Half-size All-in-One
User’s Manual
The information in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to be
accurate. AXIOMTEK Co., Ltd. assumes no responsibility for any infringements of
patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.
ESD Precautions
Integrated circuits on computer boards are sensitive to static
electricity. To avoid damaging chips from electrostatic discharge,
observe the following precautions:
Do not remove boards or integrated circuits from their anti-static
packaging until you are ready to install them.
Before handling a board or integrated circuit, touch an unpainted
portion of the system unit chassis for a few seconds. This helps to
discharge any static electricity on your body.
Wear a wrist-grounding strap, available from most electronic
component stores, when handling boards and components.
Trademarks Acknowledgments
AXIOMTEK is a trademark of AXIOMTEK Co., Ltd.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines
MS-DOS, and Windows ’95/98/NT/2000 are trademarks of Microsoft
Award is a trademark of Award Software, Inc.
IBM, PC/AT, PS/2, VGA are trademarks of International Business
Machines Corporation.
Realtek RTL-8139/A/B/C are registered trademark of Realtek
Semiconductor Corporation.
Other brand names and trademarks are the properties and registered
brands of their respective owners.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction ---------------------------- 1
1.1 General Description .................................................... 1
1.2 Specifications .............................................................. 2
Chapter 2 Jumpers and Connectors -------- 5
2.1 Board Dimensions....................................................... 5
2.2 Board Layout ............................................................... 6
2.3 Jumper Settings .......................................................... 7
2.3.1 Watchdog Trigger Mode Setting: JP7 .......................7
2.3.2 CMOS Clear Jumper: JP5 .........................................7
2.3.3 Power Selection of Flat Panel Connector (VDDM of
CN2,CN14 and CN17): JP1 ......................................8
2.3.4 CN19 RS232/422/485 Settings: JP2, JP3, JP4 ........8
2.3.5 DiskOnChip Memory Segment: JP8........................8
2.4 Connectors................................................................... 9
Chapter 3 Installation --------------------------- 11
3.1 System Memory ......................................................... 11
3.2 Ultra DMA/66/100 Drive Installation ......................... 12
3.3 Completing Installation............................................. 13
Chapter 4 Hardware Description ----------- 15
4.1 Microprocessors........................................................ 15
4.2 BIOS............................................................................ 15
4.3 I/O Port Address Map ................................................ 16
4.4 Flat Panel Bezel Connector ...................................... 17
4.5 Interrupt Controller.................................................... 18
4.6 Enhanced IDE Interface Connector ......................... 18
4.7 VGA Interface............................................................. 19
4.7.1 Flat Panel/CRT Interface Controller ....................... 19
4.7.2 VGA/Flat Panel Connector: CN2,CN14,CN17 ....... 20
4.7.3 Flat Panel Connector Pin Description .................... 22
4.7.4 Flat Panel Interface Pins for Color and DSTN Color
TFT LCD ................................................................. 23
4.8 Floppy Disk Controller .............................................. 25
4.9 Parallel Port Interface................................................ 25
4.10 Serial Port Interface................................................... 26
4.10.1 Serial Ports IRQ Selection...................................... 26
4.11 Real Time Clock and CMOS RAM............................. 26
4.12 Keyboard and PS/2 Mouse Connectors................... 26
4.13 USB Connector .......................................................... 27
Table of Contents v
4.14 IrDA Connector .......................................................... 27
4.15 Power Input Connectors ........................................... 28
4.16 ACPI Connector ......................................................... 29
4.17 PC/104 Connectors.................................................... 30
4.18 AC97 Interface Link Connector ................................ 31
