09 Optical Flow
09 Optical Flow
09 Optical Flow
1 Overview
Given a video, optical flow is defined as a 2D vector field describing the ap-
parent movement of each pixel due to relative motion between the camera (ob-
server) and the scene (objects, surfaces, edges). The camera or the scene or both
may be moving. Figure 1 shows a fly rotating in a counter-clockwise direction
(from the fly’s point-of-view). Although the scene is static, the 2D optical flow
of apparent motion indicates a rotation in the opposite (clockwise) direction
around the origin.
Figure 2: Example of a motion field for a 2D scene [5].
dy dz T
where x′ = [ dx
dt , dt , dt ] represents the motion of a 3D point and M ∈ R
Figure 3: Physical vs. optical correspondence [4].
∂I ∂I ∂I
I(x + ∆x, y + ∆y, t + ∆t) = I(x, y, t) + ∆x + ∆y + ∆t + . . .
∂x ∂y ∂t
∂I ∂I ∂I
≈ I(x, y, t) + ∆x + ∆y + ∆t
∂x ∂y ∂t
The . . . represents the higher-order terms in the Taylor series expansion
which we subsequently truncate out in the next line. Substituting the result
from Equation (3) into Equation (2), we arrive at the optical flow constraint
∂I ∂I ∂I
0= ∆x + ∆y + ∆t
∂x ∂y ∂t
∂I ∆x ∂I ∆y ∂I (4)
= + +
∂x ∆t ∂y ∆t ∂t
= Ix u + Iy v + It
Ix , Iy , It are short-hand for the two spatial derivatives and time derivative,
−It = Ix u + Iy v
= ∇I T u (5)
= ∇I · ⃗u
∇I −It
·u= (6)
∥∇I∥ ∥∇I∥
Figure 4: Solution set for (u, v) as a line in the form of y = mx + b.
Figure 7: Visual example of the aperture problem.
Figure 4 plots the solution space for u. However, we can also visualize the
image space on top of this. The normal flow (solution space) is in the same
direction of the spatial gradient of the image intensity at a given pixel. The
solution set (the line) has the same direction as the edge in the image space
since it is orthogonal to the spatial gradient.
Thus, while we know the component of u in direction of ∇I (normal flow),
we do not know the component of u along the edge. This is represented by the
solution set, which shows all the possible values this component could have. To
find a possible value for u, we first travel in the direction of the spatial gradient
by a distance equivalent to the magnitude of the normal flow, and then we can
travel any (unknown) distance in the direction of the edge, which represents our
one degree of freedom.
This issue where we do not know the magnitude of the pixel movement in the
edge direction is also known as the aperture problem, illustrated in Figure 7.
The blue square is opaque and has a square cutout at the center that forms a
small aperture. The light gray rectangle is our moving object. On the left, the
gray rectangle is in front of the blue square. On the right, the gray rectangle
is behind the blue square. In both cases, the rectangle moves down and to
the right (at the same time). The red arrows indicate the perceived direction
of movement in both cases. In the first case on the left, since the rectangle
is not blocked by the blue square, we can clearly perceive its true direction
of movement. However, for the case on the right, the rectangle is behind the
blue square and is thus occluded: the movement of the rectangle is in the same
direction as on the left, but we only perceive a movement directly to the right.
This aligns with what we derived earlier. We only know how much the rectangle
moved in the direction of the spatial gradient (here the x-axis), but not how
much the it traveled in the direction of the image edge (here the y-axis).
To mitigate this problem, we can use the spatial smoothness assumption:
neighboring points belong to the same surface in the scene, and thus share the
same optical flow u. If we define an N × N neighborhood around the current
pixel, we end up with a constraint ∇I(pi )T u = −It (pi ) for each of the N 2
pixels, where pi = [xi , yi ]T is the location of the i−th pixel. Assuming N 2 > 2,
we now have the following system of equations:
Au = b
Ix (p1 ) Iy (p1 ) It (p1 )
.. .. u .. (7)
v = −
. . .
Ix (pN 2 ) Iy (pN 2 ) It (pN 2 )
AT Au = AT b
P 2 P P
P Ix PIx I2y u = − P Ix It
Ix Iy Iy Iy It
The summations are over each pixel in the neighbourhood. For the system
to be solvable, AT A should not be small due to the presence of noise. For
example, low-texture regions have small gradient magnitudes, leading to small
eigenvalues and easily corrupted u values. AT A should also be well-conditioned
such that the system is robust to measurement errors since AT b depends on all
the gradients calculated from the image intensity data. For example, at an edge
all the large gradients will be pointing in the same direction, resulting in one
eigenvalue that is significantly larger than the other (large condition number).
A good region where u can be solved unambiguously is a highly textured region
with directionally varying spatial structures; we will have large gradients in
different directions, leading to a well-conditioned AT A.
To more intuitively see why directionally varying structures helps us solve
for u, consider Figure 8. We have two cases here. The gray circle represents
our pixel neighborhood that we are optimizing over. The dashed line represents
the object at a previous time step, and and the solid line represents the object
at the current time step. This depicts the true movement of the object. In
(c), we see the aperture problem at play again. We have a single normal flow
vector (in green), so there are numerous possible solutions for u (in blue) along
the constraint line (also in green). However, in (b), we have varying spatial
structure in the form of a corner, which we can view as the two edges with
different directions. We now have two normal flow vectors and two constraint
lines (one in red, the other in green). There is only one possible solution for
the flow vector u that satisfies both constraints lines, shown in the blue. Thus,
we are incentivized to increase the neighborhood size N to increase the chances
of including varying spatial structure. However, there is a tradeoff as we might
Figure 8: (b) shows the importance of having varying spatial structure in light
of the aperture problem depicted in (c).
also cross motion boundaries to include pixels that belong to other surfaces and
therefore it becomes more and more likely that u is not constant across the
entire neighborhood.
In practice, Lucas-Kanade in this traditional formulation is not robust due
to large camera motions, occlusions, and violations of the aforementioned set of
[1] https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10588443 By Njw000
Own work, Public Domain. Image gadient.
[4] Bernd Jähne, Horst Haussecker, and Peter Geissler. Handbook of computer
vision and applications, volume 2. Citeseer, 1999.
[5] Robyn Owens. Computer vision it412. https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/
rbf/CVonline/LOCAL_COPIES/OWENS/LECT12/node3.html, 1997. Accessed: