Data Entry Standards Manual
Data Entry Standards Manual
Data Entry Standards Manual
The following guidelines were established by the Information Management Steering Committee.
The standards are reviewed and revised annually. For comments or questions regarding this document or the standards
within, contact the Office of Information Services.
Table Of Contents
1 General Data Entry……………………………………………………………………… Page 4
2 Creating Records……………………………………………………………………….. Page 4
3 Names…………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 4
3.1 General
3.2 Last Name
3.2.1 Punctuation
3.2.2 Spaces in Last Names
3.2.3 Generational Designators
3.3 First Name
3.4 Middle Name
3.5 Prefix
3.6 Suffix
3.7 Preferred First Name
3.8 Non-person Names (vendors)
4 Addresses………………………………………………………………………………… Page 6
4.1 Street Address
4.2 Secondary Unit Indicators
4.3 Compass Directions
4.4 Special Address Information
4.4.1 Care Of
4.4.2 Post Office Box
4.4.3 Rural Route
4.4.4 Slashes and Fractions
4.5 City
4.6 State or Province Names
4.7 County Names
4.8 Postal/ZIP Codes
4.8.1 US ZIP Codes
4.8.2 Canadian Postal Codes
4.9 International Addresses
4.9.1 Nation Codes
4.10 Military Addresses
5 Telephone Numbers…………………………………………………………………… Page 9
5.1 International Telephone Numbers
6 Dates……………………………………………………………………………………… Page 9
7 General Person Information………………………………………………………….. Page 9
7.1 Citizenship Type
7.2 Social Security Number
7.3 Date of Birth
7.4 Ethnicity Codes
7.5 Marital Codes
7.6 Legacy Codes
All data is to be entered using upper and lower case, using appropriate English format. Do not
enter data in all upper case or all lower case.
All data is to be spelled out whenever possible. If it is necessary to abbreviate data due to field
space constraints, use the approved abbreviations found in the appendices of this document.
Do not ever use periods after abbreviations.
The pound sign (#) and the percent sign (%) must not be used in a data field.
2 Creating Records
A person or non-person (vendor) record is created in the Identification Form. Each module has a
unique identification form.
PPAIDEN Human Resources
FTMVEND Finance (‘Non-Person’ Vendors)
FOAIDEN Finance (‘Person’ Vendors)
APAIDEN Alumni/Development
3 Names
3.1 General
Every identifier (ID) in Banner has a name associated with it. The name is either the name of a
person or the name of a non-person. Names are entered or changed on one of the Identification
forms (different for each module).
All names are entered using upper and lower case letters in appropriate English format.
3.2.1 Punctuation
Enter last names that contain hyphens, apostrophes, or other punctuation as the person does
in writing. Spell the name with upper and lower case without adding additional spaces.
Examples: De Martino, Van Gogh, de la Camp, van der Roem, Garza Martinez
3.5 Prefix
A prefix should be entered in the prefix field when used by the individual. Never enter prefixes in
the first name field.
Salutations (such as Dr, Rev, Mr, Mrs, Ms, etc.) are considered prefixes. Salutations should not be
combined (to address more than one person) in the prefix field.
Prefixes are entered in upper and lower case letters without a period. See Appendix B for a sample
list of prefixes.
Examples: Dr (acceptable)
3.6 Suffix
A suffix is a generational and/or professional designation that follows a name. A suffix should be
entered in the suffix space, not as part of the last name. A suffix should be entered without periods.
If a person has both a generational and professional designator, include both in the suffix field
separated by a comma.
The ampersand (&) can only be used when part of the formal name. In all other cases, use the
word “and.”
Abbreviations are allowed for company (Co), corporation (Corp), incorporated (Inc) or limited (Ltd)
when used after the name of a corporate entity. All other forms of abbreviations should not be used
for corporate entities.
Government offices, such as state and county agencies, should be entered with the state or county
included in the vendor name. Each department or agency should be listed as a separate address
4 Addresses
Each Banner address will have a type associated with it. See Appendix J for a complete list of
address types, descriptions, and special instructions for creating or updating addresses.
