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Data Entry Standards Manual

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Savannah College of Art and Design

Data Entry Standards Manual

Revised February 2005

The following guidelines were established by the Information Management Steering Committee.
The standards are reviewed and revised annually. For comments or questions regarding this document or the standards
within, contact the Office of Information Services.
Table Of Contents
1 General Data Entry……………………………………………………………………… Page 4
2 Creating Records……………………………………………………………………….. Page 4
3 Names…………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 4
3.1 General
3.2 Last Name
3.2.1 Punctuation
3.2.2 Spaces in Last Names
3.2.3 Generational Designators
3.3 First Name
3.4 Middle Name
3.5 Prefix
3.6 Suffix
3.7 Preferred First Name
3.8 Non-person Names (vendors)
4 Addresses………………………………………………………………………………… Page 6
4.1 Street Address
4.2 Secondary Unit Indicators
4.3 Compass Directions
4.4 Special Address Information
4.4.1 Care Of
4.4.2 Post Office Box
4.4.3 Rural Route
4.4.4 Slashes and Fractions
4.5 City
4.6 State or Province Names
4.7 County Names
4.8 Postal/ZIP Codes
4.8.1 US ZIP Codes
4.8.2 Canadian Postal Codes
4.9 International Addresses
4.9.1 Nation Codes
4.10 Military Addresses
5 Telephone Numbers…………………………………………………………………… Page 9
5.1 International Telephone Numbers
6 Dates……………………………………………………………………………………… Page 9
7 General Person Information………………………………………………………….. Page 9
7.1 Citizenship Type
7.2 Social Security Number
7.3 Date of Birth
7.4 Ethnicity Codes
7.5 Marital Codes
7.6 Legacy Codes

Data Entry Standards Manual 2

Revised December 2004
7.7 Confidential Information Indicator
7.7.1 Students
7.7.2 Employees
7.8 Veteran File Number
7.9 Deceased Information
8 Appendix A: Searching the Database for Existing Records…………………….. Page 11
8.1 Wildcard Search
8.2 Alternate ID and Name Change Records
8.3 No Records Retrieved
9 Appendix B: Name Prefix Samples…………………………………………………… Page 12
10 Appendix C: Street Designator Abbreviations……………………………………… Page 13
11 Appendix D: Secondary Unit Indicator Abbreviations……………………………. Page 14
12 Appendix E: Compass Direction Abbreviations…………………………………… Page 14
13 Appendix F: City Abbreviations………………………………………………………. Page 15
14 Appendix G: Two-letter State, Possession and Province Abbreviations……... Page 17
15 Appendix H: Nation Codes…………………………………………………………….. Page 18
16 Appendix I: International Telephone Codes………………………………………… Page 21
17 Appendix J: Address Type Codes……………………………………………………. Page 33
18 Appendix K: Telephone Type Codes………………………………………………… Page 34
19 Appendix L: Ethnicity Codes………………………………………………………….. Page 35
20 Appendix M: Citizenship Type Codes……………………………………………….. Page 36
21 Appendix N: Legacy Codes…………………………………………………………… Page 37
22 Appendix O: Marital Codes……………………………………………………………. Page 37
23 Appendix P: Banner Navigation………………………………………………………. Page 38

Data Entry Standards Manual 3

Revised December 2004
1 General Data Entry

All data is to be entered using upper and lower case, using appropriate English format. Do not
enter data in all upper case or all lower case.
All data is to be spelled out whenever possible. If it is necessary to abbreviate data due to field
space constraints, use the approved abbreviations found in the appendices of this document.
Do not ever use periods after abbreviations.
The pound sign (#) and the percent sign (%) must not be used in a data field.

2 Creating Records

An exhaustive search must be performed prior to creating any

person or non-person records. This is extremely important so
as not create duplicate records in the system. For more
information about searching records, see Appendix A.

A person or non-person (vendor) record is created in the Identification Form. Each module has a
unique identification form.


PPAIDEN Human Resources
FTMVEND Finance (‘Non-Person’ Vendors)
FOAIDEN Finance (‘Person’ Vendors)
APAIDEN Alumni/Development

3 Names
3.1 General
Every identifier (ID) in Banner has a name associated with it. The name is either the name of a
person or the name of a non-person. Names are entered or changed on one of the Identification
forms (different for each module).

All names are entered using upper and lower case letters in appropriate English format.

3.2 Last Name

Spell out the complete last name as the individual spells it. Banner displays 20 characters of the
last name on forms, but stores up to 60 characters.

3.2.1 Punctuation
Enter last names that contain hyphens, apostrophes, or other punctuation as the person does
in writing. Spell the name with upper and lower case without adding additional spaces.

Examples: MacArthur, Smith-Jones, O’Kelly, FitzWallace, Al-Rashad, Al Hamadi

Data Entry Standards Manual 4

Revised December 2004
3.2.2 Spaces in Last Names
Last names containing a separate word (such as Van, Von, Da, de, di) should be spelled as
the person spells it. If the person uses a space between the prefix and the last name, insert a

Examples: De Martino, Van Gogh, de la Camp, van der Roem, Garza Martinez

3.2.2 Generational Designators

Generational designators such as Jr, Sr, III, etc. should be included in the suffix field (see
section 3.6).

3.3 First Name

Spell the entire first name as the person does. Hyphens and apostrophes may be used. Banner
allows 15 characters for a first name or a middle name. If the person uses a single character as a
first name, place the single character in the first name field without a period.

3.4 Middle Name

The middle name should be entered, if known, for identification purposes. If only the middle initial
is known, enter it in the middle name field without a period.

3.5 Prefix
A prefix should be entered in the prefix field when used by the individual. Never enter prefixes in
the first name field.

Salutations (such as Dr, Rev, Mr, Mrs, Ms, etc.) are considered prefixes. Salutations should not be
combined (to address more than one person) in the prefix field.

Prefixes are entered in upper and lower case letters without a period. See Appendix B for a sample
list of prefixes.

Examples: Dr (acceptable)

Mr and Mrs (unacceptable

Mr & Mrs

3.6 Suffix
A suffix is a generational and/or professional designation that follows a name. A suffix should be
entered in the suffix space, not as part of the last name. A suffix should be entered without periods.

If a person has both a generational and professional designator, include both in the suffix field
separated by a comma.

Examples: Jr Generational designator

DDS Professional designator
Jr, DDS Generational and Professional designator

Data Entry Standards Manual 5

Revised December 2004
3.7 Preferred First Name
Enter a preferred name in the preferred first name field when it is provided by the individual, but
only if different from the First Name.

3.8 Non-person Names (Vendors)

All information should be entered using upper and lower case letters with the exception of
acronyms. Companies who are recognized by acronyms should be entered using the acronym. Do
not use spaces or punctuation between letters. Acronyms that are not popularly recognized should
not be entered into the corporate entity name.

Examples: IBM AT&T

The ampersand (&) can only be used when part of the formal name. In all other cases, use the
word “and.”

Example: Baltimore & Ohio Railroad

Abbreviations are allowed for company (Co), corporation (Corp), incorporated (Inc) or limited (Ltd)
when used after the name of a corporate entity. All other forms of abbreviations should not be used
for corporate entities.

Government offices, such as state and county agencies, should be entered with the state or county
included in the vendor name. Each department or agency should be listed as a separate address

Example: For State of Georgia Department of Revenue, enter “Georgia Department

of Revenue “ as the name. The second line of the address can be used for additional
name text if necessary.

4 Addresses
Each Banner address will have a type associated with it. See Appendix J for a complete list of
address types, descriptions, and special instructions for creating or updating addresses.

Do not use the pound sign (#), or apostrophe (‘) in an address. These signs are formatting
commands that can confuse the entered data.

4.1 Street Address

Banner allows three lines for street address information. Use address line 1 for street address
unless a PO Box is being entered along with a street address.

Spell out the words Street or Road whenever possible. If the entry is too long, use the approved
abbreviations listed in the abbreviations table in Appendix C.

4.2 Secondary Unit Indicators

If the address is a multi-unit apartment or building, or other specially designated location, place the
information to the right of the street address on address line 1.

If first line of the address is too long for any unit designation, enter the unit designation on the first
line of the address and the street on the second line. Abbreviations may be used to provide
additional space.

Examples: 345 North Jones Street Apartment 4 (preferred)

Data Entry Standards Manual 6

Revised December 2004
456 North Wilksborough Blvd Apt 4 (acceptable)

Apartment 4
3045 North Wilksborough Boulevard (acceptable)

3045 N Wilksborough Blvd #4 (unacceptable)

See Appendix D for the approved list of abbreviations for secondary unit indicators.

4.3 Compass Directions

Compass directions used as part of the name of a street should be spelled out. If the compass
direction identifies the geographic areas of the city, it should always be abbreviated. Abbreviate
compound directions as two letters without a space. See the approved list of abbreviations in
Appendix E.

Examples: 1130 North Harrison Street

187 Washington Boulevard, NW

4.4 Special Address Information

4.4.1 Care Of
In care of should be placed on address line 1 and abbreviated as c/o.

Example: John Smith

c/o James Jones

4.4.2 Post Office Box

Post Office Box information should be entered as follows. Abbreviate post office as PO with
no periods and no spaces.

Example: PO Box 498

If an address contains both a PO Box and a street address, enter the PO Box on the line
below the address. Addresses are read by the post office from bottom to top. Mail is delivered
to the address immediately above the City, State and Zip Code line. Post office box numbers
should be entered on address line 2. Street address should be entered on address line 1.

Examples: 10 Downing Street

PO Box 498
New York, NY 10001
(Mail will be delivered to P O Box)

PO Box 498
10 Downing Street
New York, NY 10001
(Mail will be delivered to street address)

4.4.3 Rural Route

Route and box numbers should be entered on the same line. Abbreviate rural route as RR
using no periods and no spaces. A comma should not be placed between the RR Number and
the box number.

Example: RR 2 Box 99

Data Entry Standards Manual 7

Revised December 2004
4.4.4 Slashes and Fractions
Slashes may be used when a fraction is used in the address or in international addresses.

Examples: 112 ½ Taylor Street

123/N54 Ping Hung Road

4.5 City
Spell out city names whenever possible. If the city name provided by the person is different than
the name provided by Banner from the zip code field, change the name of the city to match the
person’s preference. For city names exceeding 20 characters, use the approved abbreviations
listed in Appendix F.

Do not enter Canadian Provinces in the city field. Canadian Provinces have their own codes in
Banner. You must include the city in the city field and the province in the state field. Please see
the appendix for additional information.

4.6 State or Province Names

A state or province code is required for all US, Canadian, and Australian addresses, including US
Possessions and Military. See Appendix G for a complete list of codes.

Other international states or provinces may be entered to the right of the city. If there is not enough
space for both the city and foreign state on the city line, enter the state in the city line and enter the
city on the last line of the street address.

4.7 County Names

County codes are not required, but will be entered by Banner if the zip code field was entered prior
to the city, state, or county.

4.8 Postal Codes/ZIP Codes

Zip codes must be entered for all US and Canadian addresses.

4.8.1 US ZIP codes

For US addresses, enter the five (5) -digit zip codes. Enter the ZIP+4 information if that
information is available. The following web site may be used to verify zip code information:

4.8.2 Canadian Postal Codes

Canadian six (6) -digit postal codes are also entered in the zip code field. Do not add spaces
or hyphens between characters.