Chapter 5 Ethernet -------------------------------- 33
5.1 Introduction................................................................ 33
5.2 Features...................................................................... 33
5.3 Drivers Supported ..................................................... 33
Chapter 6 Award BIOS Utility ---------------- 35
6.1 BIOS Introduction...................................................... 35
6.2 BIOS Setup................................................................. 35
6.3 Standard CMOS Setup .............................................. 37
6.4 Advanced BIOS Features.......................................... 40
6.5 Advanced Chipset Features ..................................... 45
6.6 Integrated Peripherals............................................... 48
6.7 Power Management Setup........................................ 51
6.8 PNP/PCI Configuration.............................................. 54
6.9 PC Health Status........................................................ 56
6.10 Frequency/Voltage Control...................................... 57
6.11 Load Fail-Safe Defaults............................................ 58
6.12 Load Optimized Defaults ......................................... 59
6.13 Set Supervisor/User Password ............................... 60
6.14 Save & Exit Setup ..................................................... 61
6.15 Exit Without Saving.................................................. 62
Chapter 7 Display Drivers---------------------- 63
Appendix A Ultra DMA/66 Reference ----- 65
Appendix B Watchdog Timer -------------------- 71
Appendix C Connector Pin Assignments - 73
vi Table of Contents
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
Chapter 1
1.1 General Description
Introduction 1
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
1.2 Specifications
VIA EDEN 400MHz, 667MHz or AXIOMTEK 800MHz, 1.0GHz CPU
(other frequency processors are manufacturer optional)
VT8606 (Twister-T) + VT82C686B
Phoenix-Award BIOS, Plug-and-Play 4Mbit Flash Rom SmartView
VGA BIOS Function Integration Ethernet Novell Boot Rom
Standard I/O:
Two serial ports; 1x RS-232, 1x RS-232/422/485
1 x parallel port, SPP/EPP/ECP
1 x HDD Interface
1 x FDD Interface
1 x PS/2 Keyboard Interface
1 x PS/2 Mouse Interface
1 x IrDA interface for wireless communication
System Memory:
1 x 168-pin DIMM socket
Maximum of 512MB SDRAM
L2 Cache:
integrated in CPU
Watchdog Timer:
Generates a system reset or NMI by jumper selectable
Software programmable time interval
64 levels, 0.5~8/5~80/50~800/100~1600 seconds
Realtek 8139C PCI Bus 10/100M Base-T
Wake On LAN (via ATX power supply)
Onboard RJ-45 connector
2 Introduction
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
USB Interface:
2 USB ports; USB Spec. Rev. 1.1 compliant
VIA Chipset Driver
Ethernet Utility and Drivers
VGA Drivers
Introduction 3
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SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
Chapter 2
Jumpers and Connectors
2.1 Board Dimensions
2.11 2.11
161.37 161.54
166.32 166.89
176.40 177.19
180.16 179.53
184.99 184.99
Options Setting
NMI Short 1-2
RESET Short 2-3
1 2 3
Disabled (default) Open
2.4 Connectors
The connectors allow the CPU card to connect with other parts of the
system. Some problems encountered by your system may be a result
from loose or improper connections. Ensure that all connectors are in
place and firmly attached. The following table lists the function of each
connector on the SBC82611VE. Their corresponding pin assignments
are described in Chapter 4 and Appendix B.
Connectors Label
USB Connector CN1
44-pin LCD ( LVDS ) Connector CN2
AC97 Interface link CN3
IrDA Connector CN4
Flat Panel Bezel Connector CN5
Reserve CN6,CN7,CN8
Power Input Connectors CN9 , CN11
Keyboard and Mouse Conntctor CN10
Keyboard Connector CN12
ACPI Connector CN13
44-pin LCD ( TTL ) Connector CN14
FDD Connector CN15
IDE Connector CN16
20-pin LCD ( TTL )Connector CN17
Serial Port 2 ( COM2 ) Connector CN19
Serial Port 1 ( COM1 ) Connector CN20
TV-OUT Connector CN21
VIDEO-OUT Connector CN22
Ethernet1 Connector CN23
VGA Connector CN24
Printer Port Connector CN25
Disk On Chip Connector CN26
CPU Fan Connector CN27
Compact Flash Connector CN30
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
Chapter 3
This chapter describes the hardware installation procedures on the
SBC82611VE for VIA EDEN 400MHz, 667MHZ, or C3 800MHZ CPU
(other frequency) CPU card.
