Chapter 1 - Welding
Chapter 1 - Welding
Chapter 1 - Welding
The joining processes are used to assemble different members to yield the desired complex
configuration. Such a complex geometry is either too difficult or impossible to obtain by using
only the manufacturing processes. The joining of different elements can be either temporary
or permanent in nature. Also, the mechanism of bonding may be either mechanical or atomic.
Welding is the process of joining together two pieces of metal so that bonding takes place at
their original boundary surfaces”. When two parts to be joined are melted together, heat or
pressure or both is applied and with or without added metal for formation of metallic bond.
It consists of 3 parts ;
There are many types of welding techniques used to join metals. The welding processes
differ in the manner in which temperature and pressure are combined and achieved.
According to this scheme, all joining processes can be grouped into three different
categories namely
In these types no filter material is added during joining. All types of solid phase welding
and resistance welding are the examples of this category.
In the homogeneous joining processes, the filler material used to provide the joint is the
same as the parent of material. Arc, gas, and thermit welding belong to this category.
In this type a filler material different from the parent material is used. Soldering and
brazing are two such joining processes. It may be noted that two materials which are
insoluble in each other, such as iron and silver, can be joined by a heterogeneous process.
This may be achieved by using a filler material (i.e. copper and tin) which is soluble in
both the parent materials (i.e., iron and silver).
(i) A metallurgical bond is created with little or no melting of the base metals.
(ii) Two similar or dissimilar metals, the two metals must be brought into intimate contact
(iii) In the solid phase welding processes, the four important factors are,
(d) Diffusion.
(iv) A solid phase welding done at the room temperature does not allow recrystallization
and grain growth at the interface. This reduce the ductility of the joint to some extent.
(v) An increase in working temperature not only increases the ductility but also eliminates
(vi) The phenomenon of diffusion has an important bearing on the performance of a solid
phase weld.
(ii) Fusion welding operations, a filler metal is added to the molten pool to facilitate the
autogenous weld.
(b) The heat affected un-melted zone around the fusion zone
A heat source, suitable for welding, should release the heat in a sharply defined, isolated
zone. Moreover, the heat should be produced at a high temperature and high rate. The
(iv) An electric resistance heating (as in electroslag and other resistance welding
(i) Electric arc welding is one of the fusion welding processes in which coalescence of the
metal is achieved by the heat from an electric arc between an electrode and workpiece.
(ii) Electric arc is generated when electrode is brought into contact with the work and is
then quickly separated by a short distance approximately 2 mm. The circuit operates
at low voltage and high current, so arc is established in the gap due to thermionic
(iii) The arc is sustained due to continuous presence of a thermally ionized column of gas.
1. Penetration
4. Thickness of work to
Thin sheets Thick sheets Intermediate
be welded
(i) DCSP - Direct Current Straight Polarity
(ii) DCRP - Direct Current Reverse Polarity
(iii) ACHF - Alternating Current High Frequency
= V0 − 0
Are voltage V = a + b L → arc length characteristics
Where a, b are constants
L = Arc Length
From the above, if the arc length increases then the current carrying will decrease. So,
the arc resistance (Ra) will increase and the voltage also increases.
= 80 – I = 20 + 40 L
= {80 − 20 − 40 L}
= {60 − 40 L}
Power = P = VI
= (20 + 40L )
{60 − 40L}
P= [1200 − 800L + 2400L − 1600L2 ]
P= [1200 + 1600L − 1600L2 ]
For optimum power =0
1600 – 3200L = 0
L = 0.5 cm
V = 20 + 40L = 40 V
I= {60 − 40L} = 200 A
Example 2
In a DC arc welding operating, the length characteristic was obtained as V arc = 20 +5l
where the arc length l was varied between 5mm and 7 mm. Here V arc denotes the arc
voltage in Volts. The arc current was varied from 400A to 500A. Assuming linear power
source characteristic, find the open circuit voltage and the short circuit current for the
welding operation?
