Medical Directorate
Issue - II (Revision 3)
Revised on 20th October 2022
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Procedure & Training Manual
Medical Directorate
DGCA Headquarters
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Sl. Page
No No.
1 Introduction 8
2 Medical Assessment
3 Medical Unfitness
Page | 3
5 Miscellaneous Issues
6 Training Program
Objectives 46
Page | 4
Medical Assistants 65-68
7.1 General 73
7.2 Definitions 73
8.1 General 79
8.5 Procedure for seeking permission for visiting ATC Unit 82-84
of AAI by Medical Examiners as ‘Observer’
Page | 5
Appendices 85-96
9.1 Background 97
Page | 6
The revisions are carried out as and when required to accommodate the
amendments made in Aircraft Rules, Civil Aviation Requirements and to enhance the
efficiency for issue of Medical Assessment to aircrew.
Annexures A, B & C
Annexure ‘C and L’
Page | 7
The present manual lays down all procedures & training aspects that
are followed in Medical Directorate of DGCA. In the execution of the training,
besides the DGCA, assistance shall be sought from the office of DGMS (Air),
premier medical establishments of IAF, Airline Medical Departments and
Airline Industry.
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Command & Control of Medical Directorate
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1.2 Functions of Medical Directorate
(k) Change of personal details viz. name, date of birth, place of birth
and correspondence address in medical records.
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(m) Conduct of Class 2 medical examination of cabin crew at Air
Force Medical Boarding Centres (contentious and appeal cases only).
Page | 11
their knowledge with respect to civil aircrew medical
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(vii) Monitoring of receipt and dispatch of all official mail within
a given time frame.
Support Staff
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(i) Maintenance & safe custody of PMR.
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(ii) Timely dispatch of PMR to Air Force Medical centres by
speed post/official transport & to maintain their record in the
Page | 15
(v) Ensure submission of appointment list to Receipt &
Dispatch section (PMR) for medical examination at Air Force
Medical Centre, at-least 15 days in advance of appointment date.
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(ix) To ensure confidentiality of official mail and medical
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(h) Approval of current medical examination by Medical Assessor on
Part 3 of CA-34/34A which is as per the guidelines mentioned in-
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(p) One copy of Medical Assessment is filed in PMR and other copy
posted to licence /rating holder on his/her present postal address as
mentioned in CA 34/34A.
(b) For DGCA authorized IAF boarding centres, the PMRs of the
licence /rating holders are forwarded by speed post to the designated
centre where the medical examination is scheduled. PMRs are not
forwarded to other IAF centres, civil centres and Medical Examiners.
PMR are returned to DGCA by the respective centre by speed post on
completion of medical examination.
Page | 20
2.3 Class 3 Medical Examination. Please refer the procedure for
Class 3 Medical Assessment for Air Traffic Controller Officers (ATCOs);
Issue No. 1, Dated 10 September 2021 (Approved vide DGCA-
12023/3/2021-Medical dated 10 Sep 21) placed at Annexure ‘L’ to this PTM.
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(e) In case there is a delay of more than six months in conducting
the review, a complete medical examination is conducted.
(i) Fit
(h) No licence /rating holder shall carry out any flying or ATCO duties
on the basis of medical examination and issue of fitness on CA-35
alone if he/she has been declared fit after a period of
grounding/temporary unfitness during previous medical examination.
Flying can only be commenced once a final Medical Assessment of
fitness with a validity date from Medical Directorate, DGCA is issued.
(j) The licence /rating holder has a right to appeal when he/she is
being declared temporary medically unfit for more than 03 months at a
stretch or in aggregate.
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(b) Permanent unfitness may be recommended by Medical
Examiner or by the Medical Assessor. The facts of the case are
deliberated by a Board held at the office of DGMS (Air) comprising of
Principal Director Medical Services (Specialists), Director Medical
Services (Aerospace Medicine) and Director Medical Services (Civil
Aviation)/Joint Director Medical Services (Civil Aviation) on behalf of
the DGMS (Air). Cases where Medical Assessor differs from the
opinion of Medical Examiner are also referred to this Committee/
Appeal procedure
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may be delivered in person to the Receipt & Despatch Section in the
O/o DGCA and individual may obtain a receipt for the same.
