners:
ONE OF THE FIRST IN BUSINESS from economic crisis to nation build- GLOBAL WOMAN LEADER
Susan Ann Davis is a pioneering ing and trade expansion. In addition, A lifelong advocate for social en-
woman business owner who opened for decades she has been a strategic trepreneurship, democracy building
her agency in Washington, DC communications and public affairs and leadership development for wom-
when relatively few women were ex- consultant on U.S. military and vet- en, she is Board Chair Emeritus of
periencing success in the business erans’ issues for the defense industry Vital Voices Global Partnership, the
world, and fewer still owned their and to multiple Secretaries of Defense, preeminent NGO that trains and em-
own business. Over four decades, DOD agencies, service branches and powers emerging women leaders in
she has grown Susan Davis Inter- support organizations. 115 countries. She was a Founder and
national into a global public affairs THE WHITE HOUSE the first International President of the
and strategic communications pow- International Women’s Forum, the
erhouse, earning the respect of busi- global leadership organization now
As a leader, business visionary representing more than 7000 women
ness and government leaders around
and public speaker, Ms. Davis regu- of achievement.
the world.
larly consults on smart aging, health Along with Prince Charles and
GOVERNMENT RELATIONS and wellness, and develops engage- then PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi, Da-
EXPERT ment and business opportunities for vis received the Global Empowerment
Internationally known for her ex- thought leaders, investors and en- Humanitarian Award in the United
pertise in strategic positioning, rep- trepreneurs. She led the Global Irish Kingdom and received the Flax Trust
utation management, government Forum recommendation for Ireland Award for service to Northern Ireland.
relations and crisis communications, to develop as a global hub for smart Most recently, she received the Stevie
Davis counsels government and indus- aging technologies, products, de- Lifetime Award for Women in Busi-
try leaders on six continents. sign and services, and is a Founder ness and has been named among the
Most recently, Ms. Davis was the and Board Director of Smart Aging Top 100 International Irish in Business.
strategic U.S. advisor to the Irish Bish- Living Labs of Ireland. As a former At the EUROWOMAN 2023
ops Conference for the Vatican World White House Conference on Aging Global Leadership Forum, 19 July
Meeting of Families and the Papal producer, she presently co-produces 2023 in the UK, she was recognized
Visit to Ireland. the Silicon Valley Venture Boomer with the Women’s Noble Award 2023
Davis has worked with more than Summits and “What’s Next” in the as the World’s Most Powerful Woman
a dozen countries on issues ranging U.S. in global leadership.
Internationally Renowned
Social Entrepreneur
The person who created WEDO!
Wendy Diamond is a visionary Beyond her investment pursuits, form that leveraged celebrity and pop
leader whose unwavering passion for Wendy has achieved remarkable suc- culture to promote animal rescue and
technology is driven by the belief in cess as an author, earning widespread welfare.
its potential to bring about innovation acclaim for her ten books. Her influ- She has received prestigious honors
and positive social impact worldwide. ential works have resonated with audi- from renowned institutions, including
With a focus on supporting the under- ences worldwide, solidifying her repu- being honored by the President of the
dog, Wendy strives to collaborate and tation as a best-selling author. Wendy’s State of Mexico for her outstanding
revolutionize the technology space to accomplishments extend beyond the contributions to entrepreneurship.
the advantage of everyone. literary world, as she holds three Wendy’s remarkable efforts in
As the Founder and CEO of Women’s Guinness World Records and has been empowering women entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurship Day Organization featured in renowned media outlets, have also been acknowledged by
(WEDO)/#ChooseWOMEN, Wendy including Oprah, NBC’s Today Show, the United States Congress, who
has established herself as a prominent Bloomberg, The New York Times, and recognized the significant global
figure in the realm of social Forbes. Her captivating presence and impact they are making.
entrepreneurship. WEDO, a non- expertise have made her a sought-after These accolades highlight Wendy’s
governmental philanthropic volunteer keynote speaker, gracing prestigious influential role in promoting entrepre-
organization, operates in 144 countries platforms such as the United Nations, neurship and her unwavering commit-
and 112 Universities/Colleges, Harvard University, and Davos. ment to fostering meaningful change.
dedicated to empowering women in Committed to making a differ- In addition to these recognitions, Wen-
business and alleviating poverty. ence, Wendy serves on several advi- dy has been the recipient of several
In addition to her work with WEDO, sory boards, including the Ellis Island other prestigious awards, including the
Wendy is an astute investor and advisor Honors Society, Global Alliance for Web3 Changemaker Award, the Global
in social impact disruptive technolo- A Sustainable Planet (GASP), Glob- Champion for Women at the Library
gies and funds. Her investment portfo- al Women in Blockchain, Girls Club of Congress, the Ellis Island Medal of
lio includes notable ventures such as Capital, Humane Society of New York, Honor, and the Women’s Entrepreneur-
Pleasr Dao, EFF Ventures, OpenGrants, and Grey Muzzle Foundation. Her in- ship Day Pioneer Award at the United
Producers Market, Lightline Medical, volvement in these organizations show- Nations.
