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Mobile Computing-ياسر

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CHENNAI – 600 025


Diploma in Computer Engineering

Course Code: 1052

M – Scheme

VI Semester DCOMP

Convener for COMPUTER ENGINEERING Discipline:

Mrs.A.Ghousia Jabeen,
Thanthai Periyar E.V.Ramasamy Govt. Polytechnic College ,
Vellore – 632 002

Team Members for Mobile Computing:

Mr. T.Muthamil Selvam.,
Lecturer/(SG) Computer Engg.
Seshasayee Institute of Technology,
Trichy – 620 010

Ms.C.Rita Roselin,
Lecturer / Computer Engg.
Seshasayee Institute of Technology
Trichy – 620 010

Lecturer/ Computer Engg.
Arasan Ganesan Polytechnic College,
Sivakasi - 626 130

Validated By
Mrs. K.Sivagama Sundari,
Lecturer(Senior Grade) /Computer Engg.
Ayyanadar Janakiammal Polytechnic College,
Sivakasi – 626 189


( to be implemented to the student Admitted from the Year 2015-2016 on wards)

Course Name : Diploma in Computer Engineering.

Subject Code : 35262
Semester : VI
Subject title : MOBILE COMPUTING
No. of weeks per Semester 15 Weeks
Instructions Examination
Subject Hours Hours / Internal Board Duration
/ Semeste Assessmen Examinatio Total
MOBILE Week r t n
5 75 25 75 100 3 Hrs
Topics and Allocation of Hours:

Sl.No Topic Time (Hrs)

1 Introduction to Mobile Computing , WiFi , Bluetooth 11
2 Introduction to GSM , SMS ,GPRS , Mobile OS 11
3 Introduction to ANDROID 15
4 VIEWs 14
5 Location Based Service and SQLite 14

Knowing the details of Mobile and their working principle are need of the every
common man. Mobile Application development is the very hot business domain.
Majority of the corporate have a separate division for the development of mobile
applications. It is imperative that students must know the way to apply
advanced data communicating methods and networking protocols for wireless and
mobile devices.
Students must utilize and employ application frameworks for developing mobile
applications including under disconnected and weakly connected environment
They should be in a position to
select components and networks for particular application , creatively analyze
mobile and wireless networks and critically analyze security issues of mobile
and wireless computing systems
 To introduce the characteristics, basic concepts and systems issues in mobile
 To illustrate architecture and protocols in Mobile computing and to
identify the trends and latest development of the technologies in the
 To understand the network protocols governing the mobile communication
 To know the different kinds of mobile OS prevailing in the market
 To know Android OS in detail
 To understand the components of a Mobile App.
 To give practical experience in the area through the development of Mobile
 To design successful mobile computing applications and services
 To evaluate critical design tradeoffs associated with different
mobile technologies, architectures, interfaces and business models and
how they impact the usability, security, privacy and commercial viability of
mobile and pervasive computing services and applications
 To know the development of Mobile apps using database


UNIT -I Introduction to Mobile Computing , WiFi , Bluetooth 11 Hrs

1.1 Introduction : Evolution of Mobile Computing – Important terminologies 3 Hrs
– Mobile computing functions – Mobile computing Devices –
Networks: Wired , Wireless , Adhoc - Comparison of wired and
wireless mechanism - Various types of wireless communication
technologies used in Mobiles, Antennas

1.2 Architecture : Architecture of Mobile Computing – 3- Tier 4 Hrs

Architecture –
Presentation( Tier-1), Application ( Tier -2), Data ( Tier – 3)

1.3 Mobile computing through Telephony: Evolution through telephony 1 Hrs

1.4 Wireless LAN: Introduction - Applications of WLAN – Infrared versus 3 Hrs

Radio transmission – Features of WI-FI and WI-MAX – Bluetooth :
Introduction and application

UNIT-II Introduction to GSM , SMS ,GPRS , Mobile OS 11 Hrs
2.1 Global System for Mobile Communication ( GSM): Introduction – GSM 2 Hrs
Architecture – GSM Entities ( Basics only) – Introduction to CDMA

2.2 Short Message Service ( SMS): Mobile computing over SMS – Short 3 Hrs
Message Service – Strength of SMS – SMS Architecture – Value
added services through SMS – VAS Examples
2.3 General Packet Radio Service (GPRS): Introduction – GPRS Packet 3 Hrs
data Network : Applications for GPRS : Generic Applications, GPRS
Specific Applications – Limitations of GPRS – Features of 3G and 4G
Data Service
2.4 Mobile Operating Systems : Evaluation of Mobile Operating 3 Hrs
System-Handset Manufactures and their Mobile OS- Mobile OS
and their features. Linux Kernel based Mobile OS
UNIT-III Introduction to ANDROID 15 hrs
3.1 ANDROID : Android Versions – Features of Android – Architecture 4 Hrs
of Android –Android Market – Android Runtime (Dalvik Virtual
3.2 ANDROID SDK & ADT : Android SDK – Android Development Tool 3 Hrs
(ADT) – Installing and configuring Android – Android Virtual Device
3.3 ACTIVITIES & INTENTS : Understanding Activites – Linking activities 4 Hrs
and indents –Calling built-in applications using intents – Fragments
Displaying Notifications
3.4 User Interface : Views and Viewgroups – Layouts – Display 4 Hrs
Orientation – Action Bar – Listening for UI Notifications

UNIT-IV VIEWs 14 hrs

4.1 Basic Views : Textview, Button, Image Button, EditText, CheckBox, 4 Hrs
ToggleButton, RadioButton and RadioGroup Views, ProgressBar
View, Auto Complete Text View
4.2 Advanced Views : Time Picker View and Date Picker View – List Views 4 Hrs
– Image View – Menus – Analog and Digital View – Dialog Boxes
4.3 Displaying Pictures & Menus with Views: Image View – 4 Hrs
Gallery View – ImageSwitcher – GridView - Creating the
Helper Methods – Options Menu – Context Menu
4.4 SMS, Phone: Sending SMS – Receiving SMS – Making phone call 2 Hrs
UNIT V Location Based Service and SQLite 14 hrs
5.1 Location Based Services : Obtaining the Maps API Key- Displaying 5 Hrs
the Map – Zoom Control – Navigating to a specific location –
Adding Marker – Geo Coding and reverse Geo coding

5.2 Content Provider : Sharing data – view contacts – Add contacts – 3 Hrs
Modify contacts –Delete Contacts
5.3 Storage : Store and Retire data’s in Internal and External 2 Hrs
Storage – SQLite - Creating and using databases
5.4 Android Service : Consuming Web service using HTTP , downloading 4 Hrs
binary Data –Downloading Text Content – Accessing Web Service

Sl.No. Title Author Publisher
1. Beginning Android 4 Application Wei-Meng Lee Wiley India
Development Edition
2. Android Apps for Absolute Beginners Jackson Apress
3 Mobile Computing Computing Asoke TMGH
K Talukder,
Hasan Ahmed, Roopa
R Yavagal
4 Mobile communications Jochen schiller Pearson


Unit No. Unit Title Page No.