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Page | 26
(c) Professional Interview
(d) Approval
(i) The medical facility shall have an office for the Medical
Examiner with a telephone, internet and FAX connection (for the
purpose of according appointments /interactions with candidate
and DGCA).
(ii) The medical facility shall have place for conduct of medical
examination and filling up of necessary forms by the candidate.
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Note- In case Medical Examiner is using the medical facility of a
renowned hospital then NOC from the hospital permitting to use
their facility for conduct of medical examination during the period
of empanelment shall be submitted to DGCA.
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(iii) The application for extension shall be assessed by a Board
of Officers consisting of representative from DGCA, PDMS(S) &
DMS(CA) which shall be approved by DGCA based on the
recommendations of DGMS (Air).
(ii) PMR from DGCA. The PMR shall not be dispatched for Re-
initial/Renewal medical examination conducted by Class 2
Medical Examiners. The candidate must carry a copy of the last
medical assessment issued by DGCA, if applicable.
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(iv) Fee. The Class 2 Medical Examiner may collect
reasonable charges for specialist consultation(s), administrative
and postage/ handling charges.
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(viii) Dispatch of CA-34/34A/35 to DGCA. The completed CA-
34/34A & 35 along with all investigation reports, in original,
should be dispatched by post to medical Directorate. The
documents should be arranged in the following order-
(aa) CA form 35
Page | 31
is not completed are also to be forwarded to DGCA with
recommendations. Cases of unfitness shall be intimated
to/discussed with DMS(CA) at DGCA. Review medical
examination after a recommended period of unfitness shall be
conducted at IAF Baording Centre only.
(vii) Class 2 Medical Examiner who joins Air Force, Army, Navy
or any airlines as an airline doctor will be disempanelled from
approved panel of Class 1 Medical Examiners.
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(viii) Class 2 Medical Examiner may carry out tele-consultation
on administrative/professional aspects with DMS/JDMS(CA)
between 1100h and 1730h, at +91-11-24610629 at DGCA or
through e-mail at
Page | 33
comprising of a DGCA officer, two representatives of DGMS (Air)
and DMS(CA).
(ii) The medical facility shall have an office for the Medical
Examiner with a telephone connection, internet facility and Fax
(for the purpose of according appointments/interactions with
Page | 34
(v) Class 1 Medical Examiner may choose to conduct the
entire medical examination by him/herself or co-opt other
specialists/hospitals/Institutes for consultation, laboratory tests
and other relevant investigations.
Page | 35
conducted by DGCA in the previous 3 years. There should not
be any case of proficiency related matter or professional
misconduct against the Medical Examiner during the period of
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(e) Based on the merits of each case, a decision is taken by the
Committee/Board of Officers whether to accept or deny the individual’s
plea. Administrative action is then taken accordingly.
(f) In all such cases where appeals are filed, speaking order shall
be passed by DMS(CA) based on the recommendations of the
Committee/Board of Officers set up for such purposes. The same is
then conveyed in writing to the candidate or licence /rating holder.
As per Rule 39(C) and Rule 104 of Aircraft Rule 1937, renewal
of Medical Assessments shall be conducted within a period of
not more than thirty days preceding the date of expiry of the
previous validity. The candidate or licence /rating holder who
fails to renew his/her medicals within the stipulated period or
wants to undergo renewal medical examination early, shall send
a request as per relevant performa (Annexure ‘D’ or Appendix
‘B’ to Annexure ‘L’) for the approval of DMS/JDMS (CA)
(*For eGovernance in Civil Aviation – Please refer Annexure ‘K’).
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(a) NOC application in the format prescribed shall be sent by the
individual through e-mail, post or by hand.
(b) On receipt of the NOC application, it will verified for the following-
The PMRs of licence /rating holders are kept in safe custody in the
PMR Section of DGCA. Their upkeep and maintenance is the responsibility
of staff from Medical Directorate. The following step wise actions are
undertaken at DGCA with respect to PMR-
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(iv) All PMRs are allotted specific numbers, for example 1-
1234/2018-L-2, where 1234 is the PMR number for the current
year i.e. 2018. Here, 2018 denotes the year when PMR number
was allotted. Thus, it helps in quick identification of records of a
particular licence /rating holder. The other numbers and figures
are constant for all. Foreign aircrew holding a temporary
authorization to fly in India with Foreign Aircrew Temporary
Authorization (FATA) license, the year in PMR is replaced by
0000 for example 1-1234/0000-L-2.
