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La Salle Management Ii 11TH Rubric For Presentation 2023

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Name: _______________________________________ / Grade: ________ / Score: ______

Teacher: Michelle Ifill / Date: ______________________ / Total amount of points: 28
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair ( 2) Needs Improvement
Content The presentation is The presentation is The presentation is The presentation
highly informative, informative and somewhat informative lacks coherence and
engaging, and relevant relevant to the topic. and relevant to the relevance to the
to the topic. The The student conveys topic. The student topic. The student
student effectively the key points with conveys the key points struggles to convey
conveys the key points clarity and with some clarity and the key points with
with clarity and depth demonstrates a good demonstrates a basic clarity and
of understanding. understanding of the understanding of the understanding.
topic. topic.
Accuracy of The language used is The language used is The language used is The language used is
Language highly accurate, accurate, precise, and mostly accurate and somewhat inaccurate
precise, and appropriate for the appropriate for the and not always
appropriate for the audience. The student audience. The student appropriate for the
audience. The student uses subject-specific uses basic subject- audience. The
effectively uses vocabulary and specific vocabulary and student struggles
subject-specific demonstrates good demonstrates adequate with subject-specific
vocabulary and language skills. language skills. vocabulary and
demonstrates language skills.
advanced language
Video The video seamlessly The video mostly The video somewhat The video does not
Integration integrates with the integrates with the integrates with the integrate well with
presentation, presentation, presentation, but does the presentation,
enhancing the content supporting the not effectively support detracting from the
and delivery. The content and delivery. the content and content and delivery.
video is of high quality, The video is of good delivery. The video is of The video is of poor
visually appealing, and quality, visually average quality, visually quality, visually
relevant to the topic. appealing, and appealing, but not unappealing, and not
somewhat relevant to highly relevant to the relevant to the topic.
the topic. topic.
Organization The presentation is The presentation is The presentation is The presentation
highly organized, with well-organized, with a somewhat organized, lacks organization,
a clear and logical flow clear flow of ideas. with an attempt at a with a weak flow of
of ideas. The student The student uses logical flow of ideas. ideas. The student
effectively uses headings, The student uses struggles with
headings, subheadings, and headings, subheadings, headings,
subheadings, and transitions to guide and transitions, but not subheadings, and
transitions to guide the audience. always effectively. transitions.
the audience.
Time The presentation is The presentation is The presentation is The presentation
well-paced, effectively mostly well-paced, somewhat paced, with lacks proper pacing,
using time to cover all with minor instances noticeable instances of with frequent
the content without of rushing or rushing or exceeding instances of rushing
rushing or exceeding exceeding the allotted the allotted time. or exceeding the
the allotted time. time. allotted time.
Creativity The presentation The presentation The presentation shows The presentation
demonstrates shows good creativity some attempt at lacks creativity in the
exceptional creativity in the use of visuals, creativity in the use of use of visuals,
in the use of visuals, multimedia, and other visuals, multimedia, and multimedia, and
multimedia, and other creative elements to other creative other creative
creative elements to enhance the overall elements, but lacks elements, resulting in
enhance the overall quality and consistency. a uninteresting
quality and engagement of the presentation.
engagement of the presentation.
Overall Impact The presentation has a The presentation has a The presentation has a The presentation has
compelling and mostly compelling and satisfactory delivery, a weak delivery,
impactful delivery, impactful delivery, but lacks consistent resulting in low
effectively engaging engaging the audience impact in engaging the engagement from
the audience for the most part. The audience. The content is the audience. The
throughout the content is mostly clear somewhat clear and content is unclear,
presentation. The and concise, with concise, but lacks strong overly verbose, or
content is clear, some room for impact on the audience. fails to leave a lasting
concise, and leaves a improvement in impression on the
lasting impression on leaving a lasting audience.
the audience. impression on the
Note: Remember to print and bring your rubric to class.
Not having the rubric will take away 5 points from your score.
Follow instructions.

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