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Sociology of Crimes and Ethics: Board Exam Trial

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Prepared by: Apollo Batausa Jr. Top 4 April 2016 CLE, Rcrim

Batch 5 Board Exam Trial on Criminalistics

Prepared by: Karolina Erika A. Buted, Top 5, Dec. 2021 CLE

I. PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION 8. He discovered the three families of fingerprint

1. __________ are tiny portions or is a patterns.
hill-like structure found on the epidermis of friction skin a. Govard Bidloo
containing sweat, with pores appearing as black lines b. Dr. Marcelo Malpighi
in a fingerprint impression. c. J.C.A. Mayer
a. Imaginary Lines d. Francis Galton
b. Furrows
c. Black Lines 9. It appears after the sub-secondary
d. Ridges classification at the extreme right portion of the
classification formula.
2. What is that downward slope of the ridges a. Secondary Classification
above the core formed from the direction of the thumb b. Key Classification
towards the little finger? c. Primary Classification
a. Accidental Whorl d. Final Classification
b. Central Pocket loop whorl
c. Ulnar loop 10. Which of the following is a type of secondary
d. Loop classification?
a. By slant line to the left
3. He published nine (9) fingerprint patterns, but b. All of these
he made no mention of the value of fingerprints for c. By slant line to the right
personal identification. d. By small letter
a. John Evangelist Purkinje
b. Francis Galton 11. What type of classification takes into
c. Malpighi consideration only the loop type starting from the right
d. J.C.A. Mayer thumb (the first loop appearing in the set of prints on
a fingerprint card)?
4. What is that two innermost ridges running a. Secondary Classification
parallel with each other and diverging at a certain point b. Primary Classification
surrounding the pattern area? c. Final Classification
a. Pattern Area d. Key Classification
b. Divergence
c. Convergence 12. What is that epidermal hairless skin found on
d. Type lines the lower surface of the hands and feet covered with
minute ridges?
5. When the innermost sufficient recurve a. Polydactyl skin
contains no ending ridge or rod rising as high as the b. Friction Skin
shoulder of the loop, the Core is placed on the shoulder c. Epidermis
of the loop farther from the Delta. d. Flexure line
a. True
b. False 13. What do you call the inner terminus or focal
c. Partially True point located at the center or the approximate center
d. Partially false of the pattern area?
a. Center
6. The inner layer of the skin is known as b. Delta
a. Dermis c. Core
b. Epidermis d. Open Delta
c. Scarf
d. Pores 14. What fingerprint pattern does not have ridge
7. What is that portion of the fingerprint a. Whorls
bounded by the type lines where the characteristics b. Arches
needed for interpretation/classification is found? c. Radial loop
a. Double Lines d. Ulnar Loop
b. Loops
c. Ridges 15. Two ridges running parallel or nearly parallel
d. Pattern Area to each other which separate in an opposite direction.
a. Delta
b. Core
c. Divergence
d. Convergence

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16. What patterns do not have numerical value
for purposes of primary classification? 26. A system of identification based on the
a. Plain whorl loops measurements of the various bony structure of the
b. Accidental Whorl and arches human body.
c. Double loop whorl and arches a. Tattoo
d. Loops and Arches b. Scarcification
c. Personal Description
17. He discovered the outer and inner layer of the d. Anthropometry
a. Govard Bidloo 27. Fingerprints offer an _______ means of
b. Dr. Marcelo Malpighi personal identification
c. J.C.A. Mayer a. Infallible
d. Francis Galton b. Reliable
c. Dependable
18. What corresponds to the study of the palms d. All of these
of the hands?
a. Plantar 28. No two fingerprints have ever been found
b. Palmar alike in many billion of human and automated
c. Furrows computer comparisons.
d. Chiroscopic a. The statement is true
b. The statement is false
19. He published an article entitled” On the Skin c. Possibly True
Furrows of the Hand”. In this article he points out his d. Possibly false
observation that chance prints left at the scene of the
crime would provide for positive identification of 29. When there are two or more possible Delta
offenders when apprehended. which conform to the definition, the one nearest to the
a. Govard Bidloo core is chosen.
b. Henry Faulds a. True
c. J.C.A. Mayer b. False
d. Francis Galton c. Partially true
d. Partially false
20. What is the Latin word for finger?
a. Dermis 30. The Delta is placed upon or within the
b. Dermal innermost sufficient recurve.
c. Digitus a. True
d. Dactyl b. False
c. Partially True
21. What is an attempt at character reading d. Partially False
through the patterns of fingerprints?
a. Dactylography 31. Govard Biloo presented the appearance and
b. Dactyloscopy arrangement of the ridges on a thumb in his thesis
c. Dactylomancy entitled-
d. Dactylo-analysis a. De externo Tactus Organo
b. Philosophical Transaction
22. The Secondary Classification of the Thumb, c. Anatomia Humanis Corporis
Middle, Ring and Little fingers must be written in small d. None of these
a. True 32. He is the father of Criminalistics.
b. False a. Dr. Marcelo Malpighi
c. Partially True b. Govard Bidloo
d. Partially False c. Sir Francis Galton
d. Hans Gross
23. He is a notorious gangster and a police
character who attempted to erase his fingerprint by 33. When there is a choice between a bifurcation
burning it with acid. and another type of delta, the bifurcation is selected.
a. Robert James Pitts a. True
b. William West b. False
c. Will West c. Maybe
d. John Dillinger d. Partially True

24. through one complete circuit? 34. Damage to the dermis will not result to
a. Loop permanent ridge destruction.
b. Accidental Whorl a. True
c. Arch b. False
d. Plain whorl c. Possibly True
d. Possibly False
25. When the innermost sufficient recurve
contains an uneven number of rods rising as high as 35. The delta must be located in from of the point
the shoulders of the loop, the core is placed upon the of divergence of the two type lines which open towards
end of the center rod whether it touches the looping the Delta.
ridge or not. a. True
a. True b. False
b. False c. Possibly True
c. Partially True d. Possibly False
d. Partially False

