Design + Construction Magazine (October To December 2019)
Design + Construction Magazine (October To December 2019)
Design + Construction Magazine (October To December 2019)
14 I+I
Spaces For
With professional space planning and forethought, the tiniest
space can become functional and eye-catching
Datem Inc:
Innovation &
Technology in
A 35-year veteran in the construction business, Quadruple A contractor
DATEM is a torch lit with the fire of innovation.
October - December 2019
40 Spotlight
On Solid
Arch. Arnold P. de Asis: 35 Years of Standing
Firm in the Construction Industry
Trends + Stories
We’ve compiled a list of the top-performing
colleges and universities in the field.
46 Spotlight
Bagged the
Well Gold
First of its kind, Menarco Tower won the first
WELL Gold Certification among Southeast Asia
Industry News
With RiX!
Malaysia’s first curated interior design exhibition, REKA
Interiors Exhibition (RiX), returns for the third year!
72 Industry News
Systems to Host
At The Year in Infrastructure 2019
Conference in Singapore
Not all roofs are Cherrylume is backed up by an International standard
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withstand the test of time. Because, the roof is one
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Mileage Asia Corporation, a trusted distributor of resistance and zinc-unique “galvanic behavior”.
high-quality roofs for years knows what it takes for
a roof to defy the test of time. Through the edge of With its phenomenal strength, Cherrylume Alumi-
modern technology and strict quality control, they have num-Zinc Alloy Coated Roofing Steel Sheets definitely
come up with the perfect roof that fits every home: surpass the critical standard of any roof requirement,
Cherrylume Aluminum-Zinc Alloy Coated Roofing Steel whenever, whatever. Because for any home, an invalu-
Sheets. able investment begins with a time-tested and trusted
roof, that’s Cherrylume.
Email Union Global Marketing Corporation magazine is solely of the writer and not neces-
Website Address #16 Speaker Perez St., Quezon City sarily approved by BMC.
Designing Small
Spaces For
Maximum Use
Designing small spaces can be tough and often might even seem
impossible. With professional space planning and forethought though,
the tiniest space can become functional and eye-catching.
October - December 2019
Ideas + Inspiration
In this article let me show you how we transformed a twenty-five square meter, As a designer, I always find ways to improve the space. I always think about my
two-bedroom condo unit in Quezon City to be functional for a family of three (and clients and obviously want the best for them. I make it a point to interview and ask
occasional guests). them what they need, what they want, and ask about their lifestyle. Zeus and Koala’s
requirements were simple: a clean design, with lots of storage; and to maximize the
It all began when I met the homeowners, Zeus and Koala, who were both unit space for them and their baby. They also needed additional sleeping areas for
working abroad at that time, through my Instagram page: KDG.Interiors. We hit it off whatever family members / friends would come over.
from the start. I appreciated their effort in seeking professional help to design their
unit, but I appreciated them even more for trusting me with the design and the design The first thing that we did to achieve this was to demolish the unwieldy
process. concrete wall that separated the baby’s bedroom and the living area; and replace it
with a sliding glass partition. This helped extend the bedroom into the living area when
When I first saw their unit, there was a big concrete wall that separated the needed. We installed curtains in the bedroom for privacy.
living/dining area from the bedroom (refer to picture insert). The only space for the TV
was by a wall between the kitchen and the bathroom --- an area which was about 80 We were able to let more natural light and ventilation in the unit. Natural light
centimeters wide. To be fair, I believe that the property developer designed the space is beneficial to our health as it helps us be more productive, happier, healthier, and
very well in that they maximized light and ventilation the best way they could. The calmer. Natural light also helps make the home cleaner as it reduces the amount of
concrete wall was not floor to ceiling. There was space from the ceiling to let some mildew and mold growth. Plus, it also gives energy saving benefits!
light in from the bedroom window. They even thought about a dedicated laundry area
in the bathroom.
Here is the typical floor plan of a two-bedroom unit side by side with the layout
tailor-fit for Zeus and Koala
We were able to fit the baby’s room with a crib and some drawers under a bunk
bed! Beside all of this is a tall cabinet for all the baby’s essentials, as well as a futon.
Since the room opens up to the living/dining area—it is very convenient for Zeus and
Koala to take care and watch over their baby.
