10.1 Objective
This method statement is established to ensure that the ACMV Electrical installation
works are executed in accordance with the contractual requirement, specification,
applicable engineering codes and standards, statutory laws and regulations, and to the
approved shop drawings.
(a) Galvanise Angle Bar
(b) M10 Ø Galvanise Suspended Threaded Rod
(c) Galvanise Washer & Nuts
(d) Threaded Rod connectors
(e) Galvanise Cable Tray with Accessories
(a) Pliers
(b) Hammer
(c) Electric Drill
(d) Electric Grinder
(e) Wrenches
(f) Level Muler
(g) String
(h) Test - Pen
(i) Screw Driver
10.4 Submission
All sample pipe and associate accessories shall be submitted to the respective consultant
for approval prior to installation works.
10.5 Manufacturing
All manufacturing shall be carried out off site in accordance to the factory quality
10.6 Transportation, Storage and Handling
All the electrical material e.g trunking, wiring etc shall be transported to site by means of
lorries. All the material shall also be checked for damage upon delivery. Damaged
material (beyond acceptable level) shall be marked and removed from site. Material shall
be stored in a dry, clean and unused area.
It is on precondition that before any installation works are allowed to start, there must be
available an approved coordination M & E working drawing.
a. Installation of the cable supporting system, cable tray, bracket and support
b. Installation of the submains cables
c. Installation of the Air-Conditioning and mechanical ventilation starter
1. Before any installation work at site is carried out the reference line (gridline
x, y location and the height from the finished floor) of the cable supporting
system must be coordinated and confirmed by the Project Supervisor,
Resident engineer and the Main Contractor Site Engineer.
4. As for the cable ladder and the tray, the repairing/treatment work on the cut/-
welded part (for the Galvanize material) is as follow:
(b) Any remains of the loose particles or rust should be cleaned with wire
brushing and grinding when applicable, to sand and paint on the bare
(c) Apply two coast of zinc rich paint to the cleaned surface. The zinc
rich paint can be applied by either (1) spraying with cold galvanizing
paint or (2) brushing with zinc rich prime paint.
(d) Apply a thin coat of aluminum paint for color matching over the
hardened zinc paint.
8. The repairing / treatment work for the cable tray / trunking, which is epoxy
(b) Any remains of the loose particles or rust should be cleaned with wire
brushing and grinding when applicable.
(c) Apply two coats of the epoxy paint to the cleaned surfaced.
9. During installation, the suspension rods are screwed into the steel inserts and
the angle support brackets are fixed to the rod with flat washer and nut.
10. The interval of the suspension rod is 1.2m for the cable ladder and 1.0m
interval for cable tray and trunking in general. In areas of bends and turns
closer supports shall be provided.
11. After the required numbers of support bracket are fixed, the cable ladder, trays
or trunkings are laid on the support brackets.
12. The cable ladders are fixed to the supporting brackets by the hold down clamp.
13. For cable and trunking, they are fixed to the support brackets with screws and
14. As for the trays which are close to the wall, 90 degree angle iron support are
used to support the trays. The welding of these trays is full length welding.
15. All the welding work should only be done by the qualified welders.
16. As for the trunking, which are close to the wall, they are screwed on the wall
following the route in the shop drawings.
17. All the cable supporting systems are earth-bonded at joints with either 25 x
3mm copper tape or 16sq. mm PVC cable for earthing continuity.
18. The complete installation of cable supporting system will be inspected with
reference to the inspection procedure.
10.10 Installation Of Submains And Cables
1. Submains are installed according to the size and type of submains. The
type of submains are PVC, PVC/PVC, XLPE/PVC and FR cable.
5. The cable trays or ladder are suspended by means of galvanised rod and
angle iron brackets.
6. Every submains circuits are provided with individual earth cables. The
trays and ladder are earth continuity bonded at joints.
7. All submain cables are laid in trefoil formation with earth and neutral
separately bunched.
1. MSBs are modular in construction and are transported from factory to site
in broken down modular units.
2. The boards are unloaded in front of the plantroom and push in using
trolleys and rollers onto the marked up locations and assemble together.
3. All MSBs are floor mounted with incoming cables installed at top entry.
Capacitor banks panel shall be installed separated from MB and connected
by PVC/PVC submains.
4. All starter panel are wall mounted in plantroom by means of wall brackets.
Cable entries are from the top via cable tray of trunking.
5. For all starter panel not located in riser / shaft / plantroom, starter panel
shall be lockable type.