Introduction to Mobile
I 7-20
Computing , WiFi , Bluetooth

Introduction to GSM , SMS ,GPRS ,

II 21-37
Mobile OS

III Introduction to ANDROID 38-103

IV VIEWs 104-168

V Location Based Service and SQLite 169-225

UNIT - I : Introduction to Mobile Computing , WiFi , Bluetooth

At the end of the unit, students can

 Define what is cell, base station, hand-off, cell sector, cell split
 Explain the concept of How Mobile Computing
 Define the mobile computing functions and devices
 Define the various types of networks used in mobile computing
 Explain the general architecture of mobile computing
 Explain the complete concepts behind telephony system
Define the usage of WLAN
 Define Wi-fi and configure wi-fi.
 Define Bluetooth technology and differentiate it with wi-fi


1.1.1 Evolution of Mobile Computing

With the handheld device, conversation between two users at different places is called
mobile communication. Firstly mobile communication deals with voice based conversation.
Now, both audio and video data can be transmitted is possible. People more likable one of
the mobile communication device is Cellular phone. Because, recent cellular technology now
comes with more features such as E-mail, Internet, SMS, MMs, GPS, Games etc.

History of Cellular Mobile Communication

During the travelling time, the communication between the people is more difficult. At the
beginning, the Light source is used to make communication with using of mirrors. When light
is ON referred as Modulated and OFF is referred as Demodulated.

Before Radio Transmission, Lights and Flags are used as the important Wireless
Communication in Navy. In 1897, Guglielmo Marconi invented the wireless telegraph
communication by encoding alphanumeric characters in analog.

In 1946, the first Public Mobile Telephone System was introduced with analog frequency
modulation to cover 50 miles radius. It is not fully suited because it used only 120k spectrum
for voice communication.

In 1960, with the Full Duplex services improved Mobile Telephone System was developed.
Late 1960, Bell Lab was introduced the Cellular with 12 channels which served 534
subscriber. In 1983, the Advanced Mobile Phone Systems (AMPS) functioned with 666
channels. This is the First U.S Cellular System and more flexible. Because, it works with the
Frequency Modulation and Frequency Division Multiple Access.

Later in the year 1991, the Digital Cellular services were introduced with more applications.



 It is the smallest Geographical Area for cellular mobile communication radio

 The shape of the cell is Hexagon.
 Each cell has a Base Station.
Base Station

 Base Station provides function between mobile unit and message switching center.
Base station consists of antenna, control unit and a transceiver. It is located in each
Mobile Unit

 It is a hand held device that communicates with the base station

 A mobile unit is uniquely identified by International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI)
 An individual subscriber can be identified by International Mobile Subscriber Identity.
Cell Splitting

 In high cellular traffic regions, the larger cells are sub-divided into smaller cells for
complete radio coverage.

 When a mobile unit moves from one cell to another cell, the call in progress will be
handed over from one base station to another without disturbing the call in progress.
Control Channel

 It is used for necessary exchange of information which is related to settings regarding

establishment of cell Base Station and the Mobile Unit.
Cell Sectoring

 A single cell can be divided into multiple sectors, where the directional antenna
should focus on each sector.
Traffic Channel

 It is used for carrying data or voice connections between different users.


 When one signal path loses its strength, it is called Fading.

Forward Channel

 The transmission of information from base station to mobile unit is called Forward

Reverse Channel

 The transmission of information from mobile unit to base station is called Reverse

 It is a device used for both transmitted and receiving radio signals.


 Those who pays some amount as a subscription charges for using Mobile
Communication system
Mobile Station

 It is present in the hand held personal unit.

 It is mainly intended its service while in movement at any location.
Full Duplex System

 The communication system which allows two way communications simultaneously.

Transmissions and Reception is done on two different channels.
 Example : Telephone or Mobile Phone
Half Duplex System

 The communication system which allows two way communications at the same
channel. Either Transmission or Reception can be done at a time.
 Wireless Chord
Simplex System

 The communication system which allows only one way communication

 Example : Walkie Talkie

 If mobile station operated its own services from an area other than the subscribed


The following are the few characteristics supported by a mobile computing system.
They are

User Mobility

The user should be able to use the same service when he moves from one place to another.
The service may be remote or home network.

Bearer Mobility

The user should be capable to use to some service even if he moves from one bearer to
another. These bearer are refers to some Service Station.

Host Mobility

The user device can be either a Server or a Client. In such cases, the IP should be given
care if it is on move. The service can be accessible from different locations over different
networks with the same device.

Service Mobility

Though the user changes from one service to another the service should remain enabled.


The following are some of the Mobile Computing Devices available in the market.

Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)

 It is a hand held device

 It allows us to carry much of the digital information.

Tablet PCs

 Tablet PCs are larger and more powerful than PDA’s. It includes specialized
handwriting recognition software.

Notebook Computer

 It is expensive and powerful tool for carrying electronic information.

Smart Phones

 It is the combination of various portable devices such as PMPs, PDAs and Cellular
 It tries to give the single solution for the portable computing needs.

Portable Media Players

 It allows us to carry music files and other digital files.


 It is an inexpensive
 It provides with limited communication capabilities.

Cell Phones

 It provides services like the traditional phone services.

 Some of the facilities of cell phones are Calendars, Contact, Database, e-mail, etc.,

1.1.5 Networks

The following are the network structure available in the Mobile Computing. They

Wireline Network

 A LAN technology with the special types of cable is used to transfer data from one
place to another.
 This network transferred the signals between the system in the form of analog and
 Cables carry radio between signals of different frequencies to transfer
 Due to high installation charges, this type network is very costly.
 Also, Configuration of this network is more difficult
 This is called Wireline Network

Wireless Network

 Computer is connected to one network technology without wires.

 It is used for communication and data transmission with the help of different types of
 It reduces the installation time and cable costs.

Ad Hoc Network

 With the help of network interfaces, two computers link directly.