For the master’s bedroom we replaced the swing-in door to a sliding barn door
This way, we were able to sneak in more usable space. We installed shelves for the
couple’s collection of mugs. We also installed a shoe cabinet where the door used to
An optimized bedroom needs a bed, a side table, a writing desk, and cabinets. The kitchen had about 3sqm of space to work with. The property developer
Imagine that we were able to put all of these and more in just about 7sqm of space! designed this so well that we just changed the cabinet doors, installed additional
The vanity functions as a side table and a writing desk. For convenience, we installed drawers for cutleries, and installed subway tiles for backsplash. We used white palette
wall sconces with dimmers and a reading light. as a way to create the perception of a cleaner and larger space.
Subway tile is a classic choice for a kitchen backsplash. Its glazed finish makes it
stain-resistant, easy to clean, and reflects light.
A little over 5 sqm served as our canvas for a living room, dining room, home
office, and guest room. We relocated the TV from the 80cm wide wall to the wall beside
the main door. This way, the TV could be viewed from multiple angles. The TV of choice
was also large enough that it can even be viewed from the kid’s bedroom.
The secret to all of this is to make use of multi-functional furniture. In the living
room, we used a regular height table so that this area functions as both living and
dining space. We also placed a sofa and ottomans here for seating.
We installed textured wallpaper for better acoustics. This also made the room
cozier! Consider a unifying color to make the room look bigger. Go for plain bed sheets
for a clutter-free look!
October - December 2019
Ideas + Inspiration
The sofa can be converted to a sofa bed. The dining table has a drawer for
cutleries and table napkins
The master bedroom’s queen size bed has drawers on the sides for storing extra
blankets and sheets! A futon functions as both lounge chair and single bed.
Behind the sofa was a narrow table which serves as the home office where the
couple can do their work. We partnered this table with ghost chairs. Because the chairs
are transparent, it helps make this area look less cluttered and larger.
Aside from having multi-functional spaces, the furniture here works double time!
Behind the TV wall is a narrow shelf for brooms to be kept.
The ottoman in the living/dining area as well as the one in the master’s bedroom
functions as additional storage space
Shoe Racks were also added in various places for added storage.
Hiring a licensed interior designer helps maximize a space; but living in small
spaces is a lifestyle that needs to be fully understood. There are many tips and tricks
a licensed designer can utilize, but after the construction work is done, it is always up
to the homeowners on how to maintain the space. Having the desire of reducing one’s
footprint on the environment, recognizing what is valuable, cherishing the few things
that matter, and conscientiously tidying up greatly helps! Being based abroad, this is the
lifestyle that Zeus and Koala espouse. D+C
words images
20 John Ravino Duanan Datem
DATEM’s success can be traced all the way back to 1984, when
four friends decided to cut their own path and meet destiny on
their own terms.
Standing aloft next to the 66-storey Grand Hyatt Hotel is the Residences, an architectural
landmark that features a seamless blend of luxury, prestige, and elegance.
DATEM’s success can be traced Construction floor area (CFA): 99,140 sqm
De La Salle University
Location: Taguig
Type of service: Structural and architectural works
Number of floors: 7
Construction floor area (CFA): 7,961 sqm
“We knew our goal and what we wanted to behind structural masterpieces, such as: The
achieve,” Arch. Arnold reminisces. With talent Mind Museum, Venice Grand Canal Mall, and Arya
compounded by grit, the then-budding DATEM Residences in Taguig: Discovery Primea in Makati;
learned by doing, taking in advice, mentorship, and and Discovery Shores in Boracay, to name a few.
decades of experience to grow in the construction
industry. The company juggled client satisfaction with But beyond its technical prowess lies a heart
talent management, cost assessment, and quality to learn and improve. A construction company
control. It adopted and adapted technologies and will not survive 35 years without its willingness to
techniques from other countries to suit the terms of revolutionize set practices and adopt radical new
the project. technologies.
Now with 35 years under its belt, the company’s “What we do is keep in touch and learn new
results speak for themselves. DATEM is now one of technologies,” shares Arch. Arnold. “We travel
the leading construction companies in the Philippines, abroad to attend international symposia and
having built some of the more iconic and purposeful showcases on construction technology, methodology,
structures in modern Philippine urbanscape. and equipment.” With the eagerness to try new
things, DATEM has patented several technological
DATEM has branded itself into the architectural advancements that have now become standards in
landscape of Metro Manila, proud to be the name the construction industry.
