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Quick Start HYPERSIM

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Quick Start Guide for the

HYPERSIM® Simulator
1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. REQUIRED MATERIAL ...................................................................................................................................................1
2. FIRST STEPS WITH HYPERSIM® ................................................................................................................................ 2
2.1. CREATE A SCHEMATIC...................................................................................................................................................2
2.2. DRAW A POWER SYSTEM ..............................................................................................................................................3
2.3. OPEN A MODEL, LOAD SENSORS AND START A SIMULATION ..................................................................................................7
2.4. MONITOR SIMULATION RESULTS WITH SCOPEVIEW..........................................................................................................13
3. USING ANALOG AND DIGITAL I/O IN HYPERSIM® .................................................................................................. 16
3.1. HARDWARE SETUP.....................................................................................................................................................16
3.1.1. Analog loopback ..........................................................................................................................................16
3.1.2. Digital loopback ...........................................................................................................................................17
3.2. INTERFACING INPUTS AND OUTPUTS TO THE SIMULATION ..................................................................................................17
3.2.1. Analog output sensors .................................................................................................................................19
3.2.2. Analog input sensors ...................................................................................................................................22
3.2.3. Digital output sensors..................................................................................................................................23
3.2.4. Digital input sensors ....................................................................................................................................25
3.2.5. Task mapping and simulation start .............................................................................................................26
3.2.6. Acquisition and graph modification ............................................................................................................27
4. CONTACT AND SUPPORT ....................................................................................................................................... 31
5. TROUBLESHOOTING .............................................................................................................................................. 32
5.1. BLOCKS CANNOT BE MOVED, ADDED OR EDITED...............................................................................................................32
5.2. MAP TASKS DO NOT WORK WHEN USING I/O..................................................................................................................32
5.3. NO ANALOG OR DIGITAL INPUT SIGNAL IS RECEIVED IN SCOPEVIEW......................................................................................33
6. ANNEX A: COMMON KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS ....................................................................................................... 34
7. ANNEX B: OVERVIEW OF THE HYPERVIEW TOOLS ................................................................................................. 36
8. ANNEX C: OVERVIEW OF SCOPEVIEW.................................................................................................................... 37
Signal selection window ................................................................................................................................................37
Signal display window ...................................................................................................................................................38

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator i

This document is intended to guide you in your first steps with HYPERSIM® from a Windows-based
host PC. All OPAL-RT simulators delivered for HYPERSIM® use a modified Linux kernel optimized for
real-time simulation.


 OPAL-RT simulator
 Windows-based host PC

Figure 1: Typical hardware setup

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 1

See Annex A for a detailed description of the schematics interface.
1. The first step to running a simulation is to create a schematic. In File > Options, click New Default

Figure 2: Welcome window

2 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

2. A browser opens with the default path: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\HYPERSIM.
3. Either browse to a custom path or save your schematic to the default location.
4. The main modeling and simulation interface appears.

Figure 3: Main page components

1. The tab pane provides access to various menus: File, Home, Options, View, Design and
2. The Schematics window is where schematics are displayed. This includes the Parts
libraries, with previews of the blocks.
The ‘Signal Routing’ and ‘Target Inputs and Outputs’ options contain connection options for
your model. All other blocks are either power system network components or control blocks.
The library can be docked and undocked by clicking the small arrow next to Parts.
3. This window also features a view of each open design.
1. A bus and a POW (Point-On-Wave) block are required to start a new model. These can both be
found in the Network Tools library, along with other components for advanced modeling, such as
Simulink-imported models and user-coded models. The POW is required for acquisition
synchronization in ScopeView, and is mandatory in every model with network components.

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 3

Figure 4: POW block

2. Simply drag and drop a component on the schematic to add it.

3. From the ‘Network Sources’ library, add an AC V source and connect it to the POW previously
4. To connect two components, left-click from a connector of the first component to a connector of
the second component.
5. Once done, you can click on the signal to see all connected signals (yellow) and connectors (light

Figure 5: Connecting components

4 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

6. To change the signal to 3-phase signal, right-click the signal, then select ‘Line Type’, then ‘3-
Phase Signal’.

Figure 6: Changing signal types

7. To delete all selected signals (highlighted in yellow), press ‘Delete’ on your keyboard or use the
right-click menu.
8. To remove only one branch of a signal, use the Zap tool in the Home toolbar. The Tools group
includes common operations for signals.