Va = 20 + 5L, L = 5 to 7 mm,
1= 400 to 500A
at equilibrium condition Va = Vp
20 + 5L = V0 − I
L = 5, I = 500
20 + 5L = 45 = V0 − 500
L = 7.1 = 400
20 + 5 7 = 55 = V0 − 400
10 = 100
V0 10 1
= =
Is 100 10
45 = V0 − 500
V0 = 45 + 500 = 95V
V0 1 V
= Is = 0
Is 10 I
= V0 × 10 = 95 × 10 = 950A
V0 = 95V
Is = 950A
(i) It is the percentage of time during which arc is on without over heating of any
component in welding m/c whenever welding take place, the current passes through
components & produces heat, which may result in overheating and to avoid this we have
to stop the welding process.
Id = Desired output current in Amp
Ir = Rated output current in Amp
Dd = Desired duty Cycle %
Dr = Rated duty Cycle%
Note: If arc length decreases current increases and vice versa. Arc length means gap
between tip of the electrode and work piece.
5.6. Heat flow characteristics in Arc Welding
In arc welding the heat input rate is given by
Q = KVI …(3)
V = arc voltage,
I = arc current
K = fraction of total time during which arc is on
(i) Welding cables are required for conduction of current from the power source to
various parts of Arc welding process equipment i.e. Electrode, the arc, the workpiece
and back to the welding power source.
(ii) These are insulated copper or aluminium cables.
Hand screen is used for the protection of eyes during Arc welding process.
It is used for striking the slag from the weld bead region.
A wire brush is generally used to clean the surface before and after the welding process.
(i) The operator wears protective clothing such as apron to keep away from the
exposure of direct heat to the body.
(ii) Always wear Gloves before touching any item in the workshop.
6.8. Filler Metal
In case of use of non-consumable electrode separate filler metal is used to improve
properties of weldment. Selection of a filler metal depends on the metal to be welded.
Some common types of filler metal are discussed below.
Rods of this type of filler metal consists the coating of flux material.
No coating of flux is there, it is supplied additionally as per the requirement. For stainless
steel and alloy steel filler metal should be alloy of chromium and vanadium. For the
welding of copper filler metal should be phosphorous mixed copper. Filler metal
composition should be same as that of the material to be welded.
In TIG welding process the electrode is non consumable and the purpose of it is only to
create an arc. A separate filler metal rod is used to deposit the material. This was primarily
invented to weld alloys of Aluminium and Magnesium. Aluminium is very difficult to weld
because as soon as it is exposed to atmosphere it forms a layer over it. To weld these
materials, work piece should be given negative polarity and electrode positive polarity.
As the electrons are coming out of the work piece, peels of the ceramic layer and fresh
Aluminium comes in contact with the arc. This phenomenon is called cathodic cleaning.
(i) First, a low voltage high current supply supplied by the power source to the welding
electrode or tungsten electrode. Mostly, the electrode is connected to the negative
terminal of power source and work piece to positive terminal.
(ii) This current supplied form a spark between tungsten electrode and work piece.
Tungsten is a non –consumable electrode, which give a highly intense arc. This arc
produced heat which melts the base metals to form welding joint.
(iii) The shielded gases like argon, helium is supplied through pressure valve and
regulating valve to the welding torch. These gases form a shield which does not allow
any oxygen and other reactive gases into the weld zone. These gases also create
plasma which increases heat capacity of electric arc thus increases welding ability.
(iv) For welding thin material no filler metal is required but for making thick joint some
filler material used in form of rods which fed manually by the welder into welding zone.
MIG works on same principle of TIG or arc welding. It works on basic principle of heat
generation due to electric arc. This heat is further used to melt consumable electrode and
base plates metal which solidify together and makes a strong joint. The shielded gases
are also supplied through nozzle which protect the weld zone from other reactive gases.
This gives good surface finish and a stronger joint.
Its working can be summarized as follows
(i) First, a high voltage current is change into DC current supply with high current at low
(ii) A consumable wire is used as electrode. The electrode is connected to the negative
(iii) A fine intense arc will generate between electrode and work piece due to power
supply. This arc used to produce heat which melts the electrode and the base metal.
Mostly electrode is made by the base metal for making uniform joint.
(iv) This arc is well shielded by shielding gases. These gases protect the weld form other
(v) This electrode travels continuously on welding area for making proper weld joint. The
angle of the direction of travel should be kept between 10-15 degree. For fillet joints
(ii) Generally, all available metals can be weld through this process.