Strikingly picturesque, the Venice Grand Canal Mall exudes the charm and allure of
one of italy’s most romantic cities. It offers a fusion of retail shops, cinemas, dining
options, and walkable open spaces – the centerpiece of which is the Grand Canal,
which allows guests to go on a gondola ride and explore the beauty of the complex.
October - December 2019
Cover Story
Megaworld Corporation
Location: Taguig
Type of service: Complete civil, structural,
architectural finishing, waterproofing
and painting works
Number of floors: 3
Construction floor area (CFA): 77,355 sqm
This level of lateral thinking allowed DATEM to thrive in a highly competitive ABS-CBN Corporation
industry. It chased after the advancement of its craft, with the ever-burning Location: Quezon City
Type of service: General construction works
desire to improve and adopt breakthrough technologies from forward-looking
(structural, architectural, and precast wall)
builders abroad. Number of floors: 15
Construction floor area (CFA): 101,608 sqm
“We were the first to adopt precast methods,” beams Arch. Arnold. The
precast process involves casting concrete in a reusable mold, which is then cured
in a controlled environment. After curing, the form is transported to the site,
ready to be lifted into place. It is a faster and more cost-effective alternative to
the traditional on-site pouring and curing of standard concrete. DATEM pioneered
this innovation in the early 2000s, patenting the breakthrough DATEM Transfloor
technology and incorporating it into its standard processes.
Aside from the precast floor, DATEM also developed specially constructed
ceilings and walls. These specialized formworks use the MevaDec technology,
replacing hollow blocks with stronger and denser building components.
Combined with the DATEM Wallcrete, a concrete compound pumped onto the
walls, this method allows for a faster workflow and more flexible logistics while
delivering a more resilient and compact end product. The result is a smooth,
unbroken finish that eliminates the need for plastering.
October - December 2019
Cover Story
A LEED-certified project, the Unilab Corporate Center features office and parking buildings
complemented by recreational areas for indoor and outdoor sports activities.
Phases 1 and 2
United Laboratories, Inc.
Location: Mandaluyong
Type of service: General construction works
Number of floors: Phase 1 – 9; Phase 2 – 5
Construction floor area (CFA): 4,591 sqm
(Hardscape – Phase 2)
Towers 1 and 2
ArthaLand Corporation
Location: Taguig
Type of service: General
construction works
Number of floors: 51
Construction floor area (CFA):
Tower 1 – 66,046.29sqm;
Tower 2 – 64,832 sqm
This premium two-tower residential condominium is the first high-rise project to receive both
the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and BERDE (Building for Ecologically
Responsive Design Excellence) certifications.
October - December 2019
Cover Story
The first of its kind in the Philippines, The Mind Museum is a state-of-the-art science
museum that features galleries, exhibitions, and displays that showcase opportunities
for discovery and interactive educational experiences.
The Unilab Corporate Center in Mandaluyong, and The Mind Bonifacio Art Foundation, Inc.
Museum, 8 Campus Place, and Arya Residences in Taguig belong Location: Taguig
Type of service: General construction works
to the company’s roster of projects that have achieved international
Number of floors: 2
green building certifications. The latest is Menarco Tower in Taguig, Construction floor area (CFA): 102,893 sqm
considered the first building in the country to receive a WELL
certification with a Walkoff Score of 98/100.
Tower 1
Filinvest Alabang, Inc.
Location: Laguna Heights Drive, Alabang, Muntinlupa
Type of service: General construction works (structural
and architectural works)
Number of floors: 13
Construction floor area (CFA): 40,183 sqm
But it’s clear from his words that the joy of competition is
not quite the company’s main motivator—it’s that fire to be better.
Menarco Development Corporation This growth mindset works as a pretty clever metaphor: if a
Location: Taguig person encounters a wall in the journey of life, he is expected to
Type of service: General construction works
break through it, to demolish his limits before he continues. But if
(structural and architectural works)
Number of floors: 28 a builder encounters a wall, what does he do? He builds a fortress.
