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ICPAPSS UserManual v34

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version 3.4
System Overview 5
Technical Specifications 5
Data Processing and Flow 6

1.1 Minimum System Specifications 7
1.2 Recommended System Specifications 7
1.3 Installing the application 9
1.4 Initial Configuration 10
1.5 Logging in 10

2.1 Configuring database 11
2.2 Creating an administrator account 13
2.3 Identifying country and labels 14
2.4 Validating existing locations 15

3.1 System interface familiarization 21
3.2 Accessing user menu 22

4.1 Accessing data migration 23
4.2 Importing data 23
4.3 Exporting database 24

5.2.1 Products layout 27
5.2.2 Product availability and importance 28
5.2.3 Product frequency 28
5.2.4 Updating multiple products 29
5.2.5 Downloading product templates 30
5.2.6 Features of a product template 31

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 2

5.2.7 Uploading a product template 33
5.2.8 Downloading the product catalogue 34

5.3 OUTLETS 35
5.3.1 Outlets layout 35
5.3.2 Adding an outlet 36
5.3.3 Editing an outlet 37
5.3.4 Deleting Outlets 37
5.3.5 Downloading an outlet template 38
5.3.6 Features of an outlet template 39
5.3.7 Uploading the outlet template 41

5.4 MAPPING 42
5.4.1 Selecting an outlet 42
5.4.2 Mapping available products 43
5.4.3 Downloading the mapping template 44
5.4.4 Using the mapping template 44
5.4.5 Uploading the mapping template 46


5.5.1 Survey questionnaire page layout 47
5.5.2 Downloading survey questionnaire 48
5.5.3 Using the survey questionnaire 49
5.5.4 Uploading survey questionnaire 50


5.6.1 Data entry using system interface 51
5.6.2 Downloading quotation template 57
5.6.3 Using the quotation template 58
5.6.4 Uploading the quotation template 59


5.7.1 Validation formulas, parameters, and reports 60
5.7.2 Data validation features 61
5.7.3 Per-product data validation 62

5.8 REPORTS 63

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 3

6.2.1 Products Layout 66
6.2.2 Product Availability 67
6.2.3 Product Relevance 67
6.2.4 Updating Multiple Products 68
6.2.5 Downloading product templates 69
6.2.6 Features of a product template 70
6.2.7 Uploading a product template 71
6.2.8 Downloading the product catalogue 72
6.2.9 Proceeding to Data Entry 72


6.3.1 Data Entry Layout 73
6.3.2 Downloading the Data Entry Excel Template 74
6.3.4 Features of the Data Entry Excel Template 76


6.4.1 Validation formulas, parameters, and reports 77
6.4.2 Data validation features 78
6.4.3 Per-product data validation 79

6.5 REPORTS 80
7.1 Missing vcruntime140.dll issue 87
7.2 Bad vcruntime140.dll image 87
7.3 Determining your computer specifications 88
7.4 Consolidating data from different geographical locations 88

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 4

System Overview
The International Comparison Program Asia and the Pacific Software Suite (ICP APSS) is a
system designed to effectively manage data collection and aid in the analysis of price data.
The ICP APSS standardizes data validation rules and allows processing of data from
multiple geographical locations to consolidate encoded data into a single database ready
for analysis.

The enhanced version of ICP APSS derives major features and functions from the previous
version used in 2011 and 2017 while leveraging modern technologies to improve usability.
Specifically, the new version addresses compatibility issues and accommodates the data
processing requirements of the 2020 ICP.

By making it easier to encode and access statistical information about prices, the ICP APSS
contributes to the formulation of evidence-based policies and program administration.

Technical Specifications
The primary architectural requirements for the tool is that it is compatible with various
operating systems, capable of offline data processing with the possibility of online
integration in the near future, and highly compatible with Microsoft Excel. The primary
users of the application are statisticians and data encoders from member countries
participating in ICP.

The web application was built with PHP version 7.1, an open-source web scripting language.
Data is stored in a local SQLite database, also open source. The user interface is primarily
developed in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. The application also employs components from
standard and commonly accepted frameworks and libraries such as Laravel for PHP,
Bootstrap for CSS, and jQuery for Javascript. PHP dependencies are managed via the
Composer package manager. The application uses Apache version 2.4 as the web server but
will be able to run on any web server that supports PHP 7 and has a SQLite database.

The entire application is packaged into an executable (.exe) file which allows the user to
install the web server and corresponding components into specified directories using
Windows shell scripts through a Windows packaging tool called NSIS installer. Once
installed, the application can then be run by through a Windows desktop shortcut. The
application code uses Git version control, and all commits are archived in a designated
repository available to the ADB ICP team.

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 5

Data Processing and Flow
To facilitate data processing, the ICP APSS was built with a minimal design approach to
aid users in quick familiarization of the key components of the system. Comprehensive
data validation checks have been embedded to ensure data consistency and quality. The
Microsoft Excel-based templates are password protected and validated to ensure users
input information only where they are required to. The flow of information is described
in the data flow diagram shown below:

PRODUCTS Product availability, importance

and frequency of collection are

OUTLETS Outlets and locations are identified

Identified products are mapped

to outlets where prices will be

Questionnaires for price collectors are
generated based on mappings

DATA ENTRY Price data is uploaded or encoded ICP

Data is validated and analyzed
according to defined parameters

REPORTS Preconfigured reports are generated

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 6

1.1 Minimum System Specifications
The ICP APSS web application will run on computers that meet the minimum specifications
listed in table 1 below.

Table 1: Minimum system specifications

Component Specifications
Processor 2 GHz x86-bit or x64-bit processor
Memory 2 GB
Storage At least 300 MB disk space available
Graphics Integrated HD graphics
Operating System Windows 7
Software Microsoft Office 2007

1.2 Recommended System Specifications

The ICP APSS web application will run best on any computer that at least meet the
specifications described in table 2 below.