1. This welding is known as metal inert gas welding. 1. This is known as tungsten inert gas welding.
5. MIG requires consumable metallic electrode. 5. It used non consumable tungsten electrode
6. Electrode is feeded continuously from a wire reel. 6. It does not require electrode feed.
7. DC with reverse polarity is used. 7. It can use both A.C and D.C.
8. Filler metal is compulsory used. 8. Filler metal may or may not be used.
9. It can weld up to 40 mm thick metal sheet. 9. Metal thickness is limited about 5 mm.
10. MIG is comparatively faster than TIG. 10. TIG is a slow welding process.
This is semi-automatic version of SMAW process which can produce long weld runs. In this type
of welding electrode is in the form of spool of copper coated wire and granular flux is used.
Copper is coated to increase the conductivity of wire. Powdered flux is initially poured into the
welding area and arc is maintained within the pool of flux. This minimizes the Spatter of liquid
metal and suppresses the intense ultraviolet radiation Flux is fed on weld zone by gravity
through flow nozzle, a long continuous weld can be performed. It is mainly used in the down
hand welding position in a semi – automatic welding process and the feeding of electrode
towards the weld pool is controlled by machine. The welds obtained by this process are stronger
than the base plate, if done carefully.
The metals most widely welded through this process are low carbon steels, low alloy steels,
stainless steels and high alloy steels. It is extensively used in joints in thick plates in pressure
vessels, ships, bridges, structural work, welded pipes and nuclear reactors. It cannot be used
for plates less than 5 mm thick. The process is also used to make LPG cylinders.
Submerged Arc Welding Applications
The applications of Submerged Arc Welding include the following
(i) The Submerged Arc Welding can be used to weld pressure vessels like boilers.
(ii) A lot of structural outlines, pipes, earth moving tools, shipbuilding, railroad construction,
and locomotives.
(iii) This type of welding can be used to repair machine parts.
Disadvantages of Resistance welding
(i) Initial cost of equipment is high
(ii) Skilled persons are needed for the maintenance of equipment
(iii)Special surface preparation is required in certain cases
(iv) Larger job thickness cannot be welded.
Heat balance in Resistance welding
Heat balance may be defined as a condition in which the fusion zones in the pieces of
material to be joined undergo the same degree of heating.
Heat required for producing nugget
= Mass of Nugget x (sensible heat + latent heat)
= volume × ρ × Heat required/gram
Because the exact dimension of elliptical nugget is not known. So, for theoretical
approximation, the shape of nugget produced is assumed as cylindrical with diameter
equal diameter of tip of electrode and height equal to distance between two electrode
Volume of nugget = Dh
(i) In this welding, the amount of heat generated in the work piece depends on the
magnitude of the current, the resistance of the current conducting part and the time
for which the current is made to flow.
(ii) The heat is obtained by large electrical current of the order of 3000A to 100000A
with voltages of 1 to 25 volts.
H.G = I2Rτ
I = current passing through circuit
R = Electrical Resistance at the interface
τ = time during which current is passing
Resistance spot welding (RSW) is a process in which contacting metal surface points are
joined by the heat obtained from resistance to electric current.
For resistance spot welding of two aluminium sheets, each 2 mm thick, a current of
5000 A was passed for 0.15 sec. The total resistance was estimated to be 75 μΩ and
the nugget diameter and thickness were measured to be 5 mm and 2.5 mm respectively.
What would be the proportion of heat energy utilized for welding if the melting energy
per unit volume for aluminium is taken as 2.9 j/mm3?
Data given: t = 2 mm, I = 5000 A
τ = 0.15 sec, r = 75μΩ,
Nugget diameter = D = 5 mm,
Nugget thickness = h = 2.5 mm
Heat required per mm3 = 2.9 J/mm3.