Construction floor area (CFA): 45,874 sqm
For Arch. Arnold and his partners, DATEM is their fortress,
built with the bricks of their history and successes, cast in the
flame of progress. D+C
October - December 2019
Cover Story
Cyanoacrylate Adhesive Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant Anaerobic Thread Lockers
Ninja 108 TAFTFLEX 6221 / 6263 TAFTFLEX HIGH POWER TAFTLOCK 22/42/43/71
Ninja 108 is a low-medium viscosity Taftflex 6221 and Taftflex 6263 is a Taftflex High Power is a one- Typically used to augment the seal
Ethyl Cyanoacrylate adhesive. It one-component, moisture-curable, component high-viscosity or holding force of a mechanically
is formulated for high speed, high polyurethane-based, elastomeric elastomeric sealant, based on joined assembly, Taftlock Anaerobic
strength bonding of plastics and adhesive sealant. After curing, it silane terminated polymer and Adhesives are used as threadlockers,
rubbers. Ninja 108 gives superior provides a permanently elastic presenting high immediate thread sealants, retaining materials and
performance on all types of plastic bond to fasten materials with bonding properties. After flange sealants. Specifically suitable for
and rubber substrates when different coefficients of expansion. application, it cures under the applications such as adjustment of set
bonding to themselves or to other Can be used to bond windshield effect of moisture present in the screws, nuts, bolts which eliminates the
common substrates. and side windows of cars with or air or in the substrates to form need for double nutting and welding.
without a primer a flexible joint presenting a high
resistance to tear
Energy efficient
curtain wall system
engineered with
1 Technoform
Thermal Break
2 Technoform
Warm-Edge Spacer
On Solid
Ground: Arch. Arnold P. de Asis and 35 Years of
Standing Firm in the Construction Industry
Rock-Hard Reputation
“There are more architects needed to construct a building the playing field—they have changed the rules of the game
than there are to design it,” remarks Arch. Arnold. While his completely. While design and creativity are indeed important,
words may seem wryly ironic, there is much truth to them. The there is satisfaction in seeing a project through to its conclusion.
job of the construction architect extends across every stage Solving problems, following the plan, and figuring out better and
of the project, and his training is more intense and diverse faster ways of doing things is how you define progress.
compared to other professions. Construction requires an eye for
detail, a grounded perspective, and a sociable demeanor. “We Arch. Arnold P. de Asis has built more than three decades
talk to people from different stations—architectural, structural, of trust, but he’s also seen himself grow stronger, smarter, and
electrical, mechanical, building automation, plumbing, sanitary, more compassionate towards his workers. Because what is
building security system, and future-proofing. Construction integrity anyway but trust directed inwards?
architects are trained to put buildings together.”
Arch. Arnold’s sense of integrity has been fortified by a
With his award, Arch. Arnold hopes to inspire construction number of factors. His courage has been tempered by tackling
architects in the field. “There is a reward in practicing challenges with a mindset of growth and education. He’s kept
architecture for construction purposes,” he says. Arch. Arnold’s good company, maintaining a harmonious relationship with his
success stands as a testament to the tested resolve and partners and employees. And practice? Thirty-five years and
adaptability of the construction architect. Standing shoulder-to- counting. For Arch. Arnold, he will keep his pace—training the
shoulder with other recipients of the Outstanding Professional of younger generation to work hard, be steady, and care for his
the Year award, legends such as Leandro Locsin and Fransisco fellowmen—because he believes that in elevating one another,
Mañosa, Arch. Arnold and DATEM have not just rearranged you build yourself. D+C
October - December 2019
44 Lean Karl Duanan
Top Performing
Schools in the
Using the ALE rankings, which take
into account their performances on the
Architecture Licensure Examination (ALE)
for 2 years (2018-2019), we’ve compiled
a list of the top-performing colleges and
universities in the field. Next Frank Gehrys
and Burj Khalifas, read on: these are the
top performing architecture schools in the
asd It’s no secret that those who tread the narrow path make
it to the other side as stronger and highly disciplined people.
That’s why despite the rigorous training and discipline required of
Architecture (for some, because of it) choosing a career in the field
has always been a wise move.
In 2000, the UST College of Architecture was awarded by the Commission Nestled in the Queen City of The South (Cebu), this university
on Higher Education as a Center of Excellence. The college offers a five-year provides both baccalaureate and graduate programs in Architecture.
program in Architecture wherein students, on their third year, will choose USC has eight (8) Centers of Excellence and twelve (12) Centers of
their specialization track under the following areas: Heritage Conservation, Development recognition from the Commission on Higher Education
Environmental Management Planning, and Landscape Architecture. (CHED).
