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Judgement2018 03 08

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1 (APDF-9/17)



Complaint No. : APDF/9/17

Date of Admission : 22/12/2016
Date of Decision : 08/03/2018

Mrs.Sukanya Sunil Kinger,

R/at Ganesh Colony, Plot No.17/A,
Sakri Road, Dhule. … COMPLAINANT


1. M/s W.S.Developers Pvt.Ltd.

Through its Director-
2. Mr.Yogesh Vasant Shelar.
3. Mr.Jayant Chandrakant Waidande.
All having office at-
Srushti Regency, Gat No.226,
At Village Wadebolai, Wagholi,
Tal.Haveli, Dist. Pune 411 014. ... OPPONENTS

Adv.for Complainant: Adv. Bhandari

Adv.for Opponents : Adv.Sant

2 (APDF-9/17)

(Date: 08/03/2018 )

(Per : Smt.Shubhangi Dunakhe,Member)

The Complainant has filed this complaint U/s.12 of the

Consumer Protection Act 1986, against the Opponents who are doing the
business of development of land and construction of buildings, as under-

(2) It is the case of the Complainant that after going through the
advertisement published by the Opponents in the newspaper regarding
their Housing projects namely, “Srushti Orbit” at Kolwadi, Pune, she
decided to book her flat in the scheme of the Opponents. Accordingly
she booked her flat for which the notarized booking agreement was
executed by the Opponents. The Complainant started to pay the monthly
installments as the project was declared to be financed with 0% interest.
It was assured by the Opponents that they will get the plan sanctioned in
two – three months. The flat cost was including MSEB charges, society
formation charges etc. Though the Complainant has paid sumptuous
amount towards the consideration of her flat, the Opponents did not
execute a registered agreement. So also, the Opponents had never taken
the N.A. permission and construction permission. Moreover, in the
agreement, the date of possession of the flat was not mentioned. After
passing the considerable period also when the Opponents did not
commence the construction, on demand of the Complainant and other flat
purchasers, the Opponents had called for a meeting and requested all the
flat purchasers to give some more time for completion of the project.
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Though also the construction was not initiated by the Opponents and
therefore, the second meeting was called for and at that time some of the
flat purchasers claimed back their booking amount from the Opponents.
The Opponents issued cheques to some of the flat purchasers but they
were bounced for the reason “insufficient funds”.
According to the Complainant, the Opponent indulged into
unfair trade practice and also there is a deficiency in service by them.
The Opponents have also violated the provisions of Maharashtra
Ownership of Flats Act (in short, MOFA). The Complainant has
observed that though more than sufficient time has been given to the
Opponents, they have not initiated the construction of their projects and
the likelihood of getting possession has been fogged down. Therefore,
the Complainant has decided to claim the amount refund which she had
paid for booking and towards installments to the Opponents. The
Complainant, therefore, has filed this complaint praying for refund of the
amount which she paid to the Opponents with interest thereon,
compensation, and cost of the complaint, etc.

(3) By filing the written statement, the Opponents have admitted

that they initiated the project wherein the Complainant has booked her
flat and paid the amount to them as contended in the complaint.

(4) The Opponents have stated that the complaint is not

maintainable on the ground of non-joinder of necessary parties, the same
is barred by the limitation and considering the nature of the grievance,
the suit ought to have been filed in the Civil Court for recovery of the
money paid by the Complainant. It is stated that the Opponents were and
4 (APDF-9/17)

are willing to complete the project but could not do so due to unavoidable
circumstances. They got the land transferred in their names and obtained
the order to convert it into non-agricultural purposes.
It is further mentioned by the Opponents that they have already handed
over the said project of Srushti Orbit to Mr.Sanjay Kute and Mr.Phadtare
with all its rights, title and interest entirely. Mr.Kute and Mr.Phadtare
have agreed and promised the Opponents to accommodate all the flat
holders who had booked flats with these Opponents. As such, no flat
holder shall suffer any loss. Lastly, they prayed for the rejection of the

(5) The Complainant has filed her rejoinder and the Opponents
have filed their evidence affidavit in the complaint.

(6) Perused the complaint, written statement, documents

produced and rejoinder and evidence affidavit etc..

(7) Heard Ld. Adv. Mr. Bhandari for the Complainant and Ld.
Adv. Mr. Sant for the Opponents.
(8) It is not disputed by the Opponents that they published the
advertisement regarding their project “Srushti Orbit” at Kolwadi, Pune,
in the year 2012. They have also not disputed that the Complainant has
booked her flat in the said project and received the amounts as contended
in the complaint. Their defence is that they have transferred the entire
project of Srushti Orbit to Mr.Sanjay Kute and Mr.Phadtare with all its
rights, title and interest entirely. Mr.Kute and Mr.Phadtare have agreed
5 (APDF-9/17)

and promised the Opponents to accommodate all the flat holders who had
booked flats with these Opponents. As such, no flat holder shall suffer
any loss. They were willing to complete the project but could not do so
due to unavoidable circumstances.

(9) The Complainant had booked flat No.A-307 on 5th floor in

building No.A admeasuring 740 sq.ft. Its total consideration amount was
agreed for Rs.20,92,000/- which was including M.S.E.B., society
formation, legal and development charges. The Complainant has made
part payment of Rs.4,95,000/- to the Opponents.