Quantum Rock Technologies, Bitcoin, cases her dedication to causes such as At the EUROWOMAN 2023 Glob-
and Perceptive Capital, among others. sustainability, women empowerment, al Leadership Forum, 19 July 2023 in
By leveraging her expertise and resourc- animal welfare, and more. the UK, she was recognized with the
es, Wendy actively contributes to the ad- Before founding WEDO, Wendy Women’s Noble Prize 2023 as the
vancement of these organizations, driv- established Animal Fair Media, Inc., World’s Leader in Women Entrepre-
ing positive change on a global scale. a pioneering pet lifestyle media plat- neurial Culture.
World’s # 1 in Business
Education & Networking
The one who created the startup movement for children!
Olga Azarova is an entrepreneur Ms. Azarova, as an entrepreneur and Internationally known for her
and scientist who has created a new scientist, set about creating a new in- expertise in franchising, Ms. Azarova
direction in the education market – dustry – children’s business education counsels franchise associations and
World-Class Business Education for with unique study books, business in- industry leaders on five continents.
children aged 6-18 as a weekend cubators, business forums and Startup
model. World Cup Championships. WORLD WOMAN LEADER
Ms. Azarova and her husband are In 2007, Ms. Azarova established
well-known entrepreneurs who manage the World Woman Club International
more than 40 enterprises in various in- For the rapid development of Network, bringing together thousands
dustries. In 2000, a new direction was children’s business education glob- of women from 23 countries and pro-
added to these businesses – education- ally, Olga and Andrey Azarov creat- viding a platform for their development
al franchises, which made a revolution ed a form of scaling – “educational and partnerships. In 2015, she was
in the education market, allowing to franchises”, creating more than 100
chosen as a laureate of the FORTUNE
quickly and efficiently supplementing books and textbooks, and standard-
Most Powerful Women Global Mentor-
the existing system of mass education izing all stages of doing business.
ing Program with the leadership of the
with the latest practical methods and All this allowed other entrepreneurs
US State Department and Vital Voices
programmes. easily and quickly acquire franchises,
Global Partnership. In 2023, she initiat-
Raising their own children and dis- which rapidly developed a global net-
work of franchisees from among the ed the EUROWOMAN Global Leader-
covering that ordinary general schools
entrepreneurs who want to introduce ship Forum WOMEN’S DIPLOMACY
are aimed only at giving children
knowledge in the form of memorizing a new quality of education in their to stop the war in Ukraine and create
facts, she and her husband conclud- countries. new foundations for security in Europe
ed that such an education for modern Among the 12 educational franchis- and whole world.
children is insufficient. Studying only es created by Ms. Azarova, the most Ms. Azarova has been named
the theory of sciences without practice popular and in demand are MiniBoss among the Top 100 Most Powerful
and experiments for 12 years at school, Business School, BigBoss Business Women, 100 Most Influential Women
the child is not able to form his/her School, Leonardo Art School, Einstein in Education, Top 100 Influential
outstanding character and innovative Science School, Royal British School, Women of Ukraine and Top 10
entrepreneurial thinking. That is why 100% Film School. Businesswomen in Franchising.
Slava to Ukraine!
I want to change people’s attitude towards the service.
Today I want to change attitude of people toward war.
1. First, I came to the network as and destructions of Ukraine. We from problems aside , that arise up
a financial director. now can not be out of these events. in a country. Fed and we feed the
Immediately joined the activi- We work out problems with provid- without socially means habitants of
ties of the company and delved into ing soldiery a technique and feed, city. We help hospitals. From the
the operational activities of restau- medications, clothing. We help in
moment of beginning of encroach-
rants. building of the destroyed settle-
ment a company began volunteer ac-
Because initially investors of ments. We provide water of hospital.
We work for maintenance of econo- tivity actively. Fed soldiery, injured,
company were from rasha and in
connection with events 2014 year in my of country. animals. Took under guardianship
Ukraine the question of exit of them Gorenka sat down in the Kyiv area,
got up from a company. А collabo- that strongly suffered during an
L`honneur De La Patrie An in-
ration was already broken and be- offensive. We hid in the establish-
ternational order of queen Ann is
came impossible coming from mor- ments of habitants of Kyiv from
Honour of Fatherland;
al considerations. Variants it was fires, fed them. We buy an uniform
An order is Leader of Ukraine.
only two: closing of company or to and technique to the employees that
undertake guidance in future. Here THE BEST LEADER
on war and to their colleagues. We
then I with our command decided to 3. We are a network of restau- cooperate with CO Dobrobat and
take chance and shut out closing of rants of the Japanese and European
help to build the destroyed villages
restaurants of network, and to show kitchen. Now 17 restaurants Unfor-
out business on quite another level. and city.
tunately a 1 restaurant was bombed
Documents designed finally in 2017 out during the massed attack and 5. We are ready to participate
and got rid from the obscene past. now we restore and build. in obtaining grants to support the
2. For today basic problems are 4. We actively participate in social country, restore and provide for
related to the military operations life of Ukraine and Kyiv. Never stood those in need.
