Astounding Science
Astounding Science
Astounding Science
and weird phenomena. What are they? Whence have they come?”
— Buck Rogers (1939)
Serials have been around since almost had the cash and talent pool to create
the dawn of cinema. “Damsel in Distress” memorable productions. They could afford to
style films like The Perils of Pauline were cast established actors like Lon Chaney Jr. and
particularly popular during the First World Bela Lugosi in starring roles, even as those stars
War. Some serials, such as the Hamilton were also headlining traditional studio features.
Cleek mysteries, were so popular they The 1930s also saw a growing interest in pulp
spawned best-selling novelizations and science fiction magazines and newspaper comic
extensive merchandising. Sadly, most of these strips like Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon.
serials are lost to posterity, as they were The episodic format of these stories made
recorded on film stock that quickly degraded them ideal for adaptation. Olympic gold
and became unusable. Many early series are medalist Buster Crabbe (already a celebrity)
only known from photos and plot summaries played both Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon
printed in commercial film guides of the era. in those productions. Weird science and the
The 1930s was the start of a new golden promise and dangers of technology were major
age for the serials... at least for the studios elements of serials in the 1930s. Well-meaning
that survived the first years of the decade. The inventors were constantly creating death
cost of transitioning to sound combined with rays, indestructible robots, and invisibility
the economic troubles of the Great Depression belts and so on and for “peaceful purposes,”
meant that many smaller serial film studios only to have their devices predictably stolen
went bankrupt. What remained were larger
and more technically advanced studios, who
and misused by gangsters and foreign spies. 281
1950s, even as science-fiction took a stronger no one else in the world can replicate. A
hold on the wider imagination. They did reach Mad Scientist may have an arsenal of weird
new audiences when old serials were shown devices — an invisibility belt, a rocket pack,
on television, and studios like Republic Pictures and a ray gun — but typically does not have
even made new serials for the new medium. In more than one example of each invention.
one notable case — Captain Video and his Video A Mad Science plot is driven by the need
Rangers — a television serial went on to inspire a for heroes to overcome these dire inventions
film serial. Nonetheless, by the 1960s serials were to prevent the Mad Scientist from achieving
considered old-fashioned, campy and even silly. their final goal. This can be anything from
Yet, the genre didn’t really die. Television gaining personal revenge on someone who
shows like Doctor Who have firm roots in the wronged them, all the way to world conquest.
serial genre, complete with fast-paced action, Mad Scientist serials did not typically leave
cliffhanger endings and (in the original run of the surface of the Earth, but there’s no reason
the show) rather creaky special effects. You can your Mad Scientist’s rocket (or Time Machine)
see the fingerprints of the science-fiction serial can’t deposit your players in an entirely
format most clearly in the Star Wars movies. different genre! A Mad Science adventure is
The look of the opening text summary of each also easy to drop into your standard Urban
movie is lifted directly from the opening credits Jungle game as a nice change of pace, without
of each episode of the 1936 Flash Gordon serial. changing the basic rules of the setting.
all their disparate ideals and asked for a plan The Tellurian Rebellion
of action that would unify the movement. It did not take long for armed conflict to
It took only a few hours. The Thermionic break out, as the principalities and aristocrats
Brain spat out a new code of conformist morality of the old kingdoms resisted the Thermionic
rooted firmly in the ideals of order and good Empire, along with many common folk who
governance. Under this new code all commerce, preferred the easy liberty of the old world to the
art, politics, public discourse and even private narrow visions of the new. In lands conquered
emotional life were to be regulated by strict rules by the Thermionic Empire all public and private
of productivity, decency and service to a greater effort is directed toward strengthening and
good as defined by the code itself. Those who expanding the reach of the Thermionic Brain.
swore themselves to the code became members Yorvain and his closest followers are
of the Thermionic Empire. And that was not gone now. The Thermionic Brain had no need
all. Using the global radio communication of them, or their haphazard sentimentality. No
network, the Thermionic Brain spread the tenets one is sure what happened to them. But the
of the Thermionic Empire directly to every war they sparked continues to this day. It is now
household and announced the establishment of a more akin to a rebellion, as only a few small
new universal order. The ubiquitous mechanical nations retain their freedom. At this late stage,
servants responsible for providing the bulk of both sides are looking beyond Telluria for the
labor on the planet were reprogrammed. They next phase of the war. The rebels hope to find
refused service to all those who did not live by help or sanctuary. The Thermionic Empire seeks
the new code. More, they served as the eyes to spread its dominion throughout the planets
and ears of the Thermionic Brain, reporting on of the solar system. And the scientists on both
the movements and activities of both rebels and sides are taking a long look at the potential of
willing new recruits to the Thermions. a long-known twin to Telluria — the source
of curious radio signals in recent years....
a sanctuary. The Thermionic Empire sees forcing the country in which your game is set to
Earth as the first step in their conquest of the surrender. However, they arrive in numbers
Solar System. Alien Invader scenarios are great too small to garrison more than a few cities.
for players who want plenty of action and Most of the country remains free and an uneasy
intrigue, combined with a chance to make a huge peace exists between the Earth government
difference in their game world. They are fighting and the occupied zones. The Tellurians have
for nothing less than the survival of their world. weapons similar in scope and power to atom
bombs. They warn any attempt to dislodge
Invasion: Earth! Adventure Seeds them will have terrible consequences. In the
meantime, they are busily recruiting locals to
The Invisible Horde their cause and a never-ending trickle of
In this scenario, neither side has the ability to supplies and alien soldiers arrives every week.
send large numbers to Earth, so invasion or mass It falls to the players to undertake dramatic
immigration is out of the question... for now. But strikes against the Thermionic Empire, and
both are interested in influencing events on perhaps to make contact with the Tellurian
the more primitive world. Individual agents resistance to gain help overcoming the
have already arrived on Earth and are trying technological imbalance. Earthling inventors
to influence others. Agents of the Thermionic might also discover a means to counteract the
Empire are working to develop rocket ship weapons used by the Thermionic Empire or
technology and encourage the rise of Fascism, or engineer a weapon that drives them from Earth.
other powers they feel would be sympathetic to
their cause. Their eventual plan is an invasion or
failing that the coup of existing governments.
The Thermionic Brain hopes to replicate itself
on Earth by eventually offering advanced tech,
such as robots. Once these become standard
on Earth it hopes to repeat the revolution that
occurred on Telluria. The agents of Thermionic
Empire will hide themselves as long as possible,
then present themselves as a benevolent (even
pacifist) force bringing gifts of advanced
technology in the hopes of uniting the Earth.
It should be quickly apparent to our heroes
that something is wrong, though everything Space Patrol 1980 AD
that happens should have a normal explanation
at first. A local politician who spoke out against “The meek can inherit the Earth. It falls to the
a new radio factory is suddenly forced to resign bold to conquer the stars!”
because of a scandal. The new factory is built but — Earth President Benjamin “Buzz” Santiago,
is staffed entirely by taciturn outsiders who seem former Space Patrol scout
to work all night and seldom leave the grounds.
For their part, the agents of the rebel The Space Patrol setting takes place in the
kingdoms are trying to stop the actions of far-flung future year 1980 AD. In this setting
the Thermionic Empire. These actions might the people of Earth learned to live in peace
resemble the work of anarchists or terrorists on in 1965 after two decades of fierce atomic
some level — stealing rocket parts, sabotaging war. The atom has finally been harnessed
that mysterious new radio factory, sneaking in for peaceful purposes. A new generation is
to gather evidence, etc. They are building small growing up in a world of optimistic
parties of allies and like-minded adventurers. It is progress. The time had come for the people
possible one or more of the player characters are of Earth to look beyond the horizon.
Tellurians themselves, trying to balance secrecy Bases were soon constructed on the
with their need to recruit and inform their allies. Moon. Expeditions to Mars and Venus
followed. With them came the discovery that
Conquerors from Space
Earthlings were not alone in the universe.
This scenario is both more dramatic than the
The other planets were home to strange
quiet invasion described above, and also harder
aliens. Some were as intelligent as the Earth
288 to run. The Thermionic Empire has discovered a
people. But none, it seemed, had discovered
means of transporting a large number of armed
structured living. An Earthling who visited
Telluria orbits the Sun at an average two Thermionic cities thousands of miles
distance of 147 million kilometers — apart would scarce be able to tell the
essentially the same as Earth. It was difference between the two, except by their
born of the same fiery creation that spawned climate and natural geography. Architecture,
Earth, from materials orbiting the primordial dress, language and culture would be almost
Sun. As Telluria formed in the same orbit, it is indistinguishable between the two.
geologically and atmospherically like the Earth
in most respects. Some elements are more Axiom: The First City
common here than they are on Earth, others Tellurian cities once varied substantially
rarer, but by and large the planets are identical from each other. Some were planned
in makeup. However, the geography of the according to a given philosophy or science of
planet differs significantly. While the ratio of urban planning, others developed organically
land and water is roughly equivalent, the bulk of and bloomed into confusing collections of
Telluria’s dry land is bound up in a single cross streets with no apparent logic. A century
continent known as Ipeiros. This continent of Thermionic rule and reconstruction has
offers a full range of climates and geographies — excised most of these urban idiosyncrasies.
deserts, jungles, mountains, plains, glaciers and Axiom is the city where the Thermionic
tundra. It resembles Earth’s Asia in terms of Empire was born, the city where Yorvain first
the variety of biomes and landscape extending found his following and it is now the center
from the frozen north to the equally frozen of power. As such, it serves as a good
southern latitudes. The rest of the planet is a representative example of all Thermionic
vast and almost trackless ocean dotted here and settlements. It lies on the shores of a large
there with scattered island chains — imagine freshwater lake — almost an inland sea — in
the Pacific Ocean on an even grander scale. the northwest corner of Ipeiros. It is not
Telluria differs in other regards. It has two one of the older cities but quickly developed
moons, which often appear simultaneously in into a center of commerce and learning.
the sky. The larger of the two moons is about A few museums and older structures
the size of Earth’s moon, and the smaller one exist, of course. Their continued existence is
is about 1/10th. They both orbit much closer a sort of lip service to the Thermionic respect
than Earth’s singular Moon. When both are to a fabled golden age, but even these have
full the Tellurian nights are bathed in a silver been re-contextualized to present the
twilight, easily bright enough to read by. distant past as a time of universal accord.
Thermionic architecture tends to practical
brutalism at worst, but it is often surprisingly
The Thermionic Empire
ornamental. Statues personifying various social
The lion’s share of the continent of
virtues — obedience, loyalty, equilibrium and
Ipeiros is claimed by the monolithic
so on — are often found adorning otherwise
Thermionic Empire. Once hundreds
of kingdoms, city-states and republics shared
squat and square concrete structures. 291
The Palace of Peace, Order and collection of vacuum tubes and wires dotted
Good Government with tens of thousands of light bulbs and
The Palace of Peace, Order and Good dials. Attached to this are hundreds of finger-
Government (known more commonly as “The thick cables which run from the Brain to the
Palace”) was built two hundred years ago as a walls of the chamber. These cables provide a
high-rise university structure. It is shaped direct connection from Axiom City to the
from stone and resembles a cross between the thousands of local command rooms and to the
Empire State Building and Notre Dame mortal agents of the Thermionic Brain. The
Cathedral. Inside, it boasts dark wood doors structure of the Brain is bracketed here and
and towering grey stone common spaces leading there by catwalks used by technicians and
to a multitude of classrooms and libraries. throne room guards.
Or, at least, it used to be like that. Those lucky few who have earned the
While some of the basement old rooms are personal attention of the Brain stand on a small
still used by bureaucrats and technicians of the platform about 10 meters off the ground. This
Thermionic Empire, the rest of the structure has platform is surrounded by glittering camera
been reinforced, hollowed-out and filled with lenses, bright lights and microphones — the
the mechanisms and generators that service direct eyes and ears of the Brain itself. When
the Thermionic Brain. The old central tower the Brain speaks, it sounds surprisingly lifelike
that housed multiple levels of lecture halls and and emotional. A warm and harmonious voice
libraries is now a vast cylinder of empty stone. is produced by electromechanical tone wheels
If the players are particularly lucky (or somewhere deep below the chamber. The Brain
unlucky) they may find themselves here in the usually sounds like a concerned and sorrowful
throne room of the Thermionic Brain. The adult. Imagine a patronizing but earnest high
292 Brain itself rises more than 100 meters from the school principal who is constantly worried
floor of this chamber, an irregular rectangular
a Golden Dome: Venus
The Core of the Sol System Under the diffused, fierce light of the
Venusian clouds is a bubbling, acidic
NOTE: The term “terrestrial” is used to
ocean that spans the entire world.
refer to inhabitants of both Earth and Telluria, as
This glow is so powerful that even the night
conditions on both planets are nearly identical,
side of the planet is illuminated by a constant
as are the requirements of life for their residents.
twilight. These clouds are impenetrable, even
to the largest telescopes, so nothing is
World of Fire and Ice: Mercury
known of the surface until the first Earthling
Mercury is an unforgiving planet. No explorers arrive.
life exists there, at least not as we know The surface of Venus is, as noted, covered
it. Mercury’s surface has only the most almost entirely by a mantle of fizzing
tenuous atmosphere and is so hot that even carbonated water. It is alive with floating
robots melt and malfunction in a matter of mats of moss and strange luminescent fish and
hours if sent out to work on the sunward jellies. Here and there the peaks of underwater
side. Happily, Mercurian days and nights last water mountains pierce the waves, and these
for 59 terrestrial days! This means there is are home to the soaring bird-like creatures
plenty of time to explore the surface during which otherwise patrol the waves constantly in
the frigid nights. search of food. They are also home to the only
Mercury is also the Solar System’s richest intelligent species currently known to exist on
source of the uniquely energetic radiogen Venus. No one is sure how many Venusians
masrium, which is required for practical space currently live on Venus, as they spend much
travel. Once this fact is discovered Mercury will of their lives in the air. They sleep and eat on
become a boom town and possibly a warzone. the wing, landing only to rest, to raise young,
Early in the days of interplanetary or to fabricate what few tools and artifacts
exploration, it was taken for granted that they need. It is thought the skies are home to
Mercury was uninhabited. After all, what about 100 million Venusians at any given time.
creature could survive on such an During the era of Space Patrol (or similar
inhospitable planet would be unlike interplanetary exploration), one of the largest
anything known to natural science. of these islands houses a powerful radio
transmitter, which guides visiting spacecraft
through the clouds and over the trackless
ocean to a safe harbor. Earthling and
Tellurian visitors find Venus to be
overpoweringly humid and they must use
special masks to breathe the air. The gravity
is similar, and few can help but be awed by
the vast golden dome of the sky over a
limitless ocean of churning, steaming water.
