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Xerox® WorkCentre®

Multifunction Printer

Xerox WorkCentre 7800 Series

® ®

Color Multifunction Printer

Evaluator Guide
About this Guide

This Evaluator Guide introduces you to the Xerox® WorkCentre® 7830/7835/

7845/7855 Color Multifunction Printer, explains its key features and performance
advantages, and provides guidance throughout your evaluation process.

Section 1: Introducing Section 2: Evaluating Workgroup Section 3: Configuration Summary,

Xerox® ConnectKey® Color Multifunction Printers Product Specifications, Finishing
Technology 4 Evaluation Overview Options and Supplies and Support
3 Overview Resources
5 Convenience
12 Configuration Summary
6 Productivity
13 Product Specifications
9 Security
14 Finishing Options and Supplies
10 Cost Control
15 Support Resources
11 Print Quality

2 Xerox® WorkCentre® 7830/7835/7845/7855 Evaluator Guide

Section 1: Introducing Xerox

ConnectKey Technology


It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the countless solutions that promise to fix
your most pressing issues. Choosing the right solutions for your people becomes more
complex. You want solutions that simply get it done, behind the scenes – solutions that
are there when you need them but stay out of mind because they just work.

Simplicity Redefined ConnectKey-enabled solutions reduce waste

and paper consumption, and give you time
Xerox® ConnectKey® Technology is a software For more information about
back in your day to do your job more effectively.
ecosystem that provides the building blocks to Xerox® ConnectKey, go to
Plus, compatibility with energy management
leverage your multifunction printer to simplify www.connectkey.com.
solutions such as Cisco EnergyWise and a
the way work gets done.
mix of innovative features enable reduced
Solving today’s complexities. power consumption so you can achieve your
sustainability promises. We have rounded out
Documents are the currency of business.
this amazing ecosystem by empowering today’s
They are the heart of critical workflows and
mobile workforce to conduct business in ways
drive almost every aspect of business. When
that work for them, with scalable, cloud-ready
a group of IT managers, business managers,
mobile solutions. And we have simplified
and mobile workers was asked, 70% said
customers’ workflows through tools like
optimizing document flow would help them
ConnectKey for DocuShare® or Business Process
respond to market needs more quickly and
Outsourcing integration through Xerox.
62% said it would improve overall revenue*.
Why? Because improved employee productivity Whether you manage the devices yourself or
has strategic revenue-generating consequences. choose a Xerox® Managed Print Service, you’ll
More-productive employees spend more time benefit from the tools ConnectKey offers to cut
on innovation, customer service, winning your costs and keep you moving forward.
new business, and making the business more
Imagine an office environment where all
print devices have the same core features and
functionality, thereby dramatically increasing
adoption, and providing a simplified user
training experience with less mistakes and faster
proficiency. The common architecture behind
ConnectKey, features industry-leading security
highlighted by our groundbreaking partnerships
with McAfee® and Cisco® to provide additional
layers of security software and greater visibility
to IT.

* “The Future of Documents: How They Drive

Business, Today and Tomorrow.” IDC global
research study, sponsored by Xerox,
January 2012.

Xerox® WorkCentre® 7830/7835/7845/7855 Evaluator Guide 3

Section 2: Evaluating Workgroup
Color Multifunction Printers

Based on continuous study of our customers’ requirements, we recommend that the

following criteria be used when evaluating which workgroup class color multifunction
printer to purchase for your business or organization.

The following sections examine each of the Convenience

Xerox® WorkCentre® 7830/7835/7845/7855
Color Multifunction Printer’s advantages in Productivity
greater detail, covering the specific features and
performance attributes you should look for in
a color workgroup multifunction printer. When Cost Control
the same criteria are used to evaluate every
device under consideration, you’ll see how the Print Quality
WorkCentre 7800 series excels against other
manufacturers’ products.

Xerox® WorkCentre® 7800 Series

Optimized for

Networking Scanning

Security Solutions

Sustainability Wi-Fi

WorkCentre 7855 shown with optional Professional Finisher, Convenience Stapler and Work Surface and
High Capacity Feeder.

4 Xerox® WorkCentre® 7830/7835/7845/7855 Evaluator Guide

Section 2: Evaluating Workgroup
Color Multifunction Printers

Convenience means more than just working remotely. It means giving people the
right tools to accomplish their common tasks more easily from any location, while
also providing seamless connections to the functions and capabilities that enable fast
collaboration, remote printing from tablets and smartphones, and efficient information
distribution and archiving at the touch of a button.
So when you invest in new office technology, it has to deliver groundbreaking
convenience that makes whatever business you’re in run more smoothly.

How the Xerox® WorkCentre® 7800 to reset parameters, connect users or manage –– Choose Xerox® Mobile Print Solution with
Series Exceeds the Convenience job queues device by device. Onboard SNMP an on-site server for your internal network,
Requirement support lets customers integrate with other or behind your network’s firewall, for
network frameworks. added control and higher volume use.
Ease of Use
• Convert paper documents. Scan documents –– Choose Xerox® Mobile Print Cloud to easily
Look for fully integrated functions that work to create text-searchable PDFs and single and manage local and remote locations, control
together to create more value than the sum of multipage PDFs for easy archiving, organizing visitors’ printing access and “pay as you use.”
their parts. Are the functions easy to learn? Is and searching.
the user interface consistent from function to –– Mopria™ certified. Mopria certification
function? Do the network features give users full • On-box Optical Character Recognition, simplifies the mobile printing experience
access to the power of your network? Does the searchable PDF. Easily convert hard-copy for tablets and smartphones to many
device include additional software to take full documents into searchable-PDF format for printing devices, including the WorkCentre
advantage of digital documents? faster retrieval. 7800 Series.