4.9 International Addresses

Enter information for international addresses only on address lines 1 and 2.

4.9.1 Nation Codes

A nation code is required for all non-US addresses. Do not enter a nation code for US
addresses. Click on the Nation button to select the appropriate code. If a nation is not listed,
contact the Office of Information Services. See Appendix H for nation codes.

4.10 Military Addresses

Enter the APO or AFO code in the city field.

Data Entry Standards Manual 8

Revised December 2004
In the state field enter:
AE – Europe, Middle East, Africa, Canada [ZIP=09nnn]
AP – Pacific [ZIP=96nnn]
AA – The Americas (excluding Canada) [ZIP=34nnn]

5 Telephone Numbers
Enter a telephone number in the space provided on the address form. As with each address, each
telephone will have a type associated with it. See Appendix J for a complete list of telephone types
and descriptions.

Enter the full telephone number including the area code and when available, the extension. Do not
use hyphens or parentheses to separate the numbers.

5.1 International Telephone Numbers

By clicking on the flashlight to the right of the telephone field, you can access the telephone
summary form called SPATELE. For international phone numbers, enter the international city and
country codes in the field to the right of the telephone number field in the space provided. Do not
enter city and country codes in the telephone number field. See Appendix I for a list of international
country and city codes.

6 Dates
Dates may be entered in various manners, but are displayed in the following format: dd-mon-yyyy.
If the date you are entering is prior to 1950, enter the entire year or make sure the year defaults to
19 rather than 20.

Examples: 1/1/99 becomes 01-Jan-99

11/12/87 becomes 12-Nov-87

7 General Person Information

All general person information is entered on the General Person Form (SPAPERS).

7.1 Citizenship Type

Citizen type is required for all students and employees. Click on the Citizen button on the
SPAPERS form for the available citizenship types. See Appendix M for citizenship codes.

7.2 Social Security Number

A Social Security Number is required for all students that are US citizens and all employees. If
international students have a social security number it should be entered as soon as it is known. If
the Social Security Number is unknown or if the person refuses to provide it, leave the field blank.

7.3 Date of Birth

The date of birth is required for all students and all employees.

7.4 Ethnicity Codes

Ethnicity Codes should be entered for all students and employees whenever possible. Click on the
Ethnic button on the SPAPERS form for all available ethnic codes. See Appendix L for a list of
ethnicity codes.

7.5 Marital Codes

When known, a person's marital status is entered. See Appendix O for a list of marital codes.

Data Entry Standards Manual 9

Revised December 2004
7.6 Legacy Codes
The Legacy Code identifies a relative or friend with whom the Savannah College of Art and Design
has a relationship. For example, if a person's mother is an alumnus of the College, the legacy
would be mother. Click on the Legacy button on the SPAPERS form for available options. See
Appendix N for a list of legacy codes.

7.7 Confidential Information Indicator

If a person wishes to have their information marked "confidential" this field is checked. When the
confidential field (box) is checked, this denotes that the person does not want address and
telephone number information released to the public.

7.7.1 Students
Checking this field is optional for students.

When the information is marked confidential, no directory information is to be released.

If the confidentiality indicator is not marked, the only directory information that may be released

Affirmation of enrollment status
Dates and terms of attendance
Major field of study
Degrees earned

7.7.2 Employees
Employee's information is always confidential whether the field is checked or not.

7.8 Veteran File Number

The Veteran File Number is used to maintain a person's veteran identification number. This
information is collected and maintained for students by the Registrar's Office.

7.9 Deceased Information

If a person is deceased, check the Deceased box and enter the date of death in the Deceased Date
box on SPAPERS.

Data Entry Standards Manual 10

Revised December 2004
8 Appendix A: Searching the Database for Existing Records
An exhaustive search should be performed prior to creating any person or non-person records.
A minimum of three wildcard searches should be performed before creating new records.
To search for a person or non-person access the appropriate Identification Form (different for
each module, see table below), click on the flashlight to the right of the field. A box appears with
a list of person and non-person options. Double-click the appropriate selection. A screen with
search options is displayed.


PPAIDEN Human Resources
FTMVEND Finance (‘Non-Person’ Vendors)
FOAIDEN Finance (‘Person’ Vendors)
APAIDEN Alumni/Development

Enter as much information as you have to perform a search. At the bottom of the screen you can
enable or disable case sensitivity. After entering the information, hit the F8 key to perform the

8.1 Wildcard Search

There are many methods of searching for information in the database. A wildcard search may be
useful in finding records in Banner, especially if you are unsure of how the data was originally
entered in the system. To perform a wildcard search, use the wildcard symbol (%) to replace the
part or parts of a name that are unknown.

Search Criteria Result
A% All people whose name begins with an A
B%ll Ball, Bell, Bill, Boll and Bull as well as those with
multiple characters between the “B” and the “ll”,
such as Berell.
%Fox% Fox and Foxworth, as well as anyone with a
hyphenated name such as Jameson-Fox or Fox-
%marco DeMarco, deMarco de Marco, di Marco, D’Marco or

8.2 Alternate ID and Name Change Records

Some persons may appear multiple times in a search result. In the name change indicator
column (labeled Chg), there may be an “I” or an “N” indicating a name change. If you select a
record with one of these indicators, it will automatically direct you to the correct record for that

8.3 No Records Retrieved

If the message “Query caused no records to be retrieved. Re-enter” appears in the bottom left of
the Banner screen, there is no record matching your search criteria in the system. Search again
using only part of the name with the wildcard (%), and continue reducing your search criteria until
you are certain the person or non-person does not exist in the system.

Data Entry Standards Manual 11

Revised December 2004
9 Appendix B: Name Prefix Samples
The following list of prefixes is not exhaustive.

Cmdr Commander
Col Colonel
Cpt Captain
Dr Doctor
Fr Father
Gov Governor
Hon Honorable
Judge Judge
Miss Miss
Mr Mister
Mrs Mistress
Ms Miss or Madame
Pres President
Prof Professor
Rabbi Rabbi
Rep Representative
Rev Reverend
Sen Senator

Data Entry Standards Manual 12

Revised December 2004
10 Appendix C: Street Designator Abbreviations
Alley .....................Aly Flats.................... Flts Mount ................... Mt Trafficway ...........Trfy
Annex................. Anx Ford .....................Frd Mountain ............ Mtn Trail.......................Trl
Arcade ................ Arc Fords .................Frds Mountains .........Mtns Tunnel................Tunl
Avenue............... Ave Forest .................Frst Neck................... Nck Turnpike............Tpke
Basement......... Bsmt Forge ...................Frg Orchard .............Orch Underpass ....... Upas
Bayou................. Byu Forges ...............Frgs Oval................... Oval Union ................... Un
Beach................. Bch Fork .....................Frk Overpass..........Opas Unions ............... Uns
Bend .................. Bnd Forks ................. Frks Park................... Park Valley................... Vly
Bluff...................... Blf Fort ........................Ft Parks................. Park Valleys ............... Vlys
Bluffs ...................Blfs Freeway............. Fwy Parkway ........... Pkwy Viaduct.................Via
Bottom ............... Btm Garden .............. Gdn Pass ................. Pass View..................... Vw
Boulevard...........Blvd Gardens........... Gdns Passage ........... Psge Views ................. Vws
Branch .................. Br Gateway ...........Gtwy Path................... Path Village..................Vlg
Bridge ................. Brg Glen.................... Gln Pike ................... Pike Villages .............. Vlgs
Brook .................... Br Glens .................Glns Pine.................... Pne Ville........................Vl
Brooks............... Brks Green ................. Grn Pines ................ Pnes Vista.....................Vis
Burg ..................... Bg Greens.............. Grns Place ..................... Pl Walk.................. Walk
Burgs ................. Bgs Grove.................. Grv Plain .................... Pln Walks................ Walk
Bypass ............... Byp Groves.............. Grvs Plains ................ Plns Wall.................... Wall
Camp ................... Cp Harbor ................ Hbr Plaza ................... Plz Way ...................Way
Canyon .............. Cyn Harbors............. Hbrs Point...................... Pt Ways................ Ways
Cape .................. Cpe Haven .................Hvn Points .................. Pts Well.......................Wl
Causeway ........Cswy Heights ................Hts Port ......................Prt Wells...................Wls
Center ..................Ctr Highway............. Hwy Ports................... Prts
Centers .............. Ctrs Hill .........................Hl Prairie....................Pr
Circle.................... Cir Hills......................Hls Radial................ Radl
Circles ................ Cirs Hollow............... Holw Ramp .............. Ramp
Cliff....................... Clf Inlet...................... Inlt Ranch............... Rnch
Cliffs ................... Clfs Island..................... Is Rapid..................Rpd
Club .................... Clb Islands .................. Isl Rapids.............. Rpds
Common ........... Cmn Isle...................... Isle Rest..................... Rst
Corner .................Cor Junction ............... Jct Ridge..................Rdg
Corners ............. Cors Junctions ............Jcts Ridges.............. Rdgs
Course .............. Crse Key .......................Ky River.................... Riv
Court ..................... Ct Keys ................... Kys Road ....................Rd
Courts ................. Cts Knoll ....................Knl Roads................. Rds
Cove .................... Cv Knolls................. Knls Route ..................Rte
Coves................. Cvs Lake...................... Lk Row................... Row
Creek .................. Crk Lakes.................. Lks Rue ....................Rue
Crescent............ Cres Land ................. Land Run ....................Run
Crest .................. Crst Landing............. Lndg Shoal................... Shl
Crossing............ Xing Lane ..................... Ln Shoals ............... Shls
Crossroad ........... Xrd Light..................... Lgt Shore ..................Shr
Curve ................ Curv Lights................. Lgts Shores............... Shrs
Dale ...................... Dl Loaf ....................... Lf Skyway............. Skwy
Dam .................... Dm Lock.................... Lck Spring................. Spg
Divide .................. Div Locks .................Lcks Springs............. Spgs
Drive .....................Dr Lodge ................. Ldg Spur ..................Spur
Drives.................. Drs Loop ................. Loop Square ................. Sq
Estate.................. Est Loops................ Loop Squares.............. Sqs
Estates ...............Ests Mall.................... Mall Station................. Sta
Expressway.......Expy Manor .................Mnr Stravenue...........Stra
Extension ............ Ext Manors ............. Mnrs Stream ..............Strm
Extensions .........Exts Meadow............ Mdw Street .................... St
Fall ......................Fall Meadows .........Mdws Streets................. Sts
Falls .....................Fls Mews ...............Mews Summit............... Smt
Ferry ................... Fry Mill ........................ Ml Terrace................ Ter
Field .....................Fld Mills .................... Mls Throughway ......Trwy
Fields .................Flds Mission .............. Msn Trace................. Trce
Flat........................Flt Motorway ..........Mtwy Track ................. Trak