(10) In view of the contents admitted by the Opponents as

mentioned above, limited points arise for consideration. Ld. Adv. Mr.
Sant has submitted that the Complainant has verified all the necessary
documents before booking of the concerned flat, and when the agreement
was notarized, the Complainant never asked for specific date on which
the possession would be given to her. As the agreement is notarized
one, it can not be considered as a concluded contract and then also, the
Complainant had acted upon the said notarized booking agreement
though it is not as per the Maharashtra Ownership of Flats Act (MOFA).
As the contract is not concluded one, the Complainant is not the
consumer of the Opponents. The complaint filed is without any cause of
action and beyond limitation. As the Complainant has prayed for refund
of amount only, this Forum has no jurisdiction to conduct the matter as
the complaint is purely of recovery nature. The Complainant had to
approach the Civil Court for her claim of recovery. The Complainant has
not paid the EMI as per the agreement.
6 (APDF-9/17)

(11) Ld. Adv. Mr. Bhandari has argued that the Complainant
repeatedly asked the Opponents to execute registered agreement to sale in
her favour, however, the Opponents deliberately avoided to do so. By
avoiding to follow the legal provisions for registration of agreement, the
Opponents have caused deficiency in service. The Opponents even
though were not having the NA permission in 2012; they advertised this
project and had taken the booking amount from the Complainant. As per
the provisions of the MOFA specific date of possession needs to be
mentioned in the Agreement and the same is mandatory, the Opponents
have violated these provisions. On the basis of this, he contended that
the Opponents have indulged in the unfair trade practice and also there is
deficiency in service.
It is further submitted on behalf of the Complainant that, the
Opponents have neither executed registered agreement to sale, nor
handed over the possession nor refunded the amount to the Complainant
who paid regular installments to the Opponents. Instead of the same, the
Opponents have, without intimating the Complainant, transferred the
entire project to Mr.Kute and Mr.Phadtare. This behaviour on the part of
the Opponents gives continuous cause of action to the Complainant and,
therefore, question of limitation does not arise. As on today the
agreement made with the Complainant by the Opponents is still in
existence and there is not a single step taken by the Opponents in order to
erect the buildings wherein the Complainant has booked her flat, the
Complainant has no other option than to pray for refund of amount as
there is no possibility of completion of the project and getting possession
of the flat in the nearing future. In this situation, the Complainant is the
7 (APDF-9/17)

Consumer of the Opponents and there is no need for her to approach to

the Civil Court. This complaint is maintainable before this Forum. In
support of his submissions, he relied on some decisions. We have gone
through the same.

(12) As the Opponents have published an advertisement

regarding their construction project, considering which the Complainant
had approached to them, booked her flat, entered into agreement of sale
and paid certain amount to the Opponents with the hope that she will get
possession of her flat soon. The Complainant is, therefore, held as the
“Consumer” of the Opponents. And, therefore, the complaint is
maintainable before this Forum.

(13) As an admitted fact, the Opponents have entered into

agreement with the Complainant but failed to act upon accordingly, there
is continuous cause of action. Moreover, for the flats which were to be
built on the land situated at Kolwadi, said land is transferred by these
Opponents in the name of Mr.Kute and Mr.Phadtare with all the rights of
the project without taking permission or without intimating about the
same to all the persons who have booked their respective flats with the
Opponents. Therefore, it can not be said that these complaint is barred
by limitation.

(14) It appears from the record that the Complainant repeatedly

asked the Opponents to register the agreement in her favour regarding her
flat. But the Opponents did not pay any heed to her and thereby violated
the mandatory provisions of the MOFA. The persuasion by the
8 (APDF-9/17)

Complainant for registered agreement is admitted by the Opponents in

their written statement. In view of the admission of the Opponents, it is
crystal clear that the Opponents have not complied with the provisions of
MOFA. What are the reasons, for not registering the agreement, those
have not been explained by the Opponents, and this itself amounts to the
deficiency in service and indulgence of the Opponents in the unfair trade

(15) When the Opponents have admitted that, by acting upon the
so called agreement of the Complainant had paid certain amount and the
same has been received by the Opponents as part of consideration, that
agreement is concluded agreement in our considered view. The
Opponents did not produce any documentary evidence on record to
establish the fact that irrespective of repeated demands, the Complainant
failed to pay the balance consideration amount within stipulated time.
On the other hand, from the record and changed circumstances it appears
that there is no possibility of completion of the project in nearing future.

(16) It also appears that while accepting the amount from the
Complainant, the N.A.permission was not obtained nor the plans were
sanctioned by the concerned Authority. So also, the Opponents have
transferred the entire project to Mr.Kute and Mr.Phadtare without giving
any intimation about the same to the flat purchasers. Apart from that, not
starting the construction as assured in the agreements to the Complainant
and not refunding her amount on her demand, etc. is the deficiency in
service on the part of the Opponents. Considering the same the Forum
has arrived to the conclusion that the Opponents are liable to pay the
9 (APDF-9/17)

accepted amount to the Complainant alongwith 12% interest p.a. so also

the Opponents are directed to pay compensation of Rs.50,000/- and cost
of Rs.5,000/- to the Complainant.

(17) In view of the above discussion, the Forum proceeds to

pass the order as below-
// O R D E R //

(1) The complaint is partly allowed.

(2) The Opponents do pay jointly and severally the

amount of Rs.4,94,838/- (Rs.Four lakh ninety four
thousand eight hundred thirty eight only)with interest
thereon @ 12% p.a. from the date of the receiving the
amount by them from the Complainant till realization

(3) The Opponents do pay jointly and severally

compensation of Rs. 50,000/- and cost of Rs.
5,000/- to the Complainant.

(4) The Opponents to comply the order within 45 days

from the date of receipt of this order. On their failure,
they are liable to pay the interest @15% p.a. instead
of 12% p.a.

(5) Copy of this order be given to the parties free of costs.

(Smt. S.J. Dunakhe) (S.K. Pacharne) (M.K. Walchale)


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