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36. It is the Ridge counting of a Loop pattern that b. L/L
appears in the Index, Middle and Ring fingers of both c. M/L
hands. d. L/M
a. Key Classification
b. Major Classification 46. The numerical value of the right thumb and
c. Final Classification right index for purposes of primary classification is-
d. Sub-Secondary Classification a. 16
b. 8
37. It refers to a bone condition wherein the c. 4
finger joints cannot be bent. d. 2
a. Ankylosis
b. Chiroscopy 47. If the Ridge count of the Ring finger is 16,
c. Calcar what is the symbol for purposes of the Sub-Secondary
d. Webb Finger Classification?
a. I
38. If the ridge counting of a loop in the Index b. O
finger is eleven (11), what must be the symbol for c. M
purposes of the Sub-Secondary classification? d. L
a. I
b. M 48. There are two ways to identify people: one by
c. O comparison and the other is by _____________
d. L a. Ordinary means
b. Scientific means
39. It is a single ridge, which divides or forks into c. Exclusion
two ridges. d. Deduction
a. Converging Ridge
b. Bifurcating Ridge 49. In major classification, which table would you
c. Dissociated Ridge use for right thumb if the left thumb has a ridge count
d. None of these of seventeen.
a. Table 1/a
40. It refers to the insertion on a fingerprint card b. Table 2/b
the results of the interpretation of all ten patterns. c. Any of the above
Represented by letters, symbols or numbers on the d. None of the above
card required for each of the rolled prints.
a. Blocking Out 50. What shall be the complete classification
b. Ridge counting formula if the right fingers are all radial loop, all with
c. Ridge tracing the ridge count of 10, and the left fingers are all
d. None of these amputated.
a. 10 1 OII rR3r 10
41. It refers to the appearance of extra fingers as 10 M III RRR 10
anatomically known. b. 10 S 1 rR3r 10
a. Poroscopy M M MMM 10
b. Anyklosis c. 10 S 1 OII rR3r 10
c. Polydactylism S 1 OII rR3R 10
d. Extra finger d. 10 S 1 rR3r OII 10
S 1 rR3r OII 10
42. It is the process of counting ridges that cross
or touch an imaginary line drawn between the delta II. FORENSIC PHOTOGRAPHY
and core of a loop.
a. Ridge counting 51. It is the process of reduction in which exposed
b. Ridge tracing silver halides are reduced into metallic silver.
c. Ridge Ending a. Development
d. None of these b. Printing
c. Reduction
43. For purposes of the Primary Classification, the d. Crop
Right Index and Left Middle are intended as
Numerator. 52. An intermediate bath between the developer
a. True and the fixer. It is usually a combination of water plus
b. False acetic acid or just plain water. Its function is to prevent
c. Partially True the contamination of two chemicals.
d. Partially false a. Stop Bath
b. Fixation
44. In deriving primary division, what shall be the c. Development
numerical value assigned to a pair of whorl patterns d. Reduction
appearing 2 blocks after finger number 3.
a. 8 53. It is the process of removing unexposed silver
b. 4 halide remaining in the emulsion after the first stage of
c. 2 development of the latent image.
d. 1 a. Stop Bath
b. Fixation
45. In fingerprint classification, what should be c. Development
the major division if all fingers from the right hand are d. Reduction
radial loop patterns and with the ridge count of 18,
while the left fingers were all missing at birth: 54. It is a Reducer or developing agent
a. M/M a. Elon

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b. Hydroquinone d. Spectral Sensitivity
c. Sodium Sulfite
d. A or B
65. A lens defect which is the inability to focus
55. It is use as preservative in the Development both horizontal and vertical plane at the same time
process. lines running different directions.
a. Sodium Sulfite a. Chromatic Aberration
b. Hydroquinone b. Astigmatism
c. Potassium Bromide c. Coma
d. Sodium Carbonate d. Curvature of Field

56. It is use as accelerator in the chemical 66. It has a fast speed and is recommended for
processes. projection printing and enlarging.
a. Sodium Carbonate a. Chloride Paper
b. Hydroquinone b. Bromide Paper
c. Potassium bromide c. Chloro-bromide Paper
d. Sodium Bromide d. Exposure Latitude

57. It is a Dissolving agent in the fixer solution. 67. It refers to the absence of all colors in the
a. Hypo/Sodium thiosulphate spectrum.
b. Hydroquinone a. White
c. Potassium Bromide b. Rainbow
d. Sodium Bromide c. Black
d. Yellow
58. Which among the following chemical is use as
neutralizer? 68. It refers to the inability to focus all the
a. Boric Acid different colors of light on film at the same time.
b. Acetic Acid a. Chromatic Aberration
c. Potassium Alum b. Astigmatism
d. A or B c. Coma
d. Curvature of field.
59. It is a picture of small object taken through a
microscope and generally has a magnification of more 69. It is the remoteness or distance measured
than 50 times. from the nearest to the farthest object in apparent
a. Photomicrography sharp focus when the lens set of focus is at a particular
b. Photomacrography distance.
c. Infra- Red Photography a. Focal Length
d. Ultra-violet Photography b. Angle of View
c. Depth of Field
60. This is sensitive to ultraviolet and blue light d. Curvature of Field
a. Panchromatic 70. A natural light in which the object casts a
b. Orthochromatic deep and uniform shadow.
c. Infra-red a. Bright Sunlight
d. X-ray b. Dull Sunlight
c. Hazy Sunlight
61. It is sensitive to all colors particularly red and d. Poor Sunlight
red light.
a. Panchromatic 71. A light sensitive material that is placed inside
b. Orthochromatic a camera to store any image the camera focuses.
c. Infra-red a. Film
d. X-ray b. Shutter
c. Aperture
62. It is placed between the emulsion and the d. None of these
plastic base of a film to prevent whatever light that
passed through the emulsion and reflected by the base 72. A colored gelatin or medium which absorbs or
back to the emulsion which forms a halo effect. transmits differentially light rays passing through it.
a. Base a. Lens
b. Emulsion b. Filter
c. Anti-halation Backing c. Shutter
d. Spectral Sensitivity d. Film

63. It has a slow speed and it is suited for contact 73. It is a distance measured from the optical
printing. center of the lens to the film plane when the lens set
a. Chloride Paper of focus is set at infinity position.
b. Bromide Paper a. Focal Plane
c. Chloro-Bromide paper b. Focal Length
d. Exposure Latitude c. Focusing
d. Depth of Field
64. It consists of crystals of light-sensitive
compounds (silver nitrate) evenly distributed 74. It refers to the Potassium Alum that solidifies
throughout plastic base material. the gelatin of the sensitized materials which was soften
a. Base in the developing solution.
b. Anti-halation Backing a. Developing agent
c. Emulsion b. Fixing Agent

