" Industrial Training ": Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of The Requirements of The Award of Degree
" Industrial Training ": Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of The Requirements of The Award of Degree
" Industrial Training ": Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of The Requirements of The Award of Degree
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the award of
Mr. Sandesh Rajendra Narake.
. ( Enrollment no. 2110742037
Examinar: Principal:
Place: Pandharpur.
I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and deep sense of gratitude to my
guide, Prof. Ghodake S. M. for his constant support, motivation, valuable guidance and
immense help during the entire course of this work. Without his constant encouragement,
timely advice and valuable discussion, it would have been difficult in completing this work. I
would also like to acknowledge Electrical Engineering Department who provided me the
facilities for completion of the project. We are thankful to him for sharing his experienced in
research field with me and providing constant motivation during entire industrial work.
The aim and motivation of this industrial technical knowledge through a proper training
environment, information technology to develop a responsiveness of the self- disciplinary
nature of problems in information and communication technology. The practical knowledge
of student is also improved by the industrial training so it is very important. Also the different
skills are developed by this training.
6.3 Alternator
6.4 Exciter
6.10 Isolator
6.11 Busbar
Safety management of all operations and events within an industry in order to protect its
employees and assets by minimizing hazards, risks, accidents, and near misses. In Industry
specific hazards, suggest possible controls, and provide examples on the risk management
process which mill operators could adopt to assess and control risks specific to their
It is expected that mill operators would develop a risk register as outlined in the How to
manage work health and safety risks Code of Practice, assess the risks in their operation,
implement controls and monitor and review the systems implemented to control those risks.
Safety signs are a recognized method of identifying hazards within a workplace and
consist of signs, symbolic signs, markings and color. Signs have a range of applications but
should be considered an administrative control only. This section covers the issues associated
with the identification of hazards by means of signage with an aim to ensure known hazards
are identified by means of signs, markings or color and that all personnel are familiar with the
meaning of safety signs and markings.
CHAPTER 3: Single Line Diagram Of 33/11kv Substation
The single-phase induction motor is not started by itself. We require a starter for
starting the motor. When the motor is connected to a single-phase A.C power supply, the
main winding carries an alternating current. Single phase induction motors have types
according to the way of their starting.
Now let see how single phase induction motor works? In this type of motors starting winding
is provided in series with the main winding. When supply is applied to the motor current is
passing through both starting winding and main winding. Here the angle between two phase
windings is such that it creates a phase difference which produces a starting torque.
When the motor reaches the 70-80% of synchronous speed, A centrifugal switch on
the motor shaft opens and disconnects the starting winding.
3.2 Three Phase I.M.
1. This is mostly use moter in any factory Induction motor usually does not have
brushes or slip rings, so maintenance requirement is not that frequent as compared to
DC or synchronous motor. An induction motor can also work well in a dusty
environment, where other motors will require frequent cleaning for proper operation.
2. unlike synchronous motor. In the synchronous motor, the rotor has to be rotated
through some separate means or DC motor until it reaches As compared to a
synchronous motor, an Induction motor is self-starting, synchronous speed. This self-
starting makes induction motor simple to use and preferable choice of our
synchronous motor.
3. Due to less complexity of the induction motor, it is relatively less costly as compared
to the synchronous motor.
4. Many industrial applications demand different speed requirements for different loads.
Induction motors are available in different speed and torque ratings, and the speed of
induction motor can also be controlled very easily. On the other hand, the speed of the
synchronous motor cannot be changed, and it always rotates at synchronous speed.
This makes induction motor a preferable choice of our synchronous motor.
5. Carbon brushes and slip rings are sources of error and noise due to spark and other
friction effects. Therefore, resulting in a drop in efficiency of DC or synchronous
motors. Sparks can also be dangerous in industries where there is a chance of fire
eruption. On the other hand, induction motor efficiency does not drop due to carbon
brushes or slip rings because of no utilization of them.
3.3 Squirrel cage I.M.
This motor is mainly used in cranes in factory. A 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor is
a type of three phase induction motor which functions based on the principle of
electromagnetism. It is called a ‘squirrel cage’ motor because the rotor inside of it – known as
a ‘squirrel cage rotor’ – looks like a squirrel cage.
This rotor is a cylinder of steel laminations, with highly conductive metal (typically
aluminum or copper) embedded into its surface. When an alternating current is run through
the stator windings, a rotating magnetic field is produced.
This induces a current in the rotor winding, which produces its own magnetic field.
The interaction of the magnetic fields produced by the stator and rotor windings produces a
torque on the squirrel cage rotor.