Table 2: Recommended system specifications

Component Specifications
Processor 3 GHz or faster x86-bit or x64-bit processor
Memory 8 GB
Storage At least 4 GB of disk space available
Graphics Integrated HD graphics
Operating System Windows 7, 8, 10
Software Microsoft Office 2016

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 7

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 8
1.3 Installing the application

Open the ICPAPSS2020_Installer.exe file
then click on the Install button

Once the installation is complete
click on the Start ICP APSS or Finish button Image: ICP APSS installer screen

STEP 3 (optional)
To start the application, go to the
C:/ICPAPSS2020 folder in your computer and
click on the ICPAPSS Launcher icon to start the

Some systems may require you to confirm that
the application is not harmful, as
indicated in the image below.

You will need to click Run anyway to

proceed with the installation, as indicated
on the image on the right. Rest assured,
this application is not harmful to your

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 9

1.4 Initial Configuration
Upon launching the system for the first time, users will be prompted to configure
the system (described further in section 2).

Image: Initial configuration screen

1.5 Logging in
If the system was already properly configured, user will see a login screen where they will be
able to enter their account details to log in.

Image: Login screen of ICP APSS 2020

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 10

To aid in the system configuration process, the system has been pre-loaded with location labels,
codes, and names based on submitted 2011 and 2017 ICP data. It is crucial that the pre-loaded
data be validated to ensure location data is still up-to-date. The steps below describe how to go
through the entire configuration process and validate this data and make changes, if necessary.

2.1 Configuring database

The database path specifies the file location where the ICP APSS reads or writes ICP data. This
means all the records and data are saved on the chosen SQLite database.

For individual users who wish to keep their data private and save all data on their own computer
only, this does not need to be changed. Clicking the proceed button will take you to the next step.

On the other hand, multiple users may also opt to transfer the database into a shared local
network drive, so that multiple users can connect to the same database and benefit from shared
and consolidated ICP data. An overview of steps are outlined below.

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 11

Note: this requires administrators and users to have access to the same shared local network drive. Users
may also request for assistance from respective IT departments.

STEP 1: For system administrator STEP 2: For users

1. Install and open ICP APSS 1. Install and open ICP APSS
2. Click on configure system 2. Click on configure system
3. Create administrator account 3. On the database path field, enter the
4. Identify country and location data correct file location for the local
5. Create user accounts shared network drive database file
6. Close the ICP APSS system (e.g.: G:/sharedfiles/icpapss/
7. Go to the folder ICPDB.sqlite)
C:/ICPAPSS2020/www2/database 4. Click ‘proceed’ to connect to the
8. Copy the ICPDB.sqlite file shared database.
9. Paste the copied ICPDB.sqlite file into
your preferred local shared network
folder (e.g.: G:/sharedfiles/icpapss)
10. Open the ICP APSS system and login to
your account
11. Click on the top right menu, and click on
the ‘system configuration’ option
12. On the database path field, enter the
correct file location for the local shared
network drive database file (e.g.:
G:/sharedfiles/icpapss/ ICPDB.sqlite)
13. Click ‘proceed’ to connect to the shared

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 12

2.2 Creating an administrator account
This step involves the identification of basic personal information to identify and create
an administrator account which serves as a point of contact for any questions or
concerns that may arise from submitted data.

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 13

2.3 Identifying country and labels
This step involves identifying the system’s country and corresponding location labels for
each geographical segregation.

Select country from dropdown list.

Image: Before (left) and after (right) - clicking on the country dropdown box

TIP: Type the name of your country to find it faster

Identify location levels and their
corresponding label names.

Click on the Proceed button Image: Auto-generated location labels

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 14

2.4 Validating existing locations
This step lists locations codes and names based on the country selected in section 2.3.
The user validates existing data and Adds, Edits, or Deletes locations, as necessary.

Note: You can proceed and return to this at a later time even without changing anything

4 1

1 Location search box 4 Functional menu buttons

Can be used to filter locations Used to access functions described
according to search criteria entered in sections 2.4.3

2 Sortable table header 5 Proceed button

Clickable columns which sort by Clicking on this button will complete
ascending or descending order the system configuration

3 Data table
Contains location data listed per row.
Rows can be selected for Edit and
Delete functionality.

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 15

2.4.1 Add Location

When adding geographical locations, it is important to start adding locations following

the hierarchy of larger to smaller location (e.g. start adding regions, then provinces
inside a region, then cities inside provinces).

Click on the Add button

Image: Screenshot of the Add button

Select the level where you want
to add a location to

Image : Selecting the desired location level

Enter a location code and location name

Click on the Save button

Image 11: Entering location code and name

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 16

2.4.2 Edit Location

Click on a row to select location.

Note: The row will be highlighted

with a light blue color once selected.

Image: Screenshot showing color of selected row

Click on the Edit button

Image: Screenshot of the Edit button

Enter changes into the input fields

Click on the Save button

Image: Input fields for editing a location

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 17

2.4.3 Delete Location

Select a location by clicking on the row.
Note: The row will be highlighted with a light blue color once selected.

Image: Screenshot showing color of selected row

Click on the yellow “delete” button

Image: Screenshot of the Delete button

Confirm deletion by clicking on the “OK” button

Image: Screenshot of the delete confirmation window

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 18

2.4.4 Downloading the location template

The downloaded template is an Excel file that can be used to make multiple changes
simultaneously. This can be downloaded by clicking on the Download & Edit button.

Image: Download template button

To enter data in the template, users must input specific location details on each row in
the data entry section. Sample data is provided in the diagram below.

1 Excel template header 2 Data entry section

These cells contain identifying These cells are unlocked to allow
information of the template and the user to input specific location
cannot be edited details

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 19

2.4.5 Uploading the location template

Click on the Upload Data button

Image: Upload template button

Locate and select the locations
template from your system

Note: This varies depending on where

you save downloaded files but this is
usually located in your “Downloads”

Image: Template file selection

Wait for the system to finish uploading

Note: The upload time may vary depending

on the number of rows uploaded. The greater
the number of rows, the longer it may take

Image: Template upload loading screen

TIP: You can clear the entire location table by uploading a blank template

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 20

3.1 System interface familiarization
1 2 3

Image: Basic system layout

1 ICP APSS Logo and Home button 4 Main menu

Clicking this button will direct users to This is the menu used to navigate
the dashboard page. throughout the system.

2 System category menu 5 Page content

Click to switch ICP product categories. Content display varies depending
Currently, only the Household system on the selected menu icon. Above
is active. shows Household Dashboard.