Volume of nugget = D2 h
= 52 2.5 = 49 mm3
= 62 2.5 = 70.65 mm3
Heat required for producing the welding bead
= volume of weld bead × H.R/mm3 × 3
= 70.65 × 10 × 3 = 2119.5 J
Heat generated = I2Rτ[350002 × 120×10–6 × 0.01 × 3] = 4410J
The amount of heat distributed to the surroundings
= heat generated – heat required for weld bead
= 4410 – 2119.5 = 2290.5J
Two metallic sheets, each of 2mm thickness are welded in a lap joint manner by
resistance spot welding at a current of 10,000A and welding time of 10ms. A spherical
fusion zone extending up to the full thickness of each sheet is formed, given that
atmospheric temperature is 293K, melting temperature of that metal is 1793K and latent
heat of fusion is 300 kJ/kg, density is 7000 kg/m 3 and specific heat is 800J/kgK. If
contact resistance is 500μΩ, melting efficiency in % is ________.
Heat required for welding, Qweld = mL + mC∆T
Volume of weld = Volume of sphere of radius t (as shown in figure below)
Where, t = thickness of plate = 2mm
4 3
Vweld = t = 33.5103 mm3
7000 33.5103
Mass of weld, m = V = 3
= 2.34 10−4 kg
∴ Qreruired = [2.34 × 10–4 × 300 × 1000] + [2.34 × 10–4 ×800 × (1793 – 293)]
= 351.17 J
Qsupplied = I2Rt = 500 J
Qrequired 351.17
% Melting efficiency= 100% = 100% = 70.23%
Qsupplied 500
(i) Percussion welding is non-fusion pressure welding operation.
(ii) Percussion welding produces butt joint.
(iii) The heat generated at the joint is sufficient to rise the joint temperature very near
to the MP of the metals to be joint.
(iv) Now the current supply will be stopped and apply the force by using the component
percussively (suddenly).
(v) In addition to the activeness of atoms when the sudden application of force is
taking place, the atoms will automatically share the energy and produces surface
alloy and gives strength to the joints.
(vi) Because of the higher softness of material at the joint, when the sudden force is
applied, the material is projected outside the joint producing flash.
(vii) As the flash is produced at the joint, the process is also called as Flash butt welding.
(viii) Because the surface alloy joint, the strength obtained due to percussion welding
operation is not so high.
(ix) It is used for joining of shaft from end to end.
In CO2 arc welding, the welding wire wound in coil is fed into the welding torch by the feeding
motor automatically. The welding wire that is electrified through the contact tip becomes the
electrode to strike an arc between itself and the base metal. The arc heat melts the wire and
the base metal to join two pieces of base metal. In this case, in order that the weld metal will
not be affected by oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere, CO2 gas is supplied from the nozzle
of the welding torch to shield the weld pool. Its schematic is shown below.
Atomic hydrogen welding the atomic hydrogen welding is an inert gas arc welding process done
with non-consumable electrodes. The main difference between tungsten inert gas welding and
this process is that in atomic hydrogen welding, the arc is obtained between the two tungsten
electrodes rather than between the tungsten electrode and the workpiece. This shielding gas
used here is hydrogen, which is reactive in nature compared to argon. The hydrogen molecule
(H2), when passing through the electric arc, get this dissociated into two hydrogen atoms
(H+). The hydrogen atoms are highly reactive. They form hydrogen molecule and combine with
oxygen if present to form water vapour enters release intense heat for the necessary melting
of the joint. Because of its type reactivity, the atomic hydrogen is able to break the oxide on
the base metal and thus allow the formation of a clean weld.
When properly performed, atomic hydrogen welding gives an extremely clean weld with
excellent quality. It is generally used for welding of tool Steels containing tungsten, Nickel and
Molybdenum as also for hard surfacing and repairing of moulds, dies and tools. Though it can
be used for any job, its high cost prohibits its general usage.
It is a welding technique which uses ultrasonic vibration of high frequency to weld the two
pieces together. It is most commonly used to weld thermoplastic materials and dissimilar
materials. Metal with thin section can also be welded with USW.
The PAW (Plasma arc welding) method is related to GTAW (gas tungsten arc welding). This arc
can be formed among the metal as well as an electrode. The major difference among the PAW
and GTAW is that in PAW, the welder is capable in placing the electrode in the torch’s body so,
this will allow the PAW to be divided from the protecting gas.
Afterward, the plasma is fed throughout a nozzle which will compress the arc to force the
plasma away at high speed as well as temperature.
