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Resumen Unidad 1 y 2 Bioinformatica

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Summary of Bioinformatics Concepts:

1. Early Development: Bioinformatics originated in the 1960s, with Margaret Dayhoff's creation of
the first protein sequence database called the Atlas of Protein Sequence and Structure. The term
"bioinformatics" was coined in 1978 by Paulien Hogeweg.

2. Definition: Bioinformatics is the discipline that uses computers and computational techniques to
analyze biological macromolecules, such as DNA and proteins. It encompasses the study of
structure, function, regulation, and interaction networks of genes and proteins.

3. Goal: The ultimate goal of bioinformatics is to analyze and predict the structure, organization,
function, regulation, and dynamics of entire genomes.

4. Central Dogma of Life: Genetic information is encoded using a 4-letter alphabet (DNA bases) and
translated into proteins using a 20-letter alphabet (amino acids). Proteins fold into three-
dimensional structures that perform essential functions in organisms.

5. Genome Sizes: Different organisms have varying genome sizes, with viruses having around 280
genes, bacteria having around 4,000 genes, insects having around 15,000 genes, humans having
around 30,000 genes, and plants having around 28,000 genes.

6. Applications: Bioinformatics has various applications, including structure analysis, sequence

analysis, and function analysis. It is used in knowledge-based drug design, forensic DNA analysis,
personalized medicine, and agricultural biotechnology.

7. Limitations: It is important to recognize the limitations of bioinformatics and avoid over-reliance

on its output. Bioinformatics is complementary to experimental biology, and it depends on
experimental data for analysis. Sequence data can contain errors, and incorrect annotations can
lead to misleading downstream analysis. Bioinformatics algorithms may lack biological sense or
require significant computing power, leading to trade-offs between accuracy and feasibility.

8. Database: A database is a computerized archive that stores and organizes data, allowing easy
retrieval based on various search criteria. Biological databases are essential for storing and sharing
massive amounts of genomic data, 3D structures, gel analysis, and more.
9. Types of Databases: Primary databases contain experimentally derived sequence information
and annotations, while secondary databases curate and analyze data derived from primary sources
to generate new knowledge.

10. Database Retrieval: Entrez is a biological database retrieval system developed and maintained
by NCBI. It provides access to annotated genetic sequence information, structural data, citations,
abstracts, full papers, and taxonomic data.

11. Database Search Strategies: Effective search strategies involve using logical operators (AND, OR,
NOT), specific search terms, and variants of spelling and numbers. It is crucial to search multiple
databases and be persistent in the search process.

12. Biological Sequence Data Formats: Different file formats are used to store DNA, RNA, and
protein sequence information. Common formats include GenBank/EMBL for detailed annotations,
FASTA for simple descriptions and sequences, ABI for sequencing trace data, and PDB for
macromolecular structure data.

By understanding these concepts, you'll have a solid foundation in bioinformatics, its applications,
limitations, and the use of databases and sequence data formats in biological research.

Sequence formats are used to store and present biological sequence data, such as DNA, RNA, and
protein sequences. These formats define the structure and content of the text in a file, including
the sequence itself, identifier names, and additional information.

Here are some standard biological sequence data formats:

1. GenBank/EMBL: GenBank and EMBL are commonly used formats for storing DNA and protein
sequence data. They include detailed descriptions about the sequence, such as organism, gene
name, and functional annotations.

2. FASTA: The FASTA format is widely used for storing reference sequences. It consists of a single-
line description followed by the sequence data. FASTA format can be used for both nucleotide and
protein sequences and follows the IUPAC code for coding the sequences.
3. Multi-Fasta: Multi-Fasta is a file format that contains multiple descriptions and sequences. It is
similar to the FASTA format but allows for storing multiple sequences in a single file, each with its
own description.

4. ABI: ABI is a binary file format used for storing Sanger sequencing sequence and trace data. It is
primarily used by sequencing facilities and requires specialized readers to view the trace data and
extract the sequence.

5. Clustal: Clustal is a format used for multiple sequence alignment. It stores aligned sequences and
can be used by various sequence alignment tools.

6. Swiss-Prot: Swiss-Prot is a format used for protein sequence databases. It includes detailed
annotations, functional information, and cross-references to other databases.