(iii) They are then placed in special bags along with a list of
the PMR. The bags are then dispatched to the respective IAF
Boarding Centres by speed post.
(iv) Tracking of speed post is done to ensure that the PMR bag
is received by the IAF Boarding Centre as per schedule.
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(c) Receipt of PMR from IAF Boarding Centres.
(ii) PMR is tallied from the accompanying list in the bag. If any
discrepancies are observed, then it is immediately intimated to
concerned IAF Boarding Centres.
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5.6 Procedure for Issuance of Medical Assessment.
All medical examination forms (CA 34/34A & 35) received from DGCA
empanelled Medical Examiners/Examination Centres shall be evaluated by
the Medical Assessor, before issuing a Medical Assessment. The procedure
is as detailed below-
(a) The initial inspection of the medical facility where the Medical
Examiner conducts medical examination is carried out as per the check
list (Annexure ‘E’)
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Assessor to plan for unannounced inspections of Medical Examiners
by year, month and region. As a part of the surveillance process, at
least 15% of Class 1 and Class 2 Medical Examiners will be inspected
annually. This inspection will include surveillance of the Medical
examination facilities, a Medical Examiner carrying out his/her duties
and the method of record-keeping that is carried out by the Medical
Examiner. In order to ensure that the DGCA Medical Directorate aligns
with the DGCA wide process of conducting risk-based surveillance, the
DGCA Medical Directorate will follow a risk-based approach in order to
prioritize which 15% of the Medical Examiners will undergo
surveillance each year. Because the DGCA Medical Assessors
complete final sign-off of all medical assessments conducted by
empanelled Medical Examiners, the DGCA Medical Assessors will
take into account the following risk factors in prioritizing Medical
Examiners for scheduling-
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(d) Based on these factors, the DGCA Medical Assessor will
prioritize, which empanelled Medical Examiners will be audited in a
given year and fill out Annexure ‘J’ accordingly.
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(i) When the DGCA Medical Examiner/Examination Centre does
not follow proper procedures during conduct of medical
examination as per the laid down guidelines.
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6.1 Medical Assessor
Page | 47
which the Medical Assessor is performing or will be performing
on the job. As a part of the skill development process, Medical
Assessors are required to undergo OJT before they are assigned
with independent work. An OJT record (Annexure ‘F’) duly
signed by the OJT trainer shall be placed in the individual
dossier/ record folder.
Page | 48
also provide all necessary assistance to the participating medical
assessors as required, for smooth completion of training.
(i) The initial training of civil doctors who are willing to get
empanelled as Class 2 Medical Examiners is conducted by a
premiere institute of Indian Air Force namely, Institute of
Aerospace Medicine (IAM), Bangalore. This is a mandatory
course of two weeks duration which is held only at IAM,
Bangalore. The course curriculum, admission, fee,
administrative arrangements for the course are
maintained/updated by IAM, Bangalore.
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of empanelment of Class 2 Medical Examiners (subject to
meeting other requirements).
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6.3 Class 1 Medical Examiners
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(ii) Civil Class 1 Initial Medical Examination Centres.
President, Medical Board who is also a DGCA empanelled Class
1 Medical Examiner is trained in conducting the initial medical
examination. He in turn ensures proper conduct of medical
examination at medical examination centres.
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(c) The training of support staff who are medical and admin
assistants from IAF, are already trained and have sufficient knowledge
of handling the medical and other related documents. On attachment
to DGCA, an OJT is also provided to them by DMS/ JDMS. On
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successful completion of the training, they are assigned requisite jobs
in medical Directorate, DGCA by DMS/ JDMS.