15.1. Working Principle of Plasma ARC Wielding
The plasma arc welding is method wherever a coalescence is generated with the
temperature which is developed from a special setup between a tungsten alloy electrode
and the water-cooled nozzle (Non transferred ARC) or between a tungsten alloy
electrode and the job (transferred ARC). In this type of winding, there are three types
of gas supplies being utilized namely plasma gas, shielding gas, and a back-purge gas.
Plasma gas supplies throughout the nozzle turn into ionized. The shielding gas supplies
throughout the external nozzle & protects the join from the environment. Back-Purge
gas is mainly used when particular materials are being used.
Applications of PAW
(i) PAW can be used in industries like aerospace as well as marine
(ii) PAW is used to join stainless tubes and pipes
(iii) This type of welding is mostly applicable for electronic industries.
(iv) PAW is mainly used to fix tools, mold and die.
(v) PAW is used to coating otherwise welding on the turbine blade.
(ii) Depending upon the intensity of heating, the work can melt and vaporize.
(iii) The process of heating by electron beam is used for annealing, welding, or metal removal.
(iv) Complex contours can be easily welded by manoeuvring the electron beam using magnetic
deflection coils.
(v) To avoid a collision of the accelerating electrons with the air molecules, the process has to
be conducted in vacuum (10-5 mm of Hg).
So, EBW is not suitable for large work pieces.
Advantages of EBW:
(i) Very very small size welds can be produced.
(ii) Surface finish produced is good.
(iii) Highly reactive metals like Al and Mg can be welded very easily.
(i) Maintaining perfect vacuum is very difficult.
(ii) Weld deposition rate is very low.
(iii) Because the total equipment is kept inside the container, the machining process can't be
seen by operator.
(iv) Work piece material is should be electrically conducting.
EXAMPLE 6: An electron beam welding unit operating at 100 KV and rated at 1 KW. If beam
has a diameter of 0.5 mm and power density of 5 × 106 , the velocity of electron and power
of the beam respectively are _____.(take charge of electron = 1.602 × 10 –19 coulombs, Mass
of electron = 9.1 × 10–31 Kg)
Energy of ‘n’ electrons having charge q & voltage V is given by = nqV
= 1 × 1.602 × 10–19 × 100 × 103 Joule
= 1.602 × 10–14 joules
If V is velocity of electron, then
K.E. = mV2
= 0.187 109
Power P
Power density= =
Beam Area
(0.5 10−3 )2
P = 5 109 (0.5 10−3 )2
P = 982 watt.
(i) LBM is similar to EBM. Laser is a highly coherent beam of electromagnetic radiation with
wavelength varying from 0.1-70pm. But due to limitation in power availability the usable
(ii) Because the laser beam is perfectly parallel and monochromatic, it can be focused on to a
very small diameter and so we can obtain a power density of 10 7 W/mm2(10 MW/mm2).
Energy released by flash tube is much more than the energy emitted by the laser head in the
(iii) Like EBM, LBM is also used for drilling micro holes and cutting very narrow slots.
(v) The dimensional accuracy is ± 0.025 mm, when the work thickness is more than 0.25 mm;
(ii) The size of hole and slots produced is same as that of EBM
(iii) Because the Ruby rod is flexible, to same extent the zigzag holes can be produced by using
(iii) Cannot cut materials with high `K' (Thermal conductivity) and high reflectivity material.
accelerating one of the components at extremely high velocity through the use of chemical
1 Flyer (cladding).
3 Target (substrate).
4 Explosion.
5 Explosive
6 Plasma jet.
This process is most commonly utilized to clad carbon steel plate with a thin layer
of corrosion resistant material (e.g., stainless steel, nickel alloy, titanium, or zirconium). Due
to the nature of this process, producible geometries are very limited. Typical geometries
Friction welding works on basic principle of friction. In this welding process, the friction is used
to generate heat at the interference surface. This heat is further used to join two work pieces
by applying external pressure at the surface of work piece. In this welding process, the friction
is applied until the plastic forming temperature is achieved. It is normally 900-1300 degree
centigrade for steel. After this heating phase, a uniformly increasing pressure force applied
until the both metal work pieces make a permanent joint. This joint is created due to thermo-
mechanical treatment at the contact surface.