Olena Isayeva is one of the most product, a series of video lessons on Currently she is one of the TOP-100
famous women in the foundry industry of implementation of technical processes women entrepreneurs of Ukraine, a
Ukraine. In 2008 she quitted the job of an in production. The lessons have no member of the Association of Foundries
accountant to organize her own business analogues in the world. of Ukraine and Zaporizhia Chamber of
in Donbas, Ukrfavorit LTD. Under her ENGLISH TRADITIONS IN Commerce and Industry, a co-organizer
leadership the company quickly became UKRAINIAN FOUNDRY of “MLT Business Women’s Club”,
the market leader and started cooperation The symbol of long-standing tradi- deputy head of the Coordinating Council
with the largest enterprises of Ukraine tions in foundry production is England. for Enterprise Development of the
and Europe. The symbol of introduction of those Region. Olena Isaieva is actively engaged
Despite the war state after a year English traditions in Ukrainian foundry in public activities and participates in
Ukrfavorit regained its leadership is Ukrfavorit. The list of products and various business forums as a speaker.
position and currently covers 33% of services of the company includes binder
the total foundry materials market in resin systems, coatings, equipment for THE LEADER WHO MAKES THE
Ukraine. cold-box and no-bake process. Our in- WORLD MOVE FASTER
novation is the contract for the service Now Olena Isaieva participates in
and maintenance of foundry enterprises the development and implementation of
Olena Isaieva’s activities are aimed at where we provide monitoring the oper- strategic planning aimed at the develop-
popularizing and increasing the prestige ation of equipment and the technologi- ment of the industrial sector of Ukraine.
of the foundry industry and overcoming cal process according to the European In order to implement the planned pro-
issues on the entrepreneurship standards against the background of jects, she cooperates with international
development. Over several years, Olena reducing defects. Ukrfavorite also con-
Isaieva was able to attract the attention organizations and world business leaders
ducts training and workshops for tech- to exchange experience aimed at support
of public organizations, specialized nical personnel and supplies castings of
parliamentary committees and the and mentoring for students of industrial
various configurations for export. universities and popularization of the
government of Ukraine to the industry.
Ukrfavorit’s specialists have adopted the RECOGNITION FROM THE foundry and metallurgist professions.
European experience and introduced AUTHORITIES AND THE Ms. Isaieva did the impossible and
new technologies of cold-box and BUSINESS COMMUNITY dispelled the myth that foundry is a
no-bake processes. Since 2017 Olena For the significant achievements man’s industry. She is the only Ukrainian
Isaieva has begun cooperating with Olena Isaieva was repeatedly awarded as woman who owns a foundry company.
the European Bank for Reconstruction “The best employer of Melitopol”, “The Therefore, a partnership with such an
and Development, receiving grants best taxpayer” (2 years in a row). experienced and successful entrepreneur
for her own innovative projects. In In November 2020, Olena Isaieva could contribute the global sustainable
2020 she initiated creation of a unique became the new WED UN Ambassador. development.
on public policy. Larisa spent several cation, media and entertainment, sports
azine; Top 10 Most Influential Friends
years working as a personal advisor and agriculture, Larisa leads a renowned
of Africa by Business in Africa maga-
and head of business development and team of experts who are committed to
zine; 100 Global Women of Excellence
management for members of the Roy- reimagining the future of business and
al Family in Abu Dhabi, United Arab governance, making clients more re- by Sovereign Magazine; 10 Most Influ-
Emirates, with focus on investment in silient, sustainable, and profitable. We ential Business Leaders of 2021 by Ex-
sustainable development, innovation, work with governmental and business eLeon magazine; and was the winner of
technology, energy, and agriculture/ clients to help them differentiate their the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award
agriculture technology. Additionally, strategies, policies and business models by Powerhouse Global magazine.
Larisa served as head of the Royal Fam- so that they can be the architects of a With a commitment to social impact,
ily’s large non-profit foundation, which new way-forward, positioning them- Larisa provides academic scholarships
focused on women, youth, literacy, and selves as the vanguards of their indus- to youth who have the talent but who
education. Through her work with this tries or sectors. To be successful in this lack access to opportunity. “We have
UAE-based foundation, Larisa spent transformational future of business, you done a horrible job preparing the future
considerable time working with wom- must be brave enough to do business in for our youth, we have a responsibili-
en and children in refugee camps in the ways others are not, in order to have op- ty to prepare the youth for the future”,
Middle East (Iraq, Yemen and Jordan) portunities that others don’t.” Phoenix notes Larisa.