Figure 7: Deleting signals using the toolbar

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 5

9. You can now close the model. You’ll be prompted to save the model you were working on.
10. This tutorial won’t use that model again, so click No.

Figure 8: Deleting signals using the toolbar

11. For more on practical keyboard and other shortcuts, see Annex B.
That’s all you need to know for now. Let’s open an existing demo model.

6 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

1. Open the model HVAC_500kV_6Bus.ecf from the Example menu located in the Transmission
& Distribution category, then click ‘Open Example’.

Figure 9: Opening an example file (Welcome page)

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 7

2. You are then prompted to choose a destination folder for the model to be imported. (By default,
this is: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\HYPERSIM). Click Select Folder.

Figure 10: Choosing a directory to save the file

8 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

3. Once the folder is selected, HYPERSIM® copies the example files to the selected folder.
4. You can zoom in and out of the design by using CTRL and scrolling the mouse wheel up or down.

Figure 11: HYPERSIM® schematics page

Note: The block inside the red rectangle is called a Point-On-Wave (POW) and is mandatory in all
models with network components. It is required for time synchronization of the acquisition. It works by
monitoring one phase signal of the bus to which it is attached, so ensure that the system is always
stable at that location. Placing it adjacent to a generator helps for stability of the voltage sine wave.
5. To visualize and edit sensors, right-click the block and click Open Sensors Form. For this
example, let’s use Di1.

Figure 12: Open Sensors form

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 9

Use the Selected checkbox to select or de-select specific sensors.

Figure 13: Sensors form

6. Go to the HYPERSIM® ribbon to access the sensor control.

7. Click Selected Summary to see the selected sensors.

Figure 14: HYPERSIM® ribbon

10 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

8. All selected sensors from the design appear in this panel.
Note: In HYPERSIM®, sensors play two roles: first, they allow monitoring of the various signals across
the model in ScopeView. Second, they can be used to configure analog and digital I/O as well as
communication protocols.

Figure 15: Sensor summary window

9. Add the OPAL-RT Simulator to the target list by clicking Tools/Target Manager > Target.

Figure 16: Open Target Manager

10. Click the plus sign + (Add Target)

Figure 17: Add target

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 11

11. Enter the IP address of your target, then press OK.

Figure 18: Setting target IP address

12. If the HyCore version is set to ‘Unavailable’, refer to the document ‘How to install HYPERSIM®
on a target’.
13. Click Simulation/Settings on the HYPERSIM® ribbon.

Figure 19: Opening Simulation options

14. Under Target, choose the target IP previously entered in Target Manager. Under Simulation
mode, choose Real-time then click OK.

Figure 20: Configuring the target

15. By clicking Simulation/Start in the HYPERSIM® toolbar, the tasks are mapped automatically to
the various cores, the code is compiled, and the simulation starts running. This can take anywhere
from a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on the size of the model. Once it is started, the
Start button is greyed out, and the Stop button is available to stop the simulation.

12 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

1. In the HYPERSIM toolbar click ScopeView.

Figure 21: HYPERSIM® ScopeView tool

2. See Annex D for a detailed description of ScopeView options. For this tutorial, open a pre-prepared
template. Click the folder icon with a T in the upper right corner and browse to the directory
C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\HYPERSIM, and select the xml template file

Figure 22: Opening a ScopeView template

3. The acquisition parameters are saved along with the template, so there is no need to apply changes
for this tutorial. However, here are the basics for the acquisition parameters:
You can bring up the Acquisition Parameters by pressing the designated button on the tool bar.

Figure 23: Acquisition parameters

 Start Time: Time at which the acquisition starts, after pressing the ‘Play’ button, in seconds.
 Time Length: Duration of the acquisition, in seconds.
 Sampling Rate: Number of samples per second used to represent a signal. This number must
be an integer multiple of the step size. Otherwise, a linear interpolation of the data points is
processed by the acquisition spooler before sending the data to ScopeView (i.e., before the
graphs appear).