There are many types of friction welding processes which works differently. But all
different these processes involve common a working principle which can be summarized
as follow:
(ii) Gears, axle tube, valves, drive line etc. components are friction welded.
(ii) Narrow heat affected zone so no change in properties of heat sensitive material.
(i) This is mostly used only for round bars of same cross section.
As we discussed thermite welding is a liquid state chemical welding process, in which joint
and casting process in which, the molten iron poured at the welding plates and allow solidifying
to make a permanent strong joint. The molten state of iron creates without application of
external heat or conventional furnace so this is taken as a welding process. In this type of
welding, a mixture of aluminium and iron oxide is used in ratio 1:3 by weight. This mixture
This reaction gives aluminium oxide and iron and also liberate a huge amount of heat which
coverts this mixture into molten state. Because the molten iron has higher density compare to
aluminium oxide so it remains bottom of the crucible. There is an opening at bottom of the
crucible from where, this molten iron poured at the required plates where we want to create
(i) It is mostly used to weld railroad at the site.
(ii) It was used to weld thick plate before introduce electroslag welding.
(iii) They are used to repair heavy castings.
(iv) It is used to weld cable connectors of copper.
(v) It is used to make structure joints in large ships etc.
(vi) It is used to joint pipe, thick plate etc. where power supply is not available.
Oxy-acetylene welding can used for welding of wide range of metals and alloys. Acetylene
mixed with oxygen when burnt under a controlled environment produces large amount of heat
giving higher temperature rise. This burning also produces carbon dioxide which helps in
preventing oxidation of metals being welded. Highest temperature that can be produced by
this welding is 3200°𝐶. The chemical reaction involved in burning of acetylene is
2C2H2 + 5O2 = 4CO2 + 2H2O + Heat
Oxygen cylinder valves are made of Brass and Acetylene cylinder valves are made by Steel.
Brass valve does not corrode so easily and that is why brass valves are used in oxygen cylinder.
Acetylene is a very dangerous gas because it can explode under its own weight. So, calcium
silicate is filled in the cylinder and then acetone is poured. Acetylene is absorbed in acetone.
On the basis of supply proportion of acetylene and oxygen, flames can be divided into
three categories, neutral flame, carburizing flame and oxidizing flame. These are
described here.
21.1.3 Oxidizing Flame
Oxidized flames are the hottest flames and it produces roaring sound. This flame has
an excess of oxygen over the acetylene. It consists of a very short pointed white inner
cone and a shorter outer envelope. The reduction of length of the inner cone is a
measure of excess oxygen. This is the hottest flame produced. These flames are used
to weld alloys of Copper and Zinc. In welding these metals, the oxidizing flame produces
a base metal oxide layer to protect the evaporation of low point alloying elements. The
temperature of these flames is around 3480°C.
If the parent material cannot withstand high temperature, or the parts to be joined are delicate
or intricate or metals with different properties, thickness etc. then to weld with those processes
is difficult, so to weld those, allied processes are introduced. In this additional metal is
deposited on a substrate either by spraying or by some welding process are used.
The two surfaces are cleaned, and a flux is applied over them. This flux dissolves
whatever amount of oxide is remaining on the surface and also protects the surface
from further oxidation. After the application of the flux the pieces are heated and the
solder is then applied on the gap. The material flows into the interface of mating surface
by capillary action. On cooling, it solidifies and provides a joint of adequate strength.
Soldering is done by thoroughly cleaning the pieces with the help of wire brush, emery
cloth, file or even steel wool. On cooling, the joint is cleaned by hot water to avoid
corrosive action of the flux residue. Soldering of lead pipe is known as wiping.
Brazing fluxes are generally borax, boric acid, borates, fluorides and chlorides.
Surfaces to be brazed must be clean in order to obtain proper wetting and spreading
characteristics of the molten filler metal in the joint and to develop maximum bond
Mostly used heating method is oxyacetylene welding torch and in special case, carbon
arc metal arc and TIG are used.
Metals braze welded are primarily on steel and C.I, but also joins Cu, Ni and Ni alloys.
