BC 01
BC 01
BC 01
December - Examination 2019
B. Com. Pt. I Examination
Financial Accounting
Paper - BC-01
Time : 3 Hours ] [ Max. Marks :- 70
Section - A 7 × 2 = 14
(Very Short Answer Questions)
Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question
delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or
maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 2 marks.
(IÊS> - "A')
(A{V bKw CÎmar¶ àíZ)
{ZX}e : g^r àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE& Amn AnZo CÎma H$mo àíZmZwgma EH$ eãX,
EH$ dm³¶ ¶m A{YH$V‘ 30 eãXm| ‘| n[agr{‘V H$s{OE& à˶oH$ àíZ
2 A§H$m| H$m h¡&
(IÊS> - ~)
(bKw CÎmar¶ àíZ)
{ZX}e : {H$Ýht Mma àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE& Amn AnZo CÎma H$mo A{YH$V‘
200 eãXm| ‘| n[agr{‘V H$s{OE& à˶oH$ àíZ 7 A§H$m| H$m h¡&
2) Prepare Total Debtors Account from the following :
{ZåZm§{H$V go Hw$b XoZXma ImVm ~ZmB¶o&
(i) Opening balance of clebtors (XoZXmam| H$m àm. eof) 1,00,000
(ii) Total Credit Sales (Hw$b CYma {dH«$s) 1,50,000
(iii) Sales returns ({dH$²>¶ dmngr) 5,000
(iv) Cash received (ZJX àmßV {H$¶m) 1,60,000
(v) Discount allowed (~Å>m {X¶m) 4,000
(vi) Bills Receivable (àm߶ {~b) 10,000
(vii) Bill Receivable dishonoured ({~b AZmÑV hþAm) 4,000
(viii) B/R discounted with bank ({~b ~¢H$ go ^wZm¶o) 2,000
Section - C 2 × 14 = 28
(Long Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any two questions. You have to delimit your each
answer maximum up to 500 words. Each question carries
14 marks.
(IÊS> - g)
(XrK© CÎmar¶ àíZ)
{ZX}e : {H$Ýht Xmo àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE& Amn AnZo CÎma H$mo A{YH$V‘ 500
eãXm| ‘| n[agr{‘V H$s{OE& à˶oH$ àíZ 14 A§H$m| H$m h¡&
10) Write a note on ‘‘Persons Interested in Accounting’’.
""boIm§H$Z ‘| é{M aIZodmbo ì¶{º$¶m|'' na EH$ boI {bImo&
11) Write Short notes on the following :
{ZåZm§{H$V na g§{jßV {Q>ßn{U¶m§ {bImo&
(i) Inter Branch Transaction (AÝV… emIm ì¶dhma)
BC-01 / 400 / 5 (4) (Contd.)