Functions of Government Includes Law Making
Functions of Government Includes Law Making
Functions of Government Includes Law Making
government and the state, maintenance of international relations, ensuring the general welfare of
citizens and the social and economic development of the people.
All arms of government make rules in the performance of their function. The main duty of the
legislative arm of government is law making for the welfare of the people. Government also enforces
those laws through laid down procedures, institution and sanctions.
The law made by the legislature and policies of the executive and the judiciary have to be enforced
by the law enforcement agents. The manner of enforcement, the strictness and non discriminatory
practices are important.
In Nigeria like many African countries, our burden hinges on non-enforcement of laws and orders or
discrimination in the enforcement of the laws. The police and other security agents have the duty to
enforce the laws and order in the country.
Defense of Government:
One the major function of the government is to defend the country against internal secession,
opposition and external aggression. They also defend its policies and properties of the citizens
against enemies.
Nigeria also has Nigeria High Commission in many countries of the world for sole purpose of
maintaining international relation.
It is the function of the government to create economic policies and provide certain economic
enterprises in manufacturing, mining, steel rolling etc.
The economic trapping of government depends on its economic programmes and level of enterprise.
The level of and standard of government interests in the economic areas are essential for the running
of government.