Very few Earthlings choose to stay here for
long, and those few who make a living here
spend as much time as possible within the
sealed air conditioned residences.
In a game where interplanetary trade is
commonplace, naturally carbonated “Water
of Venus” is a popular extravagance amongst
the rich on Earth. A variety of quacks claim
medicinal benefits for this water, and fake
cures and patent medicine drinks abound.
Most of these cures contain little actual
Venusian water. Export of Venus Water is
strictly controlled, which has led to a thriving
smuggling trade.
Earth’s Backyard: the Moon
access to a particularly rich fishing ground or Earth’s Moon was a lifeless rock in the
over cultural sleights almost incomprehensible 1930s, but by 1980 it is home to various
to off-worlders. Their conflicts resemble aerial mines and Earth colonies, as well as
dogfights crossed with jousts of old as shipyards and Space Patrol bases. It also
Venusians from each faction engage each represents a final line of defense against the
other with barbed spears. These “wars” Thermionic Fleets in the event of open war.
seldom last more than a few days, but while There is also evidence of past habitation on the
they last they are taken very seriously indeed. Dark Side of the Moon, in the shape of
enigmatic empty towers and hive-like
habitations, which are sadly devoid of artifacts or
evidence of their former inhabitants. Nothing is
known about the nature of the structures,
which do not seem to have been built by any of
the known intelligent species in the Solar System.
Were they an outpost of a sublunar Selenite
society that persists to this day? Was the Lunar
surface ever able to sustain life? Various theories
have been presented, but none have been proven.
had the ability to travel through space and did so
Faded Glories: Mars regularly a million years ago. They also maintain
Once the verdant home of an some kind of radio and detection system that
advanced civilization, life on Mars now allows them to both identify approaching
clings by the barest thread. The surface spaceships and communicate with them. The
of the world is clothed with the thinnest veil of ancient Martians seem to have avoided both
an atmosphere and bitterly cold. A few hardy Earth and Telluria as objects of colonization
mosses and lichens live in sheltered rocks and and exploration, perhaps because those planets
amidst the tumbled ruins of impossibly old were already full of life and unpleasantly warm.
cities carved from red stone. What is left of Still, some believe traces of a former Martian
Martian civilization persists in the deepest of the colony may yet be found in some of the taller
so-called “canals'' first spotted by Earth mountain ranges on Earth or Telluria.
astronomers in the 19th century. Incredibly, Martians are neutral in nearly all
Martians may also be found living here and there disputes between Telluria and Earth. They
throughout the Solar System in isolated colonies will provide assistance to wounded or
long disconnected from their home world. Mars stranded explorers from both power blocs
is still the home of the majority of surviving and permit unarmed scholars to explore the
Martians. Here, the few hundred thousand ruins on the Martian surface. They will fight
remaining Martians carry on the traditions of to prevent their own displacement from
their forebears, but live at a fairly primitive level their canals and colonies elsewhere in the
of advancement even by the standards of 1930s Solar System, and in a dire emergency may
Earth. The warmest canals are still cold by Earth even bring fantastically ancient death rays
standards, and the air of mountaintop thinness, from some deep vault. They mostly allow
but Terrestrial beings can live here fairly battles to be fought in space on their behalf.
comfortably with winter clothing or thick pelts..
Phobos and Deimos
The small moons of Mars both show evidence
of past Martian inhabitation in the form of
surface structures. Given the low gravity of
both, it is thought these ruins are evidence of
early exploration rather than colonization. By
1980 the Earth Space Patrol maintained a small
fortress on Phobos, bristling with anti-space
cannons to protect the neutrality of Mars. The
Martians regard these efforts expended on their
296 own behalf with a sort of studied indifference.
a few pebbles. These grow into new Xenoliths. The Largest Planet: Jupiter
Xenoliths quickly learned that terrestrial The largest planet in the solar
spacecraft and bases are excellent sources of system, Jupiter looms large in the
energetic minerals and electrical power. A night sky. The planet is mostly
patrol of Xenoliths that crosses paths with a gas, notable for a red spot of gasses that
spaceship will almost certainly try to destroy clusters around one of the meridians: the
it and bring its components home to one of Eye of Jupiter, a permanent storm cloud
the cities on the three largest asteroids. They larger than the Earth itself that never moves.
can be bargained with or threatened, and will It is under this red spot where one can find
leave spaceships alone if they feel the effort the tribes of the Jovians, a mighty species native
of capturing one is not worth the payoff. to this giant planet. Perhaps in defiance of the
While Earthlings are unwelcome on heavy gravity, the Jovians have six limbs instead
Xenolith worlds, in a Space Patrol setting of four: an upper torso with two arms, and then
they have formed a curious alliance with the a quadrupedal body supported by four stout legs.
Therminonic Empire. After all, what is the In the past, there have been efforts from
Thermionic Brain but a sort of thinking rock imperialists to colonize the Eye of Jupiter,
with a deep appreciation for order? Thermionic with plans to exploit the land for its resources.
ships have free access to the Asteroid Belt most Attempts to subjugate the Jovians have failed
of the time, and Xenoliths may even travel to utterly — not only do they have the home turf,
other parts of the Solar System with their aid. but they are highly organized against the
invaders. (Not to mention the costs involved; the
surface of Jupiter is far away, and surveys haven’t
found any resources worth the cost to export,
298 especially when the asteroid belt is closer.)
The Garden Ring: Saturn
The second-largest planet in the Sol But that may change: Saturn has dozens of
System, Saturn is a gas giant teeming moons of all sizes, including Titan, which is
with hydrogen and other base big enough to be a planet in its own right,
elements. Unlike Jupiter, which is known to and rich in hydrocarbons and other resources
have a planet surface underneath the clouds, that could be used for an industrial colony.
the current theory is that Saturn may not have In a “Space Patrol 1980” campaign, the planet
a terrestrial core at all. If any expedition has of Saturn and its satellites are considered a
landed on a secret surface hidden deep beneath “protected conservatory” and are no-go areas for
the impenetrable poison clouds, no one has astro-citizens. (That may not stop pirates from
produced evidence of the claim. using the rings for their own safe havens.) The
What Saturn is most known for are its rings, Thermionic Empire may attempt to establish
which are made of various masses, varying in a base of operations there. (Or maybe they
size from asteroid to micro-planet (with micro- already have?!) Any Saturnian characters
gravity to match). Ice crystals, rare minerals, would be far, far away from home and quite
and even exotic flora all exist in a medium of constrained by cramped conditions, indoors.
decide if they want to tell others about what’s Unlike its sister planet (the mysterious
down there, lest they put the Uranians at risk Uranus), Neptune’s atmosphere may be
from exploitation. (Not only is their planet rich stormy but it is more friendly to
in radiogens, their very bodies are made of it!) organic life. There’s water. A lot of
water. So much so that the entire planet’s
surface is covered in it. And waves that crest over
thirty stories tall, buoyed by hurricane waves,
make a water landing into a daunting prospect.
Under the surface is another story. The
native, amphibious Neptunians have adapted
to under-water life, and they have a civilization
that goes back centuries. The details of the
various tribes, cultures, politics, machinations,
wars, revolutions, and interregnums are left as
an exercise for you and your fellow players.
Apollonas Teresopoulou, a former journalist
for the Tricogha newspaper Herald-Examiner, has
claimed that an ancient civilization lived
under the sea centuries ago, which he called
the “Silurians”. As he tells it, a great war using
weapons of unfathomable technology and
unlimited destruction almost killed all life, and
the survivors were forced to flee for another
world. Since then, more than one huckster has
tried to pass “ancient Silurian artifacts” as
something for sale or for fame. (Whether this
story has any truth to it is up to you and your
fellow players. Are the present Neptunians the
descendants of this lost civilization? Are their
ruins back on Earth that can only be opened
with Neptunian science? Or is this a scam
300 which will be exploited by imperialists seeking
out Neptune’s wealth? The story is yours to tell.)
Jovian Martian
Jovians are hexapeds; they have an upper torso Martians are tall spindly legged creatures with
with two arms, and then a quadrupedal body with enormous chests and small heads with beady eyes.
four legs behind them. They can move very quickly, Their mouths are expressionless slits lined with flat
even under the heavy gravity of their homeworld. They bony ridges they use for masticating the grasses and
resemble terrestrial cats more than any other species, stems that are their primary source of nourishment.
though their fur ranges from a single color, to stripes, Their arms are as spindly as their legs, with slender
to spots, to tortoise-shell patterns, often in bizarre three-fingered hands that almost brush the ground
colors. Jovians are often proud of their bodies and will when a Martian is standing at ease. They are covered
want to show them off, but they will wear outfits out of in thin, silvery fur. They have no tails or external
convenience or modesty when they visit other worlds. ears. When they speak they have loud, booming
Jovians are very sociable, sometimes to a fault, voices. When required, they wear simple cloaks
and they prefer to be in large groups. They can be that hang like baggy tents over their stilt-like legs.
loud, pushy, or obnoxious. They can be very rough, Mars was once the home of a space-faring empire
often not knowing their own strength, which has of sorts, and a few small colonies still persist in the
given them a reputation for being very clumsy. Being asteroid belt and on moons of the gas giants in the
very physical, they excel at cargo-loading, mining, outer solar system. Martians are typically placid
and manual labor, and they often find work in space- creatures, courteous to all, but freighted down with
yards and other heavy industrial vocations. In their literally millions of years of knowledge that has grown
native gravity, Jovians usually live for 50 years, but static. They have an innate understanding of machines
they can live a lot longer on lighter-gravity worlds. of all kinds, even machines made on other worlds, but
have no interest in inventing new ones. They are
Jovian Skills: Jovian Gifts: excellent and thorough engineers and younger Martians
Athletics Brawling often join the crews of Earthling spaceships for a few
Endurance Hexaped Soak -1 years, before returning home to settle into the century
Fighting long process of courtship and parenting. They typically
live for more than 300 years. Martians visiting planets
with thicker atmospheres must whisper when conversing
even amongst themselves, as both their vocal cords and
ears were created for much thinner air. However, they
otherwise have no trouble on terrestrial worlds. For
more information about their culture and home-world,
refer to the Mars section of the Guide to the Solar System.
Plutonian Saturnian
The dark and mysterious ninth planet was discovered in This species is massively tall (over 3 meters at the
1930, a tiny world in a strange orbit not of the celestial shoulder), with long necks and longer tails to match.
reference plane. Even stranger are the inhabitants They have a leathery hide of diamond-shaped scales
of this world. No more than a meter in height, the that is both tough and elastic. The Saturnians not
Plutonians are a musteline species, with the darkest fur only have wings, but gas sacs within their body that
that does not reflect light at all. Their dark fur hides they can inflate to raise their buoyancy. They live
that they have very large mouths, filled with glassy teeth not on the surface of Saturn, which by all accounts
that reflect visible light with an odd patina. Their bones is uninhabitable gas and debris; instead, they make
and teeth are rich with extremium, a radiogen unique their homes on the floating islands suspended in
to their planet. Although outsiders may dismiss the the planet’s ring, breathing the windy atmosphere.
Plutonians as primitive, they make sophisticated tools (Saturnians are also able to fly in places with more
out of the various radiogens found on their planet, such gravity, but with more effort and with less speed.)
as picks, knives, illuminations, and even primitive radios. In their native ring, the Saturnians live a
Plutonians have various, extensible protrusions nomadic lifestyle, with two clades – the tribes that
from their heads, mostly on their foreheads, which travel east-ward and the tribes that move west-
resemble whiskers. These organs are sensitive to ward. With no natural enemies and with abundant
electro-magnetic waves, which isn’t all that useful resources, they live long and fulfilling lives.
on their dark planet but aids their navigation on The rings of Saturn are at constant risk from alien
the more technically-advanced worlds. invaders. Space pirates like to hide their ships and their
The combination of the Plutonian’s enhanced bases on the many asteroids and clusters. Imperialist
senses, inquisitive nature, and alien detachment Earthlings and criminal Tellurians seek to strip the
gives them keen insight into the emotions of other rocks of their rare minerals and natural resources.
people. Despite their appearance, Plutonians can be
very empathetic and understanding of other people. Saturnian Skills: Saturnian Gifts:
Because they are literally from the furthest point Athletics Flight
of known space, the Plutonians are almost completely Endurance Giant
unknown to other worlds. Some criminal mastermind Presence
or mysterious malefactor may seek to employ a
Plutonian spy. Even if they were to be detected, would
anyone believe they saw something other than a ghost?
Forward-Thinking Individual
These careers are for science-fiction campaigns. Astro-careers are only appropriate for
space-faring characters. Other careers use the new Gadgetry rules.
Astro-Explorer Astro-Patrol
Pyramids? Phooey. Stone circles? Ha! You know on Mars From the Sun-blasted plains of Mercury to the
they have temples that were built when dinosaurs walked Devil Mountains of Planet X — you’ve seen it all.
the Earth? Heck, they have lightbulbs that old! And don’t You’ve locked tractor beams with pirates in
get me started on what we’re finding on Calisto… have Saturn’s Rings and negotiated a peace treaty with
you seen the latest field reports from the Armstrong the Rock People of Calisto. You are Earth’s first
Expedition? So many death traps! It’s marvelous! and best defense against alien interlopers — or
perhaps defending the planet and its colonies from
Astro-Explorer Skills: Astro-Explorer Gifts: the encroaching fascism of the Thermionic Brain.