The following is a list of typical peripherals required to build a
minimum system:
Power supply and passive backplane (optional)
IBMTM PC/AT keyboard
Display monitor
Floppy or hard disk with MS-DOS or Flash Disk emulator
Installation 11
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
ATA/33 ATA/66/100
Cable with Cable with
40 conductors 80 conductors
12 Installation
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
Installation 13
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SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
Chapter 4
Hardware Description
This chapter gives a detailed explanation of the hardware features
onboard the SBC82611VE CPU cards.
4.1 Microprocessors
The SBC82611VE supports VIA EDEN 400MHz, 667MHZ,or C3
800MHZ CPU (other frequency processors are manufacturer optional).
Systems based on these CPUs can be operated under UNIX, OS/2,
Windows XP/NT/2000/98/Me and MS-DOS environments. The
system’s performance depends on the installed CPU on the board.
4.2 BIOS
The system BIOS used in SBC82611VE is Award Plug and Play
BIOS. The SBC82611VE contains a single 2M bit or 4M bit Flash
Hardware Description 15
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
Address Devices
000-01F DMA controller #1
020-03F Interrupt controller #1
040-05F Timer
060-06F Keyboard controller
070-07F Real time clock, NMI
080-09F DMA page register
0A0-0BF Interrupt controller #2
0F0 Clear math coprocessor busy signal
0C0-0DF DMA controller #2
0F1 Reset math coprocessor
0F8-0FF Math processor
120 Disable watchdog timer operation (read)
121 Enable watchdog timer operation (read)
122 Watchdog
1F0-1F8 Fixed disk controller
200-207 Game port
300-31F Prototype card
360-36F Reserved
378-37F Parallel port #1
3B0-3BF MDA video card (including CN25)
3C0-3CF EGA card
3D0-3DF CGA card
3F0-3F7 Floppy disk controller
3F8-3FF Serial port #1 (CN20)
2F8-2FF Serial port #2 (CN19)
16 Hardware Description
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
2 4 6 8 10 12
1 3 5 7 9 11
Power LED
This 2-pin connector, designated at Pins 1 and 5 of CN5, connects
the system power LED indicator to its respective switch on the case.
Pin 1 is +, and pin 5 is assigned as -. The Power LED lights up when
the system is powered ON.
Hardware Description 17
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
18 Hardware Description
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
Hardware Description 19
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
20 Hardware Description
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
Hardware Description 21
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
22 Hardware Description
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
P7 UB0 UB0 B5 B7
P6 UB1 UB1 B4 B6
P5 UB2 B3 B5
P4 UB3 B2 B4
P3 LB0 LB0 B1 B3
P2 LB1 LB1 B0 B2
P1 LB2 B1
P0 LB3 B0
Hardware Description 23
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
P15 G11
P14 G01
P13 G10
P12 G00
P11 R12 R13 R15
P10 R02 R03 R05
P9 R11 R12 R14
P8 R01 R02 R04
P7 R10 R11 R13
24 Hardware Description
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
Hardware Description 25
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
Power 5 CN10
26 Hardware Description
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
+5V 1
N.C. 2
Hardware Description 27
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
Pin Description
1 +5V
6 5 4 3 2 1
3 +12V
4 SB5V
6 +5V
CN9 on the other hand, is the –5V and –12V power input connector of
SBC82611VE. The corresponding pin assignment is listed on the
table below.
Pin Description
1 -12V
4 -5V
28 Hardware Description
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
1 2 3 4 5 6
T D _ D _ 5
Hardware Description 29
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
30 Hardware Description
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
Hardware Description 31
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SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
Chapter 5
5.1 Introduction
The SBC82611VE is equipped with a high performance Plug and
Play Ethernet interface which is fully compliant with the IEEE 802.3
standard, and consisting of a RJ-45 connector LAN.
