Point Protcols
Point Protcols
Point Protcols
Acid reflux
General: St32 (either)
GB (GB40): TB4
St (St41): LI5
Jue Yin/Shao Yang: PC3, 7, GB34, 41 / TB3, 10, Liv3, 8 or Tan Liver point, YinTang, Ear-ShenMen, AnMien 1
SacroLumbar: LingKu, DaBai, ZongBai, SI4, Bl40 (either or both, bleed then needle)
L2-L3: ZongBai
Lower Thoracic/Upper Lumbar: Lu6 (bleed)
Fatigue during chemo: LI4, TB5, St34, Sp9, Lu7, PC6, St36, Sp10 1
Nausea/Vomiting during chemo: 9 magical points for digestion (ST36, GB34, UB40, PC6,LU7/ SP9, TAN LIV PT, TB5,
LI4), plus ear shenmen, Liver and stomach1
Carpal Tunnel (see Wrist Pain)
Wraps around (St,Sp,Liv,Bl): Yin ahshi on distal ¼ forearm, then TB, LI ahshi on distal ¼ of opp forearm, Liv4-6
(ahshi), St40-41 (ahshi), GB39-40 (ahshi)2
General: TB5, K6, Lu6, Bl62
LI4, 11, TB6, Ear-Large Intestine1
General: GV201
Tired/Heavy: TB2
Children: DaBai
General: Craniosacral (parietal bones)3
12 magical points 3x/wk for month, or consider specific zones where appropriate 4
Fatigue protocol: Bilateral- Sp6, St36, LI4, 11, Lu7, YinTang, GV20 – then add BM points for specific pain 5
8 extra meridians with ion pumping cords/EFT6
Chao Chen’s Zang Fu Organ Matrix tx using Liv and Sp for muscle pain 9
Daikon soup recipe (see below)7
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang/Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang/Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang (equal parts
of each)8
Global tightness/anger (Liver/GB): Ht/SI or TB, GB/Liv2
Depression (surrender to sadness): LI4, TB5, St34, Sp9, Lu7, PC6, St36, Sp10 1
General: PC7
Yang Ming (frontal/sinus): Sp9 (ahshi, esp summer), St36 (ahshi), Lu7, LI3 or 4
Excess GB/Ht: Ht8 (stim 1 min then 30 sec every 15 min), GB41, Liv3, TB3
Genitalia: hard to treat, first try 1/3 Zi Yin Jiang Huo Tang, 1/3 Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang, 1/3 Long
Dan Xie Gan Tang15
General: Sp7 (ahshi)
General: GanMen
General: 4 Horses (Tung 88.17,88.18,88.19 any Lung issue)7
Cough: ChungHsien
Sp7 (ahshi)
Sp7 (ahshi)
Deficit of lower limb: BaGuan (find most ahshi on fingers, strong stim, needle towards wrist)
Paralysis: MuHuo (mild-mod stim, use thin needle 5 min then remove, strong stim may cause
cramp, direct toward wrist)
Neck Pain (GB, TB, SI, LI, BL, GV, St – image: Wrist or Ankle)
General: SoJianDian (“LuoZhen area, b/w MC 2-3, 3-4, 4-5)
Blue poppy neck pain formula12
GB/TB (trap, GB21), bone spur: Ht4, SI3 (same), Bl40 (ahshi)
Generalized: see Fibromyalgia
Scar tissue
General: Electrostim8
VitalzymeX (dissolves scar tissue, can take months to see results, see below for contact
General: PC9 (bleed), Lu111
Sore throat: TB2 (either if bilateral pain, same if unilateral – more result if during summer season) LI3,
General: GB32 to 34 (ahshi or both)
Liv2,3 (strong stim)13
Ahshi points along the tibial crest (the ridge of bone above SP9). This seems to mirror the
jaw bone and the tightness and jaw pain that grinders tend to report. It usually results in
5-7 ashi in a line that follows very close to the bone 18
PC3 (multiple ahshi points if necessary), GB33, TB10(same), Liv8(same), LI4 1
General: LingKu, K6a, Lu7a, Bl61a, St4 to LI20 ahshi
Vaginal discharge
General: LI14
Head: Hand (palmer surface) (Ht8 with GB headaches)
Foot (St43 with St sinus congestion)
Knee (Sp9 with frontal headaches)
Torso (Lumbar/SI): Hand (dorsal surface) (LingKu combo, SanChar Tung points between knuckles)
Waist Knee
Not responding
Verify image, point (3 dimension precision), and channel (diagnosis)
Insert local (if applicable) and balance points, ½ way through tx remove just local 2
Other Therapies
Daikon Soup Recipe7(Wu Xing Tang?/5 element tea):
I have been working with this soup over the past 3 years on various conditions and I have found it to help: chronic headaches,
gyn. probs., constipation, indigestion, allergies, urinary difficulties, low energy, low immunity, toxins in the liver organ, liver organ
or channel problems, asthma, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and there are plenty more conditions waiting to be discovered. I
basically use this soup as my first order of treatment for the following purposes: clean the body at the cellular level without causing
any harmful side effects, nourish the blood, generate Qi. The idea is to try to return the body's cells to their normal functioning and
thereby returning the body's functions to normal, back to health.
The recipe comes from a Japanese scientist who has done some 30 or 40 yrs of research on the effects of this soup. In the
collection of his research, he outlined the importance of the daikon leaves since there is valuable nutrition that the boiling steeps
out of the root and its leaves. In the research, the scientist only talked about the fresh ingredients. I often find the Burdock root in a
Korean or Japanese grocery market in the produce section, and they often stock the daikon w/ leaves intact
The flavors of the soup are very mild. It tastes like root vegetable soup. I've had people tell me they have replaced their morning
coffee habit with a cup of soup and it makes them feel great. Enjoy.
In order to have this soup work properly, all directions and ingredients has to be followed.
All ingredients are cleaned well and unpeeled. Soak the Shiitake mushrooms in a bowl for 20 mins. Cut up the Daikon & leaves,
burdock, carrots, and place in a soup pot. When Shiitake mushrooms become soft, clean them and place in with the other roots.
Be sure that all the ingredients are placed as flatly as possible at the bottom of the pot. Fill the pot up with just enough water to
cover the roots. Then, add two times the water required to cover the vegetables. For example, if it takes 10 cups water to cover
the contents, then add another 20 more cups to the pot. Do not season with salt, sugar, msg, or any other flavorings. The natural
flavors of the vegetables will give the soup its own unique sweetness & flavor.
Cooking time:
Cover the pot with a lid (once the lid covers pot, do not open until soup is done), turn stove on high heat, bring to boil (this part
may take 45 mins or up to an hour, since there is a high volume of water, then, lower heat down to medium/low, simmer for 1
hour, turn off stove, and soup is good to serve.
I started my patient on 3 cups and moved her up to four cups after the first month. It's been 2 months and she has reported that
none of her old pain has returned
World Nutrition – 800-548-2710
VitalzymeX (dissolves scar tissue, can take months to see results8
Please note that the info in the following list including email addresses will be used for no other purpose than in maintaining and
verifying the information above.
1. Meg: healperacu@sbcglobal.net
2. Acujosh: wuweishwa@yahoo.com
3. Madir: chicenter1111@hotmail.com
4. Eric: unknown
5. RA Angotti: unknown
6. Jude: curestroke@aol.com
7. Mei: unknown
8. Mark Tryling: Herbs mark.tryling@meridianharmonics.com
9. P.T Ferrance: ptf1@akc.com
10. Bina: unk
11. Li: unk
12. Asaf mazar: Asafmazar@hotmail.com
13. Don: don@attain-balance.com
14. Deborah: unk
15. Adam griffin: Herbs unk
16. Michael Norris: S7horse@aol.com
17. Ted Zombolas: zombolas@hotmail.com
18. Karen: Magnets kkhandster@aol.com
19. Julia Thie: jmcintire1@earthlink.net
20. John:unk
21. Adam Estreicher: aestreicher@hotmail.com
22. Hye-Jung Hayes: unk
23. Jonathan Breslow: j@breslowmed.com
1. This document is meant as a collaboration in progress – a focus for discussion – not just a cookbook