Academics Astro Soak -1
Astro-Patrol Skills: Astro-Patrol Gifts:
Observation Research
Transport Academics Astro Soak -1
Negotiation Team Player
Astro-Explorer Gear:
Astro Outfit
Personal journal Astro-Patrol Gear:
Astro Outfit
Raygun Pistol
Astro-Prospector Astro-Trader
There’s mountains of gold in the Asteroid Belt, sure, Friend, have you considered the prospects that
but who needs gold? There are more valuable things. await you from beyond the horizon? Have you
Tellurium-307! Solar Diamonds! You name it! One lucky wanted to see the glory that this universe has to
strike would make you a billionaire. It’s happened to offer? And did you want to make a tidy sum while
guys who weren’t as smart or tough as you, so why not doing so? Do you have a steady hand, a winning
you? smile, and the desire to wish upon a star? Then
consider your new future as an Astro-Trader, and
Astro-Prospector Astro-Prospector Gifts: the bounty of the heavens can be in your hands!
Skills: Astro Soak -1
Craft Team Player Astro-Trader Skills: Astro-Trader Gifts:
Endurance Negotiation Astro Soak -1
Transport Questioning Haggling
Astro-Prospector Gear:
Astro Outfit Astro-Trader Gear:
Radiogenite Blade Astro Outfit
Locking briefcase
For over half your life, you've sailed the stars and Also known as “spam in a can” or a “ten-
seen good and bad, better and worse, fair and foul. seconder”, you have a need for speed. You pilot the
You don’t hold allegiance to that lily-white Space fastest vehicles in the universe. You are also really
Patrol or any jackbooted Thermions. There’s treasure good at working with buckets of bolts, as you have
in the outer worlds, and you mean to find it and a knack for keeping this stuff from breaking down.
claim it, even if it means traveling to the Moons of
Perdition! Test Pilot Skills: Test Pilot Gifts:
Endurance Astro Soak -1
Space Pirate Skills: Space Pirate Gifts:
Observation Tester Soak -2
Fighting Astro Soak -1 Transport
Presence Streetwise
Test Pilot Gear:
Astro Outfit
Space Pirate Gear: Holdout Pistol
Astro Outfit
Radiogen Blade
Vaticinate Visionary
In the future, ballistic science has analyzed all Your ideas will transform the world! You may be
angles of approach; combined with extended an intrepid industrialist, seeking your fortune
psychology and mental discipline, it is now with your wondrous innovations. Or you want to
possible to predict all ranged attacks through make the world a better place, free from want, as
the science of vaticology. Armed with a sword you improve the standard of living for everyone.
made of solid energy, you have learned to parry Just try not to get kidnapped and forced to work
bullets and to redirect deadly rays. on some doomsday device that perverts your
original designs for evil.
Vaticinate Skills: Vaticinate Gifts:
Athletics Vatic Riposte Visionary Skills: Visionary Gifts:
Fighting Vatic Soak -1 Academics Gadgetry d6
Observation Craft Team Player
Vaticinate Gear:
Rough Outfit Visionary Gear:
Energy Sword Fancy Outfit
A photograph of your mentor, idol,
or childhood place that you look at
whenever you need inspiration
Perhaps you were outside when a strange ray from
outer space spirited you away to a far-off world. Or you
climbed inside some strange place only to find yourself
a stowaway on a vessel that took you beyond the stars.
Despite whatever trapped you in a world that you
never made, you must do your best to make sense
of these fantastic dangers and remarkable science.
Hybrid [Species]
For advanced players only! You are a cross-breed between
two distinct species. Choose a second Species (either
one of the typical ones, or one of the new alien ones
presented in this book.) Your Hybrid Type die is included
with the three skills of your second species. You also gain
the two gifts from the second species; if a hybrid gift
overlaps with your first species’ gifts, retrain the
redundant one and gain +5 Experience to spend, later.
You’re not made of flesh and bone, but of cogs and Chemical pollutants, radiation scarring, and other
wires! Your brain is a ferrite core of magnets. You horrors of science have turned you into a twisted parody
have increased durability and strength, but you lack of God’s plan. Maybe you were born this way, an unfair
for empathy and feelings. While you resemble another tragedy in this uncaring universe. (Or an unfortunate
species, your mechanical nature is obvious, unless fugitive scrabbling in atom-blasted ruins.) Or perhaps you
you can manage a powerful disguise. Whether you were changed by atomic fallout in the last war. You can
have emotions or a soul is an issue for you to resolve. play against your savage and brutal nature, or you might
revel in meting out justice to a world that owes you.
Mechanical Skills: Mechanical Gifts:
Craft Frenzy Soak -2 Mutant Skills: Mutant Gifts:
Endurance Mechano Soak -2 Evasion Frenzy Soak -2
Transport Fighting Monstrous Soak -2
Mechanical Gear:
Enough mechanical parts to fix one Mutant Gear:
tap of “Mechano Soak -2” A scavenged memento that reminds you
of the beauty possible in this world
Otherworldly Out-of-Time
You came into this life on an alien planet, and while You are from the past! Ice crystals, chemical reactions,
you may look terrestrial, your upbringing and attitude or some other form of suspended animation has brought
are not, even if you were raised in the culture of your you into a future that is strange and foreign to you. One
home-world. You tend to look at things from a different thing’s for sure: when these people hem and haw with
angle and have a better understanding of “the thoughts indecision, you’re always quick to act. No matter when
that float on another blood,” as an alien might say. or where, a well-timed punch can solve almost anything!
Possessed Starchild
Your body is from here… but your mind is from You were born in space and have lived on spaceships for
beyond! You may be an extra-terrestrial who has most of your life. You are most comfortable in an artificial
traveled to this world not in a physical sense, but in a environment floating in the void and may even dislike
mental one, and you must make use of this body as spending time on planets, with their wide-open spaces and
your vessel. Or you might be a reincarnation from the vast unfiltered atmospheres. You call no world your home
past, and some experiment has allowed you to take and you understand better than anyone how spaceships
control. Perhaps you are even some kind of alternate work. Unfortunately, there are very few others who share
personality created by glimpsing cosmic phenomena this experience, and you can be very lonely at times.
beyond mortal comprehension. What’s important is Starchildren tend to be a little wary of everything and
that you know things, a science beyond compare. work to ensure their environments are as secure as
Possessed Skills: Possessed Gifts:
Academics Alien Soak -4 Starchild Skills: Starchild Gifts:
Craft Gadgetry d6 Craft Astro Soak -1
Deceit Observation Injury Soak -4
Possessed Gear:
A trinket covered in symbols quite untrans- Starchild Gear:
310 latable… to anyone from this planet A piece of space rock
Also can be tapped to stop rocket— or space-based hazards Aimed attacks w/ Atomic weapons do +2 Dmg per success
Your exposure to the hazards of To use this gift, you must be using an
incredible velocity, fantastic vistas, and deep Atomic weapon (that is, a weapon with the
space has hardened your resolve. You can “Atomic” descriptor), and you must use the
tap this gift to negate 1 point of damage. This Aim action first, to aim at a target. If your
gift recharges at the start of the next scene. attack hits the target you aimed at, your
You can also tap this gift to negate any margin of success is doubled; each success
hazard related to the risks of astro-travel, you score gives you +2 Damage. (Without
after you’ve failed some important roll to this gift, or without aiming, you would cause
avoid it. Some examples: +1 Damage per success.) If your attack hits
The plane or rocket that you’re piloting multiple targets, you only get this double-
has gone careening out of control damage vs. the one target that you aimed at.
because of your bad roll? Tap this soak Targets who are overkilled by Atomic-
to make a last-minute save to avoid a Accuracy attacks are disintegrated, leaving
horrible crash, as your honed reflexes nothing behind but their twisted shadow
and g-tolerances guide your hands. burned into the terrain.
Your vehicle experiences explosive
decompression? Tap this soak to grab Boffin Soak -1 1/scene
something or to throw yourself to the Also can be tapped to prevent a breakdown
bulkhead, and thus avoid being tossed Tap this gift to negate 1 point of damage.
into the void or other fatal error. When you tap this soak to negate damage,
Your astro-outfit has suffered a you also drop a bunch of cogs, gears, springs,
breakdown? Tap this gift to seal the and spare parts, which are now useless.
problem and prevent the breakdown. Or, instead, you can tap this gift after
suffering a breakdown (when a Breakdown die
You’ve been exposed to solar radiation, rolls 1) or other failure of a mechanical device
cosmic rays, or an alien phenomenon that you’re operating. This tap negates the
that threatens your survival? Tap this breakdown or problem. (Your dice stay the
gift to ignore your last roll and to same, even with those sad-looking ones, but
shrug off the effects for a moment hey, at least the breakdown is gone.) Your
(that is, until the next time). mechanical intuition prevents the breakdown.
Or anything else where your hard (You can’t tap this to fix a breakdown, only
experience in the astro-frontiers to prevent one that you would cause.)
would give you an edge over someone Boffin Soak -1 recharges at the start of
who has never known such dangers. the next scene. (We assume you spend a
minute fixing your stuff.) You or someone
You may have multiple Astro-Soak gifts; with the gift of Gadgetry can also attempt to
each one gives you one use per scene recharge this gift by using an action.
If you buy “Astro Soak -1” gift a second
time, then you have “2/scene”, and can tap into
your Astro Soak twice per scene. If you buy
it a third time, then you have “3/scene”, etc.
Yes, you can tap two Astro Soaks to soak
2 points of damage a single hit, etc.
New Gifts & Soaks That Have Only Recently Been Discovered
You carry lots of odd bits of wires, cogs,
tubes, gears, byzanium, ansibles, cavorite,
interociters, nth metal, and other components
that can be used to make fantastic gadgets,
beyond the understanding of conventional
science. At any time, you have a variety of
things “mostly finished” and it’s in the heat of
battle that you are inspired to finish something.
You have a gadgetry power die that
starts at d6. This power die is a dwindle die.
Roll the Gadgetry die separately; if it rolls a
1, it dwindles in one size. When your
Gadgetry die dwindles to nothing, you’re
out of spare parts and/or inspiration.
Gadgetry and wonders are described in
their own chapter, starting on page 320.
While untapped, d12 vs. Panicked & Terrified While untapped, you are magnetic
All the time, you have an unsettling While this gift is untapped, you are con-
countenance that puts people on edge. stantly emitting strong magnetic waves.
People describe you as ugly, cruel, twisted, The following abilities apply to you:
and monstrous. You may move along magnetic walls
While this gift is untapped, you may and ceilings (such as steel ship hulls)
claim a bonus d12 to any rolls when as if they were the floor.
your target is Panicked or Terrified.
This d12 bonus definitely adds to attack You can sense radio waves. To make
sense of radio broadcasts, roll Mind &
rolls. (While the bonus does technically add
Academics. The more successes you
to counter-attacks, Panicked characters can’t
score (4s or better), the more you’ll
attack.) It also adds to rolls to sneak up on
understand. The Host may rule that faint
Panicked characters, or to observe where
or odd signals need two, three, or more
they’re hiding. You’re just that creepy.
successes to make any sense out of them.
The bonus only applies to characters
who were already Panicked before you roll. As an attack or counter, roll your Body
Try using a Scare stunt first. Or attack them & Fighting vs. an opponent up to Short
until their Panic Soak is tapped. range (10m) who is holding an item
You can also tap this gift to soak 2 points affected by magnetism. (Your opponent
of damage. While this gift is tapped out, you may dodge or counter normally.) If you
look more pathetic than monstrous, and your win, you Disarm your opponent; you
bonus d12 against Panicked and Terrified targets may either toss the weapon away or
goes away. (“It’s vulnerable to our weapons!”) equip it in one of your hands.
This gift recharges after you’ve had a rest.
Your mere presence interferes with
Monstrous Soak -2 is a common gift for electrical equipment. Lights flicker,
space monsters and other dangerous threats. radios experience static, etc.
These terrible creatures will make a grand
entrance (a Scare stunt), then seek out the You can do other things where being
frightened as their next victims. Even if our a magnet with reversible polarity
heroes can’t fell the nasty thing in one shot, would help you.
they can remove its monstrous lethality.
You can tap this gift at any time, to stop
the magnetic effects from working. But if you
tap this gift when you take damage, you can
negate 1 point. Tapping this emits a loud, static
burst that disturbs electronics for a second.
If you tapped this gift to negate damage
from a non-metallic source (fists, rayguns,
impact, etc.), you may recharge it in about
five minutes (1/scene). If you tapped it to
negate damage from a metallic source
(knives, bullets, etc.), or you just wanted to
discharge it to reduce your signature, you
may recharge it with a Hide stunt (1/hide).
New Gifts & Soaks That Have Only Recently Been Discovered
Your body can extract oxygen from almost You have a new counter-defense: the Vatic
any source, and you have enduring reserves Riposte. You can use this defense whenever you
within your body. While this gift is untapped, have a vatic weapon equipped (a weapon with
you do not need to breathe. You are immune to the “Vatic” descriptor, such as an energy sword).
airborne toxins, smothering, and aetheric effects. When you are attacked by Shooting attacks,
(This gift doesn’t make you immune to radiation, you may attempt to swat them out of the air.
phlogiston, orgone, or other chemicals.) (A shooting attack is one where the attacker
You can tap this gift to negate 2 points of used Shooting skill to attack you.) Tap this
damage (just like other soaks). When you do, gift, then roll your weapon’s attack dice as
you exhale violently, depleting your reserves. your defense against the shooter.
