6 Sigma BB Certification Exam
6 Sigma BB Certification Exam
6 Sigma BB Certification Exam
SUN 310-600
Q&A v 3.24
1. In two months, there are 200 defects in 40 units processed. If each unit has 25
opportunities, what is the process
A. 200,000
B. 400,000
C. 800,000
D. 1,000,000
Answer: A
2. Which of the following are NOT common pitfalls to the Sun Shot process?
A. Multiple champions
B. Too little time allotted
C. Poor action item accountability
D. Weak sponsorship
Answer: A
3. What is the purpose of a pilot?
A. To analyze a process and determine the source of defects
B. To test a solution on a small or limited scale
C. To implement a compromised solution when true consensus cannot be reached
D. To collect baseline data from an existing process
Answer: B
4. Which tool is used to evaluate process variation over time?
A. Pie chart
B. Scatter plot
C. Individuals chart
D. Pareto Chart
Answer: C
5. What should be included in a good problem/opportunity statement?
A. A description of the causes of the problem
B. A statement of the project improvement goal
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19. Which one of the following statements about internal and external customers is
A. Process output that is not paid for only goes to internal customers
B. External customers should not be privy to project details when working on joint
C. Requirements of internal customers will drive more improvement than
requirements of external customers
D. Internal customers are fellow associates who need the process output to carry
out their work
Answer: D
20. What is the most likely distribution that you would observe if your data came
from two different sources?
A. Normal
B. Asymmetrical
C. Bimodal
D. No such distribution
Answer: C
21. Which is a consideration in deciding to use the X-bar R chart instead of the
X-bar S chart?
A. A rational subgroup size less than 6
B. Undefined rational subgroups
C. Proportion, discrete data, and a constant sample size
D. Process is in control
Answer: A
22. When constructing a flowchart:
A. Always construct the "should-be" map first
B. Show tasks for only one person on the chart
C. Be sure to include significant steps in the process
D. Always show every process step to the most detailed level
Answer: C
23. Which statement describes a critical deliverable of the Analyze phase in the
DMAIC process?
A. Identification of the vital few Xs
B. A SIPOC map of the process
C. Process sigma calculation
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28. Kano analysis helps to segment customer requests into which of the following
A. Behaviors, Actions, Responses
B. Wants, Needs, Behaviors
C. Complaints, Loyalty, Satisfaction
D. Dissatisfiers, Satisfiers, and Delighters
Answer: D
29. A process produces 159 units, with 3 opportunities for defects per unit, 97
initial total defects are produced, with 21
defects fixed before they reach the customer. Calculate first pass sigma. Use the
sigma table below to find the closest
approximation to sigma.
A. .6
B. 1.2
C. 2.3
D. None of the above
Answer: C
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B. 2.5
C. 0.4
D. 0.16
Answer: A
35. An F-test, performed on the two samples below, gives a p-value of 0.787. Which
test is best used to determine if
there is a statistically significant difference in the means of the samples?
N Mean StDev SE Mean
sample1 14 6.79 1.53 0.41
sample2 12 8.17 1.40 0.41
B. 2
C. 4
D. 6
Answer: B
39. Which is a critical step in the Analyze phase of a DMADV project?
A. Develop alternate concept designs
B. Design final product
C. Determine CTQs
D. Validate product design
Answer: A
40. The 15-Word Flipchart CAP tool would be most effective during which DMAIC
A. Analyze
B. Measure
C. Control
D. Define
Answer: D
41. What method would be best used to create a detailed process map for a process
that has many decision points and
multiple non-standard sub-processes?
B. GANTT chart
C. Alternative path
D. Standard process map
Answer: C
42. What is a legitimate purpose of Poka-Yoke?
A. To design processes and tasks to ensure error-free execution
B. To quantify the cost-benefit analysis of a Sun Sigma project
C. To quantify alpha and beta error levels
D. To optimize the main effect of a transfer function
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Answer: A
43. Multiple regression was used to model the relationship between several
predictor variables and system downtime.