 We can add more number of computers by link up through a central network Switch
or Hub


Wired Wireless
Installation Difficult Easier
Cost High Less
Reliability High Reasonably High
Performance Very Good Good
Security Reasonably Good Reasonably Good
Mobility Limited Unlimited
Bandwidth High Low
Machines High Power Low Power
Delay Low High
Operation Connected Disconnected


Wireless Communication Technologies are used for the following

 Perform the operation Faster and Efficient

 It raises the standard of human lives.

The different types of Wireless Communication Technologies are;


 No Wires involved
 Enable the links between Mobile Computers, Mobile Phones, Portable Handheld
devices and Internet Connectivity.
 It is mostly used for devices such as Cellphones, Wireless Headsets, Printers,
Mouse, Keyboards, etc.,


 The full form is Infrared data Association

 Its operation speed is 115200 bps
 It uses a series of infrared data pulses to transfer data from one device to another.
 Example : Television Remote Control

Home RF

 It is cheaper than other technology

 This technology lacks an accesses point
 This is used to establish wireless technology only at home
 Some of the devices at home are : Home appliances, Phones, Gaming


 The full form is Wireless Fidelity.

 Accessible Range is upto 50 meters
 Data transfer rate is 7 MBPS
 10 times higher than Bluetooth technology
 User no need to by other access point equipments, when use Wi-Fi
 It is used in Colleges, Offices, Conference Hall, etc.,

1.2 Architecture of Mobile Computing

The diagrammatic representation of mobile computing architecture (Fig 1.1) is as

follows :
Fig. 1.1

This architecture is made up of Three-Tier. They are

Presentation (Tier-1)

A thin client based on hand held device or PC where the user enters action takes place.
Web browsers and customized client programs are included in this layer.

Application (Tier-2)

 This layer plays an important role in wireless LAN applications.

 It aces as interface between the Presentation Layer and the Data Layer.
 It processes the user input, obtains the information and makes the decisions.
 It uses the technologies like .NET, JAVA, ZEND.
Data (Tier-3)

 Data layer includes the database systems in which the processed data can be stored
and retrieved.

1.3 Evolution through telephony

Mobile telephony is the provision of telephone services to phones which may move around
freely rather than stay fixed in one location. Mobile phones connect to a terrestrial cellular
network of base stations (cell sites), whereas satellite phones connect to orbiting satellites.
Both networks are interconnected to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) to allow
any phone in the world to be dialed.

Public mobile phone systems were first introduced in the years after the Second World War
and made use of technology developed before and during the conflict. The first system
opened in St Louis, Missouri, USA in 1946 whilst other countries followed in the succeeding
decades. The UK introduced its 'System 1' manual radiotelephone service as the South
Lancashire Radiophone Service in 1958.

In January 1985 of two cellular systems - the British Telecom/Securicor 'Cellnet' service and
the Racal/Millicom/Barclays 'Vodafone' (from voice + data + phone) service. These cellular
systems were based on US Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS) technology, the
modified technology being named Total Access Communication System (TACS).

In 1947 Bell Labs was the first to propose a cellular radio telephone network. The primary
innovation was the development of a network of small overlapping cell sites supported by a
call switching infrastructure that tracks users as they move through a network and passes
their calls from one site to another without dropping the connection.

In 1956 the MTA system was launched in Sweden. The early efforts to develop mobile
telephony faced two significant challenges: allowing a great number of callers to use the
comparatively few available frequencies simultaneously and allowing users to seamlessly
move from one area to another without having their calls dropped. Both problems were
solved by Bell Labs employee Amos Joel who, in 1970 applied for a patent for a mobile
communications system.

Bell Labs went on to install the first trial cellular network in Chicago in 1978. This trial system
was licensed by the FCC to ATT for commercial use in 1982 and, as part of the divestiture
arrangements for the breakup of ATT, the AMPS technology was distributed to local telcos.
The first commercial system opened in Chicago in October 1983. A system designed by
Motorola also operated in the Washington D.C./Baltimore area from summer 1982 and
became a full public service later the following year. Japan's first commercial radiotelephony
service was launched by NTT in 1978.

The first fully automatic first generation cellular system was the Nordic Mobile Telephone
(NMT) system, simultaneously launched in 1981 in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.]
NMT was the first mobile phone network featuring international roaming.

1.4 Wireless LAN

1.4.1 Introduction

A network that is formed without the use of Cables or Wires is called Wireless LAN. It is also
referred as Wi-Fi Network or WLAN A Wireless LAN is a flexible data communication system
implemented as an extension to, or as an alternative for a Wired LAN within a building or
campus. Using Electromagnetic Waves, WLANs transmit and receive data over the air. It
minimizes the need of Wires connections. Thus, WLAN combines data connectivity with user
mobility and through, simplified configuration, enable movable LANs.

1.4.2 Applications of Wireless LAN

Wireless LANs have a great deal of applications. Modern implementations of WLANs range
from small in-home networks to large, campus-sized ones to completely mobile networks on
airplanes and trains.

Users can access the Internet from WLAN hotspots in restaurants, hotels, and now with
portable devices that connect to 3G or 4G networks. Oftentimes these types of public access
points require no registration or password to join the network. Others can be accessed once
registration has occurred and/or a fee is paid.

Existing Wireless LAN infrastructures can also be used to work as indoor positioning
systems with no modification to the existing hardware.

1.4.3 Infra Red Vs Radio Transmission

The following two different transmission technologies can be used to set up WLANs

Infra Red Light

 This technology uses diffuse, light reflected at Walls (Or) Directed Light if a Line of
Sight (LoS) exists between the sender and receiver.
 Senders can be simple Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) or Laser Diodes
 Photo Diodes act as receivers


 Simple and Cheap

 Available in many mobile Devices (Example : Laptops, Mobile Phones, etc.,)
 No License Needed
 Shielding is simple


 Low Bandwidth
 In this, Direct Connection is gives only the good transaction quality and high data

Radio Transmission

Radio Transmission are used for data transmission with the specifications of GSM at 900,
1800 and 1900 MHz and using the license free ISM band at 2.5GHz.


 Long term experiences made with radio transmission for Wide Area Networks.
Microwaves links and Mobile Cellular Phones are the examples of Radio
 Coverage of larger areas and penetrate walls, furniture, etc.,


 Shielding is not simple

 Very limited ranges of license free bands are available.

1.4.4 Features of WI-FI and WI-MAX


Wi-Fi or WiFi is a technology for wireless local area networking with devices based on the IEEE
802.11 standards. Wi-Fi most commonly uses the 2.4 gigahertz (12 cm) UHF and 5 gigahertz
(6 cm) SHF ISM radio bands.

