Iso 9001 Requirements Matrix
Iso 9001 Requirements Matrix
Iso 9001 Requirements Matrix
Compliance Status
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Compliance Status
Preservation of Product Preserve product conformity during internal processing Preserve product conformity during delivery to intended destination Preservation includes identification Preservation includes handling Preservation includes packaging Preservation includes storage Preservation includes protection Preservation also applies to constituent parts Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices Determine monitoring to be undertaken Determine measurement to be undertaken Determine monitoring devices needed to provide evidence of product conformity to determine requirements Determine measuring devices needed to provide evidence of product conformity to determine requirements Establish processes to ensure monitoring can be carried out consistent with monitoring requirements Establish processes to ensure measurement can be carried out consistent with monitoring requirements Assess validity of previous measuring results when equipment is found to not conform to requirements (i.e., out-of-specification) Record previous measurement validity assessments Take appropriate action to repair/replace out-of-specification measuring equipment Take appropriate action for product affected by measuring equipment found to be out-of-specification Ensure measuring equipment calibration results records are maintained Ensure measuring equipments verification results records are maintained Prior to initial use, confirm computer softwares ability to satisfy requirements when used in monitoring or measurement to specified requirements Reconfirm, as necessary, computer softwares ability to satisfy requirements when used in monitoring or measurement to specified
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Compliance Status
ISO 8.3 ISO 8.3 ISO 8.3 ISO 8.3 ISO 8.3 ISO 8.3 ISO 8.3 ISO 8.3 ISO 8.3 ISO 8.3.a ISO 8.3.b
Control of Nonconforming Product Ensure nonconforming product is identified Ensure nonconforming product is controlled to prevent unintended use Ensure nonconforming material is controlled to prevent unintended delivery Have a documented procedure that defines the controls and related responsibilities and authorities for dealing with nonconforming product Maintain records of nonconformities including subsequent actions taken and concessions obtained (if applicable) Re-verify corrected nonconforming product to demonstrate conformity to requirements Take appropriate action regarding the effects or potential effects of nonconforming product detected after delivery Take appropriate action regarding the effects or potential effects of nonconforming product detected after the product has been put in use One method to deal with nonconforming product is to take action to eliminate the detected nonconformity (e.g., rework or standard repair)
(Note: use this or another defined method)
One method to deal with nonconforming product is to authorize its use, release, or acceptance by concession of a relevant authority and, where applicable, by the customer (e.g. material review board use-as-is or nonstandard repair)
(Note: use this or another defined method)
ISO 8.3.c
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Compliance Status
Analysis of Data Determine appropriate data to demonstrate QMS suitability Determine appropriate data to determine QMS effectiveness Collect data to determine QMS suitability Collect data to determine QMS effectiveness Analyze data to determine QMS suitability Analyze data to determine QMS effectivity Evaluate continuous improvement opportunities related to QMS effectiveness Include data as a result of monitoring activities Include data as a result of measurement activities Include other relevant data Data analysis includes customer satisfaction information Data analysis includes product conformity information Data analysis includes process characteristic information Data analysis includes product characteristic information Data analysis includes process trend information Data analysis includes product trend information Data analysis includes opportunities for preventative actions Data analysis includes supplier information Improvement Continual Improvement Continually improve QMS effectiveness using quality policy Continually improve QMS effectiveness using quality objectives Continually improve QMS effectiveness using audit results Continually improve QMS effectiveness using data analysis Continually improve QMS effectiveness using corrective actions Continually improve QMS effectiveness using preventative actions Continually improve QMS effectiveness using management reviews Corrective Action Take action to eliminate causes of nonconformance to prevent recurrence Ensure corrective actions are appropriate to the nonconformance effects Establish a documented procedure that defines nonconformance review requirements
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