• Consistent operation across products. The Mobility • Optional Wi-Fi connectivity. Administrators
WorkCentre 7800 series features the same can connect the WorkCentre 7800 series
When at the workplace, the WorkCentre®
Xerox® ConnectKey® Technology as many devices anywhere, without the need for
7800 series gives your office staff the luxury
other Xerox® Office products, making it easy network cabling.
of controlling device functions from any
and intuitive for users to go from one Xerox® workstation. Plus, mobile professionals can • Apple® AirPrint™. Print email, photos and
product to another without additional training. stay connected to the communications tools important office documents directly from
• Front panel user interface. It doesn’t matter and productivity solutions offered by the your Apple iPhone® or iPad® with no drivers
if a job is simple or complex – the newly WorkCentre 7800 series – for more flexibility to install and no cables to connect.
engineered color touch screen interface is easy regardless of location.
• Xerox® Print Service Plug-in for Android™.
to learn and offers quick job programming. • Xerox Mobile Print and more. Take the
This plug-in enables printing to many Xerox®
It features bright, intuitive icons that can mystery and anxiety out of wireless and printers and MFPs without the need for third-
be reordered or hidden, and provides easy mobile device printing. Xerox has all the party apps or additional print drivers.
access to all major functions directly from the options to enable secure, accurate printing
home screen. Third-party applications can from most mobile devices, to any printer or
be integrated with the touch screen interface multifunction printer, regardless of brand.
as well, thanks to Xerox® Workflow Solutions, Get industry-leading accuracy when printing
built on Xerox Extensible Interface Platform® native Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Word®
technology. and other standard files. Plus, Xerox offers
• Network management. It couldn’t be easier IT-friendly optional capabilities such as
for the network administrator; the WorkCentre PIN code access, multiple mobile operating
7800 series integrates seamlessly into systems and more. Whether offsite or onsite,
virtually any network environment. Network learn more about why Xerox is the only
configuration is easy with CentreWare® install choice for today’s mobile professionals by
wizards – which eliminate the need for IT staff visiting www.xerox.com/mobile.
Xerox® WorkCentre® 7830/7835/7845/7855 Evaluator Guide 5
Section 2: Evaluating Workgroup
Color Multifunction Printers

True workplace productivity happens when office technology allows you more
time to focus on your real work. When everyday workflow processes that used to
require significant effort become automated; when, at the push of a button, business-
critical documents are shared with any number of pre-assigned recipients; and when
your multifunction printer does most of the heavy lifting automatically, behind the
scenes, that’s when true office productivity kicks into gear.

How the Xerox® WorkCentre® 7800 embedded 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet

Series Exceeds the Productivity connection with innovative features like
Requirement auto IP addressing, device naming, and
Ethernet speed sensing to provide simple
Management, Deployment and Remote and automatic installation on networks.
Installation These features make the WorkCentre 7800
Installing and deploying a fleet of multifunction series quick and easy to get up and running.
printers throughout your organization is a Management and system setup can be
potentially time-consuming, complicated task. accomplished through a variety of means,
The process isn’t limited to physically placing including the easy, wizard-based process
the units in their new environments, but also found within Xerox® CentreWare® Web.
includes integrating the devices with the Additionally, the WorkCentre 7800 series Single Touch Scanning
existing network infrastructure. Also, consider can integrate with third-party management
Use the Single Touch Scan feature to
the process required to deploy printing and applications like Unicentre® TNG, IBM®
create a dedicated, easy-to-locate scan
scanning services to your users and how Tivoli® NetView®, Microsoft® Management button directly on the color touch screen
automated that process can be. Console, and HP® WebJetAdmin®. Cloning interface. Assign the Single Touch Scan
capability allows fleets of devices to be button its own scanning workflow for fast
• Single print driver works with all printers. document distribution and archiving.
installed with identical settings, eliminating
The Xerox® Global Print Driver® supports
the need to set up each system individually.
Xerox® and non-Xerox® devices on the
network. Never have to redeploy another • Deployment. With the WorkCentre 7800
print driver, saving hours of downtime. series, print and scan drivers can be deployed
centrally, thereby eliminating the need for
• Configure once, apply fleet wide. Xerox®
IT staff to perform desk-to-desk manual
multifunction device configurations can
installation of the driver software. In many
be cloned and distributed to all similar
cases, existing Xerox® drivers on your network
multifunction devices on your network,
can work with your new hardware, potentially
eliminating the need to configure and
saving the step of updating your users’
manage each device individually.
driver software altogether. Again, wizards
• Installation. When you choose Xerox, you are provided within CentreWare Web to aid
can rest assured that your equipment will be in installing, troubleshooting, and upgrading
delivered and installed into your environment your users’ driver software, freeing up your IT
to your specifications and expectations. All staff for more pressing projects.
network-enabled configurations include an

