Binary File Worksheet
Binary File Worksheet
Binary File Worksheet
Q.2 ] (i) How are text files different from binary files?
(ii) A Binary file, CINEMA.DAT has the following structure:{MNO:[MNAME,
Where MNO – Movie Number MNAME – Movie Name MTYPE is Movie Type
Write a user defined function, findType(mtype), that accepts mtype as
parameter and displays all the records from the binary file CINEMA.DAT,
that have the value of Movie Type as mtype.
Q.3] Consider a binary file record.dat with employeeid, ename and salary. The file
contains 10 records. Write UDF to update a record based on the employee id
entered by the user and update the salary. The updated record is then to be
written in the file temp.dat. The records which are not to be updated also have
to be written to the file temp.dat. If the employee id is not found, an appropriate
message should to be displayed.
Q.4] Aditya is a Python programmer. He has written a code and created a binary file
student.dat with rollno, name, class and marks. The file contains 10 records. He
now has to search record based on rollno entered by user in the file student.dat.
Q.5] Amritya Seth is a programmer, who has recently been given a task to write a
python code to perform the following binary file operations with the help of two
user defined functions/modules:
a. AddStudents() to create a binary file called STUDENT.DAT containing student
information – roll number, name and marks (out of 100) of each student.
b. GetStudents() to display the name and percentage of those students who
have a percentage greater than 75. In case there is no student having
percentage > 75 the function displays an appropriate message. The function
should also display the average percent.
Q.6] Consider a binary file Employee.dat containing details such as
empno:ename:salary(separator ‘:’). Write a Python function Readfile() to
display details of those employees who are earning between 20000 and
40000(both values inclusive) also count how many records are available in the
Q.7] A binary file named “TEST.dat” has some records of the structure [TestId,
Subject,MaxMarks,ScoredMarks].Write a function in Python named
DisplayAvgMarks(Sub) that will accept a subject as an argument and read the
contents of TEST.dat. The function will calculate & display the Average of the
ScoredMarks of the passed Subject on screen.
Q.8] Aditya has written a code and created a binary file record.dat with ItemNo, Itname
and Price.
As a Python expert, help him to complete the following code based on the
requirement given above:
import ________________ #Statement 1
def Add_data():
fin = open("record.dat", " __ ") #Statement2
Lst = [á a’, 3.5, 66,77, 8, 10]
________________.(Lst, fin) #Statement3
print(“Record Added”)
fin.______________ #Statement4
a) Name the Module that Aditya should import in Statement 1
b) In which mode, Aditya should open the file to add data into the file in statement
c) Fill in the blank in statement 3 to fetch the data to a file and statement 4 to close the
Q.9] Anamika is a Python programmer. She has written a code and created a binaryfile
data.dat with sid, sname and marks. The file contains 10 records.
She now has to update a record based on the sid entered by the user and update
the marks. The updated record is then to be written in the file
extra.dat. The records which are not to be updated also have to be written to the
file extra.dat. If the sid is not found, an appropriate message should to be
displayed. As a Python expert, help him to complete the following code based on
requirement given above:
import ................ #Statement 1
def update_data():
fout=open("______________") #Statement 2
eid=int(input("Enter student id to update their
marks :: "))
while True:
rec= #Statement 3
if rec["student id"]==sid:
newmarks:: "))
pickle. ____ #Statement 4
if found==True:
print("The marks of student id ",sid,"
has been updated.")
print("No student with such id is not
(i) Which module should be imported in the program? (Statement1)
(ii) Write the correct statement required to open a temporary filenamed extra.dat.
(Statement 2)
(iii) Which statement should Anamika fill in Statement 3 to read the data from the
binary file, data.dat and in Statement 4 to write the updated data in the file,
Q.10] Devi is a Python programmer. He has written a code and created a binary file
record.dat with employeeid, ename and salary. The file contains 10 records. He
now has to update a record based on the employee id entered by the user and
update the salary. The updated record is then to be written in the file temp.dat.
