12 Anecdotal Records On Progress
12 Anecdotal Records On Progress
12 Anecdotal Records On Progress
Activity :
Behavior Name
Cooperation Works well with Leader of group. Unwilling to work Gets along well with all
others. Shows Respects other with others. Picks students. Helps others
respect for others students fights without being asked
Use of time Uses time efficiently Uses time efficiently Wastes time. Does Manages time well
with some not complete
supervision activities
Willingness to No problem. No problem. Unwilling to follow Follows directions well
follow directions Very well Excellent
Use of motor skills Excellent. Can Excellent. Can Got problem with Excellent but sometimes
manipulate of manipulate of motor skills. Just still needs guidance
dough, cutting, dough, cutting, using same
rolling and sculpting rolling and sculpting technique like rolling
also trying the new
skills example :
Creative person ? Good. Know how to No problem. Know Excellent. Got a lot Good. Make collage in
mixing colour and how to working with of ideas different dough
got many ideas texture, shape and from others
Self-control Shows progress in Always give opinions Show progress in No conflicts just do own
expressing feeling when others in expressing needs but tasks and focus until
Ex: “ It’s really difficult situations something when got finished.
beautiful teacher “ Ex: “ You should do problem, he will
like this not like that harming property
Activity :
1-Shows some self-control (Ex: says “I want that” instead of grabbing toy form 2
another child)
2-Shows some empathy for others (Ex: comforts child who is sad) 3
3-Smiles and seems happy much of the time 2
Social Skills