3 User account menu

Used to access different system
functionalities (see section 3.2)

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 21

3.2 Accessing user menu
Access account details and change password

Download the most updated version of
this system’s user manual

Manage user accounts and roles

Upload databases from the previous system Accessing the user menu
(see section 4)

Access the system configuration page
(see section 2)

Contains transactions or events that are logged
by the operating system components

Used to log out of the system and require the user
to enter a password before being able to use the
system again

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 22

The data migration page is where users can upload/download database files generated from
previous and latest versions of the ICP APSS. This section describes the process of uploading data.

4.1 Accessing data migration

The data migration module can be accessed by clicking
the top menu on the upper right-hand side of the screen,
and clicking on Data Migration

4.2 Importing data

The database file in this context refers to the system generated Excel file from the previous ICP
APSS system. Please “save the file as” .XLSX format. The database file will overwrite data for
the Products, Outlets, and Outlet-Product Mapping databases. A screenshot of the said Excel
database file is shown in the figure below.

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4.3 Exporting database
The ICP APSS database file in .sqlite can be
exported through the data migration page. The
exported database file can be used to backup
the existing database or to re-upload it on
another computer.

During the export process, the outlet name

and outlet address fields can be anonymized
by ticking the Anonymize Outlets checkbox
as shown in the screenshot to the right.

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ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 25

The dashboard is the first page users see upon logging in. It displays a summary of data already
encoded into the system. The image below displays the basic features of the dashboard page.

1 3 5

2 4

1 Products chart 4 Database summary

Displays the total number of Displays summary statistics for
products, as well as its availability, available products and outlets
importance and frequency

2 Outlets chart 5 Software version

Displays the total number of outlets Displays the software version and
as well as how many outlets already contact details of system
have products mapped administrator

3 Quotations chart 6 System log

Displays the total number of Displays the events that are
products available in all outlets and logged by the operating system
which already have quotations components.

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 26

The products page displays data on a national level and allows users to identify and edit product
availability, importance, and frequency of collection. This section describes the features and
functions of the products page.

5.2.1 Products layout

2 4

6 5

1 Product classification filters 4 Data column headers

Filter the content of the data table Sorts column content in ascending
based on different parameters or descending order

2 Excel template buttons 5 Data table

Used to download or upload the Displays records of the product
product template. See section 8.5 database per row

3 Product updates box 6 CPI – ICP tagging

Contains product update buttons, Used to tag items as either CPI or
can be used to update products ICP

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 27

5.2.2 Product availability and importance
The availability and importance of a product can be viewed in the AV column of the data
table. Each product’s availability can be toggled between three states:
0 - Not available, 1 - Available and Important, and 2 - Available but less important.
To change a product’s availability, simply click on the downwards arrow (  ) found in the
AV column.

Image : Updating product availability

5.2.3 Product frequency

The frequency of a product can be viewed in the Freq. column of the data table. Each
product’s frequency can be selected from the following list:

Table 4: Product frequency codes and labels

Code Label
A Annually
S Semi-Annually
Q Quarterly
M Monthly

Image: Updating product frequency

To change a product’s frequency, click on the downwards arrow (  ) found in the

frequency column (see image above).

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 28

5.2.4 Updating multiple products
Multiple products and corresponding details can be updated simultaneously to
speed up the encoding process. Simply click on multiple rows to display the
multiple product toolbar described in the diagram below.

Image: Updating product frequency

1 Selected rows 3 Frequency update

Displays the number of rows Selecting frequency codes (see
selected. section 6.3) will change the
frequency of selected products

2 Availability update
Selecting availability codes (see
section 6.2) will change the
availability of all selected products

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 29

5.2.5 Downloading product templates
The product template is an Excel file that can be used to make multiple changes to
products simultaneously. The product template can be downloaded in two (2) formats
which are described below.

1. Download template with data – Downloads a template file with a list of products
and values for availability and frequency based on what is encoded in the system.
2. Download product catalog – Downloads the product catalog which contains
products and corresponding specifications.

To select and download any of these template types, click on the Download button then
select your preferred product template option.

Image: Select “Download template with data” button

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 30

5.2.6 Features of a product template
To enter data in the template, users must input product details (Availability, Frequency)
on each row in the columns described in the diagram shown below.

3 5

1 Excel template header 2 Product Details

These cells contain identifying These cells contain product details
information of the template and for reference and are locked to
cannot be edited editing

3 Availability Column 4 Frequency Column

These cells specify the availability of a These cells specify the frequency of
product. These cells accept only inputs a product. These cells accept only
listed on the template header. inputs listed on the template
5 Tagging Column
These cells specify the tagging of a
product. These cells accept either CPI
or ICP tagging.

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 31

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 32
5.2.7 Uploading a product template

Click on the Upload button
Image: Upload button

Locate and select the product
template from your system

Note: This varies depending on where

you save downloaded files but this is
usually located in your “Downloads”

Image: Template file selection

Wait for the system to finish uploading

Note: The upload time may vary depending

on the number of rows uploaded. The greater
the number of rows, the longer it may take

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 33

5.2.8 Downloading the product catalogue
The product catalogue contains details for each product by basic heading and contains
details specified below.

• Product Code
• Product Name
• Structured Product Descriptions
• List Group
• Image

To download the product catalogue, click on the Download button then select your
Download product catalogue.

Image : Select “Download product catalogue” button

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 34

The outlets page displays all outlet information on a national level and allows users to Add, Edit,
or Delete outlets. This section describes the features and functions of the outlets page.

5.3.1 Outlets layout

3 5

2 6

1 Search box 4 Outlet buttons

Used to search all columns of the Opens the Edit or Delete windows.
data table for matching records See section 7.3.

2 Outlet filters 5 Data column headers

Allows the user to filter content of Sorts column content in ascending
the data table based on location or descending order

3 Template buttons 6 Data table

Used to download or upload the Displays records of the outlets
outlet template. See section 7.5 database

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 35

5.3.2 Adding an outlet

Enter the outlet information in the
data fields provided

Image : Selecting specific location

Click on the Save Outlet button

Image : The Add outlet button

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 36

5.3.3 Editing an outlet

Click on the edit icon on the left
side of a row for a specified outlet.