6 Xerox® WorkCentre® 7830/7835/7845/7855 Evaluator Guide

• Xerox® Mobile Express Driver®. Mobile • Bidirectional print drivers. The WorkCentre Reliability
Express Driver makes it easy for mobile users 7800 series includes Xerox® CentreWare®
Office productivity relies on tools that do their
to find, use and manage Xerox® and non- print drivers, which feature clear, graphical
jobs day in and day out. Consider how often
Xerox devices in every new location. Plug into user interfaces that provide for easy, intuitive
you need to intervene to replace paper or other
a new network, and Mobile Express Driver interaction with the multifunction printer.
consumables or to clear jams. How easy is
automatically discovers available printers and The drivers provide immediate desktop
that intervention, and how long is the device
provides status and capability information. access to all WorkCentre output functions.
typically down? If outside assistance is required,
Save a list of “favorite” printers for each The drivers also provide bidirectional
how easy is it to schedule and how long do you
location, store application print settings information, indicating device and job status,
have to wait? Is the device a reliable network
for use on any printer in any network, and currently loaded paper sizes and types,
citizen? Has it been tested and certified by
greatly reduce mobile support calls to IT. and installed options – so there is no need
independent industry participants?
to consult other software to obtain such
• Xerox® Global Print Driver®. Global Print
information. Easy-to-understand icons access • Simple paper paths and a minimum of
Driver is a truly universal print driver that
the most commonly used functions, such as moving parts. This mean there is very little
lets IT administrators install, upgrade and
paper selection and document finishing. Plus that can go wrong. Any paper jams or mis-
manage Xerox® and non-Xerox devices from
with the Saved Settings feature, frequently feeds that do occur are all accessed from
a single driver. It provides a consistent, easy-
used print job parameters can be stored for the front of the machine, making these easy
to-use interface for end-users, reducing the
reuse. issues for users to resolve without calling the
number of support calls, and simplifying print
IT Help Desk. Most components that wear
services management. • Smarter technology. Xerox® Smart Kit®
out over time can simply be replaced without
technology constantly monitors the
• Xerox® CentreWare® software. CentreWare a service call. You’re up and running without
WorkCentre 7800 series’ easy-to-change
Web management software is a powerful delay.
critical components to predict and prevent
device-management solution for IT. The
downtime. • Short, straight paper path. This allows the
free software eases the chore of installing,
WorkCentre 7800 series to reliably handle
configuring, managing, monitoring and • Xerox Copier Assistant . This software
® ®
heavyweight paper – up to 16 lb. bond to
pulling reports from the networked printers allows easier access to the copying
110 lb. cover (60 to 300 gsm) from the
and MFPs throughout an enterprise, capabilities of Xerox® multifunction devices.
Bypass Tray, and 16 lb. bond to 140 lb. index
regardless of their manufacturer. Xerox also An alternative to the standard touchscreen,
(60 to 256 gsm) from Trays 1 through 4.
addresses enterprise asset management Xerox® Copier Assistant software helps
through compatibility with network everyone, especially people who are • Easy-access Smart Kit customer
management tools for Sun, Novell®, wheelchair users, blind or visually impaired, replaceable units. This includes EA Toner
Microsoft® and other environments. easily program copy jobs and make copies cartridges, Waste Toner containers, Fuser
using text-to-speech technology, screen Modules, Print Drums and staple cartridges.
The Xerox® WorkCentre® 7800 series also
magnification software and easy keyboard • Sophisticated service delivery. Building
includes Xerox® CentreWare® Internet Services,
access to copying features using tab, arrow, on the reliability that is engineered into the
an embedded web server that allows employees
function and hot keys. WorkCentre 7800 series, Xerox has trained
and IT personnel to perform detailed status
checks on the system and consumables, and developed a service delivery network that
administer system settings, and manage access helps you maintain your equipment, address
and accounting controls via any standard web equipment issues you may encounter and
browser. train you and your users on how to get the
most out of your equipment.

Xerox® WorkCentre® 7830/7835/7845/7855 Evaluator Guide 7

Digitization and Information Management • Unified Address Book. With Xerox®
ConnectKey® Technology, the WorkCentre
• Save time. Dual-head, single pass scanner
7800 series enables features like the
(standard on the Xerox® WorkCentre®
enhanced address book with favorites, which
7845/7855) simultaneously scans both
lets you seamlessly import your existing
sides of two-sided documents at up to 133
contacts and roll them out to multiple
impressions per minute.
ConnectKey-enabled MFPs.
• Workflow scanning. The WorkCentre 7800
User Training and Helpdesk Support
series includes network scanning capabilities,
Remote Control Panel
providing a digital on-ramp for your hardcopy • Xerox Online Support. This keeps you up
Remotely operate the WorkCentre 7800
documents and enabling them to be and running by providing instant access
series’ control panel from any office PC as
distributed, edited, archived, and utilized by to searchable online help right at the though you were standing at the device.
your enterprise applications. WorkCentre 7800 series Color Multifunction The Remote Control Panel makes it easier
Printer’s front panel. Online Support is also and more convenient to train users and
• TWAIN support. Scan images directly into
available from the print driver, where it for IT staff to remotely view and monitor
applications such as Microsoft® Word or the user interface. And during a remote
gathers information stored in the printer,
Adobe® PhotoShop® without the need for session, walk-up users are notified at the
examines the information, diagnoses the device to prevent simultaneous system
a password.
issue and collects relevant solutions from the changes. Plus, advanced print drivers and
• Customize your solutions. Xerox Extensible Xerox knowledge base. From there it either free device management tools let you
Interface Platform® Serverless technology returns a solution specific to the problem remotely monitor real-time performance
allows creation of ConnectKey Apps to run on and available resources for greater uptime.
or walks a user through a troubleshooting
ConnectKey-enabled MFPs, without the need tree. So users are now able to troubleshoot
for additional IT infrastructure. This allows printer issues directly from print driver
you to simplify and personalize the usability without having to walk to the device. You
of your device with a range of capabilities get the same information our Product
from support applications to scanning. Support Specialists use when resolving printer
• Fax Forward to Email or SMB (optional). problems, assisting with error codes, print
allows faxes to be forwarded to email quality, media jams, software installation,
recipients or SMB sites. and more.

8 Xerox® WorkCentre® 7830/7835/7845/7855 Evaluator Guide

Section 2: Evaluating Workgroup
Color Multifunction Printers

New challenges require a new way of thinking about data security. Your
business, and every organization you collaborate with on a daily basis, are parts of a
larger global network. Real work happens over a complex system of interconnected
computers and servers, with countless people simultaneously performing tasks,
accessing and sharing information, and collaborating via email, social media and
many other technologies.
That’s why the Xerox WorkCentre 7800 series helps protect your data at every
® ®

potential point of vulnerability so you don’t have to.

How the WorkCentre® 7800 Series • Protect against threats. The WorkCentre
Exceeds the Security Requirement 7800 series includes McAfee® technology Convenience Authentication
integration, resulting in the industry’s first
• Control the timing of your documents. Xerox® multifunction printers built on
lineup of multifunction printers that protect ConnectKey Technology can be upgraded with
With Secure Print, there’s no need to worry themselves from potential outside threats. optional solutions to deliver even greater cost
about confidential or private documents McAfee’s whitelisting technology ensures control capabilities. They support many card
being left in the output tray, open for viewing only safe, pre-approved files or functions are reader technologies that enable users to log
or even taken by someone else. executed on your devices, minimizing the into the device using a proximity card, student
ID, or security card, providing a secure method
• Protect your confidential information. need to manually update software levels of authentication, tracking usage and billing.
Sensitive data is safe with encrypted PDF against new security threats. Also, seamless
files for scanning and the WorkCentre 7800 integration with the Xerox® Managed Print
series devices are compliant with the 256-bit Services toolset and McAfee ePolicy (ePO)
AES FIPS 140-2 standard. Hard drive image allows for easy tracking and monitoring.
overwrite eradicates data stored on the • Manage Policies. Automatic Cisco® TrustSec
hard disk automatically, at specific intervals, Identity Services Engine (ISE) integration
or on command and hard disk encryption provides comprehensive visibility of all Xerox®
safeguards data while it's stored. ConnectKey®-enabled MFPs’ endpoints
• Secure email. WorkCentre 7800 series to enforce IT-centric security policies and
devices are compatible with mail service compliance.
providers such as Google and Yahoo so that • Stay compliant with regulations.
emails can be scanned to email securely. WorkCentre 7800 series devices comply
• Permit only authorized users. Allow access with the latest security standards across
to the device with user permissions, network industries, including government, finance and
authentication, IP filtering, and smart card, healthcare. These include Common Criteria,
role-based and function-level login. HIPAA, Data Protection Act, COBIT and more.
These devices can conform to any standard,
with controls available to match your needs.

Xerox® WorkCentre® 7830/7835/7845/7855 Evaluator Guide 9

Section 2: Evaluating Workgroup
Color Multifunction Printers
Cost Control

When people work more efficiently, you’ll discover cost savings you never
imagined. You’ll not only accomplish more work, but work that helps grow your
business. And you’ll enjoy the satisfaction that comes from knowing you’re poised to
evolve with emerging technology without investing in new equipment. With Xerox,
you can gain an important competitive advantage with innovative tools that help you
save time, control costs, simplify the way you manage printing in your office, and get a
significant return on your investment.

How the Xerox® WorkCentre® 7800 Reduce Energy Consumption

Series Exceeds the Cost Control • Energy Management. With Cisco
Requirement EnergyWise, enabled by Xerox® Power MIB
Control Costs (Management Information Base), you can
control, manage and report your device’s
• Manage, track and report device usage. power consumption information, and set
Use Xerox® Standard Accounting tools optimal power states and timeout intervals.
to control print quantities and charge-
back options. Advanced solutions from • ENERGY STAR® and EPEAT qualified.
Xerox Business Innovation Partners deliver WorkCentre 7800 series devices meet the
even more helpful tools for larger office stringent ENERGY STAR requirements for
environments. energy use and the EPEAT (United States)
Keep your costs under control.
comprehensive environmental rating system.
• Customize your print driver settings for User Permissions allow the ability to
economy and efficiency. For example, • EA Toner. Our EA Toner with ultra low restrict access to print features by user,
choose N-up for printing multiple pages on a melt technology achieves minimum fusing group, time of day, or by application.
temperature at 68 degrees F (20 degrees C) For example, rules can be set so that all
single sheet as your default. Adjust settings Microsoft® Outlook® emails automatically
for specific applications, such as always lower than conventional toner for even more
print in duplex mode and in black-and-
printing emails in black-and-white. energy savings and brilliant glossy output white; and all PowerPoint® presentations
even on ordinary paper. print in color.
• Secure Print with timed deletion. With
this feature, users are required to enter a • Induction heating. The newly developed,
passcode at the device to release the job and heat-efficient IH fuser does not require
documents not printed within a set time will preheating, which helps reduce power
be deleted. That means less documents are consumption in standby mode by 44%
unnecessarily printed and left at the device. compared to a resistance heating device.
Plus, the device recovers from sleep mode in
• Print responsibly. By default, our print driver less than 10 seconds.
is set to two-sided printing.
• LED scanner. The power consumption of
• Control color output. Administrators can the scanner using LED lighting is 1/3 of
limit users’ print output to black-and-white traditional scanners using fluorescent lamps.
only by applying this setting within the driver.
Visit our website, www.xerox.com/about-
• Reduce unclaimed prints. With the Hold xerox/environment, to learn more about
All Jobs Queue feature, jobs are printed only our environmental stewardship efforts.
when the user walks up to the device and
releases it.