DESTROYER OF MYTHS and essential global goals of sustainable brodearium” humanitarian foundation,
Irena Brik is a Ukrainian entrepreneur, development, adopted in 2015 by the UN. which rescues war orphans in Ukraine.
business owner, and social innovator, she This is the main task of Ms. Irena in her Ambassador and Member of the Board
has been creating and managing men’s activities today. of Trustees of the Charitable Organiza-
businesses for a quarter of a century and Making everyone energy-independ- tion “International Charitable Foundation
proving to the perimeter that everything ent – this is the mission that Irena Brik’s “Ukrainian House,” whose mission is to
is simple. team in Ukraine carries out daily, assem- solve humanitarian problems. President
Mrs. Irena created her first company bling and installing solar power plants of
of the public organization “Mission M” –
at the age of 24 – it was a crazy step for a all types and types and backup power sys-
help to women.
young girl from a low-income family and tems for businesses, enterprises, factories,
Awarded: diplomas from the Cher-
a crazy desire to change the world. And as schools, hospitals, private homes... This
a result – an innovative technology com- allows having your electricity and is en- kasy Regional State Administration and
pany in solar energy has high expertise in ergy independent for Ukrainians in such the Department of Family and Youth Af-
various fields, demand, and professional difficult times. fairs for a playful attitude in life and for
recognition in Ukraine and beyond. My Sunnn is our brand of solar equip- promoting the recovery of exceptional
EXPERTISE ment, which was “born” on the wave of children from the Donetsk and Luhansk
Expert in the field of alternative en- events in Ukraine – solar generators, regions; Order of the Equal-to-the-Apos-
ergy and energy-efficient technologies. charging stations, and Smart Storage Sys- tles Holy Princess Olga for services to
Associate consultant in passive building tems. the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.; the
design and energy-efficient design. Ex- Solar gadgets manufactured by the “Golden Scythian Pectoral” medal of the
pert in systematic personality develop- brand have been sent for a year to pro- Ukrainian National Committee of the
ment and creative intelligence. Certified vide the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the International Chamber of Commerce for
specialist in Service Design and Design Special Operations Forces of the Ukrain- contribution to the development of inter-
Thinking for Innovation, professional ian Armed Forces, the National Guard of national business and national entrepre-
psychologist, NLP practitioner, coach and Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, neurship. The winner of the All-Ukrain-
business trainer, transformational leader individual divisions, units, military per-
ian project “Queen of Financial Success
of business and social systems, consultant sonnel, as well as citizens in de-occupied
2019” in the “Ecological Business” nom-
to first-person companies and top man- territories in need of assistance.
ination. Laureate and winner of interna-
agement with more than 10,000 hours of ACTIVITY
personal coaching sessions, 4,000+ hours An integral and essential part of Mrs. tional competitions in architecture and
of consultations and private growth ses- Irena’s life. At the beginning of the war in design.
sions, nine years of coaching experience Ukraine, together with like-minded peo- Ex-president of the Public Organi-
with companies and personnel. ple, she created an orphanage for children zation “Business Ukrainian Women” in
THE SUN IS LOVE orphaned during the bombings, which the Cherkasy region. She headed ICC
The development of alternative en- she still cares for today. He is a member Ukraine – the international chamber of
ergy in the world is one of the primary of the supervisory board of the “Do- Commerce in the Cherkasy region.
By changing yourself,
you transform the world
Sustainability is the solution for a circular economy
BIOGRAPHY create a circular economy and to make ty and sustainability at the forefront of its
Marina was born in March 1969 and profitable business processes or manu- values, which is why we deal with busi-
grew up in a military family in Ukraine. facturing based on the circular cycle. Par- nesses and private individuals.
She studied linguistics in English and awaste represents a technological solu- PARTNERSHIPS
French at a university, making her cu- tion to connect those who seek to make
resources from waste. AThus, Parawaste We thank all of those who have taken
rious about the world behind the iron
curtain. 2002 Marina moved to Brussels, seamlessly integrated into the circular an interest in our project. We are united
where she discovered a different Euro- economy creating new market opportu- by one goal, to create a fair and sustain-
pean world. She first became concerned nities for all stakeholders, transporters, able society. Parawaste is an independent
with the environment and the concept financial institutions, and Research and entity creating its links and cycles. Our
of sustainability, seeing the amount of Development Institutions. clients are businesses that wish to ana-
impractical packaging on goods, the PRODUCT lyze their environmental impact, reduce
amount of food and material wasted, and waste, and reuse resources. Consultant
Parawaste is an online platform based
Sophie is the catalyst for female create financial independence, have lives and make a difference in the world.
coaches to bring more healing and more choice in their lives, and more Because of Sophie’s ability to
transformation to the world by time for what they love most. She’s transform her client’s lives they then
uncovering their true value so they can a true example of what’s available to go on to transform their client’s lives
get paid what they’re worth and live women worldwide regardless of where and the ripple effect out into the world
their lives on their own terms. She’s not you start out. will continue for generations.
ok with 95% of women under-earning, Her passion for female coaches in Whether it’s becoming a Wealthy
over giving, missing out on precious particular was born after realising that Woman Coach™ through her coaching
moments with their loved ones.. and whilst many are amazing at helping certification program, or scaling
not living a balanced life. others, they lack the strategic business your business in the Wealthy Woman
As a financial independence advocate skills to stand out online and charge Mastermind™ & Ascension programs,
for women, she believes it’s her duty to their worth. This keeps them trapped Sophie has a complete end to end
not only live the change for herself and in fear and overwhelm as their passion service with a team of dynamic experts
her family but create the pathway for and dreams of making an impact on the for any woman with a big vision.