Do not use the pound sign (#), or apostrophe (‘) in an address. These signs are formatting
commands that can confuse the entered data.
Spell out the words Street or Road whenever possible. If the entry is too long, use the approved
abbreviations listed in the abbreviations table in Appendix C.
If first line of the address is too long for any unit designation, enter the unit designation on the first
line of the address and the street on the second line. Abbreviations may be used to provide
additional space.
Apartment 4
3045 North Wilksborough Boulevard (acceptable)
See Appendix D for the approved list of abbreviations for secondary unit indicators.
4.4.1 Care Of
In care of should be placed on address line 1 and abbreviated as c/o.
If an address contains both a PO Box and a street address, enter the PO Box on the line
below the address. Addresses are read by the post office from bottom to top. Mail is delivered
to the address immediately above the City, State and Zip Code line. Post office box numbers
should be entered on address line 2. Street address should be entered on address line 1.
PO Box 498
10 Downing Street
New York, NY 10001
(Mail will be delivered to street address)
Example: RR 2 Box 99
4.5 City
Spell out city names whenever possible. If the city name provided by the person is different than
the name provided by Banner from the zip code field, change the name of the city to match the
person’s preference. For city names exceeding 20 characters, use the approved abbreviations
listed in Appendix F.
Do not enter Canadian Provinces in the city field. Canadian Provinces have their own codes in
Banner. You must include the city in the city field and the province in the state field. Please see
the appendix for additional information.
Other international states or provinces may be entered to the right of the city. If there is not enough
space for both the city and foreign state on the city line, enter the state in the city line and enter the
city on the last line of the street address.
5 Telephone Numbers
Enter a telephone number in the space provided on the address form. As with each address, each
telephone will have a type associated with it. See Appendix J for a complete list of telephone types
and descriptions.
Enter the full telephone number including the area code and when available, the extension. Do not
use hyphens or parentheses to separate the numbers.
6 Dates
Dates may be entered in various manners, but are displayed in the following format: dd-mon-yyyy.
If the date you are entering is prior to 1950, enter the entire year or make sure the year defaults to
19 rather than 20.
7.7.1 Students
Checking this field is optional for students.
Affirmation of enrollment status
Dates and terms of attendance
Major field of study
Degrees earned
7.7.2 Employees
Employee's information is always confidential whether the field is checked or not.
Enter as much information as you have to perform a search. At the bottom of the screen you can
enable or disable case sensitivity. After entering the information, hit the F8 key to perform the
Search Criteria Result
A% All people whose name begins with an A
B%ll Ball, Bell, Bill, Boll and Bull as well as those with
multiple characters between the “B” and the “ll”,
such as Berell.
%Fox% Fox and Foxworth, as well as anyone with a
hyphenated name such as Jameson-Fox or Fox-
%marco DeMarco, deMarco de Marco, di Marco, D’Marco or
Cmdr Commander
Col Colonel
Cpt Captain
Dr Doctor
Fr Father
Gov Governor
Hon Honorable
Judge Judge
Miss Miss
Mr Mister
Mrs Mistress
Ms Miss or Madame
Pres President
Prof Professor
Rabbi Rabbi
Rep Representative
Rev Reverend
Sen Senator
North .................................. N
Northeast ......................... NE
Northwest........................ NW
South ..................................S
Southeast......................... SE
Southwest ....................... SW
