The Philippine Government S & T Agenda: Lesson 3: Science and Technology, and Nation Building
The Philippine Government S & T Agenda: Lesson 3: Science and Technology, and Nation Building
The Philippine Government S & T Agenda: Lesson 3: Science and Technology, and Nation Building
Science Education in the Philippines and its Role in the Advancement of Science and
Technology as a Vehicle for Nation Building
It is a given fact that a strong Science Education is the backbone of an advance Science
and Technology state of a nation.
A country’s level of science and technology in turn is the driving force for economic
progress and modernization
Some Notable Filipino Scientists and Inventors and their Contributions:
Dr. Fe Del Mundo: Invented the Bamboo incubator. She was the first woman to be
recognized as a National Scientist here in the Philippines.
Dr. Abelardo Aguilar (1949): discovered the 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘦𝑝𝘵𝘰𝘮𝑦𝘤𝘦𝘴 𝘦𝘳𝑦𝘵h𝘳𝘢𝘦𝘶𝘴 (now
𝘚𝘢𝘤𝘤h𝘢𝘳𝘰𝑝𝘰𝘭𝑦𝘴𝑝𝘰𝘳𝘢 𝘦𝘳𝑦𝘵h𝘳𝘢𝘦𝘢), the bacteria that would lead to the discovery of
erythromycin. Erythromycin is an antibiotic used in treating infections of the respiratory
tract, Legionnaire’s disease, and diphtheria, as well as urinary tract infections and
sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis.
Ramon Barba: invented the use of a chemical spray called Etherel (2-
chloroethylphosphonic acid) for mango flowering. National Scientist of the Philippines in
Roberto del Rosario: inventor of the Karaoke Sing Along System in 1975.
Diosdado Banatao: The Filipino who can be paralleled with Microsoft’s Bill Gates.His
invention of the PC chipset and the Windows Graphics accelerator chip was the first-
ever single graphic user interface accelerator that makes computers to run faster.
Francisco Quisumbing. He was chemist who invented Quink ink, which is used in Parker
Pens. Quink ink is named after the inventor.
Maria Ylagan Orosa: recognized as war hero, food scientist, and humanitarian. Invented
banana ketchup, now an iconic and well-loved condiment among Filipinos, Orosa
invented Soyalac (a nutritious soya beans drink) and Darak (rice cookies rich in vitamin
B1) — both provisions for Philippine forces during World War II.
Victor Llave and his team at H2O Technologies (an innovation and technology company):
Inventor of the Salamander referred to as the world’s first amphibious tricycle which
can travel in flooded streets, lakes and rivers.
Gregorio Zara: A mechanical and aeronautical engineer who developed the first
videophone or two-way television-telephone.
The View of Nature and the Environment within the Context of Enframing as Modern
Technology’s Way of Revealing.
The concern of all levels of society from the individual level to the global level is survival.
Heidegger, a German 20th century philosopher explains a philosophical view on how
man perceives the environment and how he deals with it through the essence of
technology as a way of revealing.
Technology as a way of revealing is through the process of “enframing”
• Enframing according to him is looking at the world through two ways:
1. Calculative thinking: wherein humans desire to put nature within a “frame”-like a box in
order to be able to understand, control and manipulate it to meet human needs and in
order to protect humankind from it.
2. Meditative Thinking: Humans allow nature to take its course.
Ideally these two should balance each other, but at present, calculative enframing
dominates meditative thinking.
This results to modern Technology to challenge man to enframe nature, and this
actually makes man its instrument in ordering nature. This as pointed out by
Heidegger leads to environmental problems.
The Common Concept of Good Life Which is Hinged on the Concept of Human Flourishing
Within the Context of Science and Technology
The goal of society in all levels is to attain good life.
Good life can be defined differently by different people.
At present the pursuit or good life is heavily hinged on science and technology.
The products of science and technology defines happiness to many due to the comfort,
convenience and pleasure that these products bring.
Some philosophical views on good life:
A. Eudomonia is the Greek word for the concept of living well and doing well which
ultimately defines “good life”
o This living well though in this context is grounded on virtues on the universal good
so that pursuit of happiness for selfish reasons is no longer Eudomonia.
B. Good life as defined by “ The Ten Golden Rules” according to Micheal Supious and
Panos Mourdoukoutas.
1. Examine life.
2. Worry only about the things you can control.
3. Treasure friendship.
4. Experience true pleasure.
5. Master yourself.
6. Avoid excess.
7. Be a responsible human-being.
8. Don’t be a prosperous fool.
9. Don’t do evil to other people.
10. Kindness toward others tends to be rewarded.
Definitions and concepts of ethics, morality, and legality within the context of science and
Ethics: the principles that guide a person or society, created to decide what is good or
bad, right, or wrong, in each situation. It regulates a person’s behavior or conduct and
helps an individual in living a good life, by applying the moral rules and guidelines.
Morality: This refers to the standard of right and wrong qualifying the rightness or and
wrongness in human acts.
Law: refers to a system of norms or rules set up by a country or community needed in
the regulation of actions of the citizens or members with corresponding imposition of
“Morality governs private, personal interactions. Ethics governs professional interactions. Law
governs society.”