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 13

𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚_𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔_𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 =
 # Acquisition: Number of consecutive acquisitions to process. This mode is used specifically
with events programmed to change over multiple acquisitions, such as incremental, Gaussian
or uniform Gaussian (in the breaker model).
 Sync: If checked, as soon as you press Play, the acquisition spooler waits for the voltage (at
the bus to which the POW is attached) to cross a specific level (by default, 0) on a specific
phase (by default, A), with a specific slope (by default, positive). Only then will the acquisition
start, as well as the timing for the various events programmed.

Figure 24: Point-on-wave synchronization

 Trigger: If checked, the various events programmed occur.

 Cont: If checked, acquisitions are performed continuously.
4. After setting the appropriate acquisition parameters, start an acquisition. The results should appear
in the scope window.

Figure 25: Acquisition results

A fault occurs on Bus WED7 on phase A at 0.028 second. The protection system isolates the line by
opening line breakers at 0.1 second. The fault is cleared and the line is brought back to service at 0.2

14 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

seconds. Fault currents as well as bus voltages and breaker currents (for both sides of the line) can
be monitored in ScopeView.

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 15

This tutorial is written for an OP5600 simulator with a configuration 9 bitstream, but may be used with
other types of simulators or firmware by substituting the correct I/O groups and configuration files.
1. Loopback components have been provided with your simulator. Assemble them as shown here to
complete the analog loopback cable. Analog loopback cables are useful to test inputs and outputs
before connecting the simulation to an external device. This helps validate the voltage levels
programmed and the integrity of the various signals by directly reading the signals sent.

Figure 26: Loopback kit

2. At the back of the simulator, connect both ends of this cable to group 1, slot A, connector P1 (analog
output) and group 1, slot B, connector P1 (analog input) as shown here:

Figure 27: Connecting the loopback kit for analog

16 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

1. The digital loopback requires one more component, a Molex 4-pin cable connected to a 4-30 VDC
power supply.

Figure 28: Loopback kit with external power for digital signals

2. Connect the end with the Molex cable to group 4, slot B, connector P1 (digital output) and the other
end to group 4, slot A, connector P1 (digital input). Then connect the power supply to the wall
outlet, as shown in the figure below. The DC voltage output of the power supply is the voltage
level to be measured when the digital signal is high.

Figure 29: Connecting the loopback kit for digital signals


1. Click the HyperView button in the HYPERSIM ribbon. For a detailed description of HyperView
options, see Annex C.

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 17

Figure 30: HYPERSIM® HyperView tool

2. The information required to map signals to I/O channels is found, in HyperView, in the Real-Time
tab. On the left-hand side of this page, you find all processors available for simulation. On at least
one of the icons, you should see a green square in the upper right corner labeled I/O. This is the
core that processes tasks linked to I/O signals. Expand it to find a series of I/O types and numbers
that you’ll use in the sensor configuration to output signals.

Figure 31: HyperView window

18 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

Ensure that the bitstream is correctly flashed before using the simulator: if it’s not done properly, I/Os
won’t display in HYPERSIM®.
1. Go back to the HYPERSIM® schematics window and stop the simulation (if it was running). Right-
click the bus named WES7, and select Open Sensors Form to open a window where available
signals are listed for that specific block. Note that you must right-click the component directly, and
not on the block name.

Figure 32: Opening HYPERSIM® Sensors Form

2. To configure a specific I/O, click the ‘…’ (ellipses) button under the I/O Type column.

Figure 33: Configuring I/O

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 19

The I/O Selector window lets you choose from all available I/O on the selected simulator. Selection of
the I/O DA 1000, for example, results in the following dialog.

Figure 34: Selecting I/O

3. You can also directly enter the value in each field of the Sensors Form. Use right-click to copy or
paste values. You can also enter a sequence of I/O numbers by selecting multiple lines.

Figure 35: Selecting multiple I/O sequences

4. First select all three checkboxes on the left-hand side and set the values, as follows:
To display additional parameters use the + (plus) button on the column description bar.

Figure 36: Selecting additional parameters to be displayed

4.1. The I/O-Type column can take 4 different values: DA for analog output, AD for analog input,
DO for digital output and DI for digital input. (DA stands for digital-to-analog converter and is
often used to refer to the process by which binary values are converted to a measurable
analog signal. AD is thus the inverse analog-to-digital conversion.) Let’s use DA for now.
4.2. The I/O-Number column contains the channel number from which the signal should be sent.
These are the numbers from step 2 in the Low to High range.

20 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

4.3. HYPERSIM® knows where the hardware is located; it scans through all mezzanines in the
following order: group 1 slot A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A and 4B. Say that you have an OP5600
simulator with analog output boards in slots 1A and 2A (as in bitstream configuration 9). If
you use I/O-Number 1026, it refers to the 11th channel of the 2A board, because numbers
1000 to 1015 correspond to board 1A (see figure below). For this tutorial, use I/O-Numbers
1000 to 1002 for the bus three-phase voltage values.

Figure 37: Example of signal routing

If you wish to use external monitoring with an oscilloscope:

Figure 38: Monitoring connections

A. Connect one end of an RJ45 cable between the first connector of interface 1A.
B. Connect the other end of the RJ45 cable to the first BNC splitting interface, as seen
C. Connect the mini-BNC to BNC cable from any of the A, B or C connectors to the
oscilloscope. Note that a gain of 0.1 is applied to that interface.

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 21

4.4. The I/O factor column is a scaling factor used to adapt to the analog output board’s range,
typically ±16 V. It must be used as a divider. Here, the bus voltage is around 400 kV peak-
to-peak, so using 100 000 as a divider means that about 4 V should be measured on the
simulator analog output.


1. Analog inputs require a slight modification to the model because input sensors cannot be set
directly on network components such as a 3-phase bus. You will need to open the Target Inputs
and Outputs library and add the Target input, analog block to your network.

Figure 39: Modifying analog inputs

2. Right-click the Target input, analog block and select Open Sensors Form to edit the sensors.
Input the values as below.

Figure 40: Inputting I/O values

Since the voltage values were scaled down to adapt to the analog output limitations, it is necessary to
multiply these values again once they are received on the analog input side.

22 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

1. To interface a square wave signal with the digital output, you need to convert the data format from
float to integer, because float values cannot be output to the digital interface.
2. You can distinguish both data types on the various blocks by the color of the signal name: black
corresponds to float and red corresponds to integer. You will find the square wave generator in
Control Sources and the Data type, float to integer conversion block in the Signal Routing

Figure 41: Selecting Control Sources and Signal Routing

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 23

3. Before setting the sensors, look at the square wave by double-clicking the block. This opens a
mask that presents the various parameters to be modified. For this tutorial, we can leave it as is: a
100 Hz pulsed signal with a duty cycle of 50% is easily recognizable on an oscilloscope.

Figure 42: Changing Square wave parameter values

4. Taking into account the data format, we’ll set the DO sensors on the Data type, float to integer
block on the y signal. Since the square wave has an amplitude of one, no scaling is required. The
voltage measured at the output of the simulator is always the supply voltage (5 V or 12 V with a
loopback) when the value is 1.

Figure 43: Sensors toolbar

24 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

As with the analog input, a dedicated block is needed for the digital input. The Target input, digital
network component can be found in the Target Inputs and Outputs library. Connect it to a bus for
task mapping purposes.

Figure 44: Adding a digital input block

1. Right-click the digital input block and select Open Sensors From to open the sensor parameters,
and set the values as shown.

Figure 45: Inputting I/O values

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 25

1. Now that all sensors have been set, in the HYPERSIM tab under Network click Map tasks.

Figure 46: HYPERSIM toolbar, Map Tasks

2. Then look at the log window for the current network. The log window is very important; it provides
a lot of information on the model, I/O, error messages, etc. There are two consoles for a given
model: i) Model.ecf console gives information about operations in the model, and ii) Model.simout
console gives information from the simulation. When something does not work as expected,
always look at these windows first.

Figure 47: Network log window

26 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

Here, all the tasks are listed under Processor #1 because the model can run on only one core. The
task mapper also estimates the approximate time required to compute all tasks. The following section
of the Network Log Window lists all I/O sensors that have been configured. It’s a great way to verify
that no sensor has been forgotten. If anything went wrong in the configuration, an error message is

Figure 48: Tasks and corresponding I/O for Processor #1

3. If your terminal output corresponds to the one from the last step, left-click to start your simulation.


1. Go to ScopeView, click Data Source and then Load… to open an interface.

Figure 49: Loading Data Source in ScopeView

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 27

2. Go to the HYPERSIM tab and click Load. All parameters should already be correct.

Figure 50: Choosing data source

3. All sensors configured are now available across various categories. Navigate the different signal
types and add the analog and digital signals we created in HYPERSIM®.

