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English Mid Term Year 5

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BAHASA INGGERIS TAHUN 5 Based on Unit 1to 3

NAME : ______________________________
CLASS : ______________________________

1. Do not open until you are told to do so.
2.There are altogether 7 parts in this For Teacher's use
3. You should write down the answers to
Part 1to Part 4 in the Objective Name of Teacher :

Answer Sheet (OAS). Part 5 to 7 should be written in the question paper.

4. Both the OAS & question paper will Marks f or
be collected at the end of the exam. 5. You are required to answer all the
Sect ions Marks Obt ained
questions. t he
6. Read the questions carefully. 7. Check your answers. sect ion

Part 1 5

Part 2 4

Part 3 5

Part 4 6

Part 5 5

Part 6 10

Part 7 15

Tot al 50
Part 1

Quest ion 1 - 5
For each of t he quest ion. Choose t he correct answer.

1. Look at t he post er and answer t he quest ion.



Come and Join t he Celebrat ions!
DAY& DATE : SATURDAY, 1 2 J UNE 2 0 2 3
TI M E 9 .0 0A.M . TO 1 2 NOON

The 2023 Friendship Day is organised by _______________.

A. SK Tit iwangsa
B. The Sport s Group
C. Luna Meena & Sambaria

Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur

My name is Farah. I am eleven years old. I live in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.
What I like about Bangsar is t hat it is near Sunway Lagoon and
Pet rosains, Discovery Cent re. I visit t hese t wo places quit e frequent ly. There is
also Kidzsport s & Gym. There are slides and ball pools t o play in. However, I
have never been t here.

2. Based on t he t ext above, t he t wo places t hat Farah of t en visit are


A. Sunway Lagoon and Discovery Cent re

B. Kidzsport s & Gym and Sunway Lagoon
C. Discovery Cent re and Kidzsport s & Gym

My Favourit e Day
My name is Aminah.
My favourit e day is
t he sixt h day of t he
week . On t his day, I
get t o wake up lat e
because t here is no
school .

3. Based on t he t ext above, Aminah's f avourit e

day is _______________.

A. Friday
B. Tuesday
C. Sat urday

B. C.


4. Leo is st anding beside Alvin. He is the one wit h books on his head.
Based on the pict ure and descript ion, which one is Leo?



Fun f act ab out Gir af f es!
No t w o giraffes have t he sam e pat tern. Their pat tern is dependent on t heir species. Th
Sout h African giraffe, has st ar-shaped pat chers and various shades
of brow n. The pat ches are surrounded by a light t an colour. The Angolan giraffe pat ches
are large, uneven and irregularly not ched. Light brow n. The pat ches are surrounded by a
pale cream colour. While the Sout h African giraffes have
rect angular and t an coloured pat ches. The pat ches are broadly surrounded by
a cream y colour. Adapt ed from ht tps://giraffeconservat ion.org/w p- cont
ent /uploads/2016/09/Spot -Pat tern-post er-2016-LR-c-GCF.pdf

5. Each species of giraf f e is dif f erent . They are dif f erent iat ed by ______________.
A. colour of t he pat ches B.
shape of t he pat ches
C. colour and shape of t he pat ches
Part 2

Quest ion 6 - 9

Quest ion 6 t o 9 is based on t he given passage. Read t he passage and

choose t he best answer A,B or C t o fill in each blank.
Hi Devi! It 's so nice t o see yo u . It 's b een a wh ile.
Siew Ling
Wher e ar e yo u (0 ) _______________?

Hi Siew Ling! Hap p y t o (6 ) ____________ yo u.

I am going t o t he sup er m ar ket t o get f or m y m ot her
Devi f lo u r (7) _______________ m ilk. I have b een away f or
q uit e a wh ile t hat I f or got t he way t o t he
sup er mar ket .

Oh, Yes! You wer e in Aust r alia (8) _______________

alm ost a year . Ther e'r e q uit e a b it of changes t hat
hap p ened since yo u lef t .
Siew Ling
The sup er m ar ket (9 ) _______________ f ar f r om her e.
You have t o walk st r aight and t hen t ake a lef t at t he
t r af f ic light . The sup er m ar ket is on yo u r r ight .

Devi Thanks Siew Ling. Will see yo u ar oun d .

0. A. go B. gon e C. going

6. A. see B. saw C. sees

7. A. an B. and C. ant

8. A. f or B. f or e C. f ou r

9. A. hasn't B. ar en't C. isn't

Part 3

Quest ion 10 - 14

Quest ions 10 t o 14 are based on t he given passage. Read t he passage

and choose t he best answer A, B or C.