10 Xerox® WorkCentre® 7830/7835/7845/7855 Evaluator Guide

Section 2: Evaluating Workgroup
Color Multifunction Printers
Print Quality

Many factors determine the quality of the print output delivered by a color
multifunction printer. Printhead technology and image resolution, color registration
and accuracy, and intuitive, user-friendly color adjustments are all key components of
a printer’s ability to deliver the results you demand to bring your high-end color print
jobs in-house.

How the Xerox® WorkCentre® information about each LED, the ASIC driver can
7830/7835/7845/7855 Color adjust each diode’s light intensity and timing.
Color By Words: Unique Color Control
Multifunction Printer Exceeds the This ensures uniformity across the entire LED
array – and produces consistently high print Have you ever wanted to change the color
Print Quality Requirement of one object or area in a printout without
quality without compromising the printer’s high-
affecting the rest of the page? With the
Color Registration and Accuracy speed output. Whether printing spreadsheets, Color By Words feature there is no need
With an ASIC driver to control the light intensity presentations or customer collaterals, the to go back to square one and manipulate
of the LEDs in each printhead, HiQ LED offers WorkCentre 7830/7835/7845/7855 delivers source files. You simply select the desired
truly impressive results. color modifications from a drop-down
better dot-to-dot intensity and timing control,
list, and Color By Words will adjust your
and produces more precise color registration. Plus, Xerox® EA Ultra Low-Melt Toner – printout.
HiQ LED handles mis-registration issues chemically grown to produce the market’s
automatically, simultaneously and continuously, smallest, most uniformly shaped particles –
from LED to LED. In fact, tests show that HiQ delivers sharper clarity, excellent shadowing
LED technology corrects color mis-registration and outstanding fine-line detail.
even better than comparable laser printers.
Unique Color Control
Plus, true Adobe® PostScript® 3™, PCL® and
Our “Color By Words,” a powerful-yet-intuitive Original photo not right? Use the Color
XPS give you the power to print visually rich By Words drop-down list and choose
color technology, takes the guesswork out of
documents reliably. “yellow-green colors a lot more green,”
optimizing your color print jobs. With Color By and “red colors a lot more vivid.”
Printhead Technology and Image Resolution Words there is no need to manipulate source Picture-perfect results.
The WorkCentre 7830/7835/7845/7855 files. Users simply select the desired color
Color Multifunction Printer features the modifications from a drop-down list – such as
Xerox® HiQ LED printhead, which offers major “green colors a lot more green” or “red colors
improvements in image quality. a lot more saturated” – and the image is
automatically adjusted.
The “brain” behind the entire print-head process
is our new application specific integrated circuit Harness the Power of EFI Fiery®
(ASIC) driver chip. This high-performance driver Upgrading your WorkCentre 7830/7835/7845/
precisely controls the intensity and timing LEDs 7855 with an EFI Fiery network server gives you
in each printhead to achieve 1200 x 2400 dpi a host of benefits including easy-to-use color
resolution – print quality that’s equivalent to, management tools, enhanced productivity and
and often better than, comparable laser systems. security features and flexible workflow tools.
By continually and automatically monitoring

Xerox® WorkCentre® 7830/7835/7845/7855 Evaluator Guide 11

Section 3: Configuration Summary, Product Specifications,
Finishing Options and Supplies and Support Resources
Configuration Summary
ConnectKey ®