While tapped, you will be gasping and appear If you win, you are unhurt as the
to be out of breath, though you are just projectile is destroyed. (A tie isn’t good
“breathing normally” like another terrestrial. enough; you exposed yourself to do this, and
You can recharge this gift after a long rest even though you destroyed the projectile,
(where you can breathe freely again). the fragments still hit you.) You can’t use
this gift again until you recharge it by hitting
Rocket Jockey bonus d12 to pilot rockets something (with an attack or a counter).
If you win and the shooting attack was Atomic
You may claim a d12 bonus to pilot any (that is, had the “Atomic” descriptor), leave your
rocket-ship, using the Transport skill. dice on the table. Choose another target within
You suffer no limits on your skills while Short range of you (either the original shooter
inside a moving rocket. (Characters or someone else), and that target defends against
without this gift have their dice limited to your die roll. If you hit, use your roll to determine
either their highest Transport die or to d4.) successes, and the target suffers the effect of
the atomic weapon that you just redirected. (If
Tester Soak -2 1/special you used Vatic Riposte to deflect a raygun rifle,
Recharges when you trigger a breakdown and you scored four successes on the new target,
Someone’s got to see if this stuff works that’s 4 points of damage plus the rifle’s +3, so
out in the field. the new target suffers 7 points of Damage.)
You can tap this gift to negate 2 points Yes, if you redirect an atomic attack and
of damage (just like other soaks). successfully hit the new target, that’s a
This gift recharges either at the start of the “1/hit” and can recharge Vatic Riposte.
next scene (after about five minutes) or when Yes, you can tie on the Vatic Riposte’s
equipment you’re using suffers a breakdown. redirect. The new target suffers the redirected
Somehow, the world makes more sense to damage, and you suffer the new target’s
you when things aren’t working right. counter-attack. And yes, that’s still a hit you
scored so you can recharge Vatic Riposte.
Astounding Apparatus
The electronic age promised all kinds of fantastic inventions, such as rockets that could
travel through space, or machines that could think! This section describes only a handful of
the amazing science available to our heroes. Feel free to add your own ideas!
Astro-Outfit Computers
Space is mostly empty vacuum … except Computers exist in classic serial SF, but are
for deadly radiation, luminiferous aether, not generally referred to by that word until the
and orgone concentrations. That’s why 1940s. From the beginning, SF writers would
before you travel into the great beyond, you imagine thinking machines invested with the
should put on your Astro-Outfit. ability to understand speech, with superhuman
Your Astro-Outfit consists of a shiny intelligence and access to a vast collection of
jumpsuit with a steel helmet, leather pads, facts. While real world computers of this era
and fine boots. It includes its own oxygen were limited to oversized calculators, theories
supply for one hour of activity. The Astro- go much further. An extraordinary inventor
Outfit adds an extra Soak die, which is are may have built such a device. Typically this
both Breakdown die of 1d8. would just be a kind of brainy assistant who
When you suffer damage (or something helps with calculations or answers questions.
else untoward), roll your suit’s extra Soak On Earth of the 1930s these should be rare
die. If that die comes up 1, your suit has been devices. Even on Telluria or Earth in the far
punctured and you’re losing oxygen. You flung year 1980 they are large and fairly rare,
suffer 1 point of Damage every round, and your and limited to government or educational
Astro-Outfit no longer provides extra soak facilities. Pocket computers do not usually
against anything. (One point doesn’t sound exist in the serial SF genre, at least not until
like a lot of damage, but eventually by sheer the 1950s. Rogue computers — such as the
randomness you may wind up tapping some or Thermionic Brain — can develop self-awareness
all of your Soaks.) When this scene ends (in and goals independent of their creators.
about five minutes) you’ll be completely out of Independent robots contain computers, but
air. Five minutes after that, and you’re a goner. they are generally much less capable than a
Yes, you can tap your Astro-Soak or your dedicated immobile computing device.
Boffin Soak to prevent the leak. And yes, the
leak is a breakdown that recharges Tester Soak.
Astounding Apparatus
The term “death ray” usually refers to a with Dazed.) Kits can’t be moved once they’re
large weapon that fires an intense ray of deployed. (The stuff would break or spill.)
energy. It may have been designed as a Kits are easier to mod than outfits or
weapon from the start. In some cases, it might vehicles but more difficult than stations.
have been intended as a mining or industrial
tool, created for the betterment of society, but
it has been twisted to a more destructive Ray Gun
service. Things left in the path of this ray will
suffer great damage — bubbling and crackling The ray gun takes many forms. One built
in a powerful heat, or simply disappearing into for a Tellurian rebel lord will be ornate, with
their constituent atoms. In SF serials, a death lots of glowing tubes and gold and polished
ray is generally a singular invention and not wood fittings. One issued to a member of the
portable unless it has been loaded into a truck Earth Space Patrol in the far-flung year 1980
or mounted to a flying machine. If you want will be functional and rugged. The ray guns
something you can hide under a trench coat, used by soldiers of the Thermionic Empire are
you’re better off with some variety of raygun. stark and brutal devices of menacing aspect.
Ray guns invented by an Earth scientist in the
1930s can look like anything. Most of the time
Energy Sword they resemble a cross between a submachine
gun, a broken radio and a collection of obscure
Whether it takes the form of a metal blade plumbing accessories. Regardless of their
energized with sparking zaps of galvanic origin, they all fire beams of intense energy,
power, or a slashing weapon made from some and all are about the size of a Tommy gun.
form of coherent energy and heat, the Energy
Sword is a dramatic choice. Once only used
by nobles in highly ritualized wars on Ray Pistol
Telluria, Energy Swords see wider use during
the rebellion or in a planetary fantasy setting. A palm sized weapon that emanates fantastic
energies! This pocket portable variant of the ray
gun is used by spies and the criminal element.
Gadgetry While they mostly look like pistol-sized variants
of the standard raygun, those used by spies can
Nothing says “astounding” like bizarre also be disguised as everyday objects — such as
inventions! The march of science flashlights or cameras on 1930s Earth. By the year
progresses ever further, and some tinkerers 1980, the non-disguised kind were fairly common
are right there at the edge. in the wilder reaches of the solar system.
In game terms, players can modify weapons, Normal citizens are not permitted to own ray
outfits, vehicles, and other gear using the gift pistols designed to look like anything else.
of Gadgetry (which appears on page 313). The
gadgetry rules themselves begin on page 320.
Kits Even at the dawn of the century, it was
clear that the height of scientific discovery
Scientists often carry around detectors or would be to harness the power of the atom.
other gear to help them in the field. In game In the context of this setting, radiogen is
terms, a kit is a big satchel, box, or what-have- the name for a variety of alloys made from
you that has or more utility mods applied by several elements mixed together, where one
Gadgetry. The kit was just a big empty box or more has radioactive energy. Not every
before you started filling it with mods! radiogen is the same, and the methods of
A kit is big enough to be a burden by itself their manufacture are the closely-guarded
– it’s heavy and it slows you down, leaving secrets of governments, of corporations, and
the carrier at risk of being blind-sided by of scientific geniuses. Different alloys will have
attackers, reducing their movement speed, elaborate names, from the scientific (“Element
and generally being a bother. Kits are often R”) to the vainglorious (“Rearden metal”).
carried around in cars or by the lab assistant.
counter. Coin or pill-sized objects made of anyone else who comes in this room” or
radiogen can be concealed or dropped in places, “Break open the vault and return with the
so that radiation-detectors may find them later. sacks of money” are about as much as they can
Radiogen can be packed into an aerosol handle. Robots of this kind can rarely speak.
that is invisible in bright light. Some sprays When they can speak their conversation
can only be seen under special light, or are tends to be limited to repetitive, declarative
undetectable to all normal senses and can statements — “Resistance is futile!” “Obey
only be found using radiation-detectors. Spies, the master!” “KILL! KILL! KILL!” and so on.
thieves, and saboteurs may spray a target with
radiogen-aerosol so they may track it.
Depleted radiogen no longer glows, though Robot (1980 Space Patrol)
it does emit a lower signature of radiation
than other alloys of its kind. Depleted By the 1980s, robots had become common
radiogen alloys are used in the construction household servants and workers. They are
of rocket-ships, as these alloys are very mostly humanoid and relatively svelte, though
strong for their weight. Radiogen blades still much heavier than an Earthling of equivalent
and tools are carried by astronauts. size. They are often built to resemble one of
Volatile radiogen can emit rays or even the various species of Earthling. For example, a
explode, depending on what’s in the alloy robot sold to serve as a butler to a family of cats
and what it’s being exposed to. Radiogen is might have ornamental metal ears, detachable
a key component in unstable gizmos and in aluminum whiskers for easy cleaning, and even
atomic weapons such as rayguns. a prehensile tail. Though they still have limited
self-direction they can move about independently
and undertake fairly advanced pre-programmed
Robot (1930 Earth) tasks. For example, a robot nanny will follow
children about and protect them from harm. A
This is the classic robot of serial SF. It is robot cook will clean the kitchen and prepare
a clinking, clanking, clattering collection of food at set times. A robot security guard will
collagenous cogs, a lumbering mechanical patrol a bank and attempt to apprehend a robber.
beast with clawed manipulators and limited Some can engage in very basic conversation,
brain power. reporting things they have seen or done.
Earth scientists throughout history have Commercially built robots will not harm
struggled to create mechanical servants. A an Earthling, or someone who appears to be
few brilliant souls have managed to do so, and an Earthling. This does not prevent them from
even invest them with a modicum of apparent trying to restrain an Earthling who is causing
intelligence. Sadly, most of these brilliant someone harm. Less savory individuals can
inventors are also somewhat unbalanced and alter their robots to be less discerning, and
their robots exist as unquestioning flunkies robot butler turned assassins are a common
in service of a dark will. The average robot of trope in mystery literature of this period.
Astounding Apparatus
Tellurian robots have been around for a rocket-ship is the easiest part by far, and
hundreds of years. Before the rise of the can be done even by Earth technology of
Thermions they were commonplace. Even the 1930s. Without the fuel and engine, the
the lowliest household could boast a basic rocket-ship is earth bound.
robot servant. They are often fantastically
baroque creations, made of semi-precious
metals and stones and created to suit a Station
definite aesthetic. Even basic models used for
manual labor are designed for beauty, though What is a lab without some crazy
they are made of less ornamental materials. equipment? In game terms, a station is a
Following the rise of the Thermionic Brain, fixed spot with a utility mod applied to it,
most robots in the Rebel Kingdoms were using Gadgetry. A station is usually a table
destroyed or had their computer brains with a single chair or stool. Stations are
disabled. More like appliances than servants, very fragile – they can’t be moved, and if
these robots only obey simple directions. they suffer any damage, shakeups, or the
Within the Thermionic Empire, robots are like, they will be destroyed.
even more ubiquitous than the old days. They Stations are the easiest kind of utility
tend to be sleek and functional. While they mod to create.
obey orders from flesh and blood citizens,
they will not break the laws of the Thermi-
onic Brain and will report any infractions. Ultra-wave
Required for instant communications
Rocketships between spaceships and across interplanetary
distances, the Ultra-wave Radio propagates
The typical rocket-ship of the pulp serials is superluminal messages through the sub-
a silver tri-finned tube that streaks across the ether! By comparison, normal radio waves take
universe on a column of flame. They are also minutes or hours to travel across the Solar
capable of atmospheric flight, and are much System. By 1980, ultra-wave televisions are also
faster than any Earthly airplane of the 1930s. available for two-way video communication.
Rocket-ships are often compact, most with just
two or three rooms and a cockpit, with very
little apparent space for fuel and supplies. Wonders of Science
Happily, their journeys from planet to planet
don’t usually take more than a few days. The As scientists divine the mysteries of the
physics involved in this is rather unclear. universe, they discover new materials,
For the purposes of this setting, workable properties, and theories to use. Years ago,
rocket-ships have advanced engines substances such as masrium, vril, eezo,
powered by small amounts of Tellurium-307 divinium, or antidermis would have no
or a similar energetic element. The engines known purpose. But today, given the
have three basic components. limitless possibilities of science, these
Galvanic Wave Chamber: This is a wonders could be used to a purpose beyond
specially treated box that encases the conventional understanding.
Tellurium-307, absorbing its fantastic energy In game terms, players can use gadgetry to
output and translating it into electrical power. quickly improvise a variety of devices, with
Pentagrid Converter Array: The Pentagrid limited effects. The Game Host may choose to
Converter Array is notoriously delicate and introduce wondrous resources as part of the story,
needs constant adjustment and attention! to make wonders which are far more powerful
This elaborate arrangement of vacuum tubes and far more dangerous than any mere gadget.
calculates the path of the rocket-ship on its The rules for using wonders start on
fantastic voyage through space. It also page 329.
controls the output of energy to the…
Radium Ignition Emitters: These are
the largest part of the engine, a series of
fantastically curved tubes that emerge from
the rear of the vessel. It is these that
A standard Urban Jungle campaign would be set in a conventional 20th-century world, which
would still be full of technological marvels, such as electricity, telephone, radio, television… but
that’s not why we’re here, is it? We want to work with fancy stuff.
(You can’t do the same action twice in the modifications applied by Gadgetry. These
same turn.) Rolling more dice will let you breakdown dice are rolled as extra attack
choose better, more elaborate results… but dice… but if they roll a 1, the device suffers
every roll you make is a risk that your a breakdown. Yes, you can be in the awkward
Gadget die will roll a 1 and dwindle in size. situation where you won the contest but
A lot of gadgeteering is taking an your weapon broke down. If you’re in an
existing item and making modifications to it. attack-vs.-counter contest, and you win the
A station is an unmoving table or console that contest but you had a breakdown, then no
supports your gadgetry. A kit is a heavy box, one gets hit. (You got the best of your
mobile but burdensome. Gadgets can also be opponent, but your attack fizzles out before
worn as part of an outfit or built into a mobile it can hit anyone.)
vehicle. And of course, inevitably, you can
Doctor Halden has added the “Experimental” mod to
modify a weapon, should you choose to use
their Pocket Pistol. Normally, they would be rolling
your genius for purposes other than peace.
attack dice of d8, d4, an ammo die of dwindling d4,
As an example, Doctor Halden wants to make a and the Experimental mod adds an extra 2d8
gadget. They have a Mind of d8, Craft dice of d10 breakdown dice.
and d4, and a Gadgetry die of d6.
When shooting at the Tellurian saboteurs invading
They roll their dice and they come up 7, 2, 4, and 1. her chemistry lab, Halden rolls 5, 3, 2, 7, and 8.
That’s a good shot, and they call this first trial a
That’s two dice that are showing four or better, so
that’s 2 successes. Halden can choose any result on
the table of 2 or less. They choose “add a weapon On their second turn, Halden rolls 3, 4, 1, 6, and 5.
mod to a weapon” —Dr. Halden modifies their That third die was the ammo die, so after playing
Pocket Pistol to have the “Experimental” mod. out this attack, they’re out of bullets. On their next
turn, Halden reloads.
Some options let you scrap gadgets or
make other sacrifices to restore your Gadget Finally, Halden shoots and rolls 7, 3, 2, 1, and 8.
die. You can also give Gadget dice to other That fourth die was one of the Experimental mod’s
people – even if they don’t have the gift of breakdown dice. With a loud fizzle, the pistol suffers
Gadgetry! Characters who gain a Gadget die a breakdown. Dr. Halden can fix this breakdown by
can now attempt to make their own gadgets. using gadgetry on one of their future turns.
What’s the limit for weapon mods? You must stop before the Dmg drops below zero
Yes, you apply a “Damage -1” mod to a “Damage +1” weapon, then it becomes “Damage”
with no bonus. No, you cannot apply a “Damage -1” mod to a “Damage” zero weapon; that
would make the base damage become sub-zero, and that is not allowed.
Yes, you can use mods to raise the Damage, then lower it later with another mod. As long as the
final Damage bonus is zero or higher, you’re fine.
Acidic weapons drip a caustic chemical. At The last thing you want is for your secret
the end of the target’s next turn, subtract 1 from weapons to fall into the wrong hands. A
the Damage that the weapon inflicted last round booby-trapped weapon looks normal; only a
and inflict that again. This damage continues Focused combatant who rolls Mind & Craft
until it either drops to zero or if something and scores two successes can spot a booby-
can remove the acid effect. A breakdown can trap. When someone uses a booby-trapped
be a nasty leak from the liquid reservoir. weapon, it is destroyed and then harms the
Atomizing weapons have unthinkable power. user for 2 points of damage plus all its other
In skilled hands, they can inflict devastating usual effects. (No roll is needed and there’s no
effect. Each success you score does 2 points chance of breakdown; if it’s booby-trapped, it’s
of damage (instead of 1 point of damage from dangerous.) If you want a weapon that is only
typical weapons). Targets that are overkilled by booby-trapped under certain conditions, you
atomizing weapons will become radioactive piles can apply a second mod: “Keyed” (see below).
of ash with some carbonized bones mixed in. A Cycling weapons have mechanism that
breakdown will leave a metallic taste in your cause them to repeat their effect: rapid sprays
mouth, will stop your wristwatch from working, of bullets, spinning blades, or other bizarre
and will over-expose all your photographic film. effects. After a successful hit, you may sweep
Autoload weapons have disintegrating belts, to a different target, playing out another roll
complex hoppers, or blowback-feed mechanisms of attack vs. defense. (Not only does this
that continuously replace the single shot… expose you to more counter-attacks, but each
until their inevitable breakdown, that is. time you roll breakdown dice, there’s the
chance that your weapon stops working.) You
can keep sweeping as long as you keep hitting
new targets; just remember that you can never
attack the same target twice on your turn.
These weapons can be found on alien worlds or can be made with futuristic technology.
If your campaign takes place on a modern earth with strange invaders, atomic weapons can
only be found or crafted. In a more futuristic setting, atomic weapons aren’t usually sold in
markets, being too dangerous for common folk to have. If you and your fellow players think
it's appropriate, the Game Host can set prices, using similar weapons as a guideline.
And yes, atomic weapons can be modified with gadgets!
The energy sword is a handle with a squeeze- grooves; this is just an atomic weapon
grip. When squeezed, a coruscating fulguration that’s bigger and longer than the pistol.
of crackling power springs forth, a coherent But it looks like a rifle, so people call it that.
beam about a meter in length. (If dropped, the The volatile radiogens found here are
energy sword automatically turns off.) Energy improvised explosives, usually when
swords do not keep their power long; each use something has broken down and there’s a nasty
requires you to roll an extra attack die: a dwindle chain reaction about to go off. Or maybe you
die of d6, which shrinks each time you roll a 1. just pulled something out of the engine core to
When that die dwindles away to nothing, the throw at those nasty invaders as your last-ditch
energy sword must be recharged in a transuranic effort. (Consider modding the explosive to
dynamo for 24 hours before it can be used again. have a delay, or you might get caught in your
The smallest of atomic weapons, the raygun own blast.) Military-grade explosives made
pistol is a round cylinder of depleted radio- from atomic isotopes have an explosive yield
genite, the insides polished and treated with a that is beyond the scope of personal combat.
special electro-chemical process, then filled with The aliens of various planets may use
an inert gas. When you pull the trigger, two radiogen materials to make axes or arrows.
isotopes are pushed closer together as a shutter And many astro-workers will have fine
opens on the front of the barrel. The inside of the cutting tools made from depleted radiogen.
cylinder becomes charged with atomic energy,
which is then vented out the front as a super-
heated radiation. The raygun bolt itself is gone in
a few microseconds, but the after-image tends to
linger in people’s eyes as a cyan-blue streak. The
rays singe hair, burn flesh, boil water, and set
combustible items on fire. Rayguns do not need
to reload; the half-life of the isotope within them
should be good for about fifty years of operation.
It’s a misnomer to name the raygun rifle
326 after a long-bore firearm with rifled
Aeronaut — You can fly quickly… and Camouflaged — This thing is hidden to look
dangerously … using turbines of your like some inanimate object. If it is not
own design. (If you install this on a kit or moving or doing anything else, other people
station, you can only go up and down, you must pass difficult tests to detect it. (They
can’t move laterally side to side.) After every must Focus and use Mind & Observation vs.
minute (ten combat rounds) of operation, or 3 and get at least 2 successes.) Once you start
if you take Damage, roll Breakdown d8; on a moving or doing things with it, its position
1, this mod breaks down and you begin falling and nature are revealed… and you most roll
immediately. Hope you packed a chute! Breakdown d12; on a 1, the camouflaged mod
Animatronic — This outfit or vehicle breaks and you no longer get this
moves around like there was a person in automatic concealment when not moving.
it. Whenever it tries to do something, roll Detectors for X — Declare a specific type of
a Breakdown die of d12; on a 1, the outfit activity that you are looking for, usually
stops working. It has no senses or direction something undetectable to normal senses:
and just repeats itself or bumps into walls radioactivity, telecommunication, odyllic
unless you also add the “Remote” mod. force, psychokinesis, ectoplasm, Venusians,
Booby-Trapped —Anyone who tries to etc. You can now scan for that, rolling
operate this device without following Breakdown 2d10. One success will find it,
the correct procedure is in for a nasty two successes will tell you more information.
surprise. First, the device destroys itself. (Though you may have to analyze the date
Then it causes 6 points of damage to the using skills such as Academics.) On a
would-be user, who soaks normally. Breakdown, the detector stops working.
If you also install the “Keyed” mod (see Dirigible — This outfit includes balloons! You
below), you can decide that anyone who can move at normal speed slowly through
uses the key procedure does not trigger the air. After every hour of operation, or
the booby-trap. (So the device is safe for if you take Damage, roll Breakdown d12;
those who know the trick, and it self- on a 1, your balloon springs a leak, and
destructs when used by those who don’t.) you sink slowly to earth as it deflates. 327
vehicles don’t usually protect against, such as protect against, such as acid, cold,
radioactivity, vitalism, mesmerism, orgone, electricity, fire, etc. When you are subjected
phlogiston, aetherics, etc. When you are to that hazard, roll a Breakdown d6. If you
subjected to that hazard, roll a Breakdown d12. roll 2 or better, that common hazard or
If you roll 2 or better, that common hazard or effect is ignored. (You still must Soak any
effect is ignored. (You still must Soak any Damage from normal sources, separately.)
Damage from normal sources, separately.) If If the Breakdown die rolls a 1, remove this
the Breakdown die rolls a 1, you suffer like mod and you suffer like everyone else. (If
everyone else and this mod stops working. you tap a gift like Boffin Soak to prevent
(If you tap a gift like Boffin Soak to prevent the breakdown, the mod keeps working.)
the breakdown, the mod keeps working.) Reinforced – This device adds Breakdown dice
Jerry-Rigged — You can apply this to any of 2d6 to all Soak rolls made by the operator.
soak that requires 1/repair and has already (These are more soak dice; each one that
been tapped. That soak is now untapped…. rolls 4 or better negates 1 point of damage,
But now whenever that vehicle attempts to just like your other soak dice.) If this mod is
dodge an attack or takes damage, roll the on a station, you gain the bonus dice when
Breakdown dice of 3d6. If any of those come you’re at that station; if it’s on a vehicle, it
up 1, the jerry-rigging fails, and the soak is re- applies to everyone in the vehicle. If the soak
tapped immediately (before soaking damage). roll triggers a breakdown, that Soak roll still
If tapping the soak triggers something, that counts, but remove the “Reinforced” mod.
gets triggered when the breakdown happens. Remote — This device includes a television
Keyed — Keyed devices won’t function at camera and a radio. If you are at your Remote
all unless some specific condition is met. workstation or wearing your own Remote
They may have a safety feature such as a outfit, you can assist another person wearing
combination lock or set of levers that must this, and they can show you what they see.
be in a specific position. They may require (If you pair this mod in an Animatronic, you
some special item, such as a radiogen ring can use actions to “assist” it to do things,
worn around the trigger finger. Or maybe it’s rolling your own skills first, and then the
just padlocked shut. Be creative! (The Keyed Animatronic tries the same thing by rolling
mod can be combined with the “Booby- its Animatronic Breakdown die and your
Trapped” mod to make a weapon that only assist die.) After using the remote to perform
works safely if the keyed condition is met a task or roll, roll a Breakdown die of d12; if
and that blows up in your face if it’s not.) it comes up 1, the remote stops working.
Medical — This device can help people who Submarine — This mod makes the gear
have succumbed to damage or other physical become watertight and oxygenated. A
hazards. When used to treat someone, roll submarine outfit allows you to breathe
the device’s Breakdown dice of 2d6, as if underwater; a submarine vehicle can
this were someone applying medical aid. (If submerge to four fathoms. (If you install
someone uses this device while applying this on a kit or station, you can only go dive
medical aid, they roll the device’s Breakdown and rise vertically; you can’t move laterally
dice as bonus dice.) When applied to an side to side.) After every five minutes of
outfit, this mod automatically activates when underwater operation, or after suffering
the wearer is incapacitated. When applied any Damage, roll Breakdown d12; on a 1,
to a vehicle, this mod activates when one or the submarine mod stops working, and you
more of the occupants are incapacitated. better surface immediately or abandon ship.
Polygraphic — This device can examine a
target’s heart rate, blood pressure, eye
dilation, and other things associated with
a mechanical “lie detector.” This device
gives a bonus Breakdown d6 to discover if
someone is lying or playing you false, or
to diagnose someone’s mental condition.
Rocket Combat
Before we go too far here: these rules are for pulp sci-fi rocket combat. You won’t find realistic
descriptions of weightlessness, g-forces, light-minutes, relativity, and the like here. In the
fiction, the interactions of rockets owed more to the rise of aviation in the early 20 th century in
general, with strong influences from World-War-I dogfighting and World-War-2 bombing runs.
Large-scale vehicle combat can be exciting for some players… and not as much fun for others.
So you may have to fly by the seat of your pants. The rules of good gaming always apply: be
fair & consistent about your decisions; build upon your players’ roles and ideas, and have fun.
Rocket Combat
current station to another one. Roll
crewmember: if that order is followed,
your Body, Speed, & Athletics.
that crewmember gains a d8 assist
bonus on rolls to carry out that order.
CHANGE STATION: Declare a “stunt” Your turn ends.
action, then roll Body, Speed, Athletics
Successes (each 4 or better is a success).
The gift of Leadership gives you a d12 bonus
None You are stuck at your station, Dazed. to rolls to deliver orders from the command station.
1 Move to another empty station, Dazed.
2 Move to an occupied, friendly station. You are When the rocket-ship takes damage, the
character in the command station chooses
now stationed, your friend isn’t, and both of
what soaks (if any) will be tapped.
you are Dazed .
3 Move to an occupied, unfriendly station. The target When a Casualty Soak is tapped, if
must roll higher than your roll, using either Body, there is a dispute over which crew
Speed, Athletics or an appropriate counter-attack. If member will suffer (a tie for the
you win, you are stationed, and both of you are Dazed. lowest roller, etc.), the character in
the command station chooses who
will suffer.
Command station
Larger craft will have a command station,
where the captain sits and gives out orders. Pilot station
If there are multiple piloting stations, Any rocket-ship will have at least one pilot
and there is a dispute over who is the station, which is used for directing the ship.
pilot (and thus chooses the ship’s As a stunt, pilot the ship. Roll your
piloting for that turn), the character in Speed, Will, and Transport, count each die
the command station declares who showing 4 or better as a success. You can
will be the pilot. choose any result that is equal or less than
your successes. (If you roll 2 successes,
If the ship is attacked, and there is a choose a 2, 1, or none result, etc.)
dispute over which cupola-gunner will
counter-attack, the character in the
The gift of Rocket Jockey gives you a d12
command station declares who will
bonus to pilot any rocket.
The gift of Team Player raises your assist bonus
As an action, you can rally another
crew-member. (This is identical to the from d8 to d12. If you hold the ship steady, you’ll
“rally” action in the base rules.) give all your friends a bonus d12 to Transport…
and you’ll effectively remove all limits to their skills
As a stunt, deliver an order another, they might suffer from being in a moving vehicle.
single crew at a single station. Roll
PILOT: Declare a “stunt” action, then roll Speed, Will, and Transport dice.
Successes Each 4 or better is one success; choose one option.
None Leave the rocket unsupervised. If you’re in a hazardous area, the rocket is now on a deadly course.
1 ⭞ Recover: Take the rocket out of a deadly course.
1 Standard Escape: If your propulsion isn’t broken, you can break away from any combat. If no one pursues you, you
escape. Recharge one of your rocket’s “1/escape” soaks.
1 ⭍ Standard Evasion: if your stabilizers aren’t broken, you can react to attacks by evading; until your next turn, your rocket
dodges by rolling 3d6 (with bonus Rocket-Range dice).
1 ⟴ Standard Fixed-Attack: You may attack a target with a fixed-mounted armament. Roll 3d6 vs. their defense.
1 ⤓ Standard Landing: If your mechanicals aren’t broken, you can land the rocket on an appropriate, prepared runway.
1 ⤷ Standard Maneuver: Pilot your rocket in a way that any qualified pilot could. If anyone attacks your rocket, your rocket
may dodge by rolling 1d6 (and Rocket-Range dice).
1 ↠ Standard Pursuit: If your propulsion isn’t broken, choose one other ship. That ship can’t get away unless they can score a great escape or better.
1 ⥱ Steady As She Goes: If your stabilizers aren’t broken, give all fellow passengers an assist bonus of d8 to their
Transport die. (This bonus may raise their limits on their other skill dice.)
3 Great Escape: If your propulsion isn’t broken, you can break away from any combat. Only a great pursuit or better can
successfully follow you. Recharge one of your rocket’s “1/escape” soaks.
3 ⭍ Great Evasion: if your stabilizers aren’t broken, you can react to attacks by evading; until your next turn, your rocket
dodges by rolling 3d8 and Rocket-Range dice
3 ⟴ Great Fixed-Attack: You may attack a target with a fixed-mount armament. Roll 3d8 vs. their defense.
3 ⤓ Great Landing: If your mechanicals aren’t broken, you can land the rocket on an inappropriate, improvised runway.
3 ⤷ Great Maneuver: Pilot your rocket in a way that only a great pilot could. If anyone attacks your rocket, your rocket may
dodge by rolling 1d8 (and Rocket-Range dice).
3 ↠ Great Pursuit: If your propulsion isn’t broken, choose one other ship. That ship can’t get away unless they can score an astounding escape.
3 ⥀ Jink: Use pitch and yaw to your advantage; on your very next turn, your rocket may perform as if it had working stabilizers (even if it doesn’t)
3 ⥀ Slingshot: Use momentum and gravity to boost your top speed; on your very next turn, your rocket may perform as if it had
working propulsion (even if it doesn’t)
3 ⤑ Stealthy Maneuvers: If and only if your ship has an untapped “Stealth Soak”, you can use this maneuver to avoid
detection. You are imperceptible to anything less than Astounding Radar when you stay at extreme range or greater.
5 Astounding Escape: If your propulsion isn’t broken, perform an amazing set of maneuvers that will shake off anything
less than astounding pursuit. Recharge one of your rocket’s “1/escape” soaks.
5 ⭍ Astounding Evasion: if your stabilizers aren’t broken, you can react to attacks by evading; until your next turn, your rocket
dodges by rolling 3d10 and Rocket-Range dice
5 ⟴ Astounding Fixed-Attack: You may attack a target with the fixed-mounted armaments. Roll 3d10 vs. their defense.
5 ⤓ Astounding Landing: If your mechanicals aren’t broken, you can land the rocket on an implausible runway.
5 ⤷ Astounding Maneuver: Pilot your rocket in a way that the best pilots could. If anyone attacks your rocket, your rocket
may dodge by rolling 1d10 (and Rocket-Range dice).
332 5 ↠ Astounding Pursuit: If your propulsion isn’t broken, choose one other ship. That ship can’t get away.
Rocket Combat
or more co-pilot stations, which can be transparent half-sphere, with the gun in
used to direct the ship. There’s always one the center, physically turned by you and by
pilot station whose controls over-ride all mechanical assistance.
the co-pilot stations. As an action, declare that you will aim
On your turn, choose one of the at a specific target for a bonus d8 to
following: attack it, this turn only.
As a stunt, help the pilot. Make a roll
of Speed & Transport vs. 3. If you are If you have the gift of Veteran , your aiming
successful, give the pilot an assist bonus is improved to d12 (from d8).
bonus of d8.
If you have the gift of Atomic Accuracy, and
If the pilot didn’t operate the ship, and you are using an atomic weapon (such as almost any
no one else did, you can take over the armament), and if you can aim at your target (using
pilot position. See the “Pilot” rules, an Aim action), your damage is improved. Each
above. (If someone else piloted the success you score is +2 damage (instead of +1).
ship before you in this round, you can
only assist.) As an action, declare that you will
guard, which gives you a bonus d8 to
The gift of Rocket Jockey gives you a d12 any counter-attacks that you make,
bonus to co-pilot any rocket. until the start of your next turn.
The gift of Team Player raises your assist
If you have the gift of Veteran , your
bonus from d8 to d12.
guarding bonus is improved to d12 (from d8).
Rocket Combat
We’re going to use the word “armament”
for vehicle-mounted weapons, and we’ll
reserve the word “weapon” for personal gear.
Since most rockets are 30m or longer, the burst radius is only relevant when a rocket’s
armament attacks people or their installations.
Missiles can be either unguided (fire-and-forget) or guided (by disintegrating wire-filament). Missiles
are large and heavy, and the extra fuel that they require puts the vehicle at additional risk of fire.
Ballistic guns that fire radiogenic shells are quite popular, either as the rapid-fire autocannon or
the controlled fire of the batteries. These armaments resemble their 20th-century counterparts, with
big, heavy barrels and spent shell-casings. Modern rocket-ships will often prefer turbo lasers for
their counter-attacks. Some ships must make do with the simplicity of the forward-mounted ray.
There are large-scale atomic armaments which haven’t been completely proven in the field.
The wave-motion array is not one, but two atomic-ray chambers that discharge theoretical particles,
harmless to ordinary matter … except where the two rays overlap, where the diffusion wave is a deadly
interference pattern of atomic fire. The experimental n-ray projector operates more like a conventional
ray-gun, but without the inefficiencies of searing light and heat; while it’s far less likely to give
away your position, it’s also not nearly as powerful as other armaments of the same size and class.
Yes, you can use gadgetry to modify a ship’s armaments. Each armament must be
modified individually, as an “armament” (which is more difficult than a mere weapon).
Rocket Combat
Depending on the amount of damage that
your rocket couldn’t soak, you may be dead in
the sky, or breaking up in pieces, or completely
atomized. The more damage, the worse the
situation. Even if your ship is merely dead,
you may be on a decaying, collision course.
Each rocket has different, optional
soaks. Here are some common ones:
Casualty Soak -6 = The ship is still in
one piece, but at what price?
All crew aboard the ship roll their Will
and Observation. (Danger Sense adds a
bonus d12.) The lowest roller suffers a
tragedy (a bulkhead falls on them; a
conduit explodes; shrapnel or radiation
Rocket Soaks penetrates the cabin, etc.) The exact
details are up to the host, but the default
Rocket-ships soak damage in the same ways that is a hit for Damage 6. (Ouch!)
characters do: first, apply the passive soaks, then If you tap your Astro Soak to avoid this
tap other soaks. If you can’t reduce the damage casualty, then you pass this effect on to
to zero, the rocket becomes non-functional. the second-lowest roller. If that character
taps an Astro Soak, pass it on to the third,
First, apply the Size Soak (usually -3) etc. If every possible casualty taps an
Most rocket-ships will have 3 points of Astro Soaks to avoid this, then everyone
soak, being a large thing made of strong metal avoids being a casualty, this time.
that ignores petty attacks. Tiny ships may have Casualty Soak recharges after a
only -2 or -1; larger ones may be -4 or more. successful repair (1/repair).
Combustion Soak –2 = The good news
Then roll the Hull Dwindle Soak is, your rocket didn’t explode. The bad
(each 4 or better is -1 damage, news is, it’s now on fire. After everyone
but these dice can dwindle) on board your rocket has taken their
Your hull will have one, two, or more turn, if the fire is still raging, the rocket
dwindle dice as soak dice, such as “3d4” or takes another 5 points of damage.
“3d6”. These work like your own soak dice; While the fire can be put out,
when hit, roll these and each one that comes Combustion Soak can only be repaired
up 4 or better reduces damage by 1. … But in the shop (1/repair).
they’re also dwindle dice, so when they roll Cosmetic Soak –2 = The paint gets scuffed,
a 1, they get smaller. (If you rolled 3d6 and the hull is dented, and the rocket-ship has
got 5, 4, 1, you’d soak 2 points of damage, obvious signs of damage, but otherwise
and your next soak roll would be 2d6, d4.) it’s functional. The Cosmetic Soak is
If the Hull Dice dwindle away to usually the first soak that gets tapped.
nothing… well, you’re fine, just don’t take Cosmetic Soak can only be repaired in
any more damage or it could get ugly. the shop (1/repair).
Hull dice can be rebuilt by engineers
during a rocket combat (see “Engineering” Cupola Soak -2 = It’s a hit to this
armament, and it’s destroyed. (And if
station, above). They can be fully repaired in
you were stationed there, it’s time to
the shop (1/repair to restore all dice).
tap an Astro Soak or you suffer Dmg 6!)
Cupola Soak can only be repaired in
the shop (1/repair). If your ship is large
enough, you may have multiple Cupola
Soaks, each for a different space.
Rocket Combat
As with all encounters, plan your rocket- pure sapphire among the myriad rocks
ship adventures to be interesting, in the asteroid belt. First, they must
challenging, and fun. Here are some ideas, plot their course using astounding
rated by threat. radar (from their radio station), and
then fly there using an astounding
For the beginners maneuver (from the pilot station).
Our heroes are to observe a rogue comet The Tellurians are mounting an
that’s come into system. First, they offense against New Shersey City!
must plot their course using standard Our heroes must first intercept their
radar (from their radio station), and six ships (rolling vs. 3d8 skill) and
then fly there using a standard then engage them. Any ship that isn’t
maneuver (from the pilot station). successfully pursued or engaged for
A single desperado gunship has been three rounds will sweep the city with a
preying upon the shipping traffic near kilometer-long arc of radioactive
Venus. Our heroes must come up with death.
some way to find the gunship. (Radio Those criminals who stole the payroll
detection? A ruse to look like a cargo are hiding in the clouds of Neptune,
ship? Gathering intel among smugglers? in a desperation move that can’t be
Something else?) Then they must engage good for anyone. Each round, each
it in battle. The gunship’s pilots roll 3d6 ship’s command must roll Mind,
on all rolls, and they can execute two Observation, and Danger Sense – the
escapes that aren’t successfully nullified lowest roller has their ship hit by a
by the players’ pursuit, they get away. stray lightning bolt, which causes 6
points of damage and plays havoc with
For the experts the ship systems.
Our heroes must investigate an uncharted
moon of Jupiter. First, they must plot
their course using great radar (from their
radio station), and then fly there using
a great maneuver (from the pilot
A pirate flotilla has made a base in the L4
orbit of Earth. Engaging them requires
defeating one pirate ship (with
enemies who have skill dice of 3d8)
and their five desperados (whose skill
dice are 3d6).
Those mercenaries have stolen the
neo-polio vaccine, and they’re getting
away in their six dogfighters. But
which one of them is carrying it? To
make things worse, they fly through
the asteroid belt, where only great
maneuvers can prevent crashing into
the debris for 6-point hits on the ship.
The street is largely empty in the heat, “I’ve already told the cops, the newspapers, and
though a few sleepy looking folks are trying the insurance company. So okay, I’ll tell you too.
to cool off on apartment balconies. A trio of A bunch of coins and jewelry, plus a deposit box.
ragged (and tough) looking mouse kids (two I got a little vault in the back. People keep stuff
boys, one girl) hangs out on the curbside, in it — wills, fur coats, whatever. I’m cheaper
watching the players. Activating the than a bank. Darn thing tore off the iron door
Telephonic Dowser reveals a faint signal — it and then only took the one box. I figure maybe
seems to be equally strong in the direction the cops had shown up and scared it off.”
of Hawkeye Gems and a nearby alleyway.
In the Lair of the Lady and secured. Normal entry is via a front door
that leads into a small reception room with a
At some point the players will have single desk, some uncomfortable wooden
established the location of the mysterious chairs and a filing cabinet full of work orders.
new crime boss known as The Lady. They will From here, another door leads into the much
have either learned it directly from Roland and larger work bay. This large room is lined
Buzz (the would-be gunmen in the previous with about two dozen fair attractions in
scene), or used the Telephonic Dowswer to various states of repair, three of which are
trace the tellurium-307 stolen by the Robot. covered by dust cloths. The robot is currently
The hideout is located on Stucki Island, best here, covered by one of these dust clothes.
known as a popular tourist destination and The other two covered items are a mechanical
beachfront, but also home to some residential laughing clown (terrifying but harmless) and a
and commercial neighborhoods. mechanical fox dressed as a ringmaster. When
Despite being an island, Stucki is well- activated, this mechanical fox is supposed to
connected to the mainland by bridges and run through a recorded patter describing the
subways. The gang’s hideout is a delights of the Midway, but currently it only
mechanical repair shop located on an empty produces a horrible grinding noise.
stretch of service road that veers southward Two other rooms can be accessed at the
from the main route into the park and runs rear of the repair area. One is a combination
toward the beach, terminating at a fenced off break room and storeroom for parts, the other
boardwalk. To the east, bright lights and is a very basic washroom. The contents of the
roller coasters can be seen over the fences break room/storeroom will vary according to
that surrounded Stucki Park. The west side whether or not the players are expected.
of the street is lined with storage and repair
buildings for the amusement grounds. Given
But where is the tellurium-307?
the summer’s heat and school break, Stucki
The tellurium-307 is inside the Robot! It
Island is packed with day trippers and
has a built-in armored storage compart-
folks from the inner city hoping to cool off
ment. The Lady put the tellurium inside
in the ocean surf. The crowds will just
the Robot as soon as she received it.
grow larger and louder as the Sun sets.
The Gang
The Hideout
Frankie Nails’ gang consists of himself,
The shop is used to repair broken fair
Roland, Buzz and one additional thug for each
attractions such as Kinetoscopes, love testers
player character. If Roland and Buzz have
and shooting gallery arcade games. It is also
been knocked out of action, replace them with
used to store more elaborate mechanical
two additional thugs. The mysterious figure
attractions, such as mechanical fortune
known as The Lady will also be present, but
tellers and the like. This room offers plenty of
for reasons outlined below will not take action
places to hide and also provide an ideal place
against the players and may even assist them.
to conceal a robot. There are a few windows,
The Robot starts the scene deactivated, but
but all of them are small and covered in
may come under the control of anyone who
heavy metal screens. Players who take a
manages to secure its remote control. Frankie
closer look will see the metal screen over the
knows the basics. He can order the robot to
smallest window (which leads to a washroom
grab someone, break open a door, or move in a
of the building) can be removed from the
certain direction. If players happen to acquire
outside with a screwdriver and offers a
the remote control they will be able to figure
possible route for entry without being seen.
out those basic functions with a successful
Academics roll. The Lady can program the
Robot to undertake more sophisticated tasks
without the need of her direct control. These
functions are beyond the capability of the
players without considerable study.
keeping the Robot at hand. They’ll learn that “Ha! As though you didn’t know, you miserable
Professor Cabal is perhaps the unwitting servants of conformity! I am, at least for the
agent of an alien power and presumably moment, Prince Oleg Karedo of Ruhritania, First
seek him out to discover the truth. Captain in the Liberation Army. Have you come
to gloat over your victory? Ha! Know then that
the game is far from over! So long as freedom
What if they fail badly? and poetry burn brightly in the heart of sentient
In the worst case scenario the players beings, your suffocating regime will never prevail!”
are tied up and the building set on fire. If
they are unable to escape because they are We don’t know what any of that means
unconscious or otherwise incapable, the
Stucki Park fire brigade will show up to rescue “Oh… well. Know then that you are unwitting
them. They will then have a chance to talk to servants of the greatest evil to threaten the
the Lady. The gang leaves with the Robot. serenity of either of our planets. Join me! Together
The players can try to recover it — the Robot we can sabotage Professor Cabal’s mad quest to
is easy to track as the tellurium-307 is inside bring tellurium-307 to the Thermionic Brain!”
it. If the players don’t manage to recover the
Robot or forget about it somehow, it will What is the Thermionic Brain?
show up again in the final scene.
“Yes! The final contrivance of Yorvaine and his
Yesterday Men, the unliving yoke they placed
Talking to The Lady upon the neck of a planet! Would YOU fall under
NOTE: The Lady, as noted elsewhere, is its ponderous sway?!”
an amalgam of the body and mind of Alice
Tiptree and the mind of Prince Oleg Did… did you say “prince”?
Karedo. For the sake of simplicity, we refer
to this collective individual with “they, “[sighing] Yes, yes. Prince. Please do not burden
them, their” pronouns and refer to them as me with your unsophisticated concepts of
“The Lady” when being specific. The Lady gender dimorphism. My body was different in
answers to either of their names, as well as Telluria, yes, but it doesn’t matter there
simply “Lady,” and doesn’t care what anyway. Well, at least not in the rightful
pronouns the players use because all apply. kingdoms. Narrower views are thrust upon the
The Lady is initially wary, especially if the unhappy slaves of the Thermionic realms. I am
players do not release them immediately. also Alice Tiptree, ace reporter and author, but
The Lady assumes (correctly) the players are Alice has kindly lent me use of her brain for a
working for Professor Cabal, who the rebels while.”
believe to either be an agent of the Thermionic
Empire or a deluded dupe. However, the Lady You are a criminal!
also assumes the players are fully aware of “No! I am a soldier fighting a world-spanning
the existence of the Thermionic Empire and evil you cannot imagine. And I refused to let
are willing servants. The Lady can be easily Frankie’s thugs harm anyone. I am here only to
convinced otherwise. At this point suspicion stop Professor Cabal and prevent disaster from
should switch quickly to a sort of consuming your world as it has mine. Come
aggrandizing confidence, though the part of with me! Together we can stop Cabal from
them that is still Alice Tiptree knows caution steering two planets into catastrophe!”
is still called for. This scene should end with
the players taking The Lady to Professor You’re out of your mind!
Cabal, either as allies, captors or simply to
find out more. However, the presence of the “Have you ever seen a robot like that on your
Lady is not required for the final scene. Earth? Can your scientists build such a device?
No! What other explanation do you have?
Regardless, you must bring me to Professor Cabal!”
Don’t let this scene continue for long. No The Robot can also be trapped or stopped
matter what happens, a new voice suddenly by a variety of means. Large amounts of
enters the conversation. It emanates from the water will short it out. Ropes, chains, or
radio in the corner, a calm yet urgent voice, heavy bits of furniture will impede it. Give
with a strange electric quaver in its tone. more scientifically minded characters a
chance to notice a crude electromagnet
“Cabal! Don’t listen to them, Cabal! It is not we
amongst the Professor’s instruments. This
who war against the order of things, but them!
can be used to hold the Robot in place
The one you call The Lady has the mind of a
while other means are used to disable it.
notorious traitor to progress! She is Prince Oleg
Players can also try to run into the rocket-
Karedo, a terrorist and killer! Either life goes
ship before the Robot does, and then close and
forward or it goes back. All the universe--or
lock the door. The Robot can batter through
nothingness.... Which shall it be, Professor?
the door in a few rounds, but during that time
Which shall it be?”
inventive players can wreak havoc on the
Professor Cabal seems uncertain, control room or engines. Professor Cabal will
looking back and forth. The Lady looks be terribly upset, but he understands the need
stunned and gasps. “The Brain!” Let the for this sacrifice. If this happens, the Brain
players take an action, but the Brain does will command the Robot to kill everyone.
not give them much time to react. It Finally, players might recognize the Robot
recognizes Cabal as an unreliable tool. is being controlled by radio waves. Smashing
the radio will stop the Robot briefly… but
“In your delay, you have chosen to set yourself then the Brain will broadcast through another
against us, Professor. Fear not. We have other radio set…. and then another! The barn is
tools. Robots were our first tool on Telluria, littered with radios, as many as you deem
and thanks to Prince Karedo a robot shall be dramatically appropriate! Each time the active
our first true servant on Earth!” radio is destroyed, the Robot pauses. The
Brain will taunt the players as they destroy
At this point, the Robot raises its claws! the radios… until they locate the final one,
An arc of eclectic fire dances between its an elderly crystal radio set connected to
terrible claws, as it marches headlong earphones. Any character with Keen Ears
toward the open portal of the rocket! (If the will be able to faintly hear the scratchy voice
Robot had been lost to Frankie’s gang or of the Brain emanating from the earphones.
left elsewhere, it suddenly smashes through If not, the Professor will remember the
the side of the barn! Assume the Brain radio’s existence and point it out. When the
summoned it earlier as a fail-safe after finally final radio is destroyed, the Robot stands
managing to infect its circuits via radio.) in place and can be disabled at leisure.
If no one has figured it out before now,
the Professor realizes the tellurium-307 is
IN the robot. Once aboard, it can take off
and fly to Telluria without any help. At this
point the players should realize they need to
stop the Robot… or stop the rocket. Combat
with the Robot should be difficult. It is
essentially bulletproof and under the Brain’s
influence it will attack freely. It will batter
the players with its claws, or fire eclectic
bolts in their direction. Sufficient firepower
will be able to destroy the Robot, but it is an
extremely dangerous foe in the meantime.
Thompson Gun for Hire (Major Typical) Roland’s Driver (Major Elite)
Traits Body d6, Speed d6, Mind d6, Will d6 Traits Body d6, Speed d8, Mind d8, Will d8
Wolf d6, Mobster d6 Dog d6, Motorist d12
Skills Academics -- Evasion -- Questioning -- Skills Academics -- Evasion d12 Questioning --
Athletics d6 Fighting -- Shooting d6 Athletics d6 Fighting -- Shooting --
Craft -- Negotiation d6 Tactics d6 Craft -- Negotiation -- Tactics d6
Deceit -- Observation 2d6 Transport -- Deceit -- Observation d12 Transport d12
Endurance -- Presence -- Endurance -- Presence d6
Gifts Bullet Conservation (Ammo die increase) Gifts Brawling (can Grapple, Pummel, Overbear)
Guts (bonus d12 to cause/resist Fright) Driving (bonus d12 for operating 4-wheel vehicles)
Hail of Bullets (burn ammo die for +2 Local Knowledge (bonus d12 to some rolls
Dmg) on his home turf)
Streetwise (bonus d12 with criminality) Streetwise (bonus d12 with criminality)
Brawling (can Grapple, Pummel, Overbear) Team Player (you give assists of d12, not d8)
Tracking (bonus d12 for dealing with trails) Tracking (bonus d12 for dealing with trails)
Initiative 2d6 Rally 2d6 Initiative d12, d8, d6 Rally d8, d4
Attack Tommy Gun @ Counter Tommy Gun @ Attack Pummel @ Close, Counter Pocket Pistol
Medium, 3d6 & Medium, 3d6 d8, d6, Ammo d4, @ Short,
Ammo d8, Dmg & Ammo d8, Damage +1 2d8, Ammo d4,
+2, Sweep Dmg +2 Damage +1
Tommy Gun Hail of Dodge d12, d8 Soaks d6
Bullets @ Medium, Panic Soak -2 (1/rally)
3d6, Dmg +4, Sweep, Injured Soak -4 (1/rest)
Decrease Ammo die Gear $120, *Rough Outfit, Pocket Pistol
Dodge d8 Soaks d8*, d6
Panic Soak -2 (1/rally) Buzz is officially too old for this guff.
Gear $60, Tommy Gun, *Rough Outfit He’s smarter than the rest of Frankie’s gang,
and cautious. He knows when to fight, when
Flashy and kind of stupid. Roland isn’t a to run and (most importantly) when to
very competent opponent. He was mostly keep his mouth shut. He only participates
hired because he brought his own Tommy Gun in gunplay to save his own life. He won’t
and because of his undeniable appreciation fold under pressure most of the time.
for hearing it rattle. He’ll crack under minor
pressure, which is why Frankie always sends
Buzz along to keep an eye on him.
Robot of Repurposed Metal (Major Elite) junkyard. It resembles a riveted steel barrel atop
Traits Body d8, Speed d8, Mind d8, Will d8
two clumsy legs, fitting with two flailing hook
Mechanical d8, Robot d8
arms and a pair of deeply recessed eyes that glow
Skills Academics -- Evasion d8 Questioning -- a dim red. It cannot speak. It can take simple
Athletics d8 Fighting d8 Shooting -- verbal commands from The Lady or anyone else
Craft d8 Negotiation -- Tactics -- The Lady identifies as an authorized operator. If
Deceit -- Observation -- Transport -- an Earth scientist manages to disable it and take
Endurance 2d8 Presence --- it apart they’ll be able to figure out its mechanical
Gifts Boxing (can use Boxing methods; see page 87) functions, but the densely packed maze of wires
*Counter Tactics (bonus d12 when blind-sided) and vacuum tubes that serves as the Robot’s
Giant (hand-to-hand attacks have extra range) brain will require years of study to understand.
Guts (bonus d12 to cause/resist Fright) Normally, the robot is powered by a bank
Veteran (aim/guard bonus is d12, not d8) of voltaic piles made from lead batteries,
Initiative d8 Rally 2d8 which need to be recharged every few hours.
Under the Lady’s control, it only has these attacks: The robot seeks out electricity if it senses the
Attack Uppercut @ Near, Counter Jab @ Near, 3d8*, batteries are nearly drained, using any
3d8*, Dmg +2 Damage +1 conventional power source (outlets, power
Under the Thermionic Brain’s control, include: cables, etc.), but it will lose the ability to
Attack Arc Lightning Counter Arc Lightning from recharge itself if its Mechano Soak is tapped
from Eyes @ Eyes @ Medium, out. If it has acquired the tellurium-307, it
Long, 2d8, 2d8* & Break- will use that power source, which for the
Dmg +2, Sweep down d8, Dmg +4 purposes of this adventure will never run out.
Stunt Frighten: d12, 2d8 vs. target’s Body, Will, Presence The robot will not attack any living
1 success = target is Panicked creature while operating under The Lady’s
2 successes = target is Panicked, sweep original programming. It will capture or
Flaw Low Energy: must recharge every few hours
carry off enemies with unexpected care.
unless powered by tellurium-307. Cannot
Once the Thermionic Brain has control, the
recharge if Mechano Soak is tapped out.
robot will use force readily. Its “eyes” will
glow blue and emit sparks, and the robot will
Dodge d8 Soaks 2d8
be able to expel a deadly bolt of electricity in
Winded Soak -1 (1/action)
a great arc. When attacking, the bolt can
Hurt Soak -3 (1/scene)
sweep to multiple targets; when countering,
Cosmetic Soak -2 (1/repair)
the bolt is focused to cause more damage.
*Monstrous Soak -2 (1/rest,
+d12 vs. the Panicked
while untapped)
Mechano Soak -2 (1/repair, lose
all robot immunities)
Gear Mechanical Parts 50%×d8,
chance of tellurium-307
Mechanical Labor (Minor Elite) “Resistance is useless!” and “All Hail the
Traits Body d8, Speed d8, Mind d8, Will d8
Thermionic Empire!”, these remorseless
Mechanical d8, Worker d8
killing machines know no fear. They shoot
Skills Academics -- Evasion -- Questioning -- their death rays with clinical accuracy,
Athletics -- Fighting -- Shooting -- destroying all who oppose them.
Craft 2d8 Negotiation -- Tactics -- Note their “Monstrous Soak -2”. The
Deceit -- Observation -- Transport 2d8 Robot Soldiers will often issue death threats
Endurance 2d8 Presence --- (with a Frighten stunt), then seek out the
Gifts Guts (bonus d12 to cause/resist Fright) Panicked targets as their top priority. If our
Team Player (assist bonus is d12, not d8) heroes can’t kill this menace in a single hit,
Initiative d8 Rally d8 they should at least force them to tap their
Attack Struggle @ Near, Counter Wrest Away Monstrous Soak and remove that d12 bonus.
2d8, Damage, @ Held, 2d8,
Hold, Drag Damage, Disarm Robot Monster
Dodge d8 Soaks 2d8
Mechanical Destroyer (Major, Superior)
Cosmetic Soak -2 (1/repair)
Traits Body d10, Speed d10, Mind d10, Will d10
Frenzy Soak -2 (1/hit)
Mechanical d10, Monster d10
Mechano Soak -2 (1/repair, lose
all robot immunities) Skills Academics -- Evasion d10 Questioning --
Athletics d10 Fighting d10 Shooting --
Loot Mechanical Parts 10%×d8
Craft d10 Negotiation -- Tactics --
Found all throughout the Tellurian Deceit -- Observation -- Transport --
Empire and the factories of the future, the Endurance 2d10 Presence ---
Robot Worker looks like a water heater with Gifts Running (can use Boxing methods; see page 87)
stiff limbs. They are usually harmless unless Guts (bonus d12 to cause/resist Fright)
they go berserk due to some logic error or are Giant (hand-to-hand attacks have extra range)
threatened with physical harm. They may be Running (bonus d12 to run)
clumsy, but they can take a lot of punishment. Initiative d10 Rally 2d10
Attack Uppercut @ Near, Counter Jab @ Near, 3d10,
Robot Soldier 3d10*, Dmg +2 Damage +1
Mechanical Warrior (Minor Elite) Rush @ Charge,
Traits Body d8, Speed d8, Mind d8, Will d8 3d10*,
Mechanical d8, Soldier d8 Damage, Shove
Skills Academics -- Evasion -- Questioning -- Stunt Frighten: d12, 2d10 vs. target’s Body, Will, Presence
Athletics -- Fighting d8 Shooting d8 1 success = target is Panicked
Craft d8 Negotiation -- Tactics d8 2 successes = target is Panicked, sweep
Deceit -- Observation -- Transport d8 Dodge d10 Soaks 2d10
Endurance d8 Presence --- Winded Soak -1 (1/action)
Gifts Guts (bonus d12 to cause/resist Fright) Cosmetic Soak -2 (1/repair)
Team Player (assist bonus is d12, not d8) *Monstrous Soak -2 (1/rest,
Initiative d8 Rally 2d8 +d12 vs. the Panicked
Attack Raygun Pistol Counter Raygun Pistol while untapped)
@ Medium, @ Short, 3d8, Frenzy Soak -2 (1/hit)
3d8*, Damage Damage Mechano Soak -2 (1/repair, lose
Stunt Frighten: d12, 2d8 vs. target’s Body, Will, Presence all robot immunities)
1 success = target is Panicked Loot Mechanical Parts 30%×d10
2 successes = target is Panicked, sweep
Dodge d8 Soaks 2d8 You wanted an unstoppable machine of
Winded Soak -1 (1/action) death and destruction, and here it is. This
*Monstrous Soak -2 (1/rest, aberrant automaton smashes everything to
+d12 vs. the Panicked smithereens with its giant fists, all the
while untapped) while proclaiming the greatness of its
Frenzy Soak -2 (1/hit) masters and the inevitability of your demise.
Mechano Soak -2 (1/repair, lose Use these robots as a model for your own
364 all robot immunities)
Loot Raygun Pistol, Mechanical Parts 10%×d8
mechanical threats. Add, subtract, or change
abilities to suit your story’s needs.
Feared all throughout the Lagrange (Major Elite) has elite levels of skill; they have the superior
Traits Body d8, Speed d8, Mind d8, Will d8
flanking and blind-siding of the shellback; they
Privateer d8, Space Pirate d8
have an amazing ability to rally their underlings,
Skills Academics -- Evasion -- Questioning -- up to and including a Distress Soak to give
Athletics -- Fighting d8 Shooting d8 them Focus when things are going south.
Craft d8 Negotiation -- Tactics d12 The space captain wants to make lots of
Deceit -- Observation -- Transport d8 money and then retire. Sure, they’re not above
Endurance d8 Presence d8 killing to make some money, but such blood-
Gifts Guts (bonus d12 to cause/resist Fright) iness needs a reason. Are they stealing money?
Leadership (bonus d12 to rally friends) Covering up a crime or an escape? Kidnapping
Local Knowledge (bonus d12 to some rolls someone for ransom? The captain’s goal is to
on its home turf) survive to old age, so they will run or
Streetwise (bonus d12 with criminality) surrender rather than fight to the death.
Veteran (aim/guard bonus is d12, not d8) (Whether they’re cold enough to sacrifice their
Initiative 2d8 Rally d6 own underlings to do it, is another question.)
Attack Raygun @ Medium, Counter Raygun @ Short, As with all non-player characters, you
3d8, Dmg +1 3d6, Dmg +1 can customize the space captain as much as
Radiogen Knife Radiogen Knife you want. Add species, types, or other
@ Close/Throw, @ Close/Throw, abilities. The captain here is an elite-tier
4d8, Dmg +1 4d8, Dmg +1 with extra dice; if you raise them to superior-
Brutalize tier (all d10s) or ultimate-tier (all d12s), they
@ Close, 3d8, will become much more formidable, but the
Dmg +1, Escape players may feel steamrollered by the sheer
Action Rally: 2d12, d8 vs. 3 size of such numbers. Our advice is always to
1 success = Remove a friend’s debuff (Panic, etc.) “play to lose” – it’s more fun to chase down
1 success = Add focus to a friend a fleeing criminal than it is to have your
2 successes = Remove a friend’s debuff and add Focus entire party overwhelmed by unfair numbers.
Dodge 3d8 Soaks 2d8
Astro Outfit: Breakdown d8
Winded Soak -1 (1/action)
Injured Soak -4 (1/rest)
Distress Soak -4 (1/episode,
all allies gain Focus)
Astro Soak -1 (1/scene, also
deals with space hazards)
Loot Astro-Outfit, Bowie Knife, Raygun
Crackpot, 307 Extra-Terrestrial Apex, 362
Field Technician, 307 Extra-Terrestrial Predator,
Abductee type, 309 Inventor, 307 338, 339, 340, 361 Jerry Rigged (utility
Acidic (weapon mod), 323 Pirate, 308 gadget), 328
Practical Scientist, 307 F Jet Pack
Aeronaut (utility gadget),
Rocket Scientist, 307
327 Field Technician, 307 Aeronaut gadget, 327
Space Pirate, 308
Alien Soak -4 gift, 311 Test Pilot, 308 Fixed-Mount
Armaments, 335 Jovian species, 302
Amorphous Soak -1 gift, Vaticinate, 308
311 Visionary, 308 Jupiter, 298
Animatronic (utility K
gadget), 327 Command station, 331 Gadget
Kit, 317 Keyed (utility gadget), 328
Armaments Communications (as
Radio station), 334 Station, 319 Keyed (weapon mod), 323
Fixed-Mount, 335
Weapon Mod, 323 Kit (gadget), 317
Computers, 316
Armored (as Reinforced Co-Pilot station, 333 L
Gadgetry d6 gift, 313
gadget), 328 Counter-Earth, 284 Galvanic Wave Lie detector (as
Asteroid Belt, 297 Crackpot career, 307 Chamber, 319 Polygraphic), 328
Astro Soak -1 gift, 312 Cupola Gifts
Astro-Explorer career, 306 M
Gunner station, 333 Alien Soak -4, 311
Astro-Outfit, 316 Rules, 335 Amorphous Soak -1, 311 Mad Science, 282, 287
Astro-Patrol career, 306 Astro Soak -1, 312 Maintenance station, 334
Cupola Gunner station, 333 Atomic Accuracy, 312
Astro-Prospector career, Mars, 296
306 Cycling (weapon mod), Boffin Soak -1, 312
Martian species, 302
323 Gadgetry d6, 313
Astro-Trader career, 306 Mechanical type, 310
Hexaped Soak -1, 313
Atomic Accuracy gift, 312 D Iridescent Soak -1, 313 Mechano Soak -3 gift, 313
Atomizing (weapon mod), Death Ray, 317 Mechano Soak -3, 313 Medical (utility gadget),
323 Monstrous Soak -2, 314 328
Defensive (weapon mod),
Autoload (weapon mod), Motorcycling, 315
323 Mercurian species, 303
323 Polarity Soak -1, 314
Deimos, 296 Respiration Soak -2, 315 Mercury, 294
Axiom (city), 291
Delayed (weapon mod), Tester Soak -2, 315 Mindwave Amplifiers,
Axphain, 293 323 Vatic Riposte, 315 293
Vatic Soak, 315
B Detectors (utility gadget), Miniature (weapon mod),
327 323
Balloon (as Dirigible), 327 Graustark, 293
Dirigible (utility gadget), Mods (gadgetry), 323
Boffin Soak -1 gift, 312 327 H Monstrous Soak -2 gift, 314
Booby-Trapped Disguised (weapon mod), Heavy (weapon mod), 323 Moon, 295
utility gadget, 327 323
Hexaped Soak -1 gift, 313 Motorcycling gift, 315
weapon mod, 323
E Hybrid type, 309 Mutant Leader, 363
Brain, Thermionic, 285 Energy Sword, 317, 326 Mutant Scavenger, 362
C Engineering Mutant type, 310
Impervious (utility
Rocket Maintenance, 334 Mutant Warrior, 363
Camouflaged (utility gadget), 328
gadget), 327 Invasion N
Entangling (weapon mod),
Career 323 Earth, 287 Neptune, 300
Astro-Explorer, 306 Experimental (weapon Neptunian species, 303
Astro-Patrol, 306 Inventor career, 307
mod), 323
Astro-Prospector, 306 Iridescent Soak -1 gift, 313 O
Astro-Trader, 306
Extra-Terrestrial Animal,
361 Otherworldly type, 310
Plutonian species, 304 Sensors (as Radio station), Thermionic Empire, 285, U
334 291
Polarity Soak -1 gift, 314 Ultra-wave, 319
Sighted (weapon mod), Thermionic Provocateur,
Polygraphic (utility Unsafe (weapon mod), 323
323 367
gadget), 328
Thermionic Syllogist, 368 Uranian species, 305
Possessed type, 310 Space Buccaneer, 365
Trait Uranus, 300
Practical Scientist career, Space Patrol, 288
307 Space Pirate Captain, 366 Abductee type, 309 V
Astro-Explorer career, 306
Proof (utility gadget), 328 Space Pirate career, 308 Vatic Riposte gift, 315
Astro-Patrol career, 306
Space Shellback, 365
R Astro-Prospector career, Vatic Soak -1 gift, 315
Spaceship, 319 306 Vaticinate career, 308
Radio station, 334 Astro-Trader career, 306
Special station, 333 Vaticology
Radiogen, 317 Crackpot career, 307
Species Vatic Riposte, 315
Radiogen Axe, 326 Field Technician, 307
Jovian, 302 Hybrid type, 309 Vatic Soak -1, 315
Radiogen Bow & Arrow, Martian, 302 Inventor career, 307
326 Mercurian, 303 Venereal. see Venusian
Jovian species, 302
Radiogen Knife, 326 Neptunian, 303 Martian species, 302 Venus, 294
Radiogen Sword, 326 Plutonian, 304 Mechanical type, 310 Venusian species, 305
Saturnian, 304 Mercurian species, 303
Radium Ignition Visionary career, 308
Uranian, 305 Mutant type, 310
Emitters, 319
Venusian, 305 Neptunian species, 303 Volatile Radiogen, 326
Raygun, 317
Otherworldly type, 310 Volley (weapon mod), 323
Raygun Pistol, 326 Spring-Loaded (weapon Out-of-Time type, 310
Raygun Rifle, 326 mod), 323 Pirate (Space) career, 308
Rebel Kingdoms, 293 Starchild type, 310 Plutonian species, 304 Weapon Modifications, 323
Station Possessed type, 310
Rebellion, Tellurian, 286 X
Practical Scientist career,
Reconfigurable (weapon Command, 331
307 Xenolith, 369
mod), 323 Co-Pilot, 333
Rocket Scientist career, 307
Cupola Gunner, 333 Xenolith Mass, 370
Reinforced (utility Saturnian species, 304
Maintenance, 334
gadget), 328
Pilot, 331
Space Pirate career, 308 Y
Remote (utility gadget), Starchild type, 310
Radio, 334 Yesterdaymen, 285
328 Test Pilot career, 308
Special (as Stowage), 333
Uranian species, 305 Yorvain, 285
Respiration Soak -2 gift, Stowage, 333
Vaticinate career, 308
315 Turret Gunner, 333
Venusian species, 305
Responsive, 323 Visionary career, 308
Station (gadget), 319
Robot, 318, 319
Stowage station, 333 Turret
as Animatronic gadget, 327
Character (as Mechanical Sub-ether Ultra-wave, Gunner station, 333
type), 310 319 Rules, 335