Image: Selecting an outlet

Enter the outlet information in the
data fields provided

Click on the Save Outlet button

Image: Entering outlet information

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 37

5.3.4 Deleting Outlets

Click on the delete icon on the left
side of a specified row

Image: Selecting an outlet

Note: Before deleting an outlet,
please make sure that the outlet
is no longer needed and has no other
mappings or quotations

To confirm the deletion,
click on the Yes button

Image: Confirming the deletion

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 38

5.3.5 Downloading an outlet template
The outlet template is an Excel file that can be used to make multiple changes to outlets
simultaneously. The outlet template can be downloaded in a single format which is
described below.

Download template with data – Downloads a template file with column headers
including rows with actual data based on what is already encoded in the system.

To download this template, click on the Download button.

Image 41: Download template button

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 39

5.3.6 Features of an outlet template

1 Excel template header 2 Location details

These cells contain identifying These cells are unlocked to allow
information of the template and input of specific location codes.
cannot be edited Accepted values are:

Location level 2: 1 to 99
Location levels 3-4: 0 to 99
Location level 5: 0 to 999

3 Outlet details 4 Outlet Location Types

These cells are unlocked to allow input These cells specify the outlet and
of outlet details. Accepted values for location type. The accepted input
the outlet code are 0 to 999. You may values are listed on the template
not have the same outlet code in the header.
same location.

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 40

5.3.7 Uploading the outlet template

Click on the Upload Template button
Image 42: Upload template button

Locate and select the outlet
template from your system

Note: This varies depending on where

you save downloaded files but this is
usually located in your “Downloads”

Image 43: Template file selection

Wait for the system to finish uploading

Note: The upload time may vary depending

on the number of rows uploaded. The greater
the number of rows, the longer it may take

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 41

The mapping page allows users to select an outlet (step 1) then specify which products are available
to the outlet (step 2). This section describes the features and functions of the mapping page.

It is highly recommended that this process of mapping outlets and products is done on a national
level. The purpose of this is to avoid any conflicts when consolidating data from different
geographical locations (see section 14.4).

5.4.1 Selecting an outlet

Referred to as STEP 1 in system


1 Search box 3 Template buttons

Used to search all columns of the Used to download or upload the
data table for matching records mapping template. See section 6.4

2 Outlet classification filters 4 Data table

Allows the user to filter content of Displays all outlets. Click on a row to
the data table based on location select an outlet.

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 42

5.4.2 Mapping available products
Referred to as STEP 2 in system


1 Step 1 button 4 Transfer buttons

Resets mapping page and goes back Transfers all selected records in the
to the outlet selection process Available Products table to the
Mapped Products table or vice versa

2 Product classification filters 5 Mapped products table

Filters content of the Available Displays all products that are
Products table based on product mapped to the selected outlet. Click
classifications on a row to transfer it back to the
Available Products table
3 Available products table
Displays all available products. Click
on a row to transfer it to the
Mapped Products table

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 43

5.4.3 Downloading the mapping template
The mapping template is an Excel file that can be used to make multiple changes to
mapped outlet-products simultaneously. The mapping template can be downloaded in a
single format which is described below.

Download template with data – Downloads a template file with column headers
including actual location codes outlet code, and product code data based on what is
already encoded in the system.

To download this template, click on the Download button.

Image: Download template button

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 44

5.4.4 Using the mapping template
To enter data in the template, users must input specific location details on each row in
the data entry section. Sample data is provided in the diagram below.

1 Excel template header 2 Location details

These cells contain identifying These cells are unlocked to allow
information of the template and input of specific location codes.
cannot be edited Accepted values are:
Location level 2: 1 to 99
Location levels 3-4: 0 to 99
Location level 5: 0 to 999

3 Outlet codes 4 Product codes

These cells are unlocked to allow input These cells are unlocked to allow
of outlet codes. Accepted values for input of product codes
the outlet code are 0 to 999. You may
not have the same outlet code in the
same location.

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 45

5.4.5 Uploading the mapping template

Click on the Upload button
Image 46: Upload template button

Locate and select the mapping
template from your system

Note: This varies depending on where

you save downloaded files but this is
usually located in your “Downloads”

Image 47: Template file selection

Wait for the system to finish uploading

Note: The upload time may vary depending

on the number of rows uploaded. The greater
the number of rows, the longer it may take

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 46

The survey questionnaire page is where users can download excel templates of the survey
questionnaire. This section describes the features and functions of the survey generation page.

5.5.1 Survey questionnaire page layout

3 4


1 Search box 4 Data column headers

Used to search all columns of the Sorts column content in ascending
data table for matching records or descending order

2 Outlet location filters 5 Data table

Allows the user to filter outlets in Displays all outlets that contain
the data table based on location mapped products

3 Generate Survey button

Used to download or upload the
survey template. See section 9.4

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 47

5.5.2 Downloading survey questionnaire

Click on a row(s) to select an
individual or multiple outlet(s).

Note: The row(s) will be highlighted

with a light blue color once selected.
Image: Selecting an outlet

Click on the Generate Survey
Questionnaire button
Image: Clicking the Generate Survey button

On the window that appears,
specify the survey coverage period,
reference year and reference month
by selecting an option from the
dropdown menus.

Note that the generated survey questionnaire

will be based on your selected outlet-product
mapping and coverage period.

Optional: Enter the name of price

collector to be displayed on the
downloaded template.
Image: Confirming survey questionnaire details

Click on the Generate Questionnaire button

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 48

5.5.3 Using the survey questionnaire
The generated survey questionnaire is an Excel file that can be used to encode price
information collected from the outlets. To enter data in the questionnaire, users must
input price details in respective row in the data entry section. Sample data is provided in
the diagram below.

1 Excel template header 3 Product details

These cells contain identifying These cells contain product
information and cannot be edited information and cannot be edited
using this template using this template

2 Outlet details 4 Data entry section

These cells contain outlet information These cells are unlocked to allow
and cannot be edited using this the user to input observed price
template data collected

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 49

5.5.4 Uploading survey questionnaire
Questionnaire uploads include validation checks on data consistency and duplicate
records. If there are data inconsistencies or an existing quotation for a specific product,
outlet and survey reference period, data will not be overwritten. The user will be
prompted to revisit the existing quotation(s).

