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Reading Activities - Adults A1 Level

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Activity 1

Job Priorities

We interviewed some students who are going to look for their first job soon. We asked them to
say what is important for them in job. These are some of the answers.

Alison: ‘I’d like to have a

Martin: ‘I want a job job where I meet a lot of
that’s really exciting interesting people from
and fun.’ all over the world.’

Robert: ‘I’d like to travel to Sally: ‘I want to be my

foreign countries.’ own boss.’
Mary: ‘I’d like to have a
job with long holidays.’
James: ‘I want to earn lots of
money so that I can buy a house
and a good car.’
Jennifer: ‘I’d like to work
with computers and new
Susan: ‘I want to change
the world!’ Joe: ‘I want to help other
Charles: ‘I’d like to be

Rani: ‘I don’t want to sit in an

Peter: ‘I don’t want to spend
office all day. I want to be
hours in a car or on a train
outside in the fresh air.’
travelling to work.’

Suzzette: ‘Most of all, I want to Simon: ‘I’d like to do a

feel happy in the job I do.’ creative job.’
Three things which are important for me:

1. __________________________________________

2. __________________________________________

3. __________________________________________

One thing which is not important for me?


Activity 2

Ten Things you should know about dreams.

Read ten interesting things about sleep and write if they are true or false. Discuss the correct
answers with teacher.

True False
1.Everyone dreams every night.

2.Babies have fewer dreams than adults.

3.People who are blind from birth do not dream in pictures.

4.People dream about things because they want them to happen in real
5.When you drink alcohol, you dream more.

6.People usually dream in colour.

7.You can find out a lot about yourself from your dreams.

8.Dreams never come true.

9.Dreams can sometimes make you walk or talk in your sleep.

10.If you dream about death it means something terrible is going to

Activity 3

At the movies!

A. Answer the questions.

 Who is your favourite actor?

 Which is your favourite film?
 How often do you watch ... a film on TV? / ... a DVD or video of a film? / ... a film at the

B. Read the story about Titanic.

Titanic is simple one of the best films ever made. Directed by

James Cameron. It tells the story of the passengers on the
first , and last, voyage of the Titanic. It stars Kate Winslet as
Rose, a first-class passenger, and Leonardo Dicaprio as Jack,
who’s travelling third-class. They meet, fall in love, and then
the boat hits an iceberg. The special effects are incredible, it
really feels like the biggest ship ever built is sinking. All the
actors, including Kathy Bates, are excellent. The film is over
three hours long but it’s gripping story with interesting
characters and the time passes quickly. Like many of the first-
class passengers Rose survives the disaster – the film is her
memory of the voyage – but Jack dies in the icy water. I really
recommend this film - it’s fantastic – just make sure you
watch it on the big screen and not at home.

C. Identify the different kinds of films. The first one is done for you.

1. 1rohrro h o r r o r
2. htrrliel t _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. vuedantre a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. tedevicte d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. cesince confiti s _ _ _ _ _ _ f _ _ _ _ _ _
6. nimatinoa a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7. naicot a _ _ _ _ _
8. icumals m _ _ _ _ _ _

D. Match the adjectives. For example, fantastic means very good.

fascinating bad

weird beautiful

hilarious exciting

fantastic frightening / scary

terrible funny

terrifying good

brilliant interesting

gripping strange

stunning clever

Activity 4

Winner takes all...

A. Match a sport with a place with a score.

sport where it takes place a typical score

football / soccer pool 120-110 118-110 120-

tennis track 1m 19.32secs

swimming court 1hr 34m 50.616 secs

motor racing course 2-1

boxing pitch 10 under par

golf ring 6-4 6-1

Noisy spectator sports:

____________________________________________ _____________ ____________

Quiet spectator sports:

____________________________________________ _____________ ____________

Which sports do you like or not like watching?


B. Read the text about Lewis Hamilton.

I saw Lewis Hamilton win the Monaco Grand Prix

in May – and it was great! He really is a fantastic
racing driver! He started the race in third place
but quickly moved up to second. It was raining so
the drivers had to decide what kind of tyres to
have on their cars, but no one chose ‘wet’ tyres.
Then it really started to rain very badly and
Hamilton skidded and had a crash – I was so
worried! He had a puncture and had to stop – but
he also changed tyres. He drove faster and faster
– it was so exciting! But there were more crashes
and I was really nervous. But Hamilton won and I
was so happy! Hurrah for Hamilton! I hope he
wins the Formula 1 championship this year.