The records which are not to be updated also have to be written to the file
temp.dat. Ifthe employee id is not found, an appropriate message should to be
import #Statement 1
def update_data():
fout=open(" -------“) ") #Statement 2
eid=int(input("Enter employee id to update their salary :: "))
while True:
rec= #Statement 3
if rec["Employee id"]==eid:
rec["Salary"]=int(input("Enter new salary:: "))
pickle. ________________#Statement 4
if found==True:
print("The salary of employee id ",eid," has been updated.")
print("No employee with such id is not found")fin.close()
(i) Which module should be imported in the program? (Statement1)
(ii) Write the correct statement required to open a temporary file named temp.dat.
(Statement 2)
(iii) Which statement should Devi fill in Statement 3 to read the
data from the binary file, record.dat and in Statement 4 to write the updated data in
the file, temp.dat?
Q.11] A binary file “Toy.dat” has structure [TID, Toy, Status, MRP].
i. Write a user defined function CreateFile() to input data for a
record and add to Toy.dat.
ii. Write a function OnOffer() in Python to display the detail of
those Toys, which has status as “ON OFFER” from Toy.dat file.
Q.12] i. A binary file “ITEMS.DAT” has structure (ID, GIFT, Cost). Write
a function to write more items in ITEM.DAT
ii. Write a function Economic() in Python that would read
contents of the file “ITEMS.DAT” and display the details of
those ITEMS whose cost is greater then 2500.
Q.13] Aaruni Shah is learning to work with Binary files in python using a process knows
as pickling/de-pickling. Her teacher has given her the following incomplete code, which
is creating a binary file namely Mydata.dat and then opens , reads and displays the
content of the created files.
________________ #Fill_Line 1
sqlist = list()
for k in range(10):
fout = ______________‘ #Fill_Line2A
____________________ #Fill_Line3
fin = __________________ #Fill_Line2B
______________________ #Fill_Line4
print(“Data from file:”,mylist)
Help her complete the above code as per the instructions given below:
(a) Complete Fill_Line1 so that the required Python library becomes available to the
(b) Complete Fill_Line2A so that the above mentioned binary file is opened for writing
in the file object fout.
Similarly, complete Fill_Line2B, which will open the same binary file for reading in the
file object fin.
(c) Complete Fill_Line3 so that the list created in the code, namely
Sqlist is written in the open file.
(d) Complete Fill_Line4 so that the contents of the open file in the file
handle fin are read in a list namely mylist.
Q.14] Sunil is a Python programmer. He has written the following incomplete code, which
takes a students details (rollnumber,name,marks)
import pickle
sturno = int(input("Enter roll number :"))
stuname = input("Enter name:")
stumarks = float(input("Enter marks :"))
Stul = {"RollNo. ":sturno, "Name": stuname, "Marks":stumarks}
with ______________________ as fh: # Fill_Line 1
_____________________ # Fill_Line 2
___________________ as fin: #Fill_Line 3
________________________ #Fill_Line 4
if Rstu["Marks"] >= 85:
print("Eligible for merit certificate")
print("Not eligible for merit certificate")
Help Sunil to complete the code as per the following instructions.
(a) Complete Fill_Line1 so that the mentioned binary file is opened for writing in fh
object using a with statement.
(b) Complete Fill Line2 so that the dictionary Stul's contents are written on the file
opened in step (a).
(c) Complete Fill_Line3 so that the earlier created binary file is opened for reading in a
file object namely fin, using a with statement.
(d) Complete Fill_Line4 so that the contents of open file file in fin are read into a
dictionary namely Rstu.
Q.15 ] Vanshika is learning Python and working with Binary Files. Her teacher has given her
the following incomplete, which is creating a binary file “Student.dat” which contains
student’s details (RNo, Name and Marks) in the form of List.She now has to open the
file, search for the Roll No., which will be entered by the user and display the Student’s
Details, if roll no. found otherwise print the message