Click on the
Upload Questionnaire button Image : Upload Questionnaire button

Locate and select the locations
template from your system

Note: This varies depending on where

you save downloaded files but this is
usually located in your “Downloads”

Image 60: Template file selection

Wait for the system to finish uploading

Note: The upload time may vary depending

on the number of rows uploaded. The greater
the number of rows, the longer it may take

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 50

The data entry process can be done by either (1) encoding data through the system interface or (2)
uploading Excel quotation templates. While both options are available depending on the user’s
preference, it is recommended that if you are encoding new data into the system, you use the Excel
templates to avoid the need to upload the filled-up Excel template.

Data entry using the system interface is described in section 10.1 while uploading of excel
template is described in section 10.2.

5.6.1 Data entry using system interface


1 Survey Coverage Period 2 Year and Month filters

Used to select the frequency of Used to further filter reference
collection for the products to be periods by specific year and a
encoded (e.g. weekly, monthly, etc.) month or range of months

3 Proceed button
Used to proceed to the next step of
outlet selection

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 51


1 3


1 Upload survey button 3 Step selection button

Used to open and select your template Used to go back to previous data
data file for uploading to the system entry steps

2 Outlet filters 4 Outlet table

Used to filter outlets by searching Lists all outlets and details per row.
keywords or selecting locations Clicking a row will select the outlet
and proceed to step 3

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 52


1 Step 1 reset buttons 2 Product data table

Resets selection and brings you back to Displays a list of available products
the outlet selection process (step 1) which are available in the selected
outlet. Clicking on a product row
will open a product window and
display the data entry form and
existing quotations for the selected

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 53

Enter observed price data on the Add Quotation section

Image: Entering data in the add quotation section


Click on the Add Quotation button

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 54

From the quotation table on the bottom part of the screen, click on the edit icon show
on the left side of a specified quotation

Image: Editing a product


Enter observed price data on the Edit Quotation section

Image: Entering data in the edit quotation section


Click on the Save Edited Quotation button

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 55

From the outlet quotations table, click on the delete icon on the left side to delete a
specific price quotation.

Image: Deleting observed price data

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 56

5.6.2 Downloading quotation template
The quotation template is an Excel file that can be used to add, edit or delete quotation
level data in large amount of data. The quotation template can be downloaded in a single
format which is described below.

Download template – Downloads a template file with column headers including

location code, outlet code, product code, reference period and price details on what
is already encoded in the system.

To download this template, click on the Download button.

Image: Download template button

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 57

5.6.3 Using the quotation template
To enter data in the template, users must input specific details on each row in the data
entry section. Sample data is provided in the diagram below.

2 3 4 5 6

1 Column header 2 Location details

These cells contain identifying These cells are unlocked to allow
information of the template input of specific location codes.
Accepted values are:
Location level 2: 1 to 99
Location levels 3-4: 0 to 99
Location level 5: 0 to 999

3 Outlet codes 4 Product codes

These cells are unlocked to allow input These cells are unlocked to allow
of outlet codes input of product codes

5 Survey reference period codes 6 Price information

These cells are unlocked to allow input These cells are unlocked to allow
of reference period codes input of observed price and
quantity, price type and other

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 58

5.6.4 Uploading the quotation template
Similar to uploading of survey questionnaire, the upload quotation template have the
same functionalities such as validation checks on data consistency and duplicate records.
The only difference is the layout and design, but the uses are the same.

Click on the
Upload button
Image : Upload button

Locate and select the quotation
template from your system

Note: This varies depending on where

you save downloaded files but this is
usually located in your “Downloads”

Image 60: Template file selection

Wait for the system to finish uploading

Note: The upload time may vary depending

on the number of rows uploaded. The greater
the number of rows, the longer it may take

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 59

The data validation module is an essential step to ensure that there is no erroneous data included
in final reports generated. Formulas, parameters, and diagrams to help you go through the data
validation process are described below.

5.7.1 Validation formulas, parameters, and reports

5.7.1.A Formulas used:
1. Converted Price = (Obv. Price/Obv. Qty.) * (Pref. Qty.)
2. Quotations = COUNT(Converted Prices)
3. Average Price = AVG(Converted Prices)
4. CV = STDEV (Converted Prices)/AVG(Converted Prices) * 100
5. Minimum Price = MIN(Converted Prices)
6. Maximum Price = MAX(Converted Prices)
7. Min/Max Ratio = MIN(Converted Prices)/ MAX(Converted Prices)

5.7.1.B Required Parameters:

1. Number of observed quotations >= 15
2. Coefficient of Variation <= 30%
3. Min/Max Price Ratio >= 0.3
4. FOR Converted Prices (CP) RANGE
[AVG(CP) - STDEV(CP)] <= CP <= [AVG(CP) + STDEV(CP)]

5.7.1.C Downloadable Reports:

1. Data validation report by Products – Summary statistics by products
2. Data validation report by Locations – Summary statistics by locations

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 60

5.7.2 Data validation features


1 Product search filters 2 Data validation table

Displays advanced search filters you Contains summary statistics by
can use to generate custom data tables product. Rows can be selected to
disaggregate data further by
3 Required parameters
Describes the required parameters and
the corresponding color indicators

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 61

5.7.3 Per-product data validation
The per-product data validation breakdown can be accessed by clicking on a product row
from the data validation table discussed in section 11.2.

1 2

1 Product Information 2 Aggregated statistics

Displays product information Displays summary statistics based
on observed data

3 Breakdown of observed data

Displays observed data individually
which is separated by date

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 62

The reports page is where users can view summary statistics or download excel-based reports
based on data encoded into the system. A complete list of downloadable reports is listed below.