Data Entry Standards Manual 13

Revised December 2004
11 Appendix D: Secondary Unit Indicator Abbreviations
Apartment ............................. Apt
Basement.............................. Bsmt**
Building ................................. Bldg
Carriage House..................... Car Hse**
Department ........................... Dept
Floor...................................... Fl
Front ..................................... Frnt**
Garage.................................. Grge**
Hangar .................................. Hngr
Lobby .................................... Lbby**
Lot......................................... Lot
Lower .................................... Lowr**
Office .................................... Ofc
Penthouse............................. Ph**
Pier ....................................... Pier
Rear ...................................... Rear**
Room .................................... Rm
Side....................................... Side**
Slip........................................ Slip
Space.................................... Spc
Stop ...................................... Stop
Suite...................................... Ste
Trailer.................................... Trlr
Unit ....................................... Unit
Upper .................................... Uppr**

** Does not require secondary range number to follow.

12 Appendix E: Compass Direction Abbreviations

North .................................. N
Northeast ......................... NE
Northwest........................ NW
South ..................................S
Southeast......................... SE
Southwest ....................... SW

Data Entry Standards Manual 14

Revised December 2004
13 Appendix F: City Abbreviations
Denali National Park Denali Natl Park Hawaii National Park Hawaii Natl Park

Marine Corps Air Station MCAS Mountain Home A.F. Base Mtn Home AFB
Pinnacle Peak Village Pinnacle Peak Vlg
ARKANSAS National Stock Yards Natl Stock Yards
Hot Springs National Park Hot Springs
Univ. of Ark. at Monticell Monticello INDIANA
Culver Military Academy Culver Mil Acad
CALIFORNIA Fort Benjamin Harrison Ft Benj Harrison
California Hot Springs Calif Hot Springs Grissom Air Force Base Grissom AFB
Commerce Contract Station Cmrc Cntr Sta Saint Mary-of-the-Woods St Mary of Woods
El Toro Marine Corp Air Sta. El Toro MCAS
Kings Canyon National Park Kings Cyn Natl Park KENTUCKY
La Canada Flintridge La Canada Flntrdg Cold Springs Highland Hts. Cold Spgs High Hts
Lemoore Naval Air Station Lemoore NAS Mammoth Cave National Park Mammoth Cave
Palos Verdes Estates Palos Verdes Ests
Palos Verdes Peninsula Palos Verdes Penin MAINE
Rancho Santa Margarita Rcho Snta Marg West Boothbay Harbor W Boothbay Hbr
Rolling Hills Estates Rllng Hills Ests
Sequoia National Park Sequoia Natl Park MARYLAND
Yosemite National Park Yosemite Natl Park Aberdeen Proving Grounds Aber Pvng Grds
Cockeysville/Hunt Valley Cockyvle Hunt Vly
COLORADO Dundalk-Sparrows Point Dundalk-Sparr Pt
Mesa Verde National Park Mesa Verde Farney Keedy Mem. Home Farney Keedy Home
United States A. F. Acad. USAF Acad Lutherville-Timonium Lutherville-Timon
Patuxent River Naval Air Stn. NAS Patuxent Riv
Dover Air Force Base Dover AFB MASSACHUSETTS
Incoming Mail Center North O’Neill Bldg
FLORIDA Village of Nagog Woods Vlg Nagog Woods
Kennedy Space Center Kennedy Sp Ctr
Lauderdale by the Sea Lauderdale By Sea MICHIGAN
Mayport Naval Station Mayport Naval Stn Houghton Lake Heights Houghton Lake Hts
Naval Air Station Unit 2 NAS Unit 2
Naval Coastal Systems Lab Naval Cstl Sys Lab MINNESOTA
Naval Training Center Naval Trng Ctr Duluth Federal Prison Duluth Fed Prison
Recruit Training Command Recruit Trng Cmd Inver Grove Heights Inver Grove Hts
Saint Augustine Beach St August Bch Marine on St. Croix Marine St Croix
Saint Augustine South St August South South International Falls South Inatl Falls
St. Petersburg Beach St Peters Bch
Silver Springs Shores Silver Spgs Shores MISSISSIPPI
Town and Country Plaza Town and Cntry Plz Stennis Space Center Stennis Space Ctr
University of West Florida Univ West Florida
University Collection Univ Collection MONTANA
Warm Mineral Springs Warm Minl Spgs White Sulpher Springs White Sulpher Spgs
West Panama City Beach W Pan City Bch
Worthington Springs Worthington Spgs NEW JERSEY
Cape May Court House Cape May CH
GEORGIA Point Pleasant Beach Pt Pleasant Bch
Airport Mail Facility Airport Mail Facil
Centerville-Gwinnett Ctrville-Gwinnett NEW MEXICO
Chestnut Mountain Chestnut Mtn High Rolls Mountain Park High Rolls Mtn Park
Gwinnett Mall Corners Gwin Mall Corners Holloman Air Force Base Holloman AFB
Pine Mountain Valley Pine Mtn Valley Truth or Consequences Truth or Consequen
White Sands Missile Range White Sands

Data Entry Standards Manual 15

Revised December 2004
Farmersville Station Farmersville Sta East Saint Johnsbury E St Johnsbury
Port Jefferson Station Port Jefferson Sta Hartland Four Corners Hartland Four Crns
Shelter Island Heights Shelter Island Hts Saint Johnsbury Center St. Johnsbury Ctr
Thousand Island Park Thousand Is Park White River Junction White River Jct
Veterans Administration Veterans Admin
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Court House Charlotte CH
Black Mountain Sanatorium Black Mtn Sanator King and Queen Court House King and Queen CH
Gardner Webb College Gardner Webb Coll Natural Bridge Station Natural Bridge Sta
RDU International AMF RDU Inatl ADF Naval Amphibious Base Naval Amphib Base
Research Triangle Park Res Triangle Park Naval Weapons Station Naval Wpns Sta
Seymour Johnson A F B Johnson AFB Rappahannock Academy Rappahannock Acad
Virginia State University Virginia State Univ
OHIO Washington’s Birthplace Washgtn’s Brthpl
Colonial Flower Shop Colnl Flower Shop
Lakeside-Marblehead Lksd Marblehead WASHINGTON
Washington Court House Washington CH Fairchild Air Force Base Fairchild AFB
Spokane International Airport Spokane Inatl Apt
OREGON Whidbey Island Naval Air Sta. Whidbey Is NAS
Mount Hood-Parkdale Mt Hood Parkdale
PENNSYLVANIA Green Sulphur Springs Green Sulphur Spgs
Columbia Cross Roads Columbia X Rds Newton D. Baker V.A. Center Baker VA Center
Greater Pittsburgh Airport Gr Pittsburgh Airpt Nutter Fort Stonewood Stonewood
Mount Pleasant Mills Mt Pleasant Mills White Sulphur Springs White Sulphur Spgs
Pennsylvania Furnace Pa Furnace
Pocono Lake Preserve Pocono Lk Preserve WISCONSIN
Veterans Administration Hosp. Veterans Adm Hosp Howards Grove Millersville Millersville

Naval Air Station Memphis NAS Memphis Yellowstone National Park Yellwstn Natl Park

Big Bend National Park Big Bend Natl Park
Wilford Hall U.S.A.F. Hosp. Hall USA Hosp

Data Entry Standards Manual 16

Revised December 2004
14 Appendix G: Two-letter State, Possession and Province

MILITARY Kentucky ............................................ KY

APO/AFO Americas............................AA Louisiana.............................................LA
APO/AFO Europe, Middle East, Maine .................................................ME
Canada and Africa...........................AE Maryland ........................................... MD
APO/AFO Pacific ................................AP Massachusetts ...................................MA
Michigan.............................................. MI
AUSTRALIAN STATES Minnesota ......................................... MN
Australian Capital Territory .............. ACT Mississippi..........................................MS
New South Wales ...........................NSW Missouri............................................. MO
Queensland .....................................QLD Montana .............................................MT
South Australia ...................................SA Nebraska............................................ NE
Tasmania ......................................... TAS Nevada............................................... NV
Victoria.............................................. VIC New Hampshire .................................NH
New Jersey .........................................NJ
Alberta ................................................AB New York ........................................... NY
British Columbia................................. BC North Carolina....................................NC
Manitoba ............................................ MB North Dakota......................................ND
New Brunswick .................................. NB Ohi OH
Newfoundland and Labrador ..............NL Oklahoma...........................................OK
Northwest Territories ......................... NT Oregon ...............................................OR
Nova Scotia ....................................... NS Pennsylvania...................................... PA
Nunavat ............................................. NU Rhode Island....................................... RI
Ontari ON South Carolina ................................... SC
Prince Edward Island..........................PE South Dakota ..................................... SD
Quebec ..............................................QC Tennessee ......................................... TN
Saskatchewan ....................................SK Texas ................................................. TX
Yukon Territory ...................................YT Utah ................................................... UT
Vermont ............................................. VT
US STATES Virginia ............................................... VA
Alabama.............................................. AL Washington ....................................... WA
Alaska .................................................AK West Virginia..................................... WV
Arkansas............................................ AR Wisconsin............................................WI
Arizona................................................AZ Wyoming ........................................... WY
California............................................ CA
Connecticut........................................ CT American Samoa ............................... AS
Delaware............................................ DE Canal Zone ........................................ CZ
District of Columbia ........................... DC Federated Micronesia ........................FM
Florida................................................. FL Guam .................................................GU
Georgia .............................................. GA North Mariana Islands........................MP
Hawaii ..................................................HI Marshall Islands ................................ MH
Idah ID Palau Islands .................................... PW
Illinois................................................... IL Puerto Ric PR
Indiana .................................................IN Trust Territories...................................TT
Iowa ..................................................... IA Virgin Islands .......................................VI

Data Entry Standards Manual 17

Revised December 2004
15 Appendix H: Nation Codes
300 Abu Dhabi 310 Cocos (Kelling) Islands
1 Afghanistan 34 Colombia
2 Albania 35 Comoros
3 Algeria 36 Congo
204 American Samoa 311 Cook Islands
4 Andorra 312 Coral Sea Islands Territory
5 Angola 313 Corsica
301 Anguilla 37 Costa Rica
222 Antartica 75 Cote D Ivoire
6 Antigua and Barbuda 177 Croatia
7 Argentina 38 Cuba
170 Armenia 314 Curacao
171 Aruba 39 Cyprus
221 Ashmore and Cartier Islands 40 Czech Republic
8 Australia 41 Denmark
9 Austria 42 Djibouti
172 Azerbaijan 43 Dominica
302 Azores 44 Dominican Republic
11 Bahrain 315 Dubai
303 Baker Island 381 East Timor
304 Balearic Islands 45 Ecuador
12 Bangladesh 46 Egypt
13 Barbados 47 El Salvador
225 Bassa Da India 316 Eleuthera Island
223 Belarus 48 Equatorial Guinea
14 Belgium 380 Ertrea
15 Belize 179 Estonia
16 Benin 49 Ethiopia
173 Bermuda 317 Europa Island
17 Bhutan 318 Falkland Islands
18 Bolivia 319 Faroe Islands
305 Bonaire 50 Fiji
175 Bosnia-Herzegovina 51 Finland
19 Botswana 52 France
306 Bouvet Island 379 French Guiana
20 Brazil 378 French Polynesia
197 British Indian Ocean Territory 377 French Southern/Antartic Lands
21 Brunei Darussalam 53 Gabon
22 Bulgaria 54 Gambia
158 Burkina Faso 320 Gaza Strip
23 Burma (Myanmar) 180 Georgia
24 Burundi 181 Germany
25 Cambodia 57 Ghana
26 Cameroon 376 Gibraltar
27 Canada 321 Glorioso Islnds
307 Canary Islands 58 Greece
28 Cape Verde 322 Greenland
176 Cayman Islands 59 Grenada
29 Central African Republic 203 Guadeloupe
30 Chad 60 Guam
31 Chile 61 Guatemala
32 China 323 Guernsey
308 Christmas Island 375 Guinea
309 Clipperton Island 374 Guinea-Bissau