The word STYLYST was not in the The name”Hairstyle Studio by recognition are attracted by confident
running at that time. However, with all Nadiya Perina” had appeared long people.
her irrepressible energy and craving before the studio was opened. It was Special mastery of Nadiya’s team
for creativity it was not for Nadiya to a cumulative name of creative young lies in the ability to emphasize the
be just a regular hairdresser. Having masters, brought up by Nadiya. assets and reveal true personality
mastered her beloved profession, she Rare combination of talent and uniqueness. Managing image helps
started her pioneering way towards pedagogical gift allowed her to train to achieve recognition and attract
the global world of beauty, making all-star team of masters.
colleagues and relatives rather They participated in all cultural
Authorial Hairdressing School is
skeptical and confused. events of the city, including fashion
It was a long journey of ups and shows, festivals and photo sessions. over 20 years old. It holds the license
downs, competitions and training They won all contests in Ukraine and by the Ministry of Education of
in the best world academies, such as abroad. Ukraine.
Vidal Sassoon, Toni&Guy, Llongueras, Soon the Studio was happy to find Hundreds of successful graduates,
and Pivot Point. its home in Admiralskiy Avenue. Nadiya’s son being one of them, work in
Her high level of professional It immediately became one of the different corners of the world, actively
expertise is well confirmed with most popular and beloved studios in developing and promoting the Beauty
the numerous diplomas and cups for the city. Not only Odessits, but also the Industry of Ukraine. They also create
participation in World Championships. guests of the city entrust care of their training centers, representing their
The audience applauded to Nadiya image to the masters of the Studio. country in the World Championships
in Paris when she was granted the The Studio proudly wears the star of and Forums.
Chevalerie Award (Knight), also when the International Organisation for the Every year the team of Ukrainian
she was receiving the High Award from Intercoiffure Professionals. Intercoiffure masters from different
the Intercoiffure “The Personality Every customer of the Studio feels
cities present collections of modern
of the Year” for the development of the warm atmosphere, professionalism
trends in Hairdressing. Moreover, they
Hairdressing Art in Ukraine. and creative energy that evoke an
She cries with joy in Las Vegas, irresistible desire to stay here longer, participate in charitable educational
taking the highest step on the World and come here over and over again. program “Education for Life”-free
Championship Podium, holding the Cup All masters develop and live training for teenages- orphans and
of “The Best Team in Eastern Europe”. out a philosophy of beauty and those from low-income families.
There is a whole kaleidoscope of success. When clients are happy with Today Nadiya Perina proudly and
European Championships where she themselves, they exude confidence. deservedly belongs to the team of
participated. As a common fact, success and trendsetters of the world.
Dolce-Pharm: Empowering
Safety and Care Worldwide
Health and safety take center stage
“Dolce” company was founded in The company’s range includes 200 For over a year, the “Dolce-Pharm”
1998 with an initial investment of $200. high-quality medical products for var- team has been working on creating a
It started in a rented one-room apart- ious medical fields, as well as “Ul- comprehensive franchising package
ment, which served as both an office tra-Adsorb” activated charcoal. The that includes accumulated materials on
and a warehouse for the first batches company’s products are supplied to all business processes, achievements, fail-
of medical products. This marked the medical institutions in the Republic of ures, and crisis management solutions.
beginning of a great enterprise. The Kazakhstan and several foreign coun- The company has reached a higher
founder, Elena Lee, wanted to produce tries. level, and it is ready to share its knowl-
a product specifically for Kazakhstan. No examination or surgery can be edge base and provide support in open-
At that time, all masks, gloves, and sy- conducted without specialized medical ing new production and distribution of-
ringes were fully imported. There was kits by “Dolce-Pharm”. It was our spe- fices, both in Kazakhstan and beyond.
a desire to move away from depend- cialists who were the first in the CIS to Twenty-five years ago, the company
ence on imported goods that affect the develop and patent masks with activat- began implementing the culture of us-
health of Kazakhstanis. ed charcoal filters. ing disposable items, accumulating ex-
The efficiency of a company’s The company’s efforts during the tensive experience in this field.
production is often judged by the pandemic - medical organizations and “We started with implementation
“before and after” indicator. If the the population were supplied with pro- and training, which is what we do well.
company started with 20 employees, tective masks, gloves, and clothing. And of course, the new centers will
it now has over 350. The range of The company worked nearly around also engage in this. We hope that this
products has grown to include over the clock and delivered huge volumes will allow us to accomplish a strate-
200 different items. The company of products. gically important task for any country
supplies half of the domestic market “Dolce-Pharm” pursues an active – providing personal protective equip-
with locally produced goods. In 2020, foreign trade policy. The company’s ment not only to doctors but to the en-
the President of the Republic of strategy involves expanding the geo- tire population,” said Elena Lee.
Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, graphical distribution of its products on We are open to partnership and
visited the company’s production all continents, with a special focus on collaboration. We have experience and
facilities and highly praised Dolce’s Europe, Africa, and ASEAN countries proven growth and development of the
contribution to the development of the (Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc.). company, which guarantees our abili-
domestic pharmaceutical industry. The company aims to distribute ty to overcome any difficulties in the
“Dolce” with “Dolce-Pharm” brand production franchises and establish establishment of new projects and the
is the largest manufacturer of dispos- an extensive network of distribution expansion of business, both in terms of
able medical products in Kazakhstan. franchises. production and geography.
SAFETY AND CARE WORLDWIDE However, our goal extends beyond
meeting the needs of a single country.
presence but also make a significant
contribution to ensuring safety and
We aspire to ensure safety and health health worldwide. We are ready to
worldwide. That is why we are seeking share our knowledge, experience, and
Imagine a world where health and safety take center stage. Where every partners, investors, and future fran- best practices with our partners to
step taken in the field of healthcare is aimed at protection and saving lives. chise owners who share our mission jointly create a favorable and secure
Dolce-Pharm is a company that proudly offers you a unique franchise op- and strive to bring benefit and safety future.
portunity in the healthcare sector. to every corner of the planet.
OUR 25-YEAR LEGACY OF ed supplier of medical products in the EXPANDING HORIZONS: DOLCE-PHARM FRANCHISE:
SOLUTIONS tion as a reliable partner. FOR A SAFER WORLD PROSPERITY
For the past 25 years, we have been A TRUSTED PARTNER DURING Acquiring our franchise will pro- Join us, and you will become part of a
a leading manufacturer of disposable THE PANDEMIC: SAVING LIVES vide you with a unique opportunity family that strives for global change. To-
medical products, such as medical to be part of a thriving business with gether, we can expand the boundaries of
masks, gloves, and kits for various med- tremendous international potential. the business, reach new heights, and make
ical specialties including surgery, ENT, During the COVID-19 pandem- the dream of a safe world for everyone a
We offer comprehensive support to
gynecology, neurosurgery, and more. ic, our company played a crucial role our partners, including training, as- reality.
Our products are known for their high in saving lives by providing the coun- sistance in launching the business, Contact “Dolce-Pharm” today to dis-
quality, reliability, and compliance with try’s medical personnel with essential marketing support, and access to cut- cuss partnership and franchise opportuni-
international safety standards. supplies. Our products were highly ting-edge technologies and expertise. ties. We look forward to welcoming you
With our 25 years of experience appreciated and in demand, and we re- We believe that through our com- and having you on our team. Let’s suc-
and expertise in the Kazakhstan mar- ceived inquiries from various countries bined efforts, we can not only ex- ceed together and make this world a better
ket, we have not only become a trust- around the world to purchase our items. pand our network and international and safer place for all its inhabitants.
A Trailblazing Female Plastic Surgeon Changing Lives
A Renowned Figure in
the field of Plastic
Surgery Plastic reconstructive surgeon,
Director of the charity program “Ukrainian face”,
Mrs. Ukraine International 2022
for a new generation of women surgeons, proving that gender should not limit
COMMITMENT TO one’s ability to excel in medicine. By advocating for gender equality in surgery
MY PATIENTS HAVE and showcasing her own success, Ignatieva encourages more women to pursue
BEEN KEY FACTORS careers in the medical field, fostering diversity and inclusivity.
IN MY SUCCESS Anastasia Ignatieva, a renowned Mrs. Ukraine International 2022 and
plastic surgeon, has been recognized took center stage in America, where she
as one of the top five female plastic presented her charitable project, «Face
surgeons in the world, according to of Ukraine.» This initiative focuses on
the American Reporter. Throughout providing free facial reconstructions
her career, Ignatieva has stood out to those in need. In 2023, Anastasia
among her colleagues due to her rapid Ignatieva earned a place among the Top
development and exceptional skills. 10 influential women in the country
In 2017, Anastasia made it to the and was honored with the prestigious
list of the «Top 50 Young Surgeons title of «Best Ukrainian Woman in
in the World» at the World Congress Profession.»
of Surgeons in Switzerland, making Anastasia Ignatieva: Despite the
history as the first Ukrainian to be difficult circumstances brought about
included in this prestigious ranking. by the pandemic in 2020, I remained
In 2020, she was awarded a grant for determined and focused on my work. I
advanced training in plastic surgery in was fortunate to receive a grant for my
Seoul, South Korea. The following year, exceptional work and training in South
Dr. Ignatieva received the nationwide Korea, which was a recognition of my
«Plastic Surgeon of the Year» award. In dedication to medicine and the ability
2022, Anastasia Ignatieva was crowned to adapt to challenging environments.
