Article 1669786432
Article 1669786432
Article 1669786432
Review Article
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Ayurveda's goals are to prevent and treat diseases in patients as well as keep healthy people healthy. Modern
lifestyles and changing food cultures have given birth to various diseases. We consume a variety of instant foods
that are not prepared in accordance with Shastra. It causes a wide range of diseases over a long period of
time. In Ayurveda, broad range describes Pathya according to Dosha, Dushya, Deha Prakriti, and Vyadhi.
According to Ayurveda, six seasons are considered, and pathya - apathya are described according to each
season.When we choose a diet for a disease based on pathya kalpna that helps improve the action of the
aushadhi, fight against pathogens, and clear the shrotsa. Ayurveda also addresses other topics like the
combination of food items, their quantities, how they are prepared, how they affect people's emotions, the
nature of the consumer, and environmental factors. Pathaya is essential for maintaining human health and
plays an important role in body nourishment. In this article, we are providing some necessary information
about Pathaya for human wellbeing. │ Vol 8, Issue 12, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 109
Sidar et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research │ Vol 8, Issue 12, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 110
Sidar et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
prameha. Old Shali rice cooked and mixed withthe soup regimens. yava, shyamaka and kodrava along with
of mudga etc. vegetables coocked with water and oil without adding
Pathya Ahara in Kustha- Ch.Ci.7/82-83 Light and
wholesome food. Vegetables having bitter taste. Food Pathya in Vatarakta - Ch.Ci.29/50-51 Cereals like old
preparations and medicated ghee prepared by boiling barley, wheat and Shali as well as shashtika type of
bhallataka, triphala, and nimba. rice. Soup of the meat of viskira and pratuda birds.
Soup of adhaki, chanka, mudga, masura, and
Pathya Ahara in Rajyakshma - Ch.Ci.8/68-70 The makustha added with ghee in liberal quantity.
soup of mulaka and kulattha should be properly
prepared. The patient should drink the upper portion of Table No. 1: Pathya Ahara for Sthoulya[12] (Obesity).
varuni or water boiled withpanchamula. Varga Aharadravya
Purana Shali, Raktashali,
Pathya Ahara in Unmad - Ch.Ci.9/96 A Person who Anna varga Shasthika shali, Yava,
abstains from eating meat and drinking alcohol, and Chanaka, Kulatha
takes only wholesome food, who is disciplined and Sheeta Jala,
pure, and who has strong will power does not get Jalavarga Panchkolasidhha Jala,
affected by either endogenous or exogenous type of Shunti siddha jala, Madhu
unmada. Madyavarga Purana Sidhu
Mutravarga Gomutra
Pathya Ahara in Shvayathu - Ch.Ci. 12/62-63 The Kanda varga Ardraka, Lasuna, Sunthi
soup of kulattha along with pippali or the soup of Ksheeravarga Takra
mudga along with trikatu and yavakshar is useful for Patola, Karavellaka,
the patient suffering form shvayathu. Preparations of Shakavarga Varthaka, Nimbapatra,
jaggery, pastries, curd, sesame, slimy food and drinks, Shigru
sour alcoholic preparations.
Table No. 3: Pathya for Galganda.
Pathya Ahara in Arsh - Ch.Ci.14/95 Rakta Shali, PathyaAhara Hypothyroid Diet
Maha Shali, Sita, Sharada and Shashtika. Saindhava salt Iodine rich salt is advised
Cereals are rich in
Pathya Ahara in Hikka & Shwasa - Ch.Ci.17/100 Rakta sali
Old Shali, Shashtika, Godhum and yava.
Fish – rich in selenium and
Pathya Ahara in Visa - Ch.Ci.23/224-227 Food- Shali,
Cow’s milkand Cow milk is rich in iodine and
Shashtika, Koradusa, Priyangu, Saindhava.
Ghee selenium[16]
Vegetables- Tanduliyaka, Jivanti, Vartaka, and
Iodine rich water. Sea water
Kulaka. Amladravya- Amalaki and Dadima
contains 60ppb of iodine
Mansarasa- Ena, Sikhi, Svavit,Lava and Tittiri.
Rain Water concentration. Iodine ends up
in surface water through rains
Pathya in Urustambha - Ch.Ci.27/26-27 The patient of
from evaporation[17]
urustambha should be constantly given ununctuous │ Vol 8, Issue 12, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 111
Sidar et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research │ Vol 8, Issue 12, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 112
Sidar et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research │ Vol 8, Issue 12, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 113
Sidar et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research │ Vol 8, Issue 12, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 114