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c. Hardening Agent
d. None of these 85. The speed of the lens is expressed in terms of
75. Lenses with larger apertures are also a. Aperture
described as – b. Diaphragm
a. Faster c. View Finder
b. Slower d. Shutter
c. Moderate
d. None of these 86. The combination of blue and green light will
produce what color?
76. Lenses with smaller aperture requires a a. Black
slower shutter speed and the depth of field is- b. Cyan
a. Wider c. Magenta
b. Narrower d. Yellow
c. Slower
d. Fast 87. In a stake out surveillance photography,
where the photographer cannot get close to the
77. The process of converting the latent image subject, what kind of lens must be used?
into a visible and permanent image. a. Normal
a. Chemical Process b. Telephoto
b. Film c. Wide-angle lens
c. Collodion Process d. Zoom
d. Calotype Process
88. The lens opening also known as the relative
78. The birth year of photography. aperture is the indicator for light transmitting capability
a. 1829 of the lens. Which lens opening will admit more light to
b. 1839 pass through its medium?
c. 1849 a. F16
d. 1859 b. F5.6
c. F4
79. He coined the word “Photography”. d. F2.8
a. Joseph Nicephore Niepce
b. Thomas Wedgewood 89. What contraption or device is used to block
c. Sir John Herschel the path of light passing through the lens exposing the
d. Angelo Sala sensitized materials?
a. Range Finder
80. A founder of Royal society who reported that b. Shutter
silver chloride turned dark under exposure, but he c. Exposure
appeared to believe that it was caused by exposure to d. View Finder
the air, rather than to light.
a. Robert Boyle 90. When light passes through an object, it is said
b. Isaac Newton to be
c. Angelo Sala a. Transmitted
d. Johann Heinrich Schulze b. Refracted
c. Diffracted
81. He discovered a way of developing d. Absorbed
photographic plates, a process which greatly reduced
the exposure time from eight hours down to half an 91. It is the bouncing back of light upon hitting an
hour. object or material.
a. Joseph Nicephore Niepce a. Reflection
b. Thomas Wedgewood b. Refraction
c. Sir John Herschel c. Transmission
d. Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre
92. The lower the f-number, the more light per
82. The first negative-positive process making unit area is delivered in the focal plane.
possible the first multiple copies. a. True
a. Calotype Process b. Partially True
b. Daguerreotype Process c. False
c. Collodion Process d. Partially false
d. Gelatin dry plate silver bromide process
93. The focal length determines the-
83. It is otherwise known as Instant Photos or a. Depth of field
One Step Photography. b. Angle of view
a. Polaroid c. Color of the picture
b. Camera Obscura d. Maximum aperture
c. SLR
d. Digital Camera 94. Lenses with larger maximum apertures
e. Apperture provide significantly brighter viewfinder images.
a. True
84. The light-gathering power of the lens is b. False
indicated by- c. Partially True
a. F-number d. Partially False
b. Relative aperture
c. Both A and C
d. None of these

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95. If the basic exposure for a given film in bright d. It is a scientific diagnostic instrument which
sunlight is 1/125, f11, the exposure setting at dull records responses
sunlight would be
a. 1/125 f4 105. An invaluable aid in investigation and an
b. 1/125 f5.6 instrument in the detection of deception.
c. 1/125 f8 a. Photography
d. 1/125 f16 b. Chemistry
c. Lie Detection
96. When a taking a snapshot and expecting it to d. Medicine
be sharp but an alteration happened to the expected
image because it can be seen in two viewpoints. What 106. Questions in connection to the matter under
is this phenomenon? investigation.
a. Split image a. Relevant
b. Parallax b. Supplementary
c. Out of focus c. Control
d. Under exposure d. Relevant

97. What type of photo paper would give a better 107. It refers to query having no bearing or weight
contrast if the film has a normal exposure? to the case under investigation.
a. Paper no. 1 a. Relevant Question
b. Paper no. 2 b. Supplementary Questions
c. Paper no. 3 c. Control Question
d. Paper no. 4 d. Irrelevant Question

98. Is the process of omitting an object during the 108. It refers to the composite records of
process of enlarging and printing. pneumograph, galvanograph, and
a. Dodging cardiosphygmograph tracings recorded from series of
b. Vignetting question.
c. Cropping a. Polygrams
d. Burning in b. Chart
c. Subject
99. In crime scene photography, what view tends d. A&B
to show the extent damage on the subject?
a. Medium 109. A test undertaken when the subject is not
b. Extreme close-up aware of the details of the offense for which he is under
c. Close-up scrutiny.
d. general a. Guilt Complex Test
b. Silent Answer Test
100. One part of the film holder of the camera that c. Peak of Tension Test
usually houses the internal parts. d. Narrative
a. Sprocket
b. cavity 110. It is a tracing on the chart wherein the subject
c. guide roller answered in the irrelevant question.
d. Locking latch a. Normal Tracing
b. Normal Response
III. POLYGRAPHY c. Specific Response
d. Response
101. An examination wherein an informal interview
of the subject is undertaken between 20 to 30 minutes. 111. This test uses Hyoscine Hydrobromide Drug
a. Post-test Interrogation that is administered hypodermically which produces a
b. Pre-test Interview state of delirium.
c. Actual Interrogation a. Hypnotism
d. Lie Detection Test b. Narco-analysis
c. Narco-synthesis
102. Which among the following is not a required d. Administration of truth serum
qualification for a polygraph examiner?
a. Criminology Graduate 112. It is any deviation from the normal tracing of
b. Honesty the subject.
c. Technical Know How a. Normal Response
d. Integrity and Morals b. Specific Response
c. Polygrams
103. Which among the forgoing is not a part in the d. Response
conduct of a polygraph examination?
a. Pre-test Interview 113. Psychological Response to any demand.
b. Instrumental Test a. Reaction
c. Post-Test Interview b. Stress
d. Psychological Test c. Pressure
d. All of the above
104. Which among the following statement is not
among the limitations of the polygraph? 114. He states that FEAR influenced the heart and
a. It is only as accurate as the examiner is could be use as a basis for detecting deception.
competent. a. Marston
b. It is admissible as evidence. b. Larson
c. It is an aid and not a substitute for c. Mosso
investigation. d. Verguth