Ost rich is t he biggest and heaviest of all birds. An ost rich has a long
st ride. One st ride of an ost rich can cover up t o 4.9 met res! This is about t he
lengt h of a Prot on Bezza. Alt hough it is classif ied as a bird, but it cannot f ly,
inst ead it runs. Ost rich is also very fast . It can run up t o a
speed of 64 kilomet res per hour. They are warm-blooded. They live in t he Af rican
savannah. The only place where it can be found in t he wild. Since it is a bird, it has
wings, however, it s wings are short . The ost rich uses it s wings f or balance,
holding t hem out st ret ch when it runs. An ost rich has long eye lashes t hat prot ect
it f rom sandst orm. It also has st rong legs. One kick f rom t he ost rich can kill a

When an ost rich senses danger, it will of ten lie low t o hide, st ret ching it s long
neck in t he ground. Ost riches are omnivores. This means t hat t hey will eat bot h
plant s and meat . They usually eat seeds and grain, but will also
eat insect s and small animals if t hey can find t hem. It reproduces by laying eggs.
The eggs of an ost rich weighs as much as 1.5 kg and 15 cm long.

10. How long is an ost rich's f oot st ep?

A. 1.5 kg
B. 4.9 m.
C. 64 km .

11. An ost rich is a bird but it cannot __________________.

A. f ly

B. run

C. eat

12. How do we know t hat an ost rich has st rong legs?

A. It has short wings.

B. It can be f ound in Af rica.

C. It can kill a lion wit h one kick.

13. How does an ost rich prot ect it self f rom enemies.?

A. An ost rich will f ly.

B. An ost rich will st ick it s head in t he sand.

C. An ost rich will have it s wings out st ret ch when it runs.

14. The following statements can be found in the passage except _______________________.
A. Ostrich can live up to 30 to 40 years.
B. We can find ostrich living in the savannah of Africa.
C. The eyelashes of ostrich is long to protect from sandstorm.

Part 4
Quest ion 15 -20
Quest ions 15 t o 20 are based on t he following t ext s. Read t he passage and
choose t he best answer A, B or C.
I usually wake up at 5 a.m. in t he morning. I would t hen t ake a shower and brush my
t eet h. I drink a glass of milk and go f or a walk around t he neighbourhood. At about
6.30 a.m., I will come home, bat he, get ready f or school and pack my bag. I will walk
t o school wit h my f riends and usually reach school at 7.30 a.m. Lessons are f rom
8 a.m. t o 2 p.m. There are many subject s t o learn in school. Af t er school, I will
complet e my homework. My night s are spent revising. I go t o bed at 9 p.m.

My day st art s at 8 a.m., a quick shower and breakf ast . I learn f rom home since an
accident t wo years ago. Mr. Andrew will come at 9 a.m. t o t each me. He t eachers me
all t he subject s. My lesson wit h Mr Andrew ends at 1 p.m. Af t er lunch, Mum will bring
me t o t he hospit al f or physiot herapy, which last s f or about an hour. On most days, I
will t ake a nap af t er I reach home. At about 5 p.m., I will get t o play comput er games
t ill dinner. Af ter dinner, I will wat ch t elevision wit h my family. I will go t o bed at 10

My daily rout ine is t o wake up at 6 a.m. except during t he weekends, when I do not
have t o go t o school. I will get ready f or school. My mot her will send me t o school
because my school is about 30 minut es drive f rom home. I will reach school at about
7. 45 a.m. I spend most of my t ime in school. I also have my lunch in school. I usually
reach home at 3.30 p.m. and have a 30 minut es rest . Af t er t hat , I will play at t he
playground wit h my f riends. When I reach home at 6.30 p.m., I will wash up and have
my dinner. At about 8 p.m., I will do my homework or revision. I go t o bed at 11 p.m.

Answer quest ions 15 t o 20 on daily rout ines. Choose the best
answer, A, Bor C.

Pedro A

Greg B

Anna C

15. A t eacher comes t o t each at home.

16. Mot her will send her t o school, daily.

17. His day st art s at 5 a.m.

18. Has lunch at school, bef ore going home.

19. Spend t ime doing homework af t er school.

20. Get t o play comput er games, on a school day.


Quest ion 21 -25
Spell t he words correct ly based on t he clues given.

A long comf ort able chair wit h arms and

s o f a
a back.

Exercises t hat are given by t he t eacher

21. h
f or you t o complet e af t er school.

22. A f emale child in a f amily. d

A st ruct ure t hat is built over wat er or

23. ot her obst acles t hat allow people t o b
t ravel across.

An act ivit y organised t o celebrat e an

24. c
occasion like birt hdays or f est ivals.

An adject ive t o describe somet hing or

25. f
some one who is out st anding or superb.
Part 6 (10 marks)

You are t he class monitor / monitress. Your English Teacher shared with you about an
upcoming English project . You were asked by your t eacher t o write a message t o inf
orm your classmates about t he project .
Inf orm :
What is t he project

Things t o bring for t he project

Writ e bet ween 30 t o 50 words.


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