School Wellness Action Plan
School Wellness Action Plan
School Wellness Action Plan
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Bayanga, Cagayan de Oro City
2. School Wellness Goal (Staff): To improve the overall health and well-being of the staff at Bayanga National High School through
the implementation of a program focusing on health, nutrition, and physical activity.
Desired Results/Accomplishments:
Provide students ALL Adviser November 2022 Surveys Feedback from Feedback from Feedback from
with input on the Meeting Meeting Meeting
school menu Canteen
Students will have Wellness Ongoing
access to water via Committee
water vendos
Vendo owner Installation of Installation of Installation of
Exploring the water vendo water vendo water vendo
possibility of water Principal
vendos being added
to the school
Bringing of
recyclables water
Provide non-food Wellness Team Ongoing Listing of non-food Listing of non-food Listing of non-food
rewards and rewards rewards rewards
reinforcements School Staff
Have a green and Wellness Team January 2023 All personnel Documentation of Documentation of Documentation of
gold vegetable/fruit day day day
Actions Addressing Health and Well-Being
Continue to Guidance Ongoing MAPEH Teachers ALL Jr High school ALL Jr High school ALL Jr High school
implement Health Counselors students students tudents students students
Education program
for all 9th grade Health Teacher
Continue to provide School Nurse Ongoing Nurse Referrals Nurse Referrals Nurse Referrals
school health
services Wellness Documentation of Documentation of Documentation of
Connection Educational Educational Educational
Programs Programs Programs
Conduct Galaw Students All year round All students in All students in All students in
Pilipinas as Exercise Wellness Bayanga NHS Bayanga NHS Bayanga NHS
Teachers Connection
Provide Drug and Principal February 2023 NDEP Coordinator List of activities List of activities List of activities
Alcohol Awareness
Provide information School Nurse Ongoing Wellness Documentation of Documentation of Documentation of
regarding health Connection Program Program Program
issues Wellness
opportunities for
intramural sports
School Wellness Action Plan #2 (BNHS Staff)
Action Steps Person Responsible Timeline Resources Beginning of Year Mid-Year Data End-of-Year Data
Baseline Data
Ideas for Nutrition Activities
development on Development Development Development
healthy cooking Opportunities Opportunities Opportunities
Provide healthy Wellness Team Ongoing Information Listing of healthy Listing of healthy Listing of healthy
alternatives at regarding allergens alternatives being alternatives being alternatives being
school celebrations School Staff provided provided provided
Healthy Eating
Provide a means for Wellness Team Ongoing Google Drive Documentation of Documentation of Documentation of
sharing healthy Recipes Recipes Recipes
recipes School Staff
Provide a venue for Wellness Team Spring Sodexho Documentation of Documentation of Documentation of
staff to share home Location/Dates of Location/Dates of Location/Dates of
grown produce Events Events Events
Provide staff School Nurse Ongoing – Health Dept Documentation of Documentation of Documentation of
education on Professional Activities Activities Activities
various items Development
(Organized Sports,
Yoga, Exercise, etc)
Offer After School Wellness Team Ongoing Listing of Exercise Listing of Exercise Listing of Exercise
Exercise Options Opportunities Opportunities Opportunities