Data Entry Standards Manual 18

Revised December 2004
63 Guyana 339 Midway Islands
64 Haiti 370 Moldova
324 Heard/McDonald Islands 100 Monaco
65 Honduras 101 Mongolia
183 Hong Kong 340 Montenegro
325 Howland Island 187 Montserrat
66 Hungary 102 Morocco
67 Iceland 103 Mozambique
68 India 226 Namibia
69 Indonesia 104 Nauru
70 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 224 Navassa Island
71 Iraq 105 Nepal
72 Ireland 106 Netherlands
326 Isle of Man 188 Netherlands Antilles
73 Israel 369 New Caledonia
74 Italy 107 New Zealand
76 Jamaica 108 Nicaragua
327 Jan Mayen 109 Niger
77 Japan 110 Nigeria
328 Jarvis Island 368 Niue
329 Jersey 341 Norfolk Island
330 Johnston Atoll 81 North Korea
78 Jordan 342 Northern Island
331 Juan de Nova Island 111 Norway
373 Kazakhstan 112 Oman
79 Kenya 113 Pakistan
332 Kingman Reef 343 Palau
80 Kiribati 344 Palmyra Atoll
333 Kosovo 114 Panama
334 Kurile 115 Papua New Guinea
83 Kuwait 345 Paracel Islands
184 Kyrgyzstan 116 Paraguay
84 Lao People Democratic Republic 117 Peru
185 Latvia 118 Philippines
85 Lebanon 346 Pitcairn Island
86 Lesotho 119 Poland
87 Liberia 120 Portugal
88 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 347 Puerto Rico
89 Liechtenstein 121 Qatar
186 Lithuania 348 Redonda
90 Luxembourg 349 Reunion
372 Macau 122 Romania
371 Macedonia 154 Russian Federation
91 Madagascar 123 Rwanda
92 Malawi 350 Ryukyu Islands
93 Malaysia 124 Saint Kitts and Nevis
94 Maldives 125 Saint Lucia
95 Mali 126 Saint Vincent and Grenadines
96 Malta 127 San Marino
335 Marshall Islands 128 Sao Tome and Principe
336 Martinique 353 Sarawak
97 Mauritania 129 Saudi Arabia
98 Mauritius 130 Senegal
337 Mayotte 190 Serbia
99 Mexico 131 Seychelles
338 Micronesia, Federated States of 132 Sierra Leone

Data Entry Standards Manual 19

Revised December 2004
133 Singapore 359 Tromelin Island
191 Slovakia 150 Tunisia
192 Slovenia 151 Turkey
134 Solomon Islands 193 Turkmenistan
135 Somalia 220 Turks and Caicos Island
136 South Africa 152 Tuvalu
354 South Georgia 153 Uganda
82 South Korea 195 Ukraine
137 Spain 155 United Arab Emirates
355 Spratly Islands 156 United Kingdom
138 Sri Lanka 157 United States of America
351 St. Helena 159 Uruguay
352 St.Pierre and Miquelon 360 Uzbekistan
139 Sudan 160 Vanuatu
140 Suriname 361 Vatican City
356 Svalbard (Spitsbergen) 161 Venezuela
141 Swaziland 162 Viet Nam
142 Sweden 206 Virgin Islands (British)
143 Switzerland 214 Virgin Islands (U.S.)
144 Syrian Arab Republic 362 Wake Island
194 Taiwan 366 Wallis and Futuna
367 Tajikistan 363 West Bank
145 Tanzania 365 Western Sahara
146 Thailand 163 Western Samoa
10 The Bahamas 364 Windward Island
147 Togo 196 Yemen
357 Tokelau 166 Yugoslavia
148 Tonga 167 Zaire
358 Tortola 168 Zambia
149 Trinidad and Tobago 169 Zimbabwe

Data Entry Standards Manual 20

Revised December 2004
16 Appendix I: International Telephone Codes
Afghanistan 93 Newcastle 49 Mons 65
Albania 355 Perth 9 Namur 81
Algeria 213 Sydney 2 Oostende 59
Algiers 2 Toowoomba 76 Verviers 87
Annaba 8 Townsville 77 Waregem 56
Constantine 4 Wollongong 42 Belize 501
Essenia 6 Austria 43 Belize City 2
Oran 6 Baden Bei Wien 2252 Belmopan 8
American Samoa 684 Badgastein 6434 Corozal Town 4
Andorra 376 Graz 316 Orange Walk 3
Angola 244 Horn 2982 Benin 229
Anguilla 809 Innsbruck 512 Bermuda 1+441 or 809
Antarctica 672 Kitzbuehel 5356 Bhutan 975
Antigua and Barbuda 1 268 Klagenfurt 4222 Bolivia 591
Argentina 54 Klosterneuburg 2243 Cochabamba 42
Azul 281 Krems An Der Donau 2732 La Paz 2
Bahia Blanca 91 Linz 70 Santa Cruz 33
Buenos Aires 1 Linz Donau 732 Bosnia and Herzegovina 387
Chilvilcoy 341 Lofer 6588 Sarajevo 71
Comodoro Rivadavia 967 Neunkirchen Botswana 267
Cordoba 51 Niederosterreich 2635 Brazil 55
Corrientes 783 Salzburg 662 Aracajú 79
La Plata 21 Sankt Polten 2742 Belem 91
Las Flores 244 Thuringen 5550 Belo Horizonte 31
Mar Del Plata 23 Velden Am Wother See 4274 Boa Vista 95
Medoza 61 Vienna 1 Botucatu 14
Merio 220 Weis 7242 Brasilia 61
Moreno 228 Zell Am See 6542 Campinas 19
Posadas 752 Azerbaijan 994 Campo Grande 84
Resistencia 722 Baku 12 Canoas 51
Rio Cuarto 586 Cuiabá 65
Rosario 41 -B- Curitiba 41
San Juan 64 Diadema 11
San Rafael 627 Bahamas 1 242 Florianópolis 48
Santa Fe 42 Bahrain 973 Fortaleza 85
Tandil 293 Bangladesh 880 Goiania 62
Villa Maria 531 Chittagong 31 Guarulhos 11
Armenia 374 Dhaka (Dacca) 2 João Pessoa 83
Ashtarak 43 Khulna 41 Juiz de Fora 32
Yerevan 2 Rangpur 521 Jundiai 11
Aruba 297 Barbados 1 246 Londrina 43
All Points 8 Belarus 375 Macapá 96
Ascension 247 Brest 162 Maceió 82
Australia 61 Minsk 172 Manaus 92
Adelaide 8 Novopolotsk 2144 Natal 84
Albury 60 Sosny 172 Niteroi 21
Alice Springs 89 Belgium 32 Nova Hamburgo 51
Armidale 67 Antwerp 3 Palmas 63
Ballerat 53 Bruges 50 Paranagua 41
Brisbane 7 Brussels 2 Pelotas 532
Cairns 70 Charleroi 71 Porto Alegre 51
Canberra 62 Ghent 9 Porto Velho 69
Darwin 89 Hasselt 11 Recife 81
Geelong 52 Knokke 50 Ribeirao Preto 16
Gold Coast 75 Kortrijk 56 Rio de Janeiro 21
Hamilton 55 La Louviere 64 Salvador 71
Hobart 02 Leuven 16 Santo Andre 11
Launceston 03 Libramont 61 Santos 13
Melbourne 39 Liege 4 São Bernardo do Campo 11
Mildura 50 Malines 15 São Jose dos Campos 12

Data Entry Standards Manual 21

Revised December 2004
São Luiz 98 The Northwest Territories Gongzhuling 438
São Paulo 11 819, 867 and 403 Guangzhou 20
Teresina 86. Yukon 403, 867 Guilin 773
Vitoria 27 Cape Verde Islands 238 Guiyang 851
British Virgin Islands 284 Cayman Islands 345 Gutian 5037
Brunei 673 Central African Republic 236 Haikou 750
Bandar Seri Chad 235 Handan 310
Behawan 2 Chatham Island (New Hangu 22
Kuala Belait 3 Zealand) 64 Hangzhou 571
Tutong 4 Chile 56 Hankou 27
Bulgaria 359 Antofagasta 55 Harbin 451
Burgas 56 Arica 58 Hefei 551
Cherven Bryag 659 Calama 56 Hengshui 318
Gabrovo 66 Chiquayante 41 Hengyang 734
Pleven 64 Concepcion 41 Hepu 7892
Plovdiv 32 Iquique 57 Heshan 7680
Ruse 82 Penco 41 Huanggang 713
Shoumen 2 Puerto Montt 65 Huangshi 714
Sofia 2 Punta Arenas 61 Huaxian 20
Varna 52 Rancagua 72 Huian 5051
Burkina Faso 226 Tecreo 31 Huizhou 752
Burundi 257 San Bernardo 2 Huzhou 572
Santiago 2 Jiamusi 454
-C- Talca 71 Jiangmen 7682
Talcahuano 41 Jianou 5094
Cambodia 855 Temuco 45 Jianyang 590
Cameroon 237 Valparaiso 32 Jiaxing 573
Bahenda 36 Vina Del Mar 32 Jilin 432
Buea 32 China 86 Jinan 531
Veliko Turnovo 62 Anqing 556 Jinhua 579
Yaounde 23 Anshan 412 Jining 537
Canada 1 Baicheng 436 Jinjiang 595
Alberta 403 Baoan Xian 755 Jinzhou 416
British Columbia 250 Baoding 312 Kaifeng 378
Vancouver and the Lower Baoji 917 Kaiping 7658
Mainland 604 Beihai 779 Kunming 871
Victoria (and the rest of the Beijing (Peking) 10 Langfang 316
province) 250 Bengbu 552 Lanzhou 931
Manitoba 204 Cangzhou 317 Lianyungang 518
New Brunswick 506 Changchun 431 Liaoyang 419
Newfoundland 709 Changde 736 Liaoyuan 437
Nova Scotia 902 Changle 5041 Lishui 578
Prince Edward Island 902 Changsha 731 Liuzhou 772
Ontario Changzhou 519 Longgang 755
Fort William 807 Chaoyang 7644 Longhai 5062
Hamilton 905 Chaozhou 7681 Longyan, Fujian 597
London 519 Chengde 314 Luoyang 379
Kingston 613 Chengdu 28 Luzhou 8400
Mississauga 905 Chongan 5098 Maanshan 555
North Bay 705 Chongqing 811 Mawei 591
Ottawa 613 Conghua 2092 Meizhou 753
Sault Ste. Marie 705 Dagang 22 Mianyang 816
Thunder Bay 807 Dalian 411 Minqing 5046
Toronto 416 Dandong 415 Mudanjiang 453
Windsor 519 Daqing 4610 Nanan 5053
Quebec Deyang 8241 Nanching 791
Montreal 514 Dongguan 7620 Nanchong 817
Montreal Surburban 450 Foshan 757 Nanjing 25
Quebec City 418 Fuding 5033 Nanning 771
Sherbrooke 819 Fuxin 418 Nanping 599
Trois-Rivieres 819 Fuzhou 591 Nantong 513
Saskatchewan 306 Gaoming 7650 Nantou 755