5.2 Features
10Mb/s and 100Mb/s operations
Supports 10Mb/s and 100Mb/s N-Way auto negotiation
Full duplex capability
Full compliance with PCI Revision 2.1
PCI Bus Master data transfers
Ethernet 33
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SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
Chapter 6
Award BIOS Utility
Chapter 7 describes the different settings available in the Award BIOS
that comes with the SBC82611VE CPU card. Also contained here are
instructions on how to set up the BIOS configuration.
When you enter the Setup utility, the Main Menu screen will appear
on the screen. The Main Menu allows you to select from various setup
functions and exit choices.
The section below the setup items of the Main Menu displays the
control keys for this menu. Another section located at the bottom of
the Main Menu, just below the control keys section, displays
information on the currently highlighted item in the list.
NOTE: If you find that your computer cannot boot after making and
saving system changes with Setup, the Award BIOS, via its
built-in override feature, resets your system to the CMOS default
We strongly recommend that you avoid making any changes to the
chipset defaults. These defaults have been carefully chosen by both
Award and your system manufacturer to provide the absolute
maximum performance and reliability.
Halt on All, But keyboard
Select Display Device Auto
Panel Type T9 800x600 TFT
: Move Enter: Select +/-/PU/PD: Value F10: Save ESC: Exit F1: General Help
F5: Previous Values F6: Fail-Safe Defaults F7: Optimized Defaults
At the bottom of the menu are the control keys for use on this menu. If
you need any help in each item field, you can press the <F1> key. It
will display the relevant information to help you. The memory display
at the lower right-hand side of the menu is read-only. It will adjust
automatically according to the memory changed. The following pages
describe each item of this menu.
The date format is <day>, <date> <month> <year>. Press <F3> to show
the calendar.
The day of week, from Sun to Sat, determined by the BIOS, is read
The date, from 1 to 31 (or the maximum allowed in the month), can
key in the numerical / function key
month The month, Jan through Dec.
year The year, depends on the year of BIOS
The time format is <hour> <minute> <second> accepting either function
key or numerical key. The time is calculated based on the 24-hour
military-time clock. For example, 1 p.m. is 13:00:00.
IDE Primary Master/Primary Slave/Secondary
Master/Secondary Slave
The categories identify the types of one channel that have been installed
in the computer. There are 45 predefined types and 2 user definable
types are for Enhanced IDE BIOS. Type 1 to Type 45 are predefined.
Type User is user-definable.
Press <PgUp>/<+> or <PgDn>/<−> to select a numbered hard disk type
or type the number and press <Enter>. Note that the specifications of
your drive must match with the drive table. The hard disk will not work
properly if you enter improper information within this category. If your hard
disk drive type does not match or is not listed, you can use Type User to
define your own drive type manually.
If you select Type User, related information is asked to be entered to the
following items. Enter the information directly from the keyboard and
press <Enter>. This information should be provided in the documentation
from your hard disk vendor or the system manufacturer.
If the controller of HDD interface is ESDI, select “Type 1”.
If the controller of HDD interface is SCSI, select “None”.
If the controller of HDD interface is CD-ROM, select “None”.
If there is no hard disk drive installed, select NONE and press <Enter>.
Virus Warning
This item protects the boot sector and partition table of your hard disk
against accidental modifications. If an attempt is made, the BIOS will halt
the system and display a warning message. If this occurs, you can either
allow the operation to continue or run an anti-virus program to locate and
remove the problem.
NOTE: Many disk diagnostic programs, which attempt to access
the boot sector table, can cause the virus warning. If you
will run such a program, disable the Virus Warning feature.
Security Option
This item allows you to limit access to the system and Setup, or just to
Setup. The default value is “Setup”.
The system will not boot and access to Setup will be denied if the incorrect
password is entered at the prompt.
The system will boot, but access to Setup will be denied if the correct password
is not entered at the prompt.