Downloadable reports:
Report 1: Data validation report – Lists all products that do not meet required parameters
Report 2: Summary statistics by Product – Disaggregation by location and outlet type
Report 3: Number of products by classification, availability and importance
Report 4: Number of outlets by location and outlet type
Report 5: Number of quotations by product and outlet
Report 6: Number of quotations by product, location, and location type
Report 7: Summary statistics by Location - Contains the national average prices with corresponding
number quotations, minimum price, maximum price, min/max ratio and coefficient of variation in
individual sheets)

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 63


ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 64

The dashboard is the first page users see upon logging in. It displays a summary of data already
encoded into the system. The image below displays the basic features of the dashboard page.

1 3 5

2 4

1 Products chart 4 Database summary

Displays the total number of Displays summary statistics for
products, as well as its availability, available products and outlets
importance and frequency

2 Materials Products Relevance 5 Software version

Displays the total number of outlets Displays the software version and
as well as how many outlets already contact details of system
have products mapped administrator

3 Quotations chart 6 System log

Displays the total number of Displays the events that are
products available in all outlets and logged by the operating system
which already have quotations components.

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 65

The products page displays data on a national level and allows users to identify and edit product
availability, importance, and frequency of collection. This section describes the features and
functions of the products page.

6.2.1 Products Layout

1 6


1 Excel template buttons 4 Data entry button

Used to download or upload the Used to proceed to the data entry
product template. See section 14.5 module. This is activated once an
Available product is selected
2 Product availability panel 5 Product classification filters
Contains product update buttons, Filter the content of the data table
can be used to update availability based on different parameters
3 Product relevance panel 6 Data column headers
Contains product update buttons, Sorts column content in ascending
can be used to update relevance or descending order
7 Data table
Displays records of the product
database per row

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 66

6.2.2 Product Availability
The availability of a product can be viewed in the Avail column of the data table. Each
product’s availability can be toggled between two states:

Table: Product availability codes and labels

Code Relevance Value
0 Not-Available
1 Available

To change a product’s availability, simply click on the code value found in the Product
Availability Panel shown below. Note that a product must first be selected for the panel to
become clickable.

Image : Updating product availability

6.2.3 Product Relevance

The relevance of a product to Residential Buildings, Non-Residential Buildings, or Civil
Engineering works is specified in three separate columns of the product data table. Each
product’s relevance should be identified according to the option values listed below:

Table: Product relevance codes and labels

Code Relevance Value Image: Fiiltering product relevance

0 Relevant
1 Not-Relevant

To filter by product relvance, click on the downwards arrow (  ) found in the

corresponding relevance columns (see image above).

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 67

To change a product’s relevance, simply click on the code value found in the Product
Relevance Panel shown below. Note that a product must first be selected for the panel to
become clickable.

Image: Updating product relevance

6.2.4 Updating Multiple Products

Multiple products and corresponding details can be updated simultaneously to
speed up the encoding process. Users can click on multiple rows by holding the
shift or control buttons while selecting different rows.

Image: Demonstration of six simultaneously selected rows

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 68

6.2.5 Downloading product templates
The product template is an Excel file that can be used to make multiple changes to
products simultaneously. The product template can be downloaded in two (2) formats
which are described below.

3. Download template with data – Downloads a template file with a list of products
and values for availability and relevancee based on what is encoded in the system.
4. Download product catalog – Downloads the product catalog which contains
products and corresponding specifications.
5. Download PCT – Downloads the Price Collection Tool (PCT) which contains the Excel
based survey questionnaire for Construction type products.

To select and download any of these template types, click on the Download button then
select your preferred product template option.

Image: Select “Download template with data” button

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 69

6.2.6 Features of a product template
To enter data in the template, users must input product details (Availability, Frequency)
on each row in the columns described in the diagram shown below.

2 3 4

1 Excel template header 2 Product Details

These cells contain identifying These cells contain product details
information of the template and for reference and are locked to
cannot be edited editing

3 Availability Column 4 Relevance Column

These cells specify the availability of a These cells specify the relevance of
product. These cells accept only inputs a product. These cells accept only
listed on the template header. inputs listed on the template

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 70

6.2.7 Uploading a product template

Click on the Upload button
Image: Upload button

Locate and select the product
template from your system

Note: This varies depending on where

you save downloaded files but this is
usually located in your “Downloads”

Image: Template file selection

Wait for the system to finish uploading

Note: The upload time may vary depending

on the number of rows uploaded. The greater
the number of rows, the longer it may take

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 71

6.2.8 Downloading the product catalogue
The product catalogue contains details for each product by basic heading and can be
downloaded by clicking on the option illustrated in the screenshot below.

Image: Select “Download product catalog” button

6.2.9 Proceeding to Data Entry

To proceed to the data entry section, a user must first select a product and indicate that
the product is Available. Once an available product is selected, the “Go to Data Entry”
button will be activated and any selected products will be carried over to the Data Entry
section described in the next section.

Image: Proceeding to Data Entry after selecting product(s)

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 72

The data entry process can be done by either (1) encoding data through the system interface or (2)
uploading Excel quotation templates. While both options are available depending on the user’s
preference, it is recommended that new data into the system be encoded using the system to avoid
the need to upload the large Excel templates.

Data entry using the system interface is described in section 15.2 while uploading of excel
template is described in section 15.3.

6.3.1 Data Entry Layout

1 2


1 Excel template buttons 4 Respondent Information

Used to download or upload the Contains form fields pertaining to
product template. See section 8.5 outlet information

2 Product selection keys 5 Price Information

Allows users to move across Contains form fields pertaining to
selected products for data entry the price information
(selected in the products page)

3 Product specifications 6 Price specifications

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 73

Contains details about the current Contains product specifications for
selected product entering changes in specs

Step 1: Complete the respondent’s information (Outlet name, Outlet address, etc.) of the
specified available product. Note that information on asterisks (*) are required.

Step 2: Under the price information, specify the reference month or the month for which price is
observed, the date of price collection, the source of the price information, and the unit price of
the specified available product. Note that the date of price collection should not occur before the
reference month specified and after the date of data entry.

Step 3: Under product specification, indicate whether there is a difference/deviation from the
product specifications required for ICP. The observed data column will change into a yellow-filled
text box when there are differences from the described product specification. Leaving the
observed data column blank assumes that there are no differences between the observed and
preferred product specifications.

Step 4: Indicate comments/remarks, if there are any, under the additional specifications section.