Data Entry Standards Manual 22

Revised December 2004
Nanyang 377 Xining 971 Cuba 53
Ningbo 574 Xinxiang 373 Cyprus 357
Ningde 593 Xuchang 374 Famagusta 3
Panjin 4271 Xuzhou 516 Larnaca 4
Panyu 2096 Yanan 911 Limassol 5
Pingdingshan 375 Yancheng 515 Nicosia 2
Pingtan 5043 Yangzhou 514 Paphos 6
Pucheng 5091 Yanji 433 Czech Republic 420
Puning 7649 Yantai 535 Breclav 2067
Putian 594 Yibin 831 Brno 5
Qingdao 532 Yinchuan 951 Havirov 6994
Qinhuangdao 335 Yiyang 737 Hlucin 69
Qinzhou 777 Yongan 5084 Karlsbad 17
Quanzhou 595 Yongzhou 7401 Liberec 48
Quzhou 570 Yueyang 730 Olomoue 68
Sanming 598 Yulin 755 Ostrava 69
Sanshui 7652 Zhangjiakou 313 Pilsen 19
Shanghai 21 Zhangpu 5063 Prague 2
Shangqiu 370 Zhangzhou 596 Zlin 67
Shantou 754 Zhanjiang 759
Shaoguan 751 Zhaoqing 758 -D-
Shaowu 5096 Zhengzhou 371
Shaoxing 575 Zhenjiang 511 Denmark 45
Shaxian 5081 Zherong 5032 Diego Garcia 246
Shekou 755 Zhongshan 7654 Djibouti 253
Shenyang 24 Zhuhai 756 Dominica 767
Shenzhen 755 Zhuzhou 733 Dominican Republic 809
Shijiazhuang 311 Zibo 533
Shishi 595 Zigong 813 -E-
Shuangcheng 4615 Christmas Island 672
Shunde 7653 Cocos Islands 672 Easter Island 56
Sihui 7663 Colombia 57 Ecuador 593
Siping 434 Armenia 60 Ambato 2
Suihua 455 Barranquila 53 Cayambe 2
Suxian 557 Bogota 1 Cuenca 7
Suzhou 512 Bucaramanga 76 Esmeraldas 2
Taian 538 Cali 2 Guayaquil 4
Taiyuan 351 Cartagena 59 Ibarra 3
Taizhou 576 Cartago 66 Loja 7
Tanggu 22 Cucuta 70 Machachi 2
Tangshan 315 Giradot 832 Machala 4
Tianjin 22 Ibague 82 Manta 4
Tianshui 938 Manizales 69 Portoviejo 4
Tieling 410 Medellin 4 Quevedo 4
Tongan 5021 Neiva 80 Quito 2
Tonghua 435 Palmira 31 Salinas 4
Urumqi 991 Pereira 61 Santo Domingo 2
Weifang 536 Santa Marta 56 Tulcan 2
Wenjiang 815 Villavicencio 86 Egypt 20
Wenzhou 577 Comoros 269 Alexandria 3
Wuhan 27 Congo 242 Aswan 97
Wuhu 553 Cook Islands 682 Asyut 88
Wuxi 510 Costa Rica 506 Benhas 13
Xiamen 592 Croatia 385 Cairo 2
Xi'an 29 Bakar 51 Damanhour 45
Xiangtan 732 Dubrovnik 20 El Mahallah 43
Xiaogan 712 Pula 52 El Mansoura 50
Xiaolan 7654 Rijeka 51 Luxor 95
Xiapu 5034 Split 21 Mahalah El Kobra 43
Xichang 834 Varazdin 42 Port Said 66
Xingtai 319 Zadar 23 Oena 96
Xinhui 7656 Zagreb 1 Shebin El Kom 48

Data Entry Standards Manual 23

Revised December 2004
Sohag 93 Biarritz 559 Munich 89
Suez 62 Bordeaux 556 Nurnberg 911
Tanta 40 Cannes 493 Oberhausen 208
El Salvador 503 Cherbourg 233 Pforzheim 7231
Equatorial Guinea 240 Corsica 495 Solingen 212
Eritrea 291 Grenoble 476 Stuttgart 711
Estonia 372 Le Havre 235 Trier 651
Haapsalu 47 Lille 320 Wiesbaden 611
Jõgeva 77 Lourdes 562 Wuerzburg 931
Kärdla 46 Lyon 472-478 Ghana 233
Kohtla-Järve 33 Marseille 491 Accra 21
Kuressaare 45 Montpellier 467 Koforidua 81
Narva 35 Nantes 240 Kumasi 51
Paide 38 Nice 493 Tamale 71
Pärnu 44 Paris 1 Gibraltar 350
Põlva 79 Reims 326 Greece 30
Rakvere 32 Rouen 235 Alexandroupolis 551
Rapla 48 St. Etienne 477 Argos 751
Sillamäe 39 St. Tropez 494 Athens 1
Tallinn 2 (variable) Strasbourg 388 Chania, Crete 821
Tartu 7 Toulon 494 Corfu 661
Valga 76 Toulouse 561 Corinth 741
Viljandi 43 Tours 247 Crete 821
Võru 78 Vichy 470 Elevsis 1
Ethiopia 251 French Antilles 596 Heraklion 81
Addis Adaba 1 French Guyana 594 Hydra 298
Assab 3 French Polynesia 689 Kalamata 721
Dire Dawa 5 Fyrom (Macedonia) 389 Kavala 51
Skopje 91 Kos 242
-F- Larissa 41
-G- Mikonos Island 289
Falkland Islands 500 Milos 287
Faroe Islands 298 Gabon 241 Mytilene 251
Fiji 679 Gambia 220 Patras 61
Finland 358 Georgia 995 Piraeus 1
Espoo-Esbo 9 Germany 49 Rhodes 241
Forssa 3 Achim 241 Salonika 31
Helsinki 9 Augsberg 821 Samos Island 273
Joensuu 13 Baden-Baden 7221 Skiathos 424
Jyvaskyla 14 Bayreuth 921 Sparta 731
Kajaani 8 Berlin 30 Thessaloniki 31
Kemi 16 Bonn 228 Tripolis 71
Kotka 5 Bremen 421 Volos 421
Kuopio 17 Bremerhaven 471 Zagora 426
Kuusamo 8 Cologne (Koln) 221 Greenland 299
Lahti 3 Dortmund 231 Grenada and
Lappeenranta 5 Dresden 351 Carriacuou 473
Mariehamn 18 Dussledorf 211 Grenadin Islands 784
Mikkeli 15 Essen 201 Bequia
Oulu 8 Frankfurt 69 Mustique
Pori 2 Friedrichshafen 7541 Palm Island
Rovaniemi 10 Hamburg 40 Union Island
Savonlinna 15 Hanover 511 Guadeloupe 590
Tammefors 3 Heidelberg 6221 Guam 671
Tampere 3 Hof 9281 Guantanamo Bay 53
Turku 2 Karlsruhe 721 All Points 99
Uleaborg 8 Kassel 561 Guatemala 502
Vassa 6 Kiel 431 Antigua 9
Vanda, Vanta 9 Koblenz 261 Guatemala City 2
Varkaus 17 Leipzig 341 Quezaltenango 9
France 33 Magdeburg 391 Guiana 594
Aix-En-Provence 442 Muenster 6071 Guinea 224

Data Entry Standards Manual 24

Revised December 2004
Guinea-Bissau 245 Jayapura 967 Haifa 4
Guyana 592 Kupang 391 Herzliya 9
Bartica 5 Madiun 351 Hod Hasharon 9
Georgetown 2 Malang 341 Holon 3
New Amsterdam 3 Medan 61 Jerusalem 2
Padang 751 Karkur 6
-H- Palembang 711 Kfar Saba 9
Semarang 24 Kiryat Ata 4
Haiti 509 Solo city 271 Kiryat Bialik 4
Honduras 504 Surabaya 31 Kiryat Gat 7
Hong Kong 852 Tanjungkarang 721 Kiryat Malachi 8
Hungary 36 Yogyakarta 274 Kiryat Motzkin 4
Abasar 37 Inmarsat: Kiryat Ono 3
Balatonaliga 84 East Atlantic Ocean 871 Kiryat Shmona 6
Budapest 1 Indian Ocean 873 Kiryat Tivon 4
Debrecan 52 Pacific Ocean 872 Kiryat Yam 4
Dorgicxe 80 West Atlantic Ocean 874 Lod 8
Fertoboz 99 Iran 98 Maale Adumim 2
Gyongyos 37 Isfahan 31 Maalot Tarshiha 4
Gyor 96 Mashhad 51 Mevasseret Zion 2
Kaposvar 82 Tabriz 41 Mount Carmel 2
Kazincbarcik 48 Tehran 21 Nahariya 4
Komio 72 Iraq 964 Nazereth 6
Miskolc 46 Ireland 353 Nes Ziona 8
Nagulamsozsa 93 Arklow 402 Netanya 9
Szekesfehervar 22 Cork 21 Netivot 7
Szeged 62 Dingle 66 Or Akiva 6
Szolnok 56 Donegal 73 Pardes Hana 6
Varpalota 80 Drogheda 41 Petah Tikva 3
Veszprem 80 Dublin 1 Raanana 9
Zalaegerszeg 92 Dundalk 42 Ramle 8
Ennis 65 Ramat Gan 3
-I- Galway 91 Ramat Hasharon 3
Kildare 45 Rehovot 8
Iceland 354 Kilkenny 56 Rishon Lezion 3
India 91 Killarney 64 Rosh Haayin 3
Ahmedabad 79 Limerick 61 Safed 6
Amristsar 183 Sligo 71 Tel Aviv-Jaffa 3
Bangalore 80 Tipperary 62 Tiberias 6
Baroda 265 Tralee 65 Yavne 8
Bhopal 755 Tullamore 506 Zichron Yaacov 6
Bombay 22 Waterford 51 Italy 39
Calcutta 33 Wexford 53 Bari 80
Chandigarh 172 Israel 972 Bergamo 35
Delhi 11 Acre 4 Bologna 51
Hyderabad 40 Afula 6 Brindisi 831
Jaipur 141 Arad 7 Cagliari 70
Jullundur 181 Ariel 3 Capri 81
Kanpur 512 Ashdod 8 Catania 95
Madras 44 Ashkelon 7 Como 31
New Delhi 11 Azur 3 Florence 55
Poona 212 Bat Yam 3 Genoa 10
Surat 261 Beer Sheva 7 Messina 90
Indonesia 62 Beit Shean 6 Milan 2
Ambona 911 Beit Shemesh 2 Modena 59
Balikpapan 542 Bnei Brak 3 Naples 81
Bandung 22 Carmiel 4 Padova 49
Blitar 342 Dimona 7 Palermo 91
Cipanas 255 Eilat 7 Pantelleria 923
Cirebon 231 Even Yehuda 9 Perugia 75
Denpasar 361 Givatayim 3 Pescara 85
Jakarta 21 Hadera 6 Pisa 50