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b. Hans Gross
115. An inhibition of a previous activity of an c. Leonarde Keeler
organism as a result of stimulation. d. John Larson
a. Response
b. Reaction 126. A primitive practice of detecting deception
c. Stimuli whereby controversies are settled by means of duel,
d. Fear the victor will be spared from consequences and the
loser will be pronounce guilty.
116. It refers to an emotional response to a specific a. Ordeal
danger which appears to go beyond a person’s b. Trial by Combat
defensive power. c. Combat
a. Response d. None f these
b. Deception
c. Stimuli 127. It is a force or motion reaching the organism
d. Fear and excites the receptors.
a. Stimulus
117. This component drives the chart paper under b. Reaction
the recording pen simultaneously at the rate of 6 to 12 c. Deception
inches per minute. d. Detection
a. Cardiosphygmograph
b. Kymograph 128. Within the U.S. Federal Government, a
c. Stimuli polygraph examination is also referred to as-
d. Fear a. Psycho physiological Detection of
118. It records the subject’s skin resistance to a b. PDD
small amount of electricity. c. Psychological Detection of Deception
a. Cardiosphygmograph d. Federal Scientific Detection of Deceptio
b. Sphygmomanometer
c. Galvanograph 129. He invented the first scientific instrument to
detect deception.
119. A kind of lie wherein a person assumes a. Cesare Lombroso
another identity to deceive others. b. Cesare Beccaria
a. Black Lie c. William Marston
b. White Lie d. Vittorio Benussi
c. Red Lie
130. An instrument that graphically measures an
120. What is the primary objective of the post test examinee’s inhalation and exhalation.
interview? a. Pneumograph
a. To thank the subject b. Spygmograph
b. To obtain confession c. Kymograph
c. To make the subject calm d. Galvanograph
d. To explain polygraph test procedures
131. He invented the Pneumograph component of
121. What is the purpose of the pre-test interview? the Lie detector machine.
a. To prepare the subject for polygraph a. Vittorio Benussi
test b. John Larson
b. To obtain confession c. Cesare Lombroso
c. To make the subject calm d. William Marston
d. To explain polygraph test procedures
132. The term polygraph was first used in 1906 by
122. Test undertaken when both relevant and James MacKenzie in his invention the “ink polygraph”,
control questions are similar in degree and consistency. which was used for medical purposes.
a. Guilt complex test a. William Marston
b. Silent answer Test b. John Larson
c. Peak of Tension Test c. Cesare Lombroso
d. None of the Above d. James Mackenzie

123. Did you hide Senator Lacson in your in your 133. The following are methods of detection of
beach resort? It is an example of – deception except:
a. Control Question a. Devices which record the psycho-
b. Irrelevant Question physiological responses
c. Relevant Question b. Use of drugs that try to inhibit the inhibitor
d. Leading Question c. Hypnotism
d. Torture
124. He developed the systolic blood pressure
method for detecting deception. 134. It primarily controls the motor and sensory
a. William Marston functions that occur at or above the threshold.
b. Harold Burtt a. Central Nervous System
c. John Larson b. Autonomic Nervous System
d. Leonard Keeler c. Muscular System
d. Reproductive System
125. Who first incorporated the galvanograph with
measurement, respiration component and blood 135. The parasympathetic nervous system works
pressure? to restore things to normal when the condition of stress
a. Harold Burtt has been removed. It is dominant branch when the

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condition is normal and the subject is calm, contented 144. This valid test is only made possible when
and relaxed. there is no widespread publicity about the crime.
a. True a. Peak of Tension Test
b. Partially True b. Tension Test
c. False c. General Question Test
d. Partially False d. All of the above

145. Permanent physical illness such as mental

136. When the subject is asked with reference to derangement, certain heart condition and addiction to
his name, address, civil status, nationality, ect., which narcotic drugs are definite causes that makes a person
has no relation to the subject matter of the unfit for a polygraph test.
investigation, the tendency is to delay the answer a. True
a. True b. False
b. Partially True c. Partially True
c. Doubtful d. Partially False
d. False
146. Questions formulated must be short, simple
137. The Psychological Stress Evaluator is not and multiple choice type
concerned with the answer, be it a “yes” or a “no”. The a. True
important factor is the time response in relation to b. False
stimulus and non-stimulus words. c. Partially True
a. True d. Partially false
b. False
c. Doubtful 147. What is the symbol used to indicate start of
d. Partially False the polygraph test marked in the chart?
A. X
138. The drug administered to the subject in B. Y
Narcoanalysis/Narcosynthesis is________. C. W
a. Shabu D. XX
b. Hyoscine Hydrobromide
c. Psychiatric Sodium Amytal 148. . The use of “truth serums” such as sodium
d. Morphine penthothal or phenobarbi in the questioning of
suspects is called:
139. The Latin maxim which means that in wine A. Narcoanalysis
there is truth. B. Sugar and vinegar
a. In Vino San Miguel C. The detector test
b. In Vino Matador D. Word association method
c. InVino Veritos
d. In Vino Veritas 149. Prior to the examination the subject should
have at least ___ hours of sleep.
140. It is the alteration of consciousness and A. 5 hours
concentration in which the subject manifests a B. 10 hours
heightened suggestibility while awareness is C. 180 minutes
maintained. D. 3 hours
a. Narcism
b. Hypnosis 150. If polygraph tracing of a subject indicates that
c. Cult he is truthful, the examiners finding should be:
d. Addiction A. Conclusive
B. Inconclusive
141. It is a lie that is told when it is obvious to all C. Negative
concerned that is a lie. D. Positive
a. Lie to Children
c. White Lie
d. Lying by Omission 151. It is a metallic or non-metallic cylindrical
projectile propelled from a firearm by means of the
142. A kind of lie that would normally cause discord expansive force of gases coming from the burning
if it were uncovered, but it offers some benefit to the gunpowder.
liar and perhaps assists an orderly society. a. Cartridge
a. Perjury b. Bullet
b. Noble Lie c. Primer
c. Emergency Lie d. Gun powder
d. Bluffing
152. In a common police parlance, a bullet may be
143. It is the act of lying or making verifiably false called ______.
statements on material matter under oath or a. Projectile
affirmation in a court of law or in any of various sworn b. Tingga
statements in writing. c. Slug
a. Perjury d. Bala
b. Bluffing
c. Dissembling 153. A portion in the cartridge case which consists
d. Misleading of a brass or gilding metal cup. The cup contains a
highly sensitive mixture of chemical compound.
a. Gunpowder
b. Propellant