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Medical Directorate DGCA HQ Training Program
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12. Medical Assessment (Class 1, 2 & 3) and its 01 session JDMS (CA)
23. Brief on all Surveillance visit and Surveillance 01 session JDMS (CA)
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Medical Directorate DGCA HQ Training Program
2. Scrutiny of attachments and CA 34, 34A for its 01 session JDMS (CA)
completeness and compliance with CAR
Page | 57
11. Representation in ICAO, ICASM, FAA and ISAM 01 session JDMS (CA)
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Medical Directorate DGCA HQ Training Program
Re - initial)
Page | 59
10. Laboratory investigations to be carried out for 01 session DMS (CA)
Medical Examination
12. Medical Assessment (Class 1, 2 & 3) and its 01 session DMS (CA)
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Medical Directorate DGCA HQ Training Program
2. Scrutiny of attachments and CA 34, 34A for its 01 session DMS (CA)
completeness and compliance with CAR
11. Representation in ICAO, ICASM, FAA and ISAM 01 session DMS (CA)
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Medical Directorate DGCA HQ Training Program
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12. Medical Assessment (Class 1, 2 & 3) and its 01 session JDMS (CA)
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Medical Directorate DGCA HQ Training Program
2. Scrutiny of attachments and CA 34, 34A for its 01 session JDMS (CA)
completeness and compliance with CAR
11. Representation in ICAO, ICASM, FAA and ISAM 01 session JDMS (CA)
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Medical Directorate DGCA HQ Training Program
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12. Medical Assessment (Class 1, 2 & 3) and its 01 session JDMS (CA)
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26. Proper handling and safe keeping of Files and 01 session JDMS (CA)
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Medical Directorate DGCA HQ Training Program
7. Brief on Show Cause Notice, Caution letter and 01 session JDMS (CA)
Suspension Orders of Civil Air Crew and Civil
Medical Examiners
10. Brief on all visits and programs to be held at 01 session JDMS (CA)
Medical Dte DGCA HQ.
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Medical Directorate DGCA HQ Training Program
Page | 69
11. Forms Used in Medical Examination (CA 34, CA 02 sessions JDMS (CA)
34A and CA 35)
20. Safe keeping and proper handling of PMR files 01 session JDMS (CA)
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Medical Directorate DGCA HQ Training Program
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15. Safe keeping and proper handling of PMR 01 session Section Officer
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7.1 General
7.1.1 Compliance with The Aircraft Rules, 1937 and Civil Aviation
Requirements (CAR) is mandatory. Occasionally, there may be situations
where it may not be possible to comply with the provisions of The Aircraft
Rules, 1937 and directions given in the CARs, because of exceptional
circumstances, physical constraints, non-availability of specified equipment
etc. which may warrant exemptions from the provisions of Rules and
directions of CARs.
7.1.2 Both, the Central Government and the Director-General are vested
with the power to issue exemptions from operations/ application of rule(s) of
The Aircraft Rules, 1937.
7.1.3 General procedure for exemption from CAR & the Aircraft Rules 1937
is laid down in CAR Section 1, Series B, Part III and AIC 02 of 2022 dated
17 Feb 22 respectively. Procedure Manual for Granting Exemption from
Aircraft Rule(s) and Civil Aviation Requirements dated 05 Apr 2022 also lays
down detailed procedure and guidelines for processing of applications for
grant of exemption(s).
7.2 Definitions
Page | 73
7.3 Procedure for the Submission of Application for Exemption(s)
7.3.2 The application for exemption shall clearly state the reasons for
seeking exemption and be supported with the reasons for non-compliance,
safety assessment reports, along with means of mitigation and indication as
to when compliance can be expected.
(f) The action plan for rectification and review of non-compliance for
temporary exemption, including the mitigation measures adopted for
ensuring the safety during the exemption period.
Page | 74
compliance (in particular when any significant changes in the activity
are proposed).
7.4.2 The Ops Officer/JDMS shall technically evaluate the application for the
following aspects: -
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(h) After technical evaluation of the application, he/she shall put up
the file to Director Medical Services [DMS (CA)] along with his/her
comments and recommendations.
(j) The application for exemption may be refused which do not have
adequate justification for non-compliance or adequate action plan for
mitigation of the identified safety risk. The applicant concerned will be
intimated accordingly
7.4.3 DMS (CA) will examine the application and ascertain the level of risk
and forward the application to Joint Director General with his
Page | 76
(a) The exemption granted herein is not valid for international
7.4.8 The Directorate will ensure that the exemption holder reviews the
exemption(s) to the extent possible with a view to assess the need for
continuation or removal of such exemption(s). During such review, the
exemption holder shall check the validity and efficacy of mitigation measures
in place. After every such review, the exemption holder shall submit a report
to the concerned.
7.4.9 The exemption should not exceed a maximum period of one year. The
recommendation for allowing exemptions may contain conditions/ limitations
for the person/ organization to follow while operating under the exemption.
In all cases, before recommending exemption, it should be ascertained that
an equivalent level of safety is maintained.