Data Entry Standards Manual 25

Revised December 2004
Pompei 81 Matraq 6 Baabdat 04
Portofino 185 Ramtha 2 Bartoun - North 06
Reggio Clabria 965 Zargu 9 Beirut 01
Rome 6 Beit Mery 04
Sorrento 81 -K- Bhamdoun 05
Sondrio 342 Bikfaya - Metn 04
Taranto 99 Kazakhstan 7 Broumana 04
Triesto 40 Almaty 327 Faraya 09
Turin 11 Karaganda 3212 Jounieh 09
Vatican City 6 Kustanay 3142 Jubail 09
Venice 41 Shymkent 3252 North Bartoun 06
Verona 45 Zhezkazgan 3102 Saidon 07
Vicenza 444 Kenya 254 South Tyre 07
Ivory Coast 225 Busia 321, 366 Tripoli 06
Eldorel 321 Tyre - South - 07
-J- Kajiado 301 Zahle - Bekaa 08
Kisumu 35 Zghorta 06
Jamaica 876 Maseno 35 Zouk Mikael 9
Japan 81 Mombasa 11 Mobile (Cellular) 03
Aichi 562 Nairobi 2 Lesotho 266
Akita 188 Nakuru 37 Liberia 231
Amagasaki 6 Kiribati 686 Libya 218
Chiba 472 South Korea 82 Benghazi 61
Chuoko 3 Anyang 343 Misurata 51
Fuchu 423 Cheju 64 Tripoli 21
Fukuoka 92 Chungju 441 Zawia 23
Gifu 582 Gumi 546 Liechtenstein 41
Hiroshima 82 Icheon 336 All Points 75
Kagoshima 992 Inchon 32 Lithuania 370
Kanagawa 44 Jeonju 52 Klaipeda 61
Kawasaki 44 Kwangju 62 Kaunas 7
Kobe 78 Kyonggi-do 2 Vilnius 2, 122
Kochi 888 Masan 55 Luxembourg 352
Kyoto 75 Osan 339 Diedrich 45
Mitatoku Tokyo 3 Pohang 562 Han/Lesse 84
Miyazaki 985 Pusan 51 Howard 352
Nagasaki 958 Seongnam 2 Kirchberg 352
Nagoya 52 Seoul 2 Plateau de Kirchberg 352
Naha (Okinawa) 988 Suwon 331 Rameldange 352
Niigata 25 Taegu 53
Nishinomiya 798 Ulsan 522 -M-
Okayama 862 Wonju 371
Osaka 6 Kuwait 965 Macau 853
Saitamatan 48 Safat 252, 5 Macedonia, Federal Republic
Sapporo 11 Kygyzstan 996 of 389
Sasebo 956 Bishkek 2 Bitola 97
Sendai 22 Karakol 31922 Gostivar 94
Tachikawa 425 Osh 3322 Ohrid 96
Takamatsu 878 Prilep 98
Tokyo 3 -L- Skopje 1, 91
Toyama 764 Strumica 902
Toyota 565 Laos 856 Tetova 94
Yokohama 45 Latvia 371 Madagascar 261
Yokosuka 468 Jelgava 30 Malawi 265
Jerusalem 2 Liepajas Domasi 531
Jordan 962 Rajons 34 Malaysia 60
Al-sareeh 2 Riga 2 if the number only Alor Setar 4
Amman 6 contains 6 digits. Baranang 3
Aqaba 3 Valmiera 42 Cheras 3
Irbid 2 Lebanon 961 Degil 3
Jerash 4 Ajaltoun - Keserwan 09 Ipoh 5
Karak 3 Aley 05 Joho Baharu 7

Data Entry Standards Manual 26

Revised December 2004
Kajang 3 Mongolia 976 Manawatu 6
Kepala Betas 4 All Points 1 Napier 6
Kuala Lumpur 3 Montserrat 664 Nelson 3
Kuala Terengganu 96 Morocco 212 New Plymouth 6
Machang 97 Casablanc 2 Palmerston North 6
Malacca 6 Marrakech 44 Queenstown 3
Maran 95 Rabat 7 Rotorua 7
Palau Pinang 4 Tangiers 99 The South Island 3
Penang 4 Mozambique 258 Tauranga 6
Petaling Jaya 3 Myanmar 95 Timaru 3
Port Dickson 6 Wairarapa 6
Sclangor 3 -N- Wanganui 6
Semenyih 3 Wellington 4
Seremban 6 Namibia 264 Whangarei 9
Serlang 3 Keetmanshoop 631 Nicaragua 505
Shah Alan 3 Tsumeb 671 Chinandega 341
Sungei Besi 3 Windhoek 61 Diriamba 42
Sungei Renggam 3 Nauru 674 Leon 311
Sungei 07 Nepal 977 Managua 2
Tawau, Sabah 89 Netherlands 31 Niger 227
Maldives 960 Amsterdam 20 Nigeria 234
Mali 223 Arnhem 85 Abeokuta 90
Malta 356 Breda 76 Abuja 9
Valletta 626 Delft 15 Benin City 52
Mariana Islands 670 Dordrecht 78 Calabar 87
Marshall Islands 692 Eindhoven 40 Edo State 52
Martinique 596 Enschede 53 Enugu 42
Mauritania 222 Gouda 1820 Ibadan 2
Mauritius 230 Groningen 50 Ikoyi 1
Mayotte 269 Haarlem 23 Ile-Ife 36
Mexico 52 Heemstede 23 Jos 73
Acapulco 74 Heerlen 45 Kaduna 62
Cancun 988 Hillegersberg 10 Lagos 1
Celaya 461 Hilversum 35 Nsukka 42
Chihuahua 14 Hoensbroek 45 Owerri 83
Ciudad Juarez 16 Hoogkerk 50 Port-Harcourt 84
Cozumel 987 Hoogvliet 10 Zaria 69
Culiacan 671 Leeuwarden 58 Niue 683
Guadalajara 3 Leiden 71 Norfolk Island 672
Hermosillo 621 Loosduinen 70 North Korea 850
La Paz 682 Maastricht 43 Norway 47
Mazatlan 678 Nijmegen 80 Bergen 5
Merida 99 Oud Zuilen 30 Drammen 32
Mexicali 65 Rotterdam 10 Halden 69
Mexico City 5 The Hague 70 Lysaker 67
Monterrey 83 Tilburg 13 Oslo 22
Puebla 22 Utrecht 30 Tromso 77
Puerto Vallarta 322 Neth. Antilles 599
San Luis Potosi 481 Bonaire 7 -O, P-
Tampico 121 Curacao 9
Tecate 665 St. Eustatius 38 Oman 968
Tijuana 66 St. Maarten 5 Pakistan 92
Torreon 17 Nevis 869 Hyderabad 221
Veracruz 29 New Caledonia 687 Islamabad 51
Micronesia, Federated States New Zealand 64 Karachi 21
691 Auckland 9 Lahore 42
Midway Islands 808 Bay of Plenty 7 Palau 680
Miquelon 508 Christchurch 3 Palestinian Territories
Moldova 373 Dunedin 3 Al-Toufah 7
Chisinau 2 Hamilton 7 Beit-Jala 2
Monaco 377 Hastings 6 Beit Sahour 2
All Points 93 Invercargill 3 Bethlehem 2

Data Entry Standards Manual 27

Revised December 2004
Birzeit 2 Lomianki 22
Hebron 2 Lublin 81 Qatar 974
Nablus 9 Myslenice 115 Reunion Island 262
Ramallah 2 Olsztyn 89 Romania 40
Panama 507 Opole 77 Alba-Iulia 58
Papua New Guinea 675 Ostrowiec 47 Arad 57
Paraguay 595 Poznan 61 Bacau 34
Asuncion 21 Pruszkow 22 Baia-Mare 62
Concepcion 31 Radom 48 Bistrita Nasaud 63
Peru 51 Sejny 87 Botosani 31
Arequipa 54 Sopot 58 Braila 39
Callao 14 Sosnowiec 32 Brasov 68
Cusco84 Szczecin 91 Bucuresti (Bucharest) 1
Huancayo 64 Torun 56 Buzau 38
Ica34 Tychy 32 Calarasi 42
Iquitos94 Warsaw 22 Cernavoda 41
Lima 1 Wroclaw 71 Chisineu Cris 960
Piura / Chiclayo 74 Portugal 351 Cluj 64
Trujillo 44 Almada 1 Cluj-Napoca 64
Philippines 63 Angra Do Heroismo 95 Constanta 41
Angeles, Luzon 455 Aviero 34 Craiova 51
Bacolod 34 Barreiro 1 Deva 54
Baguio 74 (Benguet Beja 84 Drobeta Turnu-Severin 52
Province) Braga 53 Efarie 41
Cebu 32 Caldas Da Rainha 62 Focsani 37
ClarkField 45 (Pampanga Cascais 1 Galati 36
Province) Coimbra 39 Giurgiu 46
Dagupan 75 (Pangasinan Cova da Picade 1 Iasi 32
Province) Estoril 1 Lipova 57
Davao 82 Evora 66 Marnaia 41
Iloilo 33 Faro 89 Miercurea-Ciuc 66
Lucena, Luzon 42 Figueira Da Foz 33 Odorheiu 59
Makati, Luzon 2 Funchal 90 Oradea 59
Manila 2 Horta 92 Orsova 52
Ozamiz City 88 Lagos 82 Piatra-Neamt 33
SanFernando 72 (LaUnion Lajes 95 Pitesti 48
Province) Leiria 44 Ploiesti 44
San Fernando Pampanga 45 Lisbon 1 Radauti 30
SanPablo 49 or 49560 Madalena 92 Ramnicu-Valcea 50
(Laguna Province) Madeira Islands 91 Resita 55
Subic 47 (Zambales Montijo 1 Satu-Mare 61
Province) Nazare 62 Sfantu-Gheorghe 67
Tarlac 452 or 45 (Tarlac Oeiras 1 Sibiu 69
Province) Peniche 62 Sighisoara 65
Zamboanga 62 Ponta Delgada 96 Slatina 49
Poland 48 Portela-Lrs 1 Slobozia 43
Bialystok 85 Porto 2 Suceava 30
Bielsko-Biala 33 Porto Santo 91 Szatmar 997
Bydogoszcz 52 Riba de Ave 52 Targoviste 45
Bytom 32 Santa Cruz 92 Targu-Jiu 53
Gdansk 58 Santarem 43 Tirgu-Mures 65
Gdynia 58 Setubal 65 Timisoara 56
Gliwice 32 Sintra 1 Tulcea 40
Gora 75 Velas 95 Turnu Magurele 47
Jozefow 22 Viana Do Castelo 58 Vaslui 35
Katowice 32 Villa Real 59 Zalau60
Koszecin 34 Vita Do Porto 96 Russia 7
Koszalin 94 Viseu 32 Irkutsk 3952
Krakow 12 Principe 239 Kazan 8432
Legnica 76 Puerto Rico 1 787 Krasnodar 8612
Leszno 60 Moscow 095
Lodz 42 -Q, R- Nizhny Novgorod 8312

