Sample Dew Point Calculation
Sample Dew Point Calculation
Sample Dew Point Calculation
The claim has been made that in a high pressure steam boiler, if the burner
turndown exceeds 2 to 1 then there will be condensation of flue gasses and
the boiler will be destroyed within a couple of years. Can that be true? {It
should be noted that many of these same vendors now offer burners
claiming to have a 10:1 turndown ratio}
That is true of the windows on your dwelling and it is true in boilers as well.
In your house, you’ve noticed that the colder the outside temperature is, the
more condensation you get on the windows. When the temperature is hot
outdoors, there is no condensation on the windows. The same phenomenon
is true for equipment that contains products of combustion. Surfaces with a
temperature above the dew point cannot have condensation on them.
If the set point temperature in a hot water boiler is too low, say 120oF, then
the exit temperature of the gas can be cooled to below the dew point.
Burner turndown has nothing to do with this, only the gas temperature
versus the dew point temperature.
The key to discovering whether the boiler is condensing or not is therefore to
know three items; the dew point of the fuel being burned, the stack
temperature and the lowest temperature anywhere in the boiler.
The dew point of the fuel depends on several factors but can be calculated.
Assume natural gas (considered methane CH4 for this discussion) is burned
in clean dry air. The flue gas analysis shows by molar analysis that the
products on a dry basis are CO2 = 9.15 %, CO = 0%, N2= 86.85%, O2 =4%.
C: 9.15 + 0 =a
H: 2c=4a
O: (2)9.15 + 0 + (2)4 + c = 2b
Put back into the original equation the mole fraction of the water in the
combustion products is 18.6%.
Interpolating from properties of saturated water table we can find the dew
point of the gasses:
Temperature Pressure
130 oF 2.225 psia
2.31 psia
140 oF 2.892 psia
So for this example as long as the stack exhaust temperature is above 131.3
degrees we will not have condensation of those flue gases. This also means
that the inside wall temperature of the stack must be assured to be above
131.3 degrees until it exits the stack. The stack must be designed to not
give up enough heat to allow the flue gas temperature to drop from the
exhaust temperature to 131.3 degrees throughout its run since most modern
stacks are at minimum double wall insulated this is not difficult.