Figure 51: Adding signals

4. You should then see all signals in the list in the lower part of that window.

Figure 52: Viewing signals list

28 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

5. Go to the scope window of ScopeView and click Play. You should get the results below.

Figure 53: Viewing signals in ScopeView

6. Selecting 2 of the 8 graphs and then clicking the Superimpose button highlighted below allows
you to compare the signal sent to the signal received. When selecting the graphs, the first one you
select is the first to be listed in the multi-signal graph.

Figure 54: Superimposing signals for comparison

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 29

7. Repeat this for all 4 signals, and you’ll get the results below. All signals overlay correctly, however
you may notice a slight time shift between signals. This is normal when using I/O, as time step
delays are required to output the signal and read it on the input. Depending on the synchronization
mode, the delay can range from 2 to 5 time steps. The default value is 3. This means that if the
model is running at 50 μs, there will be a time shift of 150 μs between the two signals.

Figure 55: Viewing all signals in one ScopeView window

That’s it for this tutorial. There are a lot of other features for you to discover in ScopeView. Here are a
few suggestions for you to try:
 Change the acquisition parameters to better understand their impact.
 Undo the overlay of one graph and redo it with the double abscissa option (this is the button
right next to the Superimpose button.
 Use the cursor to measure the slope and time difference between two data points.
 Use the right-click menu to change the axis names and scaling.
 Use the right-click menu to change the page layout, title, legend, etc.
 Overlay the three bus voltages and use the right-click menu to show phasor data.
 Use the various mathematical functions.
Congratulations, you’ve made it through the Quick Start Guide!

30 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

If you have any questions, please refer to our online Knowledge Base:
…or contact the Support team using our web form:
You can also check out the Troubleshooting section in this document, as it is a good reference for a
first experience. If you don’t find answers for the issues you are having, do not hesitate to contact us,
and we’ll make sure to help you through your first steps and answer all your questions.

Hardware Information:

Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA):


Download latest software versions:


Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 31

Make sure that your design is not in read-only mode: right-click the design (without selecting a
component), choose Properties… and uncheck Read Only.

Figure 56: Adding or removing Read Only mode


Figure 57: Map Tasks error message

Possible causes:
1. Simulation preference may be set to Offline instead of Real-Time.
2. Another simulation using I/O is already running. HyperView Real-Time Monitoring can be used
to verify whether this is the case.
3. I/O-type and/or I/O-Number do not correspond to the values in the .io I/O configuration file.
4. I/O configuration files are set incorrectly (also in the .io file).

32 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

1. Verify that sensors have been loaded correctly. The Map Tasks output in the terminal window
should list all programmed I/O sensors.
2. Verify that the loopback cables have been connected correctly to the back of the simulator.
3. Verify the integrity of the output signals. If the model is stable, they should not be zero.

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 33

The following table lists key combinations used in the schematic drawing and symbol editor windows.


AddPins - Ctrl+E
Auto Create Symbol - Ctrl+J
Bring to Front - Ctrl+B
Close Ctrl+W Ctrl+W
Copy Ctrl+C Ctrl+C
Create Subcircuit Block Ctrl+Shift+Q
Cut Ctrl+X Ctrl+X
Design Attributes Ctrl+Shift+D
Design Preferences Ctrl+J -
Draw Bundle Ctrl+Shift+B -
Draw Signal Ctrl+Shift+S -
Duplicate Ctrl+D Ctrl+D
Enlarge Ctrl+Shift+E Ctrl+Shift+E
Export F2 -
Find Ctrl+F -
Go to selected Ctrl+G -
Properties Ctrl+I -
Group - Ctrl+G
Magnify Ctrl+Shift+M -
Move to Grid - Ctrl+Shift+G
New Ctrl+N Ctrl+N
New Breakout Ctrl+B -
Normal Size Ctrl+Shift+N Ctrl+Shift+N
Normal Size Home -
Open Ctrl+O Ctrl+O
Open/Close Breaker Alt-Click -
Orientation (for device) Ctrl+Q -
Part Attributes - Ctrl+I
Paste Ctrl+V Ctrl+V
Paste Special Ctrl+Shift+V -
Pop Up (to parent circuit) Ctrl+Shift+U -
Print Ctrl+P -