Its list of alumni includes several National Artists of the Philippines for Aside from these, the university’s recent feats include taking the
Architecture like Francisco Mañosa who is known for designing the Coconut 5th spot in ALE rankings with an 80.82 percent weighted passing rate
Palace. from its 59 passers out of 73 examinees this year.
Despite not being on top of the ALE rankings, UST still has made
remarkable feats in the licensure board consistently producing board
topnotchers. Ranking fourth this year, UST garnered a 87.42 percent weighted
passing rate from its 278 successful examinees out of 318.
UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES-DILIMAN Mapua Institute of Technology is also prominent for its Architecture
programs. Mapua’s School of Architecture, Industrial Design, and Built
A total of 3,224 out of 5,162 examinees passed the architect licensure Environment offers degrees in BS Architecture, BS Industrial Design
examinations held in January and June this year. The weighted national and the BS Interior Design. Mapua ranked sixth place in ALE this year,
passing rate for 2018 was 62.46 percent. with an 84.21 percent weighted passing rate from its 80 successful
examinees out of 95.
UP has consistently producing board topnotchers. In the January
2018 ALE, UP set a 100% passing rate (30 passers out of 30 examinees); as The school also has its long list of notable graduates who
well as 97.87% in the June 2018 board (46 passers out of 47 examinees). At made their names in various industries including renowned
present, the UP College of Architecture offers undergraduate and graduate commercial architect like William Coscolluela and National Artist for
programs in Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Architecture Pablo Antonio.
words images
46 Jayzieth P. Garcia Menarco Team
Chairman of Menarco Development Corporation
A Greener Future
For Pasig City
Pasig City Mayor Vico Sotto and Ar. Lui Daya-Garcia; Founder of GRASS
With the signing of the said projects’ MOA, GRASS’ goal about 8 hectares and would be ecologically viable for the
is to establish a timeline for planning, implementation, proposed biodiverse reforestation.’’ Mayor Sotto said.
monitoring, and maintenance of the Pasig City’s Biodiverse
Urban Reforestation project; create a technical working Pasig City undertook the project in adherence to the
group for the proper design of the site development; country’s commitment to global climate resilience action
identify roles, partnership and collaboration with and sustainable development goals; Mayor Sotto added.
institutions; identify types and source of seedlings Hence, If the application and strategies of implementation
and lastly, to execute and launch Biodiverse Urban for reforestation are successful, it may be used as a
Reforestation in the City. GRASS should create a 3-year template for other cities. With it, is a potential replication
plan that would involve creation of standards modules and and application of template to the remaining areas of East
policies to achieve its full potential to bring sustainability and West Manggahan Riverbanks with a total approximate
to the people. GRASS will also conduct a series of Action sixe of forty (40) hectares.
Programs, from initial discussion to implementation and
monitoring that would require necessary updates and On the other hand, Mayor Sotto also tasked LDG-
follow-up events. GRASS to help the strategize and provide solutions for the
Ortigas Center area — Pasig City’s Central Business District
As stated in the MOA, Mayor Vico Sotto said that as the as they aspire for Ortigas to become a walkable city to help
new mayor of Pasig, he is obligated by his people to resolve ease traffic congestion and become noise and air pollution-
existing challenges, one of which is to address the issues of free. This also includes a mandate to maximize the use
climate change. of the Municipality’s Hall’s roof garden as it is currently
undergoing rehabilitation. Finally, the improvement of
“GRASS, a fresh new organization comprised of notable Pasig Rainforest Park, also known as the RAVE Park for
professionals and influential in their fields of expertise are sustainable development which will provide better air
all raring to act on climate change to make a difference quality of the City of Pasig as a biodiverse forest.
by providing green and sustainable solutions.” I have
proposed for them on the reforestation of the East bank Thus, the Pasiguenos can now look forward to a greener
of Manggahan Floodway. This was one of the first clearing and sustainable future brought about the partnership of
operations that our City Government undertook. It is the Pasig City government and GRASS. D+C
Tel. No.: (632) 294-1238, 294-1528, 294-1092, 294-1665
Fax No.: (632) 330-0452
words images
54 Jayzieth P. Garcia Human Rights Violations Victims’ Memorial Commission (HRVVMC)
The said law reserved a PHP 500 Million budget for the museum
all acquired from the PHP 10 Billion ill-gotten wealth of Marcos’ deprived
in favor of the Philippine Government.
