Foundations of Risk Management FRM
Foundations of Risk Management FRM
Foundations of Risk Management FRM
Currency Risk
Corporate Risks
Risk Portfolio Concentration Risk
AML Risk
1 Identify 3
Name, Categorize,
Understand Rank, Score, Measure,
2 4
Assess Impact
Avoid, Retain,
Mitigate, Transfer Effects, Knock-
Unknown Unknowns
Unexpected Loss
Expected Loss
Unexpected Loss: The losses that deviate from the expected loss
© EduPristine
For [Foundations of Risk Management] (Confidential)
Risk Management Roadmap
Choose instruments to manage risks.
Make day to day decisions.
Establish oversight.
Re-evaluate regularly
It is a continuous and dynamic process.
As business evolves, risks change...New risks emerge, old ones may no longer have same impact.
Risk Appetite Amount and types or risk a firm is willing to accept. It is the amount of risk a
firm is happy to bear an any point in time. Detailed risk appetite statement
is an internal document that is subject to board approval
Risk Capacity
Maximum amount of risk a firm can absorb
Risk Tolerance
Defines boundaries or limits of risk which the firm is willing to accept
Boards Qualification and Compensation Board members should be qualified, individually and collectively
Board’s Own Structure and Practices Composition of independent, executive directors, etc.
Senior Management Should act under oversight of board and report
accurately Governance of Group structures Board of parent firm has ultimate responsibility
Risk Management function Independent function headed by CRO
Risk Identification, Monitoring, Controlling Risks should be measured and monitored continuously
Risk Communication Important within departments and between senior managements and board
Compliance Board should establish a compliance function
Internal Audit Should provide independent assurance to board
Compensation Compensation should facilitate sound corporate governance
Disclosure and Transparency Disclosures to concerned stakeholders should be accurate, timely and complete
Regulatory Compliance
Regulatory Key Risk Indicators Global Risk Committee
Management Policy
Termination/Put Option: Unwinding in case of a trigger event such as downgrade, balance sheet metrics
Reassignment of credit exposure to another party in case of predefined trigger such as a downgrade
Investors Securitization
As monetary policy turned High fee earning, complex
highly accommodative, and opaque product
investors started chasing issuance soared requiring
yields advanced financial
engineering and large
quantities of underlying
Credit Rating Agencies
Some securitized products were awarded ratings higher than fundamentals suggested
Risk viewed in business line, risk-type and functional silos Risk viewed across business lines, functions, risk types
looking at diversification and concentration
Risk Managers work in isolation Risk team integrated using global risk management
committee and CRO
Many different risk Metrics that cannot be compared Development of rational risk management frameworks and
cross-risk universal metrics
Risk aggregated, if at all, within business lines and risk Tools and integrated frameworks make it possible to more
types. Difficulty seeing the aggregate risk picture accurately measure and track enterprise risk
Each risk type managed using risk specific transfer Possibility of cutting risk transfer costs firm wide and
mechanisms integrated instruments
Each risk management approach Each risk management approach is viewed as one
(avoid/retain/mitigate/transfer) often treated separately, component of a total cost of risk, ideally measured in a
with strategy rarely being optimized single currency
Impossible to integrate the management and transfer of Risk management is increasingly integrated with balance
risk with balance sheet management and financing sheet management, capital management and financing
strategies strategies
Data acquisition plays an important role in model risk. Models depend on quality of input data.
BCBS published a set of 14 principles to help banks overhaul risk data aggregation and reporting capabilities (B
BCBS 239 was a major driver in the creation of Chief Data Officer post.
If a bank adheres to BCBS principles, its risk managers will have less uncertainty regarding the accuracy, integ
A bank should design, build, and maintain data architecture and IT infrastructure that fully supports its risk data