: Move Enter: Select +/-/PU/PD: Value F10: Save ESC: Exit F1: General Help
F5: Previous Values F6: Fail-Safe Defaults F7: Optimized Defaults
DRAM Clock
This item allows you to select the DRAM clock value, depending on
whether the board has paged DRAMs or EDO (extended data output)
DRAMs. The available choices are 66 MHz and Host CLK.
SDRAM Cycle Length
When synchronous DRAM is installed, the number of clock cycles of CAS
latency depends on the DRAM timing. Do not reset this field from the
default value specified by the system designer. The default setting is 3.
Memory Hole
To improve performance, certain space in memory is reserved for ISA
cards. This memory must be mapped into the memory space below
16MB. The available choices are 15M-16M and Disabled.
P2C/C2P Concurrency
This item allows you to enable/disable the PCI to CPU, CPU to PCI
concurrency. By default, this field is set to Enabled.
System BIOS Cacheable
Selecting Enabled allows caching of the system BIOS ROM at F0000h-
FFFFFh, resulting in better system performance. However, if any
program writes to this memory area, a system error may result.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
Video RAM Cacheable
Select Enabled allows caching of the A/B segment, resulting in better
system performance.
The Choice: Enabled, Disabled.
AGP Aperture Size
The field sets aperture size of the graphics. The aperture is a portion of
the PCI memory address range dedicated for graphics memory address
space. Host cycles that hit the aperture range are forwarded to the AGP
without any translation. The options available are 4M, 8M, 16M, 32M,
64M, 128M and 256M.
OnChip USB
This should be enabled if your system has a USB installed on the system
board and you wish to use it. Even when so equipped, if you add a higher
performance controller, you will need to disable this feature. The available
choices are Enabled and Disabled.
: Move Enter: Select +/-/PU/PD: Value F10: Save ESC: Exit F1: General Help
F5: Previous Values F6: Fail-Safe Defaults F7: Optimized Defaults
ACPI Function
This item allows you to enable/disable the Advanced Configuration and
Power Management (ACPI). The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
Power Management
This item allows you to select the Power Management mode.
The choice: User Define, Min Saving, Max Saving.
ACPI Suspend Type
This item allows you to select the APCI suspend type.
S1 (POS) => Power On Suspend, S3 (STR) => Suspend To DRAM
The choice: S1 (POS), S3 (STR).
PM Control by APM
When enabled, an Advanced Power Management device will be activated
to enhance the Max. Power Saving mode and stop the CPU internal clock.
If Advance Power Management (APM) is installed on your system,
selecting Yes gives better power savings. If the Max. Power Saving is not
enabled, this will be preset to No.
Video Off Option
When enabled, this feature allows the VGA adapter to operate in a power
saving mode.
Always On Monitor will remain on during power saving modes.
Monitor blanked when the system enters the Suspend mode.
Suspend --> Off
Monitor blanked when the system enters either Suspend or
Susp,Stby --> Off
Standby modes.
Monitor blanked when the system enters any power saving
All Modes --> Off
V/H SYNC + This causes the system to turn off the vertical and horizontal
Blank synchronization ports and write blanks to the video buffer.
Select this option if your monitor supports the Display Power
DPMS Management Signaling (DPMS) standard of the Video Electronics
Standards to select video power management values.
Blank Screen This option only writes blanks to the video buffer.
Soft-off by PWRBTN
This only works with systems using an ATX power supply. It also allows
tser to define the type of soft power OFF sequence the system will follow.
This option follows the conventional manner systems perform when power is
turned OFF. Instant-Off is a soft power OFF sequence requiring only the
switching of the power supply button to OFF.
Upon turning OFF system from the power switch, this option will delay the
complete system power OFF sequence by approximately 4 seconds. Within this
Delay 4 Sec. delay period, system will temporarily enter into Suspend Mode enabling you to
restart the system at once.
Wake Up Events
An input signal on the network 2 awakens the system from a soft-off state.
