AgileOps EventKPI
AgileOps EventKPI
AgileOps EventKPI
March 2022
AgileOps™ EventKPI
Alarm system monitoring and metrics reporting
Enterprise dashboards
Introduction Benefits
AgileOps EventKPI allows the measurement, tracking and Area, site and enterprise level reporting – EventKPI
reporting of key performance indicators for events occurring provides a single alarm KPI solution across your organization
in your facility. EventKPI reports alarm metrics as a result of at the unit, site, or enterprise level. Standard reporting
data analysis which it automatically collects from one or more provides a consistent and repeatable approach to event
control systems. Metrics can be analyzed by the minute, hourly, analysis and reporting.
daily, weekly, monthly or on a yearly basis. EventKPI is designed
Control system agnostic – EventKPI can aggregate data
as an enterprise application that provides the necessary detailed
from multiple control system platforms providing a unified
information from local unit personnel up through complex-wide
view of alarm metrics across the site. Eliminate duplicated
and cross-facility views for the enterprise.
training efforts for platform-specific solutions and easily
AgileOps is compliant with ISA 18.2, EEMUA 191, IEC 62682, transfer skills to other areas of the organization.
API RP1167, 49CFR192.631 and 49CFR195.446 standards.
Create custom reports and dashboards – In addition to
AgileOps is compatible with many control systems including the out-the-box reports included in AgileOps EventKPI,
Emerson DeltaV® and Ovation™, Honeywell Experion® and users have the ability to create custom dashboards and
TDC®, Siemens PCS7® and APACS, ABB 800xA, ABB Advant, reports and publish reports on demand, scheduled or
DOW’s MOD 5, and Schneider Foxboro®, TIS/OMM, triggered by an event.
ClearSCADA, and Yokogawa Centum VP, thus delivering a
complete solution for an entire site with one or multiple
control system manufacturers. In addition, AgileOps also
offers a generic connector for other systems not listed.
AgileOps EventKPI March 2022
Product Description
AgileOps EventKPI allows the calculation and reporting of
key performance indicators on alarms and events occurring
in your facility. EventKPI works specifically to create metrics
automatically for operator actions and alarm events.
The analysis is based on alarm and event data collected
from the control system. EventKPI allows the ability to
incorporate data into enterprise reporting, dashboards and
scorecards, ad hoc query, OLAP analysis, advanced analysis,
data mining, alerting and report delivery. The web-based,
HTML5 dashboards provide a modern, responsive design to the
EventKPI interface.
EventKPI offers two types of users. Analyst users have the ability
to view, edit, create ad-hoc reports, analyze data, generate new
reports and publish them to all users. Reporter users can view
reports, trigger reports to be run automatically and emailed to
them if certain criteria are met or on a preset schedule. 2
AgileOps EventKPI March 2022
Global Service Center Phone Numbers: z Windows Server 2016 with Microsoft SQL Server 2016
Standard or Windows Server 2019 with Microsoft SQL
+1 800 833 8314 (US Toll Free)
Server 2019 Standard
+1 512 832 3774 (US Toll)
Web browser (Microsoft Edge or Chrome)
+63 2 8702 1111 (International)
Ordering Information
Contact your local Emerson sales office or representative for pricing specific to your system.
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AgileOps EventKPI March 2022