Page | 77
7.6 System for Recording and Publishing Exemptions Granted
(b) The Medical Directorate [DMS (CA)] shall ensure that the
permanent exemptions and temporary exemptions of duration
exceeding six months are published on DGCA website.
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Page | 79
8.3.1 The DGCA empanelled medical examiners shall place the request for
tentative dates for undertaking the observation flight/s to DGCA (Medical
Directorate) through a formal request letter as per the format placed as
Appendix ‘A’.
8.3.2 The IAF medical examiners shall forward their requests to the O/o
DGMS (Air), who will then forward the recommended requests to DGCA
(Medical Directorate) as per the format placed as Appendix ‘A’.
(a) Check DGCA panel for medical examiners and verify the
applicant’s name and current validity period.
(b) The applicant should not have availed the actual flight
experience in the last four years.
(c) The applicant has provided details of the proposed onward and
return flights.
(d) Update the flight experience monitoring sheet for the DGCA
empanelled medical examiners as per the application.
Page | 80
and controls readability etc., the cockpit environment control, other Human
Factors like CRM, communication, fatigue etc. The broad format for this
report is placed as Appendix ‘B’. This report shall be placed for vetting by
DMS (CA) by the SO. Major observations will be shared with the concerned
Directorate on file. File to be initiated by SO.
8.4.1 The DGCA empanelled medical examiners shall place the request for
tentative dates for undertaking the visit to the flight simulator (ATO) to DGCA
(Medical Directorate) through a formal request letter as per the format placed
at Appendix ‘C’.
8.4.2 The IAF Medical examiners shall forward their request to the O/o
DGMS (Air), who will then forward the recommended requests to DGCA
(Medical Directorate) as per the format placed at Appendix ‘C’.
(a) Check DGCA panel for medical examiners and verify the
applicant’s name and current validity period.
(b) The applicant should not have visited a flight simulator in the last
two years.
(c) The applicant has provided details of the proposed place and
date of visit.
Page | 81
(d) Update the flight experience monitoring sheet for the DGCA
empanelled medical examiners as per the application.
8.4.6 On completion of the visit, the medical examiner detailed shall render
a report to DGCA, within 10 days of the visit, covering salient aeromedical
issues like cockpit workload (physical and mental), human-machine interface
issues e.g. ergonomics, instruments and controls readability etc., the cockpit
environment control, other Human Factors like CRM, communication, fatigue
etc. The broad format for this report is placed as Appendix ‘D’. Major
observations will be shared with concerned Directorate on file. File to be
initiated by SO.
8.5 Procedure for seeking permission for visiting Air Traffic Control
unit of Airports Authority of India by medical examiners as observers
8.5.1 The DGCA empanelled medical examiners shall place the request for
tentative dates for undertaking the visit to the ATC unit to DGCA (Medical
Directorate) through a formal request letter as per the format placed at
Appendix ‘E’.
8.5.2 The IAF Medical examiners shall forward their request to the O/o
DGMS (Air), who will then forward the recommended requests to DGCA
(Medical Directorate) as per the format placed at Appendix ‘E’.
Page | 82
8.5.3 On receipt of the application from medical examiner seeking
permission to visit an ATC unit, the Ops Offr/SO shall scrutinize and process
the application on file for its completeness as per the prescribed format and
verify that the examiner’s eligibility for the experience as per following: -
(a) Check DGCA panel for medical examiners and verify the
applicant’s name and current validity period.
(b) The applicant should not have visited any ATC unit in the last two
(c) The applicant has provided details of the proposed ATC unit and
date for the visit.
(d) Update the flight experience monitoring sheet for the DGCA
empanelled medical examiners as per the application.
8.5.6 On completion of the visit, the medical examiner detailed shall render
a report to DGCA, within 10 days of the visit, covering salient aeromedical
issues like ATCO’s workload (physical and mental), human-machine
interface issues e.g. ergonomics, instruments and controls readability etc.,
the ATC Unit (as applicable) environmental control, other Human Factors
like CRM, communication, fatigue etc. The broad format for this report is
placed as Appendix ‘F’. Major observations will be shared with Dte of ANS
on file. File to be initiated by SO.
Page | 83
shall produce this report during the surveillance visits of their facility as well
as while applying for extension of their empanelment as DGCA examiners.