Data Entry Standards Manual 28

Revised December 2004
Novosibirsk 3832 Topolcany 815 Pinelands 21
St. Petersburg 812 Trnava 805 Pinetown 31
Vladivostok 4232 Zilina 89 Port Elizabeth 219
Volgograd 8442 Slovenia 386 Pretoria 12
Voronezh 0732 Dob 61 Rethabile 12
Yakutsk 411 Domzale 1 Rivonia 11
Yaroslavl 0852 Kamnik 64 Rondebosch 21
Yekaterinburg 3432 Kranj 64 Salt River 21
Rwanda 250 Ljubljana 61 Sandton 11
Maribor 62 Scottsville 331
-S- Menges 61 Seshego 152
Naklo 64 Sovenga 152
St. Helena 290 Skofja Loka 64 Soweto 11
St. Kitts 869 Trboulje 61 Umtata 471
St. Lucia 758 Solomon Islands + 677 Valezia 158
St Pierre et Miquelon 508 Somalia + 252 Vlaeberg 21
St. Vincent 784 Mogadishu 1 Wits 11
Saipan 670 South Africa + 27 Spain + 34
Rota 532 Acornhock 1127 All numbers are not 9 digits
Susupe 234 Alberton 21 Sri Lanka + 94
Tinlan 433 Alice 404 Battargmulb 55
San Marino 378 Amanzimtoti 31 Boralesgamuwa 1
Sao Tome 239 Athlone 21 Colombo Central 1
Saudi Arabia 966 Auckland Park 11 Deniwala 1
Abha 7 Belville 21 Kandy 8
Abqaiq 3 Berea 11 Kelaniya 1
Al Khobar 3 Bloenfortein 51 Kohuwela 1
Al Markazi 2 Boksburg 11 Kotte 1
Al Ulaya 1 Braamfontein 11 Maharagana 1
Damman 3 Cape Town 21 Mattara 41
Dhahran 3 Centurion 12 Moratuwa 1
Hofuf 3 Crawford 21 Nuggoda 1
Jeddah 2 Dalbridge 31 Peradeniya 8
Khamis Mushaait 7 Daveyton 11 Wattala 1
Mecca 2 Dube 11 Sudan + 249
Medina 4 Durban 31 Khartoum 11
Najran 7 East London 431 Suriname + 597
Qatif 3 Emmarentia 11 Swaziland + 268
Riyadh 1 Empangeni 351 Sweden + 46
Tabuk 4 Fort Beaufort 21 Alingsas 322
Taif 2 Gauteng 11 Boras 33
Yenbu 4 George 441 Borlange 243
Senegal Republic + 221 Giyani 158 Bramma 8
Serbia, Republic of + 381 Grahamstown 461 Brottby 8
Seychelles + 248 Johannesburg 11 Danderud 8
Sierra Leone + 232 Kenwyn 21 Djursholm 8
Bo 22 King Williams 404 Eskilstuna 16
Freetown 22 Klerksdorp 18 Gamleby 493
Makeni 22 La Montagne 12 Goteborg 31
Singapore 65 Lady Smith 361 Farsta 8
Slovakia 421 Lenasia 11 Halmstad 35
Banska Bystrica 88 Lenyene 152 Hässelby 8
Bratislava 7 Mangauno 51 Handen 8
Dolny Kubin 845 Mankurwane 531 Helsingborg 42
Dunajská Luzná 7 Maraisburg 11 Hovas 31
Jinan 53 Mitchells Plain 21 Johanneshov 8
Kosice 95 Mulbarton 11 Jonkoping 36
Nitra 87 Natal 351 Kalmar 480
Pezinok 7 Nigel 11 Karlskoga 586
Poniky 88 Parkview 11 Karlstad 54
Presov 91 Pietersburg 152 Kista 8
Stará Turá 834 Pietermaritzburg 331 Knivsta 18

Data Entry Standards Manual 29

Revised December 2004
Kullavik 31 Froideville 21 Syria + 963
Kungalv 303 Gattikon 1 Aleppo (Halab) 21
Linkoping 13 Geneva (Geneve, Genf, Baniyas (Banias) 43
Ljungsbro 13 Ginevra) 22 Bloudan 13
Lund 46 Grand-Lancy 22 Damascus 11
Malmo 40 Grandes-Paccot 37 Dera (Dera'a) 15
Mölnbö 158 Grenchen 65 Deir al-Zour (Dayr az-Zoor)
Norrkoping 11 Gruet 1 51
Norrtälje 175 Gstaad 33 Hamah 33
Nykoping 155 Henggart 52 al-Hasakah (Hasake) 52
Orebro 19 Hilterfingen 31 Homs 31
Ostersund 63 Horgen 1 Idleb (Edleb) 23
Ranea 924 Interlaken 33 Jableh (Jebleh, Gableh) 41
Sala 224 Ittingen 31 Jisr al-Shughur (Jesr ash-
Saltsjöbaden 8 Kilchberg 1 Shugoor) 44
Sigtuna 760 Kriens 41 Kordaha (Kardaha, Kerdaha)
Skelleftea 910 La Chaux-de-Fonds 32 41
Skondal 8 Lausanne (Losanna) 21 Latakia (Lattakia, al-
Södertälje 8 Locarno 91 Ladhakiya) 41
Solna 8 Lugano 91 Ma'anbej 25
Stockholm 8 Lucerne (Luzern, Lucerna) Ma'arret al-Nouman
Sundsvall 60 41 (Maarretannoman) 24
Täby 8 Mannedorf 1 al-Nabk (Nabek, Annabk) 12
Trelleborg 410 Mettmensletten 1 Palmyra (Tadmor) 31
Trosa 156 Metzerlen 61 al-Qamishli (Kamishly) 53
Umea 90 Montreux 21 Quneitra (al-Quneitera,
Uppsala 18 Muri 31 Kuneitra) 19
Vänersborg 521 Neuchatel (Neuenburg) 32 al-Raqqah (Rakka) 22
Vallingby 8 Nyon 22 Safita 43
Vasteras 21 Oberdiesbach 31 Sweida (Sweda) 16
Vasterhaninge 8 Oberwil 61 Tartous (Tartus) 43
Vaxholm 764 Opfikon 61 Yabroud 12
Vaxjo 470 Port 51 Zabadani 13
Velinge 40 Pragassona 91
Vreta Kloster 13 Pully 21 -T-
Switzerland + 41 Riehen 61
Baar 42 Rivaz 22 Taiwan + 886
Baden 56 Sankt Moritz (St. Moritz) 81 Changhua 47
Basle (Basel, Bale, Basilea) Sankt Gallen (St. Gallen, St- Chiy-Yi 5
61 Gall, S. Gallo) 71 Chungli 34
Batel 61 Schofthauser 52 Chunan 36
Begnins 22 Seftigen 33 Chunghsing-Hsintsun 49
Belg 31 Sion (Sitten) 27 Fengyuan 4
Bellevue 22 Solothurn (Soleure, Soletta) Hualien 38
Belp 31 32 Huwei 56
Berne (Bern, Berna) 31 Stetten 52 Ilan 39
Biel (Bienne) 32 Sursee 45 Kaohsiun 7
Blonay 21 Vessy 22 Keelung 32
Bogis-Bassel 22 Vevey 21 Lotung 39
Bollingen 31 Wabern 31 Lukang 47
Bottmingen bei Basel 161 Weggis 41 Makung 6
Brug 56 Wengen 33 Miaoli 37
Carouge 22 Windish 56 Nantou 49
Chambesy 22 Winterthur 52 Panchiao 2
Château d'Oex 26 Yverdom les Bains 24 Pingtung 8
Chur (Coire, Coira) 81 Zell 52 Sunchung 2
Crans 22 Zermatt 27 Taichung 2
Dardagny 22 Zollikerberg 1 Tainan 6
Davos 81 Zug 42 Taipei 2
Feldmeilen 1 Zumikon 1 Taitung 89
Fribourg (Freiburg, Friburgo) Zurich (Zuerich, Zurigo) 1 Taoyuan 33
26 Zurzach 56 Tchou-Nan 36

Data Entry Standards Manual 30

Revised December 2004
Wuchi 46 Afyon 272 Rize 464
Yungho 2 Agri 472 Sakarya (Adapazari) 264
Tajikistan + 7 Aksaray 382 Samsun 362
Isfara 37962 Amasya 358 Siirt 484
Karubadam 3772 Ankara 312 Sinop 368
Khujad 377 Antalya 242 Sivas 346
Tanzania + 255 Ardahan 478 Sanliurfa 414
Dar es Salaam 51 Artvin 466 Sirnak 486
Dodma 61 Aydin 256 Tekirdag 282
Mtwara 59 Balikesir 266 Tokat 356
Mwanza 68 Bartin 378 Trabzon 462
Tanga 53 Batman 488 Tunceli 428
Zanzibar 54 Bayburt 458 Usak 276
Thailand + 66 Bilecik 228 Van 432
Bangkok 2 Bingo l426 Yozgat 354
Buriram 44 Bitus 434 Zonguldak 372
Chiang Mai 53 Bolu 374 Turkmenistan + 993
Chaing Rai 54 Bornoua 232 Ashgabad 12
Chon Buri 38 Burdur 248 Turks and Caicos
Chanthaburi 39 Bursa 224 Islands 649
Hatyai 74 Canakkale 286 Tuvalu + 688
Lampang 54 Cankiri 376
Nakhon Sawan 56 Corum 364 -U-
Nong Khai 42 Denizli 258
Pathumthani 2 Diyarbakir 412 Uganda +256
Pattaya Beach38 Edirne 284 Entebbe 42
Phetchaburi 32 Elazig 424 Jinja 43
Phitsanulok 55 Erzincan 446 Kalisizo 481
Ratchaburi 32 Erzurum 442 Kampala 41
Sara Buri 36 Eskisehir 222 Kyambogo 41
Phuket 76 Gaziantep 342 Masaka 481
Songkhia 74 Giresun 454 Ukraine + 380
Tak 55 Gumushane 456 Cherkassy 472
Trang 75 Hatay 326 Chernivitsi 3722
Ubon Ratchathani 45 Hakkari 438 Crimea 652
Udon Thani 42 Igdir 476 Denepropetrovsk 562
Togo + 228 Isparta 246 Donetsk 622
Tokelau + 690 Icel (Mersin) 324 Ivano-Frankiusk 3422
Tonga + 676 Istanbul (European Side) 212 Kharkov 572
Trinidad and Tobago 868 Istanbul (Asian Side) 216 Kiev 44
Cascade 868 Izmir 232 Kirovohrad 552
Port of Spain 868 Kahramanmaras 344 Lugansk 642
Tunapa 868 Karaman 338 Lviv 322
Tunisia + 216 Kars 474 Mykolaiv 512
Ariana 1 Kastamonu 366 Odessa 482
Bizerte 2 Kayseri 352 Slavyansk 6262
Carthage 1 Kirikkale 318 Ternopil 3522
Cite El Khadhra 1 Kirklareli 288 Umani 4744
Dar Chaabane 2 Kirsehir 386 Vinnytsia 432
El Menzah 1 Kocaeli (Izmit) 262 Zhitomir 41
Hammon Luif 1 Konya 332 United Arab Emirates 971
Kairouan 7 Kutahya 274 Abu Dhabi 2
La Manouba 1 Lefkosa 392 Ajman 6
Marsaville 1 Malatya 422 Al ain 3
Megrine Coteaux 1 Manisa 236 Asab 5
Menzel Bourguiba 2 Mardin 482 Aweir 49
Port El Kantaoui 3 Mersin 392 Bita Zayed 5
Sfax 4 Mugla 252 Buhasa 5
Tunis 1 Mus 436 Dhayd 6
Turkey + 90 Nevsehir 384 Dibba 70
Adana 322 Nigde 388 Dubai 4
Adiyaman 416 Ordu 452 Falaj-Al-Moalia 6