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c. Primer
d. Powder charge 164. The elevated portion of the bore.
a. Land
154. It refers to the identification and investigation b. Grooves
of firearms by means of ammunition fired through c. Rifling
them. d. None of these
a. Terminal Ballistic
b. Exterior Ballistic 165. In this firearm a pressure is applied on the
c. Forensic Ballistic trigger and will both cock and fire the firearm by
d. Interior Ballistic release of the hammer.
a. Single Action Firearm
155. It refers to any weapon designed to be b. Double Action Firearm
operated from the shoulder. c. Single Shot Firearm
a. Revolver d. Automatic Firearm
b. Rifle
c. Pistol 166. It is an ancient smooth-bore and muzzle
d. Machine Guns loading military shoulder arm designed to fire a single
round lead ball.
a. Musket
156. This is an instrument used for making b. Machine guns
measurement such as bullet diameter, bore diameter, c. Shoulder Arms
and barrel length. d. Revolver
a. Micrometer
b. Taper Gauge 167. The term ballistic is derived from the Greek
c. Caliper word __________ which literally means to throw.
d. Onoscope a. Ballista
b. Ballo
157. He is credited as the father of Percussion c. Ballein
Ignition d. B or C
a. Calvin Goddard
b. Alexander john Forsyth 168. Fired bullets should be marked by the
c. Smith recovering officer with his initials in the ____________.
d. Wesson a. Nose
b. Mouth
158. A type of primer with two vents or flash holes. c. Ogive
A. Bordan primer d. A or C
B. Berdan Primer
C. Battery Primer 169. It refers to the circular groove near the base
D. Boxer Primer of the case or shell designed for the automatic
withdrawal of the case after each firing.
159. These bullets have hardened steel cores and are a. Ejector Groove
fired at vehicles and other armored targets in general. b. Extractor Groove
a. Armor Piercing Bullet c. Land Groove
b. Incendiary Bullet d. None of these
c. Explosive Bullet
d. Tracer Bullet 170. It is generally found on the primer cup.
a. Shearing Mark
160. It is the most simple form of modern cartridge and b. Firing Pin mark
can generally found in Cal. 22. c. Extractor Mark
a. Pin-Fire cartridge d. Magazine lip Mark
b. Rim-Fire Cartridge
c. Center Fire Cartridge 171. It describes the ability of the bullet to
d. All of these maintain its velocity against air resistance.
a. Trajectory
161. It refers to the effect of the impact of the b. Air Resistance
bullet on the target. c. Pull of Gravity
a. Terminal ballistic d. Ballistic Coefficient
b. Exterior Ballistic
c. Forensic Ballistic 172. It is generally used in the preliminary
d. Interior Ballistics examination of fired bullets and shells for the purpose
of determining the relative distribution of the class
162. The size of the bullet grouping on the target. characteristics.
a. Terminal Accuracy a. Bullet Comparison Microscope
b. Terminal Energy b. Stereoscopic Microscope
c. Terminal Velocity c. Shadowgraph
d. Terminal Penetration d. Caliper

163. All rim-fire cartridges and most center-fire 173. This instrument is use to measure the angle
revolver cartridges that are now manufactured of twist in a rifled pistol and revolver.
have_________. a. Magnifying Glass
b. Gunsmith tools
a. Long Neck Cartridges c. Micrometer
b. Bottle Neck cartridges d. Helixometer
c. Straight Cases
d. None of these

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174. The resistance encountered by the bullet 184. Land and groove marks are
whiles its flight. called__________.
a. Velocity Resistance a. Skid Mark
b. Air Resistance b. Shearing Mark
c. Pull of Gravity c. Rifling Mark
d. Penetration d. Stripping Mark

175. Bore diameter is an example of class 185. It refers to firearms that have rifling inside
characteristics. their gun barrel.
a. True a. Smooth-Bore Firearms
b. False b. Rifled-Bore firearms
c. Partially True c. Bolt Action type
d. Maybe d. Repeating arms

176. The highly sensitive chemical mixture 186. The bore diameter of the firearm is
contained in the primer cup. the________.
a. Priming Mixture a. Type of firearm
b. Gunpowder b. Caliber of firearm
c. Propellant c. Size of Firearm
d. Powder Charge d. None of these

177. These are generally found on bullets fired 187. The noise created at the muzzle of the gun
through “loose fit” barrels wherein the rifling is already due to the sudden escape of the expanding gas coming
worn out. in contact with the air in the surrounding atmosphere
a. Shearing Mark at the muzzle point.
b. Stripping Mark a. Muzzle Energy
c. Breech Face Mark b. Trajectory
d. Chamber Mark c. Velocity
d. Muzzle Blast
178. It is the hole in the web or the bottom of the
primer pocket through which the primer ‘flash” 188. A part of the mouth of the case that is turned
provides ignition to the gunpowder. in upon the bullet and holds the bullet in place.
a. Flash holes a. Crimp
b. Vents b. Cannelure
c. Cannelures c. Neck
d. A or B d. Base

179. It refers to the straight distance between the 189. It refers to the attributes and movement of
muzzle and the target. the bullet after it has left the gun muzzle.
a. Trajectory a. Muzzle Energy
b. Velocity b. Exterior Ballistic
c. Range c. Interior Ballistic
d. Penetration d. Terminal Ballistic

180. The oldest propellant. 190. There are two classification of bullet
a. Black Powder according to mechanical construction. One is the lead
b. Pink powder bullet and the other is_________.
c. Yellow Green powder a. Jacketed Bullet
d. Smokeless b. Round Nose
c. Pointed Nose
181. It contains a compound at the base usually d. Hollow Point
similar to barium nitrates, which is set on fire when the
bullet is projected. The flash of the smoke from the 191. He is a wizard of modern firearms and
burning permits the light of the bullet to be seen pioneered the breech-loading single shot rifle.
especially at night time. a. David Williams
a. Incendiary Bullets b. John M. Browning
b. Tracer Bullets c. Samuel Colt
c. Explosive Bullets d. John Garand
d. Armor Piercing Bullets
192. The bottom of the case which holds the
182. The rifling inside the gun barrel may twist primer and the shell head.
_________. a. Extracting Groove
a. To the right only b. Base
b. To the left only c. Crimp
c. To the right & left d. Mouth
d. All of these
193. A mechanism of the firearm by which the
empty shell or ammunition is thrown from the firearm.
183. It refers to the actual curved path of the bullet a. Extractor
during its flight from the gun muzzle to the target b. Ejector
a. Velocity c. Trigger
b. Trajectory d. Breechblock
c. Muzzle energy
d. Penetration 194. Smith and Wesson revolvers have

