Cec Quiz
Cec Quiz
Cec Quiz
Date: Date:
Identify the correct answer and write it on the space Identify the correct answer and write it on the space
provided. provided.
Ⅰ. Ⅰ.
______________ 1. A specific discipline which is the ______________ 1. A specific discipline which is the
application of social sciences in real life context. application of social sciences in real life context.
______________ 2. A profession that promotes social ______________ 2. A profession that promotes social
change, empowerment, and liberation of people. change, empowerment, and liberation of people.
Ⅱ. Ⅱ.
1. ______________
1. ______________
2. _______________ 2. _______________
5. __________________
5. ______________
3. _________________
3. _________________