Data Entry Standards Manual 31

Revised December 2004
Fujairah 70 Plymouth 1752 Mukalla 5
Habshan 5 Portsmouth 1705 Sana'a 1
Jebel Ali 84 Prestwick 1292 Taiz 4
Jebel Dhana 52 Reading 1734 Thumar 6
Khawanij 58 Sheffield 114 Yarim 4
Mafrak 5 Southampton 1703 Zabid 3
Ras-Al-Khaimah 77 Swansea 1792 Yugoslavia+ 381
Sharjah 6 United States +1 Ada 24
Tarif 53 Uruguay + 598 Belgrade 11
Umm-ai-Quwain 6 Canelones 332 Nis 18
Wadi Hatta 49 Mercedes 532 Novi Beograd 11
United Kingdom + 44 Montevideo 2 Novi Sad 21
Aberdeen 1224 U.S. Virgin Islands 340 Subotica 24
Aberystwyth 1970 Uzbekistan +7 Zemun 11
Alderney, Channel Islands Ferghana 3722 Zaire + 243
148182 Samarkand 3662 Kinshasa 12
Bangor 1248 Tashkent 3712 Lubumbashi 2
Bath 1225 Urgench 3620 Zambia + 260
Belfast 1232 Chingola 2
Birmingham 121 -V- Kitwe 2
Blackpool 1253 Luanshya 2
Bournemouth 1202 Vanuatu + 678 Lusaka 1
Bradford 1274 Vatican city + 39 Ndola 2
Brighton 1273 All Points 66982 Zanzibar +259
Bristol 117 Venezuela + 58 Zimbabwe + 263
Cambridge 1223 Barcelona 81 Bulawayo 9
Canterbury 1227 Barquisimeto 51 Chiredzi 31
Cardiff 1222 Cabimas 64 Harare 4
Carlisle 1228 Caracas 2 Mutare 20
Carmarthenshire 1558 Cuidad Bolivar 85
Coventry 1203 Coro 68
Dover 1304 Cumana 93
Dundee 1382 Guanare 57
Durham 1385 Los Teques 32
Edinburgh 131 Maiquetia 31
Exeter 1392 Maracaibo 61
Fife 1334 Maracay 43
Glasgow 141 Maturin 91
Gloucester 1452 Merida 74
Greenock 1475 Miranda 2
Guernsey, Channel Islands Puerto Cabello 42
1481 Punto Fijo 69
Haddington 1620 San Cristobal 76
Harrogate 1423 San Juan De Los Morros 46
Hull 1482 Valencia 41
Ipswich 1473 Zaraza 38
Jersey, Channel Islands Vietnam, Socialist Republic
1534 of + 84
Kenilworth 1926 Da Nang City 518
Leeds 113 Hanoi 4
Leicester 116 Ho Chi Minh City 8
Liverpool 151
London 171 or 181 -W, X, Y, & Z-
Londonderry 1504
Manchester 161 Wake Island + 808
Newcastle 1632 Wallis & Futuna Islands +
Northampton 1604 681
Norwich 1603 Western Samoa + 685
Nottingham 115 Yemen+ 967
Oban 1631 Aden 2
Oxford 1865 Amran 2
Penzance 1736 Hodeidah 3

Data Entry Standards Manual 32

Revised December 2004
17 Appendix J: Address Type Codes
AP Accounts Payable NP Newspaper
A vendor’s accounts payable or A person’s home newspaper
remittance address. address.

AR Account’s Receivable OF Office

A vendor’s accounts receivable Savannah College of Art and Design
second billing address. employee’s office address.

BI* Billing PR* Permanent

A student billing address if different A person's permanent home
from MA address. address.

BU Business P1* Parent/Guardian 1

Only for Alumni/Development use, The address of a student’s parent or
this is a person or non-person’s relative with whom the student
employer or business address. resides if different from PR address.

CA* Campus P2* Parent/Guardian 2

Savannah College of Art and Design Additional parent address if both
campus address for a student. parents do not reside together and if
different from PR and P1
FA Financial Aid address(es).
Address to which student financial
aid information is sent, if different PU Purchasing
from MA address. A vendor’s purchasing address, to
be used only by Purchasing for
LC* Local placing orders.
For non-resident students only.
This is a student’s local off-campus TM Temporary
address if different from MA A temporary or leave-of-absence
address. address for any person* record.
This is not the same as a seasonal
MA Mailing or vacation address.
Address where the person wishes to
receive mail. VI Visa
Exclusively used for SEVIS. Should
only contain international address
Every entity must have an active MA information.
When Updating Addresses:
When Creating New Addresses:
1. If the MA address is invalid, and you
Every new entity regardless of its type have a source for a new MA address,
(parent, student, staff, company, vendor, inactivate the old MA and create a new
donor, etc.) must have an active MA MA with the updated information.
address entry. You must create an MA 2. If there is no new source for a valid MA
address even if it is the same as some other then DO NOT inactivate the MA
type you are creating. address; simply put RVEW in the source
*All student records will contain PR and 3. If you receive an indication from the post
MA addresses. If parents are separated, office that an address is not valid and
P2 may also be populated. you do not have a good address, put
BAD in the source field.

Data Entry Standards Manual 33

Revised December 2004
18 Appendix K: Telephone Type Codes
AP Accounts Payable PR Permanent
A vendor’s accounts payable or The permanent home telephone
remittance telephone number. number.

AR Account’s Receivable P1H Parent/Guardian 1 Home

A vendor’s accounts receivable This is the home telephone number
second telephone number. of a student’s parent or relative with
whom the student resides.
BI Billing
A person’s billing telephone number. P1W Parent/ Guardian 1 Work
This is the work telephone number
BU Business of a student's parent or guardian
Only for Alumni/Development use, with whom the student resides.
this is a person or non-person’s
employer or business telephone P2H Parent/Guardian 2 Home
number. This is the home telephone number
of a student’s parent or relative with
CA Campus whom the student does not reside.
Savannah College of Art and Design
campus telephone number for a P2W Parent/Guardian 2 Work
student. This is the home telephone number
of a student's parent or relative with
EG Emergency whom the student does nor reside.
Telephone number to contact in
case of an emergency, if different PU Purchasing
from the MA telephone number. A vendor’s purchasing telephone
number, to be used only by
FA Financial Aid Purchasing for placing orders.
Telephone number to contact
regarding student financial aid TL Telematch
information, if different from the MA For use ONLY by the
number. Alumni/Development module.

FX Fax TM Temporary
Facsimile phone number. A temporary or leave-of-absence
telephone number for any person*
LC Local record, this is not the same as a
For non-resident students only, this seasonal or vacation telephone
is a student’s home telephone number.
number who does not live on
campus or at his/her mailing SE Seasonal
address. A vacation or seasonal telephone
number, this is to be used for
MA Main recurring seasonal addresses as
This is the telephone number where opposed to temporary address
the person wishes to receive calls. changes.

MOB Mobile (Cell Phone) SW Student Work

For cellular phone numbers. This is the work telephone number
of a student.
OF Office
Office phone number for a
Savannah College of Art and Design

Data Entry Standards Manual 34

Revised December 2004
19 Appendix L: Ethnicity Codes
Ethnicity Codes must be entered for all students and employees. A person's ethnicity is entered
on the general person form SPAPERS. Valid values are found in the validation table STVETHN.
These codes conform to the IPEDS ethnicity codes and are used in IPEDS reporting.


1 White, Non-Hispanic A person having origins in any of the original

people of Europe, North Africa or the Middle
east (except those of Hispanic origin).

2 Black, Non-Hispanic All persons having origins in any of the black

racial groups of Africa (except those of
Hispanic origin).

3 Hispanic A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban,

Central or South American, or other Spanish
culture or origin, regardless of race.

4 Asian/Pacific Islander All persons having origins in any of the

original people of the Far east, Southeast
Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, or Pacific
Islands. This includes people from China,
Japan, Korea, the Philippine Islands,
American Samoa, India and Vietnam.

5 American Indian/Alaskan Native All persons having origins in any of the

original people of North America, and who
maintain cultural identification through tribal
affiliation or community recognition.

6 Unknown This is used ONLY If the person does not

indicate a racial or ethnic designation, AND
the institution finds it impossible to place the
person in one of the aforementioned
racial/ethnic categories.

Data Entry Standards Manual 35

Revised December 2004
20 Appendix M: Citizenship Type Codes

Citizen type is required for all students and employees. A person's citizenship is entered on the
General Person Form SPAPERS. Valid values are found in the validation table STVCITZ.


US United States Citizen A person who is a citizen of the United States.

RA Resident Alien A person who is not a citizen of the United States

but has been admitted as a legal immigrant for
the purpose of obtaining lawful permanent
residency or Green Card status. Verification
includes an alien registration card [Form I-551 or
I-151], a Temporary Resident Card [Form I-688],
or an Arrival-Departure Record [Form I-94] with a
notation that conveys legal immigrant status such
as Section 207 Refugee, Section 208 Asylee,
Conditional Entrant Parolee or Cuban-Haitian.

NR Non-Resident Alien A person who is not a citizen of the United States

and who is in this country on a temporary basis.

DC Dual Citizenship A person who maintains United States citizenship

and citizenship in another country.

Data Entry Standards Manual 36

Revised December 2004
21 Appendix N: Legacy Codes


A Aunt Sister of parent.

B Brother Blood brother or step brother.

C Cousin Aunt or uncle’s child.

F Father Person student considers father.

G Grandparent Mother or father of parent.

O Spouse Spouse.

M Mother Person student considers mother.

P Parents When mother and father are not mutually


S Sister Blood sister or step sister.

U Uncle Brother of parent.

X Multiple Multiple relatives/relationships.

22 Appendix O: Marital Codes


D Divorced Once married but now legally divorced.

M Married Legally married.

P Separated Legally married but living apart.

S Single Never legally married.

U Unknown Unkonwn.

W Widowed Legally married and spouse is deceased.

Data Entry Standards Manual 37

Revised December 2004
23 Appendix P: Banner Navigation

Function Menu Option Keystroke Option Toolbar Button

Next Record Record / Next Down Arrow

Previous Record Record / Previous Up Arrow

Delete Record Record / Remove Shift + F6

Insert Record Record / Insert F6

Next Block Block / Next Ctrl + Page + Down

Previous Block Block / Previous Ctrl + Page + Up

Enter Query Query / Enter F7

Execute Query Query / Execute F8

Cancel Query Query / Cancel Ctrl + q

Rollback File / Rollback Shift + F7

Save or Commit File / Save F10

Next Field Field / Next Tab None

Previous Field Field / Previous Shift + Tab None

Exit File / Exit Ctrl + q

Select File / Select Shift + F3

Data Entry Standards Manual 38

Revised December 2004

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