The WorkCentre 7800 Series Color Multifunction Printer is built on Xerox® ConnectKey®
Technology. For more information, go to www.connectkey.com.
Device Specifications WorkCentre 7830 WorkCentre 7835 WorkCentre 7845 WorkCentre 7855
Up to 50 ppm color
Speed Up to 30 ppm color and black-and-white Up to 35 ppm color and black-and-white Up to 45 ppm color and black-and-white Up to 55 ppm black-and-white
Duty Cycle1 Up to 90,000 pages / month Up to 110,000 pages / month Up to 200,000 pages / month Up to 300,000 pages / month
Hard Drive / Processor / Memory Minimum 160 GB / 1.2 GHz Dual-core / 2 GB system plus 1 GB page memory
Connectivity 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet, High-Speed USB 2.0 direct print, Optional Wi-Fi (with Xerox® USB Wireless Adapter)
Controller Features Unified Address Book, Remote Control Panel, Online Support (accessed from the user interface and print driver), Configuration Cloning
Optional Controller EFI Server
Copy and Print
Copy and Print Resolution Copy: Up to 600 x 600 dpi; Print: Up to 1200 x 2400 dpi
First-print-out Time (as fast as) 9 seconds color / 7.7 seconds black-and-white 7.5 seconds color / 7.1 seconds color /
6.4 seconds black-and-white 5.9 seconds black-and-white
Page Description Languages Adobe® PostScript® 3™, PDF, PCL® 5c / PCL 6, XML Paper Specification (XPS®) (Optional)
Print Features Print from USB, Secure Print, Earth Smart Driver Settings, Job Identification, Booklet Creation, Store and Recall Driver Settings, Bi-directional Status, Scaling,
Job Monitoring, Color By Words
Mobile Printing Apple® AirPrint™, Xerox® Mobile Print (Optional), Xerox® Mobile Print Cloud (Optional), Mopria™ certified, Xerox® Print Service Plug-in for Android™
Scan Standard Destinations: Scan to Mailbox, Scan to USB, Scan to Email, Scan to Network; File Formats: PDF, PDF/A, XPS, JPEG, TIFF; Convenience Features: Scan to Home, Single
Touch Scan, Searchable PDF, Single/Multi-Page PDF / XPS / TIFF, Encrypted / Password Protected PDF, Linearized PDF / PDF/A
Optional Software Packages: ConnectKey® for DocuShare®, Xerox® Scan to PC Desktop® SE and Professional, other solutions available through various Xerox Business Innovation
Fax Standard Internet Fax, Fax Build Job, Network Server Fax Enablement
Optional Fax Forward to Email or SMB, Walk-up Fax (one-line and two-line options, includes LAN Fax)
Security  Standard McAfee® Embedded, McAfee ePolicy (ePO) Compatible, HDD Overwrite, 256-bit Encryption (FIPS 140-2 compliant), Common Criteria Certification (ISO 15408), Secure
Print, Secure Fax, Secure Scan, Secure Email, Cisco® TrustSec Identity Services Engine (ISE) Integration, Network Authentication, SSL, SNMPv3, Audit Log, Access Controls,
User Permissions
Optional McAfee Integrity Control, Smart Card Enablement Kit (CAC/PIV/.NET)
Accounting Standard Xerox® Standard Accounting (Copy, Print, Scan, Fax, Email), Network Accounting Enablement
Optional Equitrac Express®, Equitrac Office®, Equitrac Professional®, YSoft® SafeQ®, other network accounting solutions available through various Xerox Business Innovation Partners
Paper Input Standard Duplex Automatic Document Feeder: 110 sheets; Speed: up to 70 ipm (simplex); Single-pass Duplex Automatic Document Feeder: 130 sheets; Speed: up to 133
Sizes: 5.5 x 8.5 in. to 11 x 17 in. / 148 x 210 mm to 297 x 420 mm ipm (duplex); Sizes: 5.5 x 8.5 in. to 11 x 17 in. / 148 x 210 mm to 297 x 420 mm
Bypass Tray: 100 sheets; Custom sizes: 3.5 x 3.9 in. to 12.6 x 19 in. / 89 x 98 mm to 320 x 483 mm
Tray 1: 520 sheets; Custom sizes: 5.5 x 7.5 in. to 11.7 x 17 in. / 140 x 182 mm to 297 x 432 mm
Choose One 3 Tray Option (Total 2,180 sheets): Adds three 520-sheet paper trays; NA
Sizes: 5.5 x 7.2 in. to 12 x 18 in. / 140 x 182 mm to SRA3
High Capacity Tandem Tray Option (Total 3,140 sheets): Adds one 520-sheet paper tray, one 867-sheet paper tray and one 1,133-sheet paper tray; Sizes: 8.5 x 11 in. / A4
Optional High Capacity Feeder (HCF): 2,000 sheets; Sizes: 8.5 x 11 in. / A4 long edge feed
Envelope Tray: Up to 60 envelopes: #10 commercial, Monarch, DL, C5, Large U.S. Postcard, A6, Custom sizes: 3.9 x 5.8 in. to 6.4 x 9.5 in. / 98 x 148 to 162 x 241 mm
Paper Output / Dual Offset Catch Tray: 250-sheets each
Finishing Standard Face up Tray: 100 sheets
Optional Office Finisher LX: 2,000-sheet stacker, 50 sheets stapled, 2-position stapling, optional hole-punch, optional booklet maker (score, saddle stitch)
Integrated Office Finisher (optional with 7830/7835): 500-sheet stacker, 50 sheets stapled, single-position stapling
Professional Finisher: 1,500-sheet stacker and 500-sheet top tray, 50-sheet multiposition stapling and hole punch, saddle-stitch booklet maker, V-Fold
Convenience Stapler: staples 50-sheets (based on 75 gsm), includes Work Surface
Maximum volume capacity expected in any one month. Not expected to be sustained on a regular basis.

For more detailed specifications and capabilities, go to www.xerox.com/office/WC7800Specs.