– You played a significant role in ments in medicine. Additionally, the matic injuries, Ignatieva utilizes her tackles challenging cases involving
establishing international branches of support of my family, mentors, and surgical prowess to restore confidence intricate nasal abnormalities, utilizing
the Marbella and Paris Clinic. Can colleagues has played a crucial role in and functionality for her patients. her exceptional surgical skills and
you tell us more about this expansion my journey. Through advanced techniques and innovative approaches. Additionally,
and its impact? I AM EXCITED a personalized approach, she helps
– Looking ahead, you have un- she has developed her own signature
– Building upon the achievements dertaken an ambitious project to ABOUT THE PROJECT women regain their sense of self and technique called the «Nasal Pyramid»
of my father, I played a pivotal role construct reconstructive hospitals in TO CONSTRUCT femininity. and «Naso-Frontal Angle,» which
in establishing international branches Ukraine. Can you share more details RECONSTRUCTIVE Facial Rejuvenation Surgery with has garnered attention for its novel
of the Marbella and Paris Clinic. This about this initiative and its potential New Techniques:
HOSPITALS IN UKRAINE. perspective on nasal aesthetics.
expansion allowed us to extend our ex- impact? Ignatieva’s extensive experience
pertise and provide exceptional care to THIS ENDEAVOR AIMS These techniques address aspects of
– I am excited about the project to in reconstructive surgeries during nasal structure and aesthetics that
patients across borders. The surgical construct reconstructive hospitals in TO PROVIDE MUCH- times of war and her specialization in
were previously overlooked, making
international clinic for plastic recon- Ukraine. This endeavor aims to pro- NEEDED ASSISTANCE facial procedures have led to the de-
Ignatieva a pioneer in the field.
structive surgery, initiated during the vide much-needed assistance to those TO THOSE AFFECTED velopment of innovative techniques
Total Body and Facial Transforma-
war in Ukraine, became a beacon of affected by the war. The initiative has BY THE WAR for facial rejuvenation. By combin-
hope and healing, offering much-need- tions in Less Than 7 Hours:
already gained attention and support, ing her reconstructive skills with a
ed assistance to those affected by the including from a U.S. Senator who One of the unique aspects of Ig-
deep understanding of facial aesthet-
conflict. recognizes the importance of this pro- natieva’s practice is her ability to
ics, she creates natural and harmo-
gram. In the coming years, we hope perform total body and facial trans-
– Your accomplishments and nious results. Her expertise encom-
recognition in the medical community to see the fruition of this project and passes facelifts, eyelid surgeries, and formations within a remarkably short
are quite remarkable, especially make a significant impact on the lives non-surgical procedures that help her timeframe. Through careful planning,
considering your young age. What do of those in need. patients achieve a more youthful and efficient surgical techniques, and
you attribute your success to? Breast Reconstructions for Women refreshed appearance. a focus on patient safety, Ignatieva
– I believe my relentless pursuit with Various Pathologies: Complex Nasal Deformity Recon- achieves comprehensive makeovers
of excellence and unwavering com- One of Ignatieva’s areas of ex- structions and Authoritative Aesthetic that enhance both the body and face.
mitment to my patients have been key pertise lies in reconstructive breast Rhinoplasty Technique: This streamlined approach allows pa-
factors in my success. I strive to con- surgeries for women facing different Ignatieva has gained recognition tients to achieve their desired results in
tinuously improve my skills and stay pathologies. Whether it’s breast can- for her expertise in complex nasal a shorter duration, minimizing overall
up-to-date with the latest advance- cer, congenital abnormalities, or trau- deformity reconstructions. She downtime.
CHANGER An Aesthetic Medicine Scientist, Inventor, and Entrepreneur
Innovative aesthetic
Aesthetic Medicine Scientist, Inventor, and Entrepreneur
Founder “Aesthetic Medicine Clinic Myroslava Novosilska”
Trained 200+ Senior Hair Treatment Professionals in 50+ Clinics Worldwide
Past chairman of the Interstate Committee of Rotary in Ukraine and Israel
my efforts resulted in a patented revo- merous sources, the trichology market al results and elevate their standing in In today’s rapidly evolving market,
lutionary hair treatment approach with will reach a staggering $42 billion or the field of aesthetic medicine. staying ahead requires clinics to adapt
a remarkable success rate of 100% more. This growth is driven not only Furthermore, by embracing and implement new treatment methods
in over 10,000 cases since 2018. My by consumer demand but also by the the transformation of clinics to at an accelerated pace. I understand the
dedication to improving hair treatment fact that more and more clinics imple- use innovative aesthetic medicine urgency and the need for clinics to em-
methods has brought me immense satis- ment innovative approaches previously approaches, you can build an brace innovation to remain competitive
faction, and I’m looking for like-minded available only at celebrity locations. exceptional team dedicated to and meet the growing demands of dis-
professionals to feel the same. To move along with this market delivering the best possible treatment cerning clients. With my proven track
INNOVATIVE METHOD growth, aesthetic medicine clinics must outcomes for every client. This record, I possess the knowledge and
adapt and evolve. It is crucial to shift customer experience can boost clinic strategies to guide clinics through this
At the Myroslava Novosilska
the team’s focus from solely providing revenue without any sales pushing. process seamlessly.
Aesthetic Clinic, we have achieved a
qualitatively new level of treatment core services to a proactive approach Drawing from my experiences My goal is to share my knowledge
for our patients. By bringing together that emphasizes rapid development and in leading clinics worldwide and and experience with aesthetic medi-
qualified dermatologists, trichologists, practical training. By embracing the lat- successfully managing two aesthetic cine specialists who genuinely want to
plastic surgeons, and transplantologists, est treatment methods and implementing medicine clinics from a distance of help people achieve positive treatment
we ensure comprehensive and them expeditiously, clinics can establish over 9,000 kilometers, I am uniquely outcomes. Let’s build a new communi-
harmonious solutions for aesthetic and a competitive edge in the industry. positioned to contribute to the ty of like-minded professionals to drive
dermatological problems. Following Furthermore, they can enhance transformation of our industry. My industry-wide change and revolution-
European protocols and methods, our their reputation by engaging with a expertise extends beyond theoretical ize the approach to hair treatment.
clinic stands as a symbol of beauty and community of like-minded profession- knowledge, as I have personally trained Connect with me if you also believe
expertise. als, gaining continuous support, and more than 200 senior hair treatment in the implementation of new innova-
Currently, my focus is on the US staying abreast of the latest standards professionals in 50+ clinics worldwide tive approaches in clinics and want to
market, where I am assisting clinics in hair treatment. Education and col- using my improved methods of hair contribute to the growth of the market.
with the implementation of trichology laboration within this network can pave treatment based on comprehensive Together, we can transform lives and
practices. By 2028 according to nu- the way for clinics to deliver exception- tests and proven procedures. shape the future of aesthetic medicine.
Оn the initiative
International Club of
Successful Women
Larisa Lobanova
2014 2015
Оn the initiative
International Club of Оn the initiative
Successful Women International Club of
WORLD WOMAN CLUB Successful Women
Larisa Lobanova, Designer:
Nataliya Leontyeva, Oksana Polonets
Nataliya Buzko.
2016 2017
Оn the initiative
International Club of Оn the initiative
Successful Women International Club of
WORLD WOMAN CLUB Successful Women
Tatyana Abramova, Brand ZELO
Brand RITO
2018 2019
Оn the initiative
Оn the initiative
International Club of
International Club of
Successful Women
Successful Women
Rimma Turkia
Yana Berla
Оn the initiative
International Club of
Successful Women
Ukrainian Hustka
Thus, comparing the fire signs Pig), of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, sign of King to the sign of Chief. Total
(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and the trio Scorpio, Aquarius) with the orthodox harmony is a situation which gives birth
of mystics (Rat, Dragon, Monkey), signs (Ox, Dragon, Goat, Dog). to a man devoid of jealousy, vanity and
contrasting the air signs (Aquarius, Back in 1991, he wrote an article called competition. But at the same time it is
Gemini, Libra) with the strong-willed “Superhuman: is it a myth or reality?”, a ‘vectorless’ state, motionless, with no
(Dog, Tiger, Horse), by associating the implying that some human psychotypes career prospects or personal growth.
water signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) have ‘divine harmony’ embedded in them While on the other hand there may be
Align your zodiac sign by month with the chinese zodiac sign
by year – get a structural horoscope of your true character and
purpose. Identify your character! Who are you – KNIGHT, KING, earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) Judge for yourself: complete harmony In the end, one thing that is
PROFESSOR, JESTER, VECTOR, ARISTOCRAT OR LEADER? with the logical signs (Rooster, Ox, of signs in such universally recognised important to understand is that the
Snake), Kvasha discovered signs of authors as Goethe (Snake, Virgo), “way of harmonious combination of
consistency and contrasts. The second Tsiolkovsky (Snake, Virgo), Dante (Ox, signs” insists that there are no bad and
step was the association of the cardinal Taurus), Spinoza (Monkey, Sagittarius), good signs, there is a misunderstood
regory Kvasha, a famous scientist, astrologer, once signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) Eisenstein (Dog, Aquarius), Meyerhold destiny. Therefore, it is important
compared the annual and zodiacal horoscopes, and with the open signs (Rat, Rabbit, Horse, (Dog, Aquarius), Bunin (Horse, Libra), not to conform to some ideal, but to
discovered a clear pattern, which he used as the basis for Rooster), of the mutable signs (Gemini, Shostakovich (Horse, Libra). understand your psychological type
his “Structural Horoscope” Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) with the The idea of searching for harmony and live in harmony with your innate
closed signs (Tiger, Snake, Monkey, sets a scale of coherence going from the parameters.