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Appendix ‘A’
Personal Particulars
Speciality: ______________________________
Out-bound Travel
Page | 85
In-bound Travel
□ I confirm that I will undergo Alcohol Breathalyser (BA) test before the
observation flight at the flight operator’s facility.
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Appendix ‘B’
Flight Information
Details of Crew
FO (Co-pilot)
FO (Co-pilot)
Page | 87
Crew Workload
ATC Observation: During cockpit en route observation, the examiner has the opportunity to observe
ATC operations and airspace procedures from the vantage point of the aircraft cockpit. Medical Examiners
may observe the following areas from the cockpit and record any relevant finding: -
Page | 88
Departure and approach instructions.
Controller situational awareness - traffic flow, conflicts, aircraft flight characteristics,
priorities, etc.
The safety risk assessment is a process to identify actual and potential safety hazards and assess the
associated risks; Safety risk management is identification, analysis and elimination (and/or mitigation to an
acceptable or tolerable level) of the hazards, as well as the subsequent risks, that threaten the viability of
an organization. (Ref ICAO Doc. 9859)
Any issue or area identified after the observation flight by the examiner that could
qualify as risks to flight safety?
If Yes, Please elaborate the types of safety hazards that may threaten the safety of
passengers, employees or contractors.
Rank and assess the severity of the safety hazards (Factors to consider are the likelihood;
how often the hazard might result in a safety occurrence and the severity; how bad the outcome would
be of any consequences)
Page | 89
Assess the effectiveness of the current controls/defences
Identify further controls/ defenses required
Page | 90
Appendix ‘C’
Personal Particulars
Speciality: ______________________________
(The observation by medical examiner in the simulator shall be only during ‘Training
Page | 91
Appendix ‘D’
Details of ATO
Date/Time: ___________________________________________________________
Crew Workload
Page | 92
Simulator Cockpit Ergonomics/ Human Machine Interface/ Human Factors/
Environment control
The safety risk assessment is a process to identify actual and potential safety hazards and assess the
associated risks; Safety risk management is identification, analysis and elimination (and/or mitigation to an
acceptable or tolerable level) of the hazards, as well as the subsequent risks, that threaten the viability of
an organization. (Ref ICAO Doc. 9859)
Any issue or area identified after the observation flight by the examiner that could
qualify as risks to flight safety?
If Yes, Please elaborate the types of safety hazards that may threaten the safety of
passengers, employees or contractors.
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Appendix ‘E’
Personal Particulars
Speciality: ______________________________
Page | 94
Appendix ‘F’
ATCOs’ Workload
B. Approach Control
C. Area Control
Page | 95
Page | 96
Page | 97
efforts to identify behavioral factors such as anxiety or depression, illicit drug
use or alcohol consumption etc.
Page | 98
(c) Medical Assessment Data. The data of medical conditions
(diagnosis) discovered during medical examination of licence holders
conducted on eGCA is readily available on eGCA (on Medical
Assessors’ login) under Management Info System > Medical
Directorate Reports > Analysis of Medical Data Report. In addition,
DMS (CA) will carry out the data analysis of the commonly occurring
disabilities amongst the licence holder and institute remedial measures
like health education of the licence holders through medical circulars
and health promotion activities through their employers.
Page | 99
Page | 100
Annexure – ‘A’
Page | 101
1. The form is to be filled by applicant ensuring all columns are filled legibly.
Page | 102
Annexure - ‘B’
1 Name (Capital Letters only)
Date of Medical
8 Reason for
(In brief)
9 Further action (a) I do not intend to get the medical done now. Kindly
(Select one) retrieve my PMR File back to DGCA.
(b) I intend to get the medical examination at different centre.
Kindly retrieve my PMR back to DGCA.
(Signature of Individual)
Page | 103
Annexure - ‘C’
Page | 104
2. For determining the number of work hours, assumptions must be made
regarding: -
4. Once the above two parameters are determined, total office hours put
in by Medical Assessors can be calculated as mentioned in the example
Page | 105
Step 3: Compare total hours required and total hours available
Function 1 36 24 864
Function 2 48 6 288
Function 3 24 4 96
Function 4 108 2 216
Function 5 12 24 288
Function 6 18 36 648
Total Hours Required 2400
Page | 106
Step 3: Compare total hours required to total hours available
Difference 1120
Page | 107
Annexure ‘D’
3. I have not exercised the privileges of my license when my medical was not valid.
4. NOC may be (select 1 option) posted to me/ sent along with PMR/ held at DGCA for collection by
Yours faithfully,
(i) Copy of Last Medical Assessment issued by DGCA.