The team of Mark Anthony Pait, Wendell Crispo, and Mark Angelo
Bonita, came up with the idea to design a structure that is inspired by
a and clenched fist most apt for a museum to rise within the University
of the Philippines Diliman Campus where the series of demonstration
against the Marcos’ dictatorship escalated into the first quarter chaos
during the 1970’s. The team took home the PHP 1 Million grand prize for
designing the winning entry dubbed as “Fall of Brutal.”
WIKA used integrated BIM technology to reduce project risks and achieve the tight reconstruction schedule
Months before the annual Indonesian effective landslide protection while initiating
Homecoming Festival which symbolizes reconstruction and preventive measures on a
the end of Ramadan in West Java last year, a 407-meter-long stretch of the roadway.
catastrophic landslide devastated the road
WIKA’s main goal is to between Bogor and Cianjur, worsening the Bentley’s integrated BIM technology
PT. Wijaya Karya
Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia
- To provide a feasibility study for the reconstruction of a landslide-
affected major thoroughfare in West Java.
- To implement a 3D digital BIM strategy for design and construction
- To optimize efficiencies to reduce project design schedule, on-site
risks, and overall costs. WIKA’s main goal is to provide a feasibility study for the
reconstruction of a landslide-affected major thoroughfare in West
PRODUCTS USED Java and to implement a 3D digital BIM strategy for design and
Open Buildings Designer, ContextCapture, gINT, LumenRT, Navigator, construction management. In addition, WIKA also targets to optimize
OpenRoads, PLAXIS, ProjectWise, ProStructures efficiencies to reduce project design schedule, on-site risks, and
overall costs.
- A catastrophic landslide devastated a 407-meter major roadway in According to the Case study provided by Bentley Systems,
West Java, Indonesia. restoring and improving a devastated, landslide-impacted roadway
- WIKA implemented a 3D digital BIM solution to restore and improve the that is part of the National Highway system of Indonesia and links
roadway within a tight five-month schedule. two heavily populated areas was a monumental task for WIKA
- The team used Bentley’s integrated applications to establish a considering that the company had to perform the task within a
connected data environment for data capture, design, and construction limited and tight time frame.
Nonetheless, this only proves to the indonesian government
ROI that WIKA is more than capable of delivering extremely critical
- WIKA performed data capture and modeled existing site conditions in projects and that the implementation and application of a digital
one day with ContextCapture and aerial drones. approach using Bentley’s technology is an affirmation that Future
- Providing a digitally integrated modeling environment saved USD Digitization will drive society into its success. D+C
660,000 in design costs.
- WIKA reduced design time by up to 20 percent using ProjectWise to
streamline workflows and share information.
October - December 2018
Trends + Stories
Union Global
October - December 2018
Trends + Stories
Union Global
Union Global
October - December 2018
Trends + Stories
words + images
68 REKA Interiors Exhibition
More eXcitement
With RiX! Targeting 7,500 visitors with an increased
30 per cent exhibition space with 130 stands
• RiX 20x20
• RiX Talks
Casas+Architects discusses why it matters
in design and construction
As the call for more initiatives to combat climate change has become more urgent, sustainable
Being one of the multi-awarded architectural firms in the country, their thrust towards
through sustainable
promoting sustainability with their projects is what defines their work and differentiates them
from the rest. Since 2008, they helped in forming the Manila skyline, completing notable
structures such as the Grand Hyatt/Metrobank Center, Pacific Plaza, Icon Residences, and
Maybank Performing Arts Center, among others.
October - December 2019
Industry News
Today, they are expanding their operations to the Visayas with the design of one of
its newest premium ‘green’ buildings, JEG Tower @ One Acacia. Architect Meloy
has translated JEG Development Corporation (JDC)’s vision of making Cebu City
more livable.
Driven to push forward this initiative to become the new standard, JDC
specifically partnered with Casas+Architects to design this 22-floor tower towards
sustainability, using environment-friendly materials and would operationalize as
energy efficient as possible. It is also one of the first buildings in the Cebu business
park to be LEED pre-certified.
“Architect Meloy was very active in the initial design stages of the building
and has continued to be very present throughout the whole process,” Garcia
“The building design is the most important factor in achieving points for
LEED certification,” Michael Glindro, Senior Manager for Landlord Representation
of KMC said. “It is critical to have all stakeholders and design team members to
plan and coordinate the design properly to build a truly green and sustainable
building,” he added.
KMC handles all the sale and leasing transactions for JEG Tower @ One
Acacia, which is set to be completed early next year.