C. Fill in the gaps according to the text.

Key points
Feelings of spectator
Activity 5


A. Read these sentences. They are the first sentences in letters to an agony aunt. Each
author has a different problem. What do you think the problem is in each situation?

a. When I was young, I was adopted.

b. Last year, my mum got married.
c. I’m 41years old and daughter is going to have a baby.
d. I live with my husband’s family.

B. Read the letters sent to an agony aunt and fill in the gaps with the correct first sentences
(a-d) from the previous exercise.

1. Dear Betty,


My new dad is called Bryan and he already has two children – Carly and Tony. Now they are my
stepsister and stepbrother. I like Carly – she’s nice. But Tony is horrible – he keeps taking my things
and breaking them. When I talk to my mum, she tells me I have to learn to share. What can I do?


2. Dear Betty,


In my culture this is quite normal and usually it’s fine. I have two young children and it’s nice to
have someone there to help me look after them. The problem is that my mother-in-law tells me
how I should raise my children, so sometimes we argue. What can I do?


3. Dear Betty,

I never knew my real parents. I didn’t have any brothers or sisters and I thought I was an only child.
So, imagine my surprise when I bumped into someone who looked exactly like me! She’s my
identical twin sister, Karen. Of course, I’d like to get to know her – but what happens if we don’t
like each other? What should I do?


4. Dear Betty,


She’s only 16. When I tell people, I think they blame me – that it’s my fault she became pregnant. I
love her and I’ll look after her but becoming a grandmother makes me feel so old. Do you think I’m
a bad mother?


C. Read the letters again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. Aaron doesn’t like his stepsister.

2. Safia thinks living with her in-laws isn’t strange.

3. Trudy didn’t know she had a sister.

4. Barbara was only sixteen when she had her daughter.

D. Here are two replies from Betty that offer advice. Match the replies to the correct letters.

a. No, not at all. It must be quite difficult for you and your family. Your daughter is very lucky to
have a mother who supports and cares for her. It’s going to be tough for your daughter as she
really is very young but I’m sure everything will be fine.
b. I know it must be difficult for you, but it must be hard for the other children as well. How old
are they? Are you the oldest? Y our mu m is right. If you’ve never had a brother or sister
before, then it’s something you have to learn to live with. It might be a good idea to talk about
it together.
Activity 6

Job Adverts

A. Read the job advertisements and complete each one with a key word from the wordlist

1. airline 2. garage 3. restaurant 4. salon 5. surgery

1. Trainee hairdressers wanted to work in a new hairdressing ____________________. Good

working conditions and excellent pay. Forty hours per week including some Saturdays. If
you are interested in a career as a hairdresser, come and join our team. Phone Mandy on
021 7455 4671.

2. Do you want to be an ____________________ pilot? Our next pilot training programme

starts soon. Applicants need to be in good health, aged between 25 and 40 and be able to
work under stress. Pilots can earn up to £100,000 a year. If you are interested, send your CV
and contact details to PO Box 22389, London, W1 2PP.

3. Do you know a lot about engines? We are looking for experienced car mechanics to start
work in our garages. We are a big business with ____________________ across the
country. For more information, contact our recruitment team on 0161 754908 or email

4. Dental ____________________ requires a dental assistant to start work immediately.

Competitive salary plus extra benefits, including free dental care. Previous experience
would be good. For further details contact Sue Riggs on 080 5545 8337.

5. Looking for a job as a chef? We have two positions at our five-star, city-centre
____________________. 27-40 hours per week. Experience with Italian food is preferred
but not essential, however, you must love it! The salary is 18,000-22,000 GBP a year. Send
your CV to Tony at tony.dimarco@milanomilano.co.uk.

B. Are these sentences about the advertisements true (T) or false (F)?

1. A hairdressing salon is looking for someone with experience.

2. The pilot training course costs £100,000.

3. There are jobs for mechanics in more than one place.

4. For the job of dental assistant, it isn’t necessary to have experience.

5. There is only one job available at the Italian restaurant.

Activity 7


A. Read the letters sent to a doctor who provides advice in a magazine column. What are
the health issues specified in each one? What advice do you think the doctor will give?

A. Dear Dr Amy,

I’m worried about my ten-year-old daughter. After she plays in the garden she’s out of breath. She
is usually very healthy and loves playing sports, so I’m very concerned about this. Do you think it’s
serious and can you give us some advice?

Mrs M Dawson

B. Dear Dr Amy,

I’m fifteen years old and I’ve got lots of spots! Some of my friends don’t have any spots, but mine
are really bad! I use creams and lotions and wash my face regularly, but the spots are just getting
worse. My mum says I shouldn’t worry as all teenagers get spots but it’s making me feel depressed.
What can I do?