(ii) Without the joint preparation, if two components are joined, it is called as brazing.
(ii) With joint preparation, it two components are joined, it is called as braze welding.
The ideal weld should be such that adequate fusion exists between the filler metal and edge
preparation together with good penetration. The major discontinuities are
Porosity is caused due by the entrapment of gas bubbles by the freezing dendrites during
the cooling of the wed pool and occur essentially only in the weld metal, or by chemical
reactions during welding, or by contaminants. These are generally in the shape of
spheres or of elongated pockets. The porosity may be distributed throughout weld zone
or may be concentrated in a certain region. This can be reduced by proper selection of
filler metals, by preheating the weld area, by proper cleaning the weld zone, and by
reducing the welding speeds.
Inclusions may be caused by compounds such as oxides, fluxes, and electrode coating
materials, which are trapped in the weld zone. If shielding is not provided properly the
contaminants from atmosphere will contribute to such inclusion. This can be reduced by
cleaning the weld bead, by providing enough shielding gas.
It is usually caused by insufficient heat and too fast travel of torch or electrode. This
can be avoided by raising the temperature of the base metal, cleaning the weld area,
providing enough shielding gas. Incomplete penetration occurs when the depth of the
welded joint is insufficient. This can be reduced by increasing the heat input, reducing
It is the melting or burning away the base metal at the toe of the weld as sharp recess
or notch. Undercut can be as stress raiser and can reduce the fatigue strength of the
joint. In such cases it may lead to premature failure. These undercuts are generally due
It results when the joint is not filled with the proper amount of the weld metal.
This is because of failure in fusing adjacent layers of weld metal together. This is caused
by failure to raise the temperature of base metal to its melting point or failure to remove
It is the protrusion of weld metal beyond the root of the weld and occurs due to
insufficient travel speed which permits the weld puddle to move ahead of electrode, also
23.8. CRACKS
Cracking is the most serious defect in a weld since it can lead to premature failure
longitudinal, transverse, crater, under bead and toe cracks. Cracks occurs due to;
temperature gradients that causes thermal stresses in weld zone, variations in the
compositions of the weld zone, hydrogen embrittlement, inability of the weld metal to
There are two types of cracks, hot crack and cold crack. Hot cracks occur while the joint
is still at elevated temperatures. Cold cracks develop after the weld metal has solidified.
This can be prevented by changing the joint design, by changing the parameters,
procedures and the sequence of the welding process, preheating the component, and
The work piece when tested at its thickness direction it is weaker alignment of non-
metallic impurities and inclusions. This is mainly in rolled plates. In welding such
components these lamellar tears will appear, because of shrinkage of the restrained
components during cooling. This can be avoided by providing for shrinkage of the
This occurs due to spatter during the welding. Because of that small droplet of metal
Methods of weld testing and analysis are used to assure the quality and correctness of the weld
after it is completed.
Testing of Welds
– During Welding
– After Welding
– Destructive
– Non-Destructive
Before Welding
During welding (Selection of input parameters like Current & Voltage, welding speed, shielding
After Welding
(i) Peening
– Stress removal
Destructive test, some sort of the damage takes place in the component which is being
tested, the extent of damage may be more or less, but most of the time it is observed
that component, which has been tested by the destructive test is damaged to such as
extent that it cannot be used for further, for the targeted application.
(i) Tensile test is used to check how the weld joint will perform under tensile loading
(ii) Modulus of elasticity, Yield strength Ultimate strength, kind of the deformation at
the different stages and the total elongation of the weld joint, till the fracture.
1. In a given arc welding operation, the power source is at 20 V and current at 300 A. If the
electrode travel speed is 6 mm/s, calculate the cross-sectional area of the joint. The heat transfer
efficiency is taken as 0.80 and melting efficiency as 0.30. Heat required to melt the steel is 10
Ans. 24 mm2
2. In a resistance welding of a lap joint or two mild steel sheets of 1.5 mm thick, a current of 10
000 A is passed for a period of 0.1 seconds. The effective resistance of the joint is 120 micro
ohms. Density of steel is 0.00786 g/mm3 and heat required to melt is 1381 J/g. The joint can
be considered as a cylinder of 5 mm diameter and 2.25 mm in height. Calculate the percentage
of heat distributed to the surroundings.