“If we are building something, we are doing it the best way possible,” Ayla
Gomez, JDC’s brand manager added.
“Early on in the design phase, he encouraged us to dream big and not to think
‘Green’ buildings are more costly to build and operate, however, this is
too much of the financial impact,” Sarmiento shared. “Some of the early designs
Casas+Architects and JDC’s investment to a better future for the environment.
were contrasting with what we eventually decided on, which made the process fun
and engaging.”
“We’re doing this not with the cost in mind,” Marko Sarmiento, JDC’s COO
stated. “The ‘green’ movement in the real estate industry has so much potential,
and I think the Cebuanos can benefit from it,” he said.
Architect Meloy Casas made a name for himself in the industry as a man
with boundless passion and dedication for his craft. His eye for architecture and his
ability to see beyond the essence of his design is what makes him one of the most
trusted names in the industry.
“JDC always desires to work with people at the forefront of the industry,
matching the visionary ideals we hold to make Cebu a better place in which to live,”
Garcia stated. “Casas+Architects’ high-skilled workforce and use of technology
married well with our vision, and it hard for us to imagine what it would be like with
a less expert firm.”
Bentley Systems to
Host Infrastructure
October - December 2019
Industry News
Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading global provider Dr. Ayesha Khanna, co-founder and CEO of ADDO AI, an
of comprehensive software solutions and digital twin cloud artificial intelligence (AI) advisory firm headquartered in Singapore,
services for advancing the design, construction, and operations of is one of the guest keynote speakers for this year's conference.
infrastructure will host its Year in Infrastructure 2019 Conference Dr. Khanna has been a strategic advisor on artificial intelligence,
and awards ceremony at one of the most iconic buildings in Asia, smart cities, and fintech to clients including SMRT, SOMPO, and
the Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre in Singapore. Smart Dubai. She was also named one of South East Asia's
Advancing BIM through Digital Twins is the theme of this year's groundbreaking female entrepreneurs by Forbes magazine in
conference, which takes place October 21 through 24. 2018.
The Year in Infrastructure Conference is an annual Keith Clarke, chairman of the board for UK-based Forum
global gathering of leading executives of infrastructure design, for the Future, is the other featured guest keynote speaker. Clarke
construction, and operations focused on best practices and is a chartered architect with more than 40 years of experience
technologies for going digital. This year's conference features in construction and engineering and was formerly the chief
nearly 100 speakers and more than 150 informative sessions executive of the global engineering and design consultancy
including keynotes by leading industry experts, user success firm, Atkins. He is a non-executive director for Sirius Minerals
stories, interactive workshops, panel discussions, and technology plc, chair of Future Cities Catapult and Tidal Lagoon Power plc,
demonstrations. vice president of the Institute of Civil Engineers, patron of the
October - December 2019
Industry News
Environmental Industries Commission at Oxford, and has honorary fellowships from the
Royal Academy of Engineering, the Institution of Structural Engineers, and Cardiff University.
He is also visiting professor for sustainable design at Aston University.
Attendees will hear from other industry thought leaders and learn about technologies
and best practices that are shaping the future of infrastructure delivery and operations.
Speakers from Bentley's strategic partner organizations, including Microsoft, Siemens, and
Topcon will participate in technology demonstrations, presentations, and discussions on
numerous topics.
New to this year's conference are ACCELERATE sessions led by Bentley's application
experts. Featuring more than 20 topics, the sessions give infrastructure experts exclusive
insights into how their organizations can master the latest enhancements and key
capabilities of Bentley applications to help drive efficiency through multidiscipline workflows.
Attendees can learn best practices through Academies Day sessions led by
industry experts. Academies Day features six sessions: digital advancement, construction,
constructioneering, research, reality modeling, and process industries. The academies
team will also conduct live, interactive sessions in the Technology Pavilion throughout the
that the extraordinary In addition, the 2019 finalists in Bentley's Year in Infrastructure Awards program will
present their projects during industry-focused forums -- Buildings and Campuses, Digital
Marina Bay Sands Cities, Industrial Infrastructure, Rail and Transit, Roads and Bridges, and Energy and Water
designed by Arup using Chris Barron, chief communications officer for Bentley Systems, said, "We're pleased
Bentley software and is a to be hosting our Year in Infrastructure conference and awards gala in Singapore again this
year. Singapore is a leader in innovative use of technology for the delivery and operations
spectacular example of of infrastructure and was named a Smart City in 2018, so it is a fitting and inspirational
location to host an event that explores the innovations and best practices of technology
excellence in structural use for outstanding infrastructure projects around the world. And we're proud to note that
JEG Development Corporation (JDC) is leading the way toward building a greener, more sustainable Cebu. Its young leadership team is composed of (L-R): Estate and Business
Development Manager Stefan Garcia; Brand Manager Ayla Gomez; and Chief Operating Officer Marko Sarmiento.