Wi-Fi Features

Convenient and everywhere

WiFi is a convenient technology and where the range station exists you are online during
travel you can equip with a Wi-Fi network and set up shop anyplace. We will automatically
connect to the internet if you are near hotspot. These days WiFi exist everywhere with all its


With WiFi, we can get a high speed of internet because it is very fast than DSL and Cable
connection you can establish a Wifi network in small space now you don’t need any
professional installation just connect to a power outlet with an Ethernet cord, and start


WiFi security system for Threats makes it more renewable and its tool protect your VPN and
secure web page. We can easily configure the device to take better performance. The
standard devices, embedded systems, and network security make it more powerful.

No Limitation

We can use a “WiFi” network with no limitation because it can connect you worldwide. Also,
we can easily reach to your requirements with WiFi networking applications because the
power consumption is very high as compared to another bandwidth.

High data transmission

Its range is 50 meters with 7 mbps speed for transfer of information. Its speed is 10
times faster than other technologies.

WI-MAX Features


Wi-MAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a family of

wireless communication standards based on the IEEE 802.16 set of standards, which
provide multiple physical layer (PHY) and Media Access Control (MAC) options. Wi-MAX
was initially designed to provide 30 to 40 megabit-per-second data rates, with the 2011
update providing up to 1 Gbit/s for fixed stations.

The following are the some of its significant features

Long Range

Connectivity from long range is much highlighted feature of WiMax. Theoretically it is

believed that WiMax technology provides range up 30 mils (50 Km). However in practical
experience it is observed that it provides range up to 10 km which is still huge break through
in long range connectivity. Users can connect to WiMax base station using SUI from their


Another significant feature of WiMax technology is the connectivity on move. This technology
amaze the world hence increasing the use of WiMax in some parts of the world dramatically.
Especially to the urban places where cables and other network equipments are not feasible
to install. Using its long range feature it provides connectivity on such area where other
means of high speed Internet are not available.

The other major mobility feature of WiMax technology is that connecting devices (Laptops,
PDA etc) can move in certain area and still be connected to the network.


WiMax radio signals are broadcasted to its subscribers from base stations. Base stations are
area where all necessary hardware is installed to provide WiMax with in its range. Since one
Base station covers limited range so connecting multiple base stations to each other
increase that much range for connectivity. Connecting multiple base stations to each other is
not big task and can be perform in few hours.


Accessing WiMax base station is not a difficult task, its long range capability provides
connectivity at home from base stations within the range. To get high speed internet it’s only
required to be because subscriber to WiMax service providers. They will provide you
appropriate hardware to become of the subscriber.

Ease of Installation

Installing the hardware is very easy; it is just plug and play. Hardware mostly connects
through USB ports or Ethernet and connection can be made by clicking just a button.

1.4.5 Bluetooth


Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances from
fixed and mobile devices and building personal area networks (PANs). Bluetooth is managed
by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), which has more than 30,000 member
companies in the areas of telecommunication, computing, networking, and consumer

The Bluetooth SIG includes promoter member companies Microsoft, Ericssion, IBM, Intel,
Agere, Motorola, Nokia and Toshiba, Plus thousands of Associate and Adopter member

Bluetooth Applications

Bluetooth is designed to operate in an environment of many users. Up to eight devices can

communicate in a small network called a piconet. Ten of these piconets can coexist in the
same coverage range of the Bluetooth radio. To provide security, each link is encoded and
protected against eavesdropping and interference.

Bluetooth provides support for three general application areas using short-range wireless
Data and voice access points

Bluetooth facilitates real-time voice and data transmissions by providing effortless wireless
connection of portable and stationary communications devices.

Cable replacement

Bluetooth eliminates the need for numerous, often proprietary cable attachments for
connection of practically any kind of communications device. Connections are instant and
are maintained even when devices are not within line of sight. The range of each radio is
approximately 10 m, but can be extended to 100 m with an optional amplifier.

Ad hoc networking

A device equipped with a Bluetooth radio can establish instant connection to another
Bluetooth radio as soon as it comes into range.


 Firstly mobile communication deals with voice based conversation.

 At the beginning, the Light source is used to make communication with using of
 In 1960, with the Full Duplex services improved Mobile Telephone System was
 Late 1960, Bell Lab was introduced the Cellular with 12 channels which served 534
 In 1983, the Advanced Mobile Phone Systems (AMPS) functioned with 666 channels.
 Some of the mobile computing functions are User Mobility, Bearer Mobility, Host
Mobility and Service Mobility
 Some of the mobile computing devices are PDA, Tablet PC, Smart Phone, Cell
Phones, etc.,
 In mobile computing, the important network structures are Wireline, Wireless and
 Bluetooth, IrDA, Home RF and Wi-Fi are the important wireless technologies used in
mobiles and antennas
 Mobile computing architecture is made up of 3-tier. They are Presentation tier,
Application tier and Data tier
 There are two different transmission technologies can be used to set up WLANs.
They are Infrared Transmission and Radio Transmission
 WiFi is a convenient technology and where the range station exists that are online
during travel we can equip with a Wi-Fi network and set up anyplace.
 Connectivity from long range is much highlighted feature of WiMax. Practically, it
supported up to 10 km.
 Bluetooth is designed to operate in an environment of many users. Up to eight
devices can communicate in a small network.

Review Questions
1. What is Mobile Communication?

2. Define : Cell

3. Define : Cell Spliting

4. Define : Cell Sectoring

5. Define : Handsoff

6. What is a Fading?

7. List out the mobile computing functions.

8. What are the mobile computing devices?

9. What are Wireless devices?

10. Define : Bluetooth

1. What is a Wired Network?

2. What is a Wireless Network?

3. What is Adhoc Network?

4. Give the applications of WLAN.

5. Give the features of Wi-Fi

6. Give the features of Wi-Max

7. Give the applications of Bluetooth

1. Give the introduction and history about Mobile Communication

2. List and explain the important terminologies of Mobile Communication.

3. What are Mobile Computing Functions? Explain

4. Discuss about the various Mobile Computing Devices.

5. Describe the various networks structure in Mobile Computing.

6. Give the comparison between Wired and Wireless Mechanisms

7. List out the various types of Wireless Communication Technologies used in Mobiles,

8. With a neat diagram, explain the Architecture of Mobile Computing

9. Discuss about the Mobile Computing through Telephony

10. Give the applications of WLAN.

11. Give the comparisons of Infrared and Radio transmission

12. List out the features of Wi-Fi

13. List out the features of WI-MAX

14. Give the applications of Bluetooth.

UNIT - II : Introduction to GSM , SMS ,GPRS , Mobile OS

At the end of the unit, students can

 Explain the internal operations of GSM with their usage
 Explain the CDMA benefits and differentiate with TDMA
 Explain the working principles of SMS, strength and its usages
 Define some of the Value Added Services through SMS
 Explain the data transmission through GPRS
 Define the applications of GPRS with its limitations
 Explain the features of 3G and 4G data services
 Describe the evolution of Mobile Operating Systems
 List the Mobile Operating Systems presently available in the market with their use
 Differentiate the Linux Kernel Based Mobile Operating System and its facilities


2.1.1 Introduction

GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communication. GSM is the most widely accepted
standard in telecommunications and it is implemented globally. It is a digital cellular
technology used for transmitting mobile voice and data services.