6.3.2 Downloading the Data Entry Excel Template

The Data Entry template is an Excel file that can be used to upload multiple records
simultaneously. The Data Entry template can be downloaded clicking the Download
button shown below. The outlet template is further described in Section 4.4.

Image: Downloading the Data Entry template

15.3 Uploading the Data Entry Excel Template

Click on the Upload Template button
Image 42: Upload template button

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 74

Locate and select the data entry
template from your system

Note: This varies depending on where

you save downloaded files but this is
usually located in your “Downloads”

Image 43: Template file selection
Wait for the system to finish uploading

Note: The upload time may vary depending

on the number of rows uploaded. The greater
the number of rows, the longer it may take

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 75

6.3.4 Features of the Data Entry Excel Template

1 Excel template header 2 Code Reference

These cells contain identifying Provides reference values to the
information of the template and codes used within the template
cannot be edited

3 Material Quotation Sheet 4 Rental Quotation Sheet

This sheet contains columns for This sheet contains columns for
entering data relevant to Material sub- entering data relevant to Rental
heading products sub-heading products

5 Labor Quotation Sheet

This sheet contains columns for
entering data relevant to Labor sub-
heading products

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 76

The data validation module is an essential step to ensure that there is no erroneous data included
in final reports generated. Formulas, parameters, and diagrams to help you go through the data
validation process are described below.

6.4.1 Validation formulas, parameters, and reports

Formulas used:
8. Converted Price = (Obv. Price/Obv. Qty.) * (Pref. Qty.)
9. Quotations = COUNT(Converted Prices)
10. Average Price = AVG(Converted Prices)
11. CV = STDEV (Converted Prices)/AVG(Converted Prices) * 100
12. Minimum Price = MIN(Converted Prices)
13. Maximum Price = MAX(Converted Prices)
14. Min/Max Ratio = MIN(Converted Prices)/ MAX(Converted Prices)

Required Parameters:
5. Number of observed quotations >= 15
6. Coefficient of Variation <= 30%
7. Min/Max Price Ratio >= 0.3
8. FOR Converted Prices (CP) RANGE
[AVG(CP) - STDEV(CP)] <= CP <= [AVG(CP) + STDEV(CP)]

Downloadable Reports:
3. Data validation report by Products – Summary statistics by products
4. Data validation report by Locations – Summary statistics by locations

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 77

6.4.2 Data validation features

1 2 3

1 Product search filters 2 Product quotation dropdown

Displays advanced search filters you The dropdown buttons which can
can use to generate custom data tables be clicked to view the
disaggregated data by quotations
3 Data validation table 4 Required parameters
Contains summary statistics by Describes the required parameters
product. Rows can be selected to and the corresponding color
disaggregate data further by quotation indicators

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 78

6.4.3 Per-product data validation
The per-product data validation breakdown can be accessed by clicking on a product row
from the data validation table discussed in section 16.2.



1 Product filters 2 Selected row

Can be used to search and filter the The selected row for which
products displayed quotations are listed is denoted by
a blue highlight and minus (-) sign
on the dropdown button

3 Colors for Required Parameters 4 Aggregated statistics

Displays the legend for required Displays summary statistics based
parameters and corresponding color on observed data

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 79

The reports page is where users can view summary statistics or download excel-based reports
based on data encoded into the system. A complete list of downloadable reports is listed below.

Downloadable reports:
Report 1: Data validation report – Lists all products that do not meet required parameters
Report 2: Summary statistics
Report 3: List of relevant material inputs by sub-heading

Report #2 can be also be filtered by date of price observation by selecting start and end dates as
shown in the image below.

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 80

1. Question: I used the old ICP APSS, can I transfer my data to the new system?
Answer: Yes, a data migration feature is included (see section 4).

2. Question: Do I need an internet connection to use the web-based system?

Answer: No, it can run by itself.

3. Question: How do I save my data?

Answer: Data is automatically saved and there is no need to do anything else.

4. Question: Can multiple users use the system?

Answer: Yes. See section for user management.

5. Question: Is there a sequence in uploading information from the Excel

Answer: Yes. First upload the HHLocations, then HHProducts, then HHOutlets,
then HHMappings and lastly, HHQuotations.

6. Question: Why am I seeing an “issue 500” message?

Answer: For installation issues, please refer to the troubleshooting guide
below. For issues encountered while using the system, please feel free
to send a message to milagan1.consultant@adb.org;
jdelacruz3.consultant@adb.org cc to: kjoshi@adb.org;
cdedios@adb.org; rheabautista.consultant@adb.org;
evramos.consultant@adb.org; padriano.consultant@adb.org;

7. Question: How do I specify locations in the ICP APSS?

Answer: Upon installation, you will be immediately asked to Configure country
and location labels. Specify your country (location level 1) and a label
for location level 2. Click to open the Verify location codes and
names. Add/Edit locations only if you are authorized to do so, since this
should be done by the headquarters and the codes should be the same

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 81

within a country. If you are from the field office, choose to upload
the Excel Locations template developed by the headquarters.

8. Question: How can I view/hide item specifications in the ICP APSS?

In the Products tab, click the near the product code to view item
specifications. Click to hide item specifications.

9. Question: Can I add items in the Products tab?

Answer: In the latest ICP APSS, you will not be able to add items in the Products
tab to ensure that the same 986 items are compared across different
economies in Asia and the Pacific.

10 Question: Why am I getting a “Location code does not exist” error when I try to
. upload the Excel Outlets template?
Answer: There may be additional location levels specified in the Outlets
template. Check with your supervisor whether the additional location
levels in the Outlets template need to be deleted or the additional

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 82

location levels need to be included in the Locations template. Upload
these templates again.
11 Question: Why am I getting an “Outlet does not exist” when I try to upload the
. Excel Mappings template?
Answer: There may be additional outlets specified in the Mappings template.
Check with your supervisor whether the additional outlets in the
Mappings template need to be deleted or the additional outlets need
to be included in the Outlets template. Upload these templates again.