to experience the
growth of Cebu. projects around the aspirations and future needs of
the people. They envision their properties to usher
“We are a young and dynamic player in Cebu’s in a new standard of living for the community.
right at home.”
in property development is a long-term strategy for
Apart from its flagship project in green JDC. We believe that starting with the JEG Tower
buildings, the JEG Tower @ One Acacia, the @ One Acacia, we can reduce in operating costs
company has earlier ventured into residential and through its efficient resource management. It
commercial spaces. would also result to increased worker productivity
and an overall positive impact on the health and
“Our work at JDC reflects our pride as well-being of our prospective occupants,” he
Cebuanos and at the same time, building with the shared.
UAP Design
In line with the 45th Founding Anniversary of United Architects of the
Philippines, National President Arch. Benjanmin K. Panganiban Jr. revived the
UAP Design Excellence Award during his first term as National President last
fiscal year 2018-2019.
Appointing the Chair of UAP Competitions, The winning projects will be promoted as total of two projects in all category, all materials
Arch. Randel Leona as Chair of UAP Committee premier examples of design excellence in the included in submissions must be cleared for public
on Design Excellence Award together with Deputy country through exhibits and presentations at reproduction. Only the Architect-of-Record (AoR)
Chair Arch. Kristine Mae Sanao, they planned and conferences and public events. There will be 5 can join. In cases where the AoR credits the design
finalized the guidelines for one fiscal year and this winning projects for this award with one on each to another architect, he/she must indicate this
current year, second term of Arch. Panganiban as category; in the Nomination Form and sign the form. Only
National President they will launch the Design architects can be credited by the AoR.
Excellence Award on October 2019, during the World (A) Residential Architecture: Apartments,
Day of Architecture celebration. Condominiums, or Townhouses; Single-family What are the submission requirements?
detached houses are ineligible for submission; Complete submission for each project includes the
The UAP Design Excellence Awards were following:
established to encourage and recognize excellence (B) Commercial and Industrial Architecture:
in the architectural design, to increase public Buildings use by business, Plants, Aircraft Hangars 1. Completion of the following forms:
awareness for the potential of the built environment and the like;
in leading to greater quality of life, economic Nomination Forms which will be available at
opportunity, and environment sustainability through (C) Institutional Architecture: Buildings use UAP Headquarters and downloadable at the DEA
physical design, and to honor the architects, owners for cultural, educational, healthcare, religious and website.
and builders of significant architectural projects government.
that exemplify the best of quality, innovation and a. Concealed Identity Form
collaboration in the profession. (D) Complex-Type Architecture: Resorts, b. Owner Permission Form
Sports recreational village, Condominiums, Airport
c. Photographer Release Form
The Design Excellence Award recognizes an and the like.
exceptional design in the country that enhances the
public realm and promotes a stronger community (E) Special Award: People’s Choice 2. Attachment of the following documents:
through design. It seeks to identify achievements for
a broad range of architectural activity to elevate the Who can join this prestigious award? a. Photocopy of Annual Membership
general quality of architectural practice, establish a Any UAP member in good standing on or before Certificate as proof of good standing
standard of excellence against which all architects September 30, 2019, who designed an actual,
b. Photocopy of Professional Identification
can measure performance and inform the public of physically built projects worldwide. Projects, both
Card issued by the PRBOA
the breadth and value of architecture practice. This public and private, built in the past 3 to 15 years
award will show how great design contributes to and are currently occupied and in use. Eligible c. NBI Clearance
the community in terms of character, identity, and projects shall be those completed from December
d. Photocopy of the building permit, or
economic value. 2004 to December 2016. An architect can submit
equivalent in foreign countries
only one project per category and a maximum
October - December 2019
Industry News
The Design Excellence Award recognizes an exceptional design in the country that
enhances the public realm and promotes a stronger community through design.