GSM is the name of a standardization group established in 1982 to create a common

European mobile telephone standard. GSM operates in the bands 850 MHz and 1900 MHz.
GSM makes use of narrowband Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) technique for
transmitting signals. GSM was developed using digital technology. It has an ability to carry
64 kbps to 120 Mbps of data rates.

2.1.2 GSM Architecture

The GSM network architecture consists of three major subsystems. They are;

 Mobile Station
 Base Station Subsystem
 Network Subsystem

The overall architecture of GSM (Fig. 2.1) is

Fig. 2.1
1. Mobile Station (MS):

A mobile station communicates across the air interface with a base station transceiver in the
same cell in which the mobile subscriber unit is located. The MS has two elements. The
Mobile Equipment (ME) refers to the physical device, which comprises of transceiver, digital
signal processors, and the antenna. The second element of the MS is the GSM is the
Subscriber Identity Module (SIM). The SIM card is unique to the GSM system. It has a
memory of 32 KB.

2. Base Station Subsystem (BSS):

A base station subsystem consists of a base station controller and one or more base
transceiver station. Each Base Transceiver Station defines a single cell. A cell can have a
radius of between 100m to 35km, depending on the environment. A Base Station Controller
may be connected with a BTS. It may control multiple BTS units and hence multiple cells.
There are two main architectural elements in the BSS – the Base Transceiver Subsystem
(BTS) and the Base Station Controller (BSC). The interface that connects a BTS to a BSC is
called the A-bis interface. The interface between the BSC and the MSC is called the A
interface, which is standardized within GSM.

3. Network and switching subsystem (NSS)

The NSS is responsible for the network operation. The NSS has one hardware, Mobile
switching center and four software database elements. It provides the link between the
cellular network and the Public switched telecommunicates Networks (PSTN or ISDN or
Data Networks). The NSS controls handoffs between cells in different BSSs, authenticates
user and validates their accounts, and includes functions for enabling worldwide roaming of
mobile subscribers. In particular the switching subsystem consists of:

 Mobile switch center (MSC)

It performs the switching function of the system by controlling calls to and from other
telephone and data systems. It includes functions such as network interfacing and common
channel signalling.

 Home location register (HLR)

The HLR is database software that handles the management of the mobile subscriber
account. The HLR is the reference database that permanently stores data related to
subscribers, including subscriber’s service profile, location information, and activity status.

 Visitor location Register (VLR)

The VLR is temporary database software similar to the HLR identifying the mobile
subscribers visiting inside the coverage area of an MSC. The VLR assigns a Temporary
mobile subscriber Identity (TMSI) that is used to avoid using IMSI on the air. The visitor
location register maintains information about mobile subscriber that is currently physically in
the range covered by the switching center.

 Authentications center (Auc)

The AuC database holds different algorithms that are used for authentication and
encryptions of the mobile subscribers that verify the mobile user’s identity and ensure the
confidentiality of each call. The AuC holds the authentication and encryption keys for all the
subscribers in both the home and visitor location register.

 Equipment Identity Register (EIR)

The EIR is another database that keeps the information about the identity of mobile
equipment such the International mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) that reveals the details
about the manufacturer, country of production, and device type. This information is used to
prevent calls from being misused, to prevent unauthorised or defective MSs, to report stolen
mobile phones

 Interworking Functions (IWF)

It is a system in the PLMN that allows for non speech communication between the GSM and
the other networks. The tasks of an IWF are particularly to adapt transmission parameters
and protocol conversions.

2.1.3 Introduction to CDMA

Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a digital cellular technology used for mobile
communication. CDMA is the base on which access methods such as cdmaOne, CDMA-
2000, and WCDMA are built. The CDMA is a digital modulation and radio access system
that acts as a signature codes to arrange simultaneous and continuous access to a radio
network by multiple uses. CDMA cellular systems are deemed superior to FDMA and
TDMA, which is why CDMA plays a critical role in building efficient, robust, and secure radio
communication systems.

CDMA is altering the face of cellular and PCS communication by:

 Dramatically improving the telephone traffic capacity

 Dramatically improving the voice quality and eliminating the audible effects of
multipath fading
 Reducing the incidence of dropped calls due to handoff failures

 Providing reliable transport mechanism for data communications, such as facsimile
and internet traffic
 Reducing the number of sites needed to support any given amount of traffic
 Simplifying site selection
 Reducing deployment and operating costs because fewer cell sites are needed
 Reducing average transmitted power
 Reducing interference to other electronic devices
 Reducing potential health risks

2.2 Short Message Service (SMS)

2.2.1 Mobile computing over SMS

GSM supports data access over Circuit Switched Data. GSM is digitized but not
packetized. In case of CSD, a circuit established and the user is charged base on the time
the circuit is active and not on the number of packets transacted. GPRS also known as
2.5G, which is the next phase within the evolution of GSM, supports data over packets.
WAP is a data service supported by GPRS and GSM to access Internet and remote data
services. A unique data service of GSM is the Short Message Service (SMS). SMS enables
sending and receiving text messages to and from, GSM mobile phones.

2.2.2 Short Message Service

Today, SMS is the most popular data bearer / service with in GSM with an average of
one billion SMS messages transacted every day around the world. Short Message Service
is a mechanism of delivery of short messages over the mobile networks. It is a store and
forward way of transmitting messages to and from mobiles. The message (text only) from
the sending mobile is stored in a Central Short Message Centre, which then forwards it to
the destination mobile. This means that in the case that the recipient is not available the
short message is stored and can be sent later.

Each short message is up to 160 characters. These characters can be text or binary
Non-Text Short messages. SMS used signaling channels as opposed to dedicated
channels, so that these messages can be sent / received simultaneously with the voice /
data / fax service over a GSM network.

SMS supports national and international roaming. This means that you can send
short messages to any other GSM mobile user around the world.

2.2.3 Strength of SMS

The following are the Strength of SMS

1. Always Connected

As SMS uses the SS7 signaling channel for its data traffic, the bearer media is always on.
Users cannot switch OFF, BAR or DIVERT any SMS message. SMS message is delivered
to the Mobile Station without any interruption to the ongoing call.
2. Self Configurable and last mile problem resistant

SMS is self configurable and subscriber is always connected to the SMS bearer irrespective
of the home and visiting network configuration.

3. Asynchronous

SMS is completely an Asynchronous. In case of SMS, even if the recipient is out of service
the transmission will not be abandoned and the particular SMS will be placed in the
message queue.

4. Stateless

SMS is session-less and stateless as every SMS message is unidirectional and independent
of any contest. This makes SMS the best bearer for notifications, alerts and paging.

5. Omnibus nature of SMS

SMS uses SS7 signaling channel which is available throughout the world.

6. Non-repudiable

SMS message carries the Service Center and the source MSISDN as a part of the message
header through which any SMS can prove beyond doubt its origin.

2.2.4 SMS Architecture

At the beginning, if a user sends a SMS, the SMS first deliver from the MS which is know as
Mobile Station A to SM-SC (Short Message Service Center) Via the Base Station System
(BSS), and then it catch up to the Mobile Station center(MSC) and finally combine with
Interworking MSC (IW-MSC). The following Figure (Fig. 2.2) explain the architecture of SMS.



SMS Content Server
Broker and Software
P Application

Mobile Service Provider Aggregator Content

users Provider

Fig. 2.2

Content aggregator uses the SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-peer Protocol) to maintain
connections with carrier networks.

Content Providers

A mobile content provider is an entity that provides value-added content and

applications for mobile devices.

When a mobile phone user sends an interactive text message to retrieve information,
the content provider returns the information through the aggregator. The aggregator is
responsible for transmitting the message to the end user.

SMS Centers

When the user sends a text message to another user, the phone actually sends the
message to the SMSC, which stores the message and then delivers it, when the recipient is
on the network. This is the store and forward operation.

The use of Short Message Service Center (SM-SC) to carry ahead the SMS message to the
GSM network through a definite GSM-MSC called the Short Message Service gateway MSC
(SMS-GMSC). The SM-SC is allowed to link with several GSM networks and to several SM-
GMSCs in a GSM network. The SMS-GMSC come across the contemporary MSC of the
message acceptor and then step ahead the SMS message to that Mobile Station center,
pursue the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) roaming protocol. The MSC
then Publish the SMS through the Base Station System (BSS) to the destination MSB.

2.2.5 Value added services through SMS

Value Added Services (VAS) can be defined as services, which share one or more of
the following characteristics.

 Supplementary service but adds value to total service offering

 Stimulates incremental demand for core services offering
 Stands alone in terms of profitability and revenue generation potential
 Can sometimes stand-alone operationally
 Does not cannibalize basic service unless clearly favorable
 Can be an add-on basic service, and as such, may be sold at a premium price
 May provide operational and / or administrative synergy between or among other
services and not merely for diversification.

Some examples

 News/Stock Quotes Service

 Session-based Chat Application
 Email through SMS
 Health Care Services
 Micro-payment Services


2.3.1 Introduction

General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) is a packet-based wireless communication service

that promises data rates from 56 up to 114 Kbps and continuous connection to the Internet
for mobile phone and computer users. The higher data rates allow users to take part in video
conferences and interact with multimedia Web sites and similar applications using
mobile handheld devices as well as notebook computers. GPRS is based on Global System
for Mobile (GSM) communication and complements existing services such circuit-
switched cellular phone connections and the Short Message Service (SMS).

GPRS packet-based services cost users less than circuit-switched services since
communication channels are being used on a shared-use, as-packets-are-needed basis
rather than dedicated to only one user at a time. It is also easier to make applications
available to mobile users because the faster data rate means that middleware currently
needed to adapt applications to the slower speed of wireless systems are no longer be
needed. As GPRS has become more widely available, along with other 2.5G
and 3G services, mobile users of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have been able to access

the private network continuously over wireless rather than through a rooted dial-up

2.3.2 GPRS Packet data Network

PDP stands for Packet Data Protocol. The PDP addresses are network layer addresses
(Open Standards Interconnect [OSI] model Layer 3). GPRS systems support both X.25 and
IP network layer protocols. Therefore, PDP addresses can be X.25, IP, or both.

Each PDP address is anchored at a Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN), as shown in
figure (Fig. 2.3) below. All packet data traffic sent from the public packet data network for the
PDP address goes through the gateway (GGSN).

Fig. 2.3

The public packet data network is only concerned that the address belongs to a specific
GGSN. The GGSN hides the mobility of the station from the rest of the packet data network
and from computers connected to the public packet data network.

Statically assigned PDP addresses are usually anchored at a GGSN in the subscriber's
home network. Conversely, dynamically assigned PDP addresses can be anchored either in
the subscriber's home network or the network that the user is visiting.

When a MS is already attached to a SGSN and it is about to transfer data, it must activate a
PDP address. Activating a PDP address establishes an association between the current
SGSN of mobile device and the GGSN that anchors the PDP address.

The record kept by the SGSN and the GGSN regarding this association is called the PDP

It is important to understand the difference between a MS attaching to a SGSN and a MS

activating a PDP address. A single MS attaches to only one SGSN, however, it may have
multiple PDP addresses that are all active at the same time.

Each of the addresses may be anchored to a different GGSN. If packets arrive from the
public packet data network at a GGSN for a specific PDP address and the GGSN does not
have an active PDP context corresponding to that address, it may simply discard the

packets. Conversely, the GGSN may attempt to activate a PDP context with a MS if the
address is statically assigned to a particular mobile device.

2.3.3 Applications for GPRS

Some of the important characteristics of GPRS are Mobility, Immediacy and Localization.
With these characteristics, mobile subscribers can develop varied applications.

In general, it can be divided into two high-level categories:

 Corporation
 Consumer

These two levels further include:

 Communications - E-mail, fax, unified messaging and intranet/internet access, etc.

 Value-added services - Information services and games, etc.
 E-commerce - Retail, ticket purchasing, banking and financial trading, etc.
 Location-based applications - Navigation, traffic conditions, airline/rail schedules
and location finder, etc.
 Vertical applications - Freight delivery, fleet management and sales-force
 Advertising - Advertising may be location sensitive. For example, a user entering a
mall can receive advertisements specific to the stores in that mall. Generic Applications

 It is like information services, Internet access, email, Web Browsing, which are very
useful while mobile
 Due to high bandwidth mobile Internet browsing will be better suited to GPRS
 Access to corporate Intranet can add new dimension to mobile workers.
 Banking over wireless is another generic applications people may like to use while
mobile GPRS Specific Applications

1. Chat

It is used as means to communicate and discuss matters of common interest. GPRS will
offer ubi quitous chat by integrating Internet Chat and Wireless Chat using SMS and WAP.

2. Multimedia Services

 Multimedia objects like photographs, pictures postcards, greeting cards and

presentations, static web pages can be sent and received over the mobile network.
 It can be used for monitoring parking lots or building sites for intruders and thieves.
 This can also be used by law enforcement agents, journalists and insurance agents
for sending images of accident site.
3. Virtual Private Network

 GPRS is used to provide VPN services.

 As the bandwidth is higher so many banks in India are migrating to GPRS-based
 This is expected to reduce the transaction time by about 25%
4. Vehicle Positioning

 This application integrates GPS that tell people where they are.
 Anyone with a GPS receiver can receive their satellite position and thereby find out
where they are.
 Vehicle positioning applications can be used to deliver several services including
remote vehicle diagnostics.

2.3.4 Limitations of GPRS

Although GPRS will provide better data rates than is currently available, there are some

 Speeds of 177.2kbps would require a user to use all eight timeslots without any error
protection - which simply won't happen. Initial terminals are likely to use only 1-3
timeslots anyway, limiting the available bandwidth to a GPRS user.
 When GPRS packets are sent to a destination they are sent in all different directions
- allowing for the potential for one or some of those packets to be corrupted or even
lost altogether during the data transmission over the radio link. This is inherent in
wireless packet technologies so data integrity and retransmission strategies are
incorporated - which in turn result in potential transit delays.
 Although available radio resource can be concurrently shared between several users,
an increase in the numbers of users will slow data services down for each user.


The ITU (International Telecommunication Union) has proposed 3G telecommunications

standards to provide cost efficient high quality, wireless multimedia applications and
enhanced wireless communications.

The features of 3G can be divided into two categories. One is data rates and the other is

 The main feature of 3G technology is that it supports greater voice and data capacity
and high data transmission at low-cost. 3G mobiles can operate on 2G and 3G
 The second major feature is the security: 3G offers greater security features than 2G
like Network Access Security, Network Domain Security, User Domain Security and
Application Security.
 This technology provides localized services for accessing traffic and weather
updates. Video calls and video conference is another major feature in 3G mobile
technology. These features reduce the communication barriers between people that
were not sacked even with mobile phones.

Date transfer rates are high and can support even live TV channels over phone. Online
media is another exciting feature in 3G mobiles. 3G mobiles highly attract the music lovers
as they can listen to music and watch videos online and can download huge files with in less
time. Features of 4G

4Gis referred to the Fourth Generation of Mobile Communications Technology, which

combines 3G and WLAN into one and is able to transmit high-quality video images, and the
quality of image transmission comparable to high-definition television technology products.
Some of the important features are;

 This system based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) as a core

technology. The characteristics of the OFDM technology network architecture is
highly scalable, and has a good anti-noise performance and anti-channel
interference, can provide a higher quality of wireless data technology (high rate,
delay), and better cost performance, able to provide better solutions for 4G wireless
 4G communications gives the most impressive features than it has a faster wireless
communication speed, even the highest you can reach up to 100Mbps speed
transmission of wireless data.
 It is estimated that each 4G channel will occupy the 100MHz spectrum, equivalent to
20 times the W-CDMA 3G network.
 The 4G mobile communications have high intelligence, not only on the performance
of 4G mobile terminals in design and operation, but also on the menu and scroll
operation which are greatly reduced.
 The 4G mobile communication system in the future should have global roaming,
open interfaces, and be able to talk to a variety of network interconnection, terminal
diversification as well as a smooth transition from the second generation of the
 It has a new integration technology such as the OFDM / CDMA, digital audio
 It has many powerful breakthrough technology developed process, such as fiber
optic communications, cover different types of communication interface, which
means that the 4G use routing technology (Routing) based network architecture. Due
to the use of several different techniques, it is much more effective than the 2G
and 3G system.


2.4.1 Evolution of Mobile Operating System

A mobile operating system, also called a mobile OS, is an Operating System that is
specifically designed to run on mobile devices such as mobile phones, Smart phones, PDAs,
tablet computers and other handheld devices. Naturally, the evolution process is driven by
the technology advancements in Hardware, Software and the Internet. The following table
explains the evolution of Mobile Operating System

Year Month Product Name

1996 --- Palm OS 1.0
1997 OCT Palm OS 2.0
1998 SEP Palm OS 3.0
2000 --- Pocket PC 2000
--- Pocket PC 2002
JUN Palm OS 4.0
2002 JUN Palm OS 5.0
2003 --- Windows Mobile 2003
JUN Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Palm OS Cobalt
MAY Windows Mobile 5
2005 OCT Blackberry OS 4.1
Google Acquired Android
JAN iPhone
2007 FEB Windows Mobile 6
APR Blackberry OS 4.2
JUN iPhone OS 2.0
SEP Blackberry OS 4.5
2008 --- Windows Mobile 6.1
--- Android 1.0
--- Symbian OS
FEB Android 1.1
OCT Blackberry OS 5
MAY Windows Mobile 6.5
NOV Samsung Bada 1.0
2009 JUN iPhone OS 3.0
--- HP WB OS
APR Android 1.5 (Cupcake)
Sep Android 1.6 (Donut)
OCT Android 2.0 / 2.1 (Éclair)

JUN iPhone
AUG Blackberry OS 6
OCT Windows Phone 7
2010 MAY Android 2.2 (Froyo)
DEC Android 2.3 (GingerBread)
Symbian^2 OS
FEB Symbian^3 OS
2011 --- Android 3.0 (HoneyComb)

2.4.2 Handset Manufacturers and their Mobile OS

There are phones of every shape and size from a single manufacturer and there are
a lot of manufacturers. Since it’s the age of Smart Phones, Mobile Phones are now almost
powerful. But then again, hardware specifications aside, the heart and soul of mobile phones
are the operating systems. Some operating systems are open source and available to all
manufactures, and some are closed source and used only by one manufacturer. Each
differs in the look, feel, utilization of hardware, number of applications, etc., But most of the
operating system are usually cross-platform. Here, we list some of the handset
manufacturers and their mobile OS.

Sno. Handset Manufacturers Mobile OS Special Features

1. Samsung Electronics Bada OS Multipoint-touch, 3D graphics and of
course, application downloads and
2. Blackberry Blackberry OS Synchronization with Microsoft
Exchange, Lotus Domino, Novell
GroupWise email and other business
3. Apple iPhone OS (IOS) IOS is a closed source, proprietary
mobile operating system that is used on
a wide range of Apple devices that
include mobile phones, portable music
players and a tablet PC.
4. Nokia and Intel MeeGo OS Using Intel Atom and ARMv7
5. Nokia Symbian OS High-level of integration with
communication and personal
information management (PIM)
6. HP webOS improving security features and
7. Microsoft Windows Phone Integration with Microsoft Services like
Xbox Live, Windows Live and Zune
along with third party applications like
Facebook and Google accounts.

2.4.3 Mobile OS and their features

Mobile OS Features
RIM Applications Address, Date Book, Memo
Palm OS 1.0
Pad and To Do List
Palm OS 2.0 Mail and Expense
Hotsync Support, Web Clipping support, native
Palm OS 3.0
8 bit color support
Pocket PC 2002 MSN Messenger, Media Player 8 Enhanced UI
Palm OS 4.0 External File Systems, 16-bit Color Screens
Palm OS 5.0 PACE Emulator, Bluetooth Emulator
Bluetooth Integration, Pocket Internet Explorer,
Windows Mobile 2003
Windows Media Player 9.0
SE Portrait and Landscape Switching for
Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Pocket PCs and WPA
Telecommunication, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
Palm OS Cobalt
Windows Mobile 5 Windows Media Player 10, GPS Interface
.NET Compact Framework V2 SP2, Microsoft
Windows Mobile 6 SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Windows
Voice Notes Option, Email and SMS in
Blackberry OS 4.2
separate folders
Third-Party application Support, Sync Google
iPhone OS 2.0
HTML e-mails, Faster Performance and
Blackberry OS 4.5 improved Multi-tasking, Microsoft Office
Documents ToGo
Threaded SMS, Full Page Zooming in IE and
Windows Mobile 6.1
Domain Enroll
Desktop interactive Widgets, Facebook IM
Symbian OS
Support for saving attachments from MMS,
Android 1.1
Marquee in Layouts, API Changes
Wireless Sync, Blackberry Enterprise Server 4,
Blackberry OS 5
Internet Explorer Mobile 6 and Multi touch
Windows Mobile 6.5
Multipoint-touch, 3D graphics and of course,
Samsung Bada 1.0
application downloads and installation.
Push notifications, cut, copy and paste, Turn-
iPhone OS 3.0
by-Turn Navigation, Voice Memos
Synergy App, Multi-touch gestures and Multi-
Bluetooth A2DP and AVRCP support,
Android 1.5 (Cupcake) Uploading videos to YouTube and Pictures to
Android 1.6 (Donut) WVGA Screen resolution support, Google free

turn-by-turn navigation
HTMLS support, Microsoft Exchange Server,
Android 2.0 / 2.1 (Éclair)
Bluetooth 2.1
iPhone Multi-tasking, folders
New Media Interface, Stronger Social Media
Blackberry OS 6 integration, Multiple Contact Lists, Trackpad
support for Swipe gestures
Tiled UL, loud-based service support,
Windows Phone 7
USB tethering and Wi-Fi hotspot functionality,
Android 2.2 (Froyo)
Adobe Fash 10.1 support
Multi-touch software keyboard, Support for
Android 2.3 (GingerBread)
extra-large screen sizes and resolutions
Native Webkit based browser, 2D and 3D
Symbian^3 OS graphics architecture, UI improvements and
support for external displays through HDMI.
Optimized tablet support with a new user
Android 3.0 (HoneyComb) interface. Three dimensional desktop, video
chat with Gtalk Support.

2.4.4 Linux Kernel based Mobile OS

Linux Kernel based mobile operating system is Android OS. It is developed by

Google Corporation. Android OS give the open choice to the user to modify and add any
new applications without even bring on the notice of Google.

Android is the Linux based technology tat uses Unix as an Operating System. Any one can
upload a new application on the Android Platform as App store to entire free or payable.
These applications uploads by the users can be easily download by the users and enjoy the
additional games, interactive media and business parts.

Thus the flexibility of Android technology makes it more convenient to the operating
system to have this as a base for smart phones.

 GSM is the most widely accepted standard in telecommunications and it is
implemented globally.
 It is a digital cellular technology used for transmitting mobile voice and data services.
 The GSM network architecture consists of three major subsystems. They are Mobile
Station, Base Station Subsystem and Network Subsystem
 Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a digital cellular technology used for mobile
 CDMA cellular systems are deemed superior to FDMA and TDMA, which is why
CDMA plays a critical role in building efficient, robust, and secure radio
communication systems.
 Short Message Service is a mechanism of delivery of short messages over the
mobile networks. It is a store and forward way of transmitting messages to and from
 Each short message is up to 160 characters.
 General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) is a packet-based wireless communication
service that promises data rates from 56 up to 114 Kbps and continuous connection
to the Internet for mobile phone and computer users.
 PDP stands for Packet Data Protocol. The PDP addresses are network layer
 In general, GPRS can be divided into two high-level categories. They are Corporation
and Consumer. Further it divided into Communications, Value-added services, E-
commerce, Location-based applications, Vertical applications , Advertising
 Some of the applications of GPRS are Chat, Vehicle Positioning, Multimedia
Services, etc.,
 The ITU (International Telecommunication Union) has proposed 3G
telecommunications standards to provide cost efficient high quality, wireless
multimedia applications and enhanced wireless communications.
 4Gis referred to the Fourth Generation of Mobile Communications Technology, which
combines 3G and WLAN into one and is able to transmit high-quality video images,
and the quality of image transmission comparable to high-definition television
technology products.
 Naturally, the evolution process is driven by the technology advancements in
Hardware, Software and the Internet.
 Some of the latest mobile operating systems are Palm OS, Windows OS, Blackberry
OS, Android OS, Symbian OS
 Android is the Linux based mobile operating system developed by Google
Corporation that gives the open choice to the user to modify and add any new
applications without even bring on the notice of Google.

Review Questions
1. Define : GSM

2. What is CDMA?

3. Define : SMS

4. What is GPRS?

5. List some handset manufacturers and their mobile OS

6. Expand : VAS

7. Give any two features in Android OS

1. Discuss any two basic entities in GSM

2. Discuss any three strength of SMS

3. Discuss any two Generic Applications of GPRS

4. List out the limitations of GPRS

1. With a neat diagram, explain the architecture of GSM

2. Explain the SMS architecture with a neat diagram.

3. List some of the Value Added Services through SMS with an example

4. List and explain the GPRS Specific applications

5. Give the features of 3G data service

6. Give the features of 4G data service

7. Explain the evolution of Mobile Operating System.

8. List out the different mobile operating systems with their features

9. Explain the Linux Kernel based Mobile OS in detail

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