C. Dear Dr Amy,

In February, I broke my arm when I slipped on some ice. Last week, I had the plaster removed but
now there’s a very bad rash. Before I left the hospital, I was given some cream but it isn’t helping
and my arm is sore. Do you think I need to go back to the hospital or will it get better with the

Frances DeWitt
D. Dear Dr Amy,

In a few weeks I’m moving abroad with my family because my husband has got a new job. The
problem is that I need lots of injections but I don’t like needles – in fact, they terrify me! Is there
any alternative?


C. Read the letters again and choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Who has already spoken to a doctor or nurse?


2. Who doesn’t know what the problem is?


3. Who needs something to stop them becoming ill in the future?


4. Who feels very upset because of their problem?


D. Now read Dr Amy’s replies and match each one to the correct letter. Be careful! There are
four letters but only three replies.

1. Dear __________________

Don’t worry too much. It’s usual for this to happen and if you use the cream it should clear up.
Wait a few more days and, if there is no change, then go and show it to a doctor.

2. Dear __________________

It sounds like she has asthma. Many children develop it as they get older but it’s nothing to worry
about. Go and see the doctor and they will give her an inhaler to use, which will make a big
difference. As long as it isn’t too bad, she will still be able to play sports.
3. Dear ___________________

Yes, your mother is right, but I understand it’s still upsetting. There’s not much more you can do
other than keep your skin clean and dry. It’s a good idea to ask your doctor to recommend the best
cream for you.

Activity 8


Read the texts and answer the questions below.

A. FOR SALE! D. Lost

Radio controlled model plane My bike went missing last week

(almost new). Includes remote from outside the science block. It’s
control and instruction booklet. a Timber Cross 20-speed mountain
£120 ONO. Phone Tony on bike. If you have any information
090548211. call Darren on 0405668135

B. E. For sale!

Have you ever wanted to climb a Downhill skis & poles, skiing jacket,
mountain, kayak down a river or go trousers, gloves and boots – all XL.
bungee jumping? If the answer is yes, £180 ONO. Contact Adam on
why not join the Outdoor Club? Our adam.steward@ggmail.com
next meeting is on Wednesday at
8pm in room 43 (indoors ☺)

C. F. Chess Tournament

ARE YOU FEELING STRESSED? COME We are looking for players to join
AND JOIN OUR YOGA CLASSES. the chess team. Come along and
EVERY TUES AND FRI FROM 19:30 have fun playing every Wed night
IN THE GYM. GET FIT, STAY FIT AND from 18:30. Room 211 – next to the
1. Who wants to sell something?

2. Which club can you join if you like adventure?

3. Who is looking for something?

4. Where does the chess team meet?

Activity 9

A. How did you celebrate New Year's Eve last year? Did you go to a party or stay at home?
What did you do at midnight? Did you drink champagne?

New Year's Eve in Scotland

In Scotland, New Year's Eve is called Hogmanay. While Christmas is a time to spend with the family,
Hogmanay is a time to be with friends.

Before celebrations can start, it is important to clean the house and have a bath so that the New
Year will start well. Hogmanay parties often include dancing, music and singing. At midnight
everyone always sings a song called ‘Auld Lang Syne’ (although most people don't know what it
means). The words ‘Auld Lang Syne’ literally translate from old Scottish dialect meaning ‘Old Long
Ago’, and the song is about love and friendship in times past. After midnight, the custom of ‘first
footing’ starts. A ‘first footer’ is the first person to enter someone's house in the New Year.
Tradition says that the person should have dark hair and bring a gift. The gift is often a piece of coal
and a bottle of whisky.
A. True or false?

a. In Scotland, New Year's Eve is celebrated with friends.

b. Christmas Eve is called Hogmanay in Scotland.

c. It's the custom to clean the house and have a bath before midnight on New Year's Eve.

d. ‘Auld Lang Syne’ is a place in Edinburgh where people meet on New Year's Eve.

e. A ‘first footer’ is the first person to enter a house in the New Year.

f. A ‘first footer’ should ideally be fair with blue eyes.

g. The ‘first footer’ brings a piece of coal if the children have been bad the previous year.

Activity 10


A. What information would you expect to find in each of the following text types? How
would they be different?

a. a recipe






b. a label on a packet of food





c. a shopping list






B. a. Match the text types (a-c) from the previous exercise to the texts below. Be careful!
There are only two texts, but three headings.

1. _______________________________


1. Gently squeeze the pouch to separate the rice.

2. Tear or cut the top of the pouch to 2cm.
3. Put it in the microwave and heat it on full power
for two minutes (800W).
4. Tear the pouch open and separate the rice again
with a fork.


Basmati Rice – Cooked (85%), Tomatoes, Vegetable

Oil, Sweet Chilli Paste, Salt, Lime Juice, Sugar, Ginger,
Natural Colour (Paprika Extract), Garlic.

This product contains no artificial flavourings, colours

or preservatives.

Once opened keep refrigerated. Use within two days.

250 g -
2. ___________________________


100g plain flour

a pinch of salt
two eggs
200ml milk (or 125ml milk and 75ml water)
50g butter

1. Add two spoons of the mixture to the frying pan

and move from side to side so it covers the bottom
of the pan.
2. Break the eggs into the centre of the flour and
whisk them with a fork.
3. First, put the flour in a mixing bowl and add
some salt to it.
4. Heat a small amount of the butter in a frying
5. Next, add the milk slowly and keep stirring until
the mixture is smooth.
6. Once all the milk is added, the mixture should
be like a thick cream.
7. Serve with some lemon juice and sugar.
8. Flip the pancake to cook the other side, then
remove from the pan onto the plate.

C. Put the steps from the recipe (1-8) in the correct order.
Answer Key

Activity 1: Job Priorities

Students’ own answers

Activity 2: Ten Things you should know about dreams.

1 True – You start dreaming about 90 minutes after you fall asleep. The first dream lasts for five to
ten minutes. Then you dream in 90 minutes cycles with the dreams getting longer – your last
dream may be as long as 40 minutes.

2 False – Babies dream most of the time they are asleep, not in 90-minute cycles like adults.

3 True – People who have been blind since they were born do not see images in their dreams. They
have to use their senses of touch, smell and hearing while dreaming.

4 True – This is one reason why we dream, but it is not the only reason – in fact, nobody knows
why we dream!

5 False – Drinking alcohol or taking other drugs makes your dreams shorter.

6 True – Most dreams have some colour in them, but people forget it very quickly.

7 True – Every detail in a dream is important and has a meaning. You can learn something about
your sub-conscious or your hidden emotions from all of your dreams, but you have to work hard to
remember and understand them.

8 False – Some people have telepathic dreams – this means they dream about events which
happen later in real life. But events in a dream don’t usually come true.

9 False – Sleep-walking and talking is not linked to dreams. Nobody knows why people walk or talk
in their sleep.

10 False – Dreaming about death often means the end of a chapter in your life and a new
Activity 3: At the movies!


1. horror; 2. thriller; 3. adventure; 4. detective; 5. science fiction; 6. animation; 7.action; 8.musical


fascinating interesting
weird strange
hilarious funny
fantastic good
terrible bad
terrifying frightening / scary
brilliant clever
gripping exciting
stunning beautiful

Activity 4: Winner takes all...


sport place A typical score

football / soccer pitch 2-1 (a match)
tennis court court 6-4 6-1 (a match of two sets)
swimming pool 1m 19.32secs (for 100m e.g.
lengths of 50m)
motor racing track 1hr 34m 50.616 secs (e.g. 76
boxing ring 120-110 118-110 120-108
(points for
three rounds)
golf course three rounds)
golf course 10 under par
(winner completed a
game with 10 less strokes
than the
other players)

sport Formula 1
who Lewis Hamilton
where Monaco
when May
key points Lots of rain / lots of crashes / Hamilton
crashes but wins
feelings of spectator worried / excited / nervous / happy

Activity 5: Family


1. b; 2.d; 3.a; 4.c


1.F; 2.T; 3.T; 4.F


A. Letter 4; B. Letter 1

Activity 6: Job Adverts


1.salon; 2.airline; 3.garage; 4. surgery; 5.restaurant


1.F; 2.F; 3.T; 4.T; 5.F

Activity 7: Health


A. a breathing problem, probably asthma; B. spots;

C. a rash; D. fear of needles / needs injections

1. C; 2. A; 3. D; 4. B


1. C; 2. A; 3. B

Activity 8: Hobbies

1. Tony (A) and Adam (E); 2. The Outdoor Club (B);

3. Darren (D); 4. Room 211 (next to the library)

Activity 9: New Year’s Eve


a. true; b. false; c. true; d. false; e. true; f. false; g. false

Activity 10 - Food


1. B; 2. A


3; 2; 5; 6; 4; 1; 8; 7

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