12 Xerox® WorkCentre® 7830/7835/7845/7855 Evaluator Guide

Section 3: Configuration Summary, Product Specifications,
Finishing Options and Supplies and Support Resources
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Operating Systems Microsoft® Windows® XP (32- and 64-bit)
Windows Server 2003 (32- and 64-bit)
Windows Server 2008 (32- and 64-bit)
Windows Server 2012
Windows Vista (32- and 64-bit)
Windows 7 (32- and 64-bit)
Windows 8 (32- and 64-bit)
Windows 8.1 (32- and 64-bit)
Mac OS 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8
PowerPC AIX 5
Solaris® 9, 10
Solaris SPARC 10
HP-UX® 11v2
Redhat® Fedora® Core 15-17, 19 x86
Redhat Enterprise 4 and 5
openSUSE® 11 and 12
Ubuntu® 12, 10 x64
Itanium HP-UX 11i v3
Media Handling Capacity: 110 sheets (7830/7835), 130 sheets (7840/7845)
Duplex Automatic Document Custom sizes: 5.5 x 8.5 in. to 11 x 17 in. / A5 to A3
Feeder Weights: 16 lb. bond to 32 lb. bond / 60 to 128 gsm
Bypass Tray Capacity: 100 sheets
Custom sizes: 3.5 x 3.9 in. to 12.6 x 19 in. / 89 x 98 mm to 320 x 483 mm
Weights: 16 lb. bond to 110 lb. cover / 60 to 300 gsm
3 Tray Module Capacity: 2,180 sheets
(Optional with WorkCentre Tray 1: Custom sizes from 5.5 x 7.2 in. SEF to 11.7 x 17 in. SEF / 140 x 182 mm to 297 x 432 mm
7830/7835 only) Trays 2-4: Custom sizes from 5.5 x 7.2 in. SEF to 12.6 x 18 in. SEF / 140 x 182 mm to SRA3
Weights: 16 lb. bond to 140 lb. index / 60 to 256 gsm
High Capacity Tandem Tray Option Capacity: 3,140 sheets
(Available with all configurations) Tray 1: Custom sizes from 5.5 x 7.2 in. SEF to 11.7 x 17 in. SEF / 140 x 182 mm to 297 x 432 mm
Tray 2: Custom sizes from 5.5 x 7.2 in. SEF to 12 x 18 in. SEF / 140 x 182 mm to 320 x 458 mm
Trays 3-4: Standard sizes: 8.5 x 11 in. LEF / A4, JIS B5, Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in.)
Weights: 16 lb. bond to 140 lb. index / 60 to 256 gsm
High Capacity Feeder (HCF) Capacity: 2,000 sheets
(Optional) Standard sizes: 8.5 x 11 in. / A4 LEF
Weights: 16 lb. bond to 140 lb. index / 60 to 256 gsm
Envelope Tray Capacity: Up to 60 envelopes
(Optional – Replaces Tray 1) Standard sizes: #10 Commercial (9.25 x 4.125 in.), Monarch, DL, C5, 6 x 9 in.; Custom sizes: 3.9 x 5.8 in. to 6.4 x 9.5 in. / 98 x 148 mm to 162 x 241 mm)
Weights: 20 lb. bond to 24 lb. bond / 75 to 90 gsm
Operating Environment
Required Temperature Range 50° to 82° F (10° to 28° C)
Required Relative Humidity 15% to 85%
Sound Power Levels Operating 6.8 B(A), Standby: 3.6 B(A)
Sound Pressure Levels Operating: 56 dB(A), Standby: 18 dB(A)
Electrical North America Voltage: 110-127 VAC +/- 10% / Frequency: 50/60 Hz +/- 3%, 15 A
Europe Voltage: 220-240 VAC +/- 10% / Frequency: 50/60 Hz +/- 3%, 10 A
Dimensions Width Depth Height Weight
Base Configuration 41.9 in. / 1,064 mm 27.5 in. / 699 mm 45.2 in. / 1,149 mm 321 lbs. / 146 kg
With Integrated Office Finisher 44.4 in. / 1,129 mm 27.5 in. / 699 mm 45.2 in. / 1,149 mm 348 lbs. / 158 kg
(7830/7835 only)
With Office Finisher LX 65.6 in. / 1,666 mm 27.9 in. / 709 mm 45.2 in. / 1,149 mm 403 lbs. / 183 kg
(with Booklet Maker)
With Professional Finisher 75.7 in. / 1,922 mm 27.5 in. / 699 mm 45.2 in. / 1,149 mm 526 lbs. / 239 kg
With Professional Finisher and High 75.7 in. / 1,922 mm 27.5 in. / 699 mm 45.2 in. / 1,149 mm 590 lbs. / 268 kg
Capacity Feeder
Certifications FCC Class A Compliant (US), ICES Class A Compliant (Canada)
CSA Listed (UL 60950-1, Second Edition)
CB Certified (IEC 60950-1, Second Edition)
EPEAT (United States)
Blue Angel
CE Mark
Common Criteria (IEEE 2600.2 standard)
Citrix® Certified
IPv6 Ready
To view the latest list of certifications, go to www.xerox.com/OfficeCertifications.