One big advantage of a squirrel cage motor is how easily you can change its speed-
torque characteristics. This can be done by simply adjusting the shape of the bars in the rotor.
Squirrel cage induction motors are used a lot in industry – as they are reliable, self-starting,
and easy to adjust.
Due to these rotor currents, a self magnetic field is generated which interacts with the
stator field. Now, as per the principle, the rotor field starts opposing its cause. when the RMF
catches the rotor moment, the rotor current drops to zero. Then there would be no relative
moment between the rotor and RMF.
Hence, the zero tangential force is experienced by the rotor and reduces for a moment.
After this reduction in the moment of the rotor, the rotor current is induced again by the
reconstruction of relative motion between the RMF and the rotor. Hence the tangential force
of the rotor for the rotation is restored and starts by following the RMF.
In this case, the rotor maintains a constant speed, which is less than the speed of RMF
and synchronous speed. Here, the difference between the speed of RMF and the rotor is
measured in the form of slip. The final frequency of the rotor can be obtained by the
multiplication of slip and supply frequency.
3.4 DC Series Motor.
This moto is mainly used in conveyor belt in sugar factory . A series wound DC motor like in
the case of shunt wound DC motor or compound wound DC motor falls under the category of
self-excited DC motors, and it gets its name from the fact that the field winding in this case is
connected internally in series to the armature winding. Thus the field winding are exposed to
the entire armature current unlike in the case of a shunt motor.
Construction wise a this motor is similar to any other types of DC motors in almost all
aspects. It consists of all the fundamental components like the stator housing the field
winding or the rotor carrying the armature conductors, and the other vital parts like the
commutator or the brush segments all attached in the proper sequence as in the case of a
generic DC motor.
6 Every 6 months
1. Clean motor, blowing out dirt from windings, and wipe commutator and brushes.
2. Visually inspect commutator clamping ring.
3. Check and replace brushes that are more than half worn.
4. Examine brush holders, and clean them if dirty.
5. Check brush pressure and position.
6. Remove, clean out, and replace oil in sleeve bearings.
7. Check grease in ball or roller bearings.
8. Check operating speed or speeds.
9. Technician to examine and tighten loose connections.
10. Test current input and compare it with normal.
11. Visually check drive, for smooth running, absence of vibration.
12. Check motor foot bolts.
7 Annually
1. Remove and renew grease in ball or roller bearing.
2. Test insulation.
3. Clean out magnetic dirt that may be attached to poles.
4. Check clearance between shaft and journal boxes of sleeve bearing motors.
5. Check the commutator for smoothness and slot damage.
Actual Images in Factory While Maintenance
This paper focuses on the use of BIG-CC system along with bagasse and other
sugarcane residues like press mud in sugar industry in India. It is found that with the increase
in temperature and pressure of cogenerator, the overall power output and hence the efficiency
of the cogenerator unit increases gradually. However, over 60 bar pressure, in many high
pressure systems there is a requirement of special construction techniques along with the
materials that can withstand the high pressure as well as high temperatures (over 450°C).
Bagasse cogeneration describes the use of fibrous sugarcane waste, bagasse to
cogenerate heat and electricity at high efficiency in sugar mills. Proposed work is a case
study on sugarcane industry and economics is worked out for advanced cogeneration power
The Babcock and Wilcox boiler is a water tube, internally fired and natural water
circulation boiler. The steam and water drum which is placed about 8Meter in length and
2Meter in diameter. It is inclined at an angle of 10° to 15° from the normal position to
promote water circulation. Fig.2 shows the Babcock and Wilcox boiler, Coal is fed to the
grate through the fire door and is burnt. The hot flue gases rise upward and pass across the
left side portion of the water tubes. The baffles are used to deflect the hot gases in the
zigzag manner and for an upward and downward direction of the flue gases movement over
the water tubes along with superheater.
The part of the water tubes which is just above the furnace is heated to a higher
temperature so that the water density is decreased. Due to a decrease in density, the water
rises into the drum through the uptake header. In this position, the water and steam are
separated in the drum. In fact, the steam is having lighter weight compared to water. So it
is collected in the upper parts of the drum. The circulation of water is obtained by
convective currents and it is known as natural circulation. The steam is taken from the drum
through a tube to the superheater for superheating the steam. A damper is fitted to regulate
the flue gas outlet and the boiler is fitted with necessary mountings.
