One Page Hexes
One Page Hexes
One Page Hexes
Snail Farm
Farm Tasks (1D6)
Purchase a Snail: Snails are slow but they are very good at
carrying equipment! Adult snail pets equipped with a carrying
Sights: A large mud field surrounded by a salt fence keeps a pack can hold up to 10 items for the party. Spitz is willing to
herd of snails inside. At the center, a small thatch home can sell an Adult Snail for 50 pips or a Baby Snail for 25 pips.
be seen with a plume of smoke exiting the chimney.
Purpose: Snail shells can be cooked and converted into 4hp, STR 8, DEX 4, WIL 14, Armour 2
quicklime. This in turn is used as mortar for the nearby
settlements. As an added benefit, snail meat is a delicacy in
this area.
1: Amethyst (Purple)
2: Emerald (Green)
3: Opal (Various Colors)
4: Quartz (White)
5: Ruby (Red)
6: Sapphire (Blue)
Ravine: The Ravine has a depth of 200 inches. Its cliffs are
weathered stone with very few handholds. Around the edge
are various trees and stones that could be used to secure a
Rat Snake
18hp, STR 14, DEX 14, WIL 10, Armour 1
Attacks: d6 bite
Snake: A mouse has stolen its eggs. The snake can smell
them inside the satchel. It must retrieve its eggs at all costs.
Help the mouse: The mouse will thank the party. He will
inform the players that a nearby Cat Lord has offered a high
reward for snake eggs for unknown reasons, and will agree to
split the reward with the party due to their heroism.
Hollow Tree
Burz the Guide: Burz has traveled the woods longer than
anyone, and for a fee can lead the party safely to any
destination. He knows all the tricks to avoid owls and cats. He
also sells bobcat urine to mask your scent.
Tulz the Caretaker: Tulz takes care of the hollow tree and
brews mushroom ale for the travelers. He has heard a few
rumors recently.
Sights: In the center of the forest stands a hollow sycamore
tree. Singing and much merriment can be heard from within. A Rumors (1D6)
small crack in the tree has been sealed off of a wooden door.
1: There's an old wizard capable of crafting spells living deep
Inside the Tree: Inside are a party of (1D12) rats. They have inside a blackberry bush.
turned this tree into a well known hunters campsite and will 2: There's a pond nearby that's home to a talking catfish. It
welcome outsiders. Tents are tied up against the base of the guards an ancient treasure.
tree in a half circle and at the center is a small fire. The rats 3: A cat has hired moles to dig a giant tunnel straight down.
have gathered around the fire to drink ale and sing songs. Apparently the cat is looking for something important.
4: The residents of a nearby mouse village have very odd
NPCs: behavior towards outsiders. People think they are part of an
owl worshipping cult.
Rhegan the Snake Hunter: An established dealer of snake 5: Rats are getting sick, some sort of plague is spreading.
goods. Regar will gladly buy or sell snake hides, teeth or 6: Frogs are protecting an underground dungeon.
Hrendul the Tracker: The best rat tracker in the land. Looking
for something? His services are available, but not cheap.
1st Floor: The floor is covered in thick cobwebs. The webs
may slowly be cut through or burned. Touching these webs
requires a STR Save or the target is trapped until cut free. A
trapped creature alerts the windmills residents above. A
wooden staircase leads to the next floor.
2nd Floor: Stacked neatly along the walls are the deposited
cocoons of previous spider meals. Searching through each will
reveal a total of 35 pips as well as a blank obsidian tablet.
1: Barn Owl
2: Great Grey Owl
3: Horned Owl
4: Snow Owl
Owl Lair: A tall dead tree standing in the center of the forest. Near
the top is an entrance with a wide flat branch beneath it.
Sights: Ahead is a very old and dark forest. The trees have wilted Interior (1D6)
and turned grey. In the distance, hoots can be heard from various
owls looking for their next meal. Up ahead standing at the base of 1: A locked vault protecting various magical items
the dead forest is a young mouse scribbling notes. 2: A nest with several sleeping chicks and barrels of salted food
3: A single obelisk that seems to glow as approached
May the Naturalist: May is studying the ecology of various owls and 4: A telescope surrounded by astrology books and maps
would like to observe them more closely. She is willing to pay to see 5: Iron bars holding several mice and bats prisoner
various owl behaviors first hand. Each task is worth 20 pips. 6: Walls are decorated with mouse bones and hunting trophies
34hp, STR 12, DEX 16, WIL 18, Armour 1
Attacks: d6 bite
One Page Hexes is an independent production by Gray Moth
and is not affiliated with Losing Games. It is published under
the Mausritter Third Party Licence. Mausritter is copyright
Losing Games.