Marine Corps Air Station MCAS Mountain Home A.F. Base Mtn Home AFB
Pinnacle Peak Village Pinnacle Peak Vlg
ARKANSAS National Stock Yards Natl Stock Yards
Hot Springs National Park Hot Springs
Univ. of Ark. at Monticell Monticello INDIANA
Culver Military Academy Culver Mil Acad
CALIFORNIA Fort Benjamin Harrison Ft Benj Harrison
California Hot Springs Calif Hot Springs Grissom Air Force Base Grissom AFB
Commerce Contract Station Cmrc Cntr Sta Saint Mary-of-the-Woods St Mary of Woods
El Toro Marine Corp Air Sta. El Toro MCAS
Kings Canyon National Park Kings Cyn Natl Park KENTUCKY
La Canada Flintridge La Canada Flntrdg Cold Springs Highland Hts. Cold Spgs High Hts
Lemoore Naval Air Station Lemoore NAS Mammoth Cave National Park Mammoth Cave
Palos Verdes Estates Palos Verdes Ests
Palos Verdes Peninsula Palos Verdes Penin MAINE
Rancho Santa Margarita Rcho Snta Marg West Boothbay Harbor W Boothbay Hbr
Rolling Hills Estates Rllng Hills Ests
Sequoia National Park Sequoia Natl Park MARYLAND
Yosemite National Park Yosemite Natl Park Aberdeen Proving Grounds Aber Pvng Grds
Cockeysville/Hunt Valley Cockyvle Hunt Vly
COLORADO Dundalk-Sparrows Point Dundalk-Sparr Pt
Mesa Verde National Park Mesa Verde Farney Keedy Mem. Home Farney Keedy Home
United States A. F. Acad. USAF Acad Lutherville-Timonium Lutherville-Timon
Patuxent River Naval Air Stn. NAS Patuxent Riv
Dover Air Force Base Dover AFB MASSACHUSETTS
Incoming Mail Center North O’Neill Bldg
FLORIDA Village of Nagog Woods Vlg Nagog Woods
Kennedy Space Center Kennedy Sp Ctr
Lauderdale by the Sea Lauderdale By Sea MICHIGAN
Mayport Naval Station Mayport Naval Stn Houghton Lake Heights Houghton Lake Hts
Naval Air Station Unit 2 NAS Unit 2
Naval Coastal Systems Lab Naval Cstl Sys Lab MINNESOTA
Naval Training Center Naval Trng Ctr Duluth Federal Prison Duluth Fed Prison
Recruit Training Command Recruit Trng Cmd Inver Grove Heights Inver Grove Hts
Saint Augustine Beach St August Bch Marine on St. Croix Marine St Croix
Saint Augustine South St August South South International Falls South Inatl Falls
St. Petersburg Beach St Peters Bch
Silver Springs Shores Silver Spgs Shores MISSISSIPPI
Town and Country Plaza Town and Cntry Plz Stennis Space Center Stennis Space Ctr
University of West Florida Univ West Florida
University Collection Univ Collection MONTANA
Warm Mineral Springs Warm Minl Spgs White Sulpher Springs White Sulpher Spgs
West Panama City Beach W Pan City Bch
Worthington Springs Worthington Spgs NEW JERSEY
Cape May Court House Cape May CH
GEORGIA Point Pleasant Beach Pt Pleasant Bch
Airport Mail Facility Airport Mail Facil
Centerville-Gwinnett Ctrville-Gwinnett NEW MEXICO
Chestnut Mountain Chestnut Mtn High Rolls Mountain Park High Rolls Mtn Park
Gwinnett Mall Corners Gwin Mall Corners Holloman Air Force Base Holloman AFB
Pine Mountain Valley Pine Mtn Valley Truth or Consequences Truth or Consequen
White Sands Missile Range White Sands
Naval Air Station Memphis NAS Memphis Yellowstone National Park Yellwstn Natl Park
Big Bend National Park Big Bend Natl Park
Wilford Hall U.S.A.F. Hosp. Hall USA Hosp
FX Fax TM Temporary
Facsimile phone number. A temporary or leave-of-absence
telephone number for any person*
LC Local record, this is not the same as a
For non-resident students only, this seasonal or vacation telephone
is a student’s home telephone number.
number who does not live on
campus or at his/her mailing SE Seasonal
address. A vacation or seasonal telephone
number, this is to be used for
MA Main recurring seasonal addresses as
This is the telephone number where opposed to temporary address
the person wishes to receive calls. changes.
Citizen type is required for all students and employees. A person's citizenship is entered on the
General Person Form SPAPERS. Valid values are found in the validation table STVCITZ.
O Spouse Spouse.
U Unknown Unkonwn.