The document is a biology test answer key from SRI Vignesh Vidylaya Senior Secondary School regarding DNA structure and replication. It contains:
1) Explanations of the contributions of Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin, and Erwin Chargaff to proposing the double helix model of DNA.
2) A description of how histones organize to form nucleosomes and wrap DNA.
3) Details about the complementary base pairing and antiparallel nature of the two DNA strands.
4) The conclusion from Meselson and Stahl's experiment that DNA replication is semi-conservative, with one parental strand and one newly synthesized strand.
The document is a biology test answer key from SRI Vignesh Vidylaya Senior Secondary School regarding DNA structure and replication. It contains:
1) Explanations of the contributions of Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin, and Erwin Chargaff to proposing the double helix model of DNA.
2) A description of how histones organize to form nucleosomes and wrap DNA.
3) Details about the complementary base pairing and antiparallel nature of the two DNA strands.
4) The conclusion from Meselson and Stahl's experiment that DNA replication is semi-conservative, with one parental strand and one newly synthesized strand.
The document is a biology test answer key from SRI Vignesh Vidylaya Senior Secondary School regarding DNA structure and replication. It contains:
1) Explanations of the contributions of Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin, and Erwin Chargaff to proposing the double helix model of DNA.
2) A description of how histones organize to form nucleosomes and wrap DNA.
3) Details about the complementary base pairing and antiparallel nature of the two DNA strands.
4) The conclusion from Meselson and Stahl's experiment that DNA replication is semi-conservative, with one parental strand and one newly synthesized strand.
The document is a biology test answer key from SRI Vignesh Vidylaya Senior Secondary School regarding DNA structure and replication. It contains:
1) Explanations of the contributions of Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin, and Erwin Chargaff to proposing the double helix model of DNA.
2) A description of how histones organize to form nucleosomes and wrap DNA.
3) Details about the complementary base pairing and antiparallel nature of the two DNA strands.
4) The conclusion from Meselson and Stahl's experiment that DNA replication is semi-conservative, with one parental strand and one newly synthesized strand.
SLIP TEST-5 (2023-2024)
STD: XII ANSWER KEY Marks:20 SUB: BIOLOGY (044) Time:40 mnts ___________________________________________________________________ SECTION A 8X2=16 1.Mention the contributions of the following scientists in the proposal of double-helical model of DNA. a)Mourice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin b)Erwin chargaff. Ans:a) provided the x ray diffraction data of DNA,that helped Watson and Crick to propose double helix model of DNA. b)the ratio between the adenine and thymine and between the guanine and cytosine are constant and equal to one. 2.Explain the role of histones in forming a nucleosome. Ans:Histones are positively charged proteins with basic amino acid residues ,lysine and arginine. Histones are organized to form a unit of eight molecules called histone octamer. [1 mark] The negatively charged DNA wraps around the positively charged histone octamer to form nucleosomes. [1 Mark] 3.Explain the following salient features of a DNA molecule: a) Complementary of base pairs of its two chains b)Antiparallel polarity of the two chains. Ans:a) Complementarity of the base pairs : Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Thymine(T), and Cytosine (C) are the four bases in a DNA molecule, 'A' always pairs with 'T' with the help of two hydrogen atoms bonds, 'G' always pairs with 'C' with the help of three hydrogen bonds. (b) It means if one chain has polarity 5' → 3' the other has 3' → 5', a polymer thus formed has at one end a free phosphate moiety at 5' of deoxyribose sugar (5' end of the polynucleotide chain), at the other end of the polymer the deoxyribose sugar has a free 3OH (3' end of polynucleotide chain) 4.Name indicating their functions,a few additional enzymes,other than DNA polymerase and ligase,that are involved in the replication of DNA with high degree of processivity and accuracy. Ans:helicase-open the helix Topoisomerase-removes the supercoiling of DNA relives the tension due to unwinding. Primase-synthesis RNA primer Telomerase-to synthesis the DNA of telomeric end of chromosomes. 5.The base sequence of one strand of DNA is TACTAGGAT. a)Write its complementary strand. b)What is the distance maintained between the two consecutive pairs of bases in the DNA molecule. c)Who contributed the base complementary rule? ANS:a)ATGATCCT b)3.4 A / 0.34 nm c)Erwin chargaff 6.Show DNA replication with the help of a diagram only.
7.Complete the blanks a, b, c and d on the basis of Frederick Griffith Experiment.
S Strain →→ inject into mice →→ (a) R strain →→ inject into mice →→ (b) S strain (heat killed) →→ inject into mice →→ (c) S strain (heat killed) + R strain (live) →→ inject into mice →→ (d) Ans.(a) Mice die (b) mice live (c) mice live (d) mice die 8.State the 4 criteria which a molecule must fulfill to act as a genetic material. Ans.(i) It should be able to generate its replica. (ii) Should be chemically and structurally stable. (iii) Should be able to express itself in the form of Mendelian characters. (iv) Should provide the scope for slow changes (mutations) that are necessary for evolution. SECTION B 4X1=4 1.Answer the following questions based on Meselson and Stahl’s experiment on E.coli. (i) Write the name of the chemical substance used as the only source of nitrogen in the experiment. (ii) Why did they allow the synthesis of the light and the heavy DNA molecules in the organism? (iii) How did they distinguish the heavy DNA molecules from the light DNA molecules? (iv) Write the conclusion the scientists arrived at, at the end of the experiment. Answer: (i) NH4Cl (Ammonium chloride) with N14 atom. (ii) It is to show that after one generation E. coli with 15N -DNA in a medium of 14N, has DNA of intermediate density between the light and heavy DNAs. It shows that of the two strands, only one strand is synthesised newly, using the 14N-nitrogen source in the medium. (iii) The heavy and light DNA molecules can be differentiated by centrifugation in a cesium chloride (CsCl) density gradient. The 15N -DNA was heavier than 14N -DNA and the hybrid 15N – 14N -DNA was intermediate between the two newly form DNA strands. (iv) Scientists concluded that the DNA replication is semi-conservative, i.e. of the two strands of DNA, one is the parental strand, while the other is newly synthesised.