7. PDB: The Protein Data Bank (PDB) format is used for storing macromolecular structure data
derived from X-ray diffraction and NMR studies. It includes atomic coordinates, experimental data,
secondary structure information, and other metadata.

These are just a few examples of the many sequence data formats used in bioinformatics. Each
format has its own purpose and advantages, and they can often be converted from one format to
another for easier access and sharing of data.

To understand the concepts related to biological sequence data formats and sequence alignment,
here are some key terms you should familiarize yourself with:

1. Biological Sequence: A series of letters representing nucleotides (in DNA or RNA) or amino acids
(in proteins) arranged in a specific order.

2. Sequence Format: The layout and content specifications for storing and presenting biological
sequence data in a file.

3. Sequence Identifier: A unique name or accession number assigned to a biological sequence to

identify and differentiate it from others.
4. Non-Printable Control Characters: Characters that are not intended to be printed or viewed
directly but rather serve control or formatting purposes in a file.

5. Raw Sequence: Biological sequence data without any additional description or annotations.

6. FASTA Format: A commonly used file format for storing biological sequences. It consists of a
single-line description followed by the sequence data.

7. Multi-FASTA: A file format that contains multiple descriptions and sequences in FASTA format.

8. GenBank Record: A file format that includes detailed information about a biological sequence,
such as annotations, features, and references, in addition to the sequence data.

9. ABI Format: A binary file format used to store sanger sequencing sequence and trace data.

10. PDB Format: The Protein Data Bank format, which provides a standard representation for
macromolecular structure data derived from X-ray diffraction and NMR studies.

11. Sequence Identity: The presence of the same residues at corresponding positions in two
compared sequences.

12. Sequence Similarity: The presence of similar residues (not necessarily identical) at
corresponding positions in two compared sequences.

13. Sequence Homology: The relationship between two sequences that have a common
evolutionary origin or ancestor.

14. Global Alignment: A sequence alignment method that compares and aligns the entire length of
two sequences.

15. Local Alignment: A sequence alignment method that focuses on finding the most similar
regions between two sequences.
16. Dot Matrix Method: A basic alignment method that uses a graphical representation to compare
two sequences.

17. Dynamic Programming Method: An alignment method that determines the optimal alignment
by considering all possible pairs of characters between two sequences.

18. Scoring Matrix: A matrix that assigns scores to residue pairs based on their likelihood of being
substituted in alignments.

19. Gap Penalty: A penalty assigned for introducing gaps (insertions or deletions) in an alignment.

20. PAM (Point Accepted Mutation): A series of substitution matrices based on an evolutionary
model of accepted mutations.

21. BLOSUM (Blocks Substitution Matrices): Scoring matrices derived from direct observations of
conserved amino acid patterns in multiple sequence alignments.

These terms should provide a solid foundation for understanding biological sequence data formats
and sequence alignment concepts.

In addition to the terms related to biological sequence data formats and sequence alignment, here
are some extra pieces of information that can enhance your understanding:

1. Bioinformatics: The interdisciplinary field that combines biology and computer science to
analyze and interpret biological data, including biological sequences.

2. Nucleotide: The building blocks of DNA and RNA, which include adenine (A), cytosine (C),
guanine (G), and thymine (T) in DNA, and uracil (U) in RNA.

3. Amino Acid: The building blocks of proteins, which include alanine (Ala), glycine (Gly), lysine
(Lys), and many others. There are 20 standard amino acids.
4. Open Reading Frame (ORF): A sequence of DNA or RNA that has the potential to be translated
into a protein.

5. BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool): A popular algorithm and software tool used for
sequence comparison and searching sequence databases for similar sequences.

6. Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA): The process of aligning three or more biological sequences
to identify conserved regions and infer evolutionary relationships.

7. Conserved Region: A segment of a biological sequence that remains similar or unchanged across
different organisms, indicating functional or structural importance.

8. Phylogenetic Tree: A branching diagram that represents the evolutionary relationships among
different species or sequences.

9. Hidden Markov Models (HMM): Statistical models used for representing and analyzing
sequences with unknown or hidden states.

10. Protein Structure Prediction: The process of inferring the three-dimensional structure of a
protein from its amino acid sequence.

11. Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS): High-throughput sequencing technologies that enable

rapid and cost-effective sequencing of large amounts of DNA or RNA.

12. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP): A variation in a single nucleotide position in the
genome, which can have implications for disease susceptibility, drug response, and other traits.

13. Genomic Variation: Differences in DNA sequence between individuals or populations, including
insertions, deletions, inversions, and copy number variations.

14. Genome Assembly: The process of reconstructing a complete genome sequence from short
DNA sequencing reads.
15. CRISPR-Cas9: A revolutionary gene-editing technology that allows precise modification of DNA
sequences in living organisms.

16. Transcriptomics: The study of all RNA molecules (transcripts) present in a cell or organism,
providing insights into gene expression and regulation.

17. Proteomics: The large-scale study of proteins, including their structures, functions, and
interactions within a biological system.

18. Metagenomics: The analysis of genetic material recovered directly from environmental
samples, providing insights into microbial communities and their functions.

19. Data Mining: The process of extracting meaningful patterns and knowledge from large
datasets, often applied in bioinformatics to discover biological insights.

20. Machine Learning: A branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on developing algorithms and
models that allow computers to learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data.

These additional pieces of information will broaden your understanding of bioinformatics,

genomics, and related fields, allowing you to delve deeper into the subject matter.


Database searching is a crucial task in bioinformatics for comparing and analyzing biological
sequences. Dynamic programming methods, such as the Needleman-Wunsch and Smith-
Waterman algorithms, are accurate but computationally intensive for searching large sequence
databases. To overcome this limitation, heuristic methods have been developed.

One widely used heuristic algorithm is BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool), developed by
Altschul and colleagues. BLAST compares a query sequence to sequences in a database and
identifies high-scoring ungapped segments, indicating similarity beyond random chance. BLAST
uses a word method, finding short stretches of identical or nearly identical letters (words) in
sequences to initiate alignments.
BLAST has various programs for specific analysis purposes, including blastn (nucleotide query to
nucleotide database), blastp (protein query to protein database), blastx (translated nucleotide
query to protein database), tblastn (protein query to translated nucleotide database), and tblastx
(translated nucleotide query to translated nucleotide database). There are also specialized versions
of BLAST for tasks like primer design, domain searching, gene expression profiling, and more.

Important algorithms for database searching include Needleman-Wunsch (global alignment),

Smith-Waterman (local alignment), FastA (fast local alignment using heuristics), BLAST (fast local
alignment with fixed-length segment pairs), and Gapped BLAST (local alignment with gaps in
segment pairs). These algorithms differ in their approach to alignment and speed.

BLAST has special modes like PSI-BLAST, which is a more sensitive version that can identify distantly
related proteins using position-specific scoring matrices (PSSMs) derived from multiple alignments.
PSI-BLAST iteratively searches the database to find new significant similarities. PHI-BLAST, on the
other hand, focuses on detecting statistically significant similar sequences based on conserved
patterns or motifs using information from Prosite.

Finally, there is DELTA-BLAST, which utilizes pre-constructed PSSMs from the Conserved Domain
Database (CDD) to search for proteins with known protein domains. It combines domain searching
with sequence similarity searching for improved identification accuracy.

To understand this topic, it is essential to be familiar with terms like dynamic programming,
heuristic methods, sequence alignment, BLAST, query sequence, subject sequences, word method,
nucleotide, protein, global alignment, local alignment, PSSMs, motifs, and Conserved Domain
Database (CDD).

1. Sequence database: A collection of biological sequences (nucleotide or protein) that can be

searched and compared to identify similarities and relationships.

2. Dynamic programming: A mathematical method used in sequence alignment algorithms to find

the optimal alignment between two sequences by considering all possible alignments and
calculating a score based on predefined rules.

3. Heuristic methods: Algorithms or techniques that make approximations or educated guesses to

solve a problem more efficiently, sacrificing optimality for speed.
4. BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool): A widely used algorithm for comparing a query
sequence to sequences in a database to find regions of local similarity. It utilizes a heuristic word
method and identifies high-scoring ungapped segments to infer sequence similarity.