The coded equation obtained was:
Y = 16.4X1 + 2.55X2 - 4X3 + .2X4 - 5X2*X3 + 55
where Y is the system downtime (minutes/month) and X1, X2, X3, and X4 are the
predictor variables. For this model, all
predictor variables had a P value less than .05 and the variance inflation factors
(VIF) were less than 1. The coefficient of
determination (R-Sq) is .98.
Assume the cost and ease associated with influencing each variable by one unit is
the same. Decreasing which predictor
variable by one unit while holding the others constant will most significantly
reduce system downtime?
A. X1
B. X2
C. X3
D. X4
Answer: A
44. Which DOE design would best be used to initially screen out a large number of
potential factors?
A. Multiple regression
B. Central composite
C. 3-level factorial
D. 2-level factorial
Answer: D
45. When selecting a sample of data for a continuous variable from a large
population, the sample size required depends
on which of the following?
A. Sample mean
B. Size of the population
C. Target process sigma
D. Amount of variation expected in the data
Answer: D
46. How many opportunities for a defect does a single unit allow?
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A. Only one
B. One or more
C. Six
D. None
Answer: B
47. Conventionally, how many standard deviations away from the central line do the
control lines appear?
A. 6
B. 3
C. 1
D. 2
Answer: B
48. Why is SIPOC a key step in the DMAIC process?
A. It provides a very detailed process map to help in project definition
B. It shows the critical path for completing a project on time
C. It provides a customer analysis to help with change management
D. It is a foundation to gather more detail while identifying the high level
process overview
Answer: D
49. Which is NOT a valid inference from the residuals graphs above?
A. "Residuals Versus the Fitted Values" can be reduced by adding quadratic terms
to the model
B. "Residuals Versus X1" appears to be normally distributed
C. Residuals are standardized on the graphs above
D. Residuals are independent of "Fitted Values"
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Answer: D
59. When performing a Value Analysis of tasks as part of the Analyze phase of a
project, the concept of "value" must be:
A. Quantitatively defined
B. Determined using hypothesis testing
C. Calculated using a statistical analysis
D. Interpreted from the customer's perspective
Answer: D
60. Given the regression analysis above for the response Y, what is the transfer
function y=f(x1, x2...,xn)?
A. Y = -3762*X1 + 1469*X2 + 1282*X3 - 830*X2*X3
B. Y = 40423 - 1881*X1 + 734*X2 + 641*X3 - 415*X2*X3
C. Y = 198.85 - 9.06*Lag + 3.54*Offset + 3.08*TTQ - 2.0*Lag*TTQ
D. None of the above
Answer: B
61. What are the basic categories of Attitude Charting?
A. Creators, Implementers, Planners, and Resisters
B. Proactive, Neutral, and Reactive
C. Innovators, Early Adopters, Late Adopters, and Resisters
D. Resisters, Champions, and Neutral
Answer: C
62. Your team has just completed the charter and determined that there are a
number of potential quick fixes that can be
implemented. Which of the following is the appropriate next step?
A. Disregard and continue with the DMAIC/DMADV process
B. Use Sun Shot
C. Conduct several DMAIC projects for each of the fixes
D. Call on the Master Black Belt
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Answer: B
67. When reviewing a control chart, which of the following would usually indicate
common cause variation?
A. An increasing trend over time
B. Acceptable levels of variation
C. A repeating pattern where one point is above average, the next point is below
average, the next point is above average,
and so on
D. An outlying data point or two in a string of normal data
Answer: B
68. A team is working its way through the DMAIC phases and makes an important
discovery in the Analyze phase that
requires a scope change. They should:
A. Create a new Green Belt project
B. Seek to obtain approval from the Champion for the scope change
C. Change the scope since the solution is obvious
D. Press on as it is too late to change the charter scope in the Analyze phase
Answer: B
69. Which one of the following statements is usually true?
A. First pass yield is greater than or equal to final yield
B. First pass and final yields are equal
C. Final yield is greater than or equal to first pass yield
D. First pass and final yields are never equal
Answer: C
70. What is the best use of Design of Experiments?
A. To charter the next team
B. To control the process
C. To verify and quantify root causes
D. To plot time ordered data
Answer: C
71. Which is the most frequently used test for discrete Xs and Ys?
A. Chi-square test
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C. t-test
D. F-test
Answer: A
72. What is the purpose of a QFD?
A. To determine what customer CTQs are
B. To define a solution or possible solutions for customer defined defects
C. To link what customers want to operating features and activities that deliver
D. To verify the root cause for a known effect
Answer: C
73. A DOE in a DMADV process does NOT:
A. Evaluate effects of various design elements
B. Design a sophisticated product tied to customer inputs
C. Predict performance of process or product under varying conditions
D. Assess interaction of variables in new process or product prototype
Answer: B
74. What is the median of this data set: (3, 4, 7, 18, 11, 7, 18, 7, 12, 8)?
A. 7
B. 7.5
C. 9
D. 9.5
Answer: B
75. What is the area under the normal curve between plus and minus 2 standard
deviations from the mean of a normal
A. 50.62%
B. 68.26%
C. 95.46%
D. 99.73%
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Answer: C
Answer: C
88. Which distribution must have the mean equal to the median of the data?
A. Bimodal
B. Asymmetrical
C. Normal
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D. No such distribution
Answer: C
89. "Levers of Change" and "Essentials to Making Change Last" best describe:
A. Engaged team members
B. Systems and structures
C. A rich array of communication strategies
D. Committed stakeholders
Answer: B
90. An MR control chart would best be used if:
A. There are binomial assumptions satisfied, and the process is not slowly
B. The data type is continuous, and the process is slowly changing
C. The data type is discrete, and binomial assumptions are satisfied
D. The data type is continuous, and the process is changing, but not slowly
Answer: D
91. Process A has a standard deviation of 10. Process B has a standard deviation
of 5. These processes need to be
performed in series where the output of process A flows into process B. What would
the approximate standard deviation
be for the combined A-B process?
A. 11
B. 15
C. 125
D. 225
Answer: A
92. Which tool can illustrate a negative correlation?
A. Subprocess map
B. Pareto chart
C. Scatter plot
D. Control chart
Answer: C
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93. How would you define the Y for the following situation?
"Problem Statement: Customers are experiencing delays in obtaining solutions to
their problems during their calls into
the call center."
A. Time to answer call
B. Time to resolve
C. Time to escalate
D. Length of call time
Answer: A
94. What is the most important aspect to ensure a quality solution is accepted?
A. Bottom-line impact
B. Senior management support
C. Monitoring progress
D. Mobilizing commitment
Answer: D
95. Refer to the paragraph below when answering the next two questions.
A computer component manufacturer produces and delivers multiple types of
peripheral devices to a large corporate
customer that uses "just in time" manufacturing. In interviewing the IT and
purchasing managers, a DMAIC team
learned that "on time" delivery (e.g., delivery of components as promised) is a
major customer requirement.
The Customer has notified us that they expect product delivery on the committed
dates and do not want them either early
or late. Which of the following is the best output measure (Y) for this project?
A. Cycletime between actual and originally scheduled delivery dates
B. Number of days delayed from the originally scheduled delivery dates
C. Number of early deliveries
D. Number of early and late deliveries
Answer: A
96. Paragraph repeated from previous question:
A computer component manufacturer produces and delivers multiple types of
peripheral devices to a large corporate
customer that uses "just in time" manufacturing. In interviewing the IT and
purchasing managers, a DMAIC team
learned that "on time" delivery (e.g., delivery of components as promised) is a
major customer requirement.
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In this project, a Pareto chart could be used to determine which of the following?
A. 40
B. 35
C. 20
D. Cannot tell from the graph
Answer: D
100. Box plots duplicated from previous question.
Which sample has a distribution that is skewed to the right?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. Cannot tell from the graph
Answer: B
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