3rd Quiz Epp 2Q
3rd Quiz Epp 2Q
3rd Quiz Epp 2Q
Direction: Read the questions very carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
_____ 1. Which of the following is a benefit that people get from planting trees and fruit bearing trees?
a. It causes good health c. It can be a source of income
b. It can be an additional source of food. d. All of the above
_____ 2. Who was the successful orchard grower in the Philippines ventured into the dragon fruit business when she
was told how the fruit relieve constipation problems- a condition common to cerebral palsy patients?
a. Editha Aguinaldo Dacuycuy b. Patricio Base c. Alfredo M. Yao d. Mimie Mildred
_____3. Which of the following elements in planting trees focuses on the biological function of the trees?
a. Appropriate temperature b. Enough sunlight c. Enough space d. Minerals from the ground
_____ 4. How many percent clay loam consists a rich soil?
a. 40% b. 30% c. 20% d. 10%
_____ 5. Why should we consider the market demands for fruits?
a. Because it can attracts the consumer. c. In order to ensure success in selling fruits.
b. Because it makes the consumer happy. d. In order to have more products.
_____ 6. From what source of fruit – bearing trees that is responsible for any agricultural activities in terms of
vegetables and fruits ?
a. Commercial Nursery c. Bureau of Plant Industry
b. b. Agricultural Institution d.. Department of Agriculture
_____ 7. Why is Durian fruit popular?
a. Because of its aroma and strong taste. C. because of its appearance
b. Because of its thorny peeling. D. Because of its vitamin content
_____ 8. Arvin puts up an orchard farm that produces radish and petchay. What type orchard farm is being used by
a. Fruit Orhard Farm b. Seed Orchard Farm c. Nut Orchard Farm d. Flower farm
_____ 9. Which fruit is best suited in area with cold climate?
a. Coconut b. Guava c. Santol d. Grapes
_____ 10. In planting mango trees, the distance between the trees should be 30ft. What method of arranging
the trees is used in order to increase the number of trees to be planted?
a. Square method b. Quincunx method c. Rectangular method d. Hexagonal method
_____ 11. What is the most common method of propagating trees?
a. Seeds b. Runners c. Grafting d. Marcotting
_____ 12. How can pests and diseases be eliminated when planting?
A. Build up a place especially for pests and insects to live.
B. Let sick plants live so that the harvest would increase.
C. Use any kind of fertilizer to the plant.
D. Maintain the cleanliness in the surroundings of the plants.
_____ 13. Which of the following is a part of the things to remember in preparing layout for orchard?
a. Enough water supply must be available
b. Look for the minerals found in the soil.
c. Identify the type of soil where seedlings are going to be planted.
d. Find out what plants are going to be planted in the orchard garden.
_____ 14 In taking care of plants, you have to water them regularly. Which tool is used for this?
a. Pail b. Water Sprinkler c. Drum d. Pitcher
_____ 15. Where are young trees propagated and taken cares of before they are planted in the field?
a. Polyethylene bag b. Pots c. Nursery d. Wooden boxes
_____ 16. Alyanna wants to help keep her hands clean to lessen her chance of getting germs that can make her sick
while planting. What tool will she use?
a. Gloves b. trowel c. Hoe d. Sprinkler
_____ 17. The pesticide coming from the things we have at home or the home made pesticide is called ......
a. Organic fertilizer b. Organic pesticide c. Compost d. Organic farming
_____ 18. The following are some of the benefits we get from using organic pesticide EXCEPT ONE ___
a. Helps soil to retain the nutrients c. Expensive
b. Can withstand heavy rainstorms d. It is not harmful to plants
_____ 19. The following are healthy and safety measures in formulating fertilizer and organic pesticides EXCEPT ONE.
a. Use long-sleeved shirt and long trousers. c. Use dust mask
b. Use rubber gloves d. Use paint thinner in washing your hands
_____ 20. In wearing gloves, why do shirtsleeves be worn over gloves and not tucked inside?
a. To keep the gloves clean c. To avoid spills from running down inside the gloves
b. To keep the sleeves spotless d. To avoid plants touching the gloves.
_____ 21. Why do we keep record of growth of plants?
a. To identify its progress c. To detect whether the plants are developing or not.
b. To track how fast or how slow it grows d. All of the above
_____ 22. What is referred to the products that easily deteriorate or decay?
a. Biodegradable b. Fruits c. Perishable d. Organic
_____ 23. In selling fruits, how would you price your product during the peak season in order to compete others?
a. Lower than the usual price c. Higher than the usual price
b. Same as the usual price d. buy 1 take 1
_____ 24. What method of selling fruits is used when the fruits from the farm are sold in small quantities directly to the
a. Retailing b. Use of Middleman c. Selling through contact d. Selling through corporation
_____ 25. What characteristic of fruit is considered when harvesting?
a. Before the fruit ripen c. Anytime during the harvesting season of the fruit
b. When the fruit is matured enough d. When the fruit is already ripe
1.1.1 Explains benefits derived from planting trees and fruit-bearing trees to 1 1 2%
families and communities
1.1.2 Identifies successful orchard growers in the community or adjacent 1 2 2%
communities TLE6AG-0a-1
1.2 Uses technology in the conduct of survey to find out the following:
1.2.1 Elements to be observe in planting trees and
fruit-bearing trees .
2 3-4 4%
1.2.2 market demands for fuits
1.2.3 sources of fruit-bearing trees
1.2.4 famous orchard farms in the country TLE6AG-0b-2 1 5 2%
1 6 2%
1 7 2%
1.3 conduct a survey to identify:
1.3.1 types of orchard farms 1 8 2%
1.3.2 trees appropriate for orchard gardening based
On location, climate, and market demands
1 9 2%
1.3.3 proper way of planting/propagating trees and
2 10-11 4%
fruit-bearing trees (budding, marcotting, grafting)
1.3.5 how to care for seedlings TLE6AG-0c-3
1 12 2%
1.4 Prepares layout design of an orchard garden using the information
gathered 1 13 2%
1.5 Propagates trees and fruit-bearing trees using scientific processes
1.5.1 identifies the appropriate tools and equipment in plant propagation
and their uses
1 14 2%
1.5.2 demonstrates scientific ways of propagating fruit-bearing trees
1.5.3 observes healthy and safety measures in propagating fruit-bearing
trees TLE6AG-0d-5 1 15 2%
1 16 2%
1.6 Performs systematic and scientific ways of caring orchard trees/ seedlings such
as watering, cultivating, preparing, and applying organic fertilizer
1.6.1 uses different ways of preparing organic fertilizer and pesticides
through Internet/library
1.6.2 explains the benefits of using organic fertilizer and locally made 1 17 2%
pesticides toward sustainable development
1.6.3 observes healthy and safety measures in formulating fertilizer and 1 18 2%
organic pesticides
1.6.4 keeps record of growth/progress of seedlings 2 19-20 4%
1 21 2%
1.7 markets fruits and seedlings:
applies scientific knowledge and skills in identifying fruits and seedlings 4 22-25 8%
ready for sale TLE6AG-0f-7
1 d 11 a 21 d
2 a 12 d 22 c
3 d 13 b 23 a
4 a 14 b 24 a
5 c 15 c 25 b
6 d 16 a
7 a 17 b
8 b 18 c
9 d 19 d
10 a 20 c