: Move Enter: Select +/-/PU/PD: Value F10: Save ESC: Exit F1: General Help
F5: Previous Values F6: Fail-Safe Defaults F7: Optimized Defaults
PNP OS Installed
This item allows you to determine install PnP OS or not. The options
available are Yes and No.
Reset Configuration Data
Normally, you leave this field Disabled. Select Enabled to reset Extended
System Configuration Data (ESCD) when you exit Setup or if you have
installed a new add-on and the system reconfiguration has caused such a
serious conflict that the operating system can not boot. The options
available are Enabled and Disabled.
Resource controlled by
The Award Plug and Play BIOS has the capacity to automatically
configure all of the boot and Plug and Play compatible devices. However,
this capability means absolutely nothing unless you are using a Plug and
Play operating system such as Windows98. The options available are
Auto and Manual.
IRQ Resources
When resources are controlled manually, assign each system interrupt a
type, depending on the type of device using the interrupt.
DMA Resources
When resources are controlled manually, assign each system DMA
channel as one of the following types, depending on the type of device
using the interrupt:
1. Legacy ISA Devices compliant with the original PC AT bus
specification, requiring a specific DMA channel.
2. PCI/ISA PnP Devices compliant with the Plug and Play
standard, whether designed for PCI or ISA bus architecture.
The default value is “PCI/ISA PnP”.
PCI/VGA Palette Snoop
Leave this field at Disabled.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
Assign IRQ For USB/VGA
Enable/Disable to assign IRQ for USB/VGA. The options available are
Enabled, Disabled
: Move Enter: Select +/-/PU/PD: Value F10: Save ESC: Exit F1: General Help
F5: Previous Values F6: Fail-Safe Defaults F7: Optimized Defaults
: Move Enter: Select +/-/PU/PD: Value F10: Save ESC: Exit F1: General Help
F5: Previous Values F6: Fail-Safe Defaults F7: Optimized Defaults
Power Ma
Load Fail-Safe Defaults (Y/N)? N
To load BIOS defaults value to CMOS SRAM, enter “Y”. If not, enter
Power Man
Load Optimized Defaults (Y/N)? N
To load SETUP defaults value to CMOS SRAM, enter “Y”. If not, enter
Power Man
SAVE to CMOS and EXIT (Y/N)? Y
Power Man
Quit Without Saving (Y/N)? N
Chapter 7
Display Drivers
The Twister-T integrates S3 Graphics ’128-bit ProSavage4
⇔graphics accelerator into a single chip. TwisterT brings ainstream
graphics performance to the Value PC with leading-edge 2D, 3D and
DVD video acceleration into a cost effective package.Based on its
capabilities,TwisterT is an ideal solution for the consumer,corporate
obile users and entry level professionals. The industry ’s first
integrated AGP 4X solution, TwisterT combines AGP 4X performance
with Microsoft Direct-X texture compression and assive 2Kx2K
textures to deliver unprecedented 3D performance and i age quality for
the Value PC obilemarket.5.2 Features
High-Performance 3D Accelerator
128-bit 2D Graphics Engine
DVD Playback and Video onferencing
LCD and Flat Panel Monitor Support
High Screen Resolution CRT Support
Display Drivers 63
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SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
Appendix A
Ultra DMA/66 Reference
Ultra ATA/66 is a low cost extension of the Ultra ATA/33 hard drive
interface that doubles its burst data rate. Also known as Ultra DMA/66
and Fast ATA-2, Ultra ATA/66 allows host computers to send and
receive data at 66.6 MB/s, which is twice the data transfer speeds of
33.3 MB/s of Ultra DMA/33. The result is maximum disk performance
under PCI local bus environments.