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a. 5 lands , 5 Grooves and twist to the right 204. In order to be sufficient, there must be at
b. 5 lands , 5 Grooves and twist to the left least ten (10) to twenty five (25) standard signatures
c. 6 lands, 6 grooves and twist to the right for examination.
d. 6 lands, 6 grooves and twist to the left a. True
b. False
195. The metal containing the highly sensitive c. Partially True
priming mixture of chemical compound, which when d. Partially false
struck by the firing pin it would ignite
a. Gunpowder 205. It refers to a complete correct signature for
b. Primer an important document such as will.
c. Bullet a. Formal
d. Cartridge b. Informal
c. Careless Scribble
196. In this kind of firearm, a pull or pressure on d. None of the foregoing
the trigger will cause one shot.
a. Automatic firearm 206. It is the combination of basic design of letters
b. Single Shot firearm and writing movements as taught in school.
c. Double Action firearm a. Natural Writing
d. Single Action Firearm b. System of Writing
c. Disguised Writing
197. The first cartridge of a self-exploding type. d. Cursive Writing
a. Pin-Fire cartridge
b. Rim-Fire Cartridge 207. It is a result of a very complicated series of
c. Center Fire Cartridge facts, being used as a whole combination of certain
d. All of these forms of visible mental and muscular habits acquired
by long, continued painstaking effort.
198. The Trigger pressure of a rifle is________. a. Cursive
a. 4 lbs. b. Signature
b. 3-4 lbs c. Handwriting
c. 3-5 lbs d. Forgery
d. 6-7 lbs
208. It is a fraudulent signature which was
199. The inner surface of the barrel that has a executed purely by simulation rather than by tracing
series of parallel spiral grooves on the whole length is the outline of a genuine signature.
called_____. a. Traced Forgery
a. Bore b. Simulated Forgery
b. Rifling c. Spurious Signature
c. Twist d. Forgery by Computer Scanning
d. Hammer
209. It is a connected writing in which one letter is
200. What occurs when a cartridge fails to explode joined to the next
on time or delayed in firing? a. Script
a. Recoil b. Cursive
b. Misfire c. Block
c. Hang fire d. Hand lettering
d. Knocking powe
210. It is a document which is completely written
and signed by one person.
EXAMINATION b. Holographic document
201. These are known or genuine handwriting c. Hand Lettering
which indicates how a person writes. These are d. Cursive Writing
authenticated handwriting.
a. Exemplars 211. It refers to one’s name written by him on a
b. Standards document as a sign of acknowledgement.
c. Post Litem a. Writing Habit
d. Specimen b. Name
c. Signature
202. It refers to a signature or handwriting written d. Handwriting
by individual upon request for the purpose of
comparison with other handwriting or for specimen 212. In QDE, it refers to identifying details.
purposes. a. Signature
a. Post Litem Standards b. Handwriting
b. Requested Standards c. Characteristics
c. Collected Standards d. None of the Foregoing
d. Exemplars
213. It refers to the shape or design of the
203. If the questioned writings are hand printed, individual letters.
then get a cursive standard. a. Slope
a. True b. Slant
b. False c. Form
c. Partially True d. Size
d. Partially False
214. It refers to the angle of inclination of the axis
of letters relative to the baseline.

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a. Size 224. It refers to any matter made a part of the
b. Connecting Stroke document after its original preparation.
c. Proportion a. Erasure
d. Slope b. Addition
c. Obliteration
215. It is the relation between the tall and small d. Insertion
a. Ratio 225. This includes the addition of writing and other
b. Proportion material between lines or paragraphs or the addition of
c. Stroke whole page to a document.
d. Size a. Insertion
b. Erasure
c. Obliteration
216. It is the interruption in a stroke caused by d. None of these
removing the pen from the paper.
a. Hiatus 226. The following are the scientific method in QDE
b. Pen Lift except-
c. Rhythm a. Analysis
d. Pen Pressure b. Comparison
c. Evaluation
217. It is a balance quality of movements of the d. Conclusion
harmonious recurrence of stress or impulse. It is the
flowing succession of motion that is recorded in a 227. This is usually used for the detection of
written record. counterfeited bills but can actually be used to detect
a. Tremor security features of qualified document.
b. Rhythm a. Infra-red viewer
c. Pen Pressure b. Ultra-violet lamp
d. Shading c. Shadowgraph
d. Transmitted Light Gadget
218. It is the average force in which the pen makes
contact with the paper or the usual force involve in 228. It is primarily used to decipher writings in a
writing. charred paper.
a. Rubric a. Shadowgraph
b. Embellishment b. Infra-Red Viewer
c. Pen Pressure c. Ultra-Violet Lamp
d. Tremor d. Infra-Red Lamp

219. This refers to additional unnecessary strokes 229. In this examination, the document is viewed
to legibility of letterforms or writing. with the source of illumination behind it and the light
a. Rubric passing through the paper. It is used to determine the
b. Embellishment presence of erasures, matching of serrations and some
c. Tremor other types of alterations.
d. A or B a. Microscopic Examination
b. Transmitted Light Examination
220. It is a stroke that goes back over another c. Oblique Light examination
writing stroke. d. Ultra-violet Examination
a. Retracing
b. Blunt 230. It is the crime of making, circulating or
c. Retouching uttering false coins and banknotes.
d. Patching a. Falsification
b. Forgery
221. It refers to any material containing marks, c. Counterfeiting
symbols, or signs either visible, partially visible that d. Engraving
may present or ultimately convey a meaning to
someone. 231. It is a wide glistening gold vertical stripe with
a. Document the numerical value printed in series.
b. Writing a. Portrait
c. Signature b. Iridescent band
d. None of these c. Serial Number
d. Vignette
222. It refers to any material which some issue has
been raised or which is under scrutiny. 232. It is the most common method of making gold
a. Disputed Document coins.
b. Questioned Document a. Engraving
c. Holographic Document b. Offset Printing
d. Reference Collection c. Uttering
d. Casting
223. It refers to any document notarized by a
notary public or competent public official with 233. This means that the forger has trouble
solemnities required by law. matching the paper, ink, or writing materials to the
a. Official Document exact date it was supposed to have been written.
b. Public Document a. Counterfeit
c. Private Document b. Utter
d. Commercial Document c. Anachronism
d. Watermark