12 Question: Why am I getting a “Product is not available or does not have a

. frequency specified” when I try to upload the Excel Mappings template?
Answer: There may be products specified in the Mappings template that was
coded as 0-Unavailable in the Products tab. Check with your supervisor
if the additional products in the Mappings template can be disregarded
(like when product is really unavailable). If yes, then download from the
ICP APSS a new Mappings template to update the one you uploaded. If
the product cannot be disregarded (like when the product is important),
contact the headquarters so that the Products template can be

13 Question: What would happen if an outlet included in the Excel Outlets template
. was not included in the Excel Mappings template?
Answer: It will be considered as an outlet without mapped products.

14 Question: How can I generate a backup database in the ICP APSS?

Answer: Use the Data Migration Feature of the ICP APSS. To do this click the
drop-down button beside your username. Click Data Migration. You
may choose to check so that specific outlet information like
outlet names and addresses will be replaced with anonymized
information in your backup file. Click to download your
backup file.

15. Question: How can I use the backup sqlite file instead of my current database?

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 83

Go to Users/System configuration to open the Configure database path
screen. Click to make the path to SQLite database editable. Go to
the folder containing your backup sqlite file. Right click the file and click
. Go back to the ICP APSS and paste the path location. Don’t
forget to remove the quotation marks. Click .

16 Question: I don’t understand the error I encountered. What do I do?

Take a screenshot of your screen and contact an ADB ICP Team member
to assist you in your problem.

17 Question: I have already installed the ICP APSS, can I reconfigure the locations or
. (validation) can I edit the locations such as add another level in the existing
Answer: Yes, but please edit or add locations only if you are authorized to do so,
since this should be done by the headquarters and the codes should be
the same within a country. Note that only up to 4 location levels can be
added. Go to Users/System configuration to open the Configure
database path screen. Click to open Configure country and location
labels screen then specify a label for location level you want to add.
Click to edit/add locations.

18 Question: What should I do when I get a quantity range error when I upload the
. (validation) Excel Quotations template?
Answer: This can only happen when data entry is done outside ICP APSS since
the system will not allow an observed quantity outside the allowed
range for an item. Verify if the correct observed quantity is inputted. If

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 84

not, correct the observed quantity and upload the Excel Quotations
template again. If correct and the item is important in your country and
is only available in the observed quantity, convert the prices into the
allowed range, include a Remark specifying conversion done and upload
the Excel Quotations template again.

19 Question: Can I specify an observed quantity that is outside the allowed quantity
. (validation) range for an item in the ICP APSS?
Answer: No, the ICP APSS will not allow you to input an observed quantity that
is outside the allowed range for an item. If the item is important in your
country and is only available in the observed quantity, please price the
item, convert the prices outside the ICP APSS, input the converted price
in the ICP APSS and include a Remark specifying conversion done.

20. Question: The exact item specified for the ICP is not available in my country, but
(validation) we have a similar item that is outside the ICP specifications (e.g. Basmati
rice only available in 2kg packs), can I change the maximum quantity in
ICP APSS? Do I still need to record the price for this item?
Answer: The range values (Min and Max) are uneditable in the Products tab. If
the item is important in your country, please price the item and include
a Remark to note the deviation when inputting prices in the Data Entry
tab (e.g. convert the price outside ICP APSS and include “converted
price from 2kg packs” as Remark)

21 Question: What should I do when I get the message “The uploaded file is invalid.
. (validation) Please check that you are uploading the correct _______ template”?
Answer: Check that you are uploading the correct template in its corresponding
upload screen. For the Household Module, there are five modules that
can be uploaded.

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 85

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 86
This section contains details on known system issues that may possibly appear on some
computers. The known system issues can be fixed but will require the user to follow the steps
described below.

7.1 Missing vcruntime140.dll issue

For those experiencing the win-api-crdl.dll not found issue:

The issue is a result of a missing windows update (universal C runtime library) to your
computer. Fortunately, this can easily be resolved by installing a minor windows update and
will not affect your existing programs or files. The steps on how to install this update are
described below.

1. Go to your ICPAPSS folder (C:/ICPAPSS2020/)

2. Double-click on the file, based on your operating system listed below, to install update:
If you don’t know your operating system version, see section 14.3

Operating System Version File to open and install

Windows 7 – 32 bit Vc_redist.x84
Windows 7 – 64 bit Vc_redist.x64
Windows 8 – 32 bit Vc_redist.x84
Windows 8 – 64 bit Vc_redist.x64
Windows 8.1 – 32 bit Vc_redist.x84
Windows 8.2 – 64 bit Vc_redist.x64

7.2 Bad vcruntime140.dll image

For select windows users, the file vcruntime140.dll may need to be deleted. The steps on how
to install this update are described below.

1. Go to the following ICPAPSS folder (C:/ICPAPSS2020/php)

2. Delete the file named vcruntime140.dll

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 87

7.3 Determining your computer specifications

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 88

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 89
7.4 Consolidating data from different geographical

User from Location A

Consolidating user

User from Location B

User from Location C

For users consolidating price data from different users assigned to different locations, it is
recommended that the location data and product data is coordinated on the national level and
cascaded down to different geographical location levels so that when consolidating data later on,
the location codes and product availabilities do not conflict each other. This is important to
ensure locations and codes from one location (user) will not overwrite another’s.

If the above conditions are met, consolidation can be done through the following steps:

Option A: Consolidated Excel Database File

To be done by multiple users who are sending data:

1. From the system menu found on the top right, go to “Data Migration”
2. Click on “Download Household Data” to download an Excel database file
3. Send the downloaded database file to consolidating user

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 90

To be done by user who is consolidating data:
1. Collect the database files sent from different locations.
2. From the system menu found on the top right, go to “Data Migration”
3. Click on “Upload Household Data” to upload each location’s data
4. Repeat the above steps for each location

Option B: Individual Template Upload

1. Users from different locations will download and export their data for the following
modules: outlets (see section 5.2.5), mappings (see section 5.3.3), data entry (see
section 5.5.2).
2. Users from different locations will then send these excel files to the consolidating user.
3. The consolidating user will then upload the Excel files received into a single database
using the upload function for the following modules: outlets (see section 5.2.7),
mappings (see section 5.3.5), data entry (see section 5.5.3). There will be no duplicates
or conflicts if each user is sending unique data sets with different locations and outlet

ADB ICP APSS 2021 | User Manual 91

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