(ii) Documents supporting reason for delay/ early/ special e.g.
medical certificates if reason was medical
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Annexure ‘E’
Facility Information
Phone Number:
No. of
Page | 109
2. Whether medical examination facility is
owned or rented (With NOC)
Page | 110
14. Are the IDs of the aircrew checked
before starting of medicals
15 Medical Recommendation in
CA34/34A are clear, legible,
16. dated, (safe,
timed, signed secure,
with name
organized) with adequate space
Lab Facilities
24. Whether the investigations reports are
from NABH certified Hospital/ NABL
certified laboratories
Page | 111
27. Are trained personnel interpreting the
investigation reports?.
Co-opted specialists
28. Are co-opted specialist for Medicine ,
Eye, ENT & Cardiology available
Professional Activities
30.. Workshop / Updates attended during
period of empanelment
31. Is the Examiner also conducting
Medicals for other regulators? If Yes
any updates attended for same
Reference Materials
35. Current version of DGCA CAR and
DME manuals available?
Page | 112
36. Most up-to-date copy of ICAO Doc
Final Remarks:
Page | 113
Annexure ‘F’
Commented [LM1]: Inserted to follow the DGCA Training
(a) * By appending my signature in this column, I certify that the trainee has completed the OJT
documented above
and is competent to perform the task without supervision.
(b) I hereby confirm that I have completed the OJT documented above with the qualified OJT Trainer(s).
Signature: Date:
Page | 114
Annexure ‘G’
Completion Date:
Page | 115
Annexure ‘H’
Page | 116
Annexure ‘J’
The following sample surveillance plan for Class 1 and 2 Medical Examiners shall be used
to create a schedule by which the DGCA Medical Directorate and Medical Assessor
surveils Designated Medical Examiners (DMEs). The Medical Assessors of the DGCA
Medical Directorate must create a yearly surveillance plan for Class 1 and Class 1I
Medical Examiners that allows the Medical Assessor to plan for unannounced inspections
of Medical Examiners by year, month, and region. The Medical Assessor will take a risk-
based approach to ensure 20% of Medical Examiners are surveilled annually. If the risk-
based approach does not trigger the 20% to be surveilled within a given year, the Medical
Examiner will randomly choose Medical Examiners to reach the required 20%.
SI No.
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Annexure ‘K’
Page | 118
Page | 119
12. Process to Verify Digital Signature
* Copy the link and paste it in the address bar of any internet browser
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Annexure ‘L’
Page | 121
(a) 04 (four) years – For age up to 40 years
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Renewal Medical Examinations
11. Only the GoI Medical Examination Forms (CA 34/34A and CA 35) to
be used by the DGCA empanelled Medical Examiners and these forms are
to be filled by ‘hand’ only. After completion of medical examination, these
forms shall be submitted by the Medical Examiner to DGCA for approval and
issuance of Medical Assessment by the medical assessors at DGCA.
13. While the Medical Assessment issued from DGCA is awaited, the
ATCO shall be in possession of ‘Medical Certificate’ (CA 35) issued by the
medical examiner for exercising the privileges of his/ her licence/ratings.
However, Post Temporary Unfitness (TU) & Special Medical Examination,
the ATCO can exercise the privileges of his/her license/ rating only after
issuance of Medical Assessment by the DGCA.
Page | 123
shall cease to perform his/her ATC duties immediately on receipt of
information from DGCA or AMA, AAI.
15. The period of validity of the medical assessment shall commence from
the date following the date of validity of the previous medical assessment,
provided that the renewal medical examination has been conducted not
earlier than a period of forty five days (45 days) prior to the ‘date of expiry’ of
the validity of previous medical assessment.
17. ATCO shall not exercise the privileges of his/her licence/rating unless
declared fit after a fresh medical examination in the event of his/her having
suffered from a sickness or injury which: -
18. In the above scenario, the licence holder shall immediately notify all
the relevant details of the sickness or injury to AMA, AAI.
19. In case of sickness or injury involving unfitness for the work for which
ATCO is licensed for a period of less than or equal to 20 days, the AMA, AAI
can declare the ATCO medically fit after evaluating the medical documents.