At its fast burst data rates, Ultra ATA/66 will go farther than Ultra
ATA/33 in removing bottlenecks associated with data transfers,
especially during sequential operations. Ultra ATA/66 also delivers
heightened data integrity to the EIDE interface through use of a 40-pin
80-conductor cable, and CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) error
detection code. The 80-conductor cable reduces crosstalk and
improves signal integrity by providing 40 additional ground lines
between the 40-pin IDE signal and ground lines. The connector is plug-
compatible with existing 40-pin headers, and the incremental cost for
the cable should be minimal. As with Ultra ATA/33, CRC ensures the
integrity of transferred data.
Ultra ATA/66 is the latest ATA/IDE hard drive data transfer protocol for
moving data between the hard drive buffer and the system memory.
The previous interface was Ultra ATA/33, with a maximum burst
transfer rate of 33.3 MB/s. Prior to Ultra ATA/33 was multi-word DMA
Mode 2 with a maximum burst transfer rate of 16.6 MB/s. Ultra ATA/66
doubles Ultra ATA/33’s maximum burst rate and quadruples multi-word
DMA’s maximum burst rate to 66.6 MB/s.
By increasing the burst transfer rates of IDE drives, Ultra ATA/66 brings
the effective transfer rate of the system’s bus and a drive’s internal data
rate that much closer into balance. Ultra ATA/66 allows system
designers to provide greater system throughput, particularly for long
sequential transfers required by audio/visual applications.
Host data transfer rates must exceed media data transfer rates or else
performance is reduced because of additional revolutions due to buffer
full/empty conditions on reads/writes.
Backward Compatibility
The Ultra ATA/66 protocol and commands are designed to be
compatible with existing ATA devices and systems. Drives
implementing Ultra ATA/66 are fully backward compatible with older
ATA modes, including Ultra ATA/33. It will handle all the data transfer
modes. The slower modes will be supported with a different clock
signal and clock divider. The slower modes previously worked with a
standard 40-pin interface cable, but Ultra ATA/66 requires a 40-pin 80-
conductor cable for modes 3 and 4.
Data Transfer
Rate (max.) Cable Conducto CRC
DMA Mode1 11.1 MB/s 40-pin IDE 40-pin No
Multi-word DMA Mode 1 13.3 MB/s 40-pin IDE 40-pin No
Multi-word DMA Mode 2 16.6 MB/s 40-pin IDE 40-pin No
Ultra ATA Mode 2 33.3 MB/s 40-pin IDE 40-pin Yes
Ultra ATA Mode 4 66.6 MB/s 40-pin IDE 80-pin Yes
Hard drives that support Ultra ATA/66 also support Ultra ATA/33 and
multi-word DMA, and can be used with existing multi-word DMA host
chipsets. Installed PCs without Ultra ATA/66 capability can use new
hard drives in legacy ATA modes at transfer rates up to 33.3 MB/s.
However, by upgrading with an Ultra ATA/66 PCI adapter card and 80-
conductor cable, they can also take advantage of the interface’s newer
speed and data integrity features. Bus timings must be scaled to
transfer up to twice as fast.
4. I don't have a system that supports Ultra ATA/66, can I run the Ultra
ATA/66 HDD in it?
Yes, the HDD will not run in UDMA/66 mode but instead is a
slower compatible mode such as Ultra ATA/33, DMA Mode 2
(16.6 MB/s) or PIO Mode 4 (16.6MB/s)
5. Can I mix Ultra ATA/33 and Ultra ATA/66 drives on the same cable?
Yes, a legacy ATA (IDE) specification drive can coexist with an
Ultra ATA/66 drive. However, for the Ultra ATA/66 device to attain
Ultra DMA 4 mode, an Ultra ATA/66 capable cable is required.
6. What are some common troubleshooting steps?
- Make sure the cable is Ultra ATA/66 capable. An Ultra ATA/66-
capable cable is a 40-pin, 80-conductor cable with a black
connector on one end, a blue connector on the other end and a
gray connector in the middle. In addition, line 34 on the cable
should be notched or cut (this may be difficult to see with the
human eye).
- Make sure the system board is capable of Ultra ATA/66. An Ultra
ATA/66 capable system board has a detect circuit with a
capacitor for detecting line 34 missing on the cable. If there is no
capacitor, the system can wrongly detect the presence of an
Ultra ATA/66 cable and therefore try to configure the device for
a higher transfer rate.
- Some system boards may not successfully handle Ultra ATA/66 on
both ATA (IDE) channels. If you have difficulty, consider
troubleshooting with the device in the Primary Master position.
- Contact the system board manufacturer for the latest BIOS
upgrade and any Ultra ATA/66 special device drivers or patches.
- Make sure the operating system is DMA capable and that the DMA
mode is activated. (For Windows 95/98, check Device Manager |
Drive Settings tab for a check box.)
- Make sure the drive is Ultra ATA/66 capable and has been
configured to run at Ultra ATA/66 transfer rates. (Seagate drives
require an Ultra ATA/66 activation utility.)
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
Appendix B
Watchdog Timer
Using the Watchdog Function
The SBC82611VE CPU card uses version 2.0 of the watchdog timer.
This onboard WDT generates either a system reset or non-maskable
interrupt (NMI), depending on the settings made on jumper JP8 of
SBC82611VE. Follow the steps below to enable and program the
watchdog function of SBC82611VE.
Un-Lock WDT : OUT 120H 0AH ; enter WDT function
OUT 120H 0BH ; enable WDT function
Set multiple (1~4) : OUT 120 0NH ; N=1,2,3 or 4
Set base timer (0~F) : OUT 121 0MH ; M=0,1,2,…F
WDT counting
re-set timer : OUT 121 0MH ; M=0,1,2,…F
IF No re-set timer : WDT time-out, generate RESET or NMI
IF to disable WDT : OUT 120 00H ; Can be disable at any time
Watchdog Timer 71
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
1 2 3 4
0 0.5 sec. 5 secs. 50 secs. 100 secs.
1 1 sec. 10 secs. 100 secs. 200 secs.
2 1.5 secs. 15 secs. 150 secs. 300 secs.
3 2 secs. 20 secs. 200 secs. 400 secs.
4 2.5 secs. 25 secs. 250 secs. 500 secs.
5 3 secs. 30 secs. 300 secs. 600 secs.
6 3.5 secs. 35 secs. 350 secs. 700 secs.
7 4 secs. 40 secs. 400 secs. 800 secs.
8 4.5 secs. 45 secs. 450 secs. 900 secs.
9 5 secs. 50 secs. 500 secs. 1000 secs.
A 5.5 secs. 55 secs. 550 secs. 1100 secs.
B 6 secs. 60 secs. 600 secs. 1200 secs.
C 6.5 secs. 65 secs. 650 secs. 1300 secs.
D 7 secs. 70 secs. 700 secs. 1400 secs.
E 7.5 secs. 75 secs. 750 secs. 1500 secs.
F 8 secs. 80 secs. 800 secs. 1600 secs.
72 Watchdog Timer
SBC82611 Half-size All-in-One ISA CPU Card Series User’s Manual
Appendix C
Connector Pin Assignments
40-pin IDE Interface Connector: CN16
Pin Description Pin Description Pin Description
1 Reset # 2 GND 3 Data 7
4 Data 8 5 Data 6 6 Data 9
7 Data 5 8 Data 10 9 Data 4
10 Data 11 11 Data 3 12 Data 12
13 Data 2 14 Data 13 15 Data 1
16 Data 14 17 Data 0 18 Data 15
19 GND 20 No connector 21 No connector
22 GND 23 IOW # 24 GND
25 IOR # 26 GND 27 IOCHRDY
28 No connector 29 No connector 30 GND-Default
31 Interrupt 32 No connector 33 SA1
34 No connector 35 SA0 36 SA2
37 HDC CS0 # 38 HDC CSI # 39 HDD Active #
40 GND
NOTE : You may only install the speaker (pins 2 & 8), or short pins 4 & 6
(internal buzzer) at one given time.