5. Query sequence: The sequence being compared or searched against the sequences in a

6. Subject sequences: The sequences in the database that are compared to the query sequence to
find similarities.

7. Word method: A technique used by BLAST to identify short stretches of identical or nearly
identical letters (words) in two sequences, serving as potential starting points for sequence

8. Global alignment: An alignment that considers the entire length of two sequences, allowing for
gaps in both sequences to achieve the best overall alignment score.

9. Local alignment: An alignment that focuses on finding regions of high similarity between two
sequences, allowing gaps and mismatches outside these regions.

10. Position-Specific Iterated (PSI)-BLAST: A more sensitive version of BLAST that utilizes position-
specific scoring matrices (PSSMs) derived from multiple alignments to identify distantly related

11. Pattern-Hit Initiated (PHI)-BLAST: A BLAST variant that combines pattern-searching techniques
with sequence similarity searching to identify statistically significant similar sequences based on
conserved patterns or motifs.

12. Conserved Domain Database (CDD): A database containing pre-constructed PSSMs

representing conserved protein domains used by DELTA-BLAST for searching proteins with known

13. Multiple alignment: Aligning more than two sequences simultaneously to identify conserved
regions and structural/functional relationships.
14. Primer-BLAST: A specialized BLAST program used for designing PCR primers based on user-
specified criteria.

15. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP): A variation at a single nucleotide position in the
genome that can have implications for disease susceptibility, drug response, and genetic diversity.
SNP BLAST allows the identification of SNPs in a sequence database.

These terms should help you understand the topic more precisely.

Summary of Multiple Sequence Alignments (MSA):

Multiple Sequence Alignments (MSA) is an extension of pairwise alignments and involves aligning
three or more sequences to identify evolutionary relationships and conserved regions. MSA helps
in inferring homology, designing experiments, predicting protein structures, and identifying new
members of protein families.

MSA provides more biological information than pairwise alignments because it reveals conserved
residues, functional motifs, and domains. It is useful for analyzing evolutionary relationships,
designing PCR primers, and carrying out phylogenetic analyses.

MSA allows for the identification of important amino acids or nucleotides that should not mutate
and highlights residues that can change more easily for adaptation. It also helps in identifying
similar genes across different species and creating profiles for protein families to search for other
family members.

Visual examination of MSA is valuable for molecular biologists as it provides insights into sequence
relationships. It is important to have a distribution of closely and distantly related sequences in an
MSA to draw meaningful inferences.

MSA is preferred because it allows the identification of conserved residues in the context of
multiple sequences, facilitates functional mapping of mutations, and helps in identifying less
degenerated portions of protein families. It is essential for various applications, including structure
prediction, threading, and homology modeling.
MSA scoring involves the use of similarity measures such as the sum-of-pairs (SP) measure, which
calculates the sum of scores for all possible sequence pairs in an alignment.

The dynamical programming approach is optimal but time-consuming, making it impractical for
aligning more than a few sequences. Heuristic algorithms, including progressive alignment and
iterative refinement methods, are faster and commonly used for MSA.

Progressive alignment is the most widely used method, where sequences are aligned in a
progressive manner based on a guide tree. It involves pairwise alignments, calculation of distances,
and generating a phylogenetic tree.

Iterative refinement methods improve alignments iteratively by modifying suboptimal solutions.

They involve computing pairwise distances, constructing a tree, and aligning sequences in a
bottom-up order.

Various software tools are available for MSA, such as ClustalOmega, T-Coffee, MAFFT, Muscle,
Probcons, Probalign, and PRRN, each with its strengths and limitations.

MSA faces challenges when aligning diverse sequences or sequences with repetitive domains. It is
difficult to create unambiguous alignments for such cases, and sometimes all-against-all pairwise
alignments are used instead.

Understanding MSA is crucial for studying evolutionary relationships, identifying conserved

regions, and predicting protein structures, among other applications in molecular biology.

To better understand the topic of Multiple Sequence Alignments (MSA), you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the basics: Familiarize yourself with the concept of pairwise alignments, which
involves aligning two sequences, before diving into MSA. Understand how substitutions, insertions,
and deletions are represented in alignments.