However, in certain cases the AMA, depending on the merits of such cases,
issue final disposition for fitness after consultation with Med Directorate,
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20. In case of absence from the duty for medical reasons (due to any
surgery or illness) for a continuous period of more than 20 days or when due
for review after ‘Temporary Unfitness’ period is over, the licence/rating holder
shall undergo a Special Medical Examination. The procedure for this special
medical examination is as under: -
(b) AMA of AAI and DGCA Medical Directorate shall jointly take a
decision on where to conduct the Special Medical Examination; at an
IAF Boarding Centre or by DGCA empanelled Examiner.
Page | 125
charge by the licence/ rating holder, who shall communicate the same
to AMA AAI through e-mail.
22. The ATCO shall submit the medical fitness report from her treating
specialist in Obstetrics/Gynaecology and relevant investigation reports to
AMA, AAI at the earliest to enable him/her to make the assessment on her
medical fitness.
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26. For the Special Medical Examination mentioned in para 25, the
licence/rating holder shall follow the following procedure: -
(c) Carry this permission along with all relevant medical documents
including certificate from her treating Specialist in
Obstetrics/Gynaecology, Hospital discharge summary and relevant
investigation reports for Special Medical Examination.
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Lapse of Medical Assessment Validity
29. The Medical Assessment is considered ‘invalid’ after the validity date.
In order to undergo renewal medical examination after the expiry of validity
of medical assessment, the licence/rating holder has to apply to the Medical
Directorate DGCA through AMA, AAI, on the prescribed format (placed as
Appendix ‘B’) stating a tenable reason for the delay or the lapsed period.
However, if the lapsed period (as calculated from the date of last medical
examination) is four (04) years or more, a fresh Re- Initial Medical
Examination shall be conducted. In case the ATCO is posted to the Regional/
Corporate HQs, AAI or on foreign course etc. where Class 3 Medical
requirements is not necessitated, he/she should submit the official document
to that effect to DGCA along with the application.
Appeal Procedure
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Appendix ‘A’
Page | 129
(f) Blood Sugar (F & PP) from the age of 25 yrs
and above
(g) Ophthalmic Examination by Eye Specialist
(h) Pure Tone Audiometry with ENT Splt
Opinion (upto the age of 50 years)
3. Medical (a) All investigations mentioned at S.No. 2
Examination at
(b) Lipid Profile
40 yrs and 50
yrs of age (c) Liver Function Test
(d) USG Abdomen and Pelvis
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Appendix ‘B’
Medical Dte,
Opposite Safdarjung Airport, Aurobindo Marg
New Delhi – 110 003
3. I hereby declare that I have not exercised the privileges of my license when my medical was not valid.
Yours faithfully,
1. Copy of Last Medical Assessment issued by DGCA.
2. Documents supporting reason for delay/ early/ special e.g. medical certificates if reason is related to
medical illness
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Appendix ‘C’
Medical Dte,
Opposite Safdarjung Airport,
Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi – 110 003
1. Name (Capital Letters Only) _________________________________________
2. PMR File No _________________________________________
3. DOB__________________ Age (As on date) __________________________
4. AAI Employee ID _________________________________________
5. Contact No. _________________________________________
6. E-Mail ID (Capital Letters only) _________________________________________
7. Details of Last Medicals Examination (a) Medical Centre/Examiner _______________
(b) Date of Medical ________________________
8 Last Medical Valid up to (As per Medical Assessment______________________________
issued by DGCA Medical Cell/AMA, AAI)
Attach copy of last medical Assessment
9. Forthcoming Medical: -
(a) Medical Type (Tick one option) a) Review after Temporary Unfit
b) Special Medical
(Kindly attach necessary relevant medical documents like
Cure Certificate, Hospitalization Documents,
Investigations etc.)
(b) Intended Dates of Appointment (for a) _________________________________
IAF Boarding Centre Only) b) _________________________________
(c) Intended Centres a) __________________________________
(If all the options are filled, then b) __________________________________
earliest date will be allotted in either c) __________________________________
of the given options)
Signature of Individual
Remarks by AMA AAI
Remarks of Med Dte DGCA HQ Permitted Review/Special Medical Examination combined with
Re-Initial/Early/Delayed at
i. Class 3 Medical Examiner
ii. Class 1 Medical Examiner
iii. IAF Boarding Centre (on _____________________________at__________________________)
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