Ans. 720.455 J
3. The voltage-length characteristic of a direct current (dc) arc is given by V = (20 + 40l) volts,
where l is the length of the arc in cm. The power source characteristic is approximated by a
straight line with an open circuit voltage = 80 V and a short circuit current = 1000 amp.
Determine the optimum arc length (in cm) and the corresponding arc power(kVA).
Ans. L = 0.5 cm. P= 20 kVA.
4. Consider a situation in which a welding Operation is being performed with V = 20 volts, I = 200
A, and the cross-sectional area of the weld bead is 30 mm 2. Estimate the welding speed if the
Workpiece and electrode are made of (a) aluminum, (b), carbon steel, and (c) titanium, Use an
efficiency of 75%.
For aluminium specific energy required is u = 2.9 J/mm3.
For carbon specific energy required is u = 9.7 J/mm3
For titanium specific energy required is u = 14.3 J/mm3
Ans. (a) 34.5 mm/s (b) 10.3 mm/s (c) 7 mm/s
5. Calculate the melting efficiency (in%) in the case of arc welding of steel with a potential of 20 V
and current of 200 A.The travel speed is 5 mm/s and the cross-sectional area of the joint is 20
mm2. Heat required to melt steel may be taken as 10 J/mm 3 and the heat transfer efficiency as
Ans. 0.2941
6. Two steel sheets of 1.0 mm thick are resistance welded in a lap joint with a current of 10000A
for 0.1 second. The effective resistance of the joint can be taken as 100 micro ohms. The joint
can be considered as a cylinder of 5 mm diameter and 1.5 mm height. Density of steel is 0.00786
g/mm3 and heat required for melting steel be taken as 10 J/mm3.Calculate the percentage heat
lost to surrounding.
Ans. 70.5%
7. A heat source transfers 3000 W to the surface of a metal part. The heat impinges the surface in
a circular area, with intensities varying inside the circle. The distribution is as follows: 70% of
the power is transferred within a circle of diameter = 5 mm, and 90% is transferred within a
concentric circle of diameter 12 mm. What are the power densities in
(a) the 5-mm-diameter inner circle and (b) the 12-mm-diameter ring that lies around the inner
Ans. (a)107 W/mm2, (b) 6.42 W/mm2
8. A gas tungsten arc welding operation is performed at a current of 300 A and voltage of 20 V.
The melting factor f2 = 0.5, and the heat transfer factor f1 = 0.7, the unit melting energy for the
metal Um = 10 J/mm3. Determine (a) power in the operation, (b) rate of heat generation at the
weld, and (c) volume rate of metal welded.
Ans. (a) 6000 W, (b) 2100 W (c) 210 mm3/s
9. A resistance spot-welding operation performed on two pieces of 2.5-mm-thick sheet steel uses
12,000 amps for a 0.20-s duration. The electrodes are 6 mm in diameter at the contacting
surfaces. Resistance is assumed to be 0.0001 Ω, and the resulting weld nugget 6 mm in diameter
and averages 3 mm in thickness. The unit melting energy for the metal Um = 12.0 J/mm3. What
percentage heat lost to surrounding.
Ans. 64.7%
10. An oxyacetylene torch supplies 0.3 m3 of acetylene per hour and an equal volume rate of oxygen
for an OAW operation on 45-mm-thick steel. Heat generated by combustion is transferred to the
work surface with a heat transfer factor f1 = 0.20, if 75% of the heat from the flame is
concentrated in a circular area on the surface that is 9.0 mm in diameter, find (a) rate of heat
liberated during combustion, (b) rate of heat transferred to the work surface, and (c) average
power density in the circular area.(Given acetylene rate of heat of combustion=55 × 10 6 J/m3)
Ans. (a) 4583 W (b) 917W (c) 10.8 W/mm2
11. In a resistance welding process, the applied voltage is 5V. Determine the rate of heat generated
per unit area with 25 bridges/cm 2, each bridge having a radius of 0.1 mm The resistivity of the
material is given to be 2 × 10–5 ohm-cm.
Ans. 1.136 × 105 W/cm2