Xerox® WorkCentre® 7830/7835/7845/7855 Evaluator Guide 13

Section 3: Configuration Summary, Product Specifications,
Finishing Options and Supplies and Support Resources
Finishing Options and Supplies

Finishing Options

2 4

1 2 3 4
Integrated Office Finisher Office Finisher LX* Professional Finisher Convenience Stapler (includes
(Optional with 7830/7835) Work Surface)
• 2,000-sheet stacking • 1,500-sheet stacking plus
• 500-sheet stacking 500-sheet top tray • Staples 50 sheets (based on
• 50-sheet multiposition stapling
20 lb. bond)
• 50-sheet single position stapling • 50-sheet multiposition stapling
• Optional hole punching
• Hole punching
• Optional Booklet Maker (score,
saddle stitch) • Saddle-stitch booklet making
* S hown with optional Booklet Maker • V-Folding

Supplies Description Yield Order Number

Toner Cartridges Black 26,0001 006R01509

(Metered) Cyan 15,000 1
Magenta 15,0001 006R01511
Yellow 15,0001 006R01510

Toner Cartridges Black 26,000 1

(Sold) Cyan 15,0001 006R01516
Magenta 15,0001 006R01515
Yellow 15,000 1

Transfer Belt Cleaner 1 Assembly 160,0001 001R00613

Second Bias Transfer Roll 1 Assembly 200,000 1


Staple Cartridge for Integrated Office Finisher, Office Finisher LX, 5,000 each cartridge 008R12964
Professional Finisher and Convenience Stapler
(1 cartridge per carton)
for Office Finisher LX Booklet Maker 2,000 each cartridge 008R12897
(8 cartridges per carton)
for Professional Finisher Booklet Maker 5,000 each cartridge 008R12925
(4 cartridges per carton)

Staple Refills for Integrated Office Finisher, Office Finisher LX, 5,000 each refill 008R12941
Professional Finisher and Convenience Stapler (3
refills per carton)

Smart Kit®
Drum Cartridge 1 Cartridge 125,0001 013R00662
Waste Toner Container 1 Cartridge 43,000 008R13061
 pproximate pages. Declared Yield based on 5 page job size, 30% color and 70% Black and white ratio, using letter / A4 media. Yield will vary based on media size, image area coverage,
job run length, media orientation and usage patterns.

14 Xerox® WorkCentre® 7830/7835/7845/7855 Evaluator Guide

Section 3: Configuration Summary, Product Specifications,
Finishing Options and Supplies and Support Resources
Support Resources

Unrivaled Service and Support Imaging and Output Management Services Additional Information Sources
Behind every Xerox® product is a large network • Output Management – Single point of WorkCentre 7830/7835/7845/7855
of customer support that’s unrivaled in the management of office output from all output Front Panel:
industry and available when you need it. devices, regardless of manufacturer
• The front panel offers tools and information
Xerox service professionals use leading-edge • Image Capture and Workflow – pages to help with machine setup, feature
technologies to keep you up and running. Cost-efficient solutions for capturing, selections, operational problems, media feed
They’re even linked to the engineers who managing, retrieving and distributing and supply issues.
designed your product, so you can be confident information into digital repositories
when you choose Xerox. And genuine Xerox® Customer Documentation:
supplies are always readily available. Support Services
• Installation Guide
• Technology Procurement and Deployment
Total Satisfaction Guaranteed – A creative and flexible end-to-end print/
• Quick Use Guide
The exclusive Xerox Total Satisfaction computer product acquisition solution that • Software and Documentation CD-ROM
Guarantee, recognized as unique in the uses a single-point-of-contact model while
On the Web:
industry, covers every Xerox® WorkCentre® lowering the total cost of acquisition
device that has been continuously maintained Visit www.xerox.com/office for:
• Help Desk Services – A broad range of
by Xerox or its authorized representatives under • Product, supplies, and support information
enterprise services, managed through a
a Xerox express warranty or Xerox maintenance
centralized single point of contact and • Downloading drivers
agreement. You decide when you’re satisfied.
delivered through either an on-site or off-site
model • Finding your local reseller
Xerox® Office Services Support
• End User Services – Microsoft® software • Online documentation
Asset Management Services
implementation, IT project consulting, and Visit www.xerox.com/office/support for:
• Asset Optimization and Tracking – Process customer education
and tools to optimize an enterprise’s office Support and service information, including the
output infrastructure and reduce hard costs Access Managed Services same troubleshooting Knowledge Base used by
• Student and Library Patron Access – Xerox Customer Support staff to provide the
• Break-Fix Management – Single point of latest technical information on:
ownership and management for break-fix Custom designed and implemented
service of all brands of office output devices, customer-managed solutions • Application issues
regardless of manufacturer • Errors
• Supplies Management – Process and tools to • Print-quality issues
procure, monitor and replenish all document-
• Troubleshooting
related supplies proactively

Xerox® WorkCentre® 7830/7835/7845/7855 Evaluator Guide 15

For more detailed specifications, go to www.xerox.com/office/WC7800Specs.
To view a product video, visit www.xerox.com. Build and configure your own Xerox® WorkCentre®
7800 series Color Multifunction Printer at www.buildyourownxerox.com/connectkey.
Return spent imaging supplies through the Xerox Green World Alliance collection/reuse/recycling
program. For more information, visit www.xerox.com/about-xerox/recycling.

Questions? Comments? Problems?

If you have any questions, please contact your Xerox sales representative or visit us on the web at

©2016 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox®, Xerox and Design®, CentreWare®, ConnectKey®, Copier Assistant®, DocuShare®, Global
Print Driver®, Mobile Express Driver®, Scan to PC Desktop®, Smart Kit®, WorkCentre® and Xerox Extensible Interface Platform® are trademarks
of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Mopria is a trademark of the Mopria Alliance. As an ENERGY STAR® partner,
Xerox Corporation has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR guidelines for energy efficiency. ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR
mark are registered U.S. marks. The information in this brochure is subject to change without notice. Updated 9/16 BR9854 W78EG-01UI

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