2. Learn the purpose of MSA: Understand why MSA is necessary and what it can reveal about
evolutionary relationships, conserved regions, and functional motifs. Recognize the advantages
and applications of MSA in various biological studies.
3. Explore the computational approaches: Study different computational approaches used in MSA,
such as dynamic programming (optimal but time-consuming), heuristic algorithms (faster and
commonly used), progressive alignment methods, iterative refinement methods, and block-based
alignment methods. Understand the principles behind these approaches and their strengths and

4. Familiarize yourself with scoring methods: Learn about scoring methods used in MSA, such as
the sum-of-pairs (SP) measure. Understand how this measure calculates the similarity score based
on pairwise alignments and the significance of scoring in assessing alignment quality.

5. Get acquainted with popular MSA software tools: Explore popular MSA software tools such as
ClustalOmega, T-Coffee, MAFFT, Muscle, Probcons, Probalign, and PRRN. Understand their
features, strengths, and limitations. Experiment with these tools using sample sequences to gain
practical experience.

6. Study real-life examples: Explore research papers or case studies that utilize MSA for specific
biological studies. Examine how MSA is used to infer homology, identify conserved regions, predict
protein structures, or analyze evolutionary relationships. This will provide practical context and
help deepen your understanding.

7. Practice with sample data: Obtain multiple sequence data and attempt to perform MSA using
different software tools. Analyze the results, compare the alignments, and evaluate their quality.
This hands-on practice will enhance your understanding of the challenges and nuances of MSA.

8. Visualize and interpret alignments: Use visualization tools to examine MSA outputs. Focus on
conserved regions, gaps, and variations across the sequences. Learn to interpret the alignment and
extract meaningful biological insights from the visual representation.

9. Engage in online resources and communities: Participate in online forums, discussion boards, or
social media groups related to bioinformatics or molecular biology. Engage in discussions, ask
questions, and learn from others who have expertise in MSA. Online tutorials, videos, and MOOCs
(Massive Open Online Courses) can also be valuable resources for gaining in-depth knowledge.
10. Read relevant literature: Explore books, review articles, and research papers dedicated to MSA.
These resources will provide comprehensive explanations, in-depth algorithms, and detailed case
studies, allowing you to further enhance your understanding.

Remember to approach the topic systematically, starting from the basics and gradually delving into
more advanced concepts. Active learning through practical exercises and engaging with the
community will greatly aid your understanding of Multiple Sequence Alignments.

Certainly! Here's a summary of the topic "Applications of Multiple Sequence Alignments (MSA) and
Database Searching":

1. Sequence candidate selection: Choosing appropriate sequences for MSA is crucial. The goals are
high sensitivity (detecting even distant relationships) and high selectivity (minimizing false
positives). Start with a small number of sequences (10-15) and gradually increase if needed.

2. DNA or Protein sequences: Whenever possible, choose protein sequences. Protein alignments
are more sensitive and informative than DNA alignments due to frameshift errors and the larger
alphabet of 20 amino acids. If working with coding DNA sequences, translate them into proteins
before performing the alignment.

3. Converting protein alignment to DNA: Use codon-aware programs like RevTrans, pal2nal,
PROTOGENE, or TranslatorX to map the protein alignment back to the DNA level if necessary.

4. Number of sequences: With the abundance of databases and genomes, hundreds or thousands
of sequences may be available. Start with a small set and around 50 sequences should provide
sufficient information for analysis.

5. Sequence similarity: It is recommended to choose sequences that are distantly related but can
be aligned without requiring extensive insertions/deletions. MSA programs struggle with
sequences that are very different from others or need significant modifications to align correctly.

6. Visual inspection and manual assessment: Always visually inspect the alignments instead of
blindly trusting computer-generated results. Identify problematic sequences, remove them if
necessary, and add new sequences for realignment. Practice and experience are essential for
improving alignment quality.
This summary provides an overview of the typical workflow for utilizing multiple sequence
alignments and database searching in bioinformatics. It covers the important steps involved in
sequence selection, the preference for protein sequences, conversion between protein and DNA
alignments, the number and similarity of sequences, and the significance of manual inspection for
alignment assessment.

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