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244. Is the act of making a close and critical study
234. This writing material made from the skin of of any material, and with questioned documenst, is the
animals primarily of sheep, calves or goats. process necessary to discover facts about them?
a. Vellum a. Collation
b. Parchment b. Examination
c. Papyrus c. Comparison
d. Reed d. Microscopic Examination

235. It is widely claimed that invention of paper is 245. A writing movement that affords the greatest
generally attributed to a_____. freedom of movement and speed, and the elbow is the
a. Chinese pivotal of the lateral movement.
b. Americans a. Hand movement
c. Filipino b. Forearm movement
d. African c. Whole arm movement
d. Finger movement
236. It is shallow and horny part of large feather
usually from goose and was used for writing on
parchment. 246. The bend, crook, or curved on the inner side
a. Quill Pen of upper loop.
b. Reed a. Arc
c. Steel Point Pen b. hump
d. Fountain Pen c. foot
d. baseline
237. It is the oldest form of ink.
a. Indian Ink 247. This usually is added to capital letters to
b. Log Wood Ink become more attractive to the eyes of the reader.
c. Iron Galotannate Ink a. Crossing bar
d. Dyestuff Ink b. Hump
c. Beard
238. This is regarded as the principal method of ink d. Buckle Knot
a. Ink analysis 248. The art of beautiful writing is known as
b. Chromatographic Analytical Method A. Drafting
c. Benzidine Method B. Calligraphy
d. None of these C. Art appreciation
D. Gothic
239. It is a result of a very complicated series of
facts, being used as a whole combination of certain 249. A person who can write either with his left or
forms of visible mental and muscular habits acquired right hand is called–
by long, continued painstaking effort. A. Ambidextrous
a. Cursive B. Analogous
b. Signature C. Bicephalous
c. Handwriting D. Dextrous or Dexterous
d. Forgery
250. A signature in a check is suspected to have
240. It is a fraudulent signature which was been forged. The signatory does not remember
executed purely by simulation rather than by tracing categorically whether he had issued the check. The
the outline of a genuine signature. signature was compared with a genuine signature but
a. Traced Forgery both were in the same in size and shape. What will be
b. Simulated Forgery your conclusion about the signature?
c. Spurious Signature A. genuine; the signatory only forgot the
d. Forgery by Computer Scanning issuance of the check
B. genuine; both signatures are exactly the same
241. It refers to the shape or design of the in size and shape
individual letters. C. forgery; the signatory just want to deny the
a. Slope issuance of the check
b. Slant D. forgery; no signature is exactly the
c. Form same in all aspects when compared
d. Size

242. It refers to the relative height of one letter to VI. LEGAL MEDICINE
another letter. 251. Builder of the first pyramid, he was
a. Proportion considered as the first or earliest recorded medico-legal
b. Ratio expert.
c. Connecting Stroke a. Antistius
d. Pen Lift b. Imhotep
c. Paulus Zacchias
243. It is the relation between the tall and small d. San Juan de Bautista
a. Ratio 252. Earliest known forensic pathologist or police
b. Proportion surgeon, who performed the autopsy of Julius Caesar,
c. Stroke reporting that out of the 23 stab wounds, only one
d. Size penetrated the chest cavity between the first and
second rib which was Caesar’s proximate cause of

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a. Antistius d. None of these
b. Imhotep
c. Paulus Zacchias 262. Bleeding usually in the cavity or organs in the
d. San Juan de Bautista body.
a. Internal hemorrhage
253. This states that the greater number of points b. Hematoma
of similarities and variations between two persons, the c. Contusion
greater the probability of the conclusion to be accurate. d. Internal wound
a. Prima Facie evidence rule
b. Conclusive evidence rule 263. Reduction of oxygen in the blood.
c. Law of multiplicity of evidence in a. Hypoxia
identification b. Asphyxia
d. Chain of custody of evidence c. Hypercapnea
d. None of the foregoing
254. It has for its characteristics as, bright scarlet
in color, with high oxygen content and leaves the blood 264. LIvor mortis or post mortem lividity is
vessel with pressure. completed in how many hours when the blood has
a. Arterial blood already clotted or diffused to different parts of the body
b. Venous blood wherein the discoloration is permanent and darker in
c. Menstrual blood color?
d. Human blood a. 12 hours
b. 24 hours
255. The growth and development of micro- c. 36 hours
organism in the location of the injury or wound. d. 48 hours
a. Infection
b. Embolism 265. It is the formation of a soft, friable and
c. Hemorrhage brownish white greasy substance in the soft fatty tissue
d. Hematoma after death.
a. Saponification
256. Effusion of blood into the tissue underneath b. Rigor mortis
the skin due to the rupture of blood vessels as a result c. Mummification
of the application of a blunt force. d. Maceration
a. Contusion
b. Shock 266. Average time for the stomach to empty its
c. Hemorrhage contents after meals.
d. Hematoma a. 2 to 3 hours
b. 3 to 4 hours
257. Wound produced to man’s instinctive reaction c. 4 to 5 hours
of self-preservation to repel attacks or an aggressor. d. 5 to 6 hours
a. Defense wound
b. Self-inflicted wound 267. Rate of growth of human hair.
c. Patterned wound a. 0.4 to 0.5 mm./day
d. Mutilated wound b. 0.5 to 0.6 mm./day
c. 4 to 5 hours
258. Prescribed depth of a grave under P.D. 856, d. 0.7 to 0.8 mm./day
Section 19 of the Code of Sanitation.
a. At least ½ meters deep 268. A person is considered dead if the rate of fall
b. At least 1 meters deep of body temperature is about:
c. At least 1 and ½ meters deep a. 10 to 15⁰F
d. At least 2 meters deep b. 15 to 20 ⁰F
c. 20 to 25⁰F
259. A simple test used to determine cessation of d. 25 to 30⁰F
respiration by placing water or mercury in a container
on top of the chest of a person and no visible 269. without external wounds.
movement is noticed. a. Sprain
a. Winslow’s test b. Fracture
b. Florence test c. Hematoma
c. Barberio’s test d. Dislocation
d. Castle Meyer test
270. A physical injury which is found at the site and
260. A muscular change characterized by the also the opposite site of the application of force.
softness of the muscles and in which it no longer a. Extensive injury
responds to mechanical or electrical stimulus due to the b. Coup injury
dissolution of proteins. c. Contre coup injury
a. Stage of primary flaccidity d. Coup and contre coup injury
b. Stage of secondary flaccidity
c. Rigor mortis 271. A physical injury found at the site of the
d. Livor mortis application of force.
a. Extensive injury
261. Refers to a fracture where there is a break in b. Coup injury
the bone, loss of alignment of the affected bones and c. Contre coup injury
separation of fragment bones. d. Coup and contre coup injury
a. Simple fracture
b. Compound fracture 272. The basic building blocks of DNA are as
c. Communicated fracture follows ACGT, A stands for what?

Amici Review Center Page 14

a. Adenine a. 20 to 30 minutes
b. Adenide b. 3 to 6 hours
c. Adenum c. 12 to 24 hours
d. Adenoid d. 24-36 hours

273. A complete, continuous, persistent cessation 283. An injury or disease which survived for a
of respiration, circulation and almost all brain function prolonged interval which allowed the development of
of an organism. serious suquelae which becomes the cause of death. It
a. Somatic death is usually common to cases involving stab wounds.
b. Cellular death a. Proximate cause of death or secondary
c. Molecular death cause of death
d. Apparent death b. Immediate or primary cause of death
c. Cardio-respiratory arrest
274. Fixed discoloration of the blood clothed inside d. Nocturnal death
the blood vessels or has diffused to different parts of
the body. 284. Their presence in the cadaver would indicate
a. Diffusion lividity that death has occurred more than 24 hours hence are
b. Clotting of the blood useful to proximate the time of death.
c. Rigor mortis a. Flies
d. Hypostatic lividity b. Earthworms
c. 12 to 24 hours
275. It is the dissolution of the tissues by the d. Butterflies
digestive action of its bacteria and enzyme.
a. Primary Flaccidity 285. Average time of decomposition for tropical
b. Post mortem rigidity countries such as the Philippines.
c. Cadaveric spasm a. 12 to 24 hours c. 36 to 48 hours
d. Putrefaction b. 24 to 48 hours d. 48 to 72 hours

276. A whitish foam at the mouth and nostrils due 286. After death, the metabolic process inside the
to mucous secretion of the respiratory track after body ceases, heat is no longer produced and the body
death. slowly loses its temperature.
a. “Cutis anserine” a. Algor mortis c. Cadaveric spasm
b. Washerwoman b. Rigor mortis d. Suspended animation
c. Champignon d’ ocume
d. Cadaveric spasm 287. This is composed of laws which are produced
by the country’s legislation and which are defined,
277. A condition of a woman who has had one or codified and incorporated by the law-making body.
more sexual experience but not had conceived a child. a. Written or Statutory Law (Lex Scripta)
a. Moral virginity b. Unwritten or Common Law (Lex Non Scripta)
b. Demi-virginity c. Imaginary Law
c. Physical virginity d. Special Law
d. Virgo-intacta
288. A branch or division of law which defines
278. Refers to the action of bacteria to a dead crimes, treats of their nature and provides for their
body. punishment.
a. Flaccidity a. Criminal Law
b. Rigidity b. Civil Law
c. LIvidity c. Remedial Law
d. Putrefaction d. Special Law

279. A condition of exposure to cold temperature 289. The oldest Code of law. It included legislation
of certain parts of the body which produces mechanical on adultery, rape, divorce, incest, abortion and
disruption of cell structure characterized by cold violence.
stiffening and diminished body temperature. a. Code of Kalantiao
a. Gangrene b. Code of Hammurabi
b. Frostbite c. Justinian code
c. Trench foot d. Code of Draco
d. Immersion foot
290. He discussed the lethality of wounds.
280. Failure of adequate heat elimination related to a. Hippocrates
the breakdown of sweating mechanism. b. Imhotep
a. Heat cramp c. Antistius
b. Heat exhaustion d. Justinian
c. Heat stroke
d. Burning 291. He published in Paris a work on Virginity and
Defloration. He confirmed the existence of the hymen
281. Its medico-legal importance is to approximate and that it may not rapture during sexual intercourse.
the time of death. a. Paulus Zacchias
a. Cadaveric spasm b. Imhotep
b. Putrefaction c. Orfilla
c. Mascular contraction d. Severin Pineau
d. Rigor mortis
292. Foul smelling objects, persons suffering from
282. In cellular or molecular death, death of highly infections and communicable disease, or objects
individual cell occurs in: which when touch may mean potential danger to the

Amici Review Center Page 15

life and health of the judge may be presented in the
court proceeding.
a. True
b. False
c. Partially True
d. Partially False

293. The declaration of a dying person, made

under a consciousness of an impending death is
admissible in spite of the fact that it is hearsay. It is
made so because of necessity and it is trustworthy.
a. True
b. False
c. Partially True
d. Partially False

294. The opinion of a witness in general is not

admissible, except on the opinion of a witness
regarding a question of science, art or trade, when he
is skilled therein.
a. True
b. False
c. Partially True
d. Partially False

295. These are articles or materials which are

found in connection with investigation and which aid in
establishing the identity of the perpetrator or the
circumstances which the crime was committed, or in
general assist in the prosecution of the criminal.
a. Testimonial Evidence
b. Documentary Evidence
c. Physical Evidence
d. Real Evidence

296. These are physical evidence which link a

suspect to the crime.
a. Corpus Delicti Evidence
b. Associative evidence
c. Tracing Evidence
d. Circumstantial Evidence

297. These are physical evidence which may assist

the investigator in locating the suspect.
a. Corpus Delicti Evidence
b. Associative Evidence
c. Tracing Evidence
d. Cirsumstantial Evidence

298. Rigor mortis develops:

a. 3 to 6 hours before death
b. 1 to 2 hours after death
c. 7 to 6 hours after death
d. 3 to 6 hours after death

299. This is a form of asphyxial death whereby the

constricting force applied in the neck is the hand.
a. Throttling
b. Smothering
c. Garroting
d. Mugging

300. After cessation of the vital function of the

body there is still animal life among individual cells.
A. Somatic death
B. Molecular death
C. Apparent death
D. State of suspended animation

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