34 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

Push Into (subcircuit) Ctrl+Shift+I -
Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z -
Redraw End -
Reduce Ctrl+Shift+R Ctrl+Shift+R
Reduce to Fit Ctrl+Shift+F Ctrl+Shift+F
Reduce to Fit Ctrl+Home -
Rotate Left Ctrl+R
Rotate Right Ctrl+Alt+R
Save Ctrl+S Ctrl+S
Save As Ctrl+Shift+A -
Select All Ctrl+A Ctrl+A
Send to Back - Ctrl+Shift+B
Subcircuit and Part Type - Ctrl+Q
Undo Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Z
Text Font - Ctrl+T
Ungroup - Ctrl+U
Zap Ctrl+H -

Other Key Usage


Delete Deletes selected items

Arrow Keys Flip and rotate items while placing a device or pasting
Arrow Keys Move selected items in small steps
Path controls over signal lines while drawing signals. Press these keys after starting to draw with the
Ctrl or Shift or Alt
mouse pointer.
Control device alignment while placing devices. Press these keys while a device is stuck to the
mouse pointer.
Ctrl+Tab Moves between design windows in the main HYPERSIM® window.
Page Up (PgUP) Scroll Up
Ctrl+PgUp Scroll Left
Page Down (PgDn) Scroll Down
Ctrl+PgDn Scroll Right
Exits and moves back to the normal pointer when a signal pointer is active. Also stops the sticky
Spacebar or Esc action of placed or duplicated objects. If you are working with the text tool pointer, then you must
first exit the text and then press the Spacebar. To exit the text, click on an empty space in the design.

Holding down the CTRL button while holding moving the mouse pointer is a quick way to navigate
around a drawing.

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 35

This is the communication server between HYPERSIM®, ScopeView and TestView. It also offers
advanced features as listed below.
1. Real-time performance
This tab enables monitoring simulation performance in real-time. Are there overruns or stretched
steps? How big is the real execution time? How much idle time is available? All these questions and
more can be answered with this tool.
2. Line, transformer and synchronous machine programming tools
These tools are meant to:
1. Compute the parameters of the DPL from the geometric configuration.
2. Compute the inductance matrix values of a transformer according to the BCTRAN model.
3. Compute the synchronous machine with internal fault parameters from the standard

Figure 58: HyperView tools

36 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator

This is the visualization software of the suite and offers various result analysis options. There are two
main windows in ScopeView:

1. New template / Open template / Save template / Save template as

2. Data Source: Where signal data is located; this could be a running simulation or previously
exported file.
3. Signal list: Displays the list of all signals. Once a source has been selected, all signals appear
here, grouped by category (e.g. Breaker, Line). Categories can be selected right below the Signal
Source; it is the Signal Type option.
4. Functions: There are 96 different mathematical functions available to analyze data ranging from
trigonometrical functions to harmonic and spectral analysis as well as statistics.
5. Signal Selection Mo..: By selecting either Single or Multiple, signals can be selected either one
by one or in groups by using the CTRL or Shift keyboard shortcuts.
6. Selected signals: All functions and signals chosen appear in this list. The signal name and the
page on which it is to be displayed can be modified.
7. Start acquisition.

Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator 37

This window is the scope where mathematical analysis and signals are monitored.

1. New template / Open template / Save template / Save template as / Export data.
2. Acquisition settings: Clicking the button opens a menu. Those settings are described in detail in
step 2.4.3.
3. Start acquisition: Clicking this button starts an acquisition.
4. ScopeView: Where the graphical representation is displayed.
5. Display tools: The user can zoom in or out, select one or multiple signals to display, overlay the
signals, use a cursor to follow the acquired values, calculate the slope and much more.
6. Pages: Display various graphs on multiple pages.
7. Columns: Specifies the number of columns to display. For a given page, signals can be displayed
on up to 6 columns. Depending on the type of signal and screen resolution, typically no more than
3 columns is suggested.
8. Start source acquisition: Clicking this button starts an acquisition for the source written on the
left side. Each new source is added to the right side.
9. Data source options: Various options depending on the data source type. These settings are
described in details in step 2.4.3.

38 Quick Start Guide for the HYPERSIM Simulator


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