Good morning everyone. We are group 1. Before we begin the reporting. Let’s watch a video/activity to
help you have a clear picture of what we are going to tackle.
…………………………After the video/activity……………………
Now, for the objectives, these are the ff:
The Sacrament of Baptism, the first of the sacraments of initiation, is a believer's entrance into the
Catholic Church. Catholics believe that through baptism, we are cleansed of original sin and
receive sanctifying grace, the life of God within our souls. This grace prepares us for the reception of the
other sacraments and helps us to live our lives as Christians—in other words, to rise above the cardinal
virtues, which can be practiced by anyone (baptized or unbaptized, Christian or not), to the theological
virtues of faith, hope, and charity, which can only be practiced through the gift of God's grace. For
Catholics, baptism is the necessary precondition both for living the Christian life and for entering heaven.
It simply means that there are no age restrictions for baptism; you can be baptized as an infant, or as
an adult. In other words, you cannot be too old or too young to be baptized.
Parents or Guardians
Parents (or guardians) take on the responsibility for raising the child Catholic when they ask for baptism.
They are the ones responding to the baptismal promises (click here to view the baptismal promises) on
behalf of the child. When asking for a Catholic baptism, the parents or guardians must be able to say
with confidence that the child will be brought up within the Faith.
Godparent’s role
First and foremost, they are to act as a source of prayer and an example for the child being baptized.
Secondly, they are expected to assist in the formation of the child’s faith throughout their life, and, if
needed, are available to raise the child in the Faith if the parents cannot.
Then, there is a requirement to be a godparent: