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Class 9 Syllabus For The Year 2020-21

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Test Lesson Objective Learning Outcome ICT Details Project Parents Role Remedial

Ch. French Pre Mid  Lining up different The Students will be 9 3
1 Revolution Term, causes of French able to understand
Mid Term Revolution. * The social division
and Final  Understanding of France in the late
about the reasons 18th Century and its Collect Photographs
behind outbreak of the discriminatory aspect. Find about any one Of Great
Video On French
revolution. * understand the Fundamental Rights and Help Children Know Philosopher Like
Revolution, Abolition Of
 Evaluating the result causes of French prepare a write-up More About French Rousseau,
Slavery And Fall Of
of the revolution. Revolution of 1789. highlighting their Philosopher Montesquieu And
 Mentioning the * Will know in detail significance today Voltaire And Write
changes which took how the French 10 Points On Them
place in French politics Revolution broke out.
after the French * To understand the
Revolution outcome and legacy
of the Revolution
Ch. Russian Mid Term  Understanding The Students will be 6 2
2 Revolution and Final about the European able to understand:-
Society. * The major Features
 Knowing about the of Europe’s industrial
social changes that society and social Poster making on the topic
took place as a result change that was February Revolution 1917,
of Industrialization. taking place in the imagine you to be a worker
 Interpreting the early 19th Century. participating in the strike
Explain about The
coming of socialism to * How socialism and the demonstrating that
Movie on Tsar Nicholas First World War Mind Map and Map
Europe. gained prominence followed. Prepare yourself
and his regime and foundation of work (World Map)
 Realizing the factors and popularity in for the same by making the
Soviet state
which led to Russian Europe. following
Revolution. * will understand the -Suitable Slogans
 Analyzing about political development -Banners and Posters
Stalinism and in Russia preceding -Petition.
collectivization. the Bolshevik
 Lining up the global Revolution of 1917
effects of Russian
Ch. Rise of Post Mid  Knowing about the The students Will be 8 2 Video showing The Surf the internet and collect Show movie of Poster making
3 Nazism Term and birth of Weimar able to understand ideology of Nazism the snapshots of Hitler Students will
Final Republic. * How social and The impact of newspapers in India tracking prepare a poster on
 Understanding the democracy evolved in Nazism, Holocaust the development in Germany ideology of Nazism
effects of the war. Europe. during World War II and Map work
 Interpreting political * How the Weimar paste them in your
racialism and economic Republic came into scrapbook
crisis. Existence.
 Understanding * The rise of Hitler as
about the economic the head of Nazi.
crisis of 1923. * understand the
 Understanding ideology of the Nazis.
about establishment of * will understand the
the racial state. legacy left behind by
 Understanding the Nazis.
about Nazi cult of
Ch. Forest Society Final  Understanding the The Students will be 6 2
4 and case for Deforestation. able to understand:
Colonialism  Knowing about the * The major factors
rise of Commercial that led to
forestry. deforestation in the
Video showing
 Interpreting the past.
 An example of
uprising in the Forest. * About the Bastar Help children make
scientific forestry. Conduct a research on well
 Analyzing the Rebellion, its major list of goods of daily
Imperial forest known environmentalists of
effects of forestry rules causes and use which we Map work
Research Institute India and describe any one
on cultivation. consequences. obtain from the
Documentary on in detail
 understanding * the forest forests
Dietrich Brandis.
about forest management policies
transformation in Java of the British and
Dutch colonial
government in Bastar
and Java, respectively

Ch. Pastoralists in Final  Understanding The Students will be 4 2

5 the Modern about pastoral nomads able to understand:
World and their movements. * About various
 Effects of colonial pastoral communities
rule upon pastoral life. inhabiting different
 Knowing about parts of India.
pastoralism in Africa * A board
understanding of how
colonial rule affected
Will show documentary Try to show the
the lives of
video on Raikas and Quiz products made by MCQ
pastoralists in India.
Masaba tribe Tribal societies.
* The changes that
came in lives of
pastoralists in India.
* About the
pastoralists in Africa
and how colonialism
accounted for the loss
of grazing land on a
massive scale.
1 India – Pre Mid  Knowing about the The Students will be 4 2
Size And Term, location of India. able to understand: Prepare a project on
Location Mid Term  Determining the * The location and Andaman and Nicobar
and Final size of India. size of India. islands to reflect the
 Establishing the * will know about the Its Size And Position In following minutes:- Take Oral Answers Extra One Liner Will
position of India in the borders of India. The World. Geography Of The Questions Be Given Along
world. * will learn about the India And Its Neighbour Flora and Fauna Given With Answers.
 Listing up the neighbouring Economy
neighbours of India countries of India.

Ch. Physical Pre Mid  Knowing about the The students will be 4 4 video explaining The group of Lakshadweep Read the text book Map work
2 features of Term, various types of able to understand: The Northern Plains islands is composed of small thoroughly
India Mid Term Landforms in India. * The Phenomenon Deccan Plateau coral islands. What are coral
and Final  Understanding of tectonic plate Islands of India polyps? Search the internet
about the Theory of movement and and find out details about
Plate Tectonics. different types of their h
 Lining up the major plate movement. Habitats and types. Also find
physiographic divisions * will be able to learn
of India. how Indian Landmass
came into existence
about some examples of
due to tectonic plate
Coral reefs around the
world. Add pictures as
* will be able to know
in detail about
physical features of
Ch. Drainage Mid Term  Understand the The students will be 4 2
3 and Final meaning of drainage able to understand:
system and river * In detail about the
basins. inland drainage
 To understand the patterns in India
role of rivers in the including rivers and
evolution of human Lakes.
society. * That there are
 Understand the types of drainage:
Prepare poster
pattern of river Himalayan and Map skill based on Mind map on the
Major rivers and on(Stop river
Systems. Peninsular. identification and location entire lesson
tributaries, lakes and pollution)
 Know about the * How rivers and
Himalayan and lakes are useful and seas Role of rivers in
the peninsular rivers important. the economy, Pollution
 Understand the * How rivers and of rivers Measures to
benefits of Manmade lakes are being control river pollution
and artificial lakes. polluted.
* will know about the
measures to control
river pollution.
Ch. Climate Post Mid  Defining ‘Weather The students will be 5 1
4 Term and and Climate’ and able to understand: Will show a video to
Final distinguishing between * The factors that make children Help children to Will remind the
them. influence the climate Understand the Skill based question on watch video on the children about their
 Knowing about the of India. difference between Study the table and answer recent cyclone visit to Nehru
Climate of India. * The students will weather and climate based on maximum and “Fani” how it Planetarium and
 Correlating the know about the and their minimum temperature of occurred and the compare it to
factors which control seasons of India. elements rainfall. devastation it working of the
the climate of India. * will understand how caused weather
 Interpreting the monsoon serves as a
Indian unifying bond.
Ch. Natural Final  Interpreting the The students will be 5 1
5 Vegetation natural wealth of able to understand:
and Wildlife India. * The factors that
Will show a video on
 Understanding influence the diversity
Vegetation types,
about the factors of flora and fauna in
distribution as well as Help children to
affecting flora and India. Map skills to locate and label
altitudinal variation solve the Map work
fauna in India. * will know about the Bird Sanctuaries, National Extra questions
Need for conservation already solved in
 Knowing the different types of Park, Wildlife sanctuaries.
and various measures. the class
ecosystem. vegetation found in
Major species, their
 Studying about the India.
wildlife reserve and * To develop a board
major medicinal plants understanding of the
gown in India. wildlife in India.
Ch. Population Final Defining and The students will be 6 2 Will show a video on Skill Based question Help children to Will take a recap
6 Understanding the able to understand Literacy, health, Ask your grandparents and solve the map work on the following
meaning of census. * Population Density occupational structure parents if they have already solved in topics like Size,
 Acknowledging the * Population Growth National population migrated sometimes earlier. the class distribution, age-
necessity to have a * Life Expectancy policy: adolescents as Trace it and Analyse the sex
statistical record of * Literacy Rate under-served reasons behind each composition
population of a * Sex Ratio
country. * Age Composition
 Understanding that To develop a
the size and comprehensive Population
distribution of understanding of all change-
Population depends aspect of India’s migration as a
group with special migrations.
upon the geography of population and determinant
the area. demographic of population
 Knowing about the features. change
basic of the National
population Policy of
our Country.
Ch. What Is Pre Mid  Learn To Define The Students will be 4 2
1 Democracy? Term, Democracy able to understand:-
Why Mid Term  List The Features Of * How to define
Democracy? and Final Democracy Appreciate democracy and
The Positive Features understand its key
Of Democracy And aspects. Video Will be Shown Help Children
Criticize The Negatives * The major features About Democratic And Understand More
Of Democracy. of Democracy such as Non-Democratic About Chile,
 Understanding the elections and civil Countries And The Skill – based Questions on Portugal, Myanmar
Mind Map
concept of one person, liberties. Reasons For The Democracy And Nepal Through
one vote, and one * The concept of Rule Adoption Of Case Study To
value. of law in the Context Democracy By Majority Understand The
of Democracy. Of The Countries Concept Better
* How and why
democracy is relevant
compared to other
prevailing form of
Ch. Constitutional Mid  Understand the The Student will be 4 3 Video on How and Write and Decorate the Explain about Comparative study
2 Design Term and meaning and able to understand why did India Preamble of India Nelson Mandela and Indian and South
final importance of a * The constitutional Become a democracy? Dr. B.R Ambedkar African constitution
constitution for a history of south Africa How was the Indian Draw the Preamble
country following the Boer Constitution framed? of India and put it
 Analyze the Wars and the What are the salient on
democratic Apartheid regime of features of class bulletin board
constitution of South racial segregation. The Constitution?
Africa * How the new
 Explain the making constitution came into
of the Indian force in South Africa.
constitution and the * role of constitution
constituent in South African and
Members associated Indian contexts
with it. * How Indian
constitution was
framed and
* The value and
philosophy underlying
the Indian
* The value and
philosophy underlying
the Indian
* The significance of
Constitution in
democratic contexts.
Ch. Electoral Mid  Establishing the The Students will be 4 1
3 Politics Term, reasons for holding able to understand:
Post election. * The Basic
Midterm  Knowing about the significance of
and Final Indian system of Election in the
Elections. context of
 Understanding Democracy. Collect information
DEBATE: - On the topic “Its
about the scenario * About the major Explain the on elections held in
better not to having a
which makes elections features of Picture Interpretation importance of the country at any
government. Besides the
in India democratic. democratic elections. Election level. Display it on
 Lining up the * develop a the bulletin board.
challenges on the face comprehensive
of Fair Election. understanding of
elections in India.
* The democratic
character of Indian
Ch. Working of Post Mid  Understand how a The students will be 5 1
4 Institution Term and major policy able to understand
Final Decision is taken by * The major features
the govt. of the three organs.
 Identify the decision * The composition of
makers. each organ of Will show a video on Help children to
Organise a Quiz on our
 Differentiate government. Parliament Session on solve the extra Mock-Parliament
Government in class
between political and * how government passing of a bill question given
permanent executives functions
 Learn about the * Reservation for the
powers of prime other Backward
minister and the Classes.
Ch. Democratic Final  Imagining life The student will be 5 2
5 Rights without rights. able to understand:-
 Knowing about * how to develop a
rights in democracy. comprehensive
 Lining up the rights understanding of the
in the Indian significance of rights
constitution. in a democracy
 Interpreting the * About the
expanding scope of fundamental right
rights. guaranteed by the
Constitution of India
to every Indian Make an argument for and
Will show a video on Help children write Write all
citizen. against reservation as a
Right of Indian a few paragraph on Fundamental Rights
* How rights are means of bringing about
Constitution Human Rights in class work
enforced. equality in society.
* The rights exercised
in the present
* And learn about
initiatives regarding
the exercise of rights
and freedoms.
* About international
initiatives on human
Ch. The Pre Mid  Introducing one The Students will be 6 4 Video Showing Various Surf the internet to find Make Children Stick The Pictures
1 Story Of Term, basic concept related able to understand-
Palampur Midterm to production through * Economic
and Final an imaginary village Transactions that
‘palampur’. take place within the about the start of Green Of
 Knowing about the economy of a village. Revolution in India and find Factors Of
methods to enhance * what economy out details regarding the Aware of Production
agricultural production. means Farming Activities following heads. Techniques Of In Class Work.
Identifying the land * The interaction Done By Farmers  Measures adopted to Framing Used In Completion Of
use pattern in a village between village and increase production. India And USA Exercise Behind
 Lining up the non- the rest of the world.  Major problems which The
farming activities in a * The meaning of were addressed. Text Book.
village. Production and
Factors of production.
Ch. People as Mid Term  Acknowledging the The students will be 6 2 Visit area of your society
2 Resource and Final role of citizens in a able to understand- and conduct a survey to
country’s development. * Why and how record the following points
 Interpreting the human resource is  What percentage of men
importance of significant. and women are illiterate and
education, training and * About different what percent is literate.
health for being types of economic  How many literate men
prosper in the life. activities. and women are Project on recent
Lining up the * The parameters for undergraduates, schemes introduced
Video on different
economic activities of evaluating the quality matriculates or by Prime Minister
occupation and how Extra Question on
men and women. of human resource. postgraduates? Eg. – Jan Dhan
they help in increasing the related topic
 Understanding how * Different types of  How many literate men Bhim/Aadhar
the national Economy
the quality of people Unemployment. and women are employed? PM – Insurance
determines the level of  How many literate Plan
country’s rate of women are housewives?
growth.  Also find out how
knowing about education helps the families
different forms of residing in this area to
Employment in India manage their daily
household activities in a
systematic manner
Ch. Poverty as a Post Mid  Lining up the official The Students will be 6 1
3 Challenge Term and poverty rates of India. able to understand:
facing India Final  Comparing the * What ‘the Poor’ in
condition of poverty in India signifies.
urban and rural India. * About the indicators
 Identifying the of poverty. Will show a video on Talk Show
indicators of poverty. * What absolute Anti-Poverty measures Help children solve - Poverty
 Defining poverty poverty and relative and Poverty the questions titled Alleviation
Line. poverty means. Alleviation as Reason out Why programs by
 Listing the causes of * To understand the Programmes Government
poverty. concepts of poverty
 Knowing about the and poverty line in
measures taken by the India.
Government to reduce
Ch. Food Security final  Defining food The Students will be 6 2 Will show video on Food CASE STUDY: Take the child to Will ask students to
4 in India security. able to understand: problems n India and About Varghese Kurian nearest PDS shop prepare
 Understanding the * About the sources Different parts of World. and explain them questionnaire based
importance of food of food grains in And also video about Ration Shop on their Visit to
security for a nation. India. describing the famine in and Ration Card Amul Milk Factory
 Lining up the * What food security Bengal in 1943
measures taken by the means.
Indian government to * About the need for
achieve self – food security.
sufficiency in food * About the role of
grains. the government in
 Acknowledging the food security.
poverty Alleviation
Programmes launched
by the government

Activity Subject Name Of The Lesson Brief Description Activity Rubrics

Activity 1 Geog India Size and Location Map marking according to size, location and  Accurate Labeling 5 Mks
neighbouring countries.  Knowledge 5 Mks
 Accurate Descriptions Of
Location 5 Mks
 Index 5 Mks
 Essential Marking 5 Mks

Activity 2 Hist The French Revolution Role Play on King Louis and his court room  Content 5 Mks
 Role 5 Mks
 Preparation 5 Mks
 Overall Impression 5 Mks

Activity 3 Disaster Management Common Hazards Project Work on Disaster Management as directed by  Inquisitiveness 5 Mks
CBSE  Resources 5 Mks
 Subject Matter 5 Mks
 Presentation 5 Mks
Activity 4 Economics People as Resource Make a survey of the people of your locality/ village  Data Collection 2 Mks
and meet some of them. Write why women are paid  Originality 3 Mks
less than men  Presentation 5 Mks
Activity 5 Political Science Democratic Politics Bulletin Board display on violation of fundamental  Quality Of Construction 5 Mks
right that has come in news till date.  Creativity 5 Mks
 Attention To Theme 5 Mks
 Time And Efforts 5 Mks
 Title And Text 5 Mks
Activity 6 Geog Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Scrap book on the flora and fauna that is the state  Organization 5 Mks
animal and the state plant or Tree  Format Appearance 5 Mks
 Creativity 5 Mks
 Content Conventions 5 Mks
 Use Of Self Knowledge 5 Mks
Activity 7 Hist Forest Society and Colonialism Quiz on the lesson  Alertness 5 Mks
 Thinking Skill 5 Mks
 Time Management 5 Mks
 Application Of Knowledge 5
Activity 8 Disaster Management Community based Disaster Project work on Disaster Management as directed by  Inquisitiveness 5 Mks
Management CBSE  Resources 5 Mks
 Subject Matter 5 Mks
 Presentation 5 Mks

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