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Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Quarter Exam

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Quarter Examination

Name: ___________________________________________ Score: __________________


I. Multiple Choice.
Direction: Shade the letter of the correct answer using the answer sheet provided.

1. An “event” that has the potential to cause danger to a. Aerial extent c. Speed of onset
human and human properties. b. Return period d. Duration
a. Phenomenon c. Disaster 14. It estimates the impact that a hazard would have on
b. Hazard d. Tragedy people, services, facilities, and structures.
2. An event which means a catastrophe, mishap, grave a. Risk Assessment c. Disaster Risk
occurrence in any area, arising from natural or man- b. Hazard Assessment d. Hazard Mapping
made causes, or by accident or negligence which 15. It refers to the expectation value of deaths, injuries,
results in substantial loss of life or human suffering or and property losses that would be caused by a hazard.
damage to, and destruction of, property, or damage a. Risk Assessment c. Disaster Risk
to, or degradation of, environment. b. Hazard Assessment d. Hazard Mapping
a. Phenomenon c. Disaster 16. It is the process of estimating for defined areas, the
b. Hazard d. Tragedy probabilities of the occurrence of potentially
3. After a tsunami hits a populated area, the event is damaging phenomenon of given magnitude within a
considered as a natural _____. specified period of time.
a. Phenomenon c. Disaster a. Risk Assessment c. Disaster Risk
b. Hazard d. Tragedy b. Hazard Assessment d. Hazard Mapping
4. A natural even like volcanic eruption and tsunami 17. It is the process of identifying the spatial variation of
which hits an uninhabited area is considered as what? hazard events or physical conditions.
a. Phenomenon c. Disaster a. Risk Assessment c. Disaster Risk
b. Hazard d. Tragedy b. Hazard Assessment d. Hazard Mapping
5. All variables are needed to measure the disaster risk, 18. A type of assessment method that is more subjective.
except? Given the intensity or magnitude, consequences at
a. Hazard c. Exposure certain intensities are described.
b. Disaster d. Vulnerability a. Quantitative c. Probabilistic
6. As a result of the destruction and damage to b. Qualitative d. Deterministic
properties, people are forced to leave their jobs and 19. The method that uses expert opinion in ranking
devote their time to disaster-related activities such as relative terms to the intensity or probability of
search and rescue and in caring for the survivor. occurrence of a hazard event.
a. Medical effects a. Quantitative c. Probabilistic
b. Damage to critical facilities b. Qualitative d. Deterministic
c. Disruption of transportation 20. The method that uses mathematical functions or
d. Economic impact equations relating the hazard variables used are
7. It is the combination of hazard and exposure. formulated or adopted to quantify the hazard.
a. Physical exposure c. Exposure a. Quantitative c. Probabilistic
b. Hazard d. Vulnerability b. Qualitative d. Deterministic
8. Dimension of exposure and vulnerability that refers
to the location and built structure. 21. Severity of damage during an earthquake.
a. Social c. Economic a. Earthquake b. Magnitude c. Intensity d.
b. Environmental d. Physical Epicenter
9. Dimension of exposure and vulnerability that include
business interruptions due to accessibility problems, 22. Shaking to violent trembling of the ground produced
loss of job and loss of government income needed for by the sudden displacement of rock materials below the
relief and rehabilitation. earth’s surface.
a. Social c. Economic a. Earthquake b. Magnitude c. Intensity d.
b. Environmental d. Physical Epicenter
10. All are considered as the most vulnerable population
in the occurrence of a disaster, except? 23. Sea waves resulting from the disturbance of ocean
a. Homeless people floor by an earthquake.
b. Medication-independents individuals a. Body waves b. Tsunami c. Liquefaction d. Surface
c. Ethnic minorities waves
d. Politicians
11. All are example of natural hazard, except? 24. Measure of the size of an earthquake based on the
a. Earthquakes c. Lightning quantity of energy released.
b. Hurricanes d. Flood a. Earthquake b. Magnitude c. Intensity d.
12. It measures the relative explosiveness of eruptions Epicenter
based mainly on visual observations.
a. Richter Magnitude Scale
b. Mercalli Intensity Scale 25. The location where the earthquake begins.
c. Volcanic Explosivity Index a. Earthquake b. Magnitude c. Intensity d.
d. Seismograph Epicenter
13. Another way of describing the timing of a hazard is
by estimating its probability of occurrence.
26. Failures in steep or hilly slopes triggered by an 36. Which of the following is NOT an example of man-
earthquake. caused hazard?
a. Armed Conflict b. Earthquake c. Landslide d. a. mutiny
Flood b. genocide
c. earthquake
27. Which of the following shows disaster? d. bombs or explosions
a. a storm surge.
b. a landslide along the highway. 37. It is defined as the source of danger and something
c. a typhoon leaving great damage of properties. that may cause injury or harm. It is also the uncertain
d. a man falling from the top of the roof causing his death. course of events in a country.
a. disaster
28. How can we reduce the risk brought about by b. hazard
disasters? We can reduce the risk by ___. c. risk
a. decreasing the capacity, hazard, exposure and d. phenomenon
b. decreasing the hazard, capacity, and vulnerability while 38. Which of the following category is a man-made
increasing the exposure. hazard?
c. increasing the capacity while decreasing the hazard, a. storm surges
exposure and vulnerability. b. flooded coastal areas
d. increasing the hazard, exposure and vulnerability while c. Landslide on Mining sites
decreasing the capacity. d. Oil Spills from shipping boat

29. What makes Philippines a vicinity of different kinds 39. Which of the following is NOT included in the phases
of calamities every year? of disaster?
a. Philippines is an archipelago. a. recovery phase
b. Philippines is a developing country. b. planning phase
c. Philippines is a small country. c. emergency phase
d. Philippines is facing the Atlantic Ocean. d. preparedness phase

30. An event becomes a disaster when it leaves 40. A natural disaster where sea waves of local or distant
______________________. origin that results from large-scale seafloor displacements
a. no casualties c. less casualties associated with large earthquakes, major submarine slides,
b. many casualties d. neither none nor more or exploring volcanic hazards is called _______
casualties a. earthquake
b. flood
31. A sudden event, such as an accident or natural c. tsunami
catastrophe that causes great damage d. typhoon
or loss of life is called _________.
a. capacity c. disaster risk
b. disaster d. vulnerability

32. Which of the following is a sudden, calamitous event, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend
bringing great damage, loss, destruction, and devastation on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do,
to life and property? and he will direct your path”-
a. disaster Proverbs 3:5-6
b. hazard
c. phenomenon
d. risk

33. A natural disaster can be a _____________ .

a. phenomenon
b. terrorism/Violence
c. technological/industrial issues
d. complex humanitarian emergencies

34. All of the following are the effects of disasters

EXCEPT ___________
a. can destroy health infrastructure
b. can cause an unexpected number of deaths
c. can have adverse effects on the environment
d. can cause the ability of every specie to reproduce

35. It is also called as the Circum-Pacific belt, the zone of

earthquakes surrounding the Pacific Ocean where about
99% of the world’s earthquake occurs.
a. drought
b. ring of fire
c. subsidence
d. Bermuda Triangle

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