1 - Logic Gates
1 - Logic Gates
1 - Logic Gates
Statement: The NOT gate is a digital (logic) circuit where the output is always the inverse (opposite) of the input applied.
Truth Table Boolean equation Timing diagram
Input Output 1
Input A
A Y 0 time
0 1 1
Output Y
1 0
0 time
Input Output 1
Input A
A Y 0 time
0 0 1
Output Y
1 1 0 time
Digital Logic Gates
3. The AND Gate
U4 U5
A 1 A 0 1
1 Y 2 & 3
? Y
B 1 AND output B 0 7408.IEC output
inputs inputs
ANSI symbol IEC symbol
Statement: The AND gate is a digital (logic) circuit where the output is logic 1 ONLY when ALL the inputs are at logic 1,
else the output remains at logic 0.
Inputs Output 1
Input A
A B Y 0 time
0 0 0 1
Input B
0 1 0
0 time
1 0 0
1 1 1 Output Y
0 time
U6 U7
A 0 A 0 1
1 Y 2 & 3
? Y
B 0 NAND output B 0 7400.IEC output
inputs inputs
ANSI symbol IEC symbol
Statement: The NAND gate is a digital (logic) circuit where the output is logic 0 ONLY when ALL the inputs are at logic 1,
else the output remains at logic 1. (We can also say: The NAND gate is a logic circuits whose output is the inverse of the
AND gate.
Inputs Output 1
Input A
A B Y 0 time
0 0 1 1
Input B
0 1 1
0 time
1 0 1
1 1 0 Output Y
0 time
1. The NAND gate can have 3 or more inputs but it gives a logic 0 U8
A 1 U9
output only once, when ALL inputs are high, irrispective of the
number of inputs connected to the gate. 0 Y
2. The NAND gate is the equivalent of a circuit having an AND gate B 1 AND
NOT output
with the output connected to the NOT gate as shown on the right. inputs
Operate the circuit to see that it actaually works like a NAND gate.
Digital Logic Gates
5. The OR Gate
. ......
U10 U11:A
A 0 .......... A 0 1 .........
.. ? Y ....... 2 1 3
? Y
B 0 OR output B 0 7432 output
inputs inputs
ANSI symbol IEC symbol
Statement: The OR gate is a digital logic circuit that gives a logic 0 ONLY when ALL inputs are low (0),
else the output will remain at logic 1 (or we can say that an OR gate gives a logic 1 output when AT LEAST
one or more of the inputs are at logic 1)
Inputs Output 1
Input A
A B Y 0 time
0 0 0 1
Input B
0 1 1
0 time
1 0 1
1 1 1 Output Y
0 time
Statement: The NOR gate is a digital (logic) circuit where the output is logic 1 ONLY when ALL the inputs are at logic 0,
else the output remains at logic 0. (We can also say: The NOR gate is a logic circuits whose output is the inverse of the
OR gate.
Inputs Output 1
Input A
A B Y 0 time
0 0 1 1
Input B
0 1 0
0 time
1 0 0
1 1 0 Output Y
0 time
1. The NOR gate can have 3 or more inputs but it gives a logic 1 =
U14 U15
output only once, when ALL inputs are low, irrispective of the A 0 ===
number of inputs connected to the gate. == ? Y
2. The NOR gate is the equivalent of a circuit having an OR gate B 0 OR
NOT output
with the output connected to the NOT gate as shown on the right. inputs
Operate the circuit to see that it actaually works like a NOR gate.
7. The EXCLUSIVE-OR (EX-OR or XOR) Gate Digital Logic Gates
__ *
U16 U17:A
A 0 _ A 0 1 ***
___ ? Y ** 2 =1 3
? Y
B 0 XOR output B 0 4077 output
inputs inputs
ANSI symbol IEC symbol
Statement: The EXCLUSIVE-OR (EX-OR) gate is a digital logic circuit that gives a logic 1 ONLY when the inputs are the
inverse of each other (i.e. one is low and the other is high), or else we can say that it gives a logic 0 output when
the inputs are equal.
Inputs Output 1
Input A
A B Y 0 time
0 0 0 1
Input B
0 1 1
0 time
1 0 1
1 1 0 Output Y
0 time
~ /
U17:B U17:C
A 0 5 ~~~ A 0 8 ///
~~ 6 ? Y // 9 =1
? Y
B 0 4077 output B 0 4077 output
inputs inputs
ANSI symbol IEC symbol
Statement: The EXCLUSIVE-NOR (EX-NOR) gate is a digital logic circuit that gives a logic 0 ONLY when the inputs are the
inverse of each other (i.e. one is low and the other is high), or else we can say that it gives a logic 1 output when
the inputs are equal.
Inputs Output 1
Input A
A B Y 0 time
0 0 1 1
Input B
0 1 0
0 time
1 0 0
1 1 1 Output Y
0 time