6.1 Super Heater
The steam produced in the boiler is wet and is passed through a superheater where it
is dried and superheated (i.e.., the steam temperature increased above that of boiling point of
water) by the flue gases on their way to the chimney. Superheating provides two
principal benefits. Firstly, the overall efficiency is increased and secondly, too much
condensation in the last stages of a turbine (which would cause blade corrosion) is
The superheated steam from the superheater is fed to steam turbine through the main
valve. The Superheater is used to increase the temperature of saturated steam without raising
its pressure and it is placed on the hot flue gases path in the furnace.
6.2 Impluse Reaction Turbine
This type of turbine is a combination of impulse and reaction turbine. The total
pressure drop of the steam from the boiler to condense pressure is divided into a number
of stages as done in pressure compounding and velocity obtained in each stage is also
compounded. For a given pressure drop, this type of turbines is designed in compact sizes.
The dry and superheated steam from the superheater is fed to the steam turbine through
the main valve.
The heat energy of steam when passing over the blades of a turbine is converted into
mechanical energy. After giving heat energy to the turbine, the steam is exhausted to the
condenser which condenses the exhausted steam by means of cold water circulation
6.3 Alternator
Exciters are nothing but the D.C. generators. Its main function is to supply
DC power to the field system / rotor. These are mounted on the same shaft of the
Alternator. The capacity of the exciter is about 0.5% to 3% of the alternator
capacity. The exciter was a small DC generator coupled to the same shaft as the rotor.
Therefore, when the rotor rotates this exciter produces the power for the
electromagnet. Control of the exciter output is done by varying the field current of
the exciter. This output from the exciter then controls the magnetic field of the rotor to
produce a constant voltage output by the generator. This DC current feeds to the rotor
through slip rings as shown in Fig.
6.5 Power Transformer
A transformer is a static device which transfers the electrical power or energy from one
alternating current circuit to another with the desired change in voltage or current and without
any change in the frequency. A power transformer is used in a substation to step-up (or) step-
down the voltage. Fig.6 shows the substation transformer which is installed upon the
length of rails fixed a concrete slabs having foundation 1 to 1.5 m deep.
6.7 Lighting Arrester
Lightning arrestors are the instrument that is used in the incoming feeders so that
to prevent the high voltage entering the main station. This high voltage is very dangerous to
the instruments used in the substation. Even the instruments are very costly, so to prevent any
damage lightening arrestors are used. The lightening arrestors do not let the lightning fall on
the station. If some lightening occurs the arrestors pull the lightning and ground it to the
earth. In any substation/generating station the main important is of protection which is
firstly done by these lightning arrestors. The lightening arrestors are grounded to the earth so
that it can pull the lightning to the ground. The lightening arrestor works with an angle of 30°
to 45° making a cone
6.8 Potential Transformer
Fig. shows the substation potential transformer. There are two potential transformers
used in the bus connected both sides of the bus. The potential transformer uses a bus isolator
to protect itself. The main use of this transformer is to measure the voltage through the
bus. This is done so as to get the detail information of the voltage passing through the bus
to the instrument. There are two main functions in it:
a. Measurement
b. Protection.
6.9 Current Transformer
Fig. shows current transformer. Current transformers are basically used to take the
readings of the currents entering the substation. This transformer steps down the current from
800Amps to 1Amp. The current transformer works on the principle of variable flux. This is
done because we have no instrument for measuring of such a large current. The main use of
this transformer is:
a. Distance Protection
b. Backup Protect
c. Measurement.
6.10 Isolator
Fig. shows isolator, the use of this isolator is to protect the transformer and the other
instrument in the line. The isolator isolates the extra voltage to the ground and thus any extra
voltage cannot enter the line. Thus an isolator is used after the bus also for protection.
6.11 Busbar
A bus-bar term is used for a bar (or) conductor carrying an electric current to which many
connections may be made as shown in Fig.
6.12 Relay Panel
Fig. shows a relay panel. A relay is a device which detects the fault and initiates information
to the circuit breaker to isolate the detective element from the rest of the system
6.13 SF6 Circuit Breaker
Fig. shows a sulphur hexafluoride circuit breaker. The sulphur hexafluoride gas (SF6) is
an electronegative gas and has a strong tendency to absorb free electrons. The contacts
of the breaker are opened in a high-pressure flow of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) gas and an
arc are struck between them. The gas captures the conducting free electrons in the arc to
form relatively immobile negative ions. This loss of conducting electrons in the arc
quickly builds up enough insulation strength to extinguish the arc. The sulphur
hexafluoride (SF6) circuit breakers have been found to be very effective for high